Пример #1
 def GET(self):
     l.info('GET adduser')
     cap = captcha.displayhtml(web.captcha_public_key,
                               error="Something broke.")
     return render.adduser(cap)
Пример #2
	def POST(self):
		l.info('POST logon')
		i = web.input()
		if 'username' not in i:
			l.error('username field required for POST')
			return logon_redirect()
		if 'password' not in i:
			l.error('password field required for POST')
			return logon_redirect()
		# XXX: validate inputs
		username = str(i['username'])
		password = str(i['password'])
		if not RE_USERNAME.match(username):
			l.warn('username does not match %s' % RE_USERNAME.pattern)
			return render.error(web.ctx.fullpath, 'BADREQ', 'malformed username')
		if not RE_PASSWORD.match(password):
			l.warn('password does not match %s' % RE_PASSWORD.pattern)
			return render.error(web.ctx.fullpath, 'BADREQ', 'malformed password')
		h = hashlib.sha1()
		# hash password
		# hash with salt
		db_guid = web.d.getValidUser(username, h.hexdigest())
		if not db_guid:
			# invalid credentials
			return logon_redirect()
		create_cookie(str(db_guid), username)
		return web.seeother('/')
Пример #3
 def POST(self):
     l.info('POST logon')
     i = web.input()
     if 'username' not in i:
         l.error('username field required for POST')
         return logon_redirect()
     if 'password' not in i:
         l.error('password field required for POST')
         return logon_redirect()
     # XXX: validate inputs
     username = str(i['username'])
     password = str(i['password'])
     if not RE_USERNAME.match(username):
         l.warn('username does not match %s' % RE_USERNAME.pattern)
         return render.error(web.ctx.fullpath, 'BADREQ',
                             'malformed username')
     if not RE_PASSWORD.match(password):
         l.warn('password does not match %s' % RE_PASSWORD.pattern)
         return render.error(web.ctx.fullpath, 'BADREQ',
                             'malformed password')
     h = hashlib.sha1()
     # hash password
     # hash with salt
     db_guid = web.d.getValidUser(username, h.hexdigest())
     if not db_guid:
         # invalid credentials
         return logon_redirect()
     create_cookie(str(db_guid), username)
     return web.seeother('/')
Пример #4
def feed_clean(file_name: str) -> None:
    """cleans a podcast feed's folder"""
    feed_file_folder: str = os.path.split(file_name)[0]
    xml_element_tree: ET.ElementTree = ET.parse(file_name)
    xml_root: ET.Element = xml_element_tree.getroot()

    # loop modified objects:
    enclosure_file_names: MutableSet[str] = set()
    enclosure_relative_folder: Optional[str] = None

    for item in xml_root.findall("./channel/item/enclosure"):
        enclosure_url: str = item.attrib["url"]
        url_parse_result: ParseResult = urlparse(enclosure_url)
        if enclosure_relative_folder is None:
            enclosure_relative_folder = os.path.dirname(url_parse_result.path)

    if enclosure_relative_folder is None:
        l.warn(f"No enclosures in feed file {file_name}")

    enclosure_abs_folder = os.path.join(feed_file_folder, enclosure_relative_folder[1:])
    existing_file_names: List[str] = os.listdir(enclosure_abs_folder)
    files_to_delete: List[str] = [
        os.path.join(enclosure_abs_folder, f)
        for f in existing_file_names
        if f not in enclosure_file_names

        f"Feed file {file_name} - deleting {len(files_to_delete)} out of {len(existing_file_names)} files"

    for file_name in files_to_delete:
Пример #5
 def POST(self):
     l.info('POST adduser')
     i = web.input()
     if 'username' not in i:
         l.error('username field required for POST')
         return render.error(web.ctx.fullpath, 'BADREQ', 'missing username')
     if 'password' not in i:
         l.error('password field required for POST')
         return render.error(web.ctx.fullpath, 'BADREQ', 'missing password')
     if 'password2' not in i:
         l.error('password2 field required for POST')
         return render.error(web.ctx.fullpath, 'BADREQ',
                             'missing password2')
     if 'recaptcha_challenge_field' not in i:
         l.error('recaptcha_challenge_field required for POST')
         return render.error(web.ctx.fullpath, 'BADREQ',
                             'missing recaptcha_challenge_field')
     if 'recaptcha_response_field' not in i:
         l.error('recaptcha_response_field required for POST')
         return render.error(web.ctx.fullpath, 'BADREQ',
     # XXX: validate inputs
     username = str(i['username'])
     password = str(i['password'])
     password2 = str(i['password2'])
     if password != password2:
         l.warn("passwords don't match. not creating user.")
         return render.error(web.ctx.fullpath, 'BADREQ',
                             'password mismatch')
     if not RE_USERNAME.match(username):
         l.warn('username does not match %s' % RE_USERNAME.pattern)
         return render.error(web.ctx.fullpath, 'BADREQ',
                             'malformed username')
     if not RE_PASSWORD.match(password):
         l.warn('password does not match %s' % RE_PASSWORD.pattern)
         return render.error(web.ctx.fullpath, 'BADREQ',
                             'malformed password')
     challenge = i['recaptcha_challenge_field']
     response = i['recaptcha_response_field']
     result = captcha.submit(challenge, response, web.captcha_private_key,
     if result.error_code:
         l.warn('error validating captcha: %s' % result.error_code)
         return render.error(web.ctx.fullpath, 'BADREQ',
                             'bad captcha: %s' % result.error_code)
     if not result.is_valid:
         l.warn('invalid captcha')
         return render.error(web.ctx.fullpath, 'BADREQ', 'bad captcha')
     h = hashlib.sha1()
     # hash password
     # hash with salt
     l.debug('Creating new user %s' % username)
     guid = web.d.addUser(username, h.hexdigest())
     if not guid:
         return render.error(web.ctx.fullpath, 'EXISTS', 'username exists')
     create_cookie(str(guid), username)
     return web.seeother('/')
Пример #6
 def GET(self):
     l.info('GET index')
     if not logged_on():
         return logon_redirect()
     books = web.d.getBooks()
     serial = web.cookies().get(COOKIE_NAME)
     user = session.cookie.getData(serial)
     return render.index(user, books)
Пример #7
	def GET(self):
		l.info('GET index')
		if not logged_on():
			return logon_redirect()
		books = web.d.getBooks()
		serial = web.cookies().get(COOKIE_NAME)
		user = session.cookie.getData(serial)
		return render.index(user, books)
Пример #8
	def POST(self):
		l.info('POST checkout')
		if not logged_on():
			return logon_redirect()
		i = web.input()
		if 'book' not in i:
			l.error('book required for POST')
			return web.seeother('/')
		book = i['book']
		serial = web.cookies().get(COOKIE_NAME)
		user = session.cookie.getData(serial)
		return render.checkout(user, book)
Пример #9
 def POST(self):
     l.info('POST checkout')
     if not logged_on():
         return logon_redirect()
     i = web.input()
     if 'book' not in i:
         l.error('book required for POST')
         return web.seeother('/')
     book = i['book']
     serial = web.cookies().get(COOKIE_NAME)
     user = session.cookie.getData(serial)
     return render.checkout(user, book)
Пример #10
	def POST(self):
		l.info('POST adduser')
		i = web.input()
		if 'username' not in i:
			l.error('username field required for POST')
			return render.error(web.ctx.fullpath, 'BADREQ', 'missing username')
		if 'password' not in i:
			l.error('password field required for POST')
			return render.error(web.ctx.fullpath, 'BADREQ', 'missing password')
		if 'password2' not in i:
			l.error('password2 field required for POST')
			return render.error(web.ctx.fullpath, 'BADREQ', 'missing password2')
		if 'recaptcha_challenge_field' not in i:
			l.error('recaptcha_challenge_field required for POST')
			return render.error(web.ctx.fullpath, 'BADREQ', 'missing recaptcha_challenge_field')
		if 'recaptcha_response_field' not in i:
			l.error('recaptcha_response_field required for POST')
			return render.error(web.ctx.fullpath, 'BADREQ', 'missing_recaptcha_response_field')
		# XXX: validate inputs
		username = str(i['username'])
		password = str(i['password'])
		password2 = str(i['password2'])
		if password != password2:
			l.warn("passwords don't match. not creating user.")
			return render.error(web.ctx.fullpath, 'BADREQ', 'password mismatch')
		if not RE_USERNAME.match(username):
			l.warn('username does not match %s' % RE_USERNAME.pattern)
			return render.error(web.ctx.fullpath, 'BADREQ', 'malformed username')
		if not RE_PASSWORD.match(password):
			l.warn('password does not match %s' % RE_PASSWORD.pattern)
			return render.error(web.ctx.fullpath, 'BADREQ', 'malformed password')
		challenge = i['recaptcha_challenge_field']
		response = i['recaptcha_response_field']
		result = captcha.submit(challenge, response, web.captcha_private_key, web.ctx.ip)
		if result.error_code:
			l.warn('error validating captcha: %s' % result.error_code)
			return render.error(web.ctx.fullpath, 'BADREQ', 'bad captcha: %s' % result.error_code)
		if not result.is_valid:
			l.warn('invalid captcha')
			return render.error(web.ctx.fullpath, 'BADREQ', 'bad captcha')
		h = hashlib.sha1()
		# hash password
		# hash with salt
		l.debug('Creating new user %s' % username)
		guid = web.d.addUser(username, h.hexdigest())
		if not guid:
			return render.error(web.ctx.fullpath, 'EXISTS', 'username exists')
		create_cookie(str(guid), username)
		return web.seeother('/')
Пример #11
	def POST(self):
		l.info('POST purchase')
		if not logged_on():
			return logon_redirect()
		i = web.input()
		if  'name' not in i:
			l.error('name required for POST')
			return render.error(web.ctx.fullpath, 'BADREQ', 'missing name')
		if 'card' not in i:
			l.error('card required for POST')
			return render.error(web.ctx.fullpath, 'BADREQ', 'missing card')
		if 'ccv' not in i:
			l.error('ccv required for POST')
			return render.error(web.ctx.fullpath, 'BADREQ', 'missing ccv')
		if 'expmonth' not in i:
			l.error('expmonth required for POST')
			return render.error(web.ctx.fullpath, 'BADREQ', 'missing expmonth')
		if 'expyear' not in i:
			l.error('expyear required for POST')
			return render.error(web.ctx.fullpath, 'BADREQ', 'missing expyear')
		if 'book' not in i:
			l.error('book required for POST')
			return render.error(web.ctx.fullpath, 'BADREQ', 'missing book')
		name = i['name']
		card = i['card']
		book = i['book']
		if not RE_NAME.match(name):
			l.warn('name does not match %s' % RE_NAME.pattern)
			return render.error(web.ctx.fullpath, 'BADREQ', 'malformed name')
		if not RE_CARDNO.match(card):
			l.warn('name does not match %s' % RE_CARDNO.pattern)
			return render.error(web.ctx.fullpath, 'BADREQ', 'malformed card')
		price = web.d.getPrice(book)
		l.critical("getting cookie")
		serial = web.cookies().get(COOKIE_NAME)
		l.critical("got serial")
		user = session.cookie.getData(serial)
		l.critical("got cookie")
		return render.purchase(user, name, card, book, price)
Пример #12
 def POST(self):
     l.info('POST purchase')
     if not logged_on():
         return logon_redirect()
     i = web.input()
     if 'name' not in i:
         l.error('name required for POST')
         return render.error(web.ctx.fullpath, 'BADREQ', 'missing name')
     if 'card' not in i:
         l.error('card required for POST')
         return render.error(web.ctx.fullpath, 'BADREQ', 'missing card')
     if 'ccv' not in i:
         l.error('ccv required for POST')
         return render.error(web.ctx.fullpath, 'BADREQ', 'missing ccv')
     if 'expmonth' not in i:
         l.error('expmonth required for POST')
         return render.error(web.ctx.fullpath, 'BADREQ', 'missing expmonth')
     if 'expyear' not in i:
         l.error('expyear required for POST')
         return render.error(web.ctx.fullpath, 'BADREQ', 'missing expyear')
     if 'book' not in i:
         l.error('book required for POST')
         return render.error(web.ctx.fullpath, 'BADREQ', 'missing book')
     name = i['name']
     card = i['card']
     book = i['book']
     if not RE_NAME.match(name):
         l.warn('name does not match %s' % RE_NAME.pattern)
         return render.error(web.ctx.fullpath, 'BADREQ', 'malformed name')
     if not RE_CARDNO.match(card):
         l.warn('name does not match %s' % RE_CARDNO.pattern)
         return render.error(web.ctx.fullpath, 'BADREQ', 'malformed card')
     price = web.d.getPrice(book)
     l.critical("getting cookie")
     serial = web.cookies().get(COOKIE_NAME)
     l.critical("got serial")
     user = session.cookie.getData(serial)
     l.critical("got cookie")
     return render.purchase(user, name, card, book, price)
Пример #13
 def GET(self):
     l.info('GET purchase')
Пример #14
		l.critical("got serial")
		user = session.cookie.getData(serial)
		l.critical("got cookie")
		return render.purchase(user, name, card, book, price)

if __name__ == "__main__":
	# run from the same directory as the service file
	c = config.Configurator()
	l.__init__(c.log, level=c.lvl)
		web.d = db.DB(c.db)
	except IOError:
		l.die("Failed to initialize database.")
		web.secret = c.secret
	except IOError:
		l.die("Failed to initialize secret key.")
	web.captcha_public_key = c.captcha_public_key
	web.captcha_private_key = c.captcha_private_key
	if not web.captcha_public_key:
		l.critical("SECURITY ERROR: Could not get captcha public key")
	if not web.captcha_private_key:
		l.critical("SECURITY ERROR: Could not get captcha private key")
	l.info("Starting web service.")
	web.config.debug = False
	app = web.application(urls, globals())
	session = web.session.Session(app, web.session.DiskStore('ctf-data/sessions'))
Пример #15
 def GET(self):
     l.info('GET checkout')
Пример #16
	def GET(self):
		l.info('GET adduser')
		cap = captcha.displayhtml(web.captcha_public_key, use_ssl=True, error="Something broke.")
		return render.adduser(cap)
Пример #17
	def GET(self):
		l.info('GET logon')
		return render.logon()
Пример #18
 def GET(self):
     l.info('GET logoff')
     return logon_redirect()
Пример #19
 def GET(self):
     l.info('GET logon')
     return render.logon()
Пример #20
	def GET(self):
		l.info('GET logoff')
		return logon_redirect()
Пример #21
	def GET(self):
		l.info('GET checkout')
Пример #22
	def GET(self):
		l.info('GET purchase')
Пример #23
        l.critical("got cookie")
        return render.purchase(user, name, card, book, price)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # run from the same directory as the service file
    c = config.Configurator()
    l.__init__(c.log, level=c.lvl)
        web.d = db.DB(c.db)
    except IOError:
        l.die("Failed to initialize database.")
        web.secret = c.secret
    except IOError:
        l.die("Failed to initialize secret key.")
    web.captcha_public_key = c.captcha_public_key
    web.captcha_private_key = c.captcha_private_key
    if not web.captcha_public_key:
        l.critical("SECURITY ERROR: Could not get captcha public key")
    if not web.captcha_private_key:
        l.critical("SECURITY ERROR: Could not get captcha private key")
    l.info("Starting web service.")
    web.config.debug = False
    app = web.application(urls, globals())
    session = web.session.Session(app,