def rsync_files(cls, host, keyname, local_appscale_dir, is_verbose): """Copies over an AppScale source directory from this machine to the specified host. Args: host: A str representing a host that should be accessible from this machine. keyname: A str representing the name of the SSH keypair that can log into the specified machine. local_appscale_dir: A str representing the path on the local filesystem where the AppScale source to copy over can be found. is_verbose: A bool that indicates if we should print the rsync commands we exec to stdout. Raises: BadConfigurationException: If local_appscale_dir does not exist locally, or if any of the standard AppScale module folders do not exist. """ ssh_key = LocalState.get_key_path_from_name(keyname) local_path = os.path.expanduser(local_appscale_dir) if not os.path.exists(local_path): raise BadConfigurationException("The location you specified to copy " \ "from, {0}, doesn't exist.".format(local_path))"rsync -e 'ssh -i {0} {1}' -arv " "--exclude='AppDB/logs/*' " \ "--exclude='AppDB/cassandra/cassandra/*' " \ "{2}/* root@{3}:/root/appscale/".format(ssh_key, cls.SSH_OPTIONS, local_path, host), is_verbose)
def describe_instances(cls, options): """Queries each node in the currently running AppScale deployment and reports on their status. Args: options: A Namespace that has fields for each parameter that can be passed in via the command-line interface. """ login_host = LocalState.get_login_host(options.keyname) login_acc = AppControllerClient( login_host, LocalState.get_secret_key(options.keyname)) for ip in login_acc.get_all_public_ips(): acc = AppControllerClient( ip, LocalState.get_secret_key(options.keyname)) AppScaleLogger.log("Status of node at {0}:".format(ip)) try: AppScaleLogger.log(acc.get_status()) except Exception as exception: AppScaleLogger.warn("Unable to contact machine: {0}\n".format( str(exception))) AppScaleLogger.success("View status information about your AppScale " + \ "deployment at http://{0}:{1}/status".format(login_host, RemoteHelper.APP_DASHBOARD_PORT))
def terminate_virtualized_cluster(cls, keyname, is_verbose): """Stops all API services running on all nodes in the currently running AppScale deployment. Args: keyname: The name of the SSH keypair used for this AppScale deployment. is_verbose: A bool that indicates if we should print the commands executed to stdout. """ AppScaleLogger.log( "Terminating appscale deployment with keyname {0}".format(keyname)) time.sleep(2) shadow_host = LocalState.get_host_with_role(keyname, 'shadow') try: secret = LocalState.get_secret_key(keyname) except IOError: # We couldn't find the secret key: AppScale is most likely not # running. raise AppScaleException("Couldn't find AppScale secret key.") acc = AppControllerClient(shadow_host, secret) try: all_ips = acc.get_all_public_ips() except Exception as exception: AppScaleLogger.warn( 'Saw Exception while getting deployments IPs {0}'.format( str(exception))) all_ips = LocalState.get_all_public_ips(keyname) threads = [] for ip in all_ips: thread = threading.Thread(target=cls.stop_remote_appcontroller, args=(ip, keyname, is_verbose)) thread.start() threads.append(thread) for thread in threads: thread.join() boxes_shut_down = 0 is_running_regex = re.compile("appscale-controller stop") for ip in all_ips: AppScaleLogger.log( "Shutting down AppScale API services at {0}".format(ip)) while True: remote_output = cls.ssh(ip, keyname, 'ps x', is_verbose) AppScaleLogger.verbose(remote_output, is_verbose) if not is_running_regex.match(remote_output): break time.sleep(0.3) boxes_shut_down += 1 if boxes_shut_down != len(all_ips): raise AppScaleException( "Couldn't terminate your AppScale deployment on" " all machines - please do so manually.") AppScaleLogger.log( "Terminated AppScale on {0} machines.".format(boxes_shut_down))
def remove_app(cls, options): """Instructs AppScale to no longer host the named application. Args: options: A Namespace that has fields for each parameter that can be passed in via the command-line interface. """ if not options.confirm: response = raw_input("Are you sure you want to remove this " + \ "application? (Y/N) ") if response not in ['y', 'yes', 'Y', 'YES']: raise AppScaleException("Cancelled application removal.") login_host = LocalState.get_login_host(options.keyname) secret = LocalState.get_secret_key(options.keyname) acc = AppControllerClient(login_host, secret) if not acc.does_app_exist(options.appname): raise AppScaleException( "The given application is not currently running.") acc.stop_app(options.appname) AppScaleLogger.log("Please wait for your app to shut down.") while True: if acc.is_app_running(options.appname): time.sleep(cls.SLEEP_TIME) else: break AppScaleLogger.success("Done shutting down {0}".format( options.appname))
def copy_app_to_host(cls, app_location, keyname, is_verbose): """Copies the given application to a machine running the Login service within an AppScale deployment. Args: app_location: The location on the local filesystem where the application can be found. keyname: The name of the SSH keypair that uniquely identifies this AppScale deployment. is_verbose: A bool that indicates if we should print the commands we exec to copy the app to the remote host to stdout. Returns: A str corresponding to the location on the remote filesystem where the application was copied to. """ app_id = AppEngineHelper.get_app_id_from_app_config(app_location) AppScaleLogger.log("Tarring application") rand = str(uuid.uuid4()).replace('-', '')[:8] local_tarred_app = "{0}/appscale-app-{1}-{2}.tar.gz".format( tempfile.gettempdir(), app_id, rand) "cd '{0}' && COPYFILE_DISABLE=1 tar -czhf {1} --exclude='*.pyc' *". format(app_location, local_tarred_app), is_verbose) AppScaleLogger.log("Copying over application") remote_app_tar = "{0}/{1}.tar.gz".format(cls.REMOTE_APP_DIR, app_id) cls.scp(LocalState.get_login_host(keyname), keyname, local_tarred_app, remote_app_tar, is_verbose) os.remove(local_tarred_app) return remote_app_tar
def terminate_instances(cls, options): """Stops all services running in an AppScale deployment, and in cloud deployments, also powers off the instances previously spawned. Raises: AppScaleException: If AppScale is not running, and thus can't be terminated. """ if not os.path.exists( LocalState.get_locations_yaml_location(options.keyname)): raise AppScaleException( "AppScale is not running with the keyname {0}".format( options.keyname)) if LocalState.get_infrastructure(options.keyname) in \ InfrastructureAgentFactory.VALID_AGENTS: RemoteHelper.terminate_cloud_infrastructure( options.keyname, options.verbose) else: RemoteHelper.terminate_virtualized_cluster(options.keyname, options.verbose) LocalState.cleanup_appscale_files(options.keyname) AppScaleLogger.success( "Successfully shut down your AppScale deployment.")
def scp_remote_to_local(cls, host, keyname, source, dest, is_verbose, user='******'): """Securely copies a file from a remote machine to this machine. Args: host: A str representing the machine that we should log into. keyname: A str representing the name of the SSH keypair to log in with. source: A str representing the path on the remote machine where the file should be copied from. dest: A str representing the path on the local machine where the file should be copied to. is_verbose: A bool that indicates if we should print the scp command to stdout. user: A str representing the user to log in as. Returns: A str representing the standard output of the secure copy and a str representing the standard error of the secure copy. """ ssh_key = LocalState.get_key_path_from_name(keyname) return "scp -r -i {0} {1} {2}@{3}:{4} {5}".format(ssh_key, cls.SSH_OPTIONS, user, host, source, dest), is_verbose)
def testCleanInClusterDeployment(self): # calling 'appscale clean' in a cluster deployment should ssh into each of # the boxes specified in the ips_layout and run the terminate script # Mock out the actual file reading itself, and slip in a YAML-dumped # file contents = { 'ips_layout' : { 'controller': 'public1', 'servers': ['public2', 'public3'] }, 'test' : True } yaml_dumped_contents = yaml.dump(contents) flexmock(RemoteHelper) RemoteHelper.should_receive('ssh') \ .with_args(re.compile('public[123]'), 'appscale', str, False) flexmock(LocalState) LocalState.should_receive('cleanup_appscale_files').with_args('appscale') appscale = AppScale() self.addMockForAppScalefile(appscale, yaml_dumped_contents) expected = ['public1', 'public2', 'public3'] self.assertEquals(expected, appscale.clean())
def test_appscale_in_two_node_virt_deployment(self): # pretend that the place we're going to put logs into doesn't exist flexmock(os.path) os.path.should_call('exists') # set the fall-through os.path.should_receive('exists').with_args('/tmp/foobaz').and_return( False) # and mock out the mkdir operation flexmock(os) os.should_receive('mkdir').with_args('/tmp/foobaz').and_return() # next, mock out finding the login ip address os.path.should_receive('exists').with_args( LocalState.get_locations_json_location( self.keyname)).and_return(True) fake_nodes_json = flexmock(name="fake_nodes_json") fake_nodes_json.should_receive('read').and_return( json.dumps([{ "public_ip": "public1", "private_ip": "private1", "jobs": ["shadow", "login"] }])) builtins = flexmock(sys.modules['__builtin__']) builtins.should_call('open') builtins.should_receive('open').with_args( LocalState.get_locations_json_location(self.keyname), 'r') \ .and_return(fake_nodes_json) # mock out writing the secret key to ~/.appscale, as well as reading it # later secret_key_location = LocalState.get_secret_key_location(self.keyname) fake_secret = flexmock(name="fake_secret") fake_secret.should_receive('read').and_return('the secret') builtins.should_receive('open').with_args(secret_key_location, 'r') \ .and_return(fake_secret) # and slip in a fake appcontroller to report on the two IP addrs fake_appcontroller = flexmock(name='fake_appcontroller') fake_appcontroller.should_receive('get_all_public_ips').with_args( 'the secret').and_return(json.dumps(['public1', 'public2'])) flexmock(SOAPpy) SOAPpy.should_receive('SOAPProxy').with_args('https://public1:17443') \ .and_return(fake_appcontroller) # fake the creation of the log directories locally os.should_receive('mkdir').with_args( '/tmp/foobaz/public1').and_return() os.should_receive('mkdir').with_args( '/tmp/foobaz/public2').and_return() # finally, fake the copying of the log files flexmock(subprocess) subprocess.should_receive('Popen').with_args(re.compile('/var/log/appscale'), shell=True, stdout=self.fake_temp_file, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) \ .and_return(self.success) argv = ["--keyname", self.keyname, "--location", "/tmp/foobaz"] options = ParseArgs(argv, self.function).args AppScaleTools.gather_logs(options)
def test_ensure_appscale_isnt_running_but_it_is_w_force(self): # if there is a locations.yaml file and force is set, # we shouldn't abort os.path.should_receive('exists').with_args(self.locations_yaml) \ .and_return(True) LocalState.ensure_appscale_isnt_running(self.keyname, True)
def gather_logs(cls, options): """Collects logs from each machine in the currently running AppScale deployment. Args: options: A Namespace that has fields for each parameter that can be passed in via the command-line interface. """ # First, make sure that the place we want to store logs doesn't # already exist. if os.path.exists(options.location): raise AppScaleException("Can't gather logs, as the location you " + \ "specified, {0}, already exists.".format(options.location)) acc = AppControllerClient(LocalState.get_login_host(options.keyname), LocalState.get_secret_key(options.keyname)) # do the mkdir after we get the secret key, so that a bad keyname will # cause the tool to crash and not create this directory os.mkdir(options.location) for ip in acc.get_all_public_ips(): # Get the logs from each node, and store them in our local directory local_dir = "{0}/{1}".format(options.location, ip) os.mkdir(local_dir) RemoteHelper.scp_remote_to_local(ip, options.keyname, '/var/log/appscale', local_dir, options.verbose) AppScaleLogger.success("Successfully copied logs to {0}".format( options.location))
def ssh(cls, host, keyname, command, is_verbose, user='******', num_retries=LocalState.DEFAULT_NUM_RETRIES): """Logs into the named host and executes the given command. Args: host: A str representing the machine that we should log into. keyname: A str representing the name of the SSH keypair to log in with. command: A str representing what to execute on the remote host. is_verbose: A bool indicating if we should print the ssh command to stdout. user: A str representing the user to log in as. Returns: A str representing the standard output of the remote command and a str representing the standard error of the remote command. """ ssh_key = LocalState.get_key_path_from_name(keyname) return "ssh -F /dev/null -i {0} {1} {2}@{3} bash".format( ssh_key, cls.SSH_OPTIONS, user, host), is_verbose, num_retries, stdin=command)
def terminate_instances(cls, options): """Stops all services running in an AppScale deployment, and in cloud deployments, also powers off the instances previously spawned. Raises: AppScaleException: If AppScale is not running, and thus can't be terminated. """ try: infrastructure = LocalState.get_infrastructure(options.keyname) except IOError: raise AppScaleException("Cannot find AppScale's configuration for keyname {0}".format(options.keyname)) if infrastructure == "xen" and options.terminate: raise AppScaleException("Terminate option is invalid for cluster mode.") if infrastructure == "xen" or not options.terminate: # We are in cluster mode: let's check if AppScale is running. if not os.path.exists(LocalState.get_secret_key_location(options.keyname)): raise AppScaleException("AppScale is not running with the keyname {0}".format(options.keyname)) # Stop gracefully the AppScale deployment. try: RemoteHelper.terminate_virtualized_cluster(options.keyname, options.verbose) except (IOError, AppScaleException): # Don't fail if we cannot find the configuration. pass # And if we are on a cloud infrastructure, terminate instances if # asked. if infrastructure in InfrastructureAgentFactory.VALID_AGENTS and options.terminate: RemoteHelper.terminate_cloud_infrastructure(options.keyname, options.verbose)
def add_instances(cls, options): """Adds additional machines to an AppScale deployment. Args: options: A Namespace that has fields for each parameter that can be passed in via the command-line interface. """ if 'master' in options.ips.keys(): raise BadConfigurationException("Cannot add master nodes to an " + \ "already running AppScale deployment.") # Skip checking for -n (replication) because we don't allow the user # to specify it here (only allowed in run-instances). additional_nodes_layout = NodeLayout(options) # In virtualized cluster deployments, we need to make sure that the user # has already set up SSH keys. if LocalState.get_from_yaml(options.keyname, 'infrastructure') == "xen": for ip in options.ips.values(): # throws a ShellException if the SSH key doesn't work RemoteHelper.ssh(ip, options.keyname, "ls", options.verbose) # Finally, find an AppController and send it a message to add # the given nodes with the new roles. AppScaleLogger.log("Sending request to add instances") login_ip = LocalState.get_login_host(options.keyname) acc = AppControllerClient(login_ip, LocalState.get_secret_key( options.keyname)) acc.start_roles_on_nodes(json.dumps(options.ips)) # TODO(cgb): Should we wait for the new instances to come up and get # initialized? AppScaleLogger.success("Successfully sent request to add instances " + \ "to this AppScale deployment.")
def remove_app(cls, options): """Instructs AppScale to no longer host the named application. Args: options: A Namespace that has fields for each parameter that can be passed in via the command-line interface. """ if not options.confirm: response = raw_input("Are you sure you want to remove this " + \ "application? (Y/N) ") if response not in ['y', 'yes', 'Y', 'YES']: raise AppScaleException("Cancelled application removal.") login_host = LocalState.get_login_host(options.keyname) acc = AppControllerClient(login_host, LocalState.get_secret_key( options.keyname)) userappserver_host = acc.get_uaserver_host(options.verbose) userappclient = UserAppClient(userappserver_host, LocalState.get_secret_key( options.keyname)) if not userappclient.does_app_exist(options.appname): raise AppScaleException("The given application is not currently running.") acc.stop_app(options.appname) AppScaleLogger.log("Please wait for your app to shut down.") while True: if acc.is_app_running(options.appname): time.sleep(cls.SLEEP_TIME) else: break AppScaleLogger.success("Done shutting down {0}".format(options.appname))
def relocate_app(cls, options): """Instructs AppScale to move the named application to a different port. Args: options: A Namespace that has fields for each parameter that can be passed in via the command-line interface. Raises: AppScaleException: If the named application isn't running in this AppScale cloud, if the destination port is in use by a different application, or if the AppController rejects the request to relocate the application (in which case it includes the reason why the rejection occurred). """ login_host = LocalState.get_login_host(options.keyname) acc = AppControllerClient(login_host, LocalState.get_secret_key( options.keyname)) app_info_map = acc.get_app_info_map() if options.appname not in app_info_map.keys(): raise AppScaleException("The given application, {0}, is not currently " \ "running in this AppScale cloud, so we can't move it to a different " \ "port.".format(options.appname)) relocate_result = acc.relocate_app(options.appname, options.http_port, options.https_port) if relocate_result == "OK": AppScaleLogger.success("Successfully issued request to move {0} to " \ "ports {1} and {2}.".format(options.appname, options.http_port, options.https_port)) AppScaleLogger.success("Your app serves unencrypted traffic at: " + "http://{0}:{1}".format(login_host, options.http_port)) AppScaleLogger.success("Your app serves encrypted traffic at: " + "https://{0}:{1}".format(login_host, options.https_port)) else: raise AppScaleException(relocate_result)
def copy_app_to_host(cls, app_location, keyname, is_verbose): """Copies the given application to a machine running the Login service within an AppScale deployment. Args: app_location: The location on the local filesystem where the application can be found. keyname: The name of the SSH keypair that uniquely identifies this AppScale deployment. is_verbose: A bool that indicates if we should print the commands we exec to copy the app to the remote host to stdout. Returns: A str corresponding to the location on the remote filesystem where the application was copied to. """ app_id = AppEngineHelper.get_app_id_from_app_config(app_location) AppScaleLogger.log("Tarring application") rand = str(uuid.uuid4()).replace('-', '')[:8] local_tarred_app = "{0}/appscale-app-{1}-{2}.tar.gz".format(tempfile.gettempdir(), app_id, rand)"cd '{0}' && COPYFILE_DISABLE=1 tar -czhf {1} --exclude='*.pyc' *".format( app_location, local_tarred_app), is_verbose) AppScaleLogger.log("Copying over application") remote_app_tar = "{0}/{1}.tar.gz".format(cls.REMOTE_APP_DIR, app_id) cls.scp(LocalState.get_login_host(keyname), keyname, local_tarred_app, remote_app_tar, is_verbose) os.remove(local_tarred_app) return remote_app_tar
def copy_local_metadata(cls, host, keyname, is_verbose): """Copies the locations.yaml and locations.json files found locally (which contain metadata about this AppScale deployment) to the specified host. Args: host: The machine that we should copy the metadata files to. keyname: The name of the SSH keypair that we can use to log into the given host. is_verbose: A bool that indicates if we should print the SCP commands we exec to stdout. """ # copy the metadata files for AppScale itself to use cls.scp(host, keyname, LocalState.get_locations_yaml_location(keyname), '/etc/appscale/locations-{0}.yaml'.format(keyname), is_verbose) cls.scp(host, keyname, LocalState.get_locations_json_location(keyname), '/etc/appscale/locations-{0}.json'.format(keyname), is_verbose) # and copy the json file if the tools on that box wants to use it cls.scp(host, keyname, LocalState.get_locations_json_location(keyname), '/root/.appscale/locations-{0}.json'.format(keyname), is_verbose) # and copy the secret file if the tools on that box wants to use it cls.scp(host, keyname, LocalState.get_secret_key_location(keyname), '/root/.appscale/', is_verbose)
def get_params_from_yaml(self, keyname): """Searches through the locations.yaml file to build a dict containing the parameters necessary to interact with Amazon EC2. Args: keyname: The name of the SSH keypair that uniquely identifies this AppScale deployment. """ params = { self.PARAM_CREDENTIALS : {}, self.PARAM_GROUP : LocalState.get_group(keyname), self.PARAM_KEYNAME : keyname } zone = LocalState.get_zone(keyname) if zone: params[self.PARAM_REGION] = zone[:-1] else: params[self.PARAM_REGION] = self.DEFAULT_REGION for credential in self.REQUIRED_CREDENTIALS: if os.environ.get(credential): params[self.PARAM_CREDENTIALS][credential] = os.environ[credential] else: raise AgentConfigurationException("no " + credential) return params
def rsync_files(cls, host, keyname, local_appscale_dir, is_verbose): """Copies over an AppScale source directory from this machine to the specified host. Args: host: A str representing a host that should be accessible from this machine. keyname: A str representing the name of the SSH keypair that can log into the specified machine. local_appscale_dir: A str representing the path on the local filesystem where the AppScale source to copy over can be found. is_verbose: A bool that indicates if we should print the rsync commands we exec to stdout. Raises: BadConfigurationException: If local_appscale_dir does not exist locally, or if any of the standard AppScale module folders do not exist. """ ssh_key = LocalState.get_key_path_from_name(keyname) appscale_dirs = ["lib", "AppController", "AppManager", "AppServer", "AppLoadBalancer", "AppMonitoring", "Neptune", "InfrastructureManager"] for dir_name in appscale_dirs: local_path = os.path.expanduser(local_appscale_dir) + os.sep + dir_name if not os.path.exists(local_path): raise BadConfigurationException("The location you specified to copy " + "from, {0}, doesn't contain a {1} folder.".format(local_appscale_dir, local_path))"rsync -e 'ssh -i {0} {1}' -arv {2}/* root@{3}:/root/appscale/{4}" \ .format(ssh_key, cls.SSH_OPTIONS, local_path, host, dir_name), is_verbose) # Rsync AppDB separately, as it has a lot of paths we may need to exclude # (e.g., built database binaries). local_app_db = os.path.expanduser(local_appscale_dir) + os.sep + "AppDB/*""rsync -e 'ssh -i {0} {1}' -arv --exclude='logs/*' --exclude='hadoop-*' --exclude='hbase/hbase-*' --exclude='voldemort/voldemort/*' --exclude='cassandra/cassandra/*' {2} root@{3}:/root/appscale/AppDB".format(ssh_key, cls.SSH_OPTIONS, local_app_db, host), is_verbose)
def create_user_accounts(cls, email, password, uaserver_host, keyname): """Registers two new user accounts with the UserAppServer. One account is the standard account that users log in with (via their e-mail address. The other is their XMPP account, so that they can log into any jabber-compatible service and send XMPP messages to their application (and receive them). Args: email: The e-mail address that should be registered for the user's standard account. password: The password that should be used for both the standard and XMPP accounts. uaserver_host: The location of a UserAppClient, that can create new user accounts. keyname: The name of the SSH keypair used for this AppScale deployment. """ uaserver = UserAppClient(uaserver_host, LocalState.get_secret_key(keyname)) # first, create the standard account encrypted_pass = LocalState.encrypt_password(email, password) uaserver.create_user(email, encrypted_pass) # next, create the XMPP account. if the user's e-mail is [email protected], then that # means their XMPP account name is a@login_ip username_regex = re.compile('\A(.*)@') username = username_regex.match(email).groups()[0] xmpp_user = "******".format(username, LocalState.get_login_host(keyname)) xmpp_pass = LocalState.encrypt_password(xmpp_user, password) uaserver.create_user(xmpp_user, xmpp_pass) AppScaleLogger.log("Your XMPP username is {0}".format(xmpp_user))
def add_instances(cls, options): """Adds additional machines to an AppScale deployment. Args: options: A Namespace that has fields for each parameter that can be passed in via the command-line interface. """ if 'master' in options.ips.keys(): raise BadConfigurationException("Cannot add master nodes to an " + \ "already running AppScale deployment.") # Skip checking for -n (replication) because we don't allow the user # to specify it here (only allowed in run-instances). additional_nodes_layout = NodeLayout(options) # In virtualized cluster deployments, we need to make sure that the user # has already set up SSH keys. if LocalState.get_from_yaml(options.keyname, 'infrastructure') == "xen": for ip in options.ips.values(): # throws a ShellException if the SSH key doesn't work RemoteHelper.ssh(ip, options.keyname, "ls", options.verbose) # Finally, find an AppController and send it a message to add # the given nodes with the new roles. AppScaleLogger.log("Sending request to add instances") login_ip = LocalState.get_login_host(options.keyname) acc = AppControllerClient(login_ip, LocalState.get_secret_key(options.keyname)) acc.start_roles_on_nodes(json.dumps(options.ips)) # TODO(cgb): Should we wait for the new instances to come up and get # initialized? AppScaleLogger.success("Successfully sent request to add instances " + \ "to this AppScale deployment.")
def copy_app_to_host(cls, app_location, keyname, is_verbose): """Copies the given application to a machine running the Login service within an AppScale deployment. Args: app_location: The location on the local filesystem where the application can be found. keyname: The name of the SSH keypair that uniquely identifies this AppScale deployment. is_verbose: A bool that indicates if we should print the commands we exec to copy the app to the remote host to stdout. Returns: A str corresponding to the location on the remote filesystem where the application was copied to. """ AppScaleLogger.log("Creating remote directory to copy app into") app_id = AppEngineHelper.get_app_id_from_app_config(app_location) remote_app_dir = "/var/apps/{0}/app".format(app_id) cls.ssh(LocalState.get_login_host(keyname), keyname, 'mkdir -p {0}'.format(remote_app_dir), is_verbose) AppScaleLogger.log("Tarring application") rand = str(uuid.uuid4()).replace('-', '')[:8] local_tarred_app = "/tmp/appscale-app-{0}-{1}.tar.gz".format(app_id, rand)"cd {0} && tar -czf {1} *".format(app_location, local_tarred_app), is_verbose) AppScaleLogger.log("Copying over application") remote_app_tar = "{0}/{1}.tar.gz".format(remote_app_dir, app_id) cls.scp(LocalState.get_login_host(keyname), keyname, local_tarred_app, remote_app_tar, is_verbose) os.remove(local_tarred_app) return remote_app_tar
def test_appscale_in_two_node_virt_deployment(self): # pretend that the place we're going to put logs into doesn't exist flexmock(os.path) os.path.should_call('exists') # set the fall-through os.path.should_receive('exists').with_args('/tmp/foobaz').and_return(False) # and mock out the mkdir operation flexmock(os) os.should_receive('mkdir').with_args('/tmp/foobaz').and_return() # next, mock out finding the login ip address os.path.should_receive('exists').with_args( LocalState.get_locations_json_location(self.keyname)).and_return(True) fake_nodes_json = flexmock(name="fake_nodes_json") fake_nodes_json.should_receive('read').and_return(json.dumps([{ "public_ip" : "public1", "private_ip" : "private1", "jobs" : ["shadow", "login"] }])) builtins = flexmock(sys.modules['__builtin__']) builtins.should_call('open') builtins.should_receive('open').with_args( LocalState.get_locations_json_location(self.keyname), 'r') \ .and_return(fake_nodes_json) # mock out writing the secret key to ~/.appscale, as well as reading it # later secret_key_location = LocalState.get_secret_key_location(self.keyname) fake_secret = flexmock(name="fake_secret") fake_secret.should_receive('read').and_return('the secret') builtins.should_receive('open').with_args(secret_key_location, 'r') \ .and_return(fake_secret) # and slip in a fake appcontroller to report on the two IP addrs fake_appcontroller = flexmock(name='fake_appcontroller') fake_appcontroller.should_receive('get_all_public_ips').with_args( 'the secret').and_return(json.dumps(['public1', 'public2'])) flexmock(SOAPpy) SOAPpy.should_receive('SOAPProxy').with_args('https://public1:17443') \ .and_return(fake_appcontroller) # fake the creation of the log directories locally os.should_receive('mkdir').with_args('/tmp/foobaz/public1').and_return() os.should_receive('mkdir').with_args('/tmp/foobaz/public2').and_return() # finally, fake the copying of the log files flexmock(subprocess) subprocess.should_receive('Popen').with_args(re.compile('/var/log/appscale'), shell=True, stdout=self.fake_temp_file, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) \ .and_return(self.success) argv = [ "--keyname", self.keyname, "--location", "/tmp/foobaz" ] options = ParseArgs(argv, self.function).args AppScaleTools.gather_logs(options)
def terminate_virtualized_cluster(cls, keyname, is_verbose): """Stops all API services running on all nodes in the currently running AppScale deployment. Args: keyname: The name of the SSH keypair used for this AppScale deployment. is_verbose: A bool that indicates if we should print the commands executed to stdout. """ AppScaleLogger.log("Terminating appscale deployment with keyname {0}" .format(keyname)) time.sleep(2) shadow_host = LocalState.get_host_with_role(keyname, 'shadow') try: secret = LocalState.get_secret_key(keyname) except IOError: # We couldn't find the secret key: AppScale is most likely not # running. raise AppScaleException("Couldn't find AppScale secret key.") acc = AppControllerClient(shadow_host, secret) try: all_ips = acc.get_all_public_ips() except Exception as exception: AppScaleLogger.warn('Saw Exception while getting deployments IPs {0}'. format(str(exception))) all_ips = LocalState.get_all_public_ips(keyname) threads = [] for ip in all_ips: thread = threading.Thread(target=cls.stop_remote_appcontroller, args=(ip, keyname, is_verbose)) thread.start() threads.append(thread) for thread in threads: thread.join() boxes_shut_down = 0 is_running_regex = re.compile("appscale-controller stop") for ip in all_ips: AppScaleLogger.log("Shutting down AppScale API services at {0}". format(ip)) while True: remote_output = cls.ssh(ip, keyname, 'ps x', is_verbose) AppScaleLogger.verbose(remote_output, is_verbose) if not is_running_regex.match(remote_output): break time.sleep(0.3) boxes_shut_down += 1 if boxes_shut_down != len(all_ips): raise AppScaleException("Couldn't terminate your AppScale deployment on" " all machines - please do so manually.") AppScaleLogger.log("Terminated AppScale on {0} machines.". format(boxes_shut_down))
def test_describe_instances_with_two_nodes(self): # mock out writing the secret key to ~/.appscale, as well as reading it # later builtins = flexmock(sys.modules['__builtin__']) builtins.should_call('open') # set the fall-through secret_key_location = LocalState.get_secret_key_location(self.keyname) fake_secret = flexmock(name="fake_secret") fake_secret.should_receive('read').and_return('the secret') fake_secret.should_receive('write').and_return() builtins.should_receive('open').with_args(secret_key_location, 'r') \ .and_return(fake_secret) # mock out the SOAP call to the AppController and assume it succeeded fake_appcontroller = flexmock(name='fake_appcontroller') fake_appcontroller.should_receive('get_all_public_ips').with_args('the secret') \ .and_return(json.dumps(['public1', 'public2'])) fake_appcontroller.should_receive('status').with_args('the secret') \ .and_return('nothing interesting here') \ .and_return('Database is at not-up-yet') \ .and_return('Database is at') flexmock(SOAPpy) SOAPpy.should_receive('SOAPProxy').with_args('https://public1:17443') \ .and_return(fake_appcontroller) SOAPpy.should_receive('SOAPProxy').with_args('https://public2:17443') \ .and_return(fake_appcontroller) # mock out reading the locations.json file, and slip in our own json flexmock(os.path) os.path.should_call('exists') # set the fall-through os.path.should_receive('exists').with_args( LocalState.get_locations_json_location( self.keyname)).and_return(True) fake_nodes_json = flexmock(name="fake_nodes_json") fake_nodes_json.should_receive('read').and_return( json.dumps([ { "public_ip": "public1", "private_ip": "private1", "jobs": ["shadow", "login"] }, { "public_ip": "public2", "private_ip": "private2", "jobs": ["appengine"] }, ])) fake_nodes_json.should_receive('write').and_return() builtins.should_receive('open').with_args( LocalState.get_locations_json_location(self.keyname), 'r') \ .and_return(fake_nodes_json) # assume that there are two machines running in our deployment argv = ["--keyname", self.keyname] options = ParseArgs(argv, self.function).args AppScaleTools.describe_instances(options)
def test_remove_app_and_app_is_running(self): # mock out reading from stdin, and assume the user says 'YES' builtins = flexmock(sys.modules['__builtin__']) builtins.should_receive('raw_input').and_return('YES') # mock out reading the secret key builtins.should_call('open') # set the fall-through secret_key_location = LocalState.get_secret_key_location(self.keyname) fake_secret = flexmock(name="fake_secret") fake_secret.should_receive('read').and_return('the secret') builtins.should_receive('open').with_args(secret_key_location, 'r') \ .and_return(fake_secret) # mock out the SOAP call to the AppController and assume it succeeded fake_appcontroller = flexmock(name='fake_appcontroller') fake_appcontroller.should_receive('status').with_args('the secret') \ .and_return('Database is at public1') fake_appcontroller.should_receive('stop_app').with_args('blargapp', 'the secret').and_return('OK') fake_appcontroller.should_receive('is_app_running').with_args('blargapp', 'the secret').and_return(True).and_return(True).and_return(False) flexmock(SOAPpy) SOAPpy.should_receive('SOAPProxy').with_args('https://public1:17443') \ .and_return(fake_appcontroller) # mock out reading the locations.json file, and slip in our own json flexmock(os.path) os.path.should_call('exists') # set the fall-through os.path.should_receive('exists').with_args( LocalState.get_locations_json_location(self.keyname)).and_return(True) fake_nodes_json = flexmock(name="fake_nodes_json") fake_nodes_json.should_receive('read').and_return(json.dumps([{ "public_ip" : "public1", "private_ip" : "private1", "jobs" : ["shadow", "login"] }])) fake_nodes_json.should_receive('write').and_return() builtins.should_receive('open').with_args( LocalState.get_locations_json_location(self.keyname), 'r') \ .and_return(fake_nodes_json) # mock out calls to the UserAppServer and presume that the app does exist fake_userappserver = flexmock(name='fake_uaserver') fake_userappserver.should_receive('get_app_data').with_args( 'blargapp', 'the secret').and_return(json.dumps({ 'hosts' : { '' : { 'http' : '80', 'https' : '443' }}})) SOAPpy.should_receive('SOAPProxy').with_args('https://public1:4343') \ .and_return(fake_userappserver) argv = [ "--appname", "blargapp", "--keyname", self.keyname ] options = ParseArgs(argv, self.function).args AppScaleTools.remove_app(options)
def create_user_accounts(cls, email, password, public_ip, keyname): """Registers two new user accounts with the UserAppServer. One account is the standard account that users log in with (via their e-mail address. The other is their XMPP account, so that they can log into any jabber-compatible service and send XMPP messages to their application (and receive them). Args: email: The e-mail address that should be registered for the user's standard account. password: The password that should be used for both the standard and XMPP accounts. public_ip: The location where the AppController can be found. keyname: The name of the SSH keypair used for this AppScale deployment. """ acc = AppControllerClient(public_ip, LocalState.get_secret_key(keyname)) is_new_user = False # first, create the standard account encrypted_pass = LocalState.encrypt_password(email, password) if acc.does_user_exist(email): AppScaleLogger.log("User {0} already exists, so not creating it again.". format(email)) else: acc.create_user(email, encrypted_pass) is_new_user = True # next, create the XMPP account. if the user's e-mail is [email protected], then that # means their XMPP account name is a@login_ip username_regex = re.compile('\A(.*)@') username = username_regex.match(email).groups()[0] try: login_host = acc.get_property('login')['login'] except KeyError: raise AppControllerException('login property not found') xmpp_user = "******".format(username, login_host) xmpp_pass = LocalState.encrypt_password(xmpp_user, password) is_xmpp_user_exist = acc.does_user_exist(xmpp_user) if is_xmpp_user_exist and is_new_user: AppScaleLogger.log("XMPP User {0} conflict!".format(xmpp_user)) generated_xmpp_username = LocalState.generate_xmpp_username(username) xmpp_user = "******".format(generated_xmpp_username, login_host) xmpp_pass = LocalState.encrypt_password(xmpp_user, password) acc.create_user(xmpp_user, xmpp_pass) elif is_xmpp_user_exist and not is_new_user: AppScaleLogger.log("XMPP User {0} already exists, so not creating it again.".format(xmpp_user)) else: acc.create_user(xmpp_user, xmpp_pass) AppScaleLogger.log("Your XMPP username is {0}".format(xmpp_user))
def test_update_local_metadata(self): # mock out getting all the ips in the deployment from the head node fake_soap = flexmock(name='fake_soap') fake_soap.should_receive('get_all_public_ips').with_args('the secret') \ .and_return(json.dumps(['public1'])) role_info = [{ 'public_ip' : 'public1', 'private_ip' : 'private1', 'jobs' : ['shadow', 'db_master'] }] fake_soap.should_receive('get_role_info').with_args('the secret') \ .and_return(json.dumps(role_info)) flexmock(SOAPpy) SOAPpy.should_receive('SOAPProxy').with_args('https://public1:17443') \ .and_return(fake_soap) # mock out reading the secret key fake_secret = flexmock(name='fake_secret') fake_secret.should_receive('read').and_return('the secret') builtins = flexmock(sys.modules['__builtin__']) builtins.should_call('open') builtins.should_receive('open').with_args( LocalState.get_secret_key_location('booscale'), 'r') \ .and_return(fake_secret) # mock out writing the yaml file fake_locations_yaml = flexmock(name='fake_locations_yaml') fake_locations_yaml.should_receive('write').with_args(yaml.dump({ 'load_balancer': 'public1', 'instance_id': 'i-ABCDEFG', 'secret': 'the secret', 'infrastructure': 'ec2', 'group': 'boogroup', 'ips': 'public1', 'table': 'cassandra', 'db_master': 'node-0', 'zone' : 'my-zone-1b' })).and_return() builtins.should_receive('open').with_args( LocalState.get_locations_yaml_location('booscale'), 'w') \ .and_return(fake_locations_yaml) # and mock out writing the json file fake_locations_json = flexmock(name='fake_locations_json') fake_locations_json.should_receive('write').with_args(json.dumps( role_info)).and_return() builtins.should_receive('open').with_args( LocalState.get_locations_json_location('booscale'), 'w') \ .and_return(fake_locations_json) options = flexmock(name='options', table='cassandra', infrastructure='ec2', keyname='booscale', group='boogroup', zone='my-zone-1b') node_layout = NodeLayout(options={ 'min' : 1, 'max' : 1, 'infrastructure' : 'ec2', 'table' : 'cassandra' }) host = 'public1' instance_id = 'i-ABCDEFG' LocalState.update_local_metadata(options, node_layout, host, instance_id)
def test_remove_app_and_app_is_running(self): # mock out reading from stdin, and assume the user says 'YES' builtins = flexmock(sys.modules['__builtin__']) builtins.should_receive('raw_input').and_return('YES') # mock out reading the secret key builtins.should_call('open') # set the fall-through secret_key_location = LocalState.get_secret_key_location(self.keyname) fake_secret = flexmock(name="fake_secret") fake_secret.should_receive('read').and_return('the secret') builtins.should_receive('open').with_args(secret_key_location, 'r') \ .and_return(fake_secret) # mock out the SOAP call to the AppController and assume it succeeded fake_appcontroller = flexmock(name='fake_appcontroller') fake_appcontroller.should_receive('status').with_args('the secret') \ .and_return('Database is at public1') fake_appcontroller.should_receive('stop_app').with_args( 'blargapp', 'the secret').and_return('OK') fake_appcontroller.should_receive('is_app_running').with_args( 'blargapp', 'the secret').and_return(True).and_return(True).and_return(False) flexmock(SOAPpy) SOAPpy.should_receive('SOAPProxy').with_args('https://public1:17443') \ .and_return(fake_appcontroller) # mock out reading the locations.json file, and slip in our own json flexmock(os.path) os.path.should_call('exists') # set the fall-through os.path.should_receive('exists').with_args( LocalState.get_locations_json_location( self.keyname)).and_return(True) fake_nodes_json = flexmock(name="fake_nodes_json") fake_nodes_json.should_receive('read').and_return( json.dumps([{ "public_ip": "public1", "private_ip": "private1", "jobs": ["shadow", "login"] }])) fake_nodes_json.should_receive('write').and_return() builtins.should_receive('open').with_args( LocalState.get_locations_json_location(self.keyname), 'r') \ .and_return(fake_nodes_json) # mock out calls to the UserAppServer and presume that the app does exist fake_userappserver = flexmock(name='fake_uaserver') fake_userappserver.should_receive('get_app_data').with_args( 'blargapp', 'the secret').and_return('\nnum_ports:2\n') SOAPpy.should_receive('SOAPProxy').with_args('https://public1:4343') \ .and_return(fake_userappserver) argv = ["--appname", "blargapp", "--keyname", self.keyname] options = ParseArgs(argv, self.function).args AppScaleTools.remove_app(options)
def test_describe_instances_with_two_nodes(self): # mock out writing the secret key to ~/.appscale, as well as reading it # later builtins = flexmock(sys.modules['__builtin__']) builtins.should_call('open') # set the fall-through secret_key_location = LocalState.get_secret_key_location(self.keyname) fake_secret = flexmock(name="fake_secret") fake_secret.should_receive('read').and_return('the secret') fake_secret.should_receive('write').and_return() builtins.should_receive('open').with_args(secret_key_location, 'r') \ .and_return(fake_secret) # mock out the SOAP call to the AppController and assume it succeeded fake_appcontroller = flexmock(name='fake_appcontroller') fake_appcontroller.should_receive('get_all_public_ips').with_args('the secret') \ .and_return(json.dumps(['public1', 'public2'])) fake_appcontroller.should_receive('status').with_args('the secret') \ .and_return('nothing interesting here') \ .and_return('Database is at not-up-yet') \ .and_return('Database is at') flexmock(SOAPpy) SOAPpy.should_receive('SOAPProxy').with_args('https://public1:17443') \ .and_return(fake_appcontroller) SOAPpy.should_receive('SOAPProxy').with_args('https://public2:17443') \ .and_return(fake_appcontroller) # mock out reading the locations.json file, and slip in our own json flexmock(os.path) os.path.should_call('exists') # set the fall-through os.path.should_receive('exists').with_args( LocalState.get_locations_json_location(self.keyname)).and_return(True) fake_nodes_json = flexmock(name="fake_nodes_json") fake_nodes_json.should_receive('read').and_return(json.dumps([{ "public_ip" : "public1", "private_ip" : "private1", "jobs" : ["shadow", "login"] }, { "public_ip" : "public2", "private_ip" : "private2", "jobs" : ["appengine"] }, ])) fake_nodes_json.should_receive('write').and_return() builtins.should_receive('open').with_args( LocalState.get_locations_json_location(self.keyname), 'r') \ .and_return(fake_nodes_json) # assume that there are two machines running in our deployment argv = [ "--keyname", self.keyname ] options = ParseArgs(argv, self.function).args AppScaleTools.describe_instances(options)
def test_reset_password_for_user_that_doesnt_exist(self): # put in a mock for reading the secret file builtins = flexmock(sys.modules['__builtin__']) builtins.should_call('open') # set the fall-through secret_key_location = LocalState.get_secret_key_location(self.keyname) fake_secret = flexmock(name="fake_secret") fake_secret.should_receive('read').and_return('the secret') builtins.should_receive('open').with_args(secret_key_location, 'r') \ .and_return(fake_secret) # mock out reading the username and new password from the user builtins.should_receive('raw_input').and_return('*****@*****.**') flexmock(getpass) getpass.should_receive('getpass').and_return('the password') # mock out finding the login node's IP address from the json file flexmock(os.path) os.path.should_call('exists') # set the fall-through os.path.should_receive('exists').with_args( LocalState.get_locations_json_location( self.keyname)).and_return(True) fake_nodes_json = flexmock(name="fake_secret") fake_nodes_json.should_receive('read').and_return( json.dumps([{ 'public_ip': 'public1', 'private_ip': 'private1', 'jobs': ['login', 'db_master'] }])) builtins.should_receive('open').with_args( LocalState.get_locations_json_location(self.keyname), 'r') \ .and_return(fake_nodes_json) # mock out grabbing the userappserver ip from an appcontroller fake_appcontroller = flexmock(name='fake_appcontroller') fake_appcontroller.should_receive('status').with_args('the secret') \ .and_return('nothing interesting here') \ .and_return('Database is at not-up-yet') \ .and_return('Database is at public1') flexmock(SOAPpy) SOAPpy.should_receive('SOAPProxy').with_args('https://*****:*****', str, 'the secret').and_return('Error: user does not exist') SOAPpy.should_receive('SOAPProxy').with_args('https://public1:4343') \ .and_return(fake_userappserver) argv = ["--keyname", self.keyname] options = ParseArgs(argv, self.function).args self.assertRaises(SystemExit, AppScaleTools.reset_password, options)
def remove_app(cls, options): """Instructs AppScale to no longer host the named application. Args: options: A Namespace that has fields for each parameter that can be passed in via the command-line interface. """ if not options.confirm: response = raw_input( 'Are you sure you want to remove this application? (y/N) ') if response.lower() not in ['y', 'yes']: raise AppScaleException("Cancelled application removal.") login_host = LocalState.get_login_host(options.keyname) secret = LocalState.get_secret_key(options.keyname) acc = AppControllerClient(login_host, secret) if not acc.is_app_running(options.appname): raise AppScaleException("The given application is not currently running.") # Makes a call to the AppController to get all the stats and looks # through them for the http port the app can be reached on. http_port = None for _ in range(cls.MAX_RETRIES + 1): result = acc.get_all_stats() try: json_result = json.loads(result) apps_result = json_result['apps'] current_app = apps_result[options.appname] http_port = current_app['http'] if http_port: break time.sleep(cls.SLEEP_TIME) except (KeyError, ValueError): AppScaleLogger.verbose("Got json error from get_all_data result.", options.verbose) time.sleep(cls.SLEEP_TIME) if not http_port: raise AppScaleException( "Unable to get the serving port for the application.") acc.stop_app(options.appname) AppScaleLogger.log("Please wait for your app to shut down.") for _ in range(cls.MAX_RETRIES + 1): if RemoteHelper.is_port_open(login_host, http_port, options.verbose): time.sleep(cls.SLEEP_TIME) AppScaleLogger.log("Waiting for {0} to terminate...".format( options.appname)) else: AppScaleLogger.success("Done shutting down {0}.".format( options.appname)) return AppScaleLogger.warn("App {0} may still be running.".format( options.appname))
def test_reset_password_for_user_that_exists(self): # put in a mock for reading the secret file builtins = flexmock(sys.modules['__builtin__']) builtins.should_call('open') # set the fall-through secret_key_location = LocalState.get_secret_key_location(self.keyname) fake_secret = flexmock(name="fake_secret") fake_secret.should_receive('read').and_return('the secret') builtins.should_receive('open').with_args(secret_key_location, 'r') \ .and_return(fake_secret) # mock out reading the username and new password from the user builtins.should_receive('raw_input').and_return('*****@*****.**') flexmock(getpass) getpass.should_receive('getpass').and_return('the password') # mock out finding the login node's IP address from the json file flexmock(os.path) os.path.should_call('exists') # set the fall-through os.path.should_receive('exists').with_args( LocalState.get_locations_json_location(self.keyname)).and_return(True) fake_nodes_json = flexmock(name="fake_secret") fake_nodes_json.should_receive('read').and_return(json.dumps([{ 'public_ip' : 'public1', 'private_ip' : 'private1', 'jobs' : ['login', 'db_master'] }])) builtins.should_receive('open').with_args( LocalState.get_locations_json_location(self.keyname), 'r') \ .and_return(fake_nodes_json) # mock out grabbing the userappserver ip from an appcontroller fake_appcontroller = flexmock(name='fake_appcontroller') fake_appcontroller.should_receive('status').with_args('the secret') \ .and_return('nothing interesting here') \ .and_return('Database is at not-up-yet') \ .and_return('Database is at public1') flexmock(SOAPpy) SOAPpy.should_receive('SOAPProxy').with_args('https://*****:*****', str, 'the secret').and_return('true') SOAPpy.should_receive('SOAPProxy').with_args('https://public1:4343') \ .and_return(fake_userappserver) argv = [ "--keyname", self.keyname ] options = ParseArgs(argv, self.function).args AppScaleTools.reset_password(options)
def get_params_from_args(self, args): """ Constructs a dict with only the parameters necessary to interact with Google Compute Engine (here, the client_secrets file and the image name). Args: args: A Namespace or dict that maps all of the arguments the user has invoked an AppScale command with their associated value. Returns: A dict containing the location of the client_secrets file and that name of the image to use in GCE. Raises: AgentConfigurationException: If the caller fails to specify a client_secrets file, or if it doesn't exist on the local filesystem. """ if not isinstance(args, dict): args = vars(args) if not args.get('client_secrets') and not args.get('oauth2_storage'): raise AgentConfigurationException("Please specify a client_secrets " + \ "file or a oauth2_storage file in your AppScalefile when running " + \ "over Google Compute Engine.") credentials_file = args.get('client_secrets') or args.get( 'oauth2_storage') full_credentials = os.path.expanduser(credentials_file) if not os.path.exists(full_credentials): raise AgentConfigurationException("Couldn't find your credentials " + \ "at {0}".format(full_credentials)) if args.get('client_secrets'): destination = LocalState.get_client_secrets_location( args['keyname']) elif args.get('oauth2_storage'): destination = LocalState.get_oauth2_storage_location( args['keyname']) shutil.copy(full_credentials, destination) params = { self.PARAM_GROUP: args['group'], self.PARAM_IMAGE_ID: args['machine'], self.PARAM_INSTANCE_TYPE: args['gce_instance_type'], self.PARAM_KEYNAME: args['keyname'], self.PARAM_PROJECT: args['project'], self.PARAM_ZONE: args['zone'] } if args.get(self.PARAM_SECRETS): params[self.PARAM_SECRETS] = args.get(self.PARAM_SECRETS) elif args.get(self.PARAM_STORAGE): params[self.PARAM_STORAGE] = args.get(self.PARAM_STORAGE) params[self.PARAM_VERBOSE] = args.get('verbose', False) return params
def configure_instance_security(self, parameters): """ Setup Euca security keys and groups. Required input values are read from the parameters dictionary. More specifically, this method expects to find a 'keyname' parameter and a 'group' parameter in the parameters dictionary. Using these provided values, this method will create a new Euca key-pair and a security group. Security group will be granted permissions to access any port on the instantiated VMs. (Also see documentation for the BaseAgent class) Args: parameters A dictionary of parameters """ keyname = parameters[self.PARAM_KEYNAME] group = parameters[self.PARAM_GROUP] AppScaleLogger.log("Verifying that keyname {0}".format(keyname) + \ " is not already registered.") conn = self.open_connection(parameters) try: conn.get_key_pair(keyname) self.handle_failure( 'SSH key found locally - please use a different keyname') except IndexError: # in euca, this means the key doesn't exist pass security_groups = conn.get_all_security_groups() group_exists = False for security_group in security_groups: if == group: self.handle_failure("Security group already exists - please use a " + \ "different group name") AppScaleLogger.log('Creating key pair: ' + keyname) key_pair = conn.create_key_pair(keyname) ssh_key = '{0}{1}.key'.format(LocalState.LOCAL_APPSCALE_PATH, keyname) LocalState.write_key_file(ssh_key, key_pair.material) AppScaleLogger.log('Creating security group: {0}'.format(group)) conn.create_security_group(group, 'AppScale security group') conn.authorize_security_group_deprecated(group, from_port=1, to_port=65535, ip_protocol='udp', cidr_ip='') conn.authorize_security_group_deprecated(group, from_port=1, to_port=65535, ip_protocol='tcp', cidr_ip='') conn.authorize_security_group_deprecated(group, ip_protocol='icmp', cidr_ip='') return True
def copy_deployment_credentials(cls, host, options): """Copies credentials needed to start the AppController and have it create other instances (in cloud deployments). Args: host: A str representing the machine (reachable from this computer) to copy our deployment credentials to. options: A Namespace that indicates which SSH keypair to use, and whether or not we are running in a cloud infrastructure. """ local_secret_key = LocalState.get_secret_key_location(options.keyname) cls.scp(host, options.keyname, local_secret_key, '{}/secret.key'.format(cls.CONFIG_DIR), options.verbose) local_ssh_key = LocalState.get_key_path_from_name(options.keyname) cls.scp(host, options.keyname, local_ssh_key, '{}/ssh.key'.format(cls.CONFIG_DIR), options.verbose) LocalState.generate_ssl_cert(options.keyname, options.verbose) local_cert = LocalState.get_certificate_location(options.keyname) cls.scp(host, options.keyname, local_cert, '{}/certs/mycert.pem'.format(cls.CONFIG_DIR), options.verbose) local_private_key = LocalState.get_private_key_location( options.keyname) cls.scp(host, options.keyname, local_private_key, '{}/certs/mykey.pem'.format(cls.CONFIG_DIR), options.verbose) hash_id = subprocess.Popen([ "openssl", "x509", "-hash", "-noout", "-in", LocalState.get_certificate_location(options.keyname) ], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0] symlink_cert = 'ln -fs {}/certs/mycert.pem /etc/ssl/certs/{}.0'.\ format(cls.CONFIG_DIR, hash_id.rstrip()) cls.ssh(host, options.keyname, symlink_cert, options.verbose) # In Google Compute Engine, we also need to copy over our client_secrets # file and the OAuth2 file that the user has approved for use with their # credentials, otherwise the AppScale VMs won't be able to interact with # GCE. if options.infrastructure and options.infrastructure == 'gce': secrets_location = LocalState.get_client_secrets_location( options.keyname) if not os.path.exists(secrets_location): raise AppScaleException( '{} does not exist.'.format(secrets_location)) secrets_type = GCEAgent.get_secrets_type(secrets_location) cls.scp(host, options.keyname, secrets_location, '{}/client_secrets.json'.format(cls.CONFIG_DIR), options.verbose) if secrets_type == CredentialTypes.OAUTH: local_oauth = LocalState.get_oauth2_storage_location( options.keyname) cls.scp(host, options.keyname, local_oauth, '{}/oauth2.dat'.format(cls.CONFIG_DIR), options.verbose)
def gather_logs(cls, options): """Collects logs from each machine in the currently running AppScale deployment. Args: options: A Namespace that has fields for each parameter that can be passed in via the command-line interface. """ # First, make sure that the place we want to store logs doesn't # already exist. if os.path.exists(options.location): raise AppScaleException("Can't gather logs, as the location you " + \ "specified, {0}, already exists.".format(options.location)) acc = AppControllerClient(LocalState.get_login_host(options.keyname), LocalState.get_secret_key(options.keyname)) try: all_ips = acc.get_all_public_ips() except socket.error: # Occurs when the AppController has failed. AppScaleLogger.warn("Couldn't get an up-to-date listing of the " + \ "machines in this AppScale deployment. Using our locally cached " + \ "info instead.") all_ips = LocalState.get_all_public_ips(options.keyname) # do the mkdir after we get the secret key, so that a bad keyname will # cause the tool to crash and not create this directory os.mkdir(options.location) for ip in all_ips: # Get the logs from each node, and store them in our local directory local_dir = "{0}/{1}".format(options.location, ip) os.mkdir(local_dir) RemoteHelper.scp_remote_to_local(ip, options.keyname, '/var/log/appscale', local_dir, options.verbose) try: RemoteHelper.scp_remote_to_local(ip, options.keyname, '/var/log/cassandra', local_dir, options.verbose) except ShellException: pass try: RemoteHelper.scp_remote_to_local(ip, options.keyname, '/var/log/zookeeper', local_dir, options.verbose) except ShellException: pass RemoteHelper.scp_remote_to_local(ip, options.keyname, '/var/log/kern.log', local_dir, options.verbose) RemoteHelper.scp_remote_to_local(ip, options.keyname, '/var/log/syslog', local_dir, options.verbose) AppScaleLogger.success("Successfully copied logs to {0}".format( options.location))
def configure_instance_security(self, parameters): """ Setup Euca security keys and groups. Required input values are read from the parameters dictionary. More specifically, this method expects to find a 'keyname' parameter and a 'group' parameter in the parameters dictionary. Using these provided values, this method will create a new Euca key-pair and a security group. Security group will be granted permissions to access any port on the instantiated VMs. (Also see documentation for the BaseAgent class) Args: parameters A dictionary of parameters """ keyname = parameters[self.PARAM_KEYNAME] group = parameters[self.PARAM_GROUP] AppScaleLogger.log("Verifying that keyname {0}".format(keyname) + \ " is not already registered.") conn = self.open_connection(parameters) try: conn.get_key_pair(keyname) self.handle_failure("SSH keyname {0} is already registered. Please " \ "change the 'keyname' specified in your AppScalefile to a different " \ "value, or erase it to have one automatically generated for you." \ .format(keyname)) except IndexError: # in euca, this means the key doesn't exist pass security_groups = conn.get_all_security_groups() group_exists = False for security_group in security_groups: if == group: self.handle_failure("Security group {0} is already registered. Please" \ " change the 'group' specified in your AppScalefile to a different " \ "value, or erase it to have one automatically generated for you." \ .format(group)) AppScaleLogger.log('Creating key pair: ' + keyname) key_pair = conn.create_key_pair(keyname) ssh_key = '{0}{1}.key'.format(LocalState.LOCAL_APPSCALE_PATH, keyname) LocalState.write_key_file(ssh_key, key_pair.material) AppScaleLogger.log('Creating security group: {0}'.format(group)) conn.create_security_group(group, 'AppScale security group') conn.authorize_security_group_deprecated(group, from_port=1, to_port=65535, ip_protocol='udp', cidr_ip='') conn.authorize_security_group_deprecated(group, from_port=1, to_port=65535, ip_protocol='tcp', cidr_ip='') conn.authorize_security_group_deprecated(group, from_port=-1, to_port=-1, ip_protocol='icmp', cidr_ip='') return True
def add_keypair(cls, options): """Sets up passwordless SSH login to the machines used in a virtualized cluster deployment. Args: options: A Namespace that has fields for each parameter that can be passed in via the command-line interface. Raises: AppScaleException: If any of the machines named in the ips_layout are not running, or do not have the SSH daemon running. """ LocalState.require_ssh_commands(, options.verbose) LocalState.make_appscale_directory() path = LocalState.LOCAL_APPSCALE_PATH + options.keyname if options.add_to_existing: public_key = path + ".pub" private_key = path else: public_key, private_key = LocalState.generate_rsa_key(options.keyname, options.verbose) if if 'root_password' in options: AppScaleLogger.log("Using the provided root password to log into " + \ "your VMs.") password = options.root_password else: AppScaleLogger.log("Please enter the password for the root user on" + \ " your VMs:") password = getpass.getpass() node_layout = NodeLayout(options) if not node_layout.is_valid(): raise BadConfigurationException("There were problems with your " + \ "placement strategy: " + str(node_layout.errors())) all_ips = [node.public_ip for node in node_layout.nodes] for ip in all_ips: # first, make sure ssh is actually running on the host machine if not RemoteHelper.is_port_open(ip, RemoteHelper.SSH_PORT, options.verbose): raise AppScaleException("SSH does not appear to be running at {0}. " \ "Is the machine at {0} up and running? Make sure your IPs are " \ "correct!".format(ip)) # next, set up passwordless ssh AppScaleLogger.log("Executing ssh-copy-id for host: {0}".format(ip)) if"{0} root@{1} {2} {3}".format(cls.EXPECT_SCRIPT, ip, private_key, password), options.verbose) else:"ssh-copy-id -i {0} root@{1}".format(private_key, ip), options.verbose) AppScaleLogger.success("Generated a new SSH key for this deployment " + \ "at {0}".format(private_key))
def add_keypair(cls, options): """Sets up passwordless SSH login to the machines used in a virtualized cluster deployment. Args: options: A Namespace that has fields for each parameter that can be passed in via the command-line interface. """ LocalState.require_ssh_commands(, options.verbose) LocalState.make_appscale_directory() path = LocalState.LOCAL_APPSCALE_PATH + options.keyname if options.add_to_existing: public_key = path + ".pub" private_key = path else: public_key, private_key = LocalState.generate_rsa_key( options.keyname, options.verbose) if if 'root_password' in options: AppScaleLogger.log("Using the provided root password to log into " + \ "your VMs.") password = options.root_password else: AppScaleLogger.log("Please enter the password for the root user on" + \ " your VMs:") password = getpass.getpass() node_layout = NodeLayout(options) if not node_layout.is_valid(): raise BadConfigurationException("There were problems with your " + \ "placement strategy: " + str(node_layout.errors())) all_ips = [node.public_ip for node in node_layout.nodes] for ip in all_ips: # first, set up passwordless ssh AppScaleLogger.log( "Executing ssh-copy-id for host: {0}".format(ip)) if "{0} root@{1} {2} {3}".format(cls.EXPECT_SCRIPT, ip, private_key, password), options.verbose) else: "ssh-copy-id -i {0} root@{1}".format(private_key, ip), options.verbose) # next, copy over the ssh keypair we generate RemoteHelper.scp(ip, options.keyname, public_key, '/root/.ssh/', options.verbose) RemoteHelper.scp(ip, options.keyname, private_key, '/root/.ssh/id_rsa', options.verbose) AppScaleLogger.success("Generated a new SSH key for this deployment " + \ "at {0}".format(private_key))
def publish_api_list(cls, api_list, url, keyname): eager = EagerClient(LocalState.get_login_host(keyname), LocalState.get_secret_key(keyname)) temp_api_list = [] for api in api_list: temp_api_list.append(api.to_dict()) result = eager.publish_api_list(temp_api_list, url) if result['success']: AppScaleLogger.log('{0} APIs published to API store.'.format(len(api_list))) else: AppScaleLogger.warn(result['reason']) if result.get('detail'): AppScaleLogger.warn(str(result['detail']))
def perform_eager_validation(cls, app, keyname): eager = EagerClient(LocalState.get_login_host(keyname), LocalState.get_secret_key(keyname)) AppScaleLogger.log('Running EAGER validations for application.') result = eager.validate_application_for_deployment(app.to_dict()) if not result['success']: AppScaleLogger.log('Validation errors encountered: {0}'.format(result['reason'])) if hasattr(result, 'detail'): errors = result['detail'].split('|') AppScaleLogger.log('Following error details are available:') for e in errors: AppScaleLogger.log(' * {0}'.format(e)) return result['success']
def test_copy_deployment_credentials_in_cloud(self): # mock out the scp'ing to public1 and assume they succeed subprocess.should_receive('Popen').with_args(re.compile('secret.key'), shell=True, stdout=self.fake_temp_file, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) \ .and_return(self.success) subprocess.should_receive('Popen').with_args(re.compile('ssh.key'), shell=True, stdout=self.fake_temp_file, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) \ .and_return(self.success) # mock out generating the private key flexmock(M2Crypto.RSA) fake_rsa_key = flexmock(name='fake_rsa_key') fake_rsa_key.should_receive('save_key').with_args( LocalState.get_private_key_location('bookey'), None) M2Crypto.RSA.should_receive('gen_key').and_return(fake_rsa_key) flexmock(M2Crypto.EVP) fake_pkey = flexmock(name='fake_pkey') fake_pkey.should_receive('assign_rsa').with_args(fake_rsa_key).and_return() M2Crypto.EVP.should_receive('PKey').and_return(fake_pkey) # and mock out generating the certificate flexmock(M2Crypto.X509) fake_cert = flexmock(name='fake_x509') fake_cert.should_receive('set_pubkey').with_args(fake_pkey).and_return() fake_cert.should_receive('set_subject') fake_cert.should_receive('set_issuer_name') fake_cert.should_receive('set_not_before') fake_cert.should_receive('set_not_after') fake_cert.should_receive('sign').with_args(fake_pkey, md="sha256") fake_cert.should_receive('save_pem').with_args( LocalState.get_certificate_location('bookey')) M2Crypto.X509.should_receive('X509').and_return(fake_cert) # next, mock out copying the private key and certificate subprocess.should_receive('Popen').with_args(re.compile('mycert.pem'), shell=True, stdout=self.fake_temp_file, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) \ .and_return(self.success) subprocess.should_receive('Popen').with_args(re.compile('mykey.pem'), shell=True, stdout=self.fake_temp_file, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) \ .and_return(self.success) subprocess.should_receive('Popen').with_args(re.compile('mkdir -p'), shell=True, stdout=self.fake_temp_file, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) \ .and_return(self.success) options = flexmock(name='options', keyname='bookey', infrastructure='ec2', verbose=True) RemoteHelper.copy_deployment_credentials('public1', options)
def test_make_appscale_directory_creation(self): # let's say that our ~/.appscale directory # does not exist os.path.should_receive('exists') \ .with_args(LocalState.LOCAL_APPSCALE_PATH) \ .and_return(False) \ .once() # thus, mock out making the appscale dir os.should_receive('mkdir') \ .with_args(LocalState.LOCAL_APPSCALE_PATH) \ .and_return() LocalState.make_appscale_directory()
def copy_deployment_credentials(cls, host, options): """Copies credentials needed to start the AppController and have it create other instances (in cloud deployments). Args: host: A str representing the machine (reachable from this computer) to copy our deployment credentials to. options: A Namespace that indicates which SSH keypair to use, and whether or not we are running in a cloud infrastructure. """ cls.scp(host, options.keyname, LocalState.get_secret_key_location( options.keyname), '/etc/appscale/secret.key', options.verbose) cls.scp(host, options.keyname, LocalState.get_key_path_from_name( options.keyname), '/etc/appscale/ssh.key', options.verbose) LocalState.generate_ssl_cert(options.keyname, options.verbose) cls.scp(host, options.keyname, LocalState.get_certificate_location( options.keyname), '/etc/appscale/certs/mycert.pem', options.verbose) cls.scp(host, options.keyname, LocalState.get_private_key_location( options.keyname), '/etc/appscale/certs/mykey.pem', options.verbose) AppScaleLogger.log("Copying over deployment credentials") cert = LocalState.get_certificate_location(options.keyname) private_key = LocalState.get_private_key_location(options.keyname) cls.ssh(host, options.keyname, 'mkdir -p /etc/appscale/keys/cloud1', options.verbose) cls.scp(host, options.keyname, cert, "/etc/appscale/keys/cloud1/mycert.pem", options.verbose) cls.scp(host, options.keyname, private_key, "/etc/appscale/keys/cloud1/mykey.pem", options.verbose)
def test_extract_app_to_dir(self): flexmock(os) os.should_receive('mkdir').and_return() flexmock(os.path) os.path.should_receive('abspath').with_args('relative/app.tar.gz')\ .and_return('/tmp/relative/app.tar.gz') flexmock(LocalState) LocalState.should_receive('shell')\ .with_args(re.compile('tar zxvf /tmp/relative/app.tar.gz'),False)\ .and_return() LocalState.extract_app_to_dir('relative/app.tar.gz',False)
def create_new_user(self, email, password, response, account_type='xmpp_user'): """ Creates a new user account, by making both a standard login and an XMPP login account. Args: email: A str containing the e-mail address of the new user. password: A str containing the cleartext password for the new user. response: A webapp2 response that the new user's logged in cookie should be set in. Returns: True, if the user account was successfully created. Raises: AppHelperException: If the user account could not be created. """ try: uaserver = self.get_uaserver() # First, create the standard account. encrypted_pass = LocalState.encrypt_password(email, password) result = uaserver.commit_new_user(email, encrypted_pass, account_type, GLOBAL_SECRET_KEY) if result != 'true': raise AppHelperException(result) # Next, create the XMPP account. if the user's e-mail is [email protected], then that # means their XMPP account name is a@login_ip. username_regex = re.compile(self.USERNAME_FROM_EMAIL_REGEX) username = username_regex.match(email).groups()[0] xmpp_user = "******".format(username, self.get_login_host()) xmpp_pass = LocalState.encrypt_password(xmpp_user, password) result = uaserver.commit_new_user(xmpp_user, xmpp_pass, account_type, GLOBAL_SECRET_KEY) if result != 'true': raise AppHelperException(result) # TODO: We may not even be using this token since the switch to # full proxy nginx. Investigate this. self.create_token(email, email) self.set_appserver_cookie(email, self.get_user_app_list(email), response) except AppHelperException as err: logging.exception(err) raise AppHelperException(str(err)) except Exception as err: logging.exception(err) raise AppHelperException(str(err)) return True
def test_get_property(self): # put in a mock for reading the secret file builtins = flexmock(sys.modules['__builtin__']) builtins.should_call('open') # set the fall-through secret_key_location = LocalState.get_secret_key_location(self.keyname) fake_secret = flexmock(name="fake_secret") fake_secret.should_receive('read').and_return('the secret') builtins.should_receive('open').with_args(secret_key_location, 'r') \ .and_return(fake_secret) # mock out finding the shadow node's IP address from the json file flexmock(os.path) os.path.should_call('exists') # set the fall-through os.path.should_receive('exists').with_args( LocalState.get_locations_json_location( self.keyname)).and_return(True) fake_nodes_json = flexmock(name="fake_secret") fake_nodes_json.should_receive('read').and_return( json.dumps([{ 'public_ip': 'public1', 'private_ip': 'private1', 'jobs': ['login', 'shadow'] }])) builtins.should_receive('open').with_args( LocalState.get_locations_json_location(self.keyname), 'r') \ .and_return(fake_nodes_json) # mock out grabbing the userappserver ip from an appcontroller property_name = "name" property_value = "value" fake_appcontroller = flexmock(name='fake_appcontroller') fake_appcontroller.should_receive('set_property').with_args( property_name, property_value, 'the secret').and_return('OK') flexmock(SOAPpy) SOAPpy.should_receive('SOAPProxy').with_args('https://public1:17443') \ .and_return(fake_appcontroller) argv = [ "--keyname", self.keyname, "--property_name", property_name, "--property_value", property_value ] options = ParseArgs(argv, self.function).args result = AppScaleTools.set_property(options) self.assertEqual(None, result)
def login_user(self, email, password, response): """ Checks to see if the user has entered in a valid email and password, logging the user in if they have. Args: email: A str containing the e-mail address of the user to login. password: A str containing the cleartext password of the user to login. response: A webapp2 response that the new user's logged in cookie should be set in. Return: True if the user logged in successfully, and False otherwise. """ user_data = self.query_user_data(email) server_re =, user_data) if not server_re: logging.error("Failed Login: {0} regex failed".format(email)) return False server_pwd = encrypted_pass = LocalState.encrypt_password(email, password) if server_pwd != encrypted_pass:"Failed Login: {0} password mismatch".format(email)) return False self.create_token(email, email) self.set_appserver_cookie(email, self.get_user_app_list(email), response) return True