def startAppWithConfig(params): MLog.debug(u"程序启动...") os.system("python -m uiautomator2 init") time.sleep(10) # 取序列号 start_time = serial = getDevices()"读取到的序列号 = " + str(serial)) devices = [] pool = Pool(len(serial) + 1) # 取电脑核数 for index in range(len(serial)): serial_number = serial[index]"启动一个新进程 : index = " + str(index) + u" serial_number = " + serial_number) deviceInfo = DeviceInfo(serial_number) devices.append(deviceInfo.getDeviceInfo()) # pool.apply_async(test_main, args=(serial_number,)) # 下面方法注释开会导致进程阻塞,debug时可以打开,运行时注释掉!!! result = pool.apply_async(test_main, args=( serial_number, 1, params, )) result.get() pool.close() pool.join() # 生成图表 create_lines(devices, getApkName()) # sendEmailWithDefaultConfig() # 发邮件 end_time ="all time = {}".format(end_time - start_time))"end main...")
def match_img(img, target_img, values, match_path): # print img # print target_img # print match_path # 加载原始RGB img_rgb = cv2.imread(img) # 创建一个原始图像的灰度版本,所有操作在灰度版本中处理,然后在RGB图像中使用相同坐标还原 img_gray = cv2.cvtColor(img_rgb, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) # 加载将要搜索的图像模板 template = cv2.imread(target_img, 0) # 记录图像模板的尺寸,失败原因可能这个图片太大了 w, h = template.shape[::-1] # 使用matchTemplate对原始灰度图像和图像模板进行匹配(调接口,这个值可以打印一下,不知道是个什么值) res = cv2.matchTemplate(img_gray, template, cv2.TM_CCOEFF_NORMED) # 最后这个参数可以试一下调一下 # print "what! there is a result = {}".format(res) # 根据外部传参设置阈值 threshold = values # print res >= threshold loc = np.where(res >= threshold) x = 0 y = 0 # 匹配完成后在原始图像中使用灰度图像的坐标对原始图像进行标记。 mflag = False for pt in zip(*loc[::-1]): x = pt[0] y = pt[1] if x != 0 and y != 0 and not mflag: mflag = True feature = img_rgb[y:y + h, x:x + w] # 首帧多了很多遍操作。减少到1次 cv2.imwrite(match_path, feature) MLog.debug("match_img: clip picture success path = " + img)
def sendEmailWithDefaultConfig(): user = u"*****@*****.**" password = u"lcqctgdcbvklghde" to_users = u"[email protected], [email protected],[email protected]" conf = Config("default.ini") apk_name = conf.getconf("default").apk_name conf = Config("default.ini") event = conf.getconf("serial").serial_number serial = event.split(',') deviceInfo = DeviceInfo(serial[0]) subject = deviceInfo.getDeviceInfo() + apk_name + u"启动时间数据分析" content = u"数据分析详见附件:" contentType = u"application/octet-stream" try: log_file = make_log_patch() patchFile = [] MLog.debug(u"sendmail sendEmailWithDefaultConfig: 收集邮件附件:") for files in os.walk(chart_data_path): for f in files[2]: new_file_path = files[0] + f patchFile.append(new_file_path) patchFile.append(log_file) MLog.debug(u"sendmail sendEmailWithDefaultConfig: " + str(patchFile)) except Exception, e: MLog.error(u"sendmail sendEmailWithDefaultConfig: 收集附件失败! e = " + repr(e)) patchFile = None
def write_data_to_file(type, device, apk, json_data): suffix = u".json" src = file_path + type + os.sep + device + os.sep checkSrcVialdAndAutoCreate(src) json_file = src + apk + suffix MLog.debug(u"data_center write_data_to_file:" + json_file) write_json(json_data, json_file)
def multi_huya_calculate_parts(params): device_name = params["device"] # 设备名称 name_with_suffix = device_name + "_first" dir_index = params["dir_index"] # 当前算的第几组数据 # rgb_folder = calculate_homepage_rgb() # 计算样本库的rgb均值 conf = Config("apk.ini") conf_default = Config("default.ini") app_key = conf_default.getconf("default").app feature_dir = conf.getconf(app_key).feature # 特征图的文件夹名字 file_count = count_file("./screenrecord/" + name_with_suffix + "/" + name_with_suffix + "_" + str(dir_index)) real_path = "./screenrecord/" + name_with_suffix + "/" + name_with_suffix + "_" + str( dir_index) + "/" real_first_feature_path = path + "/picrepos/feature/" + feature_dir + "/" + device_name + "_launch_feature.jpg" if not exists(real_first_feature_path): MLog.debug( "calculate: first, there is no adapted feature pic for current Phone" ) real_first_feature_path = path + "/picrepos/feature/" + feature_dir + "/common_launch_feature.jpg" # 中间launching判断 real_launching_feature_path = path + "/picrepos/feature/" + feature_dir + "/" + device_name + "_launching_feature.jpg" real_last_feature_path = path + "/picrepos/feature/" + feature_dir + "/" + device_name + "_homepage_feature.jpg" first = first_frame_find(file_count, real_path, real_first_feature_path) # 取图片这些步骤好繁琐啊,想想有没办法改进下 launching_index, last = huya_first_find_frame( file_count, first, real_path, real_launching_feature_path, real_last_feature_path, rgb_folder) # 虎牙的计算也就只有这句不一样吊 # frame_value = settings.get_value("ffmpeg") frame_value = 50 total_time = int((last - first + 1) * (1000 / float(frame_value))) launching_time = int( (launching_index - first + 1) * (1000 / float(frame_value))) return dir_index, first, launching_index, last, total_time, launching_time, total_time - launching_time
def clip_generate_flag(path1, path2): MLog.debug("clip_specific_pic(): the path = {}".format(path1)) img = width = img.size[0] height = img.size[1] img = img.crop((0, 300, width, height - 200))
def enterLiveRoom(self): # 启动APP self.start() time.sleep(15) if self.getEnterLiveRoom() > 0: if self.machineName == "PACM00": self.fileOperation.removeDirs("/sdcard/DCIM/Screenshots")"删除 screenshot") path = os.path.dirname(__file__) + "\\" MLog.debug(u"screen_record_main enterLiveRoom: path = " + path) os.chdir(path) if os.path.exists("Screenshots"): shutil.rmtree("Screenshots") enter_dir = self.tempDir + "_enterliveroom" self.fileOperation.mkdir(enter_dir) for index in range(int(self.getEnterLiveRoom())): self.startApp.enter(self.d, 10, enter_dir + '/' + str(index) + ".mp4", self.serNum) time.sleep(5) if self.machineName == "PACM00": os.system('adb -s ' + self.serNum + ' shell service call statusbar 1') self.d(text="停止录屏").click() time.sleep(5) if self.machineName == "PACM00": self.videoOperation.pullRecord("/sdcard/DCIM/Screenshots") else: self.videoOperation.pullRecord(enter_dir) path = os.path.abspath('.') folder = path + '/' + enter_dir MLog.debug(u"screen_record_main enterLiveRoom: path2 = " + path) os.chdir(folder) self.appOperation.killProcess() for index in range(int(self.getEnterLiveRoom())): self.videoOperation.videoToPhoto(str(enter_dir + "_" + str(index)), str(index)) os.chdir(path)
def notFirstLaunch(self): if self.getNormalStartTime() > 0: if self.machineName == "PACM00": self.fileOperation.removeDirs("/sdcard/DCIM/Screenshots")"删除 screenshot") path = os.path.dirname(__file__) + "\\" print path os.chdir(path) if os.path.exists("Screenshots"): shutil.rmtree("Screenshots") notfirst_dir = self.tempDir + "_notfirst" self.fileOperation.mkdir(notfirst_dir) for index in range(int(self.getNormalStartTime())): self.appOperation.killProcess() self.startApp.startAPP(self.d, 15, notfirst_dir + '/' + str(index) + ".mp4") time.sleep(15) if self.machineName == "PACM00": os.system('adb -s ' + self.serNum + ' shell service call statusbar 1') self.d(text="停止录屏").click() time.sleep(10) if self.machineName == "PACM00": self.videoOperation.pullRecord("/sdcard/DCIM/Screenshots") else: self.videoOperation.pullRecord(notfirst_dir) path = os.path.abspath('.') folder = path + '/' + notfirst_dir MLog.debug(u"screen_record_main notFirstLaunch: path = " + path) os.chdir(folder) self.appOperation.killProcess() for index in range(int(self.getNormalStartTime())): self.videoOperation.videoToPhoto(str(notfirst_dir + "_" + str(index)), str(index)) os.chdir(path)
def startAPP(self, d, times, name): try: MLog.debug(u"尝试启动app") self.startAppBySwipe(d, times, name) except Exception, e: MLog.debug(u"startAPP:" + u"启动app失败! e = " + repr(e) + " " + self.machineName) sysExit(u"程序退出,原因:启动app失败!")
def checkSrcVialdAndAutoCreate(file_path): try: if not os.path.exists(file_path): MLog.debug(u"fileUtil checkSrcVialdAndAutoCreate: 文件路径不存在,现在创建一个...") os.makedirs(file_path) MLog.debug(u"fileUtil checkSrcVialdAndAutoCreate: 路径为:" + file_path) except IOError, e: MLog.error(u"fileUtil checkSrcVialdAndAutoCreate: 创建文件失败!,异常如下:") MLog.error(u"fileUtil checkSrcVialdAndAutoCreate:: e = " + repr(e))
def last_and_launching_frame_find_rgb(length, from_index, real_path, real_launching_feature_path, real_last_feature_path, rgb_folder): launching_homepage_flag = True launching_index = -1 homepage_index = -1 for i in range(from_index+2, length+1): src_file_path = real_path + base_utils.adapter_num(i) + ".jpg" feature_name = base_utils.adapter_num(i) + "_feature.jpg" if launching_homepage_flag: # 进入启动页匹配 flag = isLaunchingPage(src_file_path, real_launching_feature_path) if flag: MLog.debug("find_lanching_end_frame: " + src_file_path + " is launching frame") continue else: # 没匹配到,则先记录为启动结束帧,记得往前取一帧 launching_index = i - 1 clip_generate_flag(real_path + base_utils.adapter_num(i - 1) + ".jpg", real_path + base_utils.adapter_num(i - 1) + "_feature.jpg") MLog.debug("find_lanching_end_frame: " + src_file_path + " is not launching frame!!!!") launching_homepage_flag = False else: # 首页匹配 # 取巧操作,取右下角的点,看他是不是纯白,来过滤掉还有蒙层的帧 if not isHomepageFinish(src_file_path):"index = {} is not at homepage".format(i)) continue match_img(src_file_path, real_last_feature_path, threshold, real_path + feature_name) if base_utils.os.path.exists(real_path + feature_name): # 如果识别到了,拿来图片和图库对比,如果当前图片rgb值远大于图库的平均rgb # 认为这一帧还在加载中;反之,则认为当前为加载完成帧 degree = calculate_by_hists(real_last_feature_path, real_path + feature_name) print "degree = {} -----------------------------".format(degree) # 这个值是否还可以再调一下?这个值太难取了,有些手机的帧很模糊,有些手机又特别清楚 if degree < 0.65: continue dst_path = real_path + base_utils.adapter_num(i) + "_clip.jpg" clip_specific_pic(src_file_path, dst_path) if compare_rgb(dst_path, rgb_folder): MLog.debug("the rgb test is passed") if isHomePageLoadFinish(src_file_path, src_file_path[0: len(src_file_path) - 4] + "_loaded.jpg"): MLog.debug("the loading test is passed") homepage_index = i return launching_index, homepage_index else: # 没找到首页特征图时,去找启动页的特征图 tmp_flag = isLaunchingPage(src_file_path, real_launching_feature_path) if tmp_flag: launching_homepage_flag = True"we find launching pic agagin, the index = {}".format(i)) continue MLog.debug("last_frame_find_rgb: " + src_file_path + " is not last frame") return launching_index, homepage_index
def clip(path, count): for i in range(1, count + 1): complete_path = path + base_utils.adapter_num(i) + ".jpg" MLog.debug("clip(): the complete path = {}".format(complete_path)) img = width = img.size[0] height = img.size[1] img = img.crop((0, 300, width, height - 200)) # os.remove(path), i))
def rename_files(): i = 1 path = "../homepage" for file1 in os.listdir(path): if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, file1)) == True: new_name = rename(i) i += 1 MLog.debug("其实这个方法我是拿来懒得手动改名字的, newname = {}".format(new_name)) os.rename(os.path.join(path, file1), os.path.join(path, new_name)) print "ok"
def find_lanching_end_frame(start_index, length, feature_path, folder_path): for i in range(start_index, length+1): src_file_path = folder_path + base_utils.adapter_num(i) + ".jpg" if isLaunchingPage(src_file_path, feature_path): MLog.debug("find_lanching_end_frame: " + src_file_path + " is launching frame") continue else: MLog.debug("find_lanching_end_frame: " + src_file_path + " is not launching frame!!!!") clip_generate_flag(folder_path + base_utils.adapter_num(i-1) + ".jpg", folder_path + base_utils.adapter_num(i - 1) + "_feature.jpg") return i - 1 return -1
def installAPK(self, name): feature_path = self.getFeaturePath() path = os.path.dirname(__file__) + "\\" os.chdir(path) print path apk_path = feature_path + os.sep + "apk" + os.sep + name if not fileExist(apk_path): MLog.error(u"installAPK:" + u"请检查下你的apk安装包 " + name + u" 是否放置在:" + feature_path + u"中的apk分类的路径下!") sysExit(u"应用退出,原因:安装失败!") MLog.debug(u"installAPK: 执行安装操作,包路径apk_path = " + apk_path) os.system("adb -s " + self.serNum + " install " + apk_path)"app_operation installAPK: 安装成功! sermun = " + self.serNum)
def firstLaunch(self): if self.getFirstStartTime() > 0: if self.machineName == "PACM00": self.fileOperation.removeDirs("/sdcard/DCIM/Screenshots")"删除 screenshot") path = os.path.dirname(__file__) + "\\" MLog.debug(u"screen_record_main firstLaunch: path = " + path) os.chdir(path) if os.path.exists("Screenshots"): shutil.rmtree("Screenshots") self.appOperation.uninstallAPK() # firstTimes = firstLaunchTimes * 20 first_dir = self.tempDir + "_first" self.fileOperation.mkdir(first_dir) if self.machineName != "PACM00": self.appOperation.installAPK(self.getApkName()) time.sleep(20) # 后续改成轮询是否有安装包的包名,有再录屏 # screenRecord(firstTimes, first_dir + '/' + 'first.mp4') # startTime = time.time() for index in range(int(self.getFirstStartTime())): if self.machineName == "PACM00": self.appOperation.uninstallAPK() time.sleep(2) self.appOperation.installAPK(self.getApkName()) time.sleep(15) doInThread(self.registerEvent.inputListener, self.d, 0, self.serNum) else: self.appOperation.clearData() time.sleep(3) self.startApp.startAPP(self.d, 15, first_dir + '/' + str(index) + '.mp4') time.sleep(15)"等待清除缓存...") if self.machineName == "PACM00": os.system('adb -s ' + self.serNum + ' shell service call statusbar 1') self.d(text="停止录屏").click() time.sleep(10) if self.machineName == "PACM00": self.videoOperation.pullRecord("/sdcard/DCIM/Screenshots") else: self.videoOperation.pullRecord(first_dir) path = os.path.abspath('.') folder = path + '/' + first_dir MLog.debug(u"screen_record_main firstLaunch: folder = " + folder) os.chdir(folder) self.appOperation.killProcess() for index in range(int(self.getFirstStartTime())): self.videoOperation.videoToPhoto(str(first_dir + "_" + str(index)), str(index)) os.chdir(path)
def new_first_frame_find(start_index, length, real_path, real_feature_path): for i in range(start_index, length + 1): src_file_path = real_path + base_utils.adapter_num(i) + ".jpg" feature_name = real_path + base_utils.adapter_num(i) + "_feature.jpg" # print src_file_path # print real_feature_path match_img(src_file_path, real_feature_path, threshold, feature_name) if base_utils.os.path.exists(feature_name): # 首帧思路,如果识别到了,取出截取部分与特征图做个彩色直方图对比,确定 degree = calculate_by_hists(real_feature_path, feature_name) # print degree if degree > 0.6: return i MLog.debug("new_first_frame_find: " + src_file_path + " is not first frame") return -1
def json_file_to_charts(type, device, apks):"json_file_to_charts: type = " + type + u", device = " + device + u", apks =" + str(apks)) # MLog.debug(u"json_file_to_charts: 开始生成折线图...") lines = [] for apk in apks: file = get_json_file(type, device, apk) try: MLog.debug(u"尝试打开文件生成折线图,file = " + file) if not fileExist(file): continue lines.append(read_json(file)) except Exception, e: MLog.error(u"打开文件失败" + file) MLog.error(u"e = " + repr(e)) print lines
def clip_specific_pic(path, dst_path): if path.find(".png") != -1: img = cv2.imread(path) # 防png path = path.replace(".png", ".jpg") cv2.imwrite(path, img) MLog.debug("clip_specific_pic(): the path = {}".format(path)) img = # img.convert("RGB") #"F:\\cao.jpg") width = img.size[0] height = img.size[1] # 上面部分裁剪 12%, 下面部分裁剪0% top_margin = int(height * 0.12) bottom_margin = int(height * 0) img = img.crop((0, top_margin, width, height - bottom_margin)) return height
def calculate_repos_rgb(): conf = Config("apk.ini") conf_default = Config("default.ini") app_key = conf_default.getconf("default").app real_homepage = conf.getconf(app_key).homepage # homepage_dir = conf.getconf(real_homepage).feature path = feature_path + "/picrepos/homepage/" + real_homepage + "/" mean_r = 0 mean_g = 0 mean_b = 0 length_file = base_utils.count_file(feature_path + "/picrepos/homepage/" + real_homepage) for i in range(1, length_file + 1): rgb = calculate_pic_rgb(path + base_utils.adapter_num(i) + ".jpg") mean_r += rgb[0] mean_g += rgb[1] mean_b += rgb[2] mean_r /= length_file mean_g /= length_file mean_b /= length_file MLog.debug("calculate_repos_rgb: the folder mean rgb: r = {}, g = {}, b = {}".format(mean_r, mean_g, mean_b)) return mean_r, mean_g, mean_b
def calcule_specific_area_rgb(path, x1, y1, x2, y2): x1 = int(x1) y1 = int(y1) x2 = int(x2) y2 = int(y2) im = pix = im.load() mean_r = 0 mean_g = 0 mean_b = 0 for i in range(x1, x2): for j in range(y1, y2): mean_r += pix[i, j][0] mean_g += pix[i, j][1] mean_b += pix[i, j][2] pixles = (x2 - x1) * (y2 - y1) mean_r /= pixles mean_g /= pixles mean_b /= pixles MLog.debug("mean: r = {}, g = {}, b = {}".format(mean_r, mean_g, mean_b)) return mean_r, mean_g, mean_b
def new_last_frame_find_rgb(start_index, length, real_path, real_feature_path, rgb_folder): for i in range(start_index, length+1): src_file_path = real_path + base_utils.adapter_num(i) + ".jpg" feature_name = base_utils.adapter_num(i) + "_feature.jpg" match_img(src_file_path, real_feature_path, threshold, real_path + feature_name) if base_utils.os.path.exists(real_path + feature_name): # 如果识别到了,拿来图片和图库对比,如果当前图片rgb值远大于图库的平均rgb # 认为这一帧还在加载中;反之,则认为当前为加载完成帧 degree = calculate_by_hists(last_frame_feature, real_path + feature_name) # 这个值是否还可以再调一下? MLog.debug(u"new_last_frame_find_rgb: color degreee = {}".format(str(degree))) if degree < 0.41: continue # 识别到才裁剪 clip_specific_pic(src_file_path) if compare_rgb(src_file_path, rgb_folder): return i MLog.debug("new_last_frame_find_rgb: " + src_file_path + " is not last frame") return -1
def create_detail_sheet_by_json(sheet_name, file_name, title, json_data): if json_data is None or json_data is [] or len(json_data) == 0: MLog.error(u"json == None or json_data == [], return !") raise Exception(u"创建Excel时,传入的json数据是空的,所以抛出这个错误!") # 创建一个工作簿 w = Workbook() # 创建一个工作表 ws = w.add_sheet(sheet_name) style = init_normal_style() # 调整单元格宽度,先调20个够用 content_size = 6000 for i in range(0, 20): ws.col(i).width = content_size # 表格偏移量 x_offset = 0 y_offset = 0 ws.write_merge(y_offset, y_offset, x_offset, x_offset + len(json_data[0]) - 1, unicode(str(title), 'utf-8'), style) for index in range(0, len(json_data)): cur = 0 for key, value in json_data[index].items(): if index == 0: # 写标题 ws.write(y_offset + 1, x_offset + cur, key, style) # 写内容 ws.write(index + y_offset + 2, x_offset + cur, value, style) cur += 1 file_name = file_path + file_name checkSrcVialdAndAutoCreate(file_path) + '.xls') MLog.debug(u"handledata create_detail_sheet_by_json: Excel文件生成路径:" + os.path.abspath(file_name) + ".xls")
def write_data_local(device_name, enter_liveroom_datas, first_launch_all_datas, first_lunch_splash_datas, normal_launch_all_datas, normal_launch_splash_datas): # write log data u"--------------------------开始写入json数据到本地--------------------------") MLog.debug(u"首次启动总耗时->") json.dumps(first_launch_all_datas, ensure_ascii=False).decode('utf8')) MLog.debug(u"非首次启动总耗时>") json.dumps(normal_launch_all_datas, ensure_ascii=False).decode('utf8')) MLog.debug(u"首次启动闪屏页耗时->") json.dumps(first_lunch_splash_datas, ensure_ascii=False).decode('utf8')) MLog.debug(u"非首次启动闪屏页耗时->") json.dumps(normal_launch_splash_datas, ensure_ascii=False).decode('utf8')) MLog.debug(u"进直播间耗时->") json.dumps(enter_liveroom_datas, ensure_ascii=False).decode('utf8')) # 写 JSON 数据 write_data_to_file(u"首次启动总耗时", device_name, getApkName().split(".apk")[0], first_launch_all_datas) write_data_to_file(u"非首次启动总耗时", device_name, getApkName().split(".apk")[0], normal_launch_all_datas) write_data_to_file(u"首次启动闪屏页耗时", device_name, getApkName().split(".apk")[0], first_lunch_splash_datas) write_data_to_file(u"非首次启动闪屏页耗时", device_name, getApkName().split(".apk")[0], normal_launch_splash_datas) write_data_to_file(u"进直播间耗时", device_name, getApkName().split(".apk")[0], enter_liveroom_datas) u"--------------------------写入json数据到本地结束--------------------------")
def mkdir(self, name): os.system('adb -s ' + self.serNum + ' shell rm -rf ' + self.saveDir + name) os.system('adb -s ' + self.serNum + ' shell mkdir -p ' + self.saveDir + name) MLog.debug(u"file_operation mkdir: SD卡文件夹创建成功") path = os.path.dirname(__file__) + "\\" os.chdir(path) MLog.debug(u"file_operation mkdir:" + u'创建文件夹' + path) if os.path.exists(name): shutil.rmtree(name) print name os.makedirs(name) MLog.debug(u"file_operation mkdir: 'PC文件夹创建成功")
def huya_first_find_frame(length, from_index, real_path, real_launching_feature_path, real_last_feature_path, rgb_folder): launching_homepage_flag = True launching_index = -1 homepage_index = -1 for i in range(from_index+2, length+1): src_file_path = real_path + base_utils.adapter_num(i) + ".jpg" feature_name = base_utils.adapter_num(i) + "_feature.jpg" if launching_homepage_flag: # 进入启动页匹配 flag = isLaunchingPage(src_file_path, real_launching_feature_path) if flag: MLog.debug("find_lanching_end_frame: " + src_file_path + " is launching frame") continue else: # 没匹配到,则先记录为启动结束帧,记得往前取一帧 launching_index = i - 1 clip_generate_flag(real_path + base_utils.adapter_num(i - 1) + ".jpg", real_path + base_utils.adapter_num(i - 1) + "_feature.jpg") MLog.debug("find_lanching_end_frame: " + src_file_path + " is not launching frame!!!!") launching_homepage_flag = False else: match_img(src_file_path, real_last_feature_path, threshold, real_path + feature_name) if base_utils.os.path.exists(real_path + feature_name): # 如果识别到了,拿来图片和图库对比,如果当前图片rgb值远大于图库的平均rgb # 认为这一帧还在加载中;反之,则认为当前为加载完成帧 degree = calculate_by_hists(real_last_feature_path, real_path + feature_name) print "degree = {} -----------------------------".format(degree) # 这个值是否还可以再调一下?这个值太难取了,有些手机的帧很模糊,有些手机又特别清楚 if degree < 0.735: continue # 识别到才裁剪 homepage_index = i return launching_index, homepage_index else: # 没找到首页特征图时,去找启动页的特征图 tmp_flag = isLaunchingPage(src_file_path, real_launching_feature_path) if tmp_flag: launching_homepage_flag = True"we find launching pic agagin, the index = {}".format(i)) continue MLog.debug("last_frame_find_rgb: " + src_file_path + " is not last frame") return launching_index, homepage_index
def create_from_file_per(src, title, show_avg): MLog.debug(u"data_transform create_from_file_per: 通过读取json文件生成图表数据") # 子目录或文件 lst = [] for item in os.listdir(src): item = item.decode('GB2312') path = os.path.join(src, item) if os.path.splitext(path)[1] == '.json': lst.append(path) MLog.debug(u"create_from_file_per: add path " + path) lines = [] chart_items = [] result_name = "chart" for file in lst: MLog.debug(u"create_from_file_per: file = " + file) lines.append(read_json(file)) print lines file_name = title chart = ChartItem(file_name, lines, show_avg) chart_items.append(chart) create_charts(result_name, chart_items)
def test_main(serial_num, method, params): deviceInfo = DeviceInfo(serial_num) settings._init() firstLaunchTimes, notFirstLaunchTimes, enterLiveTimes, apkName, package = get_start_params( )"current Device = {}".format(serial_num)) start_time = if params.install_method == Constants.autoInstall: # 自动安装"main test_main: 自动安装!") start_python(serial_num, params) else: # 手动安装,判断有么有安装,没有安装提示,return,安装之后走 if apkIsInstall(package): start_python(serial_num, params) else: print u"应用没有安装,请先安装应用" sys.exit() end_video_2_frame_time ="录屏及切帧时间 time = {}".format(end_video_2_frame_time - start_time)) path = os.path.dirname(__file__) + "\\" os.chdir(path) print path device_name = deviceInfo.getDeviceInfo() first_launch_result, normal_launch_result, enter_ent = start_calculate( device_name) MLog.debug("first_launch_result ==========") MLog.debug(first_launch_result) MLog.debug("normal_launch_result ==========") MLog.debug(normal_launch_result) MLog.debug("enter ent ==========") MLog.debug(enter_ent) first_launch_all_datas, normal_launch_all_datas, detail_data, avg_detail_data, first_lunch_splash_datas, normal_launch_splash_datas, enter_liveroom_datas = format_data( first_launch_result, normal_launch_result, enter_ent, apkName) end_calculate_time ="计算时间 time ={}".format(end_calculate_time - end_video_2_frame_time)) # ---------------------------- UI Part ------------------------------# # 创建表格 create_sheet(detail_data, avg_detail_data, device_name) # 写入json数据到本地 write_data_local(device_name, enter_liveroom_datas, first_launch_all_datas, first_lunch_splash_datas, normal_launch_all_datas, normal_launch_splash_datas) end_time = "all time = {}, video_frame time = {}, calculate time = {}, datacharts time = {}" .format(end_time - start_time, end_video_2_frame_time - start_time, end_calculate_time - end_video_2_frame_time, end_time - end_calculate_time))
params.sdk_path = "" # 暂不生效,所以不传 params.video_path = "" params.app_path = "" params.install_method = 1 params.first_start_times = config.getFirstStartTime() params.normal_start_times = config.getNormalStartTime() params.enter_liveroom_times = config.getEnterLiveRoom() params.app_name = config.getAppName() params.package_name = config.getPackage() params.features = config.getFeaturePath() return params if __name__ == '__main__': MLog.debug(u"程序启动...") config = BaseConfig() params = configToParams(config) os.system("python -m uiautomator2 init") time.sleep(10) # 取序列号 start_time = serial = getDevices()"读取到的序列号 = " + str(serial)) devices = [] pool = Pool(len(serial) + 1) # 取电脑核数 for index in range(len(serial)): serial_number = serial[index]"启动一个新进程 : index = " + str(index) + u" serial_number = " + serial_number) deviceInfo = DeviceInfo(serial_number)
def sendEmail(authInfo, fromAdd, toAdd, subject, content, contentType='plain', patchFileList=None): def _format_addr(s): name, addr = parseaddr( s ) # 将email地址根据'< '符合分为两部分,如jack <[email protected],>会变成(jack,[email protected] return formataddr(( \ Header(name, 'utf-8').encode(), \ addr.encode('utf-8') if isinstance(addr, unicode) else addr)) strFrom = fromAdd strTo = toAdd # 多个邮箱地址分割成list toAddList = toAdd.split(",") server = authInfo.get('server') smtpPort = 25 sslPort = 465 user = authInfo.get('user') passwd = authInfo.get('password') if not (server and user and passwd): MLog.debug(u"sendmail sendEmail: incomplete login info, exit now!") return # 设定root信息 msgRoot = MIMEMultipart('alternative') msgRoot['Subject'] = Header(subject, 'utf-8').encode() msgRoot['From'] = _format_addr(u'%s<%s>' % (strFrom.split('@')[0], strFrom)) msgRoot['To'] = strTo # 邮件正文内容 if contentType == 'html': msgHtml = MIMEText(content, 'html', 'utf-8') msgRoot.attach(msgHtml) else: msgText = MIMEText(content, 'plain', 'utf-8') msgRoot.attach(msgText) # 设定附件信息 if not patchFileList is None: MLog.debug(u"sendmail sendEmail: 打包附件:") for patchFile in patchFileList: # print patchFile with, 'rb') as f: patchFileName = patchFile.split("/")[-1] # 设置附件的MIME和文件名,这里是txt类型: msgPatch = MIMEBase('text', 'txt', filename=patchFileName) # 加上必要的头信息: msgPatch.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment', filename=patchFileName) msgPatch.add_header('Content-ID', '<0>') msgPatch.add_header('X-Attachment-Id', '0') # 把附件的内容读进来: msgPatch.set_payload( # 用Base64编码: encoders.encode_base64(msgPatch) # 添加到MIMEMultipart: msgRoot.attach(msgPatch) try: # 发送邮件 smtp = smtplib.SMTP() # smtp.connect(server, smtpPort) # ssl加密方式,通信过程加密,邮件数据安全 smtp = smtplib.SMTP_SSL() smtp.connect(server, sslPort) # 设定调试级别,依情况而定 # smtp.set_debuglevel(1) smtp.login(user, passwd) smtp.sendmail(strFrom, toAddList, msgRoot.as_string()) smtp.quit() MLog.debug(u"sendmail sendEmail: 邮件发送成功!") except Exception, e: MLog.error(u"sendmail sendEmail: 邮件发送失败! e = " + repr(e))