def get_bid5_price(market_data): price = round(market_data['bid5_px'], 2) if price > 0: return price log_helper.warn('the price might meet DownLimit') price = round(market_data['bid1_px'], 2) if price > 0: return price return round(market_data['ask1_px'], 2)
def cache_tile(tile, file_name): if not tile.decoded_data: warn("Trying to cache a tile without data: {}", tile) file_path = os.path.join(FileHelper.get_cache_directory(), file_name) try: with open(file_path, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(tile, f, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) except: debug("Error while writing tile '{}' to cache", str(tile))
def close_connection(self): """ * Closes the current db connection :return: """ if self.conn: try: self.conn.close() debug("Connection closed") except: warn("Closing connection failed: {}".format(sys.exc_info())) self.conn = None
def sell_work(context, data_cache_manager, pool_item_cache, pool_name, trigger_condition_check, mdHelper=None): for tempUser in pool_item_cache: poolItemList = list(pool_item_cache[tempUser].values()) for poolItem in itertools.chain.from_iterable(poolItemList): if poolItem.is_sent_order: continue vol = int(poolItem.vol) marketData = context.market_depths_df.ix[poolItem.stock] last_px = marketData['last_px'] if last_px <= 0: continue need_trigger = False pre_close = marketData['pre_close'] if not trigger_condition_check( poolItem, marketData, mdHelper=mdHelper): continue positions = data_cache_manager.accounts[tempUser][ 'position'].set_index('StockCode') if poolItem.stock not in positions.index: log_helper.warn('no position on {0} when stop loss'.format( poolItem.stock)) continue available_sell_vol = positions['CoverableSize'][poolItem.stock] if available_sell_vol == 0: log_helper.warn('0 position on {0} when stop loss'.format( poolItem.stock)) continue if vol > available_sell_vol > 0: vol = available_sell_vol if poolItem.waySell == u'追五挂单': order_price = common.get_bid5_price(marketData) poolItem.is_sent_order = True state = data_cache_manager.accounts[tempUser]['tradeApi'].sell( poolItem.stock, order_price, vol) '[user:{0}][{1} sell stock({2}) at price:{3}]@{4}. state:{5}' .format(tempUser, pool_name, poolItem.stock, order_price, vol, state)) state = state.splitlines() state = [i.split('\t') for i in state] if len(state) > 1: poolItem.state = str( pd.DataFrame(state[1:], columns=state[0]).iloc[0, 0])
def clear_cache(): """ * Removes all files from the cache """ cache = os.path.join(FileHelper.get_cache_directory()) if not os.path.exists(cache): return files = glob.glob(os.path.join(cache, "*")) for f in files: try: os.remove(f) except: warn("File could not be deleted: {}", f)
def load_url(url): reply = FileHelper.load_url_async(url) while not reply.isFinished(): QApplication.processEvents() http_status_code = reply.attribute( QNetworkRequest.HttpStatusCodeAttribute) if http_status_code == 200: content = reply.readAll().data() else: if http_status_code is None: content = "Request failed: {}".format(reply.errorString()) else: content = "Request failed: HTTP status {}".format( http_status_code) warn(content) return http_status_code, content
def add_pool_item(self, line_edit_account, stock, combo_pos, dict_cache, targetTableWidget, price_way, apply_all = False): userName = qs2ps(line_edit_account.text()) if len(userName) > 0: pos = qs2ps(combo_pos.currentText()) if apply_all: for userName in dict_cache.keys(): poolItem = BasePoolItem(stock, pos, price_way) if poolItem.stock not in dict_cache[userName].keys(): dict_cache[userName][poolItem.stock] = poolItem'[info] [apply all] add {0} for user:{1}'.format(poolItem.log_str(), userName)) else: poolItem = BasePoolItem(stock, pos, price_way) if poolItem.stock not in dict_cache[userName].keys(): dict_cache[userName][poolItem.stock] = poolItem'[info]add {0} for user:{1}'.format(poolItem.log_str(), userName)) self.update_table_widget(targetTableWidget, line_edit_account, dict_cache) else: log_helper.warn(u"[warn]请先选中账户") return None
def update_table_widget(self, targetTableWidget, line_edit_account, dict_cache): curAcc = qs2ps(line_edit_account.text()) if len(curAcc) == 0: log_helper.warn(u"[warn]请先选中账户") return targetTableWidget.clearContents() if curAcc not in dict_cache.keys(): log_helper.warn('[warn] {0} not in cache'.format(curAcc)) dict_cache[curAcc] = OrderedDict() return current_account_cache = dict_cache[curAcc] entrust = self.accounts[curAcc]['entrustAll'] i = 0 for item in current_account_cache.values(): k = 0 targetTableWidget.setItem(i, k, QtGui.QTableWidgetItem(item.stock)) k += 1 targetTableWidget.setItem(i, k, QtGui.QTableWidgetItem(get_stock_name(item.stock))) k += 1 targetTableWidget.setItem(i, k, QtGui.QTableWidgetItem(item.pos)) table_name = str(qs2ps(targetTableWidget.objectName())) #print('targetTableWidget.objectName:', table_name) # 把所有委托编号对应的成交信息返回到界面 state = item.state #print('account:', curAcc, ' table:', targetTableWidget.objectName, ' state:', state) if state is None: i += 1 continue targetTableWidget.setItem(i, k, QtGui.QTableWidgetItem(state)) if state in entrust['EntruId'].values: info = entrust[entrust['EntruId'] == state]'info:{0}, state:{1}, {2}'.format(info, state, info['OrderState'].iloc[0])) targetTableWidget.setItem(i, k, QtGui.QTableWidgetItem(info['OrderState'].iloc[0])) i += 1
def is_mapbox_vector_tile(self): """ * A .mbtiles file is a Mapbox Vector Tile if the binary tile data is gzipped. :return: """ debug("Checking if file corresponds to Mapbox format (i.e. gzipped)") is_mapbox_pbf = False try: tile_data_tuples = self.load_tiles(max_tiles=1, zoom_level=None) if len(tile_data_tuples) == 1: undecoded_data = tile_data_tuples[0][1] if undecoded_data: is_mapbox_pbf = FileHelper.is_gzipped(undecoded_data) if is_mapbox_pbf: debug("File is valid mbtiles") else: debug("pbf is not gzipped") except: warn( "Something went wrong. This file doesn't seem to be a Mapbox Vector Tile. {}", sys.exc_info()) return is_mapbox_pbf
def get_tile_bounds(zoom, bounds, scheme="xyz"): """ * Returns the tile boundaries in XYZ scheme in the form [(x_min, y_min), (x_max, y_max)] where both values are tuples :param scheme: :param zoom: :param bounds: :return: """ if scheme not in ["xyz", "tms"]: raise RuntimeError("Scheme not supported: {}".format(scheme)) if not bounds: warn("Bounds is not available") tile_bounds = None if bounds: lng_min = bounds[0] lat_min = bounds[1] lng_max = bounds[2] lat_max = bounds[3] xy_min = latlon_to_tile(zoom, lat_max, lng_min, scheme) xy_max = latlon_to_tile(zoom, lat_min, lng_max, scheme) x_min = int(min(xy_min[0], xy_max[0])) x_max = int(max(xy_min[0], xy_max[0])) y_min = int(min(xy_min[1], xy_max[1])) y_max = int(max(xy_min[1], xy_max[1])) tile_bounds = { "zoom": int(zoom), "x_min": int(x_min), "x_max": int(x_max), "y_min": int(y_min), "y_max": int(y_max), "width": int(x_max-x_min+1), "height": int(y_max-y_min+1) } return tile_bounds
def buy_up_limit_work(context, data_cache_manager, pool_item_cache, pool_name): for tempUser in pool_item_cache: try: if tempUser not in data_cache_manager.accounts.keys(): #log_helper.warn('account {0} not exist for pool {1}'.format(tempUser, pool_name)) continue if data_cache_manager.exceed_max_trade_count(tempUser, pool_name): log_helper.warn( '{0} exceed max trade times at pool {1}'.format( tempUser, pool_name)) time.sleep(15) continue posLimit = common.get_total_max_position_percent( data_cache_manager.accounts[tempUser]['posLimit']) usable = data_cache_manager.accounts[tempUser]['usable'] asset = data_cache_manager.accounts[tempUser]['asset'] poolItemList = list(pool_item_cache[tempUser].values()) total_pos = 0.0 for poolItem in poolItemList: if poolItem.is_sent_order: continue pos = common.percent2float(poolItem.pos) total_pos += pos if not common.check_position_limit(data_cache_manager.accounts, tempUser, to_buy_percent=total_pos, max_limit=posLimit): poolItem.state = u'仓位超{0}'.format(posLimit) continue if poolItem.stock not in context.market_depths_df.index: log_helper.warn( 'failed to get market data for stock:{0}'.format( poolItem.stock)) continue market_data = context.market_depths_df.ix[poolItem.stock] pre_close = market_data['pre_close'] if pre_close <= 0: continue high_limit = round(pre_close * 1.1, 2) if common.is_open_high_limit(market_data): continue last_px = market_data['last_px'] if last_px < (high_limit - 0.01): continue price = high_limit vol = common.get_order_vol(asset, pos, price) poolItem.is_sent_order = True state = data_cache_manager.accounts[tempUser]['tradeApi'].buy( poolItem.stock, price, vol) '[{0}]{1} buy {2} at {3} @ {4} state:{5}'.format( tempUser, pool_name, poolItem.stock, price, vol, state)) state = state.splitlines() state = [i.split('\t') for i in state] if len(state) > 1: poolItem.state = str( pd.DataFrame(state[1:], columns=state[0]).iloc[0, 0]) data_cache_manager.orderid2pooldict[common.get_order_key( tempUser, poolItem.state)] = pool_name data_cache_manager.add_orderid_to_dict( pool_name, poolItem.stock, poolItem.state, tempUser) except Exception, e: log_helper.error(u'[error]请检查{0}买入条件单是否正确:{1}'.format( pool_name, e))