Пример #1
def f_sqrtf(mod):
    '''libc: square root function'''
    ret = Type.float()
    args = [Type.float()]

    type_ = Type.function(ret, args)
    return mod.get_or_insert_function(type_, "sqrtf")
Пример #2
def f_powf(mod):
    '''libc: power function'''
    ret = Type.float()
    args = [Type.float(), Type.float()]

    type_ = Type.function(ret, args)
    return mod.get_or_insert_function(type_, "powf")
Пример #3
def f_roundf(mod):
    '''libc: round to nearest integer, away from zero'''
    ret = Type.float()
    args = [Type.float()]

    type_ = Type.function(ret, args)
    return mod.get_or_insert_function(type_, "roundf")
Пример #4
    def test_mysin(self):
        if sys.platform == 'win32' and BITS == 32:
            # float32 support is known to fail on 32-bit Windows

        # mysin(x) = sqrt(1.0 - pow(cos(x), 2))
        mod     = Module.new('test')

        float   = Type.float()
        mysinty = Type.function( float, [float] )
        mysin   = mod.add_function(mysinty, "mysin")
        block   = mysin.append_basic_block("entry")
        b       = Builder.new(block)

        sqrt = Function.intrinsic(mod, lc.INTR_SQRT, [float])
        pow  = Function.intrinsic(mod, lc.INTR_POWI, [float])
        cos  = Function.intrinsic(mod, lc.INTR_COS,  [float])

        mysin.args[0].name = "x"
        x    = mysin.args[0]
        one  = Constant.real(float, "1")
        cosx = b.call(cos, [x], "cosx")
        cos2 = b.call(pow, [cosx, Constant.int(Type.int(), 2)], "cos2")
        onemc2 = b.fsub(one, cos2, "onemc2") # Should use fsub
        sin  = b.call(sqrt, [onemc2], "sin")

#   ; ModuleID = 'test'
#   define void @showme() {
#   entry:
#       call i32 @llvm.bswap.i32( i32 42 )              ; <i32>:0 [#uses
#   }
#   declare i32 @llvm.bswap.i32(i32) nounwind readnone
#   define float @mysin(float %x) {
#   entry:
#       %cosx = call float @llvm.cos.f32( float %x )            ; <float
#       %cos2 = call float @llvm.powi.f32( float %cosx, i32 2 )
#       %onemc2 = sub float 1.000000e+00, %cos2         ; <float> [#uses
#       %sin = call float @llvm.sqrt.f32( float %onemc2 )
#       ret float %sin
#   }
#   declare float @llvm.sqrt.f32(float) nounwind readnone
#   declare float @llvm.powi.f32(float, i32) nounwind readnone
#   declare float @llvm.cos.f32(float) nounwind readnone

        # let's run the function
        ee = le.ExecutionEngine.new(mod)
        arg = le.GenericValue.real(Type.float(), 1.234)
        retval = ee.run_function(mysin, [arg])

        golden = math.sin(1.234)
        answer = retval.as_real(Type.float())
        self.assertTrue(abs(answer-golden)/golden < 1e-5)
Пример #5
def round_impl_f32(context, builder, sig, args):
    module = cgutils.get_module(builder)
    fnty = Type.function(Type.float(), [Type.float()])
    if utils.IS_PY3:
        fn = module.get_or_insert_function(fnty, name="numba.roundf")
        fn = module.get_or_insert_function(fnty, name="roundf")
    assert fn.is_declaration
    return builder.call(fn, args)
Пример #6
 def test_struct_type(self):
     ta = Type.struct([Type.int(32), Type.float()])
     tb = Type.struct([Type.int(32), Type.float()])
     tc = Type.struct([Type.int(32), Type.int(32), Type.float()])
     ts = set([ta, tb, tc])
     self.assertTrue(len(ts) == 2)
     self.assertTrue(ta in ts)
     self.assertTrue(tb in ts)
     self.assertTrue(tc in ts)
Пример #7
 def test_struct_type(self):
     ta = Type.struct([Type.int(32), Type.float()])
     tb = Type.struct([Type.int(32), Type.float()])
     tc = Type.struct([Type.int(32), Type.int(32), Type.float()])
     ts = set([ta, tb, tc])
     self.assertTrue(len(ts) == 2)
     self.assertTrue(ta in ts)
     self.assertTrue(tb in ts)
     self.assertTrue(tc in ts)
Пример #8
def round_impl_f32(context, builder, sig, args):
    module = cgutils.get_module(builder)
    fnty = Type.function(Type.float(), [Type.float()])
    if utils.IS_PY3:
        fn = module.get_or_insert_function(fnty, name="numba.roundf")
        fn = module.get_or_insert_function(fnty, name="roundf")
    assert fn.is_declaration
    return builder.call(fn, args)
Пример #9
    def test_mysin(self):
        # mysin(x) = sqrt(1.0 - pow(cos(x), 2))
        mod = Module.new('test')

        float = Type.float()
        mysinty = Type.function(float, [float])
        mysin = mod.add_function(mysinty, "mysin")
        block = mysin.append_basic_block("entry")
        b = Builder.new(block)

        sqrt = Function.intrinsic(mod, lc.INTR_SQRT, [float])
        pow = Function.intrinsic(mod, lc.INTR_POWI, [float])
        cos = Function.intrinsic(mod, lc.INTR_COS, [float])

        mysin.args[0].name = "x"
        x = mysin.args[0]
        one = Constant.real(float, "1")
        cosx = b.call(cos, [x], "cosx")
        cos2 = b.call(pow, [cosx, Constant.int(Type.int(), 2)], "cos2")
        onemc2 = b.fsub(one, cos2, "onemc2")  # Should use fsub
        sin = b.call(sqrt, [onemc2], "sin")

        #   ; ModuleID = 'test'
        #   define void @showme() {
        #   entry:
        #       call i32 @llvm.bswap.i32( i32 42 )              ; <i32>:0 [#uses
        #   }
        #   declare i32 @llvm.bswap.i32(i32) nounwind readnone
        #   define float @mysin(float %x) {
        #   entry:
        #       %cosx = call float @llvm.cos.f32( float %x )            ; <float
        #       %cos2 = call float @llvm.powi.f32( float %cosx, i32 2 )
        #       %onemc2 = sub float 1.000000e+00, %cos2         ; <float> [#uses
        #       %sin = call float @llvm.sqrt.f32( float %onemc2 )
        #       ret float %sin
        #   }
        #   declare float @llvm.sqrt.f32(float) nounwind readnone
        #   declare float @llvm.powi.f32(float, i32) nounwind readnone
        #   declare float @llvm.cos.f32(float) nounwind readnone

        # let's run the function
        ee = le.ExecutionEngine.new(mod)
        arg = le.GenericValue.real(Type.float(), 1.234)
        retval = ee.run_function(mysin, [arg])

        golden = math.sin(1.234)
        answer = retval.as_real(Type.float())
        self.assertTrue(abs(answer - golden) / golden < 1e-5)
Пример #10
    def test_jit_ctypes(self):

        # This example demonstrates calling an LLVM defined function using
        # ctypes. It illustrates the common C pattern of having an output
        # variable in the argument list to the function. The function also
        # returns an error code upon exit.

        # setup llvm types
        ty_errcode = Type.int()
        ty_float = Type.float()
        ty_ptr_float = Type.pointer(Type.float())
        ty_func = Type.function(ty_errcode, [ty_float, ty_float, ty_ptr_float])

        # setup ctypes types
        ct_errcode = ctypes.c_int
        ct_float = ctypes.c_float
        ct_ptr_float = ctypes.POINTER(ct_float)
        ct_argtypes = [ct_float, ct_float, ct_ptr_float]

        # generate the function using LLVM
        my_module = Module.new('my_module')

        mult = my_module.add_function(ty_func, "mult")
        mult.args[0].name = "a"
        mult.args[1].name = "b"
        mult.args[2].name = "out"
        # add nocapture to output arg
        mult.does_not_throw = True  # add nounwind attribute to function

        bb = mult.append_basic_block("entry")
        builder = Builder.new(bb)
        tmp = builder.fmul(mult.args[0], mult.args[1])
        builder.store(tmp, mult.args[2])
        builder.ret(llvm.core.Constant.int(ty_errcode, 0))

        # print the created module

        # compile the function
        ee = ExecutionEngine.new(my_module)

        # let ctypes know about the function
        func_ptr_int = ee.get_pointer_to_function(mult)
        FUNC_TYPE = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(ct_errcode, *ct_argtypes)
        py_mult = FUNC_TYPE(func_ptr_int)

        # now run the function, calling via ctypes
        output_value = ct_float(123456.0)
        errcode = py_mult(2.0, 3.0, ctypes.byref(output_value))

        self.assertEqual(errcode, 0, msg='unexpected error')

        self.assertEqual(output_value.value, 6.0)
Пример #11
    def test_jit_ctypes(self):

        # This example demonstrates calling an LLVM defined function using
        # ctypes. It illustrates the common C pattern of having an output
        # variable in the argument list to the function. The function also
        # returns an error code upon exit.

        # setup llvm types
        ty_errcode = Type.int()
        ty_float = Type.float()
        ty_ptr_float = Type.pointer(Type.float())
        ty_func = Type.function(ty_errcode, [ty_float, ty_float, ty_ptr_float])

        # setup ctypes types
        ct_errcode = ctypes.c_int
        ct_float = ctypes.c_float
        ct_ptr_float = ctypes.POINTER(ct_float)
        ct_argtypes = [ct_float, ct_float, ct_ptr_float]

        # generate the function using LLVM
        my_module = Module.new('my_module')

        mult = my_module.add_function(ty_func, "mult")
        mult.args[0].name = "a"
        mult.args[1].name = "b"
        mult.args[2].name = "out"
        # add nocapture to output arg
        mult.does_not_throw = True # add nounwind attribute to function

        bb = mult.append_basic_block("entry")
        builder = Builder.new(bb)
        tmp = builder.fmul( mult.args[0], mult.args[1] )
        builder.store( tmp, mult.args[2] )
        builder.ret(llvm.core.Constant.int(ty_errcode, 0))

        # print the created module

        # compile the function
        ee = ExecutionEngine.new(my_module)

        # let ctypes know about the function
        func_ptr_int = ee.get_pointer_to_function( mult )
        FUNC_TYPE = ctypes.CFUNCTYPE(ct_errcode, *ct_argtypes)
        py_mult = FUNC_TYPE(func_ptr_int)

        # now run the function, calling via ctypes
        output_value = ct_float(123456.0)
        errcode = py_mult( 2.0, 3.0, ctypes.byref(output_value) )

        self.assertEqual(errcode, 0, msg='unexpected error')

        self.assertEqual(output_value.value, 6.0)
Пример #12
 def test_struct_extract_value_2d(self):
     ta = Type.struct([Type.int(32), Type.float()])
     tb = Type.struct([ta, Type.float()])
     m = Module.new('')
     f = m.add_function(Type.function(Type.void(), []), "foo")
     b = Builder.new(f.append_basic_block(''))
     v = Constant.undef(tb)
     ins = b.insert_value(v, Constant.real(Type.float(), 1.234), [0, 1])
     ext = b.extract_value(ins, [0, 1])
     self.assertEqual(str(ext), 'float 0x3FF3BE76C0000000')
Пример #13
 def test_struct_extract_value_2d(self):
     ta = Type.struct([Type.int(32), Type.float()])
     tb = Type.struct([ta, Type.float()])
     m = Module.new('')
     f = m.add_function(Type.function(Type.void(), []), "foo")
     b = Builder.new(f.append_basic_block(''))
     v = Constant.undef(tb)
     ins = b.insert_value(v, Constant.real(Type.float(), 1.234), [0, 1])
     ext = b.extract_value(ins, [0, 1])
     self.assertEqual(str(ext), 'float 0x3FF3BE76C0000000')
Пример #14
def is_scalar_zero(builder, value):
    nullval = Constant.null(value.type)
    if value.type in (Type.float(), Type.double()):
        isnull = builder.fcmp(lc.FCMP_OEQ, nullval, value)
        isnull = builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_EQ, nullval, value)
    return isnull
Пример #15
def is_scalar_zero(builder, value):
    nullval = Constant.null(value.type)
    if value.type in (Type.float(), Type.double()):
        isnull = builder.fcmp(lc.FCMP_OEQ, nullval, value)
        isnull = builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_EQ, nullval, value)
    return isnull
Пример #16
def is_scalar_neg(builder, value):
    """is _value_ negative?. Assumes _value_ is signed"""
    nullval = Constant.null(value.type)
    if value.type in (Type.float(), Type.double()):
        isneg = builder.fcmp(lc.FCMP_OLT, value, nullval)
        isneg = builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_SLT, value, nullval)
    return isneg
Пример #17
def is_scalar_neg(builder, value):
    """is _value_ negative?. Assumes _value_ is signed"""
    nullval = Constant.null(value.type)
    if value.type in (Type.float(), Type.double()):
        isneg = builder.fcmp(lc.FCMP_OLT, value, nullval)
        isneg = builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_SLT, value, nullval)
    return isneg
Пример #18
 def test_sin_f32(self):
     if sys.platform == 'win32' and BITS == 32:
         # float32 support is known to fail on 32-bit Windows
     float = Type.float()
     mod, func, b = self._build_module(float)
     intr = Function.intrinsic(mod, lc.INTR_SIN, [float])
     b.ret(b.call(intr, func.args))
     self._template(mod, func, math.sin)
Пример #19
 def test_sin_f32(self):
     if sys.platform == 'win32' and BITS == 32:
         # float32 support is known to fail on 32-bit Windows
     float = Type.float()
     mod, func, b = self._build_module(float)
     intr = Function.intrinsic(mod, lc.INTR_SIN, [float])
     b.ret(b.call(intr, func.args))
     self._template(mod, func, math.sin)
Пример #20
    def template(self, iop, fop):
        inttys = [Type.int(32), Type.int(64)]
        flttys = [Type.float(), Type.double()]

        if iop:
            for ty in inttys:
                self.func_template(ty, iop)
        if fop:
            for ty in flttys:
                self.func_template(ty, fop)
Пример #21
    def template(self, iop, fop):
        inttys = [Type.int(32), Type.int(64)]
        flttys = [Type.float(), Type.double()]

        if iop:
            for ty in inttys:
                self.func_template(ty, iop)
        if fop:
            for ty in flttys:
                self.func_template(ty, fop)
Пример #22
    def testFAdd_float(self):
        ty = Type.float()
        a = Value.const_real(ty, 1.0)
        b = Value.const_real(ty, 1.0)
        bldr = Builder.create()
        c = bldr.fadd(a, b, "tmp1")

        x, l = c.get_double_value()
        self.assertTrue(x - 2.0 < 0.01 and 2.0 - x > -0.01)
Пример #23
    def test_inline_rsqrt(self):
        mod = Module.new(__name__)
        fnty = Type.function(Type.void(), [Type.pointer(Type.float())])
        fn = mod.add_function(fnty, "cu_rsqrt")
        bldr = Builder.new(fn.append_basic_block("entry"))

        rsqrt_approx_fnty = Type.function(Type.float(), [Type.float()])
        inlineasm = InlineAsm.get(rsqrt_approx_fnty, "rsqrt.approx.f32 $0, $1;", "=f,f", side_effect=True)
        val = bldr.load(fn.args[0])
        res = bldr.call(inlineasm, [val])

        bldr.store(res, fn.args[0])

        # generate ptx
        nvvmir = str(mod)
        ptx = nvvm.llvm_to_ptx(nvvmir)
        self.assertTrue("rsqrt.approx.f32" in str(ptx))
Пример #24
    def testFAdd_float(self):
        ty = Type.float()
        a = Value.const_real(ty, 1.0)
        b = Value.const_real(ty, 1.0)
        bldr = Builder.create()
        c = bldr.fadd(a, b, "tmp1")

        x, l = c.get_double_value()
        self.assertTrue(x - 2.0 < 0.01 and
                        2.0 - x > -0.01)
Пример #25
def is_scalar_zero(builder, value):
    Return a predicate representing whether *value* is equal to zero.
    assert not is_pointer(value.type)
    assert not is_struct(value.type)
    nullval = Constant.null(value.type)
    if value.type in (Type.float(), Type.double()):
        isnull = builder.fcmp(lc.FCMP_OEQ, nullval, value)
        isnull = builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_EQ, nullval, value)
    return isnull
Пример #26
def is_scalar_zero(builder, value):
    Return a predicate representing whether *value* is equal to zero.
    assert not is_pointer(value.type)
    assert not is_struct(value.type)
    nullval = Constant.null(value.type)
    if value.type in (Type.float(), Type.double()):
        isnull = builder.fcmp(lc.FCMP_OEQ, nullval, value)
        isnull = builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_EQ, nullval, value)
    return isnull
Пример #27
 def test_arg_attr(self):
     m = Module.new('oifjda')
     vptr = Type.pointer(Type.float())
     fnty = Type.function(Type.void(), [vptr] * 5)
     func = m.add_function(fnty, 'foo')
     attrs = [lc.ATTR_STRUCT_RET, lc.ATTR_BY_VAL, lc.ATTR_NEST,
              lc.ATTR_NO_ALIAS, lc.ATTR_NO_CAPTURE]
     for i, attr in enumerate(attrs):
         arg = func.args[i]
         self.assertEqual(i, arg.arg_no)
         self.assertTrue(attr in func.args[i])
Пример #28
def add4impl(lfunc):
    '''For LLVMBackend, the implementation receives an empty
    llvm.core.Function to begin implementation.
    bb = lfunc.append_basic_block('entry')
    builder = Builder.new(bb)
    arg0, arg1 = lfunc.args
    pvty = Type.pointer(Type.vector(Type.float(), 4))
    v0 = builder.load(builder.bitcast(arg0, pvty))
    v1 = builder.load(builder.bitcast(arg1, pvty))
    vs = builder.fadd(v0, v1)
    builder.store(vs, builder.bitcast(arg0, pvty))
Пример #29
def is_not_scalar_zero(builder, value):
    Return a predicate representin whether a *value* is not equal to zero.
    not exactly "not is_scalar_zero" because of nans
    assert not is_pointer(value.type)
    assert not is_struct(value.type)
    nullval = Constant.null(value.type)
    if value.type in (Type.float(), Type.double()):
        isnull = builder.fcmp(lc.FCMP_UNE, nullval, value)
        isnull = builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_NE, nullval, value)
    return isnull
Пример #30
def is_not_scalar_zero(builder, value):
    Return a predicate representin whether a *value* is not equal to zero.
    not exactly "not is_scalar_zero" because of nans
    assert not is_pointer(value.type)
    assert not is_struct(value.type)
    nullval = Constant.null(value.type)
    if value.type in (Type.float(), Type.double()):
        isnull = builder.fcmp(lc.FCMP_UNE, nullval, value)
        isnull = builder.icmp(lc.ICMP_NE, nullval, value)
    return isnull
Пример #31
    def test_inline_rsqrt(self):
        mod = Module.new(__name__)
        fnty = Type.function(Type.void(), [Type.pointer(Type.float())])
        fn = mod.add_function(fnty, 'cu_rsqrt')
        bldr = Builder.new(fn.append_basic_block('entry'))

        rsqrt_approx_fnty = Type.function(Type.float(), [Type.float()])
        inlineasm = InlineAsm.get(rsqrt_approx_fnty,
                                  'rsqrt.approx.f32 $0, $1;',
        val = bldr.load(fn.args[0])
        res = bldr.call(inlineasm, [val])

        bldr.store(res, fn.args[0])

        # generate ptx
        nvvmir = str(mod)
        ptx = nvvm.llvm_to_ptx(nvvmir)
        self.assertTrue('rsqrt.approx.f32' in str(ptx))
Пример #32
def llvm_type(type):
    ty = type.__class__
    if ty == Boolean:
        return Type.int(1)
    elif ty == Integral:
        return Type.int(type.bits)
    elif type == Float32:
        return Type.float()
    elif type == Float64:
        return Type.double()
    elif ty == Struct:
        return Type.struct([llvm_type(ftype) for ftype in type.types])
    elif ty == Pointer:
        return Type.pointer(llvm_type(type.base))
    elif ty == Function:
        return Type.function(llvm_type(type.restype),
                             [llvm_type(argtype) for argtype in type.argtypes])
    elif ty == Void:
        return Type.void()
        raise TypeError("Cannot convert type %s" % (type,))
Пример #33
    def func_template(self, ty, op):
        m = Module.new('dofjaa')
        fnty = Type.function(ty, [ty, ty])
        fn = m.add_function(fnty, 'foo')
        bldr = Builder.new(fn.append_basic_block(''))
        bldr.ret(getattr(bldr, op)(*fn.args))

        engine = EngineBuilder.new(m).mcjit(True).create()
        ptr = engine.get_pointer_to_function(fn)

        from ctypes import c_uint32, c_uint64, c_float, c_double, CFUNCTYPE

        maptypes = {
            Type.int(32): c_uint32,
            Type.int(64): c_uint64,
            Type.float(): c_float,
            Type.double(): c_double,
        cty = maptypes[ty]
        prototype = CFUNCTYPE(*[cty] * 3)
        callee = prototype(ptr)
        callee(12, 23)
Пример #34
    def func_template(self, ty, op):
        m = Module.new('dofjaa')
        fnty = Type.function(ty, [ty, ty])
        fn = m.add_function(fnty, 'foo')
        bldr = Builder.new(fn.append_basic_block(''))
        bldr.ret(getattr(bldr, op)(*fn.args))

        engine = EngineBuilder.new(m).mcjit(True).create()
        ptr = engine.get_pointer_to_function(fn)

        from ctypes import c_uint32, c_uint64, c_float, c_double, CFUNCTYPE

        maptypes = {
            Type.int(32): c_uint32,
            Type.int(64): c_uint64,
            Type.float(): c_float,
            Type.double(): c_double,
        cty = maptypes[ty]
        prototype = CFUNCTYPE(*[cty] * 3)
        callee = prototype(ptr)
        callee(12, 23)
Пример #35
def llvm_type(type, memo=None):
    if memo is None:
        memo = {}
    if hashable(type) and type in memo:
        return memo[type]

    ty = type.__class__
    if ty == Boolean:
        result = Type.int(1)
    elif ty == Integral:
        result = Type.int(type.bits)
    elif type == Float32:
        result = Type.float()
    elif type == Float64:
        result = Type.double()
    elif ty == Array:
        result = Type.array(llvm_type(type.base, memo), type.count)
    elif ty == Vector:
        result = Type.vector(llvm_type(type.base, memo), type.count)
    elif ty == Struct:
        result = handle_struct(type, memo)
    elif ty == Pointer:
        if type.base.is_void:
            return Type.pointer(Type.int(8))
        result = Type.pointer(llvm_type(type.base, memo))
    elif ty == Function:
        result = Type.function(
            llvm_type(type.restype, memo),
            [llvm_type(argtype, memo) for argtype in type.argtypes],
    elif ty == VoidT:
        result = Type.void()
        raise TypeError("Cannot convert type %s" % (type,))

    memo[type] = result
    return result
Пример #36
 def test_struct_identical(self):
     ta = Type.struct([Type.int(32), Type.float()], name='ta')
     tb = Type.struct([Type.int(32), Type.float()])
Пример #37
 def test_powi_f32(self):
     float = Type.float()
     mod, func, b = self._build_module(float)
     intr = Function.intrinsic(mod, lc.INTR_POWI, [float])
     b.ret(b.call(intr, [func.args[0], lc.Constant.int(Type.int(), 2)]))
     self._template(mod, func, lambda x: x**2)
Пример #38
def atan2_f32_impl(context, builder, sig, args):
    assert len(args) == 2
    mod = cgutils.get_module(builder)
    fnty = Type.function(Type.float(), [Type.float(), Type.float()])
    fn = mod.get_or_insert_function(fnty, name="atan2f")
    return builder.call(fn, args)
Пример #39
 def test_sqrt_f32(self):
     float = Type.float()
     mod, func, b = self._build_module(float)
     intr = Function.intrinsic(mod, lc.INTR_SQRT, [float])
     b.ret(b.call(intr, func.args))
     self._template(mod, func, math.sqrt)
Пример #40
 def f32impl(context, builder, sig, args):
     [val] = args
     mod = cgutils.get_module(builder)
     fnty = Type.function(Type.float(), [Type.float()])
     fn = mod.get_or_insert_function(fnty, name=f32extern)
     return builder.call(fn, (val,))
Пример #41
 def value(self, backend):
     '''Representation when used in a function and as a return value.
     return Type.pointer(Type.vector(Type.float(), 4))
Пример #42
import ctypes
import llvm.core as llcore

from llvm.core import Type as lltype

from ..ndtypes import ScalarT, PtrT, NoneT

void_t = lltype.void()
int1_t = lltype.int(1)
int8_t = lltype.int(8)
int16_t = lltype.int(16)
int32_t = lltype.int(32)
int64_t = lltype.int(64)

float32_t = lltype.float()
float64_t = lltype.double()

ptr_int8_t = lltype.pointer(int8_t)
ptr_int32_t = lltype.pointer(int32_t)
ptr_int64_t = lltype.pointer(int64_t)

def nbytes(t):
    if t.kind == llcore.TYPE_FLOAT:
        return 4
    elif t.kind == llcore.TYPE_DOUBLE:
        return 8
        return t.width / 8

Пример #43
    return _transform(node)

def pformat_ast(node, include_attrs=False, **kws):
    return pprint.pformat(ast2tree(node, include_attrs), **kws)

def dump(node):
    return pformat_ast(node)

### == LLVM Codegen ==

pointer = Type.pointer
int_type = Type.int()
float_type = Type.float()
double_type = Type.double()
bool_type = Type.int(1)
void_type = Type.void()
void_ptr = pointer(Type.int(8))

def array_type(elt_type):
    return Type.struct(
            pointer(elt_type),  # data
            int_type,  # dimensions
            pointer(int_type),  # shape
        name='ndarray_' + str(elt_type))
Пример #44
import numpy as np 

import llvm.core as llc
from llvm.core import Type as lltype  

ty_void = lltype.void()
ty_int8 = lltype.int(8)
ty_int16 = lltype.int(16) 
ty_int32 = lltype.int(32) 
ty_int64 = lltype.int(64) 

ty_float32 = lltype.float()
ty_float64 = lltype.double()

ty_pyobj = lltype.opaque("PyObj")
ty_ptr_pyobj = lltype.pointer(ty_pyobj)

ty_ptr_int8 = lltype.pointer(ty_int8)
ty_ptr_int16 = lltype.pointer(ty_int16)
ty_ptr_int32 = lltype.pointer(ty_int32)
ty_ptr_int64 = lltype.pointer(ty_int64)

ty_ptr_float32 = lltype.pointer(ty_float32)
ty_ptr_float64 = lltype.pointer(ty_float64)

python_to_lltype_mappings = {
  np.int8 : ty_int8,             
  np.int16 : ty_int16, 
  np.int32 : ty_int32, 
Пример #45
from __future__ import print_function, absolute_import
import sys
from llvm.core import Type, Function, Builder, Module
import llvm.core as lc
import llvm.ee as le
import multiprocessing
from ctypes import *


    Type.int(): c_int32,
    Type.int(64): c_int64,
    Type.float(): c_float,
    Type.double(): c_double,

def register(name, retty, *args):
    def wrap(fn):
        INTRINSICS[name] = (retty, args), fn
        return fn
    return wrap

def intr_impl(intrcode, *types):
    def impl(module, builder, args):
        intr = Function.intrinsic(module, intrcode, types)
        r = builder.call(intr, args)
        return r
    return impl
Пример #46
    return builder.not_(builder.fcmp(lc.FCMP_OEQ, val, val))

@implement(math.isnan, types.int64)
def isnan_s64_impl(context, builder, sig, args):
    return cgutils.false_bit

@implement(math.isnan, types.uint64)
def isnan_u64_impl(context, builder, sig, args):
    return cgutils.false_bit

POS_INF_F32 = lc.Constant.real(Type.float(), float("+inf"))
NEG_INF_F32 = lc.Constant.real(Type.float(), float("-inf"))

POS_INF_F64 = lc.Constant.real(Type.double(), float("+inf"))
NEG_INF_F64 = lc.Constant.real(Type.double(), float("-inf"))

@implement(math.isinf, types.float32)
def isinf_f32_impl(context, builder, sig, args):
    [val] = args
    isposinf = builder.fcmp(lc.FCMP_OEQ, val, POS_INF_F32)
    isneginf = builder.fcmp(lc.FCMP_OEQ, val, NEG_INF_F32)
    return builder.or_(isposinf, isneginf)

Пример #47
 def test_struct_identical(self):
     m = Module.new("test_struct_identical")
     ta = Type.struct([Type.int(32), Type.float()], name="ta")
     tb = Type.struct([Type.int(32), Type.float()])
Пример #48
 def test_struct_identical(self):
     ta = Type.struct([Type.int(32), Type.float()], name='ta')
     tb = Type.struct([Type.int(32), Type.float()])
Пример #49
 def f32impl(context, builder, sig, args):
     [val] = args
     mod = cgutils.get_module(builder)
     fnty = Type.function(Type.float(), [Type.float()])
     fn = mod.get_or_insert_function(fnty, name=f32extern)
     return builder.call(fn, (val,))
Пример #50
def atan2_f32_impl(context, builder, sig, args):
    assert len(args) == 2
    mod = cgutils.get_module(builder)
    fnty = Type.function(Type.float(), [Type.float(), Type.float()])
    fn = mod.get_or_insert_function(fnty, name="atan2f")
    return builder.call(fn, args)
Пример #51
    return builder.not_(builder.fcmp(lc.FCMP_OEQ, val, val))

@implement(math.isnan, types.int64)
def isnan_s64_impl(context, builder, sig, args):
    return cgutils.false_bit

@implement(math.isnan, types.uint64)
def isnan_u64_impl(context, builder, sig, args):
    return cgutils.false_bit

POS_INF_F32 = lc.Constant.real(Type.float(), float("+inf"))
NEG_INF_F32 = lc.Constant.real(Type.float(), float("-inf"))

POS_INF_F64 = lc.Constant.real(Type.double(), float("+inf"))
NEG_INF_F64 = lc.Constant.real(Type.double(), float("-inf"))

@implement(math.isinf, types.float32)
def isinf_f32_impl(context, builder, sig, args):
    [val] = args
    isposinf = builder.fcmp(lc.FCMP_OEQ, val, POS_INF_F32)
    isneginf = builder.fcmp(lc.FCMP_OEQ, val, NEG_INF_F32)
    return builder.or_(isposinf, isneginf)

Пример #52
 def argument(self, backend):
     '''Representation when used as an argument.
     return Type.pointer(Type.float())
Пример #53
# |     } Nothing;             |
# |   };                       |
# | };                         |
# +----------------------------+

# Definitions

void = Type.void()
char = Type.int(8)
short = Type.int(16)
int = Type.int(32)
int64 = Type.int(64)
float = Type.float()
double = Type.double()
int8 = Type.int(8)
int8p = Type.pointer(int8)

# fountain of free variables
free = lambda: iter(letters)

def const(n):
    return Constant.int(int, n)

spine = namedtuple('spine', 'name, params, values')
value = namedtuple('value', 'name, params')
Пример #54
    types.pyobject: Type.pointer(Type.int(8)),

    types.boolean: Type.int(8),

    types.uint8: Type.int(8),
    types.uint16: Type.int(16),
    types.uint32: Type.int(32),
    types.uint64: Type.int(64),

    types.int8: Type.int(8),
    types.int16: Type.int(16),
    types.int32: Type.int(32),
    types.int64: Type.int(64),

    types.float32: Type.float(),
    types.float64: Type.double(),

    types.complex64: builtins.Complex64,
    types.complex128: builtins.Complex128,
    types.range_state32_type: builtins.RangeState32,
    types.range_iter32_type: builtins.RangeIter32,
    types.range_state64_type: builtins.RangeState64,
    types.range_iter64_type: builtins.RangeIter64,
    types.slice3_type: builtins.Slice,

Status = namedtuple("Status", ("code", "ok", "err", "exc", "none"))
Пример #55
    def testCreateFloat(self):
        t1 = Type.float()
        t2 = Type.float(self.global_context)

        self.assertEqual(t1, t2)
        self.assertEqual('float', t1.name)