Пример #1
def render_Dirichletwebpage(modulus=None, number=None):

    if modulus is None:
        return render_DirichletNavigation()
    modulus = modulus.replace(' ','')
    if number is None and re.match('^[1-9][0-9]*\.([1-9][0-9]*|[a-z]+)$', modulus):
        modulus, number = modulus.split('.')
        return redirect(url_for(".render_Dirichletwebpage", modulus=modulus, number=number), 301)

    args['type'] = 'Dirichlet'
    args['modulus'] = modulus
    args['number'] = number
        modulus = int(modulus)
    except ValueError:
        modulus = 0
    if modulus <= 0:
        flash_error("%s is not a valid modulus for a Dirichlet character. It should be a positive integer.", args['modulus'])
        return redirect(url_for(".render_Dirichletwebpage"))
    if modulus > 10**20:
        flash_error("specified modulus %s is too large, it should be less than $10^{20}$.", modulus)
        return redirect(url_for(".render_Dirichletwebpage"))

    if number is None:
        if modulus < 10000:
            info = WebDBDirichletGroup(**args).to_dict()
            info['show_orbit_label'] = True
        elif modulus < 100000:
            info = WebDirichletGroup(**args).to_dict()
            info = WebSmallDirichletGroup(**args).to_dict()
        info['title'] = 'Group of Dirichlet Characters of Modulus ' + str(modulus)
        info['bread'] = [('Characters', url_for(".render_characterNavigation")),
                         ('Dirichlet', url_for(".render_Dirichletwebpage")),
                         ('%d'%modulus, url_for(".render_Dirichletwebpage", modulus=modulus))]
        info['learnmore'] = learn()
        info['code'] = dict([(k[4:],info[k]) for k in info if k[0:4] == "code"])
        info['code']['show'] = { lang:'' for lang in info['codelangs'] } # use default show names
        if 'gens' in info:
            info['generators'] = ', '.join([r'<a href="%s">$\chi_{%s}(%s,\cdot)$'%(url_for(".render_Dirichletwebpage",modulus=modulus,number=g),modulus,g) for g in info['gens']])
        return render_template('CharGroup.html', **info)

    number = label_to_number(modulus, number)
    if number == 0:
        flash_error("the value %s is invalid. It should be a positive integer coprime to and no greater than the modulus %s.", args['number'], args['modulus'])
        return redirect(url_for(".render_Dirichletwebpage"))
    args['number'] = number
    webchar = make_webchar(args)
    info = webchar.to_dict()
    info['bread'] = [('Characters', url_for(".render_characterNavigation")),
                     ('Dirichlet', url_for(".render_Dirichletwebpage")),
                     ('%s'%modulus, url_for(".render_Dirichletwebpage", modulus=modulus)),
                     ('%s'%number, url_for(".render_Dirichletwebpage", modulus=modulus, number=number)) ]
    info['learnmore'] = learn()
    info['code'] = dict([(k[4:],info[k]) for k in info if k[0:4] == "code"])
    info['code']['show'] = { lang:'' for lang in info['codelangs'] } # use default show names
    return render_template('Character.html', **info)
Пример #2
def render_Dirichletwebpage(modulus=None, orbit_label=None, number=None):

    if number is None and orbit_label is None and re.match(r'^[1-9][0-9]*\.[1-9][0-9]*$', modulus):
        modulus, number = modulus.split('.')
        return redirect(url_for(".render_Dirichletwebpage", modulus=modulus, number=number), 301)

    args = {}
    args['type'] = 'Dirichlet'
    args['modulus'] = modulus
    args['orbit_label'] = orbit_label
    args['number'] = number
        modulus = int(modulus)
    except ValueError:
        modulus = 0
    if modulus <= 0:
        flash_error("%s is not a valid modulus for a Dirichlet character. It should be a positive integer.", args['modulus'])
        return redirect(url_for(".render_DirichletNavigation"))
    if modulus > 10**20:
        flash_error("specified modulus %s is too large, it should be less than $10^{20}$.", modulus)
        return redirect(url_for(".render_DirichletNavigation"))

    if number is None:
        if orbit_label is None:

            if modulus <= 10000:
                info = WebDBDirichletGroup(**args).to_dict()
                info['show_orbit_label'] = True
                info = WebSmallDirichletGroup(**args).to_dict()

            info['title'] = 'Group of Dirichlet characters of modulus ' + str(modulus)
            info['bread'] = bread([('%s' % modulus, url_for(".render_Dirichletwebpage", modulus=modulus))])
            info['learnmore'] = learn()
            info['code'] = dict([(k[4:], info[k]) for k in info if k[0:4] == "code"])
            info['code']['show'] = {lang: '' for lang in info['codelangs']}  # use default show names
            if 'gens' in info:
                info['generators'] = ', '.join(r'<a href="%s">$\chi_{%s}(%s,\cdot)$' % (url_for(".render_Dirichletwebpage", modulus=modulus, number=g), modulus, g) for g in info['gens'])
            return render_template('CharGroup.html', **info)
            if modulus <= 10000:
                    info = WebDBDirichletOrbit(**args).to_dict()
                except ValueError:
                        "No Galois orbit of Dirichlet characters with label %s.%s was found in the database.", modulus, orbit_label
                    return redirect(url_for(".render_DirichletNavigation"))

                info['show_orbit_label'] = True
                info['learnmore'] = learn()
                info['code'] = dict([(k[4:], info[k]) for k in info if k[0:4] == "code"])
                info['code']['show'] = {lang: '' for lang in info['codelangs']}  # use default show names
                info['bread'] = bread(
                    [('%s' % modulus, url_for(".render_Dirichletwebpage", modulus=modulus)),
                     ('%s' % orbit_label, url_for(".render_Dirichletwebpage", modulus=modulus, orbit_label=orbit_label))])
                return render_template('CharacterGaloisOrbit.html', **info)
                    "Galois orbits have only been computed for modulus up to 10,000, but you entered %s", modulus)
            return redirect(url_for(".render_DirichletNavigation"))

        number = label_to_number(modulus, number)
    except ValueError:
            "the value %s is invalid. It should either be a positive integer "
            "coprime to and no greater than the modulus %s, or a letter that "
            "corresponds to a valid orbit index.", args['number'], args['modulus']
        return redirect(url_for(".render_DirichletNavigation"))

    if modulus <= 10000:
        db_orbit_label = db.char_dir_values.lookup("{}.{}".format(modulus, number), projection='orbit_label')
        # The -1 in the line below is because labels index at 1, not 0
        real_orbit_label = cremona_letter_code(int(db_orbit_label.partition('.')[-1]) - 1)
        if orbit_label is not None:
            if orbit_label != real_orbit_label:
                    "The supplied character orbit label %s.%s was wrong. "
                    "The correct orbit label is %s.%s. The URL has been duly corrected.",
                    modulus, orbit_label, modulus, real_orbit_label)
                return redirect(url_for("characters.render_Dirichletwebpage",
        args['orbit_label'] = real_orbit_label
        if orbit_label is not None:
                "You entered the character orbit label %s.%s. However, such labels "
                "have not been computed for this modulus. The supplied orbit "
                "label has therefore been ignored and expunged from the URL.",
                modulus, orbit_label)
            return redirect(url_for("characters.render_Dirichletwebpage",

    args['number'] = number
    webchar, bread_crumbs = make_webchar(args, get_bread=True)
    info = webchar.to_dict()
    info['bread'] = bread_crumbs
    info['learnmore'] = learn()
    info['code'] = dict([(k[4:], info[k]) for k in info if k[0:4] == "code"])
    info['code']['show'] = {lang: '' for lang in info['codelangs']}  # use default show names
    info['KNOWL_ID'] = 'character.dirichlet.%s.%s' % (modulus, number)
    return render_template('Character.html', **info)