def circuitscape_master(argv=None): """ """ gprint = lu.gprint gwarn = arcpy.AddWarning if argv is None: argv = sys.argv cfg.configure(cfg.TOOL_CS, argv) gp = try: lu.create_dir(cfg.LOGDIR) lu.create_dir(cfg.MESSAGEDIR) cfg.logFilePath=lu.create_log_file(cfg.MESSAGEDIR, cfg.TOOL, cfg.PARAMS) CSPATH = lu.get_cs_path() if CSPATH == None: msg = ('Cannot find an installation of Circuitscape 3.5.5' '\nor greater in your Program Files directory.') arcpy.AddError(msg) lu.write_log(msg) exit(1) try: csDir, fn = path.split(CSPATH) if 'flush' not in open(path.join(csDir,'')).read(): gwarn('\n---------------------------------------------') gwarn('Your version of Circuitscape is out of date. ') gwarn('---------------------------------------------\n') gwarn('Please get the latest from') gwarn('The new version interacts more smoothly with ArcMap.') gprint('Proceeding...\n') except: pass lu.print_drive_warning() # Check core ID field. lu.check_cores(cfg.COREFC, cfg.COREFN) gp.OutputCoordinateSystem = gp.describe(cfg.COREFC).SpatialReference # Set data frame spatial reference to coordinate system of input data lu.set_dataframe_sr() gp.pyramid = "NONE" gp.rasterstatistics = "NONE" # Move adj and cwd results from earlier versions to datapass directory lu.move_old_results() if cfg.CWDCUTOFF > 0: lu.delete_dir(cfg.SCRATCHDIR) # restart code- in progress if cfg.CWDCUTOFF < 0: cfg.CWDCUTOFF = cfg.CWDCUTOFF * -1 if not cfg.DOPINCH and not cfg.DOCENTRALITY: msg = ('ERROR: Please choose at least one option: pinch point or\n' 'network centrality analysis.') lu.raise_error(msg) lu.create_dir(cfg.SCRATCHDIR) lu.create_dir(cfg.ARCSCRATCHDIR) if cfg.DO_ALLPAIRS: # Fixme: move raster path to config S5CORRIDORRAS = path.join(cfg.OUTPUTGDB,cfg.PREFIX + "_corridors") if not gp.Exists(S5CORRIDORRAS): S5CORRIDORRAS = path.join(cfg.OUTPUTGDB, cfg.PREFIX + "_lcc_mosaic_int") if not gp.Exists(S5CORRIDORRAS): msg = ('ERROR: Corridor raster created in step 5 is required' '\nfor all-pair analyses, but was not found.') lu.raise_error(msg) if cfg.DOPINCH: if cfg.CWDCUTOFF == '#' or cfg.CWDCUTOFF == 0: msg = ('ERROR: CWD cutoff distance is required for pinch point' ' analyses.') lu.raise_error(msg) # Make a local grid copy of resistance raster- # will run faster than gdb. lu.delete_data(cfg.RESRAST) if not gp.Exists(cfg.RESRAST_IN): msg = ('ERROR: Resistance raster is required for pinch point' ' analyses, but was not found.') lu.raise_error(msg) desc = arcpy.Describe(cfg.RESRAST_IN) if hasattr(desc, "catalogPath"): cfg.RESRAST_IN = arcpy.Describe(cfg.RESRAST_IN).catalogPath arcpy.env.extent = cfg.RESRAST_IN arcpy.env.snapRaster = cfg.RESRAST_IN gprint('\nMaking local copy of resistance raster.') gp.CopyRaster_management(cfg.RESRAST_IN, cfg.RESRAST) if cfg.DOCENTRALITY: gprint("Creating output folder: " + cfg.CENTRALITYBASEDIR) if path.exists(cfg.CENTRALITYBASEDIR): shutil.rmtree(cfg.CENTRALITYBASEDIR) lu.create_dir(cfg.CENTRALITYBASEDIR) gp.CreateFolder_management(cfg.CENTRALITYBASEDIR, cfg.CIRCUITOUTPUTDIR_NM) gp.CreateFolder_management(cfg.CENTRALITYBASEDIR, cfg.CIRCUITCONFIGDIR_NM) lu.clean_out_workspace(cfg.CORECENTRALITYGDB) s7.STEP7_calc_centrality() if not cfg.SAVECENTRALITYDIR: lu.delete_dir(cfg.CENTRALITYBASEDIR) if cfg.DOPINCH: if cfg.CWDCUTOFF > 0: # Negative values mean we're restarting gprint("Creating output folder: " + cfg.CIRCUITBASEDIR) lu.delete_dir(cfg.CIRCUITBASEDIR) lu.create_dir(cfg.CIRCUITBASEDIR) gp.CreateFolder_management(cfg.CIRCUITBASEDIR, cfg.CIRCUITOUTPUTDIR_NM) gp.CreateFolder_management(cfg.CIRCUITBASEDIR, cfg.CIRCUITCONFIGDIR_NM) s8.STEP8_calc_pinchpoints() if not cfg.SAVE_TEMP_CIRCUIT_FILES: lu.delete_dir(cfg.SCRATCHDIR) if not cfg.SAVECIRCUITDIR: lu.delete_dir(cfg.CIRCUITBASEDIR) gprint('\nDONE!\n') # Return GEOPROCESSING specific errors except arcgisscripting.ExecuteError: lu.exit_with_geoproc_error(_SCRIPT_NAME) # Return any PYTHON or system specific errors except: lu.exit_with_python_error(_SCRIPT_NAME)
def STEP8_calc_pinchpoints(): """ Maps pinch points in Linkage Mapper corridors using Circuitscape given CWD calculations from """ try: lu.dashline(0) gprint('Running script ' + _SCRIPT_NAME) restartFlag = False if cfg.CWDCUTOFF < 0: cfg.CWDCUTOFF = cfg.CWDCUTOFF * -1 restartFlag = True # Restart code in progress CSPATH = lu.get_cs_path() outputGDB = path.join(cfg.OUTPUTDIR, path.basename(cfg.PINCHGDB)) arcpy.OverWriteOutput = True arcpy.env.workspace = cfg.SCRATCHDIR arcpy.env.scratchWorkspace = cfg.ARCSCRATCHDIR arcpy.env.pyramid = "NONE" arcpy.env.rasterstatistics = "NONE" # set the analysis extent and cell size to that of the resistance # surface arcpy.env.extent = cfg.RESRAST arcpy.env.cellSize = cfg.RESRAST arcpy.snapraster = cfg.RESRAST resRaster = cfg.RESRAST arcpy.env.extent = "MINOF" minObject = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(resRaster, "MINIMUM") rasterMin = float(str(minObject.getOutput(0))) if rasterMin <= 0: msg = ('Error: resistance raster cannot have 0 or negative values.') lu.raise_error(msg) if cfg.DO_ADJACENTPAIRS: prevLcpShapefile = lu.get_lcp_shapefile(None, thisStep = 8) if not arcpy.Exists(prevLcpShapefile): msg = ('Cannot find an LCP shapefile from step 5. Please ' 'rerun that step and any previous ones if necessary.') lu.raise_error(msg) # Remove lcp shapefile lcpShapefile = path.join(cfg.DATAPASSDIR, "lcpLines_s8.shp") lu.delete_data(lcpShapefile) inLinkTableFile = lu.get_prev_step_link_table(step=8) linkTable = lu.load_link_table(inLinkTableFile) numLinks = linkTable.shape[0] numCorridorLinks = lu.report_links(linkTable) if numCorridorLinks == 0: lu.dashline(1) msg =('\nThere are no linkages. Bailing.') lu.raise_error(msg) if linkTable.shape[1] < 16: # If linktable has no entries from prior # centrality or pinchpint analyses extraCols = npy.zeros((numLinks, 6), dtype="float64") linkTable = linkTable[:,0:10] linkTable = npy.append(linkTable, extraCols, axis=1) linkTable[:, cfg.LTB_LCPLEN] = -1 linkTable[:, cfg.LTB_CWDEUCR] = -1 linkTable[:, cfg.LTB_CWDPATHR] = -1 linkTable[:, cfg.LTB_EFFRESIST] = -1 linkTable[:, cfg.LTB_CWDTORR] = -1 linkTable[:, cfg.LTB_CURRENT] = -1 del extraCols # set up directories for circuit and circuit mosaic grids # Create output geodatabase if not arcpy.Exists(cfg.PINCHGDB): arcpy.CreateFileGDB_management(cfg.OUTPUTDIR, path.basename(cfg.PINCHGDB)) mosaicRaster = path.join(cfg.CIRCUITBASEDIR, "current_mos" + tif) coresToProcess = npy.unique( linkTable[:, cfg.LTB_CORE1:cfg.LTB_CORE2 + 1]) maxCoreNum = max(coresToProcess) del coresToProcess lu.dashline(0) coreList = linkTable[:,cfg.LTB_CORE1:cfg.LTB_CORE2+1] coreList = npy.sort(coreList) #gprint('There are ' + str(len(npy.unique(coreList))) ' core areas.') INCIRCUITDIR = cfg.CIRCUITBASEDIR OUTCIRCUITDIR = path.join(cfg.CIRCUITBASEDIR, cfg.CIRCUITOUTPUTDIR_NM) CONFIGDIR = path.join(INCIRCUITDIR, cfg.CIRCUITCONFIGDIR_NM) # Cutoff value text to append to filenames cutoffText = str(cfg.CWDCUTOFF) if cutoffText[-6:] == '000000': cutoffText = cutoffText[0:-6]+'m' elif cutoffText[-3:] == '000': cutoffText = cutoffText[0:-3]+'k' if cfg.SQUARERESISTANCES: # Square resistance values squaredRaster = path.join(cfg.SCRATCHDIR,'res_sqr') arcpy.env.workspace = cfg.SCRATCHDIR arcpy.env.scratchWorkspace = cfg.ARCSCRATCHDIR outRas = Raster(resRaster) * Raster(resRaster) resRaster = squaredRaster if cfg.DO_ADJACENTPAIRS: linkLoop = 0 lu.dashline(1) gprint('Mapping pinch points in individual corridors \n' 'using Circuitscape.') lu.dashline(1) gprint('If you try to cancel your run and the Arc dialog hangs, ') gprint('you can kill Circuitscape by opening Windows Task Manager') gprint('and ending the cs_run.exe process.') lu.dashline(2) for x in range(0,numLinks): linkId = str(int(linkTable[x,cfg.LTB_LINKID])) if not (linkTable[x,cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] > 0): continue linkLoop = linkLoop + 1 linkDir = path.join(cfg.SCRATCHDIR, 'link' + linkId) if restartFlag == True and path.exists(linkDir): gprint('continuing') continue restartFlag = False lu.create_dir(linkDir) start_time1 = time.clock() # source and target cores corex=int(coreList[x,0]) corey=int(coreList[x,1]) # Get cwd rasters for source and target cores cwdRaster1 = lu.get_cwd_path(corex) cwdRaster2 = lu.get_cwd_path(corey) lccNormRaster = path.join(linkDir, 'lcc_norm') arcpy.env.extent = "MINOF" link = lu.get_links_from_core_pairs(linkTable, corex, corey) lcDist = float(linkTable[link,cfg.LTB_CWDIST]) # Normalized lcc rasters are created by adding cwd rasters # and subtracting the least cost distance between them. outRas = Raster(cwdRaster1) + Raster(cwdRaster2) - lcDist #create raster mask resMaskRaster = path.join(linkDir, 'res_mask'+tif) #create raster mask outCon = <= cfg.CWDCUTOFF, 1) # Convert to poly. Use as mask to clip resistance raster. resMaskPoly = path.join(linkDir, 'res_mask_poly.shp') arcpy.RasterToPolygon_conversion(resMaskRaster, resMaskPoly, "NO_SIMPLIFY") arcpy.env.extent = resMaskPoly # Includes 0 values in some cases with CP LI model if tif # so using ESRI Grid format resClipRasterMasked = path.join(linkDir, 'res_clip_m') # Extract masked resistance raster. # Needs to be float to get export to npy to work. outRas =, resMaskPoly) + 0.0 resNpyFN = 'resistances_link_' + linkId + '.npy' resNpyFile = path.join(INCIRCUITDIR, resNpyFN) numElements, numResistanceNodes = export_ras_to_npy(resClipRasterMasked, resNpyFile) totMem, availMem = lu.get_mem() # gprint('Total memory: str(totMem)) if numResistanceNodes / availMem > 2000000: lu.dashline(1) gwarn('Warning:') gwarn('Circuitscape can only solve 2-3 million nodes') gwarn('per gigabyte of available RAM. \nTotal physical RAM' ' on your machine is ~' + str(totMem) + ' GB. \nAvailable memory is ~'+ str(availMem) + ' GB. \nYour resistance raster has ' + str(numResistanceNodes) + ' nodes.') lu.dashline(2) corePairRaster = path.join(linkDir, 'core_pairs'+tif) arcpy.env.extent = resClipRasterMasked # Next result needs to be floating pt for numpy export outCon = == 0, corex, == 0, corey + 0.0)) coreNpyFN = 'cores_link_' + linkId + '.npy' coreNpyFile = path.join(INCIRCUITDIR, coreNpyFN) numElements, numNodes = export_ras_to_npy(corePairRaster, coreNpyFile) arcpy.env.extent = "MINOF" # Set circuitscape options and call options = lu.setCircuitscapeOptions() if cfg.WRITE_VOLT_MAPS == True: options['write_volt_maps']=True options['habitat_file'] = resNpyFile # if int(linkId) > 2: # options['habitat_file'] = 'c:\\test.dummy' options['point_file'] = coreNpyFile options['set_focal_node_currents_to_zero']=True outputFN = 'Circuitscape_link' + linkId + '.out' options['output_file'] = path.join(OUTCIRCUITDIR, outputFN) if numElements > 250000: options['print_timings']=True configFN = 'pinchpoint_config' + linkId + '.ini' outConfigFile = path.join(CONFIGDIR, configFN) lu.writeCircuitscapeConfigFile(outConfigFile, options) gprint('Processing link ID #' + str(linkId) + '. Resistance map' ' has ' + str(int(numResistanceNodes)) + ' nodes.') memFlag = call_circuitscape(CSPATH, outConfigFile) currentFN = ('Circuitscape_link' + linkId + '_cum_curmap.npy') currentMap = path.join(OUTCIRCUITDIR, currentFN) if not arcpy.Exists(currentMap): print_failure(numResistanceNodes, memFlag, 10) numElements, numNodes = export_ras_to_npy( resClipRasterMasked,resNpyFile) memFlag = call_circuitscape(CSPATH, outConfigFile) currentFN = ('Circuitscape_link' + linkId + '_cum_curmap.npy') currentMap = path.join(OUTCIRCUITDIR, currentFN) if not arcpy.Exists(currentMap): msg = ('\nCircuitscape failed. See error information above.') arcpy.AddError(msg) lu.write_log(msg) exit(1) # Either set core areas to nodata in current map or # divide each by its radius currentRaster = path.join(linkDir, "current" + tif) import_npy_to_ras(currentMap,corePairRaster,currentRaster) if cfg.WRITE_VOLT_MAPS == True: voltFN = ('Circuitscape_link' + linkId + '_voltmap_' + str(corex) + '_'+str(corey) + '.npy') voltMap = path.join(OUTCIRCUITDIR, voltFN) voltRaster = path.join(outputGDB, cfg.PREFIX + "_voltMap_"+ str(corex) + '_'+str(corey)) import_npy_to_ras(voltMap,corePairRaster,voltRaster) gprint('Building output statistics and pyramids ' 'for voltage raster\n') lu.build_stats(voltRaster) arcpy.env.extent = currentRaster if SETCORESTONULL: # Set core areas to NoData in current map for color ramping currentRaster2 = currentRaster + '2' + tif outCon = (corePairRaster)), Raster(currentRaster)) currentRaster = currentRaster2 arcpy.env.extent = "MAXOF" if linkLoop == 1: lu.delete_data(mosaicRaster) @retry(10) def copyRas2(): arcpy.CopyRaster_management(currentRaster, mosaicRaster) copyRas2() else: @retry(10) def mosaicRas(): arcpy.Mosaic_management(currentRaster, mosaicRaster, "MAXIMUM", "MATCH") mosaicRas() resistancesFN = ('Circuitscape_link' + linkId + '_resistances_3columns.out') resistancesFile = path.join(OUTCIRCUITDIR,resistancesFN) resistances = npy.loadtxt(resistancesFile, dtype = 'Float64', comments='#') resistance = float(str(arcpy.env.cellSize)) * resistances[2] linkTable[link,cfg.LTB_EFFRESIST] = resistance # Ratio if not cfg.SQUARERESISTANCES: linkTable[link,cfg.LTB_CWDTORR] = (linkTable[link, cfg.LTB_CWDIST] / linkTable[link,cfg.LTB_EFFRESIST]) # Clean up if cfg.SAVE_TEMP_CIRCUIT_FILES == False: lu.delete_file(coreNpyFile) coreNpyBase, extension = path.splitext(coreNpyFile) lu.delete_data(coreNpyBase + '.hdr') lu.delete_file(resNpyFile) resNpyBase, extension = path.splitext(resNpyFile) lu.delete_data(resNpyBase + '.hdr') lu.delete_file(currentMap) curMapBase, extension = path.splitext(currentMap) lu.delete_data(curMapBase + '.hdr') lu.delete_data(currentRaster) lu.clean_out_workspace(linkDir) lu.delete_dir(linkDir) gprint('Finished with link ID #' + str(linkId) + '. ' + str(linkLoop) + ' out of ' + str(numCorridorLinks) + ' links have been processed.') start_time1 = lu.elapsed_time(start_time1) outputRaster = path.join(outputGDB, cfg.PREFIX + "_current_adjacentPairs_" + cutoffText) lu.delete_data(outputRaster) @retry(10) def copyRas(): arcpy.CopyRaster_management(mosaicRaster, outputRaster) copyRas() gprint('Building output statistics and pyramids ' 'for corridor pinch point raster\n') lu.build_stats(outputRaster) finalLinkTable = lu.update_lcp_shapefile(linkTable, lastStep=5, thisStep=8) linkTableFile = path.join(cfg.DATAPASSDIR, "linkTable_s5_plus.csv") lu.write_link_table(finalLinkTable, linkTableFile, inLinkTableFile) linkTableFinalFile = path.join(cfg.OUTPUTDIR, cfg.PREFIX + "_linkTable_s5_plus.csv") lu.write_link_table(finalLinkTable, linkTableFinalFile, inLinkTableFile) gprint('Copy of linkTable written to '+ linkTableFinalFile) #fixme: update sticks? gprint('Creating shapefiles with linework for links.') lu.write_link_maps(linkTableFinalFile, step=8) # Copy final link maps to gdb. lu.copy_final_link_maps(step=8) lu.delete_data(mosaicRaster) if not cfg.DO_ALLPAIRS: # Clean up temporary files if not cfg.SAVECURRENTMAPS: lu.delete_dir(OUTCIRCUITDIR) return lu.dashline(1) gprint('Mapping global pinch points among all\n' 'core area pairs using Circuitscape.') if cfg.ALL_PAIR_SCENARIO=='pairwise': gprint('Circuitscape will be run in PAIRWISE mode.') else: gprint('Circuitscape will be run in ALL-TO-ONE mode.') arcpy.env.workspace = cfg.SCRATCHDIR arcpy.env.scratchWorkspace = cfg.ARCSCRATCHDIR arcpy.env.extent = cfg.RESRAST arcpy.env.cellSize = cfg.RESRAST S8CORE_RAS = "s8core_ras" s8CoreRasPath = path.join(cfg.SCRATCHDIR,S8CORE_RAS) arcpy.FeatureToRaster_conversion(cfg.COREFC, cfg.COREFN, s8CoreRasPath, arcpy.env.cellSize) binaryCoreRaster = path.join(cfg.SCRATCHDIR,"core_ras_bin") # The following commands cause file lock problems on save. using gp # instead. # outCon =, 1, "#", "VALUE > 0") # # gp.Con_sa(s8CoreRasPath, 1, binaryCoreRaster, "#", "VALUE > 0") outCon = > 0, 1) s5corridorRas = path.join(cfg.OUTPUTGDB,cfg.PREFIX + "_corridors") if not arcpy.Exists(s5corridorRas): s5corridorRas = path.join(cfg.OUTPUTGDB,cfg.PREFIX + "_lcc_mosaic_int") outCon = <= cfg.CWDCUTOFF, Raster( resRaster), binaryCoreRaster) > 0, Raster(resRaster))) resRasClipPath = path.join(cfg.SCRATCHDIR,'res_ras_clip') arcpy.env.cellSize = resRasClipPath arcpy.env.extent = resRasClipPath s8CoreRasClipped = s8CoreRasPath + '_c' # Produce core raster with same extent as clipped resistance raster # added to ensure correct data type- nodata values were positive for # cores otherwise outCon =, -9999, Raster(s8CoreRasPath)) resNpyFN = 'resistances.npy' resNpyFile = path.join(INCIRCUITDIR, resNpyFN) numElements, numResistanceNodes = export_ras_to_npy(resRasClipPath,resNpyFile) totMem, availMem = lu.get_mem() # gprint('Total memory: str(totMem)) if numResistanceNodes / availMem > 2000000: lu.dashline(1) gwarn('Warning:') gwarn('Circuitscape can only solve 2-3 million nodes') gwarn('per gigabyte of available RAM. \nTotal physical RAM ' 'on your machine is ~' + str(totMem) + ' GB. \nAvailable memory is ~'+ str(availMem) + ' GB. \nYour resistance raster has ' + str(numResistanceNodes) + ' nodes.') lu.dashline(0) coreNpyFN = 'cores.npy' coreNpyFile = path.join(INCIRCUITDIR, coreNpyFN) numElements, numNodes = export_ras_to_npy(s8CoreRasClipped,coreNpyFile) arcpy.env.extent = "MINOF" options = lu.setCircuitscapeOptions() options['scenario']=cfg.ALL_PAIR_SCENARIO options['habitat_file'] = resNpyFile options['point_file'] = coreNpyFile options['set_focal_node_currents_to_zero']=True outputFN = 'Circuitscape.out' options['output_file'] = path.join(OUTCIRCUITDIR, outputFN) options['print_timings']=True configFN = 'pinchpoint_allpair_config.ini' outConfigFile = path.join(CONFIGDIR, configFN) lu.writeCircuitscapeConfigFile(outConfigFile, options) gprint('\nResistance map has ' + str(int(numResistanceNodes)) + ' nodes.') lu.dashline(1) gprint('If you try to cancel your run and the Arc dialog hangs, ') gprint('you can kill Circuitscape by opening Windows Task Manager') gprint('and ending the cs_run.exe process.') lu.dashline(0) call_circuitscape(CSPATH, outConfigFile) # test =[CSPATH, outConfigFile], # creationflags = subprocess.CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE) if options['scenario']=='pairwise': rasterSuffix = "_current_allPairs_" + cutoffText else: rasterSuffix = "_current_allToOne_" + cutoffText currentFN = 'Circuitscape_cum_curmap.npy' currentMap = path.join(OUTCIRCUITDIR, currentFN) outputRaster = path.join(outputGDB, cfg.PREFIX + rasterSuffix) currentRaster = path.join(cfg.SCRATCHDIR, "current") try: import_npy_to_ras(currentMap,resRasClipPath,outputRaster) except: lu.dashline(1) msg = ('ERROR: Circuitscape failed. \n' 'Note: Circuitscape can only solve 2-3 million nodes' '\nper gigabyte of available RAM. The resistance ' '\nraster for the last corridor had ' + str(numResistanceNodes) + ' nodes.\n\nResistance ' 'raster values that vary by >6 orders of \nmagnitude' ' can also cause failures, as can a mismatch in ' '\ncore area and resistance raster extents.') arcpy.AddError(msg) lu.write_log(msg) exit(1) #set core areas to nodata if SETCORESTONULL: # Set core areas to NoData in current map for color ramping outputRasterND = outputRaster + '_noDataCores' outCon = > 0, Raster(outputRaster)) gprint('\nBuilding output statistics and pyramids ' 'for centrality raster.') lu.build_stats(outputRaster) lu.build_stats(outputRasterND) # Clean up temporary files if not cfg.SAVECURRENTMAPS: lu.delete_dir(OUTCIRCUITDIR) # Return GEOPROCESSING specific errors except arcpy.ExecuteError: lu.dashline(1) gprint('****Failed in step 8. Details follow.****') lu.exit_with_geoproc_error(_SCRIPT_NAME) # Return any PYTHON or system specific errors except: lu.dashline(1) gprint('****Failed in step 8. Details follow.****') lu.exit_with_python_error(_SCRIPT_NAME)
def STEP7_calc_centrality(): """ Analyze network centrality using Circuitscape given Linkage Mapper outputs """ try: lu.dashline(0) gprint('Running script ' + _SCRIPT_NAME) arcpy.env.workspace = cfg.SCRATCHDIR # Check for valid LCP shapefile prevLcpShapefile = lu.get_lcp_shapefile(None, thisStep=7) if not arcpy.Exists(prevLcpShapefile): msg = ('Cannot find an LCP shapefile from step 5. Please ' 'rerun that step and any previous ones if necessary.') lu.raise_error(msg) # Remove lcp shapefile from this step if run previously lcpShapefile = path.join(cfg.DATAPASSDIR, "lcpLines_s7.shp") lu.delete_data(lcpShapefile) csPath = lu.get_cs_path() invalidFNs = ['fid', 'id', 'oid', 'shape'] if cfg.COREFN.lower() in invalidFNs: #if cfg.COREFN == 'FID' or cfg.COREFN == 'ID': lu.dashline(1) msg = ('ERROR: Core area field names ID, FID, SHAPE, and OID are' ' reserved for ArcGIS. \nPlease choose another field- must' ' be a positive integer.') lu.raise_error(msg) lu.dashline(1) gprint('Mapping centrality of network cores and links' '\nusing Circuitscape....') lu.dashline(0) # set the analysis extent and cell size to that of the resistance # surface coreCopy = path.join(cfg.SCRATCHDIR, 'cores.shp') arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(cfg.COREFC, coreCopy) arcpy.AddField_management(coreCopy, "CF_Central", "DOUBLE", "10", "2") inLinkTableFile = lu.get_prev_step_link_table(step=7) linkTable = lu.load_link_table(inLinkTableFile) numLinks = linkTable.shape[0] numCorridorLinks = lu.report_links(linkTable) if numCorridorLinks == 0: lu.dashline(1) msg = ('\nThere are no linkages. Bailing.') lu.raise_error(msg) if linkTable.shape[1] < 16: # If linktable has no entries from prior # centrality or pinchpint analyses extraCols = npy.zeros((numLinks, 6), dtype="float64") linkTable = linkTable[:, 0:10] linkTable = npy.append(linkTable, extraCols, axis=1) linkTable[:, cfg.LTB_LCPLEN] = -1 linkTable[:, cfg.LTB_CWDEUCR] = -1 linkTable[:, cfg.LTB_CWDPATHR] = -1 linkTable[:, cfg.LTB_EFFRESIST] = -1 linkTable[:, cfg.LTB_CWDTORR] = -1 del extraCols linkTable[:, cfg.LTB_CURRENT] = -1 coresToProcess = npy.unique(linkTable[:, cfg.LTB_CORE1:cfg.LTB_CORE2 + 1]) maxCoreNum = max(coresToProcess) del coresToProcess lu.dashline(0) coreList = linkTable[:, cfg.LTB_CORE1:cfg.LTB_CORE2 + 1] coreList = npy.sort(coreList) #gprint('There are ' + str(len(npy.unique(coreList))) ' core areas.') # set up directory for centrality INCENTRALITYDIR = cfg.CENTRALITYBASEDIR OUTCENTRALITYDIR = path.join(cfg.CENTRALITYBASEDIR, cfg.CIRCUITOUTPUTDIR_NM) CONFIGDIR = path.join(INCENTRALITYDIR, cfg.CIRCUITCONFIGDIR_NM) # Set Circuitscape options and write config file options = lu.setCircuitscapeOptions() options['data_type'] = 'network' options['habitat_file'] = path.join(INCENTRALITYDIR, 'Circuitscape_graph.txt') # Setting point file equal to graph to do all pairs in Circuitscape options['point_file'] = path.join(INCENTRALITYDIR, 'Circuitscape_graph.txt') outputFN = 'Circuitscape_network.out' options['output_file'] = path.join(OUTCENTRALITYDIR, outputFN) configFN = 'Circuitscape_network.ini' outConfigFile = path.join(CONFIGDIR, configFN) lu.writeCircuitscapeConfigFile(outConfigFile, options) delRows = npy.asarray(npy.where(linkTable[:, cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] < 1)) delRowsVector = npy.zeros((delRows.shape[1]), dtype="int32") delRowsVector[:] = delRows[0, :] LT = lu.delete_row(linkTable, delRowsVector) del delRows del delRowsVector graphList = npy.zeros((LT.shape[0], 3), dtype="float64") graphList[:, 0] = LT[:, cfg.LTB_CORE1] graphList[:, 1] = LT[:, cfg.LTB_CORE2] graphList[:, 2] = LT[:, cfg.LTB_CWDIST] write_graph(options['habitat_file'], graphList) gprint('\nCalculating current flow centrality using Circuitscape...')[csPath, outConfigFile], shell=True) memFlag = call_circuitscape(csPath, outConfigFile) outputFN = 'Circuitscape_network_branch_currents_cum.txt' currentList = path.join(OUTCENTRALITYDIR, outputFN) if not arcpy.Exists(currentList): write_graph(options['habitat_file'], graphList) gprint('\nCalculating current flow centrality using Circuitscape ' '(2nd try)...') #[csPath, outConfigFile], shell=True) memFlag = call_circuitscape(csPath, outConfigFile) if not arcpy.Exists(currentList): lu.dashline(1) msg = ('ERROR: No Circuitscape output found.\n' 'It looks like Circuitscape failed.') arcpy.AddError(msg) lu.write_log(msg) exit(1) currents = load_graph(currentList, graphType='graph/network', datatype='float64') numLinks = currents.shape[0] for x in range(0, numLinks): corex = currents[x, 0] corey = currents[x, 1] #linkId = LT[x,cfg.LTB_LINKID] row = lu.get_links_from_core_pairs(linkTable, corex, corey) #row = lu.get_linktable_row(linkId, linkTable) linkTable[row, cfg.LTB_CURRENT] = currents[x, 2] coreCurrentFN = 'Circuitscape_network_node_currents_cum.txt' nodeCurrentList = path.join(OUTCENTRALITYDIR, coreCurrentFN) nodeCurrents = load_graph(nodeCurrentList, graphType='graph/network', datatype='float64') numNodeCurrents = nodeCurrents.shape[0] rows = arcpy.UpdateCursor(coreCopy) row = rows.newRow() for row in rows: coreID = row.getValue(cfg.COREFN) for i in range(0, numNodeCurrents): if coreID == nodeCurrents[i, 0]: row.setValue("CF_Central", nodeCurrents[i, 1]) break rows.updateRow(row) #row = rows.newRow() del row, rows gprint('Done with centrality calculations.') finalLinkTable = lu.update_lcp_shapefile(linkTable, lastStep=5, thisStep=7) linkTableFile = path.join(cfg.DATAPASSDIR, "linkTable_s5_plus.csv") lu.write_link_table(finalLinkTable, linkTableFile, inLinkTableFile) linkTableFinalFile = path.join(cfg.OUTPUTDIR, cfg.PREFIX + "_linkTable_s5_plus.csv") lu.write_link_table(finalLinkTable, linkTableFinalFile, inLinkTableFile) gprint('Copy of final linkTable written to ' + linkTableFinalFile) finalCoreFile = path.join(cfg.CORECENTRALITYGDB, cfg.PREFIX + '_Cores') #copy core area map to gdb. if not arcpy.Exists(cfg.CORECENTRALITYGDB): arcpy.CreateFileGDB_management( cfg.OUTPUTDIR, path.basename(cfg.CORECENTRALITYGDB)) arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(coreCopy, finalCoreFile) gprint('Creating shapefiles with linework for links.') lu.write_link_maps(linkTableFinalFile, step=7) # Copy final link maps to gdb and clean up. lu.copy_final_link_maps(step=7) # Return GEOPROCESSING specific errors except arcpy.ExecuteError: lu.dashline(1) gprint('****Failed in step 7. Details follow.****') lu.exit_with_geoproc_error(_SCRIPT_NAME) # Return any PYTHON or system specific errors except: lu.dashline(1) gprint('****Failed in step 7. Details follow.****') lu.exit_with_python_error(_SCRIPT_NAME) return
def STEP8_calc_pinchpoints(): """ Maps pinch points in Linkage Mapper corridors using Circuitscape given CWD calculations from """ try: lu.dashline(0) gprint('Running script ' + _SCRIPT_NAME) restartFlag = False if cfg.CWDCUTOFF < 0: cfg.CWDCUTOFF = cfg.CWDCUTOFF * -1 restartFlag = True # Restart code in progress CSPATH = lu.get_cs_path() outputGDB = path.join(cfg.OUTPUTDIR, path.basename(cfg.PINCHGDB)) arcpy.OverWriteOutput = True arcpy.env.workspace = cfg.SCRATCHDIR arcpy.env.scratchWorkspace = cfg.ARCSCRATCHDIR arcpy.env.pyramid = "NONE" arcpy.env.rasterstatistics = "NONE" # set the analysis extent and cell size to that of the resistance # surface arcpy.env.extent = cfg.RESRAST arcpy.env.cellSize = cfg.RESRAST arcpy.snapraster = cfg.RESRAST resRaster = cfg.RESRAST arcpy.env.extent = "MINOF" minObject = arcpy.GetRasterProperties_management(resRaster, "MINIMUM") rasterMin = float(str(minObject.getOutput(0))) if rasterMin <= 0: msg = ( 'Error: resistance raster cannot have 0 or negative values.') lu.raise_error(msg) if cfg.DO_ADJACENTPAIRS: prevLcpShapefile = lu.get_lcp_shapefile(None, thisStep=8) if not arcpy.Exists(prevLcpShapefile): msg = ('Cannot find an LCP shapefile from step 5. Please ' 'rerun that step and any previous ones if necessary.') lu.raise_error(msg) # Remove lcp shapefile lcpShapefile = path.join(cfg.DATAPASSDIR, "lcpLines_s8.shp") lu.delete_data(lcpShapefile) inLinkTableFile = lu.get_prev_step_link_table(step=8) linkTable = lu.load_link_table(inLinkTableFile) numLinks = linkTable.shape[0] numCorridorLinks = lu.report_links(linkTable) if numCorridorLinks == 0: lu.dashline(1) msg = ('\nThere are no linkages. Bailing.') lu.raise_error(msg) if linkTable.shape[1] < 16: # If linktable has no entries from prior # centrality or pinchpint analyses extraCols = npy.zeros((numLinks, 6), dtype="float64") linkTable = linkTable[:, 0:10] linkTable = npy.append(linkTable, extraCols, axis=1) linkTable[:, cfg.LTB_LCPLEN] = -1 linkTable[:, cfg.LTB_CWDEUCR] = -1 linkTable[:, cfg.LTB_CWDPATHR] = -1 linkTable[:, cfg.LTB_EFFRESIST] = -1 linkTable[:, cfg.LTB_CWDTORR] = -1 linkTable[:, cfg.LTB_CURRENT] = -1 del extraCols # set up directories for circuit and circuit mosaic grids # Create output geodatabase if not arcpy.Exists(cfg.PINCHGDB): arcpy.CreateFileGDB_management(cfg.OUTPUTDIR, path.basename(cfg.PINCHGDB)) mosaicRaster = path.join(cfg.CIRCUITBASEDIR, "current_mos" + tif) coresToProcess = npy.unique(linkTable[:, cfg.LTB_CORE1:cfg.LTB_CORE2 + 1]) maxCoreNum = max(coresToProcess) del coresToProcess lu.dashline(0) coreList = linkTable[:, cfg.LTB_CORE1:cfg.LTB_CORE2 + 1] coreList = npy.sort(coreList) #gprint('There are ' + str(len(npy.unique(coreList))) ' core areas.') INCIRCUITDIR = cfg.CIRCUITBASEDIR OUTCIRCUITDIR = path.join(cfg.CIRCUITBASEDIR, cfg.CIRCUITOUTPUTDIR_NM) CONFIGDIR = path.join(INCIRCUITDIR, cfg.CIRCUITCONFIGDIR_NM) # Cutoff value text to append to filenames cutoffText = str(cfg.CWDCUTOFF) if cutoffText[-6:] == '000000': cutoffText = cutoffText[0:-6] + 'm' elif cutoffText[-3:] == '000': cutoffText = cutoffText[0:-3] + 'k' if cfg.SQUARERESISTANCES: # Square resistance values squaredRaster = path.join(cfg.SCRATCHDIR, 'res_sqr') arcpy.env.workspace = cfg.SCRATCHDIR arcpy.env.scratchWorkspace = cfg.ARCSCRATCHDIR outRas = Raster(resRaster) * Raster(resRaster) resRaster = squaredRaster if cfg.DO_ADJACENTPAIRS: linkLoop = 0 lu.dashline(1) gprint('Mapping pinch points in individual corridors \n' 'using Circuitscape.') lu.dashline(1) gprint('If you try to cancel your run and the Arc dialog hangs, ') gprint('you can kill Circuitscape by opening Windows Task Manager') gprint('and ending the cs_run.exe process.') lu.dashline(2) for x in range(0, numLinks): linkId = str(int(linkTable[x, cfg.LTB_LINKID])) if not (linkTable[x, cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] > 0): continue linkLoop = linkLoop + 1 linkDir = path.join(cfg.SCRATCHDIR, 'link' + linkId) if restartFlag == True and path.exists(linkDir): gprint('continuing') continue restartFlag = False lu.create_dir(linkDir) start_time1 = time.clock() # source and target cores corex = int(coreList[x, 0]) corey = int(coreList[x, 1]) # Get cwd rasters for source and target cores cwdRaster1 = lu.get_cwd_path(corex) cwdRaster2 = lu.get_cwd_path(corey) lccNormRaster = path.join(linkDir, 'lcc_norm') arcpy.env.extent = "MINOF" link = lu.get_links_from_core_pairs(linkTable, corex, corey) lcDist = float(linkTable[link, cfg.LTB_CWDIST]) # Normalized lcc rasters are created by adding cwd rasters # and subtracting the least cost distance between them. outRas = Raster(cwdRaster1) + Raster(cwdRaster2) - lcDist #create raster mask resMaskRaster = path.join(linkDir, 'res_mask' + tif) #create raster mask outCon = Raster(lccNormRaster) <= cfg.CWDCUTOFF, 1) # Convert to poly. Use as mask to clip resistance raster. resMaskPoly = path.join(linkDir, 'res_mask_poly.shp') arcpy.RasterToPolygon_conversion(resMaskRaster, resMaskPoly, "NO_SIMPLIFY") arcpy.env.extent = resMaskPoly # Includes 0 values in some cases with CP LI model if tif # so using ESRI Grid format resClipRasterMasked = path.join(linkDir, 'res_clip_m') # Extract masked resistance raster. # Needs to be float to get export to npy to work. outRas =, resMaskPoly) + 0.0 resNpyFN = 'resistances_link_' + linkId + '.npy' resNpyFile = path.join(INCIRCUITDIR, resNpyFN) numElements, numResistanceNodes = export_ras_to_npy( resClipRasterMasked, resNpyFile) totMem, availMem = lu.get_mem() # gprint('Total memory: str(totMem)) if numResistanceNodes / availMem > 2000000: lu.dashline(1) lu.warn('Warning:') lu.warn('Circuitscape can only solve 2-3 million nodes') lu.warn( 'per gigabyte of available RAM. \nTotal physical RAM' ' on your machine is ~' + str(totMem) + ' GB. \nAvailable memory is ~' + str(availMem) + ' GB. \nYour resistance raster has ' + str(numResistanceNodes) + ' nodes.') lu.dashline(2) corePairRaster = path.join(linkDir, 'core_pairs' + tif) arcpy.env.extent = resClipRasterMasked # Next result needs to be floating pt for numpy export outCon = Raster(cwdRaster1) == 0, corex, == 0, corey + 0.0)) coreNpyFN = 'cores_link_' + linkId + '.npy' coreNpyFile = path.join(INCIRCUITDIR, coreNpyFN) numElements, numNodes = export_ras_to_npy( corePairRaster, coreNpyFile) arcpy.env.extent = "MINOF" # Set circuitscape options and call options = lu.setCircuitscapeOptions() if cfg.WRITE_VOLT_MAPS == True: options['write_volt_maps'] = True options['habitat_file'] = resNpyFile # if int(linkId) > 2: # options['habitat_file'] = 'c:\\test.dummy' options['point_file'] = coreNpyFile options['set_focal_node_currents_to_zero'] = True outputFN = 'Circuitscape_link' + linkId + '.out' options['output_file'] = path.join(OUTCIRCUITDIR, outputFN) if numElements > 250000: options['print_timings'] = True configFN = 'pinchpoint_config' + linkId + '.ini' outConfigFile = path.join(CONFIGDIR, configFN) lu.writeCircuitscapeConfigFile(outConfigFile, options) gprint('Processing link ID #' + str(linkId) + '. Resistance map' ' has ' + str(int(numResistanceNodes)) + ' nodes.') memFlag = call_circuitscape(CSPATH, outConfigFile) currentFN = ('Circuitscape_link' + linkId + '_cum_curmap.npy') currentMap = path.join(OUTCIRCUITDIR, currentFN) if not arcpy.Exists(currentMap): print_failure(numResistanceNodes, memFlag, 10) numElements, numNodes = export_ras_to_npy( resClipRasterMasked, resNpyFile) memFlag = call_circuitscape(CSPATH, outConfigFile) currentFN = ('Circuitscape_link' + linkId + '_cum_curmap.npy') currentMap = path.join(OUTCIRCUITDIR, currentFN) if not arcpy.Exists(currentMap): msg = ( '\nCircuitscape failed. See error information above.') arcpy.AddError(msg) lu.write_log(msg) exit(1) # Either set core areas to nodata in current map or # divide each by its radius currentRaster = path.join(linkDir, "current" + tif) import_npy_to_ras(currentMap, corePairRaster, currentRaster) if cfg.WRITE_VOLT_MAPS == True: voltFN = ('Circuitscape_link' + linkId + '_voltmap_' + str(corex) + '_' + str(corey) + '.npy') voltMap = path.join(OUTCIRCUITDIR, voltFN) voltRaster = path.join( outputGDB, cfg.PREFIX + "_voltMap_" + str(corex) + '_' + str(corey)) import_npy_to_ras(voltMap, corePairRaster, voltRaster) gprint('Building output statistics and pyramids ' 'for voltage raster\n') lu.build_stats(voltRaster) arcpy.env.extent = currentRaster if SETCORESTONULL: # Set core areas to NoData in current map for color ramping currentRaster2 = currentRaster + '2' + tif outCon =, Raster(currentRaster)) currentRaster = currentRaster2 arcpy.env.extent = "MAXOF" if linkLoop == 1: lu.delete_data(mosaicRaster) @retry(10) def copyRas2(): arcpy.CopyRaster_management(currentRaster, mosaicRaster) copyRas2() else: @retry(10) def mosaicRas(): arcpy.Mosaic_management(currentRaster, mosaicRaster, "MAXIMUM", "MATCH") mosaicRas() resistancesFN = ('Circuitscape_link' + linkId + '_resistances_3columns.out') resistancesFile = path.join(OUTCIRCUITDIR, resistancesFN) resistances = npy.loadtxt(resistancesFile, dtype='Float64', comments='#') resistance = float(str(arcpy.env.cellSize)) * resistances[2] linkTable[link, cfg.LTB_EFFRESIST] = resistance # Ratio if not cfg.SQUARERESISTANCES: linkTable[link, cfg.LTB_CWDTORR] = ( linkTable[link, cfg.LTB_CWDIST] / linkTable[link, cfg.LTB_EFFRESIST]) # Clean up if cfg.SAVE_TEMP_CIRCUIT_FILES == False: lu.delete_file(coreNpyFile) coreNpyBase, extension = path.splitext(coreNpyFile) lu.delete_data(coreNpyBase + '.hdr') lu.delete_file(resNpyFile) resNpyBase, extension = path.splitext(resNpyFile) lu.delete_data(resNpyBase + '.hdr') lu.delete_file(currentMap) curMapBase, extension = path.splitext(currentMap) lu.delete_data(curMapBase + '.hdr') lu.delete_data(currentRaster) lu.clean_out_workspace(linkDir) lu.delete_dir(linkDir) gprint('Finished with link ID #' + str(linkId) + '. ' + str(linkLoop) + ' out of ' + str(numCorridorLinks) + ' links have been processed.') start_time1 = lu.elapsed_time(start_time1) outputRaster = path.join( outputGDB, cfg.PREFIX + "_current_adjacentPairs_" + cutoffText) lu.delete_data(outputRaster) @retry(10) def copyRas(): arcpy.CopyRaster_management(mosaicRaster, outputRaster) copyRas() gprint('Building output statistics and pyramids ' 'for corridor pinch point raster\n') lu.build_stats(outputRaster) finalLinkTable = lu.update_lcp_shapefile(linkTable, lastStep=5, thisStep=8) linkTableFile = path.join(cfg.DATAPASSDIR, "linkTable_s5_plus.csv") lu.write_link_table(finalLinkTable, linkTableFile, inLinkTableFile) linkTableFinalFile = path.join( cfg.OUTPUTDIR, cfg.PREFIX + "_linkTable_s5_plus.csv") lu.write_link_table(finalLinkTable, linkTableFinalFile, inLinkTableFile) gprint('Copy of linkTable written to ' + linkTableFinalFile) #fixme: update sticks? gprint('Creating shapefiles with linework for links.') lu.write_link_maps(linkTableFinalFile, step=8) # Copy final link maps to gdb. lu.copy_final_link_maps(step=8) lu.delete_data(mosaicRaster) if not cfg.DO_ALLPAIRS: # Clean up temporary files if not cfg.SAVECURRENTMAPS: lu.delete_dir(OUTCIRCUITDIR) return lu.dashline(1) gprint('Mapping global pinch points among all\n' 'core area pairs using Circuitscape.') if cfg.ALL_PAIR_SCENARIO == 'pairwise': gprint('Circuitscape will be run in PAIRWISE mode.') else: gprint('Circuitscape will be run in ALL-TO-ONE mode.') arcpy.env.workspace = cfg.SCRATCHDIR arcpy.env.scratchWorkspace = cfg.ARCSCRATCHDIR arcpy.env.extent = cfg.RESRAST arcpy.env.cellSize = cfg.RESRAST S8CORE_RAS = "s8core_ras" s8CoreRasPath = path.join(cfg.SCRATCHDIR, S8CORE_RAS) arcpy.FeatureToRaster_conversion(cfg.COREFC, cfg.COREFN, s8CoreRasPath, arcpy.env.cellSize) binaryCoreRaster = path.join(cfg.SCRATCHDIR, "core_ras_bin") # The following commands cause file lock problems on save. using gp # instead. # outCon =, 1, "#", "VALUE > 0") # # gp.Con_sa(s8CoreRasPath, 1, binaryCoreRaster, "#", "VALUE > 0") outCon = > 0, 1) s5corridorRas = path.join(cfg.OUTPUTGDB, cfg.PREFIX + "_corridors") if not arcpy.Exists(s5corridorRas): s5corridorRas = path.join(cfg.OUTPUTGDB, cfg.PREFIX + "_lcc_mosaic_int") outCon = Raster(s5corridorRas) <= cfg.CWDCUTOFF, Raster(resRaster), > 0, Raster(resRaster))) resRasClipPath = path.join(cfg.SCRATCHDIR, 'res_ras_clip') arcpy.env.cellSize = resRasClipPath arcpy.env.extent = resRasClipPath s8CoreRasClipped = s8CoreRasPath + '_c' # Produce core raster with same extent as clipped resistance raster # added to ensure correct data type- nodata values were positive for # cores otherwise outCon =, -9999, Raster(s8CoreRasPath)) resNpyFN = 'resistances.npy' resNpyFile = path.join(INCIRCUITDIR, resNpyFN) numElements, numResistanceNodes = export_ras_to_npy( resRasClipPath, resNpyFile) totMem, availMem = lu.get_mem() # gprint('Total memory: str(totMem)) if numResistanceNodes / availMem > 2000000: lu.dashline(1) lu.warn('Warning:') lu.warn('Circuitscape can only solve 2-3 million nodes') lu.warn('per gigabyte of available RAM. \nTotal physical RAM ' 'on your machine is ~' + str(totMem) + ' GB. \nAvailable memory is ~' + str(availMem) + ' GB. \nYour resistance raster has ' + str(numResistanceNodes) + ' nodes.') lu.dashline(0) coreNpyFN = 'cores.npy' coreNpyFile = path.join(INCIRCUITDIR, coreNpyFN) numElements, numNodes = export_ras_to_npy(s8CoreRasClipped, coreNpyFile) arcpy.env.extent = "MINOF" options = lu.setCircuitscapeOptions() options['scenario'] = cfg.ALL_PAIR_SCENARIO options['habitat_file'] = resNpyFile options['point_file'] = coreNpyFile options['set_focal_node_currents_to_zero'] = True outputFN = 'Circuitscape.out' options['output_file'] = path.join(OUTCIRCUITDIR, outputFN) options['print_timings'] = True configFN = 'pinchpoint_allpair_config.ini' outConfigFile = path.join(CONFIGDIR, configFN) lu.writeCircuitscapeConfigFile(outConfigFile, options) gprint('\nResistance map has ' + str(int(numResistanceNodes)) + ' nodes.') lu.dashline(1) gprint('If you try to cancel your run and the Arc dialog hangs, ') gprint('you can kill Circuitscape by opening Windows Task Manager') gprint('and ending the cs_run.exe process.') lu.dashline(0) call_circuitscape(CSPATH, outConfigFile) # test =[CSPATH, outConfigFile], # creationflags = subprocess.CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE) if options['scenario'] == 'pairwise': rasterSuffix = "_current_allPairs_" + cutoffText else: rasterSuffix = "_current_allToOne_" + cutoffText currentFN = 'Circuitscape_cum_curmap.npy' currentMap = path.join(OUTCIRCUITDIR, currentFN) outputRaster = path.join(outputGDB, cfg.PREFIX + rasterSuffix) currentRaster = path.join(cfg.SCRATCHDIR, "current") try: import_npy_to_ras(currentMap, resRasClipPath, outputRaster) except: lu.dashline(1) msg = ('ERROR: Circuitscape failed. \n' 'Note: Circuitscape can only solve 2-3 million nodes' '\nper gigabyte of available RAM. The resistance ' '\nraster for the last corridor had ' + str(numResistanceNodes) + ' nodes.\n\nResistance ' 'raster values that vary by >6 orders of \nmagnitude' ' can also cause failures, as can a mismatch in ' '\ncore area and resistance raster extents.') arcpy.AddError(msg) lu.write_log(msg) exit(1) #set core areas to nodata if SETCORESTONULL: # Set core areas to NoData in current map for color ramping outputRasterND = outputRaster + '_noDataCores' outCon = Raster(s8CoreRasClipped) > 0, Raster(outputRaster)) gprint('\nBuilding output statistics and pyramids ' 'for centrality raster.') lu.build_stats(outputRaster) lu.build_stats(outputRasterND) # Clean up temporary files if not cfg.SAVECURRENTMAPS: lu.delete_dir(OUTCIRCUITDIR) # Return GEOPROCESSING specific errors except arcpy.ExecuteError: lu.dashline(1) gprint('****Failed in step 8. Details follow.****') lu.exit_with_geoproc_error(_SCRIPT_NAME) # Return any PYTHON or system specific errors except: lu.dashline(1) gprint('****Failed in step 8. Details follow.****') lu.exit_with_python_error(_SCRIPT_NAME)
def STEP7_calc_centrality(): """ Analyze network centrality using Circuitscape given Linkage Mapper outputs """ try: lu.dashline(0) gprint('Running script ' + _SCRIPT_NAME) arcpy.env.workspace = cfg.SCRATCHDIR # Check for valid LCP shapefile prevLcpShapefile = lu.get_lcp_shapefile(None, thisStep = 7) if not arcpy.Exists(prevLcpShapefile): msg = ('Cannot find an LCP shapefile from step 5. Please ' 'rerun that step and any previous ones if necessary.') lu.raise_error(msg) # Remove lcp shapefile from this step if run previously lcpShapefile = path.join(cfg.DATAPASSDIR, "lcpLines_s7.shp") lu.delete_data(lcpShapefile) csPath = lu.get_cs_path() invalidFNs = ['fid','id','oid','shape'] if cfg.COREFN.lower() in invalidFNs: #if cfg.COREFN == 'FID' or cfg.COREFN == 'ID': lu.dashline(1) msg = ('ERROR: Core area field names ID, FID, SHAPE, and OID are' ' reserved for ArcGIS. \nPlease choose another field- must' ' be a positive integer.') lu.raise_error(msg) lu.dashline(1) gprint('Mapping centrality of network cores and links' '\nusing Circuitscape....') lu.dashline(0) # set the analysis extent and cell size to that of the resistance # surface coreCopy = path.join(cfg.SCRATCHDIR, 'cores.shp') arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(cfg.COREFC, coreCopy) arcpy.AddField_management(coreCopy, "CF_Central", "DOUBLE", "10", "2") inLinkTableFile = lu.get_prev_step_link_table(step=7) linkTable = lu.load_link_table(inLinkTableFile) numLinks = linkTable.shape[0] numCorridorLinks = lu.report_links(linkTable) if numCorridorLinks == 0: lu.dashline(1) msg =('\nThere are no linkages. Bailing.') lu.raise_error(msg) if linkTable.shape[1] < 16: # If linktable has no entries from prior # centrality or pinchpint analyses extraCols = npy.zeros((numLinks, 6), dtype="float64") linkTable = linkTable[:,0:10] linkTable = npy.append(linkTable, extraCols, axis=1) linkTable[:, cfg.LTB_LCPLEN] = -1 linkTable[:, cfg.LTB_CWDEUCR] = -1 linkTable[:, cfg.LTB_CWDPATHR] = -1 linkTable[:, cfg.LTB_EFFRESIST] = -1 linkTable[:, cfg.LTB_CWDTORR] = -1 del extraCols linkTable[:, cfg.LTB_CURRENT] = -1 coresToProcess = npy.unique(linkTable[:, cfg.LTB_CORE1:cfg.LTB_CORE2 + 1]) maxCoreNum = max(coresToProcess) del coresToProcess lu.dashline(0) coreList = linkTable[:,cfg.LTB_CORE1:cfg.LTB_CORE2+1] coreList = npy.sort(coreList) #gprint('There are ' + str(len(npy.unique(coreList))) ' core areas.') # set up directory for centrality INCENTRALITYDIR = cfg.CENTRALITYBASEDIR OUTCENTRALITYDIR = path.join(cfg.CENTRALITYBASEDIR, cfg.CIRCUITOUTPUTDIR_NM) CONFIGDIR = path.join(INCENTRALITYDIR, cfg.CIRCUITCONFIGDIR_NM) # Set Circuitscape options and write config file options = lu.setCircuitscapeOptions() options['data_type']='network' options['habitat_file'] = path.join(INCENTRALITYDIR, 'Circuitscape_graph.txt') # Setting point file equal to graph to do all pairs in Circuitscape options['point_file'] = path.join(INCENTRALITYDIR, 'Circuitscape_graph.txt') outputFN = 'Circuitscape_network.out' options['output_file'] = path.join(OUTCENTRALITYDIR, outputFN) configFN = 'Circuitscape_network.ini' outConfigFile = path.join(CONFIGDIR, configFN) lu.writeCircuitscapeConfigFile(outConfigFile, options) delRows = npy.asarray(npy.where(linkTable[:,cfg.LTB_LINKTYPE] < 1)) delRowsVector = npy.zeros((delRows.shape[1]), dtype="int32") delRowsVector[:] = delRows[0, :] LT = lu.delete_row(linkTable, delRowsVector) del delRows del delRowsVector graphList = npy.zeros((LT.shape[0],3), dtype="float64") graphList[:,0] = LT[:,cfg.LTB_CORE1] graphList[:,1] = LT[:,cfg.LTB_CORE2] graphList[:,2] = LT[:,cfg.LTB_CWDIST] write_graph(options['habitat_file'] ,graphList) gprint('\nCalculating current flow centrality using Circuitscape...')[csPath, outConfigFile], shell=True) memFlag = call_circuitscape(csPath, outConfigFile) outputFN = 'Circuitscape_network_branch_currents_cum.txt' currentList = path.join(OUTCENTRALITYDIR, outputFN) if not arcpy.Exists(currentList): write_graph(options['habitat_file'] ,graphList) gprint('\nCalculating current flow centrality using Circuitscape ' '(2nd try)...') #[csPath, outConfigFile], shell=True) memFlag = call_circuitscape(csPath, outConfigFile) if not arcpy.Exists(currentList): lu.dashline(1) msg = ('ERROR: No Circuitscape output found.\n' 'It looks like Circuitscape failed.') arcpy.AddError(msg) lu.write_log(msg) exit(1) currents = load_graph(currentList,graphType='graph/network', datatype='float64') numLinks = currents.shape[0] for x in range(0,numLinks): corex = currents[x,0] corey = currents[x,1] #linkId = LT[x,cfg.LTB_LINKID] row = lu.get_links_from_core_pairs(linkTable, corex, corey) #row = lu.get_linktable_row(linkId, linkTable) linkTable[row,cfg.LTB_CURRENT] = currents[x,2] coreCurrentFN = 'Circuitscape_network_node_currents_cum.txt' nodeCurrentList = path.join(OUTCENTRALITYDIR, coreCurrentFN) nodeCurrents = load_graph(nodeCurrentList,graphType='graph/network', datatype='float64') numNodeCurrents = nodeCurrents.shape[0] rows = arcpy.UpdateCursor(coreCopy) row = rows.newRow() for row in rows: coreID = row.getValue(cfg.COREFN) for i in range (0, numNodeCurrents): if coreID == nodeCurrents[i,0]: row.setValue("CF_Central", nodeCurrents[i,1]) break rows.updateRow(row) #row = rows.newRow() del row, rows gprint('Done with centrality calculations.') finalLinkTable = lu.update_lcp_shapefile(linkTable, lastStep=5, thisStep=7) linkTableFile = path.join(cfg.DATAPASSDIR, "linkTable_s5_plus.csv") lu.write_link_table(finalLinkTable, linkTableFile, inLinkTableFile) linkTableFinalFile = path.join(cfg.OUTPUTDIR, cfg.PREFIX + "_linkTable_s5_plus.csv") lu.write_link_table(finalLinkTable, linkTableFinalFile, inLinkTableFile) gprint('Copy of final linkTable written to '+ linkTableFinalFile) finalCoreFile = path.join(cfg.CORECENTRALITYGDB, cfg.PREFIX + '_Cores') #copy core area map to gdb. if not arcpy.Exists(cfg.CORECENTRALITYGDB): arcpy.CreateFileGDB_management(cfg.OUTPUTDIR, path.basename(cfg.CORECENTRALITYGDB)) arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(coreCopy, finalCoreFile) gprint('Creating shapefiles with linework for links.') lu.write_link_maps(linkTableFinalFile, step=7) # Copy final link maps to gdb and clean up. lu.copy_final_link_maps(step=7) # Return GEOPROCESSING specific errors except arcpy.ExecuteError: lu.dashline(1) gprint('****Failed in step 7. Details follow.****') lu.exit_with_geoproc_error(_SCRIPT_NAME) # Return any PYTHON or system specific errors except: lu.dashline(1) gprint('****Failed in step 7. Details follow.****') lu.exit_with_python_error(_SCRIPT_NAME) return