def test_default_cmd(): conf = """\ clg: default_cmd: run subparsers: run: help: 'run as: $prog run' install: help: 'run as: $prog install | sudo bash'""" c = Config(conf, args=['']) assert 'run' == c.command0 with exc(SystemExit) as e: c = Config(conf, args=['', '-help']) assert e().code.startswith('usage:') conf = """\ clg: default_cmd: uninstall subparsers: run: help: 'run as: $prog run'""" with exc(SystemExit) as e: c = Config(conf, args=['']) assert e().code.startswith('usage:')
def test_run_namespace(): conf = """\ prog: clg: subparsers: install: help: 'run as: $prog install | sudo bash'""" class Prog(object): def __init__(self, c): self.__dict__.update(c) def install(self): return 'echo "Script lines to install {}."'.format(self.prog) # Ensure Prog class is reachable from this module. Equivalent to import # test.test_config at the begginig of this module lname = __import__(__name__.partition('.')[0]) for name in __name__.split('.')[1:]: lname = getattr(lname, name) lname.Prog = Prog c = Config(conf, args=['', 'install']) # Assert as a class namespace expected = 'echo "Script lines to install {}."'.format(c.prog) assert expected == # Assert as string namespace assert expected == + '.Prog')
def test_extra_config_single_line_properly_handled(f): '''Config adds extra {} on single-line strings as yaml require''' c = Config(args=['-E="hobbie: dancer"']) assert 'dancer' == c.hobbie # As usual, multiline dictionaries are indented on the next line c = Config(args=['-E="hobbie:\n dancer"']) assert 'dancer' == c.hobbie
def serve_ctx(): '''Functional serve context for testing core sphinxserve functionality''' c = Config('''\ app: sphinxserve host: localhost port: 8888 socket: $host:$port index_rst: | ================ Test sphinxserve ================ Simple sphinxserve test conf_py: | source_suffix = '.rst' master_doc = 'index' ''') with tempdir() as tmpdir: c.tmpdir = tmpdir with open(tmpdir + '/', 'w') as fh: fh.write(c.conf_py) with open(tmpdir + '/index.rst', 'w') as fh: fh.write(c.index_rst) c.proc = Process(target=main, args=(['sphinxserve', tmpdir],)) c.proc.start() check_host(, c.port, timeout=3) yield c c.proc.terminate() c.proc.join()
def main(args): c = Config(conf, args=args, version=__version__) if c.debug: log.root.setLevel(log.DEBUG) # Run command selected from cli (corresponding to conf subparser, and # Prog method. Eg: serve)
def main(args): c = Config(conf, args=args, version=__version__) logger.setLevel(c.loglevel) logging_stream = logging.StreamHandler() logging_format = '%(asctime)s %(name)s %(levelname)s %(message)s' if c.nocolor: formatter_cls = logging.Formatter else: formatter_cls = coloredlogs.ColoredFormatter logging_stream.setFormatter(formatter_cls(fmt=logging_format)) logger.addHandler(logging_stream) # Run command selected from cli (corresponding to conf subparser, and # Prog method. Eg: serve)
def test_config(f): '''Test config process validate args, and generate envvars''' c = Config({'version': f.version, 'prog': f.prog}, args=[f.prog, 'leon', '-E="{}"'.format(f.conf)]) # Apparently clg return data out of order. Sort its output here. ret = '\n'.join(sorted(c.export().split('\n'))) exp = dedent('''\ export ARGS="" export DATA_FILE="$data_path/data.txt" export DOCKER__IMAGE="reg.gdl/debian" export EXTRA_CONFIG="" export HOST="leon" export PROG="dbuild" export SYSTEM_PATH="/data/salt/system" export VERSION="0.4.3"''') assert exp == ret
def test_read(): '''Test yaml !read tag''' with tempfile() as fh: fh.write('/usr/local/lib') fh.flush() assert {'libpath': '/usr/local/lib'} == Config('libpath: !read {}'. format(
def test_extra_config_and_config_file(f): with tempfile() as fh: fh.write(f.conf) fh.flush() c = Config(args=[f.prog,, '-C="{}"'.format(, '-E="system_path: /tmp/systest"']) assert '/tmp/systest' == c.system_path
def test_include_config(f): '''Test yaml !include tag loads config''' conf = 'field: magnetic' with tempfile() as fh: fh.write(conf) fh.flush() c = Config('photon: !include {}'.format( assert Odict('field: magnetic') == c.photon
def test_arguments(f): c = Config('data_path: /data', types=[basename], args=[f.prog, '-e', '/data/conf/sasha.conf',, '-E="{}"'.format(f.conf)]) assert == assert '/data/data.txt' == c.data_file assert '/data/salt/system' == c.system_path assert 'sasha.conf' == c.extra_config
def test_include_tag(f): '''Test include with a key''' conf = 'field: [magnetic, electric]' with tempfile() as fh: fh.write(conf) fh.flush() c = Config('photon: !include {}:field'.format( assert Odict('photon: [magnetic, electric]') == c
def test_include_unknown_key(f): '''Test include with a key''' conf = 'field: [magnetic, electric]' with tempfile() as fh: fh.write(conf) fh.flush() c = Config('photon: !include {}:properties'.format( assert Odict("photon: ''") == c
def main(): conf = '!include config.yml' c = Config(conf) print(c.forecast_key) res = fetch_forecast_by_hour(c.API_KEYS.forecast_key,, c.VARS.lng) calc_fog_from_dewpoint_diff(res)
def test_convenient_config_file_from_directory(f): conf = '{color: [red, green, blue]}' with tempdir() as tmpdir: conf_file = '{}/config.conf'.format(tmpdir) with open(conf_file, 'w') as fh: fh.write(conf) c = Config(args=['-C={}'.format(tmpdir)]) assert conf == repr(c)
def test_unexistent_include_config(): '''Test yaml !include tag ignore unxexistent file''' with tempfile() as fh: tmpfile = c = Config('''\ _: !include {} test: hi '''.format(tmpfile)) assert '{test: hi}' == repr(c)
def test_include_config_wont_empty_subkey_lists(): '''Ensure including a file, even an empty one, will parse lists properly''' with tempfile() as fh: # Create an empty file c = Config('''\ _: !include {} test: list: [1, 2] '''.format( assert '{test: {list: [1, 2]}}' == repr(c)
def test_verprog_from_options(f): with tempfile() as fh, exc(SystemExit) as e: fh.write(f.conf) fh.flush() Config(types={basename}, args=[f.prog, '-v', '-E="prog: {}"'.format(f.prog), '-C="{}"'.format(, '-E="version: {}"'.format(f.version)]) assert '{} {}'.format(f.prog, f.version) == e().args[0]
def test_unexistent_include__config_wont_empty_subkey_lists(): '''Ensure including a nonexistent file will parse lists properly''' with tempfile() as fh: # Create a non-existent reference filename pass c = Config('''\ _: !include {} test: list: [1, 2] '''.format( assert '{test: {list: [1, 2]}}' == repr(c)
def test_expand_tag(f): conf = '''\ properties: field: - magnetic - electric''' with tempfile() as fh: fh.write(conf) fh.flush() c = Config('''\ _: !include {}:& photon: !expand properties:field'''.format( assert Odict('photon: [magnetic, electric]') == c
def test_expand_unknown_key(f): conf = '''\ properties: field: - magnetic - electric''' with tempfile() as fh: fh.write(conf) fh.flush() c = Config('''\ _: !include {}:& photon: !expand properties:viscosity'''.format( assert Odict("photon: ''") == c
def c(request): '''Config fixture. Return a config object for easy attribute access''' c = Config('''\ prog: test_version: 0.1.7 conf: | version: $test_version clg: description: Build a full system options: version: short: v action: version version: $prog $test_version args: host: help: Host to build args: nargs: '*' help: extra arguments checkconfig: | import re if'[^\d\w]', '$host'): raise Exception() system_path: /data/salt/system docker__image: reg.gdl/debian ''') # prog and version configs are hardcoded as this test runs in testsuite # Declare PYTHONPATH to use loadconfig package from this project c.project_path = dirname(ppath(__file__)) c.loadconfig_cmd = 'PYTHONPATH={0} {0}/scripts/loadconfig'.format( c.project_path) return c
def test_help(f): '''Test version and program show properly.''' with exc(SystemExit) as e: Config(args=[f.prog, '-h', '-E="{}"'.format(f.conf)], version=f.version, types={basename}) exp = dedent('''\ usage: dbuild [-h] [-v] [-e EXTRA_CONFIG] host [args [args ...]] Build a full system positional arguments: host Host to build args extra arguments optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -v, --version show program's version number and exit -e EXTRA_CONFIG, --extra-config EXTRA_CONFIG''') assert exp == e().args[0]
def get_config(opt_vars): """ Merge configuration from '' of ListenBrainz, commandline arguments and \ the default values with order of preference ConfigFile > CommandlineArguments > DefaultConfig """ config = { "SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI": "postgresql://listenbrainz@/listenbrainz" } config.update(opt_vars) try: opt_vars['CONFIG'] = path.abspath(opt_vars['CONFIG']) custom_config = Config(path.dirname(__file__)).from_pyfile( opt_vars['CONFIG']) config.update(custom_config) except Exception, e: log = logging.getLogger(__name__) log.error(e)
def test_string_argument_value_integer_is_preserved(f): c = Config('year: 2015') assert 2015 == c.year
def test_env_unexistent(): c = Config('!env city') assert '' ==
def test_env(): '''Test yaml !env tag''' environ['CITY'] = 'San Francisco' c = Config('!env city') assert 'San Francisco' == del environ['CITY']
def test_export_list(f): c = Config('Outdoor activity: [hike, bike, scuba dive, run]') exp = '{Outdoor activity: [hike, bike, scuba dive, run]}' assert exp == repr(c) exp = 'export OUTDOOR_ACTIVITY="hike bike \'scuba dive\' run"' assert exp == c.export()
def test_export_dict(f): c = Config('Outdoor activity: {mountain: bike, ocean: scuba dive}') exp = '{Outdoor activity: {mountain: bike, ocean: scuba dive}}' assert exp == repr(c) exp = 'export OUTDOOR_ACTIVITY="{mountain: bike, ocean: scuba dive}"' assert exp == c.export()
def test_empty_include_config(): '''Test yaml !include tag ignore empty file''' with tempfile() as fh: c = Config('_: !include {}'.format( assert '{}' == repr(c)
def test_update_with_string_argument(f): c = Config('hi: there') c.update('hi: Liss') assert 'Liss' == c.hi
from loadconfig import Config import redis config = Config() class Cache: def __init__(self): cache = config.get_cache_config() self.con = redis.Redis( host=cache['host'], port=cache['port'], password=cache['password'] ) # get Redis connection def get_conn(self): return self.con
def test_clg_key_not_present(f): '''Config stores all args including program name''' c = Config(args=[f.prog,, '-E="{}"'.format(f.conf)]) assert 'clg' not in c
def __init__(self, path): conf = "!include {}".format(path) config = Config(conf) self.configuration = Config(conf)
def main(args): c = Config(conf, args, version=version) assert c.version == '0.1.5'