Пример #1
def download_search(info, res):
    dltype = info['Submit']
    delim = 'bracket'
    com = r'\\'  # single line comment start
    com1 = ''  # multiline comment start
    com2 = ''  # multiline comment end
    filename = 'fields.gp'
    mydate = time.strftime("%d %B %Y")
    if dltype == 'sage':
        com = '#'
        filename = 'fields.sage'
    if dltype == 'mathematica':
        com = ''
        com1 = '(*'
        com2 = '*)'
        delim = 'brace'
        filename = 'fields.ma'
    if dltype == 'magma':
        com = ''
        com1 = '/*'
        com2 = '*/'
        delim = 'magma'
        filename = 'fields.m'
    s = com1 + "\n"
    s += com + ' Global number fields downloaded from the LMFDB downloaded %s\n'% mydate
    s += com + ' Below is a list called data. Each entry has the form:\n'
    s += com + '   [polynomial, discriminant, t-number, class group]\n'
    s += com + ' Here the t-number is for the Galois group\n'
    s += com + ' If a class group was not computed, the entry is [-1]\n'
    s += '\n' + com2
    s += '\n'
    if dltype == 'magma':
        s += 'data := ['
        s += 'data = ['
    s += '\\\n'
    Qx = PolynomialRing(QQ,'x')
    str2pol = lambda s: Qx([QQ(str(c)) for c in s.split(',')])
    for f in res:
        ##  We should try to avoid using database specific information here
        ##  Kept for now for speed
#        wnf = WebNumberField.from_data(f)
#        entry = ', '.join(
#            [str(wnf.poly()), str(wnf.disc()), str(wnf.galois_t()), str(wnf.class_group_invariants_raw())])
        pol = str2pol(f['coeffs'])
        D = decodedisc(f['disc_abs_key'], f['disc_sign'])
        gal_t = f['galois']['t']
        if 'class_group' in f:
            cl = string2list(f['class_group'])
            cl = [-1]
        entry = ', '.join([str(pol), str(D), str(gal_t), str(cl)])
        s += '[' + entry + ']' + ',\\\n'
    s = s[:-3]
    if dltype == 'gp':
        s += '];\n'
        s += ']\n'
    if delim == 'brace':
        s = s.replace('[', '{')
        s = s.replace(']', '}')
    if delim == 'magma':
        s = s.replace('[', '[*')
        s = s.replace(']', '*]')
        s += ';'
    strIO = StringIO.StringIO()
    return send_file(strIO,
Пример #2
def download_search(info, res):
    dltype = info.get('Submit')
    delim = 'bracket'
    com = r'\\'  # single line comment start
    com1 = ''  # multiline comment start
    com2 = ''  # multiline comment end
    filename = 'fields.gp'
    mydate = time.strftime("%d %B %Y")
    if dltype == 'sage':
        com = '#'
        filename = 'fields.sage'
    if dltype == 'mathematica':
        com = ''
        com1 = '(*'
        com2 = '*)'
        delim = 'brace'
        filename = 'fields.ma'
    if dltype == 'magma':
        com = ''
        com1 = '/*'
        com2 = '*/'
        delim = 'magma'
        filename = 'fields.m'
    s = com1 + "\n"
    s += com + ' Global number fields downloaded from the LMFDB downloaded %s\n' % mydate
    s += com + ' Below is a list called data. Each entry has the form:\n'
    s += com + '   [polynomial, discriminant, t-number, class group]\n'
    s += com + ' Here the t-number is for the Galois group\n'
    s += com + ' If a class group was not computed, the entry is [-1]\n'
    s += '\n' + com2
    s += '\n'
    if dltype == 'magma':
        s += 'data := ['
        s += 'data = ['
    s += '\\\n'
    Qx = PolynomialRing(QQ, 'x')
    str2pol = lambda s: Qx([QQ(str(c)) for c in s.split(',')])
    for f in res:
        ##  We should try to avoid using database specific information here
        ##  Kept for now for speed
        #        wnf = WebNumberField.from_data(f)
        #        entry = ', '.join(
        #            [str(wnf.poly()), str(wnf.disc()), str(wnf.galois_t()), str(wnf.class_group_invariants_raw())])
        pol = str2pol(f['coeffs'])
        D = decodedisc(f['disc_abs_key'], f['disc_sign'])
        gal_t = f['galois']['t']
        if 'class_group' in f:
            cl = string2list(f['class_group'])
            cl = [-1]
        entry = ', '.join([str(pol), str(D), str(gal_t), str(cl)])
        s += '[' + entry + ']' + ',\\\n'
    s = s[:-3]
    if dltype == 'gp':
        s += '];\n'
        s += ']\n'
    if delim == 'brace':
        s = s.replace('[', '{')
        s = s.replace(']', '}')
    if delim == 'magma':
        s = s.replace('[', '[*')
        s = s.replace(']', '*]')
        s += ';'
    strIO = StringIO.StringIO()
    return send_file(strIO,