
import json
import os
import platform

from lms.envs.fun.utils import Configuration
from openedx.core.lib.derived import derive_settings
from path import Path as path
from xmodule.modulestore.modulestore_settings import (

from ..common import *

# Load custom configuration parameters from yaml files
config = Configuration(os.path.dirname(__file__))

# edX has now started using "settings.ENV_TOKENS" and "settings.AUTH_TOKENS" everywhere in the
# project, not just in the settings. Let's make sure our settings still work in this case
ENV_TOKENS = config
AUTH_TOKENS = config

############### ALWAYS THE SAME ################################

RELEASE = config("RELEASE", default=None)
DEBUG = False

# IMPORTANT: With this enabled, the server must always be behind a proxy that
# strips the header HTTP_X_FORWARDED_PROTO from client requests. Otherwise,
# a user can fool our server into thinking it was an https connection.
# See
# This is a minimal settings file allowing us to run "update_assets"
# in the Dockerfile for the production image of the edxapp CMS

from openedx.core.lib.derived import derive_settings

from lms.envs.fun.utils import Configuration
from path import Path as path

from .docker_run_production import *

# Load custom configuration parameters
config = Configuration()

DATABASES = {"default": {}}

XQUEUE_INTERFACE = {"url": None, "django_auth": None}

# We need to override STATIC_ROOT because for CMS, edX appends the value of
# "EDX_PLATFORM_REVISION" to it by default and we don't want to use this.
# We should use Django's ManifestStaticFilesStorage for this purpose.
STATIC_URL = "/static/studio/"
STATIC_ROOT = path("/edx/app/edxapp/staticfiles/studio")

# Allow setting a custom theme

########################## Derive Any Derived Settings  #######################
