Пример #1
class LogicalStep(Target):
    defines a single logical step of the pipeline (like alignment) that has
    control over its own temp directory
    def ana(self):
        return self._analysis
    def analysis(self):
        return self._analysis
    def dir(self):
        '''Returns the temporary logical step directory'''
        if self._dir == None:
            raise Exception("Trying to retrieve directory before its been created")
        return self._dir
    def name(self):
        return self._stepName
    def version(self):
        return self.ana.version + '.' + str(self._stepVersion)
    def err(self):
        return self._err
    def err(self,value):
        self._err = value

    def status(self):
        '''Returns status of step: Init/Running/Success/Fail.'''
        return self._status
    def __init__(self, analysis, stepName, ram=1000000000, cpus=1):
        Target.__init__(self, time=0.00025, memory=ram, cpu=cpus)
        self._stepVersion = 1
        self._analysis = analysis
        self.interimFiles = {}
        self.targetFiles = {}
        self._garbageFiles = {}
        self.metaFiles = {}  # ???
        self.json = {}
        self.log = Log() # Before logfile is declared, log print to stdout
        self._stepName = stepName # descendent classes MUST fill in the _stepName
        self._err = -1 # descendent classes should set this to returns from ganular steps
        self._status = 'Init' # Init/Running/Success/Fail
        self._dir = None # needs to make temp directory for itself
        self._toolBegan = None
        self._stepBegan = None
        self.ana.registerStep(self)  # Analysis may manage multiple steps simultaneously

    def __str__(self):
        return pprint.pformat(self)
    def run(self):
        self._status = 'Running'
        self.declareLogFile() # Ensures that the logical step dir and log exist
        self._stepBegan = datetime.now()
        self.log.out("--- Beginning '" + self._stepName + "' [version: "+self.version+"] [" + 
                     self._stepBegan.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %X (%A)")+ '] ---')
        self._prevDir = os.getcwd()
        self.log.out("> cd "+self.dir)
            self.onRun() #now this calls child onRun directly
        except StepError as e:
            return self.onFail(e)
        except Exception as e:
            return self.onFail(e, logTrace=True)
        self.success()  # success() must be outside of try or else we loose any exeptions
        return 0
    def onRun(self):
        '''this part would likely be overridden for each logical step'''
        raise Exception('children need to override this')
    def encodeDebug(self, message):
    def success(self):
        self._status = 'Success'
        if self.ana.dryRun:
        for fileName in self.metaFiles:
        self._err = 0 # by definition
        #self.log.out("> cd "+self._prevDir)
        stepEnded = datetime.now()
        stepTook = str(stepEnded - self._stepBegan + timedelta(seconds=0.5)).split('.')[0]
        self.log.out("\n>> Successfully completed '" + self._stepName + "' [" + \
                     stepEnded.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %X (%A)") + ' duration:' + stepTook + "]\n")
    def fail(self, message):
        raise StepError(message)
    def onFail(self, e, logTrace=False):
        self._status = 'Fail'
        stepEnded = datetime.now()
        stepTook = str(stepEnded - self._stepBegan + timedelta(seconds=0.5)).split('.')[0]
        if e.message != None and e.message != "":
            self.log.out(">>> FAILURE: '" + e.message)
        self.log.out(">>> Failure during '" + self._stepName + ': ' + str(e) + "' [" + \
                     stepEnded.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %X (%A)") + ' duration:' + stepTook + "]\n")
        if logTrace:
        if self._err == 0:
            self._err = 1  # Make sure this error is noticed!
        return self.ana.onFail(self)

    def createDir(self):
        '''Creates logical step directory'''
        self._dir = self.ana.createTempDir(self.name, clean=True)
    def fileNameOrFullPath(self, filePath):
        '''Returns just the file name or the full path as appropriate'''
        if filePath.endswith('/') or not filePath.startswith(self.dir):
            return filePath
        else:   # Since file is in step dir, and so is execution, just return name
            return os.path.split(filePath)[1]
    def declareTargetFile(self, key, name=None, ext=''):
        Reserves name for a file we want to keep permanantly, and returns a
        fully qualified filename in the local temp dir
        self.targetFiles[key] = self.makeFilePath(key, name, ext)
        return self.fileNameOrFullPath(self.targetFiles[key])
    def declareInterimFile(self, key, name=None, ext=''):
        Reserves name for a file we want to keep during the life of the analysis, and returns a
        fully qualified filename in the local temp dir
        self.interimFiles[key] = self.makeFilePath(key, name, ext)
        return self.fileNameOrFullPath(self.interimFiles[key])

    def declareGarbageFile(self, key, name=None, ext=''):
        Reserves name for a file we do not care about, and returns a fully
        qualified filename in the local temp dir
        self._garbageFiles[key] = self.makeFilePath(key, name, ext)
        return self.fileNameOrFullPath(self._garbageFiles[key])
    def declareLogFile(self, name=None):
        Gets or sets the filename for the log that will be created by this logical step.
        if self.log != None and self.log.file() != None and name != None:
            return self.log.file()
        if name == None:
            if self._stepName != None:
                name = self._stepName
                raise Exception("This 'logical step' has not been named.")
        self.log.declareFile(self.dir + name.replace(' ','_') + '.log')
        self.log.empty()  # Logical step log always starts empty!
        return self.log.file()
    def mockUpPath(self,path,show=False):
        '''Touch a file or make a directory'''
        if path.endswith('/'):
            self.ana.runCmd('mkdir -p '+path,logOut=show,logErr=show,dryRun=False,log=self.log)
            dirt = os.path.split( path )[0]
            self.ana.runCmd('mkdir -p '+dirt,logOut=show,logErr=show,dryRun=False,log=self.log)
            self.ana.runCmd('touch -a '+path,logOut=show,logErr=show,dryRun=False,log=self.log)
    def mockUpResults(self):
        For each result file, will create it empty if it does not exist.
        This is used to mock up results in a dry run.
        for key in self.targetFiles.keys():
        for key in self.interimFiles.keys():

    def deliverTargetFile(self, name, pathToTarget):
        Hard links a step 'target' file to the analysis 'target' file in
        the analysis directory. This is expected when a logical step succeeds.
        # Because dryRun should mock up result files, we should set dryRun to False to actually
        # make links to the mocked up files.
        return self.ana.linkOrCopy(self.targetFiles[name], pathToTarget,

    def deliverInterimFile(self, name, pathToInterim):
        Hard links a step 'target' file to the analysis 'target' file in
        the analysis directory. This is expected when a logical step succeeds.
        # Because dryRun should mock up result files, we should set dryRun to False to actually
        # make links to the mocked up files.
        return self.ana.linkOrCopy(self.interimFiles[name], pathToInterim,

    def deliverResultFile(self, name, pathToTarget):
        Hard links a step 'result' file to the analysis 'interim' or 'target' file in
        the analysis directory. This is expected when a logical step succeeds.
            return self.deliverTargetFile(name, pathToTarget)
            return self.deliverInterimFile(name, pathToTarget)

    def cleanup(self):
        Removes the temporary 'step' directory and all of its contents.
        This is expected when a logical step succeeds.
        if self._dir != None:
            self.ana.runCmd('rm -rf ' + self._dir)
        #self._analysis.removeStep(self)  # Do we want to do this?
    def makeFilePath(self, key, name=None, ext=''):
        Returns a fully qualified file/dir name
        if name == None:
            name = key
        if len(ext) > 0:
            if ext.lower() == 'dir':  # directories are also supported!
                if not name.endswith('/'):
                    ext = '/'
            elif not ext.startswith('.'):
                ext = '.' + ext
        return self.dir + name + ext
    def toolBegins(self, toolName):
        '''Standardized message before tool comandline'''
        self._toolBegan = datetime.now()
        self.log.out("\n# [" + self._toolBegan.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %X") + "] '" + toolName + \
                     "' begins...")
    def toolEnds(self,toolName,retVal,raiseError=True):
        '''Standardized message after tool comandline.  Raise exception for non-zero retVal.'''
        toolEnded = datetime.now()
        toolTook = str(toolEnded - self._toolBegan + timedelta(seconds=0.5)).split('.')[0]
        self.log.out("# ["+toolEnded.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %X") + ' duration:' + toolTook + "] '" + \
                     toolName + "' returned " + str(retVal))
        if raiseError and not retVal == 0:
            self._err = retVal
            self.fail(toolName + " returned " + str(self._err))

    def writeVersions(self,raFile=None):
        '''Writes versions to to the log or a file.'''
        # Each logical step is expected to extend or replace this to record the actual tool versions
        if raFile != None:
            self.log.out("# ENCODE Analysis pipeline [version: " + self.ana.version + "]")
            self.log.out("# "+self.name+"_Step [version: " + self.version + "]")
            self.log.out("# ENCODE Analysis pipeline [version: "+self.ana.version+"]")
            self.log.out("# "+self.name+"_Step [version: "+self.version+ "]")
    def createAndWriteJsonFile(self, name=None, target=False, jsonObj=None):
        Creates and writes the json object as an interim file keyed as {name}.ra.
        if name == None:
            name = self.name
        if target:
            filePath = self.declareTargetFile(name + '.json')
            filePath = self.declareInterimFile(name + '.json')
        if jsonObj == None:
            jsonObj = self.json
        if jsonObj:
            fp = open(filePath, 'w')
            json.dump(jsonObj, fp, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '))
            fp.write('\n') # Hopefully this makes galaxy happy that the json is plain txt.

    def createMetadataFile(self, name, target=False):
        Creates a metadata file as an interim file keyed as {name}.ra.
        if name in self.metaFiles:
            raise Exception('metadata file already exists')
        if target:
            filePath = self.declareTargetFile(name + '.ra')
            filePath = self.declareInterimFile(name + '.ra')
        self.metaFiles[name] = RaFile(filePath)
        return self.metaFiles[name]
    def printPaths(self, tab, log=None):
        '''Used in debugging; prints step's paths, etc.'''
        if log == None:
            log = self.log
        if self._dir != None:
            title = self.name + ' dir:'
            log.out(title.ljust(tab) + self.dir )
        if self.log.file() != None:
            title = self.name + ' log:'
            log.out(title.ljust(tab) + self.log.file() )
        for key in sorted( self._garbageFiles.keys() ):
            title = "garbage[%s]:" % (key)
            log.out(title.ljust(tab) + self._garbageFiles[key])
        for key in sorted( self.interimFiles.keys() ):
            title = "interimFile[%s]:" % (key)
            log.out(title.ljust(tab) + self.interimFiles[key])
        for key in sorted( self.targetFiles.keys() ):
            title = "targetFile[%s]:" % (key)
            log.out(title.ljust(tab) + self.targetFiles[key])

    def getToolVersion(self, executable, logOut=True):
        Retrieves tool version, but if there is no success, then the version is the md5sum.
        if executable.find('/') == -1: # Not a path, then look for this on the path!
            toolId = self.ana.getCmdOut("md5sum `which "+executable+"` | awk '{print $1}'", \
            if toolId.startswith('which: no'): # failed to find executable: might be perl script
                toolId = self.ana.getCmdOut("md5sum "+self.ana.toolsDir + executable + \
                                            " | awk '{print $1}'",dryRun=False,logCmd=False)
                if toolId.startswith('md5sum: '): # failed to find executable
                    toolId = ""
            toolName = executable
            toolId = self.ana.getCmdOut("md5sum "+executable+" | awk '{print $1}'", \
            if toolId.startswith('md5sum: '): # failed to find executable
                toolId = ""
            toolName = os.path.split( executable )[1]

        toolData = self.ana.getToolData(toolId, toolName)
        if toolData == None:
            version = 'md5sum:'+toolId  # when all else fails
            if logOut:
                self.log.out("# tool: "+toolName+" [version: " + version + "]")
            return version

            version = toolData['version']
                version = toolData['packageVersion']
                raise Exception("Tool '"+executable+"' was found in tool database, " + \
                                "but 'version' was not!")

        # Try to get actual version and compare the two
        if 'versionCommand' in toolData:
            actual = self.ana.getCmdOut(toolData['versionCommand'],dryRun=False,logCmd=False)
            if version != actual:
                if self.ana.strict:
                    raise Exception("Expecting "+executable+" [version: "+version+"], " + \
                                    "but found [version: "+actual+"]")
                version = actual # Use actual rather than expected.

        # If the toolData was found by name, then the tooldIds may not match, so:
        if toolId != toolData['toolId'] and toolId != "":
            version += ' (md5sum:'+toolId+')' 

        # If there is a package name or version that differs, then use it
        intro = "tool: "
        if 'packageName' in toolData and 'packageVersion' in toolData:
            package = toolData['packageName']
            packageVersion = toolData['packageVersion']
            if packageVersion != version or package.lower() != toolName.lower():
                toolName = package+'('+toolName+')' 
                intro = "package(tool): "
                if packageVersion != version:
                    version = packageVersion+'('+version+')' 
        if logOut:
            self.log.out("# "+intro+toolName+" [version: " + version + "]")

        return version
Пример #2
class Analysis(object):
    This is the interface for an instantiation of the Encode Analysis 
    pipeline on a single analysis, which has two specific implementations:
    - EncodeAnalysis: for use in the official pipeline run by ENCODE
    - GalaxyAnalysis: code run by the Galaxy system for end-users

    def dir(self):
        """Returns the analysis directory"""
        if self._analysisDir == None:
            raise Exception("Trying to retrieve directory before its been created")
        return self._analysisDir

    def version(self):
        return str(self._pipelineVersion)

    def __init__(self, settingsFile, analysisId=None, genome="hg19"):
        Takes in a settings file which contains various paths to tools, a temp
        directory and other configuration setting for all analyses.  Optionally
        a manifest file for analysis specific details (relevant input files and 
        analysis ID) may be provided.  If no manifest file is provided, those
        details will have to be "registered" to the analysis, one by one.
        self._pipelineVersion = 1
        self._variables = {}
        self._variables["analysisId"] = analysisId
        self.genome = genome
        self.log = Log()  # Before logfile is declared, log print to stdout
        self._analysisDir = None
        self._tmpDirs = {}  # Note: these should be replaced with _steps[0].stepDir()
        self._steps = []  # Keep track of ordered logical steps?
        self._inputFiles = {}
        self._interimFiles = {}
        self._targetOutput = {}
        self.strict = False
        self._deliveryKeys = None
        self._toolsDb = None
        self._toolsDir = None
        self._refDir = None

        self._settingsFile = os.path.abspath(settingsFile)
        self._settings = Settings(self._settingsFile)

        self._dryRun = self._settings.getBoolean("dryRun", default=False)

    def onRun(self, step):

    def dryRun(self):
        return self._dryRun

    def dryRun(self, value):
        Sets the dryRun variable.
        self._dryRun = value

    def readType(self):
        return self._variables["readType"]

    def readType(self, value):
        Sets the readType variable.
        if value == "paired" or value == "single":
            self._variables["readType"] = value
            raise ValueError("readType must be either 'paired' or 'single'")

    def type(self):
        return self._variables["analysisType"]

    def type(self, value):
        Sets the analysis type variable.
        if value == "DNase" or value == "ChIPseq" or value == "RNAseq-long":
            self._variables["analysisType"] = value
            raise ValueError("Analysis type must be one of 'ChIPseq', 'DNase' or 'RNAseq'")

    def id(self):
        return self._variables["analysisId"]

    def id(self, value):
        Sets the analysis ID variable.
        if "analysisId" in self._variables:
            raise ValueError("Analysis ID already set to '" + self._variables["analysisId"] + "'")

        self._variables["analysisId"] = value

    def genome(self):
        return self._variables["genome"]

    def genome(self, value):
        Sets the genome variable.
        if "genome" in self._variables:
            raise ValueError("Genome already set to '" + self._variables["genome"] + "'")

        if value not in ["hg19"]:  # Add hg38, mm10, etc. when those are supported
            raise ValueError("Unsupported genome '" + value + "'")

        self._variables["genome"] = value

    def gender(self):
        if "gender" not in self._variables:
            return "unspecified"
        return self._variables["gender"]

    def gender(self, value):
        Sets the gender variable.
        if "gender" in self._variables:
            raise ValueError("Gender already set to '" + self._variables["gender"] + "'")

        if value not in ["unspecified", "female", "male"]:
            raise ValueError("Unsupported gender '" + value + "'")

        self._variables["gender"] = value

    def toolsDir(self):
        Retrieves the EAP_TOOLS_DIR environment variable.  If not found, fall back to settings.
        if self._toolsDir != None:
            return self._toolsDir
        self._toolsDir = os.environ.get("EAP_TOOLS_DIR")
        if self._toolsDir == "":
            self._toolsDir = self.getDir("toolsDir")
            self._toolsDir = self._toolsDir + "/"  # normalize dirs to always end in /
        return self._toolsDir

    def refDir(self):
        Retrieves the EAP_REF_DIR environment variable.  If not found, fall back to settings.
        if self._refDir != None:
            return self._refDir
        self._refDir = os.environ.get("EAP_REF_DIR")
        if self._refDir == "":
            self._refDir = self.getDir("refDir")
            self._refDir = self._refDir + "/"  # normalize dirs to always end in /
        return self._refDir

    def setupEnv(self):
        Ensures the toolsDir is in the path.
        path = os.environ.get("PATH")
        if path != None and path.find(self.toolsDir) == -1:
            newPath = self.toolsDir + os.pathsep + path
            # os.putenv('PATH',newPath)
            os.environ["PATH"] = newPath

    def getVar(self, varName, default=None):
        Retrieves variable for the Analysis variables.
        if varName in self._variables:
            return self._variables[varName]
        return default

    def setVar(self, varName, val):
        Sets an Analysis variable.  If set to None, will be removed.
        if val == None:
            del self._variables[varName]
            self._variables[varName] = val

    def getSetting(self, settingName, default=None, alt=None):
        Retrieves setting from the settings file
        if self._settingsFile == None or self._settings == None:
            raise ValueError("ENCODE3 settings file is unknown!")
        return self._settings.get(settingName, default, alt)

    def getDir(self, settingName, default=None, alt=None):
        Retrieves full path to a directory from the settings file (always ending with '/')
        if self._settingsFile == None or self._settings == None:
            raise ValueError("ENCODE3 settings file is unknown!")
        return self._settings.getDir(settingName, default, alt)

    def getTool(self, toolName, orInPath=False):
        Retrieves full path to tool from the settings file
        # NOTE: set orInPath=True then missing full path will default to execution path
        #       Example: if toolName is 'bwa' and 'bwaPath' not in settings file, and
        #       if orInPath==True then 'bwa' will be returned, and if bwa is found on
        #       execution path, no error will occur.
        if self._settingsFile == None or self._settings == None:
            raise ValueError("ENCODE3 settings file is unknown!")
            toolPath = self._settings.get(toolName + "Tool")
            return os.path.abspath(toolPath)
            if orInPath:
                return toolName
            # to clever by half: we know there is no toolName+'Path' so if toolPath
            # is missing, then exception will already have the correct message.
            return self.getDir(toolName + "Dir", self.toolsDir) + toolName

    def getToolData(self, toolId, name=None):
        Retrieves tool data as a dictionary from the toolDb.
        if self._toolsDb == None:
            toolDbFile = self.getSetting("toolDbFile", "")
            if toolDbFile == "":
                toolDbFile = self.toolsDir + "tools.ra"
            self._toolsDb = Stanzas(toolDbFile)
            if self._toolsDb == None:
                return None

        toolData = self._toolsDb.getStanza(toolId)

        # If tool not found by id, see if it can be found by name
        if toolData == None and name != None:
            self._toolsDb.altIndex("name", unique=False)
            self._toolsDb.setSortOrder(["name", "version", "toolId"])
            stanza = None
            while True:  # With sort order, the last shall have the latest version
                stanza = self._toolsDb.getStanzaFromAlt(name, stanza)
                if stanza == None:
                toolData = stanza
        return toolData

    def createAnalysisDir(self):
        """creates analysis level directory"""
        if self.id == None:
            raise Exception("This analysis has not been registered or defined in manifest")
        if self._analysisDir != None:
            raise Exception("The directory for this analysis has already been created")

        self._analysisDir = self.getDir("tmpDir") + self.id.replace(" ", "_") + "/"
        if not os.path.isdir(self._analysisDir):
        return self._analysisDir

    def createTempDir(self, name, clean=False):
        Returns a named temporary directory, creating it if necessary
        # Used for logicalStep dirs. Since steps could run in parallel, tmpDirs are in dict.
        if name in self._tmpDirs:
            raise Exception(name + " already exists as a temporary directory in this analysis")

        tmpdir = self.dir + name.replace(" ", "_") + "/"
        if clean and os.path.isdir(tmpdir):
            err = os.system("rm -rf " + tmpdir)
        elif not os.path.isdir(tmpdir):
        self._tmpDirs[name] = tmpdir
        return tmpdir

    def registerInputFile(self, name, fileWithPath=None):
        Registers a single input file by name.  Retrieve again by name.
        Input files reside outside the analysis directory and are input to steps.
        if fileWithPath != None:
            self._inputFiles[name] = fileWithPath
        return self._inputFiles[name]

    def inputFile(self, name):
        return self._inputFiles[name]

    def registerInterimOutput(self, name, fileNoPath=None):
        Registers a single interim output file by name. Retrieve again by name.
        Interim outputs are generated by some steps to be used by other steps.
        They reside in the analysis directory and should be deleted when the 
        analysis concludes.
        if fileNoPath != None:
            self._interimFiles[name] = self.dir + fileNoPath
        return self._interimFiles[name]

    def interimOutput(self, name):
        return self._interimFiles[name]

    def registerTargetOutput(self, name, outputNoPath=None):
        Registers a single target output (typically a file) by name. Retrieve again by name.
        Target outputs are the result of successful steps.  They are written to the analysis
        directory and are expected to be hard-linked outside of it when the analysis completes.
        if outputNoPath != None:
            self._targetOutput[name] = self.dir + outputNoPath
        return self._targetOutput[name]

    def targetOutput(self, name):
        return self._targetOutput[name]

    def targetName(self, name):
        Returns the targetFile Name, stripped of the path.
        return os.path.split(self.targetOutput(name))[1]

    def linkOrCopy(self, fromLoc, toLoc, soft=False, logOut=True, dryRun=None, log=None):
        Standard call for all cases of moving files/dirs into position.
        if dryRun == None:
            dryRun = self._dryRun
        if soft:
            err = self.runCmd("ln -sf " + fromLoc + " " + toLoc, logOut=logOut, dryRun=dryRun, log=log)
            err = self.runCmd("ln -f " + fromLoc + " " + toLoc, logOut=logOut, dryRun=dryRun, log=log)

        if err != 0:
            if os.path.isdir(fromLoc):  # If dir then remove old and then copy contents recursively
                self.runCmd("rm -rf " + toLoc, logOut=logOut, dryRun=dryRun, log=log)
                err = self.runCmd("cp -rf " + fromLoc + " " + toLoc, logOut=logOut, dryRun=dryRun, log=log)
                err = self.runCmd("cp -f " + fromLoc + " " + toLoc, logOut=logOut, dryRun=dryRun, log=log)

        if err != 0:
            raise Exception("Unable to ln or cp '" + fromLoc + "' to '" + toLoc + "'")

        # special case for bam files that may be paired with bai files!
        if fromLoc.endswith(".bam") and toLoc.endswith(".bam"):
            if os.path.exists(fromLoc + ".bai"):
                return self.linkOrCopy(fromLoc + ".bai", toLoc + ".bai", soft, logOut, dryRun, log)

        return err

    def getFile(self, name, io="input"):
        gets the filename to a file we created previously through either 
        registerInputFile/registerTargetOutput OR passed as input in a manifest file.
        if io == "input":
            return self._inputFiles[name]
            return self._targetOutput[name]

    def declareLogFile(self, name=None):
        Gets or sets the filename for the log that might be created at the analysis level.
        if self.log != None and self.log.file() != None:
            return self.log.file()  # Could check that name matches log
        if name == None:
            if self.id == None:
                raise Exception("This 'analysis' has not been registered or defined in manifest.")
            name = self.id
        self.log.declareFile(self.dir + name.replace(" ", "") + ".log")
        # self.log.empty()  # Analysis log is a running log except when explicitly emptied
        return self.log.file()

    def registerStep(self, step):
        Multiple logical steps can be managed by an analysis simultaneously

    def removeStep(self, step):
        Multiple logical steps can be managed by an analysis simultaneously

    ### Proccessing support ###
    def deliverFiles(self, step):
        Delivers interim and target files based upon matching keys.
        about and maybe trashing the directory as well?
        # Because we do not want to stop the loop for an exception
        # we record exceptions and raise one at the end.
        fails = ""
        # copy interims
        fullSetOfKeys = self._interimFiles.keys()
        deliveryKeys = fullSetOfKeys
        if self._deliveryKeys != None:
            deliveryKeys = self._deliveryKeys
        for key in fullSetOfKeys:
            if key not in deliveryKeys:
                step.deliverResultFile(key, self._interimFiles[key])
                fails = fails + "Failed to find interim result for '" + key + "'\n"
        # copy targets
        fullSetOfKeys = self._targetOutput.keys()
        deliveryKeys = fullSetOfKeys
        if self._deliveryKeys != None:
            deliveryKeys = self._deliveryKeys
        for key in fullSetOfKeys:
            if key not in deliveryKeys:
                step.deliverResultFile(key, self._targetOutput[key])
                fails = fails + "Failed to find target result for '" + key + "'\n"
        if len(fails) > 0:
            raise Exception(fails)

    def deliveryKeys(self, justThisSet):
        Register certain keys to be delived in deliverFiles and in this order.
        Without setting this, all keys in interim and target files will be delivered.
        self._deliveryKeys = justThisSet

    def onSucceed(self, step):
        pipeline will handle all success steps, like copying out files we care
        about and maybe trashing the directory as well?
        # deliver the files from step to analysis directory
            pass  # descendent classes should consider this an exception

        step.log.out("'\n--- End of step ---")
        step.log.dump(self.log.file())  # to stdout if no runningLog
        # Morgan, do you want the step log going to stdout even if there is an analysis log?
        # if self.log.file() != None:  # If analysis log, be sure to just print step log to stdout
        #    step.log.dump()
        if not self._dryRun:
            step.cleanup()  # Removes step.stepDir()
            self.log.out("")  # skip a lineline
            self.runCmd("ls -l " + step.dir, dryRun=False)
        self.removeStep(step)  # Do we want to do this?
        return 0

    def onFail(self, step):
        pipeline will handle failure of logical steps like sweeping the log to the running log
        step.log.out("\n--- End of step ---")
        step.log.dump(self.log.file())  # to stdout if no runningLog
        if self.log.file() != None:  # If analysis log, be sure to just print step log to stdout
        if self._dryRun:
            self.log.out("")  # skip a lineline
            self.runCmd("ls -l " + step.dir, dryRun=False)
        retVal = step.err
        self.removeStep(step)  # Do we want to do this?
        if retVal == 0:
            retVal = 1  # Must fail!
        return retVal

    def runCmd(self, cmd, logOut=True, logErr=True, dryRun=None, log=None):
        Runs the provided command and returns error code.  Does NOT trigger onFail.
        Note that you can pass in a log object if you don't want to use the analysis log.
        if dryRun == None:
            dryRun = self._dryRun
        if log == None:
            log = self.log
        if logOut or logErr:
            if dryRun:
                log.out("*> " + cmd)
                log.out("> " + cmd)  # Always log command itself
        if dryRun:
            return 0
        log.close()  # Ensure log is closed so that command redirect can be tacked on
        logFile = log.file()
        if logFile != None and logOut and logErr:
            err = os.system(cmd + " >> " + logFile + " 2>&1")
        elif logFile != None and logErr:
            err = os.system(cmd + " 2>>" + logFile)
            err = os.system(cmd)
        return err

    def getCmdOut(self, cmd, dryRun=None, logCmd=True, logResult=False, default="", log=None, errOk=False):
        Runs the provided command and returns the stdout.
        Note that you can pass in a log object if you don't want to use the analysis log.
        if dryRun == None:
            dryRun = self._dryRun
        if log == None:
            log = self.log
        if logCmd:
            log.out("> " + cmd)
        if dryRun:
            return default
        err, out = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)
        if logResult:
        if err != 0 and not errOk:
            raise Exception("Running [" + cmd + "] returned '" + str(err))
        if len(out) == 0:
            out = default
        return out
Пример #3
class Analysis(object):
    This is the interface for an instantiation of the Encode Analysis 
    pipeline on a single analysis, which has two specific implementations:
    - EncodeAnalysis: for use in the official pipeline run by ENCODE
    - GalaxyAnalysis: code run by the Galaxy system for end-users
    def dir(self):
        '''Returns the analysis directory'''
        if self._analysisDir == None:
            raise Exception(
                "Trying to retrieve directory before its been created")
        return self._analysisDir

    def version(self):
        return str(self._pipelineVersion)

    def __init__(self, settingsFile, analysisId=None, genome='hg19'):
        Takes in a settings file which contains various paths to tools, a temp
        directory and other configuration setting for all analyses.  Optionally
        a manifest file for analysis specific details (relevant input files and 
        analysis ID) may be provided.  If no manifest file is provided, those
        details will have to be "registered" to the analysis, one by one.
        self._pipelineVersion = 1
        self._variables = {}
        self._variables['analysisId'] = analysisId
        self.genome = genome
        self.log = Log()  # Before logfile is declared, log print to stdout
        self._analysisDir = None
        self._tmpDirs = {
        }  # Note: these should be replaced with _steps[0].stepDir()
        self._steps = []  # Keep track of ordered logical steps?
        self._inputFiles = {}
        self._interimFiles = {}
        self._targetOutput = {}
        self.strict = False
        self._deliveryKeys = None
        self._toolsDb = None
        self._toolsDir = None
        self._refDir = None

        self._settingsFile = os.path.abspath(settingsFile)
        self._settings = Settings(self._settingsFile)

        self._dryRun = self._settings.getBoolean('dryRun', default=False)

    def onRun(self, step):

    def dryRun(self):
        return self._dryRun

    def dryRun(self, value):
        Sets the dryRun variable.
        self._dryRun = value

    def readType(self):
        return self._variables['readType']

    def readType(self, value):
        Sets the readType variable.
        if value == 'paired' or value == 'single':
            self._variables['readType'] = value
            raise ValueError("readType must be either 'paired' or 'single'")

    def type(self):
        return self._variables['analysisType']

    def type(self, value):
        Sets the analysis type variable.
        if value == 'DNase' or value == 'ChIPseq' or value == 'RNAseq-long':
            self._variables['analysisType'] = value
            raise ValueError(
                "Analysis type must be one of 'ChIPseq', 'DNase' or 'RNAseq'")

    def id(self):
        return self._variables['analysisId']

    def id(self, value):
        Sets the analysis ID variable.
        if 'analysisId' in self._variables:
            raise ValueError("Analysis ID already set to '" +
                             self._variables['analysisId'] + "'")

        self._variables['analysisId'] = value

    def genome(self):
        return self._variables['genome']

    def genome(self, value):
        Sets the genome variable.
        if 'genome' in self._variables:
            raise ValueError("Genome already set to '" +
                             self._variables['genome'] + "'")

        if value not in ['hg19'
                         ]:  # Add hg38, mm10, etc. when those are supported
            raise ValueError("Unsupported genome '" + value + "'")

        self._variables['genome'] = value

    def gender(self):
        if 'gender' not in self._variables:
            return 'unspecified'
        return self._variables['gender']

    def gender(self, value):
        Sets the gender variable.
        if 'gender' in self._variables:
            raise ValueError("Gender already set to '" +
                             self._variables['gender'] + "'")

        if value not in ['unspecified', 'female', 'male']:
            raise ValueError("Unsupported gender '" + value + "'")

        self._variables['gender'] = value

    def toolsDir(self):
        Retrieves the EAP_TOOLS_DIR environment variable.  If not found, fall back to settings.
        if self._toolsDir != None:
            return self._toolsDir
        self._toolsDir = os.environ.get('EAP_TOOLS_DIR')
        if self._toolsDir == "":
            self._toolsDir = self.getDir('toolsDir')
            self._toolsDir = self._toolsDir + '/'  # normalize dirs to always end in /
        return self._toolsDir

    def refDir(self):
        Retrieves the EAP_REF_DIR environment variable.  If not found, fall back to settings.
        if self._refDir != None:
            return self._refDir
        self._refDir = os.environ.get('EAP_REF_DIR')
        if self._refDir == "":
            self._refDir = self.getDir('refDir')
            self._refDir = self._refDir + '/'  # normalize dirs to always end in /
        return self._refDir

    def setupEnv(self):
        Ensures the toolsDir is in the path.
        path = os.environ.get('PATH')
        if path != None and path.find(self.toolsDir) == -1:
            newPath = self.toolsDir + os.pathsep + path
            os.environ['PATH'] = newPath

    def getVar(self, varName, default=None):
        Retrieves variable for the Analysis variables.
        if varName in self._variables:
            return self._variables[varName]
        return default

    def setVar(self, varName, val):
        Sets an Analysis variable.  If set to None, will be removed.
        if val == None:
            del self._variables[varName]
            self._variables[varName] = val

    def getSetting(self, settingName, default=None, alt=None):
        Retrieves setting from the settings file
        if self._settingsFile == None or self._settings == None:
            raise ValueError('ENCODE3 settings file is unknown!')
        return self._settings.get(settingName, default, alt)

    def getDir(self, settingName, default=None, alt=None):
        Retrieves full path to a directory from the settings file (always ending with '/')
        if self._settingsFile == None or self._settings == None:
            raise ValueError('ENCODE3 settings file is unknown!')
        return self._settings.getDir(settingName, default, alt)

    def getTool(self, toolName, orInPath=False):
        Retrieves full path to tool from the settings file
        # NOTE: set orInPath=True then missing full path will default to execution path
        #       Example: if toolName is 'bwa' and 'bwaPath' not in settings file, and
        #       if orInPath==True then 'bwa' will be returned, and if bwa is found on
        #       execution path, no error will occur.
        if self._settingsFile == None or self._settings == None:
            raise ValueError('ENCODE3 settings file is unknown!')
            toolPath = self._settings.get(toolName + 'Tool')
            return os.path.abspath(toolPath)
            if orInPath:
                return toolName
            # to clever by half: we know there is no toolName+'Path' so if toolPath
            # is missing, then exception will already have the correct message.
            return self.getDir(toolName + 'Dir', self.toolsDir) + toolName

    def getToolData(self, toolId, name=None):
        Retrieves tool data as a dictionary from the toolDb.
        if self._toolsDb == None:
            toolDbFile = self.getSetting('toolDbFile', '')
            if toolDbFile == '':
                toolDbFile = self.toolsDir + 'tools.ra'
            self._toolsDb = Stanzas(toolDbFile)
            if self._toolsDb == None:
                return None

        toolData = self._toolsDb.getStanza(toolId)

        # If tool not found by id, see if it can be found by name
        if toolData == None and name != None:
            self._toolsDb.altIndex('name', unique=False)
            self._toolsDb.setSortOrder(['name', 'version', 'toolId'])
            stanza = None
            while True:  # With sort order, the last shall have the latest version
                stanza = self._toolsDb.getStanzaFromAlt(name, stanza)
                if stanza == None:
                toolData = stanza
        return toolData

    def createAnalysisDir(self):
        '''creates analysis level directory'''
        if self.id == None:
            raise Exception(
                'This analysis has not been registered or defined in manifest')
        if self._analysisDir != None:
            raise Exception(
                'The directory for this analysis has already been created')

        self._analysisDir = self.getDir('tmpDir') + self.id.replace(' ',
                                                                    '_') + '/'
        if not os.path.isdir(self._analysisDir):
        return self._analysisDir

    def createTempDir(self, name, clean=False):
        Returns a named temporary directory, creating it if necessary
        # Used for logicalStep dirs. Since steps could run in parallel, tmpDirs are in dict.
        if name in self._tmpDirs:
            raise Exception(
                name +
                ' already exists as a temporary directory in this analysis')

        tmpdir = self.dir + name.replace(' ', '_') + '/'
        if clean and os.path.isdir(tmpdir):
            err = os.system("rm -rf " + tmpdir)
        elif not os.path.isdir(tmpdir):
        self._tmpDirs[name] = tmpdir
        return tmpdir

    def registerInputFile(self, name, fileWithPath=None):
        Registers a single input file by name.  Retrieve again by name.
        Input files reside outside the analysis directory and are input to steps.
        if fileWithPath != None:
            self._inputFiles[name] = fileWithPath
        return self._inputFiles[name]

    def inputFile(self, name):
        return self._inputFiles[name]

    def registerInterimOutput(self, name, fileNoPath=None):
        Registers a single interim output file by name. Retrieve again by name.
        Interim outputs are generated by some steps to be used by other steps.
        They reside in the analysis directory and should be deleted when the 
        analysis concludes.
        if fileNoPath != None:
            self._interimFiles[name] = self.dir + fileNoPath
        return self._interimFiles[name]

    def interimOutput(self, name):
        return self._interimFiles[name]

    def registerTargetOutput(self, name, outputNoPath=None):
        Registers a single target output (typically a file) by name. Retrieve again by name.
        Target outputs are the result of successful steps.  They are written to the analysis
        directory and are expected to be hard-linked outside of it when the analysis completes.
        if outputNoPath != None:
            self._targetOutput[name] = self.dir + outputNoPath
        return self._targetOutput[name]

    def targetOutput(self, name):
        return self._targetOutput[name]

    def targetName(self, name):
        Returns the targetFile Name, stripped of the path.
        return os.path.split(self.targetOutput(name))[1]

    def linkOrCopy(self,
        Standard call for all cases of moving files/dirs into position.
        if dryRun == None:
            dryRun = self._dryRun
        if soft:
            err = self.runCmd('ln -sf ' + fromLoc + ' ' + toLoc,
            err = self.runCmd('ln -f ' + fromLoc + ' ' + toLoc,

        if err != 0:
            if os.path.isdir(
            ):  # If dir then remove old and then copy contents recursively
                self.runCmd('rm -rf ' + toLoc,
                err = self.runCmd('cp -rf ' + fromLoc + ' ' + toLoc,
                err = self.runCmd('cp -f ' + fromLoc + ' ' + toLoc,

        if err != 0:
            raise Exception("Unable to ln or cp '" + fromLoc + "' to '" +
                            toLoc + "'")

        # special case for bam files that may be paired with bai files!
        if fromLoc.endswith('.bam') and toLoc.endswith('.bam'):
            if os.path.exists(fromLoc + '.bai'):
                return self.linkOrCopy(fromLoc + '.bai', toLoc + '.bai', soft,
                                       logOut, dryRun, log)

        return err

    def getFile(self, name, io='input'):
        gets the filename to a file we created previously through either 
        registerInputFile/registerTargetOutput OR passed as input in a manifest file.
        if io == 'input':
            return self._inputFiles[name]
            return self._targetOutput[name]

    def declareLogFile(self, name=None):
        Gets or sets the filename for the log that might be created at the analysis level.
        if self.log != None and self.log.file() != None:
            return self.log.file()  # Could check that name matches log
        if name == None:
            if self.id == None:
                raise Exception(
                    "This 'analysis' has not been registered or defined in manifest."
            name = self.id
        self.log.declareFile(self.dir + name.replace(' ', '') + '.log')
        #self.log.empty()  # Analysis log is a running log except when explicitly emptied
        return self.log.file()

    def registerStep(self, step):
        Multiple logical steps can be managed by an analysis simultaneously

    def removeStep(self, step):
        Multiple logical steps can be managed by an analysis simultaneously

    ### Proccessing support ###
    def deliverFiles(self, step):
        Delivers interim and target files based upon matching keys.
        about and maybe trashing the directory as well?
        # Because we do not want to stop the loop for an exception
        # we record exceptions and raise one at the end.
        fails = ''
        # copy interims
        fullSetOfKeys = self._interimFiles.keys()
        deliveryKeys = fullSetOfKeys
        if self._deliveryKeys != None:
            deliveryKeys = self._deliveryKeys
        for key in fullSetOfKeys:
            if key not in deliveryKeys:
                step.deliverResultFile(key, self._interimFiles[key])
                fails = fails + "Failed to find interim result for '" + key + "'\n"
        # copy targets
        fullSetOfKeys = self._targetOutput.keys()
        deliveryKeys = fullSetOfKeys
        if self._deliveryKeys != None:
            deliveryKeys = self._deliveryKeys
        for key in fullSetOfKeys:
            if key not in deliveryKeys:
                step.deliverResultFile(key, self._targetOutput[key])
                fails = fails + "Failed to find target result for '" + key + "'\n"
        if len(fails) > 0:
            raise Exception(fails)

    def deliveryKeys(self, justThisSet):
        Register certain keys to be delived in deliverFiles and in this order.
        Without setting this, all keys in interim and target files will be delivered.
        self._deliveryKeys = justThisSet

    def onSucceed(self, step):
        pipeline will handle all success steps, like copying out files we care
        about and maybe trashing the directory as well?
        # deliver the files from step to analysis directory
            pass  # descendent classes should consider this an exception

        step.log.out("'\n--- End of step ---")
        step.log.dump(self.log.file())  # to stdout if no runningLog
        # Morgan, do you want the step log going to stdout even if there is an analysis log?
        #if self.log.file() != None:  # If analysis log, be sure to just print step log to stdout
        #    step.log.dump()
        if not self._dryRun:
            step.cleanup()  # Removes step.stepDir()
            self.log.out('')  # skip a lineline
            self.runCmd('ls -l ' + step.dir, dryRun=False)
        self.removeStep(step)  # Do we want to do this?
        return 0

    def onFail(self, step):
        pipeline will handle failure of logical steps like sweeping the log to the running log
        step.log.out("\n--- End of step ---")
        step.log.dump(self.log.file())  # to stdout if no runningLog
        if self.log.file(
        ) != None:  # If analysis log, be sure to just print step log to stdout
        if self._dryRun:
            self.log.out('')  # skip a lineline
            self.runCmd('ls -l ' + step.dir, dryRun=False)
        retVal = step.err
        self.removeStep(step)  # Do we want to do this?
        if retVal == 0:
            retVal = 1  # Must fail!
        return retVal

    def runCmd(self, cmd, logOut=True, logErr=True, dryRun=None, log=None):
        Runs the provided command and returns error code.  Does NOT trigger onFail.
        Note that you can pass in a log object if you don't want to use the analysis log.
        if dryRun == None:
            dryRun = self._dryRun
        if log == None:
            log = self.log
        if logOut or logErr:
            if dryRun:
                log.out('*> ' + cmd)
                log.out('> ' + cmd)  # Always log command itself
        if dryRun:
            return 0
        )  # Ensure log is closed so that command redirect can be tacked on
        logFile = log.file()
        if logFile != None and logOut and logErr:
            err = os.system(cmd + ' >> ' + logFile + ' 2>&1')
        elif logFile != None and logErr:
            err = os.system(cmd + ' 2>>' + logFile)
            err = os.system(cmd)
        return err

    def getCmdOut(self,
        Runs the provided command and returns the stdout.
        Note that you can pass in a log object if you don't want to use the analysis log.
        if dryRun == None:
            dryRun = self._dryRun
        if log == None:
            log = self.log
        if logCmd:
            log.out('> ' + cmd)
        if dryRun:
            return default
        err, out = commands.getstatusoutput(cmd)
        if logResult:
        if err != 0 and not errOk:
            raise Exception("Running [" + cmd + "] returned '" + str(err))
        if len(out) == 0:
            out = default
        return out