Пример #1
    def get_paths(self, branch):
        rpath = match_repo(self.repo, abs=True)

        if not self.get_branch_path(branch):
            return (rpath, False)

        dpath = os.path.join(rpath, self.get_branch_path(branch))

        return (rpath, dpath)
Пример #2
    def get_paths(self, branch):
        rpath = match_repo(self.repo, abs=True)

        if not self.get_branch_path(branch):
            return (rpath, False)

        dpath = os.path.join(rpath, self.get_branch_path(branch))

        return (rpath, dpath)
Пример #3
def find(rep, args):
    """Finds pattern in repositories"""

    match = args.matcher
    replace = args.replace[0] if args.apply else None

    # Find files in the repository
    files = find_files(match_repo(rep, abs=True), "tex")[0]

    return find_cached(files, match, replace)
Пример #4
    def __init__(self, rep):
            Loads information about generated repositories.

        # Get the repository.
        self.repo = match_repo(rep)

        # Check if we exist at all.
        if not self.repo:
            err("Unable to find repository '" + rep + "'")

        # Initialise the cache.
        self.__branch_cache = None
Пример #5
    def __init__(self, rep):
            Loads information about generated repositories.

        # Get the repository.
        self.repo = match_repo(rep)

        # Check if we exist at all.
        if not self.repo:
            err("Unable to find repository '"+rep+"'")

        # Initialise the cache.
        self.__branch_cache = None
Пример #6
    def init_branch(self, branch):
            Creates a new branch for status information.

        # Get name and path.
        bsplit = branch.split(":")
        if len(bsplit) == 1:
            (name, pth) = (bsplit[0], bsplit[0])
            (name, pth) = (bsplit[0], bsplit[1])

        std("Creating branch '" + name + "' at '" + pth + "'. ")

        # Check if the branch already exists.
        if name in self.get_all_branches(tuple=False):
            err("Branch '" + name +
                "' already exists, can not create it again. Use --install to install. "
            return False

        # Get the paths
        rpath = match_repo(self.repo, abs=True)
        dpath = os.path.join(rpath, pth)
        meta_inf_path = os.path.join(rpath, "META-INF", "MANIFEST.MF")

        # Find paths for the .gitignore
        gitignore_path = os.path.join(rpath, ".gitignore")
        gitignore_entry = os.path.join("/", pth) + "\n"

        # and either add to it or create it.
        if os.path.isfile(gitignore_path):
                       read_file(gitignore_path) + gitignore_entry)
            write_file(gitignore_path, gitignore_entry)

        # Update the meta-inf
        written = False
        lines = get_metainf_lines(self.repo)

        # try to append it to a line that already exists.
        for (i, l) in enumerate(lines):
            if l.startswith(gbranchstring):
                lines[i] = lines[i].rstrip("\n") + " " + branch
                written = True

        # or make a new one.
        if written == False:
            lines.extend([gbranchstring + " " + branch])

        # and write that file.
        write_file(meta_inf_path, lines)

        # Create the orphaned branch.
        if not make_orphan_branch(rpath, name):
            return False

        # push it
        if not do(rpath, "push", "-u", "origin", name):
            err("Pushing branch to origin failed. ")
            return False

        # Clear the deploy branch cache for this repository.

        # install it.
        if not self.install_branch(name):
            return False

        # change the commit message
        if not do(dpath, "commit", "--amend", "--allow-empty", "-m",
                  "Create deploy branch. "):
            return False

        # and push it.
        if not do(dpath, "push", "--force", "origin", name):
            return False

        std("Generated files branch '" + name +
            "' created, installed and pushed. ")
        std("Please commit and push META-INF/MANIFEST.MF and .gitignore to publish installation. "

        return True
Пример #7
    def init_branch(self, branch):
            Creates a new branch for status information.

        # Get name and path.
        bsplit = branch.split(":")
        if len(bsplit) == 1:
            (name, pth) = (bsplit[0], bsplit[0])
            (name, pth) = (bsplit[0], bsplit[1])

        std("Creating branch '"+name+"' at '"+pth+"'. ")

        # Check if the branch already exists.
        if name in self.get_all_branches(tuple=False):
            err("Branch '"+name+"' already exists, can not create it again. Use --install to install. ")
            return False

        # Get the paths
        rpath = match_repo(self.repo, abs=True)
        dpath = os.path.join(rpath, pth)
        meta_inf_path = os.path.join(rpath, "META-INF", "MANIFEST.MF")

        # Find paths for the .gitignore
        gitignore_path = os.path.join(rpath, ".gitignore")
        gitignore_entry = os.path.join("/", pth)+"\n"

        # and either add to it or create it.
        if os.path.isfile(gitignore_path):
            write_file(gitignore_path, read_file(gitignore_path)+gitignore_entry)
            write_file(gitignore_path, gitignore_entry)

        # Update the meta-inf
        written = False
        lines = get_metainf_lines(self.repo)

        # try to append it to a line that already exists.
        for (i, l) in enumerate(lines):
            if l.startswith(gbranchstring):
                lines[i] = lines[i].rstrip("\n") + " " + branch
                written = True

        # or make a new one.
        if written == False:
            lines.extend([gbranchstring+" "+ branch])

        # and write that file.
        write_file(meta_inf_path, lines)

        # Create the orphaned branch.
        if not make_orphan_branch(rpath, name):
            return False

        # push it
        if not do(rpath, "push", "-u", "origin", name):
            err("Pushing branch to origin failed. ")
            return False

        # Clear the deploy branch cache for this repository.

        # install it.
        if not self.install_branch(name):
            return False

        # change the commit message
        if not do(dpath, "commit", "--amend", "--allow-empty", "-m", "Create deploy branch. "):
            return False

        # and push it.
        if not do(dpath, "push", "--force", "origin", name):
            return False

        std("Generated files branch '"+name+"' created, installed and pushed. ")
        std("Please commit and push META-INF/MANIFEST.MF and .gitignore to publish installation. ")

        return True
Пример #8
def movemod(source, dest, modules, no_depcrawl, simulate = False):
    """Moves modules from source to dest. """

    # change directory to MathHub root, makes paths easier
    if simulate:
        std("cd "+lmh_locate("content"))

    finds = []
    replaces = []

    # Match the repos
    source = match_repo(source, root=lmh_locate("content"))
    dest = match_repo(dest, root=lmh_locate("content"))

    if source == None:
        err("Source repository does not exist, make sure it is installed. ")
        return False
    if dest == None:
        err("Destination repository does not exist, make sure it is installed. ")
        return False

    if source == dest:
        err("Cannot move modules when source and destination are the same. ")
        return False

    # Store original source and destination
    osource = source
    odest = dest

    # Make a list of all the moved files.
    moved_files = []

    local_finds = []
    local_replaces = []

    def run_lmh_find_moved(find, replace):
        if simulate:
            # We will run it over dest only.
            std("lmh", "find", json.dumps(find), "--replace", json.dumps(replace), "--apply", odest)
            # Append it to to a list.

    for module in modules:

        dest = odest

        # Figure out the full path to the source
        srcpath = source + "/source/" +  module

        # Assemble source paths further
        srcargs = (source + "/" + module).split("/")
        srcapath = "\\/".join(srcargs[:-1])
        srcbpath = srcargs[-1]

        # Assemble all the commands
        oldcall = "\[" + srcapath + "\]\{"+srcbpath+"\}"
        oldcall_long = "\[(.*)repos=" + srcapath + "(.*)\]\{"+srcbpath+"\}"
        oldcall_local = "\{"+srcbpath+ "\}"
        newcall = "[" + dest + "]{"+srcbpath+"}"
        newcall_long = "[$g1" + dest + "$g2]{"+srcbpath+"}"

        dest += "/source/"

        # Move the files
        if simulate:
            std("mv "+srcpath + ".*.tex"+ " "+ dest + " 2>/dev/null || true")
            std("mv "+srcpath + ".tex"+ " "+ dest + " 2>/dev/null || true")
                shutil.move(srcpath + ".tex", dest)
                moved_files.append(os.path.join(dest, os.path.basename(srcpath + ".tex")))

            for pat in glob.glob(srcpath + ".*.tex"):
                # try to move the file if it exists
                    shutil.move(pat, dest)
                    moved_files.append(os.path.join(dest, os.path.basename(pat)))

        def run_lmh_find(find, replace):

        # Run all the commands
        m = "("+"|".join(["gimport", "guse", "gadopt"])+")"
        run_lmh_find(r'\\'+m+oldcall, '\\$g0'+newcall)
        run_lmh_find(r'\\'+m+oldcall_local, '\\$g0'+newcall)

        m = "("+ "|".join(["importmhmodule", "usemhmodule", "adoptmhmodule", "usemhvocab"]) + ")"
        run_lmh_find(r'\\'+m+oldcall_long, '\\$g0'+newcall_long)
        run_lmh_find(r'\\'+m+oldcall_local, '\\$g0'+newcall_long)

        # For the moved files, repalce gimport, guse, gadpot
        run_lmh_find_moved(r"\\("+"|".join(["gimport", "guse", "gadopt"])+")\["+dest[-len("/source/")]+"\]\{(.*)\}", "\\$g1{$g2}")

    # Update the moved files.
    run_lmh_find_moved(r"\\("+"|".join(["gimport", "guse", "gadopt"])+")\{(((?!(?<=\{)("+"|".join(modules)+")\}).)*?)\}", "\\$g1{$g2}")

    # Make the repo paths absolute
    osource = match_repo(osource, abs=True)
    odest = match_repo(odest, abs=True)

    files = reduce([find_files(r, "tex")[0] for r in match_repos(lmh_locate("content"), abs=True)])

    if simulate:
        for (f, r) in zip(finds, replaces):
            std("lmh find", json.dumps(f), "--replace", json.dumps(r), "--apply")

        if not no_depcrawl:
            calc_deps(False, dirname=osource)
            calc_deps(False, dirname=odest)

        return True

        std("updating paths in the following files: ")

        res1 = find_cached(files, finds, replace=replaces)
        res2 = find_cached(moved_files, local_finds, replace=local_replaces)

        if not no_depcrawl:
            res3 = calc_deps(True, osource)
            res4 = calc_deps(True, odest)
            res3 = True
            res4 = True

        return res1 and res2 and res3 and res4
Пример #9
def create(reponame, type="none", remote = True):
    """Creates a new repository in the given directory"""

    # Resolve the repository to create
    repo = match_repo(reponame, existence=False)
    if repo == None:
        err("Can not resolve repository to create. ")
        return False

    # Remote creation currently disabled
    if remote:
        err("Remote cration currently disabled. ")
        remote = False

    # and the full path
    absrepo = match_repo(reponame, abs=True, existence=False)

    repo_group = repo.split("/")[0]
    repo_name = repo.split("/")[1]

    # Check if it is already installed.
    # TODO: Use the other is_installed
    if is_installed(repo):
        err("Repository", repo, "already installed. ")
        err("Do you maybe want to push this to the remote?")
        return False

    # Make the directory if it does not yet exist.
        err("Can not create repository directory")
        return False

    if not get_config("init::allow_nonempty"):
        if not (not os.listdir(absrepo)):
            err("Target Directory is non-empty. ")
            err("If you want to enable lmh init on non-empty directories, please run")
            err("    lmh config init::allow_nonempty true")
            return False

    # Template Variables.
    tpl_vars = {
            "repo": repo,
            "repo_group": repo_group,
            "repo_name": repo_name,
            "install_dir": lmh_locate()

    # Copy the base template
    if not copy_template_dir(os.path.join(emptyrepo_dir, "none"), absrepo, tpl_vars):
        err("Unable to create repository base. ")
        return False

    # Copy the specific type.
    if type != "none":
        type_dir = os.path.join(emptyrepo_dir, type)
        if os.path.isdir(type_dir):
            if not copy_template_dir(type_dir, absrepo, tpl_vars):
                err("Unable to use repository template. ")
                return False
            err("Unknown repository type: ", type)
            return False

    if git_root(absrepo) != absrepo:
        # Now lets make an init
        if not git_do(absrepo, "init"):
            err("Error creating git repository. ")
            err("The directory has been created successfully, however git init failed. ")
            err("Please run it manually. ")
            return False

    # Create the initial commit.
    if not (git_do(absrepo, "add", "-A") and git_commit(absrepo, "-m", "Repository created by lmh")):
        err("Error creating inital commit. ")
        err("The directory has been created successfully, however git commit failed. ")
        err("Please run it manually. ")
        return False

    # Can we find a remote for this?
    source = find_source(repo, quiet=True)

    # Don't do anything remote => we are done.
    if not remote:
        if source:
            if not git_do(absrepo, "remote", "add", "origin", source):
                err("Can not add origin. ")
                err("git is suddenly weird. ")
                return False
            std("Skipping remote creation because --no-remote is given. ")
        std("Repository created successfully. ")
        return True

    # Source does not exist => we will have to create it.
    if not source:
        source = create_remote(repo_group, repo_name)
        if not source:
            err("local repository created but remote creation failed. ")
            return False

    # Add the origin.
    if not git_do(absrepo, "remote", "add", "origin", source):
        err("Can not add origin. ")
        err("git is suddenly weird. ")
        return False

    if not git_push(absrepo, "-u", "origin", "master"):
        err("Repository created but could not push created repository. ")
        err("Check your network connection and try again using git push. ")
        return False

    std("Created new repository successfully. ")

    return True
Пример #10
def movemod(source, dest, modules, no_depcrawl, simulate=False):
    """Moves modules from source to dest. """

    # change directory to MathHub root, makes paths easier
    if simulate:
        std("cd " + lmh_locate("content"))

    finds = []
    replaces = []

    # Match the repos
    source = match_repo(source, root=lmh_locate("content"))
    dest = match_repo(dest, root=lmh_locate("content"))

    if source == None:
        err("Source repository does not exist, make sure it is installed. ")
        return False
    if dest == None:
        err("Destination repository does not exist, make sure it is installed. "
        return False

    if source == dest:
        err("Cannot move modules when source and destination are the same. ")
        return False

    # Store original source and destination
    osource = source
    odest = dest

    # Make a list of all the moved files.
    moved_files = []

    local_finds = []
    local_replaces = []

    def run_lmh_find_moved(find, replace):
        if simulate:
            # We will run it over dest only.
            std("lmh", "find", json.dumps(find), "--replace",
                json.dumps(replace), "--apply", odest)
            # Append it to to a list.

    for module in modules:

        dest = odest

        # Figure out the full path to the source
        srcpath = source + "/source/" + module

        # Assemble source paths further
        srcargs = (source + "/" + module).split("/")
        srcapath = "\\/".join(srcargs[:-1])
        srcbpath = srcargs[-1]

        # Assemble all the commands
        oldcall = "\[" + srcapath + "\]\{" + srcbpath + "\}"
        oldcall_long = "\[(.*)repos=" + srcapath + "(.*)\]\{" + srcbpath + "\}"
        oldcall_local = "\{" + srcbpath + "\}"
        newcall = "[" + dest + "]{" + srcbpath + "}"
        newcall_long = "[$g1" + dest + "$g2]{" + srcbpath + "}"

        dest += "/source/"

        # Move the files
        if simulate:
            std("mv " + srcpath + ".*.tex" + " " + dest +
                " 2>/dev/null || true")
            std("mv " + srcpath + ".tex" + " " + dest + " 2>/dev/null || true")
                shutil.move(srcpath + ".tex", dest)
                    os.path.join(dest, os.path.basename(srcpath + ".tex")))

            for pat in glob.glob(srcpath + ".*.tex"):
                # try to move the file if it exists
                    shutil.move(pat, dest)
                        os.path.join(dest, os.path.basename(pat)))

        def run_lmh_find(find, replace):

        # Run all the commands
        m = "(" + "|".join(["gimport", "guse", "gadopt"]) + ")"
        run_lmh_find(r'\\' + m + oldcall, '\\$g0' + newcall)
        run_lmh_find(r'\\' + m + oldcall_local, '\\$g0' + newcall)

        m = "(" + "|".join([
            "importmhmodule", "usemhmodule", "adoptmhmodule", "usemhvocab"
        ]) + ")"
        run_lmh_find(r'\\' + m + oldcall_long, '\\$g0' + newcall_long)
        run_lmh_find(r'\\' + m + oldcall_local, '\\$g0' + newcall_long)

        # For the moved files, repalce gimport, guse, gadpot
            r"\\(" + "|".join(["gimport", "guse", "gadopt"]) + ")\[" +
            dest[-len("/source/")] + "\]\{(.*)\}", "\\$g1{$g2}")

    # Update the moved files.
        r"\\(" + "|".join(["gimport", "guse", "gadopt"]) + ")\{(((?!(?<=\{)(" +
        "|".join(modules) + ")\}).)*?)\}", "\\$g1{$g2}")

    # Make the repo paths absolute
    osource = match_repo(osource, abs=True)
    odest = match_repo(odest, abs=True)

    files = reduce([
        find_files(r, "tex")[0]
        for r in match_repos(lmh_locate("content"), abs=True)

    if simulate:
        for (f, r) in zip(finds, replaces):
            std("lmh find", json.dumps(f), "--replace", json.dumps(r),

        if not no_depcrawl:
            calc_deps(False, dirname=osource)
            calc_deps(False, dirname=odest)

        return True

        std("updating paths in the following files: ")

        res1 = find_cached(files, finds, replace=replaces)
        res2 = find_cached(moved_files, local_finds, replace=local_replaces)

        if not no_depcrawl:
            res3 = calc_deps(True, osource)
            res4 = calc_deps(True, odest)
            res3 = True
            res4 = True

        return res1 and res2 and res3 and res4