def coreTable3_1(c, exp_sig2, exp_beta, var_beta): #Set up subplots f, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(6, 4)) f.suptitle('Bayesian Core Table 3.1', fontsize=14)"Creating Bayesian Core Table 3.2") # hide axes f.patch.set_visible(False) ax.axis('off') cell_data = np.array([c, exp_sig2, exp_beta, var_beta]).T cell_text = util.npArrayToStrList(cell_data, '{0:.4f}') col_labels = [ r'c', r'$E^{\pi}(\sigma^{2}|Y,X)$', r'$E^{\pi}(\beta_{0}|Y,X)$', r'$V^{\pi}(\beta_{0}|Y,X)$' ] tab = ax.table(cellText=cell_text, colLabels=col_labels, cellLoc='center', loc='center') tab.set_fontsize(16) tab.scale(1, 2) log.log("Saving Figure...") plt.savefig('Table3_1.png') log.sucess("Figure created and sucessfully saved")
def mleRegression(x_data, t_data, std): ''' Completes a MLE regression for the given data Args: x_data (np.array): array of input data y_data (np.array): array of training data ''' log.log("Calculating MLE regression") (N,K) = x_data.shape x = np.zeros((N,K+1)) + 1 x[:,1:] = x_data #Expanding with a colomn of ones for bias terms #(X'*X)^(-1)*(X')*Y xtx_i = np.linalg.inv( beta_hat = #Standard variance y_star = (t_data - s2 = sig_hat = 1.0/(N-K-1)*s2 std_err = (np.sqrt(np.eye(K+1)*sig_hat*xtx_i)).dot(np.zeros(K+1)+1) t = (beta_hat/std_err) p_right = 1.0-sc.stats.t.cdf(np.abs(t),N-K-1) p_left = sc.stats.t.cdf(-np.abs(t),N-K-1) p = p_right+p_left log.sucess("MLE Regression complete") return beta_hat, std_err, t, p
def readFileData(fileName): ''' Reads in catapillar data from files @params: fileName(string): File name Returns: data (np.array): array of data read from file '''"Reading in data file") #Attempt to read text file and extact data into a list try: file_object = open(str(fileName), "r").read().splitlines() data_list = [[float(x.strip()) for x in my_string.split()] for my_string in file_object] except OSError as err: log.error("OS error: {0}".format(err)) return except IOError as err: log.error("File read error: {0}".format(err)) return except: log.error("Unexpected error:" + sys.exc_info()[0]) return data = np.asarray(data_list) log.sucess("Catapillar data successfully read from file") return data
def coreTable3_11(gibs_info_beta, gibs_noninfo_beta, c): #Set up subplots f, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(6, 5)) f.suptitle('Bayesian Core Table 3.11, C=%d' % (c), fontsize=14) ax.set_title('Left: Informative, Right: Non-Informative')"Creating Bayesian Core Table 3.11") # hide axes f.patch.set_visible(False) ax.axis('off') cell_data = np.array([gibs_info_beta, gibs_noninfo_beta]).T cell_text = util.npArrayToStrList(cell_data, '{0:.5f}') col_labels = [ r'$\gamma_{i}$', r'$\hat{P}^{\pi}(\gamma_{i}=1|Y,X)$', r'$\hat{P}^{\pi}(\gamma_{i}=1|Y,X)$' ] gamma_labels = [] for i, val in enumerate(cell_text): gamma_labels.append(r'$\gamma_{' + str(i) + '}$') cell_text = util.appendListColumn(cell_text, gamma_labels, 0) tab = ax.table(cellText=cell_text, colLabels=col_labels, colWidths=[0.2, 0.3, 0.3], cellLoc='center', loc='center') tab.set_fontsize(12) tab.scale(1, 1.75) log.log("Saving Figure...") plt.savefig('Table3_11.png') log.sucess("Figure created and sucessfully saved")
def coreFigure3_2(beta_hat, std_err, t, p): #Set up subplots f, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(6, 6)) f.suptitle('Bayesian Core Figure 3.2', fontsize=14)"Creating Bayesian Core Figure 3.2") # hide axes f.patch.set_visible(False) ax.axis('off') ax.axis('tight') cell_data = np.array([beta_hat, std_err, t, p]).T cell_text = util.npArrayToStrList(cell_data, '{0:.6f}') col_labels = ['Estimate', 'Std. Error', 't-value', r'$Pr(>|t|)$'] row_labels = ['intercept'] for i, val in enumerate(beta_hat[1:]): row_labels.append('XV' + str(i)) tab = ax.table(cellText=cell_text, rowLabels=row_labels, colLabels=col_labels, cellLoc='center', loc='center', bbox=[0.15, 0.2, 0.9, 0.7]) tab.set_fontsize(16) tab.scale(1, 2) log.log("Saving Figure...") plt.savefig('Figure3_2.png') log.sucess("Figure created and sucessfully saved")
def coreTable3_5(hpd): #Set up subplots f, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(6, 5)) f.suptitle('Bayesian Core Table 3.5', fontsize=14)"Creating Bayesian Core Table 3.5") # hide axes f.patch.set_visible(False) ax.axis('off') cell_text0 = util.npArrayToStrList(hpd, '{0:.4f}') cell_text1 = [ str(row).replace('\'', '') for i, row in enumerate(cell_text0) ] cell_text = map(list, zip(cell_text1)) col_labels = [r'$\beta_{i}$', 'HPD Interval'] beta_labels = [] for i, val in enumerate(cell_text): beta_labels.append(r'$\beta_{' + str(i) + '}$') cell_text = util.appendListColumn(cell_text, beta_labels, 0) tab = ax.table(cellText=cell_text, colLabels=col_labels, colWidths=[0.2, 0.3], cellLoc='center', loc='center') tab.set_fontsize(16) tab.scale(1, 2) log.log("Saving Figure...") plt.savefig('Table3_5.png') log.sucess("Figure created and sucessfully saved")
def coreTable_B10(exp_beta, var_beta, log_b10, c): #Set up subplots f, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(6, 5)) f.suptitle('Bayes\' Factor, C=' + str(c), fontsize=14)"Creating Bayes Factor Table") # hide axes f.patch.set_visible(False) ax.axis('off') cell_data = np.array([exp_beta, var_beta, log_b10]).T cell_text = util.npArrayToStrList(cell_data, '{0:.4f}') col_labels = [ r'$\beta_{i}$', r'$E^{\pi}(\beta_{i}|Y,X)$', r'$V^{\pi}(\beta_{i}|Y,X)$', r'$log_{10}(BF)$' ] beta_labels = [] for i, val in enumerate(exp_beta): beta_labels.append(r'$\beta_{' + str(i) + '}$') cell_text = util.appendListColumn(cell_text, beta_labels, 0) tab = ax.table(cellText=cell_text, colLabels=col_labels, colWidths=[0.2, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3], cellLoc='center', loc='center') tab.set_fontsize(16) tab.scale(1, 2) log.log("Saving Figure...") plt.savefig('Table_BayesFactor.png') log.sucess("Figure created and sucessfully saved")
def coreGibbsModelEvidenceTable(model_evid, gibbs_evid, fignum_str, K, c=None): #Set up subplots f, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(6, 7)) if (c != None): f.suptitle('Bayesian Core Table ' + fignum_str + ', C = %d' % (c), fontsize=14) else: f.suptitle('Bayesian Core Table ' + fignum_str, fontsize=14)"Creating Bayesian Core Table " + fignum_str) t_gamma = [] for e0 in gibbs_evid: #e0 contains [model id, evidence] t_gamma_np, q = util.getGammaIndexes(K, int(e0[0])) model_label = str(t_gamma_np.tolist()) t_gamma.append(re.sub('[^0-9 ,]+', '', model_label)) # hide axes f.patch.set_visible(False) ax.axis('off') cell_data = np.array([model_evid[:, 1], gibbs_evid[:, 1]]).T cell_text = util.npArrayToStrList(cell_data, '{0:.5f}') col_labels = [ r'$t_{1}(\gamma)$', r'$\pi(\gamma|Y,X)$', r'$\hat{\pi}(\gamma|Y,X)$' ] cell_text = util.appendListColumn(cell_text, t_gamma, 0) tab = ax.table(cellText=cell_text, colLabels=col_labels, colWidths=[0.4, 0.3, 0.3], cellLoc='center', loc='center') tab.set_fontsize(12) tab.scale(1, 1.75) log.log("Saving Figure...") plt.savefig('Table' + fignum_str.replace('.', '_') + '.png') log.sucess("Figure created and sucessfully saved")
def coreFigure3_1(data): #Set up subplots f, ax = plt.subplots(2, 5, figsize=(6, 6)) f.suptitle('Bayesian Core Figure 3.1', fontsize=14)"Creating Bayesian Core Figure 3.1") n = 0 for (i, j), ax0 in np.ndenumerate(ax): ax0.plot(data[:, n], data[:, -1], 'o', markersize=3.5) ax0.set_yscale('log') # Get rid of the ticks ax0.set_xticks([]) ax0.set_yticks([]) ax0.minorticks_off() #Axis label ax0.set_xlabel(r'$x_' + str(n + 1) + '$') n += 1 plt.tight_layout(rect=[0, 0, 1.0, 0.93]) log.log("Saving Figure...") plt.savefig('Figure3_1.png') log.sucess("Figure created and sucessfully saved")
def priorExpectations(x_data, t_data, beta_hat, beta_tilde, a, b, c): ''' Computes the expecation and variance of the beta_hats for conjugate priors @params: x_data (np.array): array of input data t_data (np.array): array of training data beta_hat (np.array): MLE linear regression weights beta_tilde (np.array): prior hyperparameter a (float): hyper-parameter b (float): hyper-parameter c (float): hyper-parameter ''' log.log("Computing exp and var for conjugate priors") log.log("Hyper-parameters a:%.2f b:%.2f c:%.2f"%(a, b, c)) (N,K) = x_data.shape x = np.zeros((N,K+1)) + 1 x[:,1:] = x_data #Expanding with a colomn of ones for bias terms y_star = (t_data - s2 = #(X'*X)^(-1)*(X')*Y xtx_i = np.linalg.inv( M = np.eye(K+1)/c c1 = np.linalg.inv(np.linalg.inv(M)+np.linalg.inv( c1 = (beta_tilde - beta_hat) - beta_hat) c2 = np.linalg.inv( exp_sig2 = (2*b + s2 + c1)/(N + 2*a - 2) exp_beta = + covar_beta = (exp_sig2)*c2 var_beta = (np.eye(K+1)*(covar_beta)).dot(np.zeros(K+1)+1) #Get the variance (diagonal) elements log.sucess("MLE Regression complete") return exp_sig2, exp_beta, var_beta
def coreTableExpVar(exp_beta, var_beta, fignum_str, c=None): #Set up subplots f, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(6, 5)) if (c != None): f.suptitle('Bayesian Core Table ' + fignum_str + ', C = %d' % (c), fontsize=14) else: f.suptitle('Bayesian Core Table ' + fignum_str, fontsize=14)"Creating Bayesian Core Table " + fignum_str) # hide axes f.patch.set_visible(False) ax.axis('off') cell_data = np.array([exp_beta, var_beta]).T cell_text = util.npArrayToStrList(cell_data, '{0:.4f}') col_labels = [ r'$\beta_{i}$', r'$E^{\pi}(\beta_{i}|Y,X)$', r'$V^{\pi}(\beta_{i}|Y,X)$' ] beta_labels = [] for i, val in enumerate(exp_beta): beta_labels.append(r'$\beta_{' + str(i) + '}$') cell_text = util.appendListColumn(cell_text, beta_labels, 0) tab = ax.table(cellText=cell_text, colLabels=col_labels, colWidths=[0.2, 0.3, 0.3], cellLoc='center', loc='center') tab.set_fontsize(16) tab.scale(1, 2) log.log("Saving Figure...") plt.savefig('Table' + fignum_str.replace('.', '_') + '.png') log.sucess("Figure created and sucessfully saved")
def gibbsSamplingInformative(x0, y0, beta_tilde, c, T, T0): ''' Performs Gibb's sampling for Zelner's Informative prior @params: x0 (np.array): array of input data y0 (np.array): array of training data beta_tilde (np.array): prior hyperparameter T (int): numder of samples to take T0 (int): "burn in" samples to ignore ''' T = int(T) T0 = int(T0) (N, K) = x0.shape x = np.zeros((N, K + 1)) + 1 x[:, 1:] = x0 #Expanding with a colomn of ones for bias terms zeller_evid = np.zeros(2) gammas = np.zeros(T) post_informative = np.zeros((2**K, 2)) beta_evidence = np.zeros((K)) post_informative[:, 0] = range(2**K) gam_index = random.randint(0, 2**K) (t_gamma0, q) = util.getGammaIndexes(K, int(gam_index)) log.log("Staring Zeller Informative Prior Gibb's sampling") log.warning("This will take a while...") for i in range(T): if (i % 100 == 0): log.print_progress(i, T) for j in range(K): gam_i0 = gam_index gam_i1 = gam_index if (int(gam_index / 2**j) % 2 == 0): gam_i1 = gam_index + 2**j #With current model parameter else: gam_i0 = gam_index - 2**j #With out current model parameter for i0, gam0 in enumerate([int(gam_i0), int(gam_i1)]): (t_gamma, q) = util.getGammaIndexes(K, gam0) x_g = x[:, t_gamma] bt_g = beta_tilde[t_gamma] xtxi = np.linalg.inv( c0 = c1 =*c0+1/(c+1.0)* -\ 2.0/(c+1.0)* zeller_evid[i0] = (c + 1.0)**(-0.5 * (q + 1)) * c1**(-0.5 * N) zeller_evid_norm = zeller_evid[0] / np.sum(zeller_evid, 0) if (random.random() < zeller_evid_norm): gam_index = gam_i0 else: gam_index = gam_i1 gammas[i] = gam_index log.print_progress(T, T) log.sucess("Gibb's Sampling for informative prior complete!") log.log("Calculating Model Evidence") #Count all instances of a certain model to get model evidence for i in range(2**K): count = np.count_nonzero(gammas[T0:T] == i) post_informative[i, 1] = count / (T - T0 + 1.0) post_informative_sort = post_informative[post_informative[:, 1].argsort() [::-1]] #Count all instances of a certain certain to get variable evidence for i in range(K): count = np.where((gammas[T0:T] / (2**i)).astype(int) % 2 == 1)[0].shape[0] beta_evidence[i] = count / (T - T0 + 1.0) return post_informative_sort, beta_evidence
def variableSelection(x0, y0, beta_tilde, c, clim): ''' Performs variable (model) selection by computing the evidence of each model @params: x0 (np.array): array of input data y0 (np.array): array of training data beta_tilde (np.array): prior hyperparameter c (float): prior hyperparameter clim (int): upper limit of the c summation for the non-informative prior ''' (N, K) = x0.shape x = np.zeros((N, K + 1)) + 1 x[:, 1:] = x0 #Expanding with a colomn of ones for bias terms zeller_posterior = np.zeros((2**K, 2)) post_informative = np.zeros((2**K, 2)) post_noninformative = np.zeros((2**K, 2)) #Save the index of each model in the array for when we max sort it post_informative[:, 0] = range(2**K) post_noninformative[:, 0] = range(2**K) log.log("Starting model variable selection for both priors") for i in range(2**K): (gamma_index, q) = util.getGammaIndexes(K, i) x_g = x[:, gamma_index] bt_g = beta_tilde[gamma_index] xtxi = np.linalg.inv( c0 = c1 =*c0+1/(c+1.0)* -\ 2.0/(c+1.0)* zeller_posterior[i, 0] = (c + 1.0)**(-0.5 * (q + 1)) * c1**(-0.5 * N) zeller_noninform = 0 for ci in range(1, int(clim)): c1 = (1.0 / ci) * (ci + 1)**(-0.5 * (q + 1)) zeller_noninform += c1 * ( - ci / (ci + 1.0) * c0)**(-0.5 * N) zeller_posterior[i, 1] = zeller_noninform log.sucess("Variable selection posteriors calculated") log.log("Normalizing and sorting Model Evidence") #Normalize model evidence post_informative[:, 1] = zeller_posterior[:, 0] / np.sum( zeller_posterior[:, 0]) post_noninformative[:, 1] = zeller_posterior[:, 1] / np.sum( zeller_posterior[:, 1]) #Sort array largest to smallest based on model evidence # post_informative_sort = post_informative[post_informative[:, 1].argsort() [::-1]] post_noninformative_sort = post_noninformative[ post_noninformative[:, 1].argsort()[::-1]] return post_informative_sort, post_noninformative_sort