def run_download_test(self): #Runs test log = logger.attach_to_logger(__name__)'Starting: Download Speed Test') bandwidthdown = "10000000" download_element = driver.find_element_by_xpath( '//*[@id="root"]/div/div[2]/div[2]/main/div[2]/div[2]/div[1]/div[2]/div/div/span' ) #Grabs download element via xpath downloadSpeed = download_element.text #Grabs download speed from element #Adds data to log for debugging'download Speed: ' + str(downloadSpeed)) #Converts from mb to bits downloadSpeed = float(downloadSpeed) * 1000000 downloadError = 0.93 - downloadSpeed / float( bandwidthdown ) #Killer automatically sets the max bandwidth to 93% of value set so the error formula reflects that #Adds data to log for debugging'Download error: ' + str(downloadError)) #Now the script determines if the test failed and returns info to Jenkins #Error < 1% = Perfect pass #Error < 3% = Pass with warning #Error > 3% = Fail if downloadError > 0.03 or downloadError < -0.03: raise Exception('Download error greater than 3%') elif downloadError > 0.01 or downloadError < -0.01:"Download error greater than 1%") else:"Download error within 1%")
def get_ip_info(): log = logger.attach_to_logger(__name__) #Grabs the ip adress and interface name #sets self.ip_adress, self.interface_name import socket #get's ip adress ip_address = socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname())'Getting network interface name for ethernet adapter...') os.environ["COMSPEC"] = 'powershell' #cmd_str = R'powershell "$ip = "";foreach($int in (gwmi Win32_NetworkAdapter)) {gwmi Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration -Filter """Index = $($int.index)""" | ? {$_.IPAddress -contains $ip} | % {$int.NetConnectionID} }"' cmd_str = f"$ip = '{ip_address}';" + R'foreach($int in (gwmi Win32_NetworkAdapter)) {gwmi Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration -Filter """Index = $($int.index)""" | ? {$_.IPAddress -contains $ip} | % {$int.NetConnectionID} }' try: output = subprocess.check_output(cmd_str, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True) except Exception as e: log.warning( f'get interface name powershell command failed with error: {e}' ) interface_name = output.decode("utf-8").rstrip() return ip_address, interface_name
def start_capture(self): log = logger.attach_to_logger(__name__) prio = self.config['priority'] cap = pyshark.LiveCapture( interface=self.interface_name, bpf_filter=f'src {self.ip_address} and port 21', output_file=f'pyshark_{prio}.pcap')'Capture started') #Create a thread that uploads the file while the capture is sniffing packets file_upload_thread = Thread(target=self.upload_file) file_upload_thread.start()'sniffing...') count = 0 cap.sniff(packet_count=8) for packet in cap: if 'IP' in packet: packet_result = self.print_dscp_info(packet) if packet_result: count += 1 log.debug(packet['ip']) if count == 5:'Test PASSED') passed = True break else: #log.debug('aint it') pass cap.close() if count < 5: raise RobotFatalError( f'{count} packets were tagged properly. Failing test...')
def parse_yaml_config_file(yaml_config_filename=None): r"""Parse the arguments from a yaml file. Example file contents: priority: - 5 DSCP: - 0x00000098 - 0x00000028 """ log = logger.attach_to_logger(__name__) if yaml_config_filename is None: yaml_config_filename = 'DSCP_verification.yaml''Parsing YAML config file: {yaml_config_filename}') try: yaml_config_file = yaml.safe_load(open(yaml_config_filename)) return yaml_config_file['DSCP_verification'] except yaml.YAMLError as ye: log.error( f'Error loading config file {yaml_config_filename}: {ye}') except Exception as e: log.warning(f'Error: {e}') log.warning(f'Stack trace: {sys.exc_info()}')
def set_prio(self): log = logger.attach_to_logger(__name__)'Setting priority....') BCMWrapper = cdll.LoadLibrary(self._BCMWRAPPER_LIBRARY_PATH) #program = bR"c:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre1.8.0_144\bin\java.exe" #program = bR"c:\Windows\System32\svchost.exe" program = bR"C:\Users\Rivet\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\python.exe" BCMWrapper.set_priority(program, int(self.config['priority']))
def print_dscp_info(self, packet): log = logger.attach_to_logger(__name__) #if the TCP destination port is 21, then it's FTP traffic if packet['ip'].dsfield in self.config['dscp']:'Test passed: found a packet with correct dscp number') return True else: return False
def bandwidth_maximum_test(self): bandwidthup = "10000000" bandwidthdown = "10000000" log = logger.attach_to_logger(__name__)'Starting: Bandwidth Maximum Test') start = timer() end = None call(["sc", "stop", "Killer Network Service x64" ]) #Stops killer network service via command line #Now that killer network service is stopped, user.xml can be updated tree = ET.parse( 'C:/ProgramData/RivetNetworks/Killer/user.xml' ) #Loads file, should be consistent across all computers due to Killer's install process root = tree.getroot() #Gets root out of the tree parse sh = root.find('NetworkInfos') #Finds parent networkinfo = sh.find( 'NetworkInfo' ) #Finds child which contains the attributes we are looking for networkinfo.set('BandwidthUp', bandwidthup) #Updates bandwidth upload max speed value networkinfo.set('BandwidthDown', bandwidthdown) #Updates bandwith download max speed value tree.write('C:/ProgramData/RivetNetworks/Killer/user.xml' ) #Overrides the old user.xml file with a new updated file. #Now we need to start Killer and see if change is made call(["sc", "start", "Killer Network Service x64" ]) #Starts killer network service via command line driver = webdriver.Chrome(executable_path='chromedriver.exe') driver.get('' ) #Opens up killer's speed test via chrome id_box = driver.find_element_by_xpath( '//*[@id="main-content"]/div[1]/div/button') #Isolates the "go" button #clicks go button time.sleep(38) #waits for test to be completed download_element = driver.find_element_by_xpath( '//*[@id="root"]/div/div[2]/div[2]/main/div[2]/div[2]/div[1]/div[2]/div/div/span' ) #Grabs download element via xpath upload_element = driver.find_element_by_xpath( '//*[@id="root"]/div/div[2]/div[2]/main/div[2]/div[2]/div[2]/div[2]/div/div/span' ) #Grabs download element via xpath downloadSpeed = download_element.text #Grabs download speed from element uploadSpeed = upload_element.text #Grabs upload speed from element downloadSpeed = float(downloadSpeed) * 1000000 uploadSpeed = float(uploadSpeed) * 1000000 downloadError = 0.93 - downloadSpeed / float(bandwidthdown) uploadError = 0.93 - uploadSpeed / float(bandwidthup)'Download Error: ' + downloadError)'Upload Error: ' + uploadError)
def __init__(self, filepath_to_bcmwrapper=None): log = logger.attach_to_logger(__name__) if filepath_to_bcmwrapper is None: self.filepath_to_bcmwrapper = self._BCMWRAPPER_LIBRARY_PATH else: self.filepath_to_bcmwrapper = filepath_to_bcmwrapper self.config = self.parse_yaml_config_file() self.ip_address, self.interface_name = self.get_ip_info()
def receive(self): config = yaml.safe_load(open('snapshot_job.yaml')) #Parse YAML File config = config['snapshot_job'] #Grab Data log = logger.attach_to_logger(__name__) vm_input = config['vmInputGlobal'] #Grab the vm name vm_job = config['vmJobGlobal'] #Grab the job to be performed + " will perform a " + vm_job + " task") vm_job_name = "create" if vm_job == ("Restore Snapshot"): vm_job_name = "revert" elif vm_job == ("Activate Nodes"): vm_job_name = "activate_node" vm_input_name = "ppal-win10-01" #Shorten the name given to the operational name if vm_input == "": vm_input_name = "ppal-win10-02" if vm_input == "": vm_input_name = "ppal-win10-03" if vm_input == "": vm_input_name = "ppal-win10-04" if vm_input == "": vm_input_name = "ppal-win10-99" if vm_input == 'Select All': if vm_job_name == ("create"): self.main('ppal-win10-01', "remove_all", 'ppal-win10-01_automated_snapshot', True) self.main('ppal-win10-02', "remove_all", 'ppal-win10-02_automated_snapshot', True) self.main('ppal-win10-03', "remove_all", 'ppal-win10-03_automated_snapshot', True) self.main('ppal-win10-04', "remove_all", 'ppal-win10-04_automated_snapshot', True) self.main('ppal-win10-99', "remove_all", 'ppal-win10-99_automated_snapshot', True) self.main('ppal-win10-01', vm_job_name, 'ppal-win10-01_automated_snapshot', False) self.main('ppal-win10-02', vm_job_name, 'ppal-win10-02_automated_snapshot', False) self.main('ppal-win10-03', vm_job_name, 'ppal-win10-03_automated_snapshot', False) self.main('ppal-win10-04', vm_job_name, 'ppal-win10-04_automated_snapshot', False) self.main('ppal-win10-99', vm_job_name, 'ppal-win10-99_automated_snapshot', False) else: if vm_job_name == ("create"): self.main(vm_input_name, "remove_all", str(vm_input_name + "_automated_snapshot"), True) self.main(vm_input_name, vm_job_name, str(vm_input_name + "_automated_snapshot"), False)
def upload_file(self): log = logger.attach_to_logger(__name__) ftps = ftplib.FTP_TLS() ftps.connect('', 21) ftps.auth() ftps.login('rivettemp', 'killernetworks2015') ftps.prot_p() ftps.cwd('/Test') file = open(self._UPLOAD_FILE_PATH, 'rb') try:'Starting ftps file upload') ftps.storbinary('STOR test_upload.exe', file) except EOFError as e:'EOF Error: {e}') except Exception as e:'Exception caught when uploading file. Error: {e}') ftps.quit() file.close()
def run_upload_test(self): #Runs test log = logger.attach_to_logger(__name__)'Starting: Upload Maximum Test') bandwidthup = "10000000" #10mbs, an easy value for testing the feature bandwidthdown = "10000000" call(["sc", "stop", "Killer Network Service x64" ]) #Stops killer network service via command line #Now that killer network service is stopped, user.xml can be updated tree = ET.parse( 'C:/ProgramData/RivetNetworks/Killer/user.xml' ) #Loads file, the files location should be consistent across all computers due to Killer's install process root = tree.getroot() #Gets root out of the tree parse sh = root.find('NetworkInfos') #Finds parent networkinfo = sh.find( 'NetworkInfo' ) #Finds child which contains the attributes we are looking for networkinfo.set('BandwidthUp', bandwidthup) #Updates bandwidth upload max speed value networkinfo.set('BandwidthDown', bandwidthdown) #Updates bandwidth download max speed tree.write('C:/ProgramData/RivetNetworks/Killer/user.xml' ) #Overrides the old user.xml file with a new updated file. #Now we need to start Killer and see if change is made call(["sc", "start", "Killer Network Service x64" ]) #Starts killer network service via command line global driver driver = webdriver.Chrome( executable_path='chromedriver.exe') #Logs in as a chrome user driver.get('' ) #Opens up killer's speed test via chrome id_box = driver.find_element_by_xpath( '//*[@id="main-content"]/div[1]/div/button' ) #Isolates the "go" button #clicks go button time.sleep(60) #waits for test to be completed upload_element = driver.find_element_by_xpath( '//*[@id="root"]/div/div[2]/div[2]/main/div[2]/div[2]/div[2]/div[2]/div/div/span' ) #Grabs upload element via xpath uploadSpeed = upload_element.text #Grabs upload speed from element #Adds data to log for debugging'Upload Speed: ' + str(uploadSpeed)) #Converts from mb to bits uploadSpeed = float(uploadSpeed) * 1000000 uploadError = 0.93 - uploadSpeed / float( bandwidthup ) #Killer automatically sets the max bandwidth to 93% of value set so the error formula reflects that #Adds data to log for debugging'Upload Error: ' + str(uploadError)) #Now the script determines if the test failed and returns info to Jenkins #Error < 1% = Perfect pass #Error < 3% = Pass with warning #Error > 3% = Fail if uploadError > 0.03 or uploadError < -0.03: raise Exception('Upload error greater than 3%') elif uploadError > 0.01 or uploadError < -0.01:"Upload error greater than 1%") else:"Upload error within 1%")
def __init__(self): #Initializes log log = logger.attach_to_logger(__name__)'Starting: Bandwidth Maximum Test')
def main(self, vm_input, vm_job, vm_snapshot_name, precautionary): log = logger.attach_to_logger(__name__)'Starting Operation: ' + vm_job + " " + vm_input) inputs = { 'vcenter_ip': '', 'vcenter_password': '******', 'vcenter_user': '******', 'vm_name': str(vm_input), # operation in 'create/remove/revert/ # list_all/list_current/remove_all' 'operation': str(vm_job), 'snapshot_name': str(vm_snapshot_name), 'ignore_ssl': True } #Holds the data needed to log in si = None #holds login token"Connecting to VMWare Server...")"Trying to connect to VCENTER SERVER . . .") context = None #Will hold ssl token if inputs['ignore_ssl'] and hasattr( ssl, "_create_unverified_context" ): #If the connection needs to be unverified context = ssl._create_unverified_context( ) #Make the context unverified si = connect.Connect(inputs['vcenter_ip'], 443, inputs['vcenter_user'], inputs['vcenter_password'], sslContext=context) #Login token atexit.register( Disconnect, si ) #Checks if the status is still disconnected to the vmware server"Connection Affirmed")"Connected to VCENTER SERVER !") content = si.RetrieveContent( ) #now that si is connected, refresh the context operation = inputs[ 'operation'] #grabs what operation the software will be performing from inputs vm_name = inputs[ 'vm_name'] #grabs the name of the vm the operation will be performed on vm = self.get_obj(content, [vim.VirtualMachine], vm_name) #Creates a vm obj to perform tasks on if not vm: #If that vm doesn't match a real vm, fail the test"Virtual Machine %s doesn't exists" % vm_name) raise Exception("Virtual Machine %s doesn't exists" % vm_name) if operation != 'create' and vm.snapshot is None: #If there is no snapshot and the operation isn't to create one, fail test"Virtual Machine %s doesn't have any snapshots" % if precautionary == False: raise Exception( "Virtual Machine %s doesn't have any snapshots" % if operation == 'create': #If operation is create, take a snapshot snapshot_name = inputs['snapshot_name'] description = "Test snapshot" dumpMemory = False quiesce = False"Creating snapshot %s for virtual machine %s" % (snapshot_name, WaitForTask( vm.CreateSnapshot(snapshot_name, description, dumpMemory, quiesce)) #Warning: VMware only supports one snapshot at a time elif operation in [ 'remove', 'revert' ]: #If the plan is to remove a snapshot or revert, check if there is a snapshot with the given name snapshot_name = inputs['snapshot_name'] snap_obj = self.get_snapshots_by_name_recursively( vm.snapshot.rootSnapshotList, snapshot_name) # if len(snap_obj) is 0; then no snapshots with specified name if len(snap_obj) == 1: snap_obj = snap_obj[0].snapshot if operation == 'remove':"Removing snapshot %s" % snapshot_name) WaitForTask(snap_obj.RemoveSnapshot_Task(True)) else:"Reverting to snapshot %s" % snapshot_name) WaitForTask(snap_obj.RevertToSnapshot_Task()) vm.PowerOn() #turns on vm after revert completed else:"No snapshots found with name: %s on VM: %s" % (snapshot_name, if precautionary == False: raise Exception( "No snapshots found with name: %s on VM: %s" % (snapshot_name, elif operation == 'list_all': #This task is not currently in use but is left for possible future use"Display list of snapshots on virtual machine %s" % snapshot_paths = self.list_snapshots_recursively( vm.snapshot.rootSnapshotList) for snapshot in snapshot_paths: elif operation == 'activate_node': WaitForTask(vm.PowerOn()) self.logIn( elif operation == 'list_current': #This task is not currently in use but is left for possible future use current_snapref = vm.snapshot.currentSnapshot current_snap_obj = self.get_current_snap_obj( vm.snapshot.rootSnapshotList, current_snapref) current_snapshot = "Name: %s; Description: %s; " \ "CreateTime: %s; State: %s" % ( current_snap_obj[0].name, current_snap_obj[0].description, current_snap_obj[0].createTime, current_snap_obj[0].state)"Virtual machine %s current snapshot is:" % elif operation == 'remove_all': #This task is not currently in use but is left for possible future use"Removing all snapshots for virtual machine %s" % WaitForTask(vm.RemoveAllSnapshots()) else:"Specify operation in " "create/remove/revert/list_all/list_current/remove_all")
def __init__(self): #Initializes log log = logger.attach_to_logger(__name__)'Starting: Snapshot Job')
def run_test(self): #Runs test log = logger.attach_to_logger(__name__) bandwidthup = "100000000" #100mbs, an easy value for testing the feature bandwidthdown = "100000000""Turning off Killer Networking Service") call(["sc", "stop", "Killer Network Service x64" ]) #Stops killer network service via command line call(["sc", "stop", "KfeCoSvc"]) call([ "reg", "add", R"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\KfeCoSvc\Parameters", "/v", "BypassLocalLan", "/t", "REG_DWORD", "/d", "0" ])"Lan Exceptions registry key remade") #Now that killer network service is stopped, user.xml can be updated tree = ET.parse( 'C:/ProgramData/RivetNetworks/Killer/user.xml' ) #Loads file, the files location should be consistent across all computers due to Killer's install process root = tree.getroot() #Gets root out of the tree parse sh = root.find('NetworkInfos') #Finds parent networkinfo = sh.find( 'NetworkInfo' ) #Finds child which contains the attributes we are looking for networkinfo.set('BandwidthUp', bandwidthup) #Updates bandwidth upload max speed value networkinfo.set( 'BandwidthDown', bandwidthdown) #Updates bandwith download max speed value tree.write('C:/ProgramData/RivetNetworks/Killer/user.xml' ) #Overrides the old user.xml file with a new updated file. #Now we need to start Killer and see if change is made call(["sc", "start", "Killer Network Service x64" ]) #Starts killer network service via command line call(["sc", "start", "KfeCoSvc"]) log = logger.attach_to_logger(__name__)'Attempting to log in:') call([ "psexec", "\\\\", "-u", "test", "-p", "test", "C:/Users/test/Desktop/iperf-3.0.11-win64/iperf3.exe", "-s" ])'logged in')'Server Client running') time.sleep(15) command = ["iperf3.exe", "-c", "", "-t", "60"] result =, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) output = str(result)"Iperf Test Output:" + output) index = output.rfind('bits')[index - 1]) if (output[index - 1] == "M"):"In Megabits")"Download Speed: " + output[index - 6:index]) downloadSpeed = float(output[index - 6:index - 2]) uploadSpeedString = output[1:index - 9] index = uploadSpeedString.rfind('bits')[index - 1]) if (uploadSpeedString[index - 1] == "M"):"In Megabits")"Upload Speed: " + uploadSpeedString[index - 6:index]) uploadSpeed = float(uploadSpeedString[index - 6:index - 2])'Download Speed: ' + str(downloadSpeed)) #Adds data to log for debugging'Upload Speed: ' + str(uploadSpeed)) downloadSpeed = downloadSpeed * 1000000 #Converts from mb to bits uploadSpeed = uploadSpeed * 1000000 downloadError = 0.93 - downloadSpeed / float( bandwidthdown) #Finds the % off the test was uploadError = 0.93 - uploadSpeed / float( bandwidthup ) #Killer automatically sets the max bandwidth to 93% of value set so the error formula reflects that'Download Error: ' + str(downloadError)) #Adds data to log for debugging'Upload Error: ' + str(uploadError)) #Now the script determines if the test failed and returns info to Jenkins #Error < 1% = Perfect pass #Error < 3% = Pass with warning #Error > 3% = Fail if downloadError > -0.01 and downloadError < 0.01: #If download error passes perfectly if uploadError > -0.01 and uploadError < 0.01: #If upload error also passes perfectly, pass test return 'PASS' elif uploadError > -0.03 and uploadError < 0.03: return 'WARN due to upload speed error being bigger than 1%' else: raise Exception( "Test failed because of upload speed error being > 3%") elif downloadError > -0.03 and downloadError < 0.03: #If within 3%, Warn if uploadError > 0.03 or uploadError < -0.03: raise Exception( "Test failed because of upload speed error being > 3%") elif uploadError > -0.01 and uploadError < 0.01: return 'WARN due to download speed error being > 1%' else: return 'WARN due to both download and upload speed error being > 1%' else: #If > 3% error fail the test if uploadError > -0.01 and uploadError < 0.01: raise Exception( "Test failed because of download error being > 0.03 but upload error is less than 1%" ) elif uploadError > -0.03 and uploadError < 0.03: raise Exception( 'Test failed because of download error being > 0.03 but upload error is less than 3%' ) else: raise Exception( 'Test failed because both upload and download error are > 3%' )
def __init__(self): #Initializes log log = logger.attach_to_logger(__name__)'Starting: Iperf Test')