def load_blocks_in_file(self, filePath, fileName): log_utils.debug("begin load blocks in file:" + filePath) if fileName == "public.xml": block = ResourceBlock.create_single_block_with_type( ResourceBlock.RES_VAL_PUBLIC, filePath, self.librayName) self.entries[block.fullname()] = block return tree = ET.parse(filePath) root = tree.getroot() for node in list(root): resType = node.tag resName = node.attrib.get('name') typeAlias = node.attrib.get('type') format = node.attrib.get('format') if typeAlias != None: resType = typeAlias if resName == None or len(resName) == 0: # maybe eat-comment continue block = ResourceBlock.create_value_block_with_format( resType, filePath, resName, self.librayName, format) fullName = block.fullname() if fullName in self.entries: log_utils.warning( "value resource %s duplicated in same sub folder. in %s and %s", resName, filePath, self.entries[fullName].path()) # raise RuntimeError("value resource duplicated in same res sub folder") #aapt can ignore this if there are with same values. so just ignore here. # wait to delete self.deleteableBlocks.append(block) else: self.entries[fullName] = block # load all children of styleable if block.is_styleable(): children = node.findall('attr') if children != None and len(children) > 0: for attrNode in children: attrName = attrNode.attrib.get('name') attrFormat = attrNode.attrib.get('format') if attrFormat == None or len(attrFormat) == 0: # enum or flag attrChildren = list(attrNode) if attrChildren != None and len( attrChildren) > 0: for attrCNode in attrChildren: attrFormat = attrCNode.tag break attrBlock = ResourceBlock.create_value_block_with_format( ResourceBlock.RES_VAL_ATTR, filePath, attrName, self.librayName, attrFormat) block.add_child(attrBlock)
def merge(manifestFiles): if manifestFiles == None or len(manifestFiles) == 0: return True manifests = list() for manifest in manifestFiles: if os.path.exists(manifest): m = ManifestFile.create(manifest) manifests.append(m) else: log_utils.warning("manifest file not exists. just igore. " + manifest) if len(manifests) <= 1: log_utils.debug("manifest file no need to merge") return True baseManifest = manifests.pop(len(manifests) - 1) for manifest in manifests: if not manifest.can_merge_to(baseManifest): log_utils.error("manifest merge failed. %s and %s has same node.", manifest.path(), baseManifest.path()) return False ret = baseManifest.merge_with(manifest) if not ret: return False return True
def get_all_use_permissions(manifestFile): if not os.path.exists(manifestFile): log_utils.debug("the manifest file not exists:" + manifestFile) return None ET.register_namespace('android', androidNS) key = '{' + androidNS + '}name' tree = ET.parse(manifestFile) root = tree.getroot() key = '{' + androidNS + '}name' nodes = root.findall('uses-permission') if nodes == None or len(nodes) == 0: log_utils.warning("there is no uses-permission in " + manifestFile) return None permissions = [] for node in nodes: name = node.get(key) if name not in permissions: permissions.append(name) else: log_utils.warning("ignore permission. node " + name + " duplicated in " + manifestFile) return permissions
def copy_files(src, dest, ignoredExt=None, ignoredFiles=None, overrideable=True): if not os.path.exists(src): log_utils.warning("the path is not exists.path:%s", src) return filename = os.path.basename(src) if ignoredFiles != None and filename in ignoredFiles: return if os.path.isfile(src): copy_file(src, dest, ignoredExt, ignoredFiles, overrideable) return for f in os.listdir(src): sourcefile = os.path.join(src, f) targetfile = os.path.join(dest, f) if os.path.isfile(sourcefile): copy_file(sourcefile, targetfile, ignoredExt, ignoredFiles, overrideable) else: copy_files(sourcefile, targetfile, ignoredExt, ignoredFiles, overrideable)
def copy_file(src, dest, ignoredExt=None, ignoredFiles=None, overrideable=True): sourcefile = getFullPath(src) destfile = getFullPath(dest) if not os.path.exists(sourcefile): return if (not overrideable) and os.path.exists(destfile): log_utils.warning("file copy failed. target file already exists. " + destfile) return fileName = os.path.basename(src) if ignoredFiles != None and fileName in ignoredFiles: return (baseName, ext) = os.path.splitext(fileName) if ext != None and ignoredExt != None and ext in ignoredExt: return destdir = os.path.dirname(destfile) if not os.path.exists(destdir): os.makedirs(destdir) shutil.copy(src, dest)
def jar2dex(srcDir, dstDir, dextool="dx.jar"): """ compile jar files to dex. """ dexToolPath = file_utils.getFullToolPath("/lib/dx.jar") heapSize = config_utils.get_jvm_heap_size() cmd = file_utils.getJavaCMD() + ' -jar -Xms%sm -Xmx%sm "%s" --dex --multi-dex --output="%s" ' % ( heapSize, heapSize, dexToolPath, dstDir) num = 0 for f in os.listdir(srcDir): if f.endswith(".jar"): num = num + 1 cmd = cmd + " " + os.path.join(srcDir, f) libsPath = os.path.join(srcDir, "libs") if os.path.exists(libsPath): for f in os.listdir(libsPath): if (not f.startswith(".")) and f.endswith(".jar"): num = num + 1 cmd = cmd + " " + os.path.join(srcDir, "libs", f) if num == 0: # no jar log_utils.warning("no need to do jar2dex. there is no jars in " + srcDir) return True return file_utils.exec_cmd(cmd)
def merge_jni(self, targetLibs): if not os.path.exists(self.aarDir): log_utils.warning("the aar is not unarchived:" + self.aarFile) return False jniPath = os.path.join(self.aarDir, "jni") if not os.path.exists(jniPath): log_utils.debug( "aar jni merge completed. there is no jni folder in " + self.aarFile) return True for f in os.listdir(jniPath): cpuPath = os.path.join(jniPath, f) for c in os.listdir(cpuPath): cpuTargetPath = os.path.join(targetLibs, f, c) if os.path.exists(cpuTargetPath): log_utils.error("jni in aar " + self.aarFile + " merge failed. " + c + " already exists in " + targetLibs) return False file_utils.copy_file(os.path.join(cpuPath, c), cpuTargetPath) log_utils.debug(f + "/" + c + " in aar " + self.aarFile + " copied to " + targetLibs) return True
def parse_version_info(ymlPath): """ parse versionCode and versionName in apktool.yml """ if not os.path.exists(ymlPath): log_utils.warning("the apktool.yml is not exists " + ymlPath) return ("0", "1.0.0") ymlFile = open(ymlPath, 'r') lines = ymlFile.readlines() ymlFile.close() versionCode = "0" versionName = "1.0.0" for line in lines: if 'versionCode' in line: versionCode = line.replace('versionCode:', '').strip().replace("'", "") elif 'versionName' in line: versionName = line.replace('versionName:', '').strip().replace("'", "") return (versionCode, versionName)
def merge_res(self, targetRes): if not os.path.exists(self.aarDir): log_utils.warning("the aar is not unarchived:" + self.aarFile) return False resPath = os.path.join(self.aarDir, "res") if not os.path.exists(resPath): self.needR = False log_utils.debug( "aar res merge completed. there is no res folder in " + self.aarFile) return True resFiles = file_utils.list_files(resPath, [], []) if len(resFiles) == 0: self.needR = False log_utils.debug( "aar res merge completed. there is no res file in " + self.aarFile) return True resPaths = [resPath, targetRes] ResourceMerger2.merge(resPaths) log_utils.debug("res in aar " + self.aarFile + " merged into " + targetRes) return True
def parse_leaf_nodes(self, nodes, strictMode): key = '{' + androidNS + '}name' if nodes != None and len(nodes) > 0: for node in nodes: name = node.get(key) if name == None or len(name) == 0: log_utils.warning("manifest merge ignored " + str(node)) continue typeName = node.tag component = ManifestComponent(typeName, name, node, strictMode) fullName = component.full_name() if file_provider_full_name == fullName: self.cache_file_provider(component) if fullName not in self.components: self.components[fullName] = component else: log_utils.warning("node " + name + " duplicated in " + self.manifestFile)
def add_child(self, block): if block.fullname() in self.children: log_utils.warning("attr in declare-styleable duplicated:%s; %s", block.path(), return self.children[block.fullname()] = block
def copyChannelResources(game, channel, decompileDir): """ Copy channel resources to decompile folder. for example icon resources, assets and so on. """ resPath = "games/" + game['appName'] + "/channels/" + channel['id'] resPath = file_utils.getFullPath(resPath) if not os.path.exists(resPath): log_utils.warning("the channel %s special res path is not exists. %s", channel['id'], resPath) return 0 targetResPath = file_utils.getFullPath(decompileDir) copyResToApk(resPath, targetResPath)"copy channel %s special res to apk success.", channel['name']) return 0
def copy_files(src, dest): if not os.path.exists(src): log_utils.warning("the src is not exists.path:%s", src) return if os.path.isfile(src): copy_file(src, dest) return for f in os.listdir(src): sourcefile = os.path.join(src, f) targetfile = os.path.join(dest, f) if os.path.isfile(sourcefile): copy_file(sourcefile, targetfile) else: copy_files(sourcefile, targetfile)
def merge(cls, resPaths): """merge multiple res folders. merge res one by one from the first one to the last one. then in the last one is the final merged resources""" merger = ResourceMerger2() if resPaths == None or len(resPaths) <= 1: log_utils.warning("resPaths not specified or only one res path.") return for resPath in resPaths: if os.path.exists(resPath): resSet = ResourceSet.create(merger.parse_name(resPath), resPath) merger.resSets.append(resSet) merger.do_merge()
def merge_manifest(self, targetManifest): if not os.path.exists(self.aarDir): log_utils.warning("the aar is not unarchived:" + self.aarFile) return False manifestPath = os.path.join(self.aarDir, "AndroidManifest.xml") if not os.path.exists(manifestPath): self.needR = False log_utils.debug("there is no AndroidManifest.xml in " + manifestPath) return True self.packageName = manifest_utils.get_package_name(manifestPath) return manifest_merger.merge2(manifestPath, targetManifest)
def merge_assets(self, targetAssets): if not os.path.exists(self.aarDir): log_utils.warning("the aar is not unarchived:" + self.aarFile) return False assetPath = os.path.join(self.aarDir, "assets") if not os.path.exists(assetPath): log_utils.debug( "aar assets merge completed. there is no assets folder in " + self.aarFile) return True assets_merger.merge(assetPath, targetAssets) return True
def processingIcons(appicon_path="", platform="ios", sizeArray=[]): """APPIcon的处理流程""" # 获取icon原图 origin_image ="RGBA") for x in range(0, len(sizeArray)): width = sizeArray[x][1] # 调整图像大小 outImage = origin_image.resize((width, width), Image.BILINEAR) if platform == "ios": imgName = sizeArray[x][0] + ".png" file_manager.joinFilePath( file_manager.getFullPath(Index.temp_icon), platform + "/AppIcon.appiconset") temp_ios_path = file_manager.createFilePath( file_manager.getFullPath(Index.temp_icon) + platform + "/AppIcon.appiconset") print(temp_ios_path) + "/" + imgName, "png") print(temp_ios_path + "/" + imgName) if x == 0: file_manager.joinFilePath( file_manager.getFullPath(Index.temp_icon), platform) temp_ios_path = file_manager.createFilePath( file_manager.getFullPath(Index.temp_icon) + platform + "/AppIcon.appiconset") content_path = file_manager.getFullPath("upload/icon/jsonfile") + "\n" + content_path) file_manager.copyFiles(content_path, temp_ios_path) elif platform == "android": typeFileName = sizeArray[x][0] imgName = "ic_launcher.png" file_manager.joinFilePath( file_manager.getFullPath(Index.temp_icon), platform + "/" + typeFileName) temp_android_path = file_manager.createFilePath( file_manager.getFullPath(Index.temp_icon) + platform + "/" + typeFileName) print(temp_android_path) + "/" + imgName, "png") print(temp_android_path + "/" + imgName) else: log_utils.warning("平台选择错误")
def modify_doNotCompress(ymlPath, uncompressRegx): """ modify uncompress types into doNotCompress """ if uncompressRegx == None or len(uncompressRegx) == 0: return if not os.path.exists(ymlPath): log_utils.warning("the apktool.yml is not exists " + uncompressRegx) return ymlFile = open(ymlPath, 'r') lines = ymlFile.readlines() ymlFile.close() if 'arsc' not in uncompressRegx: uncompressRegx.insert(0, 'arsc') newLines = list() inDoNotCompress = False for line in lines: if 'doNotCompress:' in line: newLines.append(line) inDoNotCompress = True for aitem in uncompressRegx: newLines.append("- " + aitem + "\n") elif line.strip().startswith('-') and inDoNotCompress: continue else: inDoNotCompress = False newLines.append(line) content = '' for line in newLines: content = content + line ymlFile = open(ymlPath, 'w') ymlFile.write(content) ymlFile.close()
def merge_jars(self, targetLibs): if not os.path.exists(self.aarDir): log_utils.warning("the aar is not unarchived:" + self.aarFile) return False classesPath = os.path.join(self.aarDir, "classes.jar") if os.path.exists(classesPath): targetPath = os.path.join(targetLibs, self.aarName + ".jar") file_utils.copy_file(classesPath, targetPath) log_utils.debug("classes.jar in aar " + self.aarFile + " copied to " + targetPath) libsPath = os.path.join(self.aarDir, "libs") if not os.path.exists(libsPath): log_utils.debug( "aar libs merge completed. there is no libs folder in " + self.aarFile) return True for f in os.listdir(libsPath): if f.endswith(".jar"): targetName = self.aarName + "." + f targetName = targetName.replace(" ", "") # //remove spaces in name targetPath = os.path.join( targetLibs, targetName ) # rename jar in aar libs folder with aar name prefix. if os.path.exists(targetPath): log_utils.error("libs in aar " + self.aarFile + " merge failed. " + f + " already exists in " + targetLibs) return False file_utils.copy_file(os.path.join(libsPath, f), targetPath) log_utils.debug(f + " in aar " + self.aarFile + " copied to " + targetLibs) return True
def add_compress_regx(ymlPath, compressRegx): """ remove matched compress types from doNotCompress tag """ if compressRegx == None or len(compressRegx) == 0: return if not os.path.exists(ymlPath): log_utils.warning("the apktool.yml is not exists " + ymlPath) return ymlFile = open(ymlPath, 'r') lines = ymlFile.readlines() ymlFile.close() handlingCompress = False newLines = [] for line in lines: if 'doNotCompress:' in line: handlingCompress = True newLines.append(line) elif handlingCompress and line.startswith('-'): currLine = line[1:].strip() matchs = [c for c in compressRegx if c == currLine] if len(matchs) <= 0: newLines.append(line) else: handlingCompress = False newLines.append(line) content = '' for line in newLines: content = content + line ymlFile = open(ymlPath, 'w') ymlFile.write(content) ymlFile.close()
def modifyFileContent(sourcefile, oldContent, newContent): if os.path.isdir(sourcefile): log_utils.warning("the source %s must be a file not a dir", sourcefile) return if not os.path.exists(sourcefile): log_utils.warning("the source is not exists.path:%s", sourcefile) return f = open(sourcefile, 'r+') data = str( f.close() bRet = False idx = data.find(oldContent) while idx != -1: data = data[:idx] + newContent + data[idx + len(oldContent):] idx = data.find(oldContent, idx + len(oldContent)) bRet = True if bRet: fw = open(sourcefile, 'w') fw.write(data) fw.close()"modify file success.path:%s", sourcefile) else: log_utils.warning( "there is no content matched in file:%s with content:%s", sourcefile, oldContent)
def modifyFileContent(sourcefile, oldContent, newContent): if os.path.isdir(sourcefile): log_utils.warning("the source %s must be a file not a dir", sourcefile) return if not os.path.exists(sourcefile): log_utils.warning("the source is not exists.path:%s", sourcefile) return f = open(sourcefile, 'r+') data = str( f.close() bRet = False idx = data.find(oldContent) while idx != -1: data = data[:idx] + newContent + data[idx + len(oldContent):] idx = data.find(oldContent, idx + len(oldContent)) bRet = True if bRet: fw = open(sourcefile, 'w') fw.write(data) fw.close()"modify file success.path:%s", sourcefile) else: log_utils.warning("there is no content matched in file:%s with content:%s", sourcefile, oldContent)
def mergeResXml(copyFrom, copyTo): """ Merge all android res xml """ if not os.path.exists(copyTo): return False aryXml = ['strings.xml','styles.xml','colors.xml','dimens.xml','ids.xml','attrs.xml','integers.xml','arrays.xml','bools.xml','drawables.xml'] basename = os.path.basename(copyFrom) if basename in aryXml: if config_utils.is_py_env_2(): f = open(copyTo) else: f = open(copyTo, 'r', encoding='utf-8') targetContent = f.close() fromTree = ET.parse(copyFrom) fromRoot = fromTree.getroot() toTree = ET.parse(copyTo) toRoot = toTree.getroot() for node in list(fromRoot): val = node.get('name') if val != None and len(val) > 0: valMatched = '"'+val+'"' attrIndex = targetContent.find(valMatched) if -1 == attrIndex: toRoot.append(node) else: log_utils.warning("The node %s is already exists in %s", val, basename) toTree.write(copyTo, 'UTF-8') return True return False
def merge_val_files(cls, filePath, targetFilePath): # log_utils.debug("merge val files:" + filePath + " and " + targetFilePath) if not os.path.exists(targetFilePath): log_utils.warning("merge_val_files. but target file not exists:" + targetFilePath + ". just copy " + filePath) file_utils.copy_file(filePath, targetFilePath) return oldTree = ET.parse(filePath) oldRoot = oldTree.getroot() tree = ET.parse(targetFilePath) root = tree.getroot() for node in list(oldRoot): log_utils.debug("merge res node %s from %s to %s", node.attrib.get('name'), filePath, targetFilePath) root.append(node) tree.write(targetFilePath, "UTF-8")
def merge_files(src, dest): if not os.path.exists(src): log_utils.warning("the path is not exists.path:%s", src) return if os.path.exists(dest) and os.path.isfile(dest): log_utils.warning("assets merge igored file:" + src + " already exists in " + dest) return if os.path.isfile(src): file_utils.copy_file(src, dest) return for f in os.listdir(src): sourcefile = os.path.join(src, f) targetfile = os.path.join(dest, f) if os.path.isfile(sourcefile): file_utils.copy_file(sourcefile, targetfile) else: merge_files(sourcefile, targetfile)
def copyAppResources(game, decompileDir): """ Copy game res files to apk. """ resPath = "games/" + game['appName'] + "/res" resPath = file_utils.getFullPath(resPath) if not os.path.exists(resPath): log_utils.warning("the game %s has no extra res folder", game['appName']) return assetsPath = os.path.join(resPath, 'assets') libsPath = os.path.join(resPath, 'libs') resourcePath = os.path.join(resPath, 'res') targetAssetsPath = os.path.join(decompileDir, 'assets') targetLibsPath = os.path.join(decompileDir, 'lib') targetResourcePath = os.path.join(decompileDir, 'res') decompileDir = file_utils.getFullPath(decompileDir) copyResToApk(assetsPath, targetAssetsPath) copyResToApk(libsPath, targetLibsPath) copyResToApk(resourcePath, targetResourcePath)
def handleThirdPlugins(workDir, decompileDir, game, channel, packageName): pluginsFolder = file_utils.getFullPath('config/plugin') gamePluginFolder = file_utils.getFullPath('games/'+game['appName']+'/plugin') plugins = channel.get('third-plugins') if plugins == None or len(plugins) <= 0:"the channel %s has no supported plugins.", channel['name']) return 0 #copy all resources to temp folder. for plugin in plugins: pluginName = plugin['name'] pluginSourceFolder = os.path.join(pluginsFolder, pluginName) if not os.path.exists(pluginSourceFolder): log_utils.warning("the plugin %s config folder is not exists", pluginName) continue pluginTargetFolder = workDir + "/plugins/" + pluginName file_utils.copy_files(pluginSourceFolder, pluginTargetFolder) gamePluginSourceFolder = os.path.join(gamePluginFolder, pluginName) if not os.path.exists(gamePluginSourceFolder): log_utils.warning("the plugin %s is not configed in the game %s", pluginName, game['appName']) continue file_utils.copy_files(gamePluginSourceFolder, pluginTargetFolder) if not os.path.exists(pluginSourceFolder + "/classes.dex"): jar2dex(pluginSourceFolder, pluginTargetFolder) #handle plugins smaliDir = os.path.join(decompileDir, "smali") pluginNum = 0 for plugin in plugins: pluginName = plugin['name'] pluginFolder = workDir + "/plugins/" + pluginName if not os.path.exists(pluginFolder): log_utils.warning("the plugin %s temp folder is not exists", pluginName) continue pluginDexFile = os.path.join(pluginFolder, "classes.dex") ret = dex2smali(pluginDexFile, smaliDir, "baksmali.jar") if ret: return 1 ret = copyResource(game, channel, packageName, pluginFolder, decompileDir, plugin['operations'], pluginName, plugin) if ret: return 1 pluginNum += 1"Total plugin num:%s;success handle num:%s", str(len(plugins)), str(pluginNum))
import codecs import numpy as np if not os.path.exists(args.out_dir): os.makedirs(args.out_dir) L.set_logger(os.path.abspath(args.out_dir), 'train_log.txt') L.print_args(args) output_nbest_path = args.out_dir + '/augmented.nbest' shutil.copy(args.input_nbest, output_nbest_path) with open(args.weights, 'r') as input_weights: lines = input_weights.readlines() if len(lines) > 1: L.warning( "Weights file has more than one line. I'll read the 1st and ignore the rest." ) weights = np.asarray(lines[0].strip().split(" "), dtype=float) prefix = os.path.basename(args.input_nbest) input_aug_nbest = NBestList(output_nbest_path, mode='r') output_nbest = NBestList(args.out_dir + '/' + prefix + '.reranked.nbest', mode='w') output_1best = + '/' + prefix + '.reranked.1best', mode='w', encoding='UTF-8') def is_number(s): try: float(s)
def writeManifestMetaInfo(channel, decompileDir): manifestFile = decompileDir + "/AndroidManifest.xml" manifestFile = file_utils.getFullPath(manifestFile) ET.register_namespace('android', androidNS) tree = ET.parse(manifestFile) root = tree.getroot() key = '{'+androidNS+'}name' val = '{'+androidNS+'}value' appNode = root.find('application') if appNode is None: return metaDataList = appNode.findall('meta-data') if metaDataList != None: for metaDataNode in metaDataList: keyName = metaDataNode.attrib[key] for child in channel['params']: if keyName == child['name'] and child['bWriteInManifest'] == '1': log_utils.warning("the meta-data node %s repeated. remove it .", keyName) appNode.remove(metaDataNode) if 'third-plugins' in channel and channel['third-plugins'] != None and len(channel['third-plugins']) > 0: for cPlugin in channel['third-plugins']: if 'params' in cPlugin and cPlugin['params'] != None and len(cPlugin['params']) > 0: for child in cPlugin['params']: if keyName == child['name'] and child['bWriteInManifest'] == '1': log_utils.warning("the meta-data node %s repeated. remove it .", keyName) appNode.remove(metaDataNode) for child in channel['params']: if child['bWriteInManifest'] != None and child['bWriteInManifest'] == '1': metaNode = SubElement(appNode, 'meta-data') metaNode.set(key, child['name']) metaNode.set(val, child['value']) if 'third-plugins' in channel and channel['third-plugins'] != None and len(channel['third-plugins']) > 0: for cPlugin in channel['third-plugins']: if 'params' in cPlugin and cPlugin['params'] != None and len(cPlugin['params']) > 0: for child in cPlugin['params']: if child['bWriteInManifest'] != None and child['bWriteInManifest'] == '1': metaNode = SubElement(appNode, 'meta-data') metaNode.set(key, child['name']) metaNode.set(val, child['value']) if 'U8_APPLICATION_PROXY_NAME' in channel: metaNode = SubElement(appNode, 'meta-data') metaNode.set(key, "U8_APPLICATION_PROXY_NAME") metaNode.set(val, channel['U8_APPLICATION_PROXY_NAME']),encoding="us-ascii", method="text")) tree.write(manifestFile, 'UTF-8')"The manifestFile meta-data write successfully")
def appendChannelIconMark(game, channel, decompileDir): """ 自动给游戏图标加上渠道SDK的角标 没有角标,生成没有角标的ICON """ gameIconPath = 'games/' + game['appName'] + '/icon/icon.png' gameIconPath = file_utils.getFullPath(gameIconPath) if not os.path.exists(gameIconPath): log_utils.error("the game %s icon is not exists:%s",game['appName'], gameIconPath) return 1 useMark = True if 'icon' not in channel: log_utils.warning("the channel %s of game %s do not config icon in config.xml,no icon mark.", channel['name'], game['appName']) useMark = False rlImg = if useMark: #如果有角标,则添加角标 markType = channel['icon'] markName = 'right-bottom' if markType == 'rb': markName = 'right-bottom' elif markType == 'rt': markName = 'right-top' elif markType == 'lt': markName = 'left-top' elif markType == 'lb': markName = 'left-bottom' markPath = 'config/sdk/' + channel['name'] + '/icon_marks/' + markName + '.png' if not os.path.exists(markPath): log_utils.warning("the icon mark %s is not exists of sdk icon mark.", markPath, channel['name']) else: markIcon = rlImg = image_utils.appendIconMark(rlImg, markIcon, (0, 0)) ldpiSize = (36, 36) mdpiSize = (48, 48) hdpiSize = (72, 72) xhdpiSize = (96, 96) xxhdpiSize = (144,144) xxxhdpiSize = (192, 192) ldpiIcon = rlImg.resize(ldpiSize, Image.ANTIALIAS) mdpiIcon = rlImg.resize(mdpiSize, Image.ANTIALIAS) hdpiIcon = rlImg.resize(hdpiSize, Image.ANTIALIAS) xhdpiIcon = rlImg.resize(xhdpiSize, Image.ANTIALIAS) xxhdpiIcon = rlImg.resize(xxhdpiSize, Image.ANTIALIAS) xxxhdpiIcon = rlImg.resize(xxxhdpiSize, Image.ANTIALIAS) ldpiPath = file_utils.getFullPath(decompileDir + '/res/drawable-ldpi') mdpiPath = file_utils.getFullPath(decompileDir + '/res/drawable-mdpi') hdpiPath = file_utils.getFullPath(decompileDir + '/res/drawable-hdpi') xhdpiPath = file_utils.getFullPath(decompileDir + '/res/drawable-xhdpi') xxhdpiPath = file_utils.getFullPath(decompileDir + '/res/drawable-xxhdpi') xxxhdpiPath = file_utils.getFullPath(decompileDir + '/res/drawable-xxxhdpi') if not os.path.exists(ldpiPath): os.makedirs(ldpiPath) if not os.path.exists(mdpiPath): os.makedirs(mdpiPath) if not os.path.exists(hdpiPath): os.makedirs(hdpiPath) if not os.path.exists(xhdpiPath): os.makedirs(xhdpiPath) if not os.path.exists(xxhdpiPath): os.makedirs(xxhdpiPath) if not os.path.exists(xxxhdpiPath): os.makedirs(xxxhdpiPath) gameIconName = getAppIconName(decompileDir) + '.png', gameIconName), 'PNG'), gameIconName), 'PNG'), gameIconName), 'PNG'), gameIconName), 'PNG'), gameIconName), 'PNG'), gameIconName), 'PNG') return 0
def checkValueResources(decompileDir): valXmls = ['strings.xml', 'styles.xml', 'colors.xml','dimens.xml', 'ids.xml','attrs.xml','integers.xml','arrays.xml','bools.xml','drawables.xml','public.xml'] resDir = decompileDir + '/res/values' existsStrs = {} stringsXml = resDir + '/strings.xml' if os.path.exists(stringsXml): stringTree = ET.parse(stringsXml) root = stringTree.getroot() for node in list(root): stringItem = {} name = node.attrib.get('name') val = node.text stringItem['file'] = stringsXml stringItem['name'] = name stringItem['value'] = val existsStrs[name] = stringItem existsColors = {} colorsXml = resDir + 'colors.xml' if os.path.exists(colorsXml): colorTree = ET.parse(colorsXml) root = colorTree.getroot() for node in list(root): colorItem = {} name = node.attrib.get('name') val = node.text.lower() colorItem['file'] = colorsXml colorItem['name'] = name colorItem['value'] = val existsColors[name] = colorItem valueFiles = {} for filename in os.listdir(resDir): if filename in valXmls: continue srcFile = os.path.join(resDir,filename) if os.path.splitext(srcFile)[1] != '.xml': continue tree = ET.parse(srcFile) root = tree.getroot() if root.tag != 'resources': continue for node in list(root): dictRes = None if node.tag == 'string': dictRes = existsStrs elif node.tag == 'color': dictRes = existsColors else: continue name = node.attrib.get('name') val = node.text if name is None: continue resItem = dictRes.get(name) if resItem is not None: resVal = resItem.get('value') log_utils.warning("node %s duplicated!!! the val is %s;the newVal is %s", name, val, resVal) if val.lower() == resVal.lower(): root.remove(node) else: #file_utils.printF("The node Name :"+name+" are compicated. and script handle failed.") #return 1 root.remove(node) else: valItem = {} valItem['file'] = srcFile valItem['name'] = name valItem['value'] = val dictRes[name] = valItem valueFiles[srcFile] = tree for valFile in valueFiles.keys(): valueFiles[valFile].write(valFile, 'UTF-8') return 0