Пример #1
Файл: dm.py Проект: katur/dbms
class DataManager(object):
	Data manager object.
	There is one data manager for each site,
	managing the reads and writes for that site.
	Each data manager has its own Lock Manager.

    def __init__(self, site):
        self.site = site
        self.lm = LockManager(self)

    def get_read_version(self, t, vid):
		read the appropriate version of variable vid at this site.
		Args: the transaction wanting to read, the variable to read
		Return value: the value read, or None
			if no appropriate version exists at the site.
        version_list = self.site.variables[vid].versions
        for v in version_list:
            # if encounter a version not avilable to read,
            # 		there must have been a failure, so no
            # 		older version will be acceptable for read,
            # 		so can stop iterating
            if not v.available_for_read:
                return None

                # read-only looks for most recent committed before t began
            if t.is_read_only and v.is_committed and v.time_committed <= t.start_time:
                return v.value

                # read-write looks for most recent committed or written by itself
            if not t.is_read_only and (v.is_committed or v.written_by == t):
                return v.value

                # if applicable version not found, return None
        return None

    def print_read_result(self, t, val, vid):
        print str(t) + " read " + vid + "=" + str(val) + " from " + str(self.site)

    def print_write_result(self, t, val, vid):
        print "\t" + str(t) + " wrote " + vid + "=" + str(val) + " at " + str(self.site) + " (uncommitted)"

    def process_ro_read(self, t, vid):
		Process a read request from the TM
		for a read-only transaction.
			- t: the read-only transaction
			- vid: the variable name to be read
		Side effects
			- t's buffer is reset
			- read result printed to console
        read_result = self.get_read_version(t, vid)
        self.print_read_result(t, read_result, vid)
        return read_result

    def do_read(self, t, vid):
		Perform the actual read
			- t: a read-write transaction 
			- vid: a variable to read
		Return value:
			- the value read, or None if none read
		Side effects:
			- read value is printed to console
			- t's buffer reset
        # add the site to sites_accessed

        # get and return the read result
        read_result = self.get_read_version(t, vid)

        # if there was a result, print it
        if read_result:
            self.print_read_result(t, read_result, vid)

        return read_result  # might be None

    def process_rw_read(self, t, vid):
		Process a read request from the TM
		for a read-write transaction.
			- t: the transaction requesting the read
			- vid: the variable name to be read
		Side effects:
			- a lock might be grated to t,
				or it might end up enqueued for a lock
		Return value:
			- a two-item list with 
				1) a message about the success of the lock request
				2) the read result
        # try to get the lock
        request_result = self.lm.request_lock(t, vid, "r", None)

        if request_result == globalz.Message.Success:
            read_result = self.do_read(t, vid)
            return [request_result, read_result]

        else:  # read not achieved yet, so let TM know why
            return [request_result, None]

    def apply_write(self, t, vid, val):
		Actually perform the write
			- transaction writing
			- variable being written
			- value to write
		Side effects:
			- a new version is created and applied
			- write alert printed to console
			- intstruction buffer for t may be reset
        # add the site to sites_accessed

        # create new (uncommitted) version
        # 		and insert at the beginning of the list
        new_version = VariableVersion(val, None, t, False)
        version_list = self.site.variables[vid].versions
        version_list.insert(0, new_version)

        # alert console that it was written
        self.print_write_result(t, val, vid)

        # update t's sites in progress list
        # to show that the lock has been
        # obtained at present site

        # reset t's instruction buffer
        # if all writes at all pending sites
        # have completed
        instruction_complete = True
        for s, lock_granted in t.sites_in_progress:
            if not lock_granted:
                instruction_complete = False
        if instruction_complete:

    def process_write(self, t, vid, val):
		Process a write request from the TM.
			- t: the transaction requesting the write
			- vid: the variable name to be written
			- val: the value to be written
        request_result = self.lm.request_lock(t, vid, "w", val)
        if request_result == globalz.Message.Success:
            self.apply_write(t, vid, val)
        return request_result

    def process_commit(self, t):
		Process a commit request from the TM
			- t: the transaction to be committed.
		Side effects:
			- writes marked as committed
			- locks released
        var_accessed = self.lm.transaction_locks[t]
        # print( str(len(var_accessed)) + " variables accessed at " +
        # 	  self.site.name + " to be committed" )
        for vid in var_accessed:
            var = self.site.variables[vid]
            latest_version = var.versions[0]  # only need to commit most recent write
            if latest_version.written_by == t:
                latest_version.time_committed = globalz.clock
                latest_version.is_committed = True

    def process_abort(self, t):
		Process an abort request from the TM.
			- t: the transaction to be aborted.
		Side effect:
			- locks released
Пример #2
Файл: dm.py Проект: katur/dbms
 def __init__(self, site):
     self.site = site
     self.lm = LockManager(self)