def getAllEventsTable(self): """ Returns pandas table containing all found events for all found event types' * Primary mouse' meta data * Events' start time * Events' end time * Events' duration Returns: DataFrame """ with mute_prints(): all_event_names = getAllEvents(connection=self.conn) event_table = pd.concat([self.getSingleEventTable(event_name) for event_name in all_event_names] , axis=0) return event_table.sort_values("time").reset_index(drop=True)
def process( file ): print(file) mem = virtual_memory() availableMemoryGB = / 1000000000 print( "Total memory on computer: (GB)", availableMemoryGB ) if availableMemoryGB < 10: print( "Not enough memory to use cache load of events.") disableEventTimeLineCache() chronoFullFile = Chronometer("File " + file ) connection = sqlite3.connect( file ) # update missing fields try: connection = sqlite3.connect( file ) c = connection.cursor() query = "ALTER TABLE EVENT ADD METADATA TEXT"; c.execute( query ) connection.commit() except: print( "METADATA field already exists" , file ) BuildDataBaseIndex.buildDataBaseIndex( connection, force=False ) # build sensor data animalPool = AnimalPool( ) animalPool.loadAnimals( connection ) #animalPool.buildSensorData(file) currentT = minT try: flushEvents( connection ) while currentT < maxT: currentMinT = currentT currentMaxT = currentT+ windowT if ( currentMaxT > maxT ): currentMaxT = maxT chronoTimeWindowFile = Chronometer("File "+ file+ " currentMinT: "+ str(currentMinT)+ " currentMaxT: " + str(currentMaxT) ); processTimeWindow( connection, file, currentMinT, currentMaxT ) chronoTimeWindowFile.printTimeInS() currentT += windowT print("Full file process time: ") chronoFullFile.printTimeInS() TEST_WINDOWING_COMPUTATION = False if ( TEST_WINDOWING_COMPUTATION ): print("*************") print("************* TEST START SECTION") print("************* Test if results are the same with or without the windowing.") # display and record to a file all events found, checking with rolling idA from None to 4. Save nbEvent and total len eventTimeLineList = [] eventList = getAllEvents( connection ) file = open("outEvent"+str(windowT)+".txt","w") file.write( "Event name\nnb event\ntotal duration" ) for eventName in eventList: for animal in range( 0,5 ): idA = animal if idA == 0: idA = None timeLine = EventTimeLineCached( connection, file, eventName, idA, minFrame=minT, maxFrame=maxT ) eventTimeLineList.append( timeLine ) file.write( timeLine.eventNameWithId+"\t"+str(len(timeLine.eventList))+"\t"+str(timeLine.getTotalLength())+"\n" ) file.close() #plotMultipleTimeLine( eventTimeLineList ) print("************* END TEST") flushEventTimeLineCache() except: exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info() lines = traceback.format_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback) error = ''.join('!! ' + line for line in lines) t = TaskLogger( connection ) t.addLog( error ) flushEventTimeLineCache() print( error, file=sys.stderr ) raise FileProcessException()
txt += str( len( event[idAnimalA, idAnimalB].getEventList() ) ) + "\t" print( txt ) print( "*** DONE ***") if __name__ == '__main__': print("Code launched.") files = askopenfilename( title="Choose a set of file to process", multiple=1 ) eventList = getAllEvents(file=files[0] ) for i in range( 0 , len( eventList) ): print( "[" + str( i ) + "] :" + eventList[i] ) while( True ): userInput = input ("Event to read (full name or number ) (enter to quit): ") if userInput=="": print("Exit :)") quit() if ( userInput.isdigit() ): eventName = eventList[ int( userInput )] else: