def __getitem__(self, key): if key == 'tracknumber': return str(self.tags['trkn'][0][0]) elif key == 'key': warn('Keys are not supported for M4A files') return '' return self.tags[self.translate_key(key)][0]
def save_image(): password = request.forms.get('password') if password != config['Password']: end(403, "wrong password!") upfile = request.files.get('upfile') if not upfile: end(401, "no file in the request!") path = os.path.join(config['MediaRoot'], upfile.raw_filename) if not os.path.exists(path): filesize = -1 try: filesize = int(request.forms.get('filesize')) except TypeError: end(400, "missing file size in the request!") # save file info("upfile path: " + path) # check file size in request against written file size if filesize != os.stat(path).st_size: end(411, "file sizes do not match!") else: warn("file " + path + " already exists")
def test_single(sample, location, expected, profile, threshold, gene): expected = [r for r in expected if not pd.isnull(r)] message = '{} - {}'.format(sample, ' or '.join(expected)) message = colorize('{:30}'.format(message, 'teal')) if '' not in expected: expected = [[str(x).strip() for x in re.split('[/\+]', r)] for r in expected] expected = set(tuple(sorted(r, key=sortkey)) for r in expected) else: expected = set() try: solutions = genotype.genotype(location, gene, profile, threshold) except: logbook.error('{} {}', message, colorize('CRASH ', 'red')) exit(1) def fix(s): return re.split('(\d+)', s)[1] orig_solutions = solutions solutions = set(tuple(sorted((fix(p) for p in s), key=sortkey)) for s in solutions) expected = set(tuple(sorted((fix(p) for p in s), key=sortkey)) for s in expected) if solutions == expected:'{} {} {}', message, colorize('OK ', 'green'), list(orig_solutions)) return 1 elif solutions <= expected and len(solutions) != 0:'{} {} {}', message, colorize('OK< ', 'green'), list(orig_solutions)) return 2 elif len(expected & solutions) > 0: logbook.warn('{} {} {}', message, colorize('MULTI', 'yellow'), list(orig_solutions)) return 3 else: logbook.error('{} {} {}', message, colorize('FAIL ', 'red'), list(orig_solutions)) return 0
def test_samples(samples, location, profile, threshold, gene='cyp2d6'): from pathos.multiprocessing import ProcessingPool as Pool pool = Pool(processes=16) def f(s): global counter sample, expected = s[0], s[1:] # if sample not in T: continue loc = location.format(sample) if not os.path.exists(loc): # or sample == 'PGXT122': return 0 try: res = test_single(sample, loc, expected, profile, threshold, gene) except Exception as e: print(s, e) res = 0 # sys.stderr.write('-') return res # sys.stderr.write(' ' * len(samples) + '|\r') result =, samples) logbook.warn( 'Passed {} out of {} ({} subset, {} multi)\n', colorize(str(len([x for x in result if x > 0])), 'green'), colorize(str(len(result)), 'blue'), colorize(str(len([x for x in result if x == 2])), 'yellow'), colorize(str(len([x for x in result if x == 3])), 'yellow') )
def send_back(): handler = MultiProcessingHandler(queue) handler.push_thread() try: logbook.warn(message) finally: handler.pop_thread()
def test_calling_frame(self): handler = logbook.TestHandler() handler.push_thread() try: logbook.warn('test') finally: handler.pop_thread() self.assertEqual(handler.records[0].calling_frame, sys._getframe())
def __call__(self): from logbook.queues import MultiProcessingHandler handler = MultiProcessingHandler(self.queue) handler.push_thread() try: logbook.warn('Hello World') finally: handler.pop_thread()
def __setitem__(self, key, value): if key == 'tracknumber': k, n = self.tags['trkn'][0] self.tags['trkn'][0] = (int(value), n) elif key == 'key': warn('Keys are not supported for M4A files') pass else: self.tags[self.translate_key(key)] = [value]
def test_blackhole_setting(self): null_handler = logbook.NullHandler() heavy_init = logbook.LogRecord.heavy_init try: def new_heavy_init(self): raise RuntimeError('should not be triggered') logbook.LogRecord.heavy_init = new_heavy_init with null_handler: logbook.warn('Awesome') finally: logbook.LogRecord.heavy_init = heavy_init
def scrapeRuns(): runs = [] today = for meetingURL in RPTodayRaces(today).cardurls: try: race_card = RPRaceCard(meetingURL) for nag in race_card.runners: runs.append( Run(nag["name"], race_card.location, race_card.time)) except Exception, e: warn("url=" + meetingURL + " " + str(e))
def parse_nutrition_str(self, nutrition_str): nutrition_infos = {} nutrition_str = nutrition_str.replace(u" \u2013 pro durchschnittlicher Portion", "") nutrition_arr = nutrition_str.split() for i in xrange(0, len(nutrition_arr), 2): try: nutrition_infos[nutrition_arr[i]] = nutrition_arr[i+1] except IndexError: warn("Malformatted nutrition string: '%s'" % nutrition_str) return nutrition_infos
def scrapeRuns(): runs = [] today = for meetingURL in RPTodayRaces(today).cardurls: try: race_card = RPRaceCard(meetingURL) for nag in race_card.runners: runs.append( Run( nag["name"] , race_card.location, race_card.time) ) except Exception, e: warn("url=" + meetingURL + " " + str(e))
def save_image(): password = request.forms.get("password") if password != PASSWORD: abort(403, "ERROR: wrong password!") upfile = request.files.get("upfile") if not upfile: abort(401, "ERROR: no file in the request!") path = os.path.join(MEDIA_ROOT, upfile.raw_filename) if not os.path.exists(path): debug("upfile path: " + path) else: warn("file " + path + " already exists")
def test_single(sample, location, expected, profile, gene, solver): expected = [r for r in expected if not pd.isnull(r)] message = '{}::{}::{}'.format(sample, solver[:2], gene) expected = [[ str(x).strip() for x in re.split(r'[/\+]', r) if str(x).strip() != '' ] for r in expected] expected = [tuple(sorted(r, key=sortkey)) for r in expected] def fix(s): return re.split(r'(\d+)', s)[1] expected = [ tuple(sorted((fix(p) for p in s), key=sortkey)) for s in expected ] expected, expected_new = set(expected), set(expected[1:]) solutions = genotype.genotype( location, 'tmp/{}_{}_{}.out'.format(sample, gene, profile), 'tmp/{}_{}_{}.log'.format(sample, gene, profile), gene, profile, 0.5, solver, cn_solution=None, reference='/data/cb/inumanag/aldy/cram-genome.fa', cn_neutral_region=None) orig_solutions = '; '.join(','.join(s[1]) for s in solutions) orig_expected = '; '.join(','.join(s) for s in expected) solutions = set( tuple(sorted((fix(p) for p in s[1]), key=sortkey)) for s in solutions) if solutions == expected: logbook.warn('{:20} {} {:25} == {}', message, colorize('OK ', 'green'), orig_solutions, orig_expected) return 1 elif solutions <= expected and len(solutions) != 0: if solutions == expected_new: logbook.warn('{:20} {} {:25} == {}', message, colorize('OK= ', 'green'), orig_solutions, orig_expected) else: logbook.warn('{:20} {} {:25} <= {}', message, colorize('OK? ', 'green'), orig_solutions, orig_expected) return 2 elif len(expected & solutions) > 0: logbook.warn('{:20} {} {:25} =~ {}', message, colorize('MULT ', 'yellow'), orig_solutions, orig_expected) return 3 else: logbook.error('{:20} {} {:25} != {}', message, colorize('FAIL ', 'red'), orig_solutions, orig_expected) return 0
def save_tags(filepath, fragments, genome=None, re_offset=0): def get_tag_intervals(): for frag in fragments: # rev primer rname = if rname.endswith('_fwd') or rname.endswith('_rev'): rname = rname[:-4] rname += '_rev' rev_tag = get_tag_interval(frag.left_primer, frag.left_rsite, name=rname, re_offset=re_offset) yield ('left_primer', rev_tag) # fwd primer fname = if fname.endswith('_fwd') or fname.endswith('_rev'): fname = fname[:-4] fname += '_fwd' fwd_tag = get_tag_interval(frag.right_primer, frag.right_rsite, name=fname, re_offset=re_offset) yield ('right_primer', fwd_tag) notice('called') if genome is None: with open(filepath, 'w') as f: for prim_loc, x in get_tag_intervals(): f.write(bedentry_as_string(x, extra=prim_loc)) return z = collections.defaultdict(set) for prim_loc, x in get_tag_intervals(): seq = genome[x.chrom][x.start:x.end] if prim_loc == 'left_primer': assert x.strand == '-' seq = seq.reverse_complement() else: assert x.strand == '+' seq = seq.seq.tostring() if seq in z[]: warn('%s has multiple identical tag sequences.' % else: z[].add(seq) with open(filepath, 'w') as f: for name in sorted(z): v = z[name] while len(v): f.write('>%s\n' % name) f.write('%s\n' % v.pop())
def test_blackhole_setting(self): null_handler = logbook.NullHandler() heavy_init = logbook.LogRecord.heavy_init try: def new_heavy_init(self): raise RuntimeError('should not be triggered') logbook.LogRecord.heavy_init = new_heavy_init with null_handler: logbook.warn('Awesome') finally: logbook.LogRecord.heavy_init = heavy_init null_handler.bubble = True with capture_stderr() as captured: logbook.warning('Not a blockhole') self.assertNotEqual(captured.getvalue(), '')
def count(doc): phone_num = doc['phone'] if len(phone_num) > 12 or not phone_num.isdigit(): logbook.warn('anomaly phone num: {}'.format(phone_num)) return phone_position = int(phone_num[:7]) position_doc ={'_id':phone_position}) if not position_doc: logbook.warn('can not select the num: {}'.format(phone_num)) return key_list = [ 'province:{}'.format(position_doc['province'].encode('utf8')), 'city:{}'.format(position_doc['city'].encode('utf8')),] msetnx_dict = {item: 0 for item in key_list} r_db.msetnx(msetnx_dict) incr = lambda key: r_db.incr(key) map(incr, key_list)
def test_blackhole_setting(activation_strategy): null_handler = logbook.NullHandler() heavy_init = logbook.LogRecord.heavy_init with activation_strategy(null_handler): def new_heavy_init(self): raise RuntimeError('should not be triggered') logbook.LogRecord.heavy_init = new_heavy_init try: with activation_strategy(null_handler): logbook.warn('Awesome') finally: logbook.LogRecord.heavy_init = heavy_init null_handler.bubble = True with capturing_stderr_context() as captured: logbook.warning('Not a blockhole') assert captured.getvalue() != ''
def count(doc): phone_num = doc['phone'] if len(phone_num) > 12 or not phone_num.isdigit(): logbook.warn('anomaly phone num: {}'.format(phone_num)) return phone_position = int(phone_num[:7]) position_doc ={'_id': phone_position}) if not position_doc: logbook.warn('can not select the num: {}'.format(phone_num)) return key_list = [ 'province:{}'.format(position_doc['province'].encode('utf8')), 'city:{}'.format(position_doc['city'].encode('utf8')), ] msetnx_dict = {item: 0 for item in key_list} r_db.msetnx(msetnx_dict) incr = lambda key: r_db.incr(key) map(incr, key_list)
def create_settings_file(): filename = '' global input # Python2 compatibility for input() try: input = raw_input except NameError: pass # ask for the upload directory (should be writable by the server) media_root = input("The directory where to put the pictures" + " (should be writable by the server you use): ") if not os.path.isdir(media_root): notice("Directory {} does not exist, creating it".format(media_root)) os.mkdir(media_root) server_user = input("Owner of the directory [www-data]: ") if not server_user: server_user = '******' try: server_user_uid = pwd.getpwnam(server_user).pw_uid if os.stat(media_root).st_uid != server_user_uid: notice("Changing owner to: ".format(server_user)) try: shutil.chown(media_root, server_user, server_user) except AttributeError: warn("Can't change directory's owner, please do it correctly!") except KeyError: warn("User {} not found, please check the directory's rights." .format(server_user)) # ask a password for the server text = "The server password that you use in the mobile app: " password = getpass.getpass(prompt=text) passhash = hashlib.sha512(password.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() with open(filename, 'w') as settings: settings.write("# generated settings for PhotoBackup Bottle server\n") settings.write("MEDIA_ROOT = '{}'\n".format(media_root)) settings.write("PASSWORD = '******'\n".format(passhash)) notice("Settings file is created, please launch me again!") return media_root, passhash
def simple_pkg_ver(pkg, ver): u""" pip справшивает где скачать пакет такой-то версии — даём ссылку на самих себя """ from import version_validate if tools.can_be_proxied(pkg): return proxy.simple_pkg_ver(pkg, ver) # если пакет публичный - его могут попробовать поставить по обычному номеру версии if not version_validate(ver): if not tools.is_public(pkg): warn("unsupported version requested: {!r}=={!r}", pkg, ver) return '<!-- unsupported version format --!>' else: debug("unsupported version format, yet public pkg, simulating proxy: {!r}=={!r}", pkg, ver) return proxy.json2simple_pkg_ver(pkg, ver) url = url_for('pkg_generate', pkg=pkg, ver=ver) return '<a href="{url}">{pkg}-{ver}</a>'.format(url=escape(url), pkg=escape(pkg), ver=escape(ver))
def save(line): ''' save the code-position to mongo ''' # format the fileline info = line.strip('\r\n').strip(' ').split(' ') info[0] = int(info[0]) info[1] = info[1].decode('gb2312').encode('utf8') if len(info) > 2: logbook.warn(info) # save the info to mongo try: doc = {'_id': info[0], 'position':info[1]} ret = except StandardError, error_info: logbook.error(error_info) logbook.warn('code:{}, position:{}, original:'.format( info[0], info[1], info, ))
def test_global_functions(activation_strategy): with activation_strategy(logbook.TestHandler()) as handler: logbook.debug('a debug message')'an info message') logbook.warn('warning part 1') logbook.warning('warning part 2') logbook.notice('notice') logbook.error('an error') logbook.critical('pretty critical') logbook.log(logbook.CRITICAL, 'critical too') assert handler.has_debug('a debug message') assert handler.has_info('an info message') assert handler.has_warning('warning part 1') assert handler.has_warning('warning part 2') assert handler.has_notice('notice') assert handler.has_error('an error') assert handler.has_critical('pretty critical') assert handler.has_critical('critical too') assert handler.records[0].channel == 'Generic' assert handler.records[0].dispatcher is None
def test_global_functions(self): handler = logbook.TestHandler() with handler: logbook.debug('a debug message')'an info message') logbook.warn('warning part 1') logbook.warning('warning part 2') logbook.notice('notice') logbook.error('an error') logbook.critical('pretty critical') logbook.log(logbook.CRITICAL, 'critical too') self.assert_(handler.has_debug('a debug message')) self.assert_(handler.has_info('an info message')) self.assert_(handler.has_warning('warning part 1')) self.assert_(handler.has_warning('warning part 2')) self.assert_(handler.has_notice('notice')) self.assert_(handler.has_error('an error')) self.assert_(handler.has_critical('pretty critical')) self.assert_(handler.has_critical('critical too')) self.assertEqual(handler.records[0].logger_name, 'generic') self.assertEqual(handler.records[0].channel, None)
def test_global_functions(self): handler = logbook.TestHandler() with handler: logbook.debug('a debug message')'an info message') logbook.warn('warning part 1') logbook.warning('warning part 2') logbook.notice('notice') logbook.error('an error') logbook.critical('pretty critical') logbook.log(logbook.CRITICAL, 'critical too') self.assert_(handler.has_debug('a debug message')) self.assert_(handler.has_info('an info message')) self.assert_(handler.has_warning('warning part 1')) self.assert_(handler.has_warning('warning part 2')) self.assert_(handler.has_notice('notice')) self.assert_(handler.has_error('an error')) self.assert_(handler.has_critical('pretty critical')) self.assert_(handler.has_critical('critical too')) self.assertEqual(handler.records[0].channel, 'Generic') self.assertEqual(handler.records[0].dispatcher, None)
def save_county(): while r_db.randomkey: key = r_db.randomkey() if not key.isdigit(): logbook.warn(key) continue count = int(r_db.get(key)) parent_id = int(key) / 100 * 100 parent ={'_id': parent_id}) if not parent: parent = {'_id': int(parent_id), 'position': '未知'.decode('utf8')} self_doc = m_db.position.find_one({'_id': key}) if not self_doc: self_doc = {'_id': int(key), 'position': '未知'.decode('utf8')} self_doc['count'] = count self_doc['position'] = '{parent} {self}'.format( parent=parent['position'].encode('utf8'), self=self_doc['position'].encode('utf8'), ) ret = r_db.delete(key)
def save(line): ''' save the code-position to mongo ''' # format the fileline info = line.strip('\r\n').strip(' ').split(' ') info[0] = int(info[0]) info[1] = info[1].decode('gb2312').encode('utf8') if len(info) > 2: logbook.warn(info) # save the info to mongo try: doc = {'_id': info[0], 'position': info[1]} ret = except StandardError, error_info: logbook.error(error_info) logbook.warn('code:{}, position:{}, original:'.format( info[0], info[1], info, ))
def _reread(self): conf_name = 'pygift.json' conf_dirs = ( os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), '/etc', ) conf_paths = ( os.path.join(conf_dir, conf_name) for conf_dir in conf_dirs ) self._path = next( (path for path in conf_paths if os.path.exists(path)), None ) if not self._path: self._data = {} warn('config not found') else: info('using config {!r}', self._path) self._mtime = os.path.getmtime(self._path) with open(self._path) as f: self._data = demjson.decode( self._initialized = True
def save_county(): while r_db.randomkey: key = r_db.randomkey() if not key.isdigit(): logbook.warn(key) continue count = int(r_db.get(key)) parent_id = int(key) / 100 * 100 parent ={'_id': parent_id}) if not parent: parent = { '_id': int(parent_id), 'position': '未知'.decode('utf8')} self_doc = m_db.position.find_one({'_id': key}) if not self_doc: self_doc = { '_id': int(key), 'position': '未知'.decode('utf8')} self_doc['count'] = count self_doc['position'] = '{parent} {self}'.format( parent=parent['position'].encode('utf8'), self=self_doc['position'].encode('utf8'),) ret = r_db.delete(key)
def test_global_functions(self): handler = logbook.TestHandler() handler.push_thread() try: logbook.debug('a debug message')'an info message') logbook.warn('warning part 1') logbook.warning('warning part 2') logbook.notice('notice') logbook.error('an error') logbook.critical('pretty critical') logbook.log(logbook.CRITICAL, 'critical too') finally: handler.pop_thread() self.assert_(handler.has_debug('a debug message')) self.assert_(handler.has_info('an info message')) self.assert_(handler.has_warning('warning part 1')) self.assert_(handler.has_warning('warning part 2')) self.assert_(handler.has_notice('notice')) self.assert_(handler.has_error('an error')) self.assert_(handler.has_critical('pretty critical')) self.assert_(handler.has_critical('critical too')) self.assertEqual(handler.records[0].channel, 'Generic') self.assertEqual(handler.records[0].dispatcher, None)
def main(): start = time.time() args = parse_args() wwise_dir = Path(args.wwise_dir) out_dir = Path(args.out_dir) out_dir.mkdir(exist_ok=True) id_to_filename_path = out_dir / ID_TO_FILENAME manager = mp.Manager() queue = manager.Queue() id_queue = manager.Queue() setup_logging(queue) target_handlers = logbook.NestedSetup([ logbook.NullHandler(), logbook.StreamHandler(sys.stdout, level=logbook.INFO, bubble=True), logbook.FileHandler("extract.log", mode="w", level=logbook.INFO, bubble=True), ]) sub = MultiProcessingSubscriber(queue) controller = sub.dispatch_in_background(target_handlers) quickbms_log_lock = manager.Lock() quickbms_log = out_dir / "quickbms.log" try: id_to_filename_path.unlink()"removed old {id_file}", id_file=id_to_filename_path.absolute()) except FileNotFoundError: pass"QuickBMS log: '{qlog}'", qlog=quickbms_log.absolute()) try: quickbms_log.unlink()"removed old {f}", f=quickbms_log.absolute()) except FileNotFoundError: pass id_to_filename_path.touch()"writing old ID -> new filename info in '{id_file}'", id_file=id_to_filename_path.absolute()) id_to_filename_p = mp.Process(target=id_to_filename_worker, args=(id_queue, id_to_filename_path, queue)) id_to_filename_p.start()"processing audio files in '{wd}'", wd=wwise_dir.absolute()) fut2func = {} # Parse .bnk files and metadata. with ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=MAX_WORKERS) as executor: fut2func[executor.submit(parse_banks_metadata, wwise_dir, queue)] = parse_banks_metadata fut2func[executor.submit(decode_banks, wwise_dir, out_dir, quickbms_log, quickbms_log_lock, queue)] = decode_banks memory_bnk_meta_file2metadata = {} streamed_bnk_meta_file2metadata = {} orig_bnk2decode_info = {} for completed_fut in futures.as_completed(fut2func): if fut2func[completed_fut] == parse_banks_metadata: result = completed_fut.result() memory_bnk_meta_file2metadata = result[0] streamed_bnk_meta_file2metadata = result[1] elif fut2func[completed_fut] == decode_banks: orig_bnk2decode_info = completed_fut.result() if len(memory_bnk_meta_file2metadata) != len(orig_bnk2decode_info): logbook.warning( "Amount of Bank and metadata files " "do not match ({first}) != {second})", first=len(orig_bnk2decode_info), second=len(memory_bnk_meta_file2metadata)) s1 = memory_bnk_meta_file2metadata.keys() s2 = set([key.stem for key in orig_bnk2decode_info]) to_del = [] diff = s2.difference(s1) for d in diff: # TODO: expensive! for key in orig_bnk2decode_info: if key.stem == d: logbook.warn("ignoring {f}", f=str(key)) to_del.append(key) for td in to_del: del orig_bnk2decode_info[td] wem_src2wem_dst = {} # Move .wem files to out_dir in correct places. with ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=MAX_WORKERS) as executor: for bnk_meta_file, meta in streamed_bnk_meta_file2metadata.items(): for m in meta: src_dir = bnk_meta_file.parent src = src_dir / Path(m.generated_audio_file) if src.exists(): wwise_path = Path(m.wwise_object_path) dst = out_dir / wwise_path.relative_to( wwise_path.anchor).with_suffix(".wem") executor.submit(copy, src, dst, queue, id_queue) wem_src2wem_dst[src] = dst else: logbook.warning( "found references to {src} in metadata, but " "the file cannot be found in wwise_dir", src=src) decoded_file2metas = {} for orig_bnk_file, decode_info in orig_bnk2decode_info.items(): orig_bnk_file = orig_bnk_file.stem meta = memory_bnk_meta_file2metadata[orig_bnk_file] if len(decode_info) != len(meta): logbook.error( "decode_info and meta length mismatch: " "{len1} != {len2} for bnk: '{bnk}'", len1=len(decode_info), len2=len(meta), bnk=orig_bnk_file) # print(decode_info) # print(meta) continue # raise ValueError(f"decode_info and meta length mismatch " # f"{len(decode_info)} != {len(meta)}") for m, (decoded_stem, decoded_size) in zip(meta, decode_info.items()): if m.data_size != decoded_size: # raise ValueError(f"{m.data_size} != {decoded_size}") logbook.error( "metadata size and decoded data size length mismatch: " "{len1} != {len2}", len1=m.data_size, len2=decoded_size) continue decoded_file2metas[decoded_stem] = m fs = [] # Move output from decoding .bnk files to correct places in out_dir. executor = ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=MAX_WORKERS) for decoded_file, meta in decoded_file2metas.items(): src = out_dir / f"{decoded_file}.bin" wwise_path = Path(meta.wwise_object_path) dst = out_dir / wwise_path.relative_to( wwise_path.anchor).with_suffix(".bin") fs.append(executor.submit(move, src, dst, queue, id_queue)) futures.wait(fs, return_when=futures.ALL_COMPLETED) fs = [] # Convert all .wem and .bin files to .ogg. executor = ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=MAX_WORKERS) for bin_file in out_dir.rglob("*.bin"): fs.append(executor.submit(ww2ogg, bin_file, queue)) for wem_file in out_dir.rglob("*.wem"): fs.append(executor.submit(ww2ogg, wem_file, queue)) futures.wait(fs, return_when=futures.ALL_COMPLETED) done_wems_stems = set([ws.stem for ws in wem_src2wem_dst.keys()]) source_wems = [w for w in wwise_dir.rglob("*.wem")] source_wems_stems = set([w.stem for w in source_wems]) wem_diff = source_wems_stems.difference(done_wems_stems) if wem_diff: logbook.warn("failed to determine filename for " "{num} files", num=len(wem_diff)) for ws in source_wems: if str(ws.stem) in wem_diff:"couldn't determine filename for: {ws}", ws=ws) copy_seq(ws, out_dir, id_to_filename_queue=None) # Convert leftovers. leftovers_fs = [] with ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=MAX_WORKERS) as executor: for wem_file in out_dir.rglob("*.wem"): leftovers_fs.append(executor.submit(ww2ogg, wem_file, queue)) futures.wait(leftovers_fs, return_when=futures.ALL_COMPLETED) id_queue.put(SENTINEL) id_to_filename_p.join() secs = time.time() - start"finished successfully in {secs:.2f} seconds", secs=secs) controller.stop()
def test_calling_frame(self): handler = logbook.TestHandler() with handler: logbook.warn('test') self.assertEqual(handler.records[0].calling_frame, sys._getframe())
def convert_latlon_arr(in_lat, in_lon, height, dtime, code="G2A"): """Converts between geomagnetic coordinates and AACGM coordinates. Parameters ------------ in_lat : (np.ndarray or list or float) Input latitude in degrees N (code specifies type of latitude) in_lon : (np.ndarray or list or float) Input longitude in degrees E (code specifies type of longitude) height : (np.ndarray or list or float) Altitude above the surface of the earth in km dtime : (datetime) Single datetime object for magnetic field code : (int or str) Bit code or string denoting which type(s) of conversion to perform G2A - geographic (geodetic) to AACGM-v2 A2G - AACGM-v2 to geographic (geodetic) TRACE - use field-line tracing, not coefficients ALLOWTRACE - use trace only above 2000 km BADIDEA - use coefficients above 2000 km GEOCENTRIC - assume inputs are geocentric w/ RE=6371.2 (default = "G2A") Returns ------- out_lat : (np.ndarray) Output latitudes in degrees N out_lon : (np.ndarray) Output longitudes in degrees E out_r : (np.ndarray) Geocentric radial distance (R_Earth) or altitude above the surface of the Earth (km) Notes ------- At least one of in_lat, in_lon, and height must be a list or array. """ import aacgmv2._aacgmv2 as c_aacgmv2 # If a list was entered instead of a numpy array, recast it here if isinstance(in_lat, list): in_lat = np.array(in_lat) if isinstance(in_lon, list): in_lon = np.array(in_lon) if isinstance(height, list): height = np.array(height) # If one or two of these elements is a float or int, create an array test_array = np.array([ hasattr(in_lat, "shape"), hasattr(in_lon, "shape"), hasattr(height, "shape") ]) if not test_array.all(): if test_array.any(): arr_shape = in_lat.shape if test_array.argmax() == 0 else \ (in_lon.shape if test_array.argmax() == 1 else height.shape) if not test_array[0]: in_lat = np.ones(shape=arr_shape, dtype=float) * in_lat if not test_array[1]: in_lon = np.ones(shape=arr_shape, dtype=float) * in_lon if not test_array[2]: height = np.ones(shape=arr_shape, dtype=float) * height else: "for a single location, consider using convert_latlon") in_lat = np.array([in_lat]) in_lon = np.array([in_lon]) height = np.array([height]) # Ensure that lat, lon, and height are the same length or if the lengths # differ that the different ones contain only a single value if not (in_lat.shape == in_lon.shape and in_lat.shape == height.shape): ulen = np.unique([in_lat.shape, in_lon.shape, height.shape]) if ulen.min() != (1, ): logging.error("mismatched input arrays") return None, None, None # Test time if isinstance(dtime, dtime = dt.datetime.combine(dtime, dt.time(0)) assert isinstance(dtime, dt.datetime), \ logging.error('time must be specified as datetime object') # Test height if np.min(height) < 0: logging.warn('conversion not intended for altitudes < 0 km') # Initialise output lat_out = np.empty(shape=in_lat.shape, dtype=float) * np.nan lon_out = np.empty(shape=in_lon.shape, dtype=float) * np.nan r_out = np.empty(shape=height.shape, dtype=float) * np.nan # Test code try: code = code.upper() if (np.nanmax(height) > 2000 and code.find("TRACE") < 0 and code.find("ALLOWTRACE") < 0 and code.find("BADIDEA") < 0): estr = 'coefficients are not valid for altitudes above 2000 km. You' estr += ' must either use field-line tracing (trace=True ' estr += 'or allowtrace=True) or indicate you know this ' estr += 'is a bad idea' logging.error(estr) return lat_out, lon_out, r_out # make flag bit_code = convert_str_to_bit(code) except AttributeError: bit_code = code assert isinstance(bit_code, int), \ logging.error("unknown code {:}".format(bit_code)) # Test latitude range if np.abs(in_lat).max() > 90.0: assert np.abs(in_lat).max() <= 90.1, \ logging.error('unrealistic latitude') in_lat = np.clip(in_lat, -90.0, 90.0) # Constrain longitudes between -180 and 180 in_lon = ((in_lon + 180.0) % 360.0) - 180.0 # Set current date and time try: c_aacgmv2.set_datetime(dtime.year, dtime.month,, dtime.hour, dtime.minute, dtime.second) except: raise RuntimeError("unable to set time for {:}".format(dtime)) # Vectorise the AACGM code convert_vectorised = np.vectorize(c_aacgmv2.convert) # convert try: lat_out, lon_out, r_out = convert_vectorised(in_lat, in_lon, height, bit_code) except: pass return lat_out, lon_out, r_out
def send_back(): with MultiProcessingHandler(queue): logbook.warn(message)
from logbook import warn, StreamHandler import sys from import cc my_handler = StreamHandler(sys.stdout) my_handler.push_application() warn(cc(':red: :yin_yang: This is a warning :reset:')) import os from logbook import Processor def inject_cwd(record): record.extra['cwd'] = os.getcwd() with my_handler.applicationbound(): with Processor(inject_cwd).applicationbound(): warn(cc(':blue: :yin_yang: This is a warning'))
def fetch(self): canteens = [] for canteen in self.urls: mid, url = canteen weeks_to_parse = [""] parsed_weeks = [] while len(weeks_to_parse) > 0: week_to_parse = weeks_to_parse.pop(0) if week_to_parse in parsed_weeks: continue parsed_weeks.append(week_to_parse) # Fetch data if week_to_parse: params = urlencode({"WA": week_to_parse}) else: params = urlencode({}) try: content = urlopen(url, params).read() except URLError: error("Request failed for URL %s." % url) continue # Build lxml tree tree = html.fromstring(content) # Look for further weeks to parse wboxh_elements = tree.cssselect("div#wbox > input") for wbox in wboxh_elements: week_value = wbox.get("value") if wbox.get("class") == "wboxh": if not week_value in weeks_to_parse\ and not week_value in parsed_weeks: weeks_to_parse.append(week_value) else: if not week_value in parsed_weeks: parsed_weeks.append(week_value) week_to_parse = week_value # Parse canteen infos canteen = {} canteen["mid"] = mid # Name canteen["name"] = beautify_string(tree.cssselect("div.WoHSName")[0].text) canteen["short_name"] = canteen["name"].split(",", 1)[0] # Address canteen["address"] = beautify_string(tree.cssselect("div.WoAdr")[0].text) canteen["address"] = canteen["address"].replace(")", "") canteen["address"] = canteen["address"].replace("(", "") # Period canteen["period_value"] = week_to_parse canteen["period"] = beautify_string(tree.cssselect("div.WoDate")[0].text) # Year try: canteen["year"] = int(canteen["period"].rsplit(".", 1)[1]) except (IndexError, ValueError): error("%s: Failed to parse year from period" % canteen["short_name"]) canteen["year"] = # Week try: canteen["week"] = int(canteen["period"][canteen["period"].find("KW")+3:canteen["period"].find(",")]) except ValueError: error('%s: Failed to parse week number from "%s"' % (canteen["short_name"], canteen["period"])) continue # Opening times opening_times = beautify_string(tree.cssselect("div.WoTime")[0].text_content()) opening_times = opening_times[opening_times.find(":")+1:].strip() canteen["opening_times"] = opening_times # Main note main_note_e = tree.cssselect("div.Meldung_std") if main_note_e: canteen["main_note"] = main_note_e[0].text_content() else: canteen["main_note"] = "" # Additives try: canteen["additives"] = beautify_string(tree.cssselect("table.zusatz_std")[0].text_content(), False) except IndexError: warn("%s: Cannot parse additives" % canteen["short_name"]) # Parse meals # Subtree for better speed sub_trees = tree.cssselect("table.wo_std") if sub_trees: sub_tree = sub_trees[0] # Bars (table heads) bars = [] for th in sub_tree.cssselect("th.bli_0"): bar = beautify_string(th.getchildren()[0].text_content()) if bar: bars.append(bar) # Side dishes side_dishes = [] for td in sub_tree.cssselect("td.bli_1.sw.bto"): side_dish = self.parse_side_dish(td) side_dishes.append(side_dish) current_side_dish = 0 # Days days = [] for i, tr in enumerate(sub_tree.cssselect("tr.bto")): day = {} # Date date_s = beautify_string([e for e in tr.cssselect("td.bre_1")[0].itertext()][1]) # Make sure date has correct format try: day["date"] = str(date(*(strptime(date_s, "%d.%m.%Y")[0:3]))) except ValueError: error("%s: %s has invalid date format" % (canteen["short_name"], date_s)) continue # Note note_td = tr.cssselect("td.Meld_TgStd") if not note_td: day["note"] = "" # Side dish try: day["side_dish"] = side_dishes[current_side_dish] current_side_dish = current_side_dish + 1 except IndexError: warn("%s: Failed to parse side dish for day %s" % (canteen["short_name"], day["date"])) day["side_dish"] = "" # Prices prices = [] for td in tr.cssselect(""): price = beautify_string(td.text_content()) if price: prices.append(price) # Meals meals = [] for j, td in enumerate(tr.cssselect("td.bli_1.abst_o")): description = beautify_string(td.text_content()) if description: meal = {} try: if (j <= len(bars) - 1): meal["bar"] = bars[j] else: meal["bar"] = "" meal["description"] = description if (j <= len(prices) - 1): meal["price"] = prices[j] else: meal["price"] = "" except IndexError: error("%s: IndexError while parsing meals" % canteen["short_name"]) nutrition_infos = self.parse_nutrition_infos(td) if nutrition_infos != None: meal["nutrition_infos"] = nutrition_infos meals.append(meal) day["meals"] = meals else: day["note"] = beautify_string(note_td[0].text_content()) days.append(day) canteen["days"] = days canteens.append(canteen) return canteens
return [(s[0], gene, tuple(s[1:]), samples_path.format(s[0]), profile, solver) for s in samples] samples = [] for gene in 'CYP2D6 CYP2A6 CYP2C19 CYP2C8 CYP2C9 CYP3A4 CYP3A5 CYP4F2 TPMT DPYD'.split( ): loc = '/data/cb/inumanag/aldy/cdc/pgrnseq-v1/bams/{}.cram' samples += get_samples('PGRNseq-v1 (CDC)', gene, loc, 'pgrnseq-v1', 'gurobi') for gene in ['CYP2D6']: loc = '/data/cb/inumanag/aldy/baylor/pgrnseq-v2/bams/{}.cram' samples += get_samples('PGRNseq-v2', gene, loc, 'pgrnseq-v2', 'gurobi') pool = Pool(processes=np) result = f, samples ) #[y for y in samples if y[0] == 'NA17012' and y[1] == 'CYP2D6']) result = list(result) logbook.warn('Passed {} out of {} ({} subset, {} multi)', sum(1 for _, x in result if x > 0), len(result), sum(1 for x in result if x == 2), sum(1 for x in result if x == 3)) fails = [':'.join(s) for s, x in result if x == 0] if len(fails) > 0: logbook.warn('Fail:\n{}', '\n '.join(fails)) # get_samples('PGRNseq-v2 (Old)', gene='CYP2D6', samples_path='/../data/pgrnseq-old/{}.dz', profile='pgrnseq-v2', threshold=.5) # get_samples('Illumina', gene='CYP2D6', samples_path='/../data/illumina/{}.bam', profile='illumina', threshold=.5) # get_samples('Illumina (IU)', gene='CYP2D6', samples_path='/../data/illumina-milan/{}.bam', profile='illumina', threshold=.5)
warn("Can't change directory's owner, please do it correctly!") except KeyError: warn("User {} not found, please check the directory's rights." .format(server_user)) # ask a password for the server text = "The server password that you use in the mobile app: " password = getpass.getpass(prompt=text) passhash = hashlib.sha512(password.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() with open(filename, 'w') as settings: settings.write("# generated settings for PhotoBackup Bottle server\n") settings.write("MEDIA_ROOT = '{}'\n".format(media_root)) settings.write("PASSWORD = '******'\n".format(passhash)) notice("Settings file is created, please launch me again!") return media_root, passhash MEDIA_ROOT, PASSWORD = None, None # import user-created settings for this specific server try: from photobackup_settings import MEDIA_ROOT, PASSWORD if os.path.isdir(MEDIA_ROOT) and os.path.exists(MEDIA_ROOT): notice("pictures directory is " + MEDIA_ROOT) else: sys.exit("pictures directory " + MEDIA_ROOT + "does not exist!") except ImportError: warn("Can't find file, creating it") MEDIA_ROOT, PASSWORD = create_settings_file()
def __call__(self): from logbook.queues import MultiProcessingHandler with MultiProcessingHandler(self.queue): logbook.warn(self.message)
def send_back(): with MultiProcessingHandler(queue): logbook.warn('Hello World')
def save_image(username, domain): debug("got a POST root call.") # app.logger.debug('Query:'+pp.pformat(request)) # app.logger.debug('Query:'+pp.pformat(request.form)) password = request.form.get('password') if password != config['Password']: error("password NOT ok.") end(403, "wrong password!") debug("ok: password") # app.logger.debug('File:'+pp.pformat(request.files)) try: debug("ok: getlist %s." % (pp.pformat(request.getlists))) except Exception as e: debug("getlist failed %s." % (str(e))) try: upfile = request.files.get('upfile') # upfile = request.files['upfile'] except Exception as e: debug("upfile request get failed %s." % (str(e))) if not upfile: error("no file in the request.") end(401, "no file in the request!") upfile1 = upfile debug("ok: file present in request.") # remove anypath inside the filename to insure against injection. # ex: upfil.raw_filename should not contain any '..' # already done by secure_filename # filename = os.path.basename(filename) try: filename = secure_filename(upfile.filename) except Exception as e: debug("secure_filename failed: %s:%s" % (upfile.filename, str(e))) debug("ok: secure_filename succeed %s" % filename) # Prevent uploading file with more than 1 dot. dotCount = filename.count('.') if dotCount != 1: error("file do contains more than 1 dot.") end(403, "file contains more than 1 dot!") debug("ok: file do not contains more than 1 dot.") # Prevent uploading from unwanted file which can be used for injection extension = os.path.splitext(filename)[1].lower() if extension not in allowed_extention: error("file extension NOT allowed '%s'." % extension) debug("error: allowed %s." % (pp.pformat(allowed_extention))) end(403, "file extension not allowed!") debug("ok: file extension allowed.") # app.logger.debug('Query:'+pp.pformat(upfile)) # extract the exif date, to get the date try: tags = exifread.process_file(upfile) # for tag in tags.keys(): # if tag not in ('JPEGThumbnail', 'TIFFThumbnail', 'Filename', 'EXIF MakerNote'): # debug("Key: %s, value %s" % (tag, tags[tag])) except Exception as e: debug("exif not working %s" % str(e)) debug("ok: got the img exif content") # EXIF DateTimeOriginal # value 2015:09:14 15:37:03 try: if 'EXIF DateTimeOriginal' in tags: debug("ok: got exif EXIF DateTimeOriginal") date = str(tags['EXIF DateTimeOriginal']) elif 'Image DateTime' in tags: # generated PANO file debug("ok: got exif Image DateTime") date = str(tags['Image DateTime']) else: debug("hum, no date found in exif tag") date = '' for tag in tags.keys(): if tag not in ('JPEGThumbnail', 'TIFFThumbnail', 'Filename', 'EXIF MakerNote'): debug("Key: %s, value %s" % (tag, tags[tag])) debug("ok, no exception up to now") except Exception as e: for tag in tags.keys(): if tag not in ('JPEGThumbnail', 'TIFFThumbnail', 'Filename', 'EXIF MakerNote'): debug("Key: %s, value %s" % (tag, tags[tag])) debug("error: failed to read date from read tags from array.") end(400, "oups, read tags from array") debug("ok: got exif date '%s'" % date) if username is not None and domain is not None: username = secure_filename(urllib.parse.quote_plus(username).lower()) domain = secure_filename(urllib.parse.quote_plus(domain).lower()) debug("username %s, domain %s" % (username, domain)) basepath = os.path.join(config['MediaRoot'], domain, username) else: basepath = os.path.join(config['MediaRoot']) res = False try: res = re_date.match(date) except Exception as e: debug("error: failed to apply regex: %s " % str(e)) if res: date_folder = + '_' + + '_' + debug("ok: exif passed '%s'." % date_folder) filedir = os.path.join(basepath, date_folder) else: debug("error: could not find date in string '%s'" % date) filedir = os.path.join(basepath) debug("ok: using folder '%s'." % filedir) filepath = os.path.join(filedir, filename) if not os.path.isdir(filedir): debug("Need to create folder %s on system." % (filedir)) try: os.makedirs(filedir) except Exception as e: debug("error: Cannot create folder %s" % str(e)) end(400, "oups, cannot create directory '%s'." % (str(e))) if not os.path.isfile(filepath): debug("Storing file %s on system." % (filepath)) filesize = -1 try: filesize = int(request.form.get('filesize')) except TypeError as e: debug("error: %s" % str(e)) end(400, "missing file size in the request!") except Exception as e: debug("error: %s" % str(e)) end(400, "missing file size in the request!") # save file debug("upfile path: '%s'." % (filepath)), os.SEEK_SET) # check file size in request against written file size if filesize != os.stat(filepath).st_size: debug("error: file sizes do not match '%s' <> '%s'." % (filesize, os.stat(filepath).st_size)) end(411, "file sizes do not match!") return ('', 200) else: warn("file " + filepath + " already exists") filesize = -1 try: filesize = int(request.form.get('filesize')) except TypeError as e: debug("error: %s" % str(e)) end(400, "missing file size in the request!") except Exception as e: debug("error: %s" % str(e)) end(400, "missing file size in the request!") debug("ok: got filesize from header '%s'." % filesize) # check file size in request against written file size if filesize != os.stat(filepath).st_size: debug("error: file sizes do not match '%s' <> '%s'" % (filesize, os.stat(filepath).st_size)) end(411, "file sizes do not match!") return ('', 200)
def convert_latlon(in_lat, in_lon, height, dtime, code="G2A"): """Converts between geomagnetic coordinates and AACGM coordinates Parameters ------------ in_lat : (float) Input latitude in degrees N (code specifies type of latitude) in_lon : (float) Input longitude in degrees E (code specifies type of longitude) height : (float) Altitude above the surface of the earth in km dtime : (datetime) Datetime for magnetic field code : (str or int) Bit code or string denoting which type(s) of conversion to perform G2A - geographic (geodetic) to AACGM-v2 A2G - AACGM-v2 to geographic (geodetic) TRACE - use field-line tracing, not coefficients ALLOWTRACE - use trace only above 2000 km BADIDEA - use coefficients above 2000 km GEOCENTRIC - assume inputs are geocentric w/ RE=6371.2 (default is "G2A") Returns ------- out_lat : (float) Output latitude in degrees N out_lon : (float) Output longitude in degrees E out_r : (float) Geocentric radial distance (R_Earth) or altitude above the surface of the Earth (km) """ import aacgmv2._aacgmv2 as c_aacgmv2 # Test time if isinstance(dtime, dtime = dt.datetime.combine(dtime, dt.time(0)) assert isinstance(dtime, dt.datetime), \ logging.error('time must be specified as datetime object') # Test height if height < 0: logging.warn('conversion not intended for altitudes < 0 km') # Initialise output lat_out = np.nan lon_out = np.nan r_out = np.nan # Test code try: code = code.upper() if (height > 2000 and code.find("TRACE") < 0 and code.find("ALLOWTRACE") < 0 and code.find("BADIDEA") < 0): estr = 'coefficients are not valid for altitudes above 2000 km. You' estr += ' must either use field-line tracing (trace=True ' estr += 'or allowtrace=True) or indicate you know this ' estr += 'is a bad idea' logging.error(estr) return lat_out, lon_out, r_out # make flag bit_code = convert_str_to_bit(code) except AttributeError: bit_code = code assert isinstance(bit_code, int), \ logging.error("unknown code {:}".format(bit_code)) # Test latitude range if abs(in_lat) > 90.0: assert abs(in_lat) <= 90.1, logging.error('unrealistic latitude') in_lat = np.sign(in_lat) * 90.0 # Constrain longitudes between -180 and 180 in_lon = ((in_lon + 180.0) % 360.0) - 180.0 # Set current date and time try: c_aacgmv2.set_datetime(dtime.year, dtime.month,, dtime.hour, dtime.minute, dtime.second) except: raise RuntimeError("unable to set time for {:}".format(dtime)) # convert location try: lat_out, lon_out, r_out = c_aacgmv2.convert(in_lat, in_lon, height, bit_code) except: pass return lat_out, lon_out, r_out
def put(path): debug("PUT with path '%s'" % (path)) # remove anypath inside the filename to insure against injection. # ex: upfil.raw_filename should not contain any '..' # already done by secure_filename # filename = os.path.basename(filename) try: filename = secure_filename(path) except Exception as e: debug("secure_filename failed: %s:%s" % (path, str(e))) debug("ok: secure_filename succeed %s" % filename) # Prevent uploading file with more than 1 dot. dotCount = filename.count('.') if dotCount != 2: error("file do not contains more than 2 dot.") end(403, "file do not contains 2 dot!") debug("ok: file contains just 2 dot.") # Prevent uploading from unwanted file which can be used for injection root, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) first_ext = os.path.splitext(root)[1].lower() extension = first_ext + ext extension = extension.lower() if extension not in allowed_extention: error("file extension NOT allowed '%s'." % extension) debug("error: allowed %s." % (pp.pformat(allowed_extention))) end(403, "file extension not allowed!") debug("ok: file extension '%s' allowed." % (extension)) basepath = os.path.join(config['MediaRoot']) filepath = os.path.join(basepath, filename) if not os.path.isdir(basepath): debug("Need to create folder '%s' on system." % (basepath)) try: os.makedirs(basepath) except Exception as e: debug("error: Cannot create folder %s" % str(e)) end(400, "oups, cannot create directory '%s'." % (str(e))) if not os.path.isfile(filepath): debug("Storing file %s on system." % (filepath)) filesize = -1 try: filesize = int(request.headers.get('Content-Length')) except TypeError as e: debug("error: %s" % str(e)) end(400, "missing file size in the request!") except Exception as e: debug("error: %s" % str(e)) end(400, "missing file size in the request!") upfile = # save file debug("upfile path: '%s'." % (filepath)) with open(filepath, "wb") as fo: fo.write(upfile) # check file size in request against written file size if filesize != os.stat(filepath).st_size: debug("error: file sizes do not match '%s' <> '%s'." % (filesize, os.stat(filepath).st_size)) end(411, "file sizes do not match!") return ('', 201) else: warn("file " + filepath + " already exists") end(400, "file already exist!")