Пример #1
    def fit(self):
        self.logger.info('Method %s' % self.config['method'])
        self.logger.info('Parameter  names %s' % self.config['params'])

        gmod = Model(self.callable, independent_vars=self.config['independent'].keys(), param_names=self.config['params'], method=self.config['method'])
        self._set_params(self.config['params'], self.config['initial_values'], self.config['limits'], gmod)
        self.config['independent']['x'] = self.param_dict['wave_range']
        helper_param = {key:val for key, val in self.config['independent'].items() if key != 'x'}
        self.logger.debug("Setting %s parameters fix" % helper_param)
        self.result = gmod.fit(self.param_dict['spectra_range'], weights=self.param_dict['weights'],  **self.config['independent'])
        self.param_dict['variables'] = dict()
        for key in self.result.params.keys():
            self.param_dict['variables'][key] = dict()
            self.param_dict['variables'][key]['stderr'] = self.result.params[key].stderr
            self.param_dict['variables'][key]['value'] = self.result.params[key].value
        return self.result, self.param_dict
Пример #2
def lmDDOPhaseFit(xdata, ydata, params, f0_range = 1.2, Q_range = 3):    
    f0= params[0]
    x = xdata
    y = ydata
#Define a linear model and a Damped Oscillator Model    
#    ddophase_mod = ExpressionModel('off + m*x- arctan(1/Q * 1/(f0/x - x/f0))-')
    ddophase_mod = Model(phase)
#Initial Pars for Linear Model
    pars =  ddophase_mod.make_params(off=0, m=0, f0=f0, Q=Q)

#Add fit parameters, Center, Amplitude, and Sigma
    pars['f0'].set(min=f0/f0_range, max=f0*f0_range)
    pars['Q'].set(min=Q/Q_range, max=Q*Q_range)
#Create full model. Add linear model and all peaks
#Initialize fit
    init = ddophase_mod.eval(pars, x=x)
#Do the fit. The weight exponential can weight the points porportional to the
#amplitude of y point. In this way, points on peak can be given more weight.     
    out=ddophase_mod.fit(y, pars,x=x)
#Get the fit parameters
    fittedf0= out.params['f0'].value
    fittedQ = out.params['Q'].value
#Returns the output fit as well as an array of the fit parameters
    """Returns output fit as will as list of important fitting parameters"""
    return out, [fittedf0, np.nan, np.nan, fittedQ]
def rescale_reframe(scisub, refsub, verbose=False):
    """Example function with types documented in the docstring.

        `PEP 484`_ type annotations are supported. If attribute, parameter, and
        return types are annotated according to `PEP 484`_, they do not need to be
        included in the docstring:

            param1 (int): The first parameter.
            param2 (str): The second parameter.

            bool: The return value. True for success, False otherwise.

        .. _PEP 484:

    params = Parameters()
    params.add('sigma', 1.0, True, 0.0, inf)
    image_sub         = Model(res_sigma_image_flat, independent_vars=['scisub', 'refsub'])
    image_sub_results = image_sub.fit(data=scisub.ravel(), params=params, scisub=scisub, refsub=refsub)
    if verbose: print('Sigma of Rescale: {}'.format(image_sub_results.params['sigma'].value))
    return partial_res_sigma_image(image_sub_results.params['sigma'].value)
Пример #4
def make_models(model,peaks):
    """ Make composite models for multiple peaks 
            -- models
            -- peaks: dict of {prefix:"peak_name_", model_params:()}
    if len(peaks)<2:
        mod = Model(model,prefix=peaks[0][0])
        p_guess = mod.make_params()
        values = peaks[0][1:]

    elif len(peaks)>1:

        mod = Model(model,prefix=peaks[0][0])
        values = peaks[0][1:]
        for i in peaks[1:]:
            mod += Model(model,prefix=i[0])

        p_guess = mod.make_params()

        return mod, p_guess
def gauss_step_const(signal, guess):
    Fits high contrast data very well
    if guess == False:
        return [0, 0]
        amp, centre, stdev, offset = guess
        data = np.array([range(len(signal)), signal]).T
        X = data[:,0]
        Y = data[:,1]

#         gauss_mod = Model(gaussian)
        gauss_mod = Model(gaussian)
        const_mod = ConstantModel()
        step_mod = StepModel(prefix='step')
        pars = gauss_mod.make_params(height=amp, center=centre, width=stdev / 3., offset=offset)
#         pars = gauss_mod.make_params(amplitude=amp, center=centre, sigma=stdev / 3.)
        gauss_mod.set_param_hint('sigma', value = stdev / 3., min=stdev / 2., max=stdev)
        pars += step_mod.guess(Y, x=X, center=centre)

        pars += const_mod.guess(Y, x=X)
        mod = const_mod + gauss_mod + step_mod
        result = mod.fit(Y, pars, x=X)
        # write error report
        #print result.fit_report()
        print "contrast fit", result.redchi
    return X, result.best_fit, result.redchi
Пример #6
def get_resvar(x, y, mod='linear', zero_intercept=False):
    If `mod == 'linear'` then uses linear regression; otherwise
    `mod == 'sigmoid'` and uses sigmoid regression.
    assert len(x) == len(y)
    if len(x) < 3 or mod == 'linear':
        model = Model(linear)
        params = model.make_params()
        params['a'].value = (y.max() - y.min()) / (x.max() - x.min())
        params['b'].value = y.min()
        if zero_intercept:
            params['b'].value = 0
            params['b'].vary = False
        modfit = model.fit(y, x=x, params=params)
        model = Model(sigmoid)
        modfit = model.fit(y, x=x, a=y.max(), b=1 / (x.max() - x.min()),
    finex = np.linspace(x.min(), x.max(), 50)
    result = {
        'mod': mod,
        'params': modfit.best_values,
        'resvar': modfit.residual.var(),
        'y': modfit.best_fit,
        'finex': finex,
        'finey': modfit.eval(x=finex),
        'r2': 1 - modfit.residual.var() / np.var(y),
        'modfit': modfit}
    return result
Пример #7
def fit_data_bg(x, y, peak_pos, peak_type='LO', width=None, bg_ord=0):
    Builds a lmfit model of peaks in listed by index in `peak_pos`

    peak_type : string (default='lorentizian')
        Peaks can be of the following types:

        - 'LO' : symmetric lorentzian
        - 'GA' : symmetric gaussain
        - 'VO' : symmetric pseudo voigt

    max_width : int (default = total points/10)
        max width (in data points) that peak fitted can be

    bg_ord: int
        order of the background polynomial
        0: constant, 1: linear, ...

        fitted model

    # need to define peak width finding
    if width is None:
        width = guess_peak_width(x, y)
    # start with polynomial background
    model = PolynomialModel(bg_ord, prefix='bg_')
    pars = model.make_params()

    if peak_type == 'LO':
        peak_function = lorentzian
    elif peak_type == 'GA':
        peak_function = gaussian
    elif peak_type == 'VO':
        peak_function = voigt

    # add peak type for all peaks
    for i, peak in enumerate(peak_pos):
        temp_model = Model(peak_function, prefix='p%s_' % i)
        model += temp_model

    # set initial background as flat line at zeros
    for i in range(bg_ord + 1):
        pars['bg_c%i' % i].set(0)

    # give values for other peaks, keeping width and height positive
    for i, peak in enumerate(peak_pos):
        pars['p%s_x0' % i].set(x[peak])
        pars['p%s_fwhm' % i].set(width, min=0)
        pars['p%s_amp' % i].set(y[peak], min=0)

    out = model.fit(y, pars, x=x)
    return out
Пример #8
def multi_disk_fit(arcmin_sma, intens, intens_err, bounds, psf):
    h_mat_0 = numpy.ones(len(bounds - 1))
    mod = Model(multi_disk_func)
    pars = mod.make_params(I0 = 1.0, h_mat = h_mat_0, bounds = bounds, PSF = PSF)
    pars['bounds'].vary = False
    pars['PSF'].vary = False
    results = mod.fit(intens, params = pars, x = arcmin_sma, weights = 1.0/intens_err)
Пример #9
def fit_D_phi_powerlaw(phi_, D):
    """fit stuff"""
    Dmod = Model(Dhop_powerlaw)
    params = Dmod.make_params() 
    result = Dmod.fit(D, params, phi=phi_)
    print result.fit_report(min_correl=0.5)
    p = result.params['p'].value
    return p
Пример #10
 def fit(self):
     self.logger.info('Method %s' % self.config['method'])
     gmod = Model(self.callable, independent_vars=['x'], param_names=self.config['params'], method=self.config['method'])
     self._set_params(self.config['params'], self.config['initial_values'], self.config['limits'], gmod)
     self.result = gmod.fit(self.param_dict['spectra_range'], x=self.param_dict['wave_range'])
     for key in self.result.params.keys():
         self.param_dict[key] = dict()
         self.param_dict[key]['stderr'] = self.result.params[key].stderr
         self.param_dict[key]['value'] = self.result.params[key].value
     return self.result, self.param_dict
Пример #11
def lmfit(mjd,flux,fluxerr):
    t0_guess = mjd[np.argmax(flux)]
    tau_fall_guess = 40.
    tau_rise_guess = -5.
    A = 150.
    B = 20.
    # nflux = np.zeros(2+len(np.array(flux)))
    # nfluxerr = np.ones(2+len(np.array(flux)))/10.
    # nmjd = np.zeros(2+len(np.array(flux)))
    # nflux[1:-1] = flux
    # nfluxerr[1:-1] = fluxerr
    # nmjd[1:-1] = mjd
    # nmjd[1] = mjd[0]-100.
    # nmjd[-1] = mjd[-1]+150
    # flux = nflux
    # fluxerr = nfluxerr
    # mjd = nmjd

    bmod = Model(bazinfunc)
    bmod.set_param_hint('t0', value=t0_guess, min=t0_guess-20, max=t0_guess+20)
    bmod.set_param_hint('tau_fall', value=tau_fall_guess)
    bmod.set_param_hint('tau_rise', value=tau_rise_guess)

    pars = bmod.make_params()
    # print(np.array(flux))
    # print(np.array(1./np.array(fluxerr)))
    # print(np.array(mjd))
    result = bmod.fit(np.array(flux),method='leastsq',weights=1./np.array(fluxerr), t=np.array(mjd))

    # plt.clf()
    # plt.errorbar(np.array(mjd), np.array(flux), yerr=fluxerr,fmt='o')
    # plt.plot(np.array(mjd), result.init_fit, 'k--')
    # plt.plot(np.array(mjd), result.best_fit, 'r-')
    # #plt.xlim(mjd[1],mjd[-2])
    # plt.savefig('bazinfit.png')

    chisq = result.redchi
    ps = result.best_values
    popt = [ps['t0'],ps['tau_fall'],ps['tau_rise'],ps['A'],ps['B']]
    # if chisq < 2.:
    #     input('good chisq!')

    # popt, pcov, infodict, errmsg, ier = curve_fit(bazinfunc, mjd, flux,
    #                                               sigma=fluxerr, p0=p0, maxfev=2000000, full_output=True)
    # chisq = (infodict['fvec'] ** 2).sum() / (len(infodict['fvec']) - len(popt))
    return chisq,popt
Пример #12
def Gaussian_Fit(xData,yData, cen, ifPlot=False):

    gmod = Model(gaussian)
    result = gmod.fit(yData, x=xData, amp=5, cen=cen, wid=1)
    if ifPlot == True : 
        plt.plot(xData, yData,         'bo')
        plt.plot(xData, result.best_fit, 'r-')
    return result.best_values, result.best_fit
Пример #13
    def test_extra_param_issues_warning(self):
        # The function accepts extra params, Model will warn but not raise.
        def flexible_func(x, amplitude, center, sigma, **kwargs):
            return gaussian(x, amplitude, center, sigma)

        flexible_model = Model(flexible_func)
        pars = flexible_model.make_params(**self.guess())
        with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
            flexible_model.fit(self.data, pars, x=self.x, extra=5)
        self.assertTrue(len(w) == 1)
        self.assertTrue(issubclass(w[-1].category, UserWarning))
def linefit(fitam, fitcps, fitweights):
        model = Model(linefunc)
        params = Parameters()
        params.add('linem', value=5)
        params.add('linek', value=0.25, min=0, max=1)
        fit = model.fit(asarray(fitcps), params, fitweights, linex=asarray(fitam))
        fitvalues = fit.best_values
        fiterr = fit.covar
    except RuntimeError:
        return float('nan'), float('nan')
    return [[fitvalues['linem'], fitvalues['linek']], fiterr]
Пример #15
def fit_D_phi(phi_, D, c1, c2):
    """fit stuff"""
    Dmod = Model(Dhop)
    params = Dmod.make_params()
    params['c1'].set(c1, vary=False)
    params['c2'].set(c2, vary=False)
    params['c3'].set(1, vary=False)
    params['beta'].set(0.70, min=0)
    result = Dmod.fit(D, params, phi=phi_)
    print result.fit_report(min_correl=0.5)
    beta = result.params['beta'].value
    c3 = result.params['c3'].value
    return c3, beta
Пример #16
def fit_D_phi_alt(phi_, D, c1, c2, c1o, c2o):
    """fit stuff"""
    Dmod = Model(Dhopalt)
    params = Dmod.make_params()
    params['c1'].set(c1, vary=False)
    params['c2'].set(c2, vary=False)
    params['c1o'].set(c1o, vary=False)
    params['c2o'].set(c2o, vary=False)
    result = Dmod.fit(D, params, phi=phi_)
    print result.fit_report(min_correl=0.5)
    c3 = result.params['c3'].value
    return c3
Пример #17
def fit_Dinf_model(Input, diffusion, startindex, endindex):
    time_ = diffusion[startindex:endindex,0]
    D = diffusion[startindex:endindex,1]
    Dmod = Model(Dinf_model)
    params = Dmod.make_params()
    params['Dinf'].set(0.0001)#, min = 0, max=0.1)
    result = Dmod.fit(D, params, time=time_)
    print result.fit_report(min_correl=0.5)
    var1 = result.params['var1'].value
    Dinf = result.params['Dinf'].value
    Dinfstderr = result.params['Dinf'].stderr
    return var1, Dinf, Dinfstderr
Пример #18
def fit_data(x, y, peak_pos, peak_type='LO', width=None):
    Builds a lmfit model of peaks in listed by index in `peak_pos` with lineshape
    given by `peak_type`. 

    x : array
    y : array
    peak_pos : array of peak postion indices
    peak_type : string
        Peaks can be of the following types:
        - 'LO' : symmetric lorentzian (default)
        - 'GA' : symmetric gaussain
        - 'VO' : symmetric pseudo voigt

    width : float
    amp : float

    out : Fitted lmfit model

    # get appropriate line shape function

    if peak_type == 'LO':
        peak_function = lorentzian
    elif peak_type == 'GA':
        peak_function = gaussian
    elif peak_type == 'VO':
        peak_function = voigt

    # build model
    model = Model(peak_function, prefix='p0_')
    for i, p in enumerate(peak_pos[1:]):
        model += Model(peak_function, prefix='p%s_' % str(i+1))

    pars = model.make_params()

    # initialize params
    for i, p in enumerate(peak_pos):
        pars['p%s_x0' % i].set(x[p])
        pars['p%s_fwhm' % i].set(width, min=0)
        pars['p%s_amp' % i].set(y[p], min=0)

    out = model.fit(y, pars, x=x)
    return out
Пример #19
    def test_extra_param_issues_warning(self):
        # The function accepts extra params, Model will warn but not raise.
        guess = self.guess()
        guess['extra'] = 5

        def flexible_func(x, height, center, sigma, **kwargs):
            return gaussian(x, height, center, sigma)
        flexible_model = Model(flexible_func, ['x'])
        with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
            flexible_model.fit(self.data, x=self.x, **guess)
        self.assertTrue(len(w) == 1)
        self.assertTrue(issubclass(w[-1].category, UserWarning))
Пример #20
def FitBiExpo_ResTime(xdata,ydata,pixdim,lambda_p,isplot=False):
    # flatten the input
    xx = xdata.flatten()
    yy = ydata.flatten()

    # normalize the input
    ymax = np.amax(yy)
    nydata = yy/ymax

    fmod = Model(Func_BiExpo)

    initialp = {'a0':[0.0,1.0,0.0],'b0':[0.0,0.0,0.0],'a1':[1.0,-5.0,-10.],'b1':[1.0,1.0,0.0]}
    chisqrThresh = 0.15
    for ii in range(len(initialp['a0'])):
        result = fmod.fit(np.squeeze(nydata),x=np.squeeze(xdata),a0=initialp['a0'][ii],b0=initialp['b0'][ii],a1=initialp['a1'][ii],b1=initialp['b1'][ii])
        param = result.params.valuesdict()
        auc = param['a0']/(param['b0'] + lambda_p) + param['a1']/(param['b1'] + lambda_p)
        if result.chisqr > chisqrThresh or auc < 0.0:
            print 'fit with tnc: chisqr = {}, auc = {}'.format(result.chisqr,auc)
            print 'leastsq: good fit!'
    if result.chisqr > chisqrThresh or auc < 0.0:
        for ii in range(len(initialp['a0'])):
            result = fmod.fit(np.squeeze(nydata),x=np.squeeze(xdata),a0=initialp['a0'][ii],b0=initialp['b0'][ii],a1=initialp['a1'][ii],b1=initialp['b1'][ii],method='tnc')
            if result.chisqr > chisqrThresh or auc < 0.0:
                print 'fit with tnc: chisqr = {}, auc = {}'.format(result.chisqr,auc)
                print 'tnc: good fit!'

    # set up best-fit result
    param = result.params.valuesdict()
    p1 = [param['a0'],param['b0'],param['a1'],param['b1']]
    fitydata = ymax*result.eval(x=xdata)  # regularize the fitted result
    r2 = GetR2(ydata,fitydata)

    xfit = np.linspace(np.amin(xx),np.amax(xx),500)[:,np.newaxis]
    yfit = ymax*result.eval(x=xfit)

    if isplot:
        fig = plt.figure()
        ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
        ax.plot(xx,yy,'ro',label='Original data')
        ax.plot(xfit,yfit,label='Fitted data')

    return p1,r2,ymax,xfit,yfit
Пример #21
def test_constraints_function_call():
    """Test a constraint with simple function call in Model class."""
    x = [1723, 1773, 1823, 1523, 1773, 1033.03078, 1042.98077, 1047.90937,
         1053.95899, 1057.94906, 1063.13788, 1075.74218, 1086.03102]
    y = [0.79934, -0.31876, -0.46852, 0.05, -0.21, 11.1708, 10.31844, 9.73069,
         9.21319, 9.12457, 9.05243, 8.66407, 8.29664]

    def VFT(T, ninf=-3, A=5e3, T0=800):
        return ninf + A/(T-T0)

    vftModel = Model(VFT)
    vftModel.set_param_hint('D', vary=False, expr=r'A*log(10)/T0')
    result = vftModel.fit(y, T=x)

    assert 2600.0 < result.params['A'].value < 2650.0
    assert 7.0 < result.params['D'].value < 7.5
Пример #22
def _iterate(simulation, expected, guess, bounds, variables, independent, callable_, global_, local_):
    biased_parameters = np.zeros((len(local_['input']), len(expected)))
    success_ar = np.zeros(len(local_['input']))
    expected_dict = {key: value for key, value in zip(variables, expected)}
    gmod = Model(callable_, independent_vars=independent.keys(), param_names=variables, method='lbfgsb')
    for param, ini, limits in zip(variables, guess, bounds):
        gmod.set_param_hint(param, value=ini, min=limits[0], max=limits[1])

    independent[global_['param']] = global_['input']
    for i, input_ in enumerate(local_['input']):
        independent[local_['param']] = input_
        result = gmod.fit(simulation, verbose=False, **independent)
        success_ar[i] = result.success
        biased_parameters[i] = np.array([result.params[key].value - expected_dict[key] for key in variables])
    return biased_parameters, success_ar
Пример #23
def prueba():
    y2 = [49.0, 49.0, 101.0, 67.0, 65.0, 52.0, 49.0, 49.0, 54.0, 49.0, 48.0, 49.0]
    y = [i-50 for i in y2]
    x = linspace(0.0, 11.0, num=12) #variable ind para evento
    x2 = linspace(0.0, 11.0, num=400)   #variable ind para fit
    gmod = Model(gaussian)  #Generar un Modelo Gaussiano
    peak = max(y)
    result = gmod.fit(y, x=x, amp=peak, cen=5, wid=1)
    final = gmod.eval(x=x2, amp=result.best_values['amp'], cen=result.best_values['cen'], wid=result.best_values['wid'])
    plt.plot(x, y,         'bo')
    plt.plot(x, result.init_fit, 'k--')
    #plt.plot(x, result.best_fit, 'r-')
    plt.plot(x2, final, 'r-')
Пример #24
    def fitGauss(self, xdata=None, ydata=None, withBG=False, inits=None):

        Usage: fitGauss(xdata,ydata,withBG=False,inits=None)

        xdata and ydata must have the same length, and a well defined peak

        withBG: fit gaussian with linear background

        inits: withBG == False -> [A,mu,sigma]
               withBG == True  -> [A,mu,sigma,m,b]

        def gauss(x, A, mu, sigma):
            return A*np.exp(-(x-mu)**2/(2.*sigma**2))
        def gaussBG(x, A, mu, sigma, m, b):
            return b+m*x+A*np.exp(-(x-mu)**2/(2.*sigma**2))

        if withBG:
            gBGmod = Model(gaussBG)
            gmod = Model(gauss)

        if inits is None:
            mu_i = xdata[np.argmax(ydata)]
            A_i = np.max(ydata)
            sigma_i = 0.5

            if withBG:
                m_i = -0.1
                b_i = ydata[np.argmax(ydata)-50]
            A_i = inits[0]
            mu_i = inits[1]
            sigma_i = inits[2]
            if withBG:
                m_i = inits[3]
                b_i = inits[4]

        if withBG:
            results = gBGmod.fit(ydata,x=xdata,A=A_i,mu=mu_i,sigma=sigma_i,b=b_i,m=m_i)
            results = gmod.fit(ydata,x=xdata,A=A_i,mu=mu_i,sigma=sigma_i)

        return results
Пример #25
    def test_params_usersyms(self):
        # test passing usersymes to Parameters()
        def myfun(x):
            return x**3

        params = Parameters(usersyms={"myfun": myfun})
        params.add("a", value=2.3)
        params.add("b", expr="myfun(a)")

        xx = np.linspace(0, 1, 10)
        yy = 3 * xx + np.random.normal(scale=0.002, size=len(xx))

        model = Model(lambda x, a: a * x)
        result = model.fit(yy, params=params, x=xx)
        assert_(np.isclose(result.params['a'].value, 3.0, rtol=0.025))
        assert_(result.nfev > 3)
        assert_(result.nfev < 300)
Пример #26
 def setUp(self):
     self.x = np.linspace(-10, 10, num=1000)
     self.noise = 0.01*np.random.randn(*self.x.shape)
     self.true_values = lambda: dict(amplitude=7.1, center=1.1, sigma=2.40)
     self.guess = lambda: dict(amplitude=5, center=2, sigma=4)
     # return a fresh copy
     self.model = Model(gaussian, ['x'])
     self.data = gaussian(x=self.x, **self.true_values()) + self.noise
def gaussfit2d(box, boxsize):
    a = amax(box)
    bx, by = unravel_index(box.argmax(), box.shape)
    c = 2
    d = amin(box)
    stdout.write('Box size: ' + str(box.shape) + ' boxsize: ' + str(boxsize) + '\n')
    stdout.write('Input [bx,by]: [{:6.1f}'.format(bx) + ', {:6.1f}'.format(by) + ']' + ' Width {:6.1f}'.format(c) +
                 ' Amp {:6.1f}'.format(a) + ' Bkgnd {:6.1f}'.format(d) + '\n')
    gaussxn = []
    gaussyn = []
    for l in range(boxsize):
        for m in range(boxsize):
    gausspopped = 0
    box = box.flatten()
    stdout.write('size of [gaussXn, gaussYn, box]: [{:6.1f}'.format(len(gaussxn)) + ', {:6.1f}'.format(len(gaussyn)) +
                 ', {:6.1f}'.format(box.size) + ']\n')
    for l in range(len(box)):
        if box[l - gausspopped] > ccdNonLinear:
            box = delete(box, l - gausspopped)
            gaussxn.pop(l - gausspopped)
            gaussyn.pop(l - gausspopped)
            gausspopped += 1
    gaussxn = asarray(gaussxn)
    gaussyn = asarray(gaussyn)
        model = Model(func=gaussfunc2d, independent_vars=["gaussx", "gaussy"], param_names=["a", "bx", "by", "c", "d"])
        params = Parameters()
        params.add('a', value=a, min=0)
        params.add('bx', value=bx, min=0, max=49)
        params.add('by', value=by, min=0, max=49)
        params.add('c', value=c, min=0, max=50)
        params.add('d', value=d, min=d - 50, max=d + 50)
        fit = model.fit(box, gaussx=gaussxn, gaussy=gaussyn, params=params)
        fitvalues = fit.best_values
    except RuntimeError:
        fitreturn = float('nan')
        stdout.write('[x,y]: [{:6.1f}'.format(fitvalues['bx']) + ', {:6.1f}'.format(fitvalues['by']) + ']' +
                     ' Width {:6.1f}'.format(fitvalues['c']) + ' Amp {:6.1f}'.format(fitvalues['a']) +
                     ' Bkgnd {:6.1f}'.format(fitvalues['d']) + '\n')
        fitreturn = (fitvalues['bx'], fitvalues['by'], fitvalues['c'], fitvalues['a'], fitvalues['d'])
    return fitreturn
Пример #28
    def test_wrapped_model_func(self):
        x = np.linspace(-1, 1, 51)
        y = 2.0 * x + 3 + 0.0003 * x * x
        y += np.random.normal(size=len(x), scale=0.025)
        mod = Model(linear_func)
        pars = mod.make_params(a=1.5, b=2.5)

        tmp = mod.eval(pars, x=x)

        self.assertTrue(tmp.max() > 3)
        self.assertTrue(tmp.min() > -20)

        result = mod.fit(y, pars, x=x)
        self.assertTrue(result.chisqr < 0.05)
        self.assertTrue(result.aic < -350)

        self.assertTrue(abs(result.params['a'].value - 2.0) < 0.05)
        self.assertTrue(abs(result.params['b'].value - 3.0) < 0.41)
Пример #29
def test_Model_set_state(gmodel):
    """Test for Model class function _set_state.

    This function is just calling `_buildmodel`, which will be tested
    below together with the use of `funcdefs`.

    out = gmodel._get_state()

    new_model = Model(lmfit.lineshapes.lorentzian)
    new_model = new_model._set_state(out)

    assert new_model.prefix == gmodel.prefix
    assert new_model._param_root_names == gmodel._param_root_names
    assert new_model.param_names == gmodel.param_names
    assert new_model.independent_vars == gmodel.independent_vars
    assert new_model.nan_policy == gmodel.nan_policy
    assert new_model.name == gmodel.name
    assert new_model.opts == gmodel.opts
Пример #30
def one_var_fit(x, y):
    pmodel = Model(fit_form_1var_4order)

    index_emin = y.index(min(y))

    emin = y[index_emin]
    amin = x[index_emin]

    yfit = [a - amin for a in y]
    Pa_i = polyfit(x, yfit, 4)

    result = pmodel.fit(y,
    return result
Пример #31
def test_constraints3():
    """test a constraint with simple function call"""
    x = [1723, 1773, 1823, 1523, 1773, 1033.03078,
         1042.98077, 1047.90937, 1053.95899, 1057.94906,
         1063.13788, 1075.74218, 1086.03102]
    y = [0.79934, -0.31876, -0.46852, 0.05, -0.21,
         11.1708, 10.31844, 9.73069, 9.21319, 9.12457,
         9.05243, 8.66407, 8.29664]

    def VFT(T, ninf=-3, A=5e3, T0=800):
        return ninf + A/(T-T0)

    vftModel = Model(VFT)
    vftModel.set_param_hint('D', vary=False, expr=r'A*log(10)/T0')
    result = vftModel.fit(y, T=x)
    assert(result.params['A'].value > 2600.0)
    assert(result.params['A'].value < 2650.0)
    assert(result.params['D'].value > 7.0)
    assert(result.params['D'].value < 7.5)
Пример #32
    def create_model(self):
        params = Parameters()
        params.add('ocv', value=self.voltage[-1], min=0, max=10)
        taus = [math.pow(10, i) for i in range(self.circuits)]
        weights = np.zeros(self.circuits)

        params.add('t0', value=taus[0], min=0.01)
        params.add('w0', value=weights[0])

        for i in range(1, self.circuits):
            params.add('delta' + str(i), value=taus[i] - taus[i - 1], min=0.0)
            params.add('t' + str(i), expr='delta' + str(i) + '+t' + str(i - 1))
            params.add('w' + str(i), value=weights[i])
        for i in range(self.circuits, 5):
            params.add('t' + str(i), value=1, vary=False)
            params.add('w' + str(i), value=0, vary=False)

        self.params = params
        self.model = Model(self._model)
Пример #33
    def test_weird_param_hints(self):
        # tests Github Issue 312, a very weird way to access param_hints
        def func(x, amp):
            return amp*x

        m = Model(func)
        models = {}
        for i in range(2):
            m.set_param_hint('amp', value=1)
            m.set_param_hint('amp', value=25)

            models[i] = Model(func, prefix='mod%i_' % i)
            models[i].param_hints['amp'] = m.param_hints['amp']

Пример #34
    def test_sum_of_two_gaussians(self):
        # two user-defined gaussians
        model1 = self.model
        f2 = lambda x, amp, cen, sig: gaussian(x, amplitude=amp, center=cen,
        model2 = Model(f2)
        values1 = self.true_values()
        values2 = {'cen': 2.45, 'sig': 0.8, 'amp': 3.15}

        data = (gaussian(x=self.x, **values1) + f2(x=self.x, **values2) +
        model = self.model + model2
        pars = model.make_params()
        pars['sigma'].set(value=2, min=0)
        pars['center'].set(value=1, min=0.2, max=1.8)
        pars['amplitude'].set(value=3, min=0)
        pars['sig'].set(value=1, min=0)
        pars['cen'].set(value=2.4, min=2, max=3.5)
        pars['amp'].set(value=1, min=0)

        true_values = dict(list(values1.items()) + list(values2.items()))
        result = model.fit(data, pars, x=self.x)
        assert_results_close(result.values, true_values, rtol=0.01, atol=0.01)

        # user-defined models with common parameter names
        # cannot be added, and should raise
        f = lambda: model1 + model1
        self.assertRaises(NameError, f)

        # two predefined_gaussians, using suffix to differentiate
        model1 = models.GaussianModel(prefix='g1_')
        model2 = models.GaussianModel(prefix='g2_')
        model = model1 + model2
        true_values = {'g1_center': values1['center'],
                       'g1_amplitude': values1['amplitude'],
                       'g1_sigma': values1['sigma'],
                       'g2_center': values2['cen'],
                       'g2_amplitude': values2['amp'],
                       'g2_sigma': values2['sig']}
        pars = model.make_params()

        result = model.fit(data, pars, x=self.x)
        assert_results_close(result.values, true_values, rtol=0.01, atol=0.01)

        # without suffix, the names collide and Model should raise
        model1 = models.GaussianModel()
        model2 = models.GaussianModel()
        f = lambda: model1 + model2
        self.assertRaises(NameError, f)
Пример #35
def fitsqsphere(q, sqdata, Ncutoff=None):
    ''' This will fit to a sphere structure factor.
        The weights are weighted towards high q (q^4)
            dictionary :
                parameters : the parameters
                sqx : the q values
                sqy : the data
                sqfit : the fit to the data
    from ScatterSim.NanoObjects import SphereNanoObject, PolydisperseNanoObject
    from lmfit import Model, Parameters

    if Ncutoff is None:
        Ncutoff = 0

    # the function
    def calc_sphereff(q, radius, sigma_R, A, B):
        pargs = {'radius': radius, 'sigma_R': sigma_R}
        sphere = PolydisperseNanoObject(SphereNanoObject,
        sqmodel = sphere.form_factor_squared_isotropic(q)
        return A * sqmodel + B

    # using lmfit
    # radius = 4.41;sigma_R = radius*.08
    params = Parameters()
    params.add('radius', value=4.41)
    params.add('sigma_R', value=0.08)
    params.add('A', value=1e-4, min=0)
    params.add('B', value=1, min=0)

    model = Model(calc_sphereff)
    res = model.fit(sqdata, q=q, params=params, weights=q**4)
    best_fit = res.best_fit

    return Arguments(parameters=res.best_values,
Пример #36
def fit_Ecal_onedip(xdata, ydata, c1, guessed_sigma=.01):
        This just fits one dip, a PseudoVoigt with inverse amplitude.
            Useful for getting peak COM.
    # just fit the first
    # theta-tth factor
    factor = 1

    # TODO : a1, a2 the number of peaks (this makes 2*2 = 4)
    # TODO : Make a Model
    #def dips(x, c0, wavelength, a1, a2, sigma):
    def dips(x, c1, a1, sigma):
        sign = -1
        result = voigt(x=x, amplitude=sign * a1, center=c1, sigma=sigma)
        return result

    model = Model(dips) + LinearModel()

    guessed_average = np.mean(ydata)
    guessed_amplitude = np.abs(np.min(ydata) - guessed_average)
    # Fill out initial guess.
    init_guess = {
        'c1': Parameter('intercept', value=c1),
        'sigma': Parameter('sigma', value=guessed_sigma),
        'a1': Parameter('a1', guessed_amplitude, min=0),
        'intercept': Parameter("intercept", 0),
        'slope': Parameter("slope", guessed_average),
    params = Parameters(init_guess)

    # fit_kwargs = dict(ftol=1)
    fit_kwargs = dict()
    result = model.fit(ydata, x=xdata, params=params, fit_kwargs=fit_kwargs)
    print("Found center to be at theta : {}".format(result.best_values['c1']))

    plt.plot(xdata, ydata, linewidth=0, marker='o', color='b', label="data")
    plt.plot(xdata, result.best_fit, color='r', label="best fit")
    return result
Пример #37
def gaussianPeakFit(data, peak):
    # fits Gaussian to peak in histogram data
    # select regions around peak
    lower = peak - 10
    upper = peak + 10
    if lower < 0:
        lower = 0
    if upper > len(data):
        upper = len(data)

    # get corresponding data
    x, y = zip(*data[lower:upper])

    # get x and y co-ordinate of peak
    px, py = data[peak]

    # fit Gaussian to peak region
    gmodel = Model(gaussian)
    gfit = gmodel.fit(y, x=x, A=py, mu=px, sig=1 / np.sqrt(py))
    return (gfit)
Пример #38
def fit_plot(array,

    x = np.linspace(0, len(array), len(array))
    y = array
    N = len(array)

    mod = Model(tuning_function)
    pars = Parameters()
    y = y - np.min(y)
    pars.add_many(('j', y.argmax(), True, 0.0, N), ('B', 15., True, 0.1, 360),
                  ('fmax', y.max(), True, 0.0, 100.))

    out = mod.fit(y, pars, x=x, nan_policy='omit')

    return out.best_values, (1 - out.residual.var() / np.var(y))
Пример #39
def gaussian_1(x, y, x0, sigma):
    def gaus(x, a, x0, sigma):  # this gauss is pre-defeined
        return a / (np.sqrt(6.28) * sigma) * exp(-(x - x0)**2 / (2 * sigma**2))

    #model = GaussianModel(prefix = 'peak_') + ConstantModel()
    gmodel = Model(gaus)
    #params = model.make_params(a=1.0, x0=mean,
    #                           sigma=sigma, delta = 5)

    #result = gmodel.fit(y, x=x, a =max(y), x0 = mean, sigma = sigma, delta = 10)
    result = gmodel.fit(y, x=x, a=max(y), x0=1550, sigma=sigma)
    with open('fit_result_1gaussian.txt', 'wb') as txt_file:
    print('the error is %10.5f' % error(y, result.best_fit))
    plt.plot(x, y)
    plt.plot(x, result.best_fit)
Пример #40
 def _make_lines(self):
     self._lines_pref = self._lines_func.__name__ + '_' + str(
         self._id) + '_'
     line = LMModel(self._lines_func,
     d = self._defs
     self._pars = line.make_params()
         #(self._lines_pref+'z', d['z'], d['z_vary'], d['z_min'], d['z_max'],
         # d['z_expr']),
         (self._lines_pref + 'z', d['z'], d['z_vary'], d['z'] - 1e-4,
          d['z'] + 1e-4, d['z_expr']),
         (self._lines_pref + 'logN', d['logN'], d['logN_vary'],
          d['logN_min'], d['logN_max'], d['logN_expr']),
         (self._lines_pref + 'b', d['b'], d['b_vary'], d['b_min'],
          d['b_max'], d['b_expr']),
         (self._lines_pref + 'btur', d['btur'], d['btur_vary'],
          d['btur_min'], d['btur_max'], d['btur_expr']))
     self._lines = line
Пример #41
def test_initialize_Model_kws():
    """Test for Model class initialized with **kws."""
    kws = {'amplitude': 10.0}
    model = Model(lmfit.lineshapes.gaussian,
                  independent_vars=['x', 'amplitude'],

    assert model._param_root_names == ['center', 'sigma']
    assert model.param_names == ['center', 'sigma']
    assert model.independent_vars == ['x', 'amplitude']
    assert model.opts == kws
Пример #42
def fit_rabi(x, y):
        x (numpy.ndarray): A one-dimensional real-valued numpy array, the independent variable
        y (numpy.ndarray): A one-dimensional real-valued numpy array, the dependent variable.
        type: lmfit.model.ModelResult

    c_guess = guess_c(x, y)
    amp_guess = guess_amp(x, y)
    freq_guess = guess_freq(x, y)
    phase_guess = guess_phase(x, y)
    decay_guess = guess_decay(x, y)

    model = Model(decaying_sinusoid)
    rabi_fit_result = model.fit(y, x=x, c=c_guess, amp=amp_guess, freq=freq_guess,
                                        phase=phase_guess, decay=decay_guess)

    return rabi_fit_result
Пример #43
 def fit_planck(self):
     T_wien, em_wien = fit_wien(self.lamda, self.I2)
     bmmodel = Model(planck, independent_vars=['lamda'])
     params = Parameters()
     params.add('T', value=T_wien)
     params.add('em', value=em_wien)
     self.result = bmmodel.fit(self.I2, params, lamda=self.lamda)
     # write error report
     Ifit = bmmodel.eval(self.result.params, lamda=self.lamda)
     plt.plot(self.lamda * 1e9, self.I2, label='T gradient + absorption')
     plt.plot(self.lamda * 1e9,
              label='Fitted ' + str(self.result.params.valuesdict()['T']) +
              ' K')
     plt.xlabel("wavelegnth (nm)")
     plt.ylabel("radiance (W/m^3)")
def evaluate_angles(filepath, num_angles_in, angular_resolution_in, timepoint):
    #    read data, evaluate and fit to model, generate distribution map
    global angular_resolution
    global num_angles
    global distribution
    global coverage
    global a
    global c
    global k
    num_angles = num_angles_in
    angular_resolution = angular_resolution_in
    num_angles_evaluated = 360 // angular_resolution
    countdata = np.zeros((num_angles, num_angles_evaluated))
    for i in range(0, num_angles):
        countname = filepath + "angularcount" + str(timepoint).zfill(
            4) + "_" + str(i).zfill(4) + ".txt"
        with open(countname, "r") as countstream:
            for line in countstream:
                currentline = line.split(",")
                for j in range(0, len(currentline)):
                    countdata[i, j] = currentline[j]
    a.resize(num_angles_evaluated, 1)
    c.resize(num_angles_evaluated, 1)
    k.resize(num_angles_evaluated, 1)
    distribution.resize(num_angles_evaluated, num_angles)
    for i in range(0, num_angles_evaluated):
        r = countdata[:, i]
        gmodel = Model(vonmises)
        x = np.array(range(0, 360, 360 // num_angles))
        result = gmodel.fit(r,
                            cen=i * angular_resolution,
                            kappa=np.pi / 4.0)
        a[i] = result.params['amp'].value
        c[i] = result.params['cen'].value
        k[i] = result.params['kappa'].value
        distribution[i] = vonmises(np.arange(0, 360, 360 // num_angles), a[i],
                                   c[i], k[i])
Пример #45
    def generate_prediction(self, model):


        aps = self.get_APs(model)
        ap_times = np.array([ap.get_beginning()[1] for ap in aps])

        if len(aps) >= 4:
            isis = get_diff(ap_times)
            isi_delays = ap_times[1:] - self.params['injected_square_current'][
            isi_delays = isi_delays - isi_delays[0]

            def isi_func(t, A, B, tau):
                return A + B * np.exp(-t / (1.0 * tau))

            from lmfit import Model

            model = Model(isi_func)
            params = model.make_params(A=isis[-1], B=-1.0, tau=10.0)
            params['A'].min = 0
            params['B'].max = 0
            params['tau'].min = 0

            result = model.fit(isis, t=isi_delays, params=params)

            A = result.best_values["A"]
            B = result.best_values["B"]
            tau = result.best_values["tau"]

            if debug:
                from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

                plt.plot(isi_delays, isis, 'bo')
                plt.plot(isi_delays, result.best_fit, 'r-')

            return {'mean': self.get_final_result(A, B, tau), 'std': 0, 'n': 1}

        return none_score
Пример #46
def curve_fitting_reference(df_ref, arg_fit):
    # store as dictionary or dataframe
    # noise + Sensor + reference
    modelRef = Model(_1Voigt_v2)

    widG = (arg_fit['fit range ref'][1] - arg_fit['fit range ref'][0]) / 2
    ampL = df_ref.loc[arg_fit['fit range ref'][0] +
                      widG:arg_fit['fit range ref'][1]].max()
    cenL = df_ref.loc[arg_fit['fit range ref'][0] +
                      widG:arg_fit['fit range ref'][1]].idxmax()
    widL = (arg_fit['fit range ref'][1] - arg_fit['fit range ref'][0]) / 2

    paramsRef = modelRef.make_params(weight=0.5,
    paramsRef['ampG'].min = 0
    paramsRef['ampG'].max = 10
    paramsRef['ampL'].min = 0
    paramsRef['ampL'].max = 10
    paramsRef['cenG'].min = 0
    paramsRef['cenL'].min = 0
    paramsRef['widG'].min = 0
    paramsRef['widL'].min = 0
    paramsRef['widG'].max = 100
    paramsRef['widL'].max = 100

    # ==========================================
    # lmfit - fitting
    df_tofit = pd.DataFrame(df_ref)
    df_tofit = df_tofit.sort_index()
    result_ = modelRef.fit(df_tofit[df_tofit.columns[0]].values.tolist(),
    df_result = pd.DataFrame(result_.best_fit, index=df_tofit.index)

    return df_result, result_
Пример #47
def test__parse_params_inspect_signature():
    """Test for _parse_params function using inspect.signature."""

    # 1. function with a positional argument
    def func_var_positional(a, *b):

    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=r"varargs '\*b' is not supported"):

    # 2. function with a keyword argument
    def func_keyword(a, b, **c):

    mod = Model(func_keyword)
    assert mod._func_allargs == ['a', 'b']
    assert mod._func_haskeywords is True
    assert mod.independent_vars == ['a']
    assert mod.def_vals == {}

    # 3. function with keyword argument only
    def func_keyword_only(**b):

    mod = Model(func_keyword_only)
    assert mod._func_allargs == []
    assert mod._func_haskeywords is True
    assert mod.independent_vars == []
    assert mod._param_root_names is None

    # 4. function with default value
    def func_default_value(a, b, c=10):

    mod = Model(func_default_value)
    assert mod._func_allargs == ['a', 'b', 'c']
    assert mod._func_haskeywords is False
    assert mod.independent_vars == ['a']

    assert isinstance(mod.def_vals, dict)
    assert_allclose(mod.def_vals['c'], 10)
Пример #48
class T2RamseyModel(Model):
    __doc__ = """Class for T2 Ramsey model"""

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        super(T2RamseyModel, self).__init__(fn_T2_Ramsey, *args, **kwargs)

    __model__ = Model(fn_T2_Ramsey)

    def guess(self, x, y, **kwargs):
        """Takes x and y data and generates initial guesses for
        fit parameters.
        ym = y.min()
        yM = y.max()
        a_guess = 0.5 * (yM - ym) * 1.2
        b_guess = 0.5 * (yM + ym)
        t_guess = 0.25 * x[-1]
        d_guess = get_freq_from_fft(x, y, b_guess)
        x_guess = 0.0

        pars = self.make_params(baseline=b_guess, amplitude=a_guess,
                                T2=t_guess, detuning=d_guess, x0=x_guess)
        pars['amplitude'].value = kwargs.pop('amplitude_guess', a_guess)
        pars['baseline'].value = kwargs.pop('baseline_guess', b_guess)
        pars['T2'].value = kwargs.pop('T2_guess', t_guess)
        pars['detuning'].value = kwargs.pop('detuning_guess', d_guess)
        pars['x0'].value = kwargs.pop('x0_guess', x_guess)
        return update_param_vals(pars, self.prefix, **kwargs)

    def do_fit(self, x, y, errs=None, **kwargs):
        """Performs a fit.
        par = self.guess(x, y, **kwargs)
        if errs is not None:
            fit = self.fit(y, x=x, weights=1.0 / errs, params=par, fit_kws={"nan_policy": "omit"})
            fit = self.fit(y, x=x, params=par, fit_kws={"nan_policy": "omit"})
        return fit

    def report_fit(self, x, y, **kwargs):
        """Reports the results of a fit. May change depending on what we
        want this to return.

        if not len(x) == len(y):
            raise ValueError("Lengths of x and y arrays must be equal.")
        if not len(x) > MIN_DATA_POINTS:
            raise ValueError("You must provide more than {} data points.".format(MIN_DATA_POINTS))

        fit = self.do_fit(x, y, **kwargs)
        t_fit = fit.params['T2']
        d_fit = fit.params['detuning']
        return fit, (t_fit.value, t_fit.stderr), (d_fit.value, d_fit.stderr)
Пример #49
def gaussFitData(x: list, y: list) -> (float, float):
    Since it's a gaussian fit for both rows and columns, two seperate 1D gaussian is fitted.
    Reference: https://lmfit.github.io/lmfit-py/model.html
    def gaussian(x, amp, cen, wid, offset):
        """1-d gaussian: gaussian(x, amp, cen, wid)"""
        return (amp / (sqrt(2 * pi) * wid)) * exp(-(x - cen)**2 /
                                                  (2 * wid**2)) + offset

    gmodel = Model(gaussian)
    result = gmodel.fit(y, x=x, amp=5, cen=5, wid=1, offset=0)

    # Read the center and width of atom cloud from a json string
    center = result.params["cen"].value
    width = result.params["wid"].value
    amp = result.params["amp"].value
    offset = result.params["offset"].value

    return center, width, amp
Пример #50
    def fit_vonMises(self, spikes, verbose=False):
            theta = self.sim_params['angle_input']*np.pi/180
            fr = np.zeros(len(spikes.spiketrains))
            for i, st in enumerate(spikes.spiketrains):
                fr[i] = np.float(len (st))

            def mises(x, sigma, amp, m=np.pi/2):
                kappa = 1. / sigma**2
                exp_c = np.exp(np.cos(2*(x-m))*kappa)
                return amp * exp_c #/(2*np.pi*iv(0, kappa))

            from lmfit import Model
            vonM_mod = Model(mises)

            y = np.array(fr)
            x = np.linspace(0, np.pi, len(spikes.spiketrains))
            result = vonM_mod.fit(y, x = x, sigma=np.pi/2, amp=y.mean(), m=np.pi/2)
            if verbose: print(result.fit_report())
            return x, y, result
Пример #51
    def fitdata2(self, signalwindow):
        timeofsunmax = self.simtofmax / 100 + 3
        [max, minmax, maxmax] = utils.suntemptoadc(np.array([50, 30, 120]),
        [fithourarray, fitradio] = self.getdataforfit(signalwindow)

        #return max*np.exp(-((x - mu)/sigma)**2) + b*x**2 + c*x + d
        gmodel = Model(utils.expofunc2)
        #        gmodel = Model(utils.expofunc0)
        params = Parameters()
        baseline = np.mean(fitradio[10])
        params.add('a', value=max, min=minmax, max=maxmax)
        params.add('mu', value=timeofsunmax)
        params.add('sigma', value=1, min=0.5, max=2)
        params.add('b', value=0)
        params.add('c', value=0)
        params.add('d', value=0)
        result = gmodel.fit(fitradio, x=fithourarray, params=params)
        #        result.eval_uncertainty()
        #        print(result.fit_report())
        return result
Пример #52
def fit_decay_time_param_decay(
    x: np.ndarray,
    y: np.ndarray,
    weights: np.ndarray = None,
    param_guesses: tuple = (1., 10, 0)) -> ModelResult:
    Fit experimental data x, y to an exponential decay parameterized by a decay time, or inverse
    decay rate.

    :param x: The independent variable, e.g. depth or time
    :param y: The dependent variable, e.g. survival probability
    :param weights: Optional weightings of each point to use when fitting.
    :param param_guesses: initial guesses for the parameters
    :return: a lmfit Model
    _check_data(x, y, weights)
    decay_model = Model(decay_time_param_decay)
    params = decay_model.make_params(amplitude=param_guesses[0],
    return decay_model.fit(y, x=x, params=params, weights=weights)
Пример #53
def fitPhaseFromAmp(theta,f, w0,Q):
    phase = fixPhase(phase)
    w0idx, w0=find_nearestx(f, w0)
    maxval,wmax=find_nearestx(f, w0+3*FWHM)
    minval,wmin=find_nearestx(f, w0-3*FWHM)
    gmod = Model(DDOphase)
    result = gmod.fit(fixedphase[minval:maxval], x=f[minval:maxval], w0=w0, \
                  Q=Q, m =0, b=0)
#    plt.plot(data.f[minval:maxval], result.init_fit, 'r-')
#    plt.plot(data.f[minval:maxval], result.best_fit, 'b-')
#    plt.plot(data.f[minval:maxval], fixedphase[minval:maxval], 'g')
    Q = result.params['Q'].value
    w0 = result.params['w0'].value
    m = result.params['m'].value
    b = result.params['b'].value   
    fout = f[minval:maxval]   
    pout = fixedphase[minval:maxval]       
    return result, [w0, Q, m,b], [fout, pout]
Пример #54
def update_fits(attr, old, new):
    if 0 in fit_select.active:
        bDf = pd.DataFrame(data={'x': df.Day, 'y': df.Projection})
        b_source.data = b_source.from_df(bDf)
        proj_resid = np.sum((df.Projection - df.Measurement)**2)
        source_residual_table.data['Projection Residual'] = [proj_resid]
    if 1 in fit_select.active:
        model = Model(default_model)
        result = model.fit(df.Measurement, x=df.Day, a=1, b=1)
        fit = result.best_fit
        cDf = pd.DataFrame(data={'x': df.Day, 'y': fit})
        c_source.data = c_source.from_df(cDf)
        dDf = pd.DataFrame(data={
            'a': result.best_values['a'],
            'b': result.best_values['b']
        source_data_table.data = source_data_table.from_df(dDf)
        fit_resid = np.sum((df.Projection - fit)**2)
        source_residual_table.data['Fit Residual'] = [fit_resid]
Пример #55
def fitz_qso(spec, zguess, fluxpoly=True):

    flux_median = np.median(spec['flux'])
    parameters = Parameters()
    #                    (Name,      Value,            Vary,   Min,  Max,   Expr)
    parameters.add_many(('z', zguess, True, None, None, None),
                        ('eigen1', flux_median * 0.4, True, None, None, None),
                        ('eigen2', flux_median * 0.4, True, None, None, None),
                        ('eigen3', flux_median * 0.1, True, None, None, None),
                        ('eigen4', flux_median * 0.1, True, None, None, None),
                        ('fluxcal0', 0.0, fluxpoly, None, None, None),
                        ('fluxcal1', 0.0, fluxpoly, None, None, None),
                        ('fluxcal2', 0.0, fluxpoly, None, None, None))

    galaxy_model = Model(eigensum_qso, missing='drop')
    result = galaxy_model.fit(spec['flux'],
                              weights=1 / spec['error']**2,
    return result
Пример #56
def fitPhaseFromAmp(theta, f, w0, Q):
    phase = theta
    phase = fixPhase(phase)
    FWHM = w0 / Q
    w0idx, w0 = find_nearestx(f, w0)
    maxval, wmax = find_nearestx(f, w0 + 3 * FWHM)
    minval, wmin = find_nearestx(f, w0 - 3 * FWHM)
    fixedphase = (phase - phase[w0idx]) * 180 / np.pi
    gmod = Model(DDOphase)
    result = gmod.fit(fixedphase[minval:maxval], x=f[minval:maxval], w0=w0, \
                  Q=Q, m =0, b=0)
    #    plt.plot(data.f[minval:maxval], result.init_fit, 'r-')
    #    plt.plot(data.f[minval:maxval], result.best_fit, 'b-')
    #    plt.plot(data.f[minval:maxval], fixedphase[minval:maxval], 'g')
    Q = result.params['Q'].value
    w0 = result.params['w0'].value
    m = result.params['m'].value
    b = result.params['b'].value
    fout = f[minval:maxval]
    pout = fixedphase[minval:maxval]
    return result, [w0, Q, m, b], [fout, pout]
Пример #57
def example():
    # possible values
    from get_ssa import get_ssa
    from Model import IrradianceModel

    zenith = 53.1836240528
    AMass = 1.66450160404
    rel_h = 0.665
    pressure = 950
    AM = 5
    ssa = get_ssa(rel_h, AM)
    iteration = 20
    alphas = np.zeros(len(range(1, iteration)) + 1)

    x = np.linspace(200, 800, 100)
    irr = IrradianceModel_python(AMass, rel_h, ssa, zenith, pressure)
    irr_symbol = IrradianceModel(x, zenith, AMass, pressure, ssa)

    func = irr_symbol._irradiance_ratio()

    y = irr.irradiance_ratio(x, 2.5, 0.06, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0)
    for i in range(0, iteration):
        ssa = get_ssa(rel_h, AM)
        irr = IrradianceModel_python(AMass, rel_h, ssa, zenith, pressure)
        yerror = np.random.normal(0, 0.009, len(x))
        y = irr.irradiance_ratio(x, 1.5, 0.06, 0.0, 0.6, 0.9) + yerror
        weights = 1 / yerror

        gmod = Model(irr.irradiance_ratio, independent_vars=["x"], param_names=["alpha", "beta", "g_dsa", "g_dsr"])

        gmod.set_param_hint("alpha", value=1.0, min=-0.2, max=2.5)
        gmod.set_param_hint("beta", value=0.01, min=0.0, max=2.0)
        gmod.set_param_hint("g_dsa", value=0.6, min=0.0, max=1.0)
        gmod.set_param_hint("g_dsr", value=0.9, min=0.0, max=1.0)

        result = gmod.fit(y, x=x)
        alphas[i] = result.params["alpha"].value

        # plt.plot(x, y, label='%s' % AM)
        # plt.plot(x, result.best_fit, 'r-', label='fit')
    y = irr.irradiance_ratio(x, 1.5, 0.06, 0.0, 0.6, 0.9)
    y2 = irr.irradiance_ratio(x, 1.5, 0.08, 0.0, 0.6, 0.9)

Пример #58
def getCentroVentana(venX, venY, matriz):
    #Obtenemos la submatriz
    subM = matriz[venX:venX + TAM_VENTANA * 2, venY:venY + TAM_VENTANA * 2]
    #Obtenemos el centro del spot contenido en la ventana en la dirección X
    x = np.arange(TAM_VENTANA * 2)
    y = np.sum(subM, axis=1)
    gmod = Model(gaussian)
    resultX = gmod.fit(y,
                       amp=np.max(y) - np.median(y),
    #Obtenemos el centro del spot contenido en la ventana en la dirección Y
    x2 = np.arange(TAM_VENTANA * 2)
    y2 = np.sum(subM, axis=0)
    gmod2 = Model(gaussian)
    resultY = gmod2.fit(y2,
                        amp=np.max(y2) - np.median(y2),
    #Centro del spot {X,Y}
    centroSub = np.array(
        [resultX.best_values["cen"], resultY.best_values["cen"]])
    #Realizamos un cambio de coordenadas para obtener el centro en la matriz de datos
    desvX = centroSub[0] - TAM_VENTANA
    centroX = venX + TAM_VENTANA + desvX
    desvY = centroSub[1] - TAM_VENTANA
    centroY = venY + TAM_VENTANA + desvY
    centro = [centroX, centroY]
    return centro
Пример #59
 def evaluate_angles(self, filepath, timepoint="0", usetimepoint=True):
     #    read data, evaluate and fit to model, generate distribution map
     for i in range(0, self.num_angles):
         if usetimepoint:
             countname = filepath + "angularcount" + str(timepoint).zfill(
                 4) + "_" + str(i).zfill(4) + ".txt"
             countname = filepath + "angularcount" + str(i).zfill(
                 4) + ".txt"
         #if file doesn't exist, use previous timepoints
             with open(countname, "r") as countstream:
                 for line in countstream:
                     currentline = line.split(",")
                     for j in range(0, len(currentline)):
                         self.countdata[i, j] = currentline[j]
             countname = filepath + "angularcount" + str(
                 timepoint - 1).zfill(4) + "_" + str(i).zfill(4) + ".txt"
             with open(countname, "r") as countstream:
                 for line in countstream:
                     currentline = line.split(",")
                     for j in range(0, len(currentline)):
                         self.countdata[i, j] = currentline[j]
     for i in range(0, self.num_angles_evaluated):
         r = self.countdata[:, i]
         gmodel = Model(ut.vonmises)
         x = np.array(range(0, 360, 360 // self.num_angles))
         result = gmodel.fit(r,
                             cen=i * self.angular_resolution,
                             kappa=np.pi / 4.0)
         self.a[i] = result.params['amp'].value
         self.c[i] = result.params['cen'].value
         self.k[i] = result.params['kappa'].value
         self.distribution[i] = ut.vonmises(
             np.arange(0, 360, 360 // self.num_angles_evaluated), self.a[i],
             self.c[i], self.k[i])
Пример #60
def fit_arc_equation(points):
    if len(points) < 2:
        return None
    _points = np.array(points).transpose()
    _x = _points[0, 1:] - _points[0, 0]
    _y = _points[1, 1:] - _points[1, 0]
    _r = np.sqrt(_x ** 2 + _y ** 2)
    _r = _r / _r[0] * 5
    _theta = np.arctan2(_y, _x)
    _theta = _theta - _theta[0]

    # def _arc_equation(r, k1, k2):
    #     r0 = 5
    #     return k2 * (r - r0)**2 + k1 * (r - r0)

    def _arc_equation(x, k1, k2):
        r0 = 5
        return k2 * (x - r0) ** 2 + k1 * (x - r0)

    model = Model(_arc_equation)
    params = model.make_params(k1=1, k2=1)
    params['k1'].value = 0
    params['k1'].vary = False
    result = model.fit(_theta, params, x=_r)

    # popt, pcov = curve_fit(_arc_equation, _r, _theta)
    # perr = np.sqrt(np.diag(pcov))
    # print(_r, _theta)
    # print(f"k1: {popt[0]:.1e} +/- {perr[0]:.1e}")
    # print(f"k2: {popt[1]:.1e} +/- {perr[0]:.1e}")
    SSres = ((result.best_fit - _theta) ** 2).sum()
    SStot = ((_theta - _theta.mean()) ** 2).sum()
    r_squared = 1 - SSres / SStot
    plt.plot(_r, _theta)
    # plt.plot(_r, _arc_equation(_r, popt[0], popt[1]))

    return _r, result