def printstats(stats): if not isinstance(stats, list): stats = [stats] a = [ 'headerline', 'Dim', 'Size', 'K', 'Var', 'NClus', 'IdxName', 'Cost', 'Average QueryTime', 'Average Calcs', 'Precision', 'Recall' ] final = [a] for s in stats: if 'synthetic' in c = a = [ 'statline', c.D, c.S, c.K, c['variance'], c['nclus'],, s.cost, s.querytime, s.average, s.precision, s.recall ] final.append(a) else: pass ### TODO for s in final: printl('\t'.join([str(x) for x in s])) # for s in final: # print("\t".join([str(s) for s in s])) return final
def wrapper(*args, **kw): ts = time.time() result = func(*args, **kw) te = time.time() if len(args) > 0 and 'Data' == args[0].__class__.__name__: printl('func<%r %s %s> took: %2.4f sec' % (func.__name__, args[0].cfg.S, args[0].cfg.D, te - ts)) else: printl('func<%r> took: %2.4f sec' % (func.__name__, te - ts)) return result
def process(data, overwriteindex=False, overwritebench=False): indextype = data.cfg['mstype'] indextype = MSTypeEnum.prog(indextype) print("---------------------------------------", data.cfg['mstype'], indextype) bprog = "build-%s-vectors" % indextype #specify the prog to use qprog = "query-%s-vectors" % indextype #specify the query prog to use if overwriteindex or not os.path.exists(data.msindexfilepath): ### annoyingly it seems the build has a filename limit ### make a temp file then rename __, of = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=data.datadir, prefix='tt{}_{}_'.format( data.cfg.S, data.cfg.D)) cmd = [ bprog, data.msbinfilepath, "0", of, '3', # bucket size '3', '3' ] runordel(cmd, data.msbuildbenchfilepath, outtofile=data.msbuildbenchfilepath, overwrite=overwriteindex, printcmd=True) printl('renaming idx\n$> mv {} {}'.format(of, data.msindexfilepath)) os.rename(of, data.msindexfilepath) cmd = [qprog, data.msindexfilepath] if not os.path.exists(data.msbenchfilepath) or overwritebench: if data.cfg['mstype'] == MSTypeEnum.prunedmvp: cmdstr = "(time %s %s %d %f) < %s 1<&- 2> %s " % ( qprog, data.msindexfilepath, data.cfg.D, data.cfg['prune_threshold'], data.qmsvecfilepath, data.msbenchfilepath) pst = PMSStatter(data.getFoldedFiles('msbenchfilepath'), data) mean = pst.meanofall var = pst.varofall dev = pst.devofall print("FFFF", mean, var, dev) cmdstr = "(time %s %s %d %f %f %f %f) < %s 1<&- 2> %s " % ( qprog, data.msindexfilepath, data.cfg.D, data.cfg['prune_threshold'], mean, var, dev, data.qmsvecfilepath, data.msbenchfilepath) else: cmdstr = "(time %s %s) < %s 1<&- 2> %s " % ( qprog, data.msindexfilepath, data.qmsvecfilepath, data.msbenchfilepath) print(cmdstr) call(cmdstr, shell=True)
def run(cmd, stdout=sys.stdout, stdin=None, stderr=None, printcmd=False): cmd = [str(x) for x in cmd] if printcmd: printl('\n$>', " ".join(cmd), " > ",, '\n') oargs = {} if stdin is not None: oargs = {'stdin': stdin} if stderr is not None: oargs = {'stderr': stderr} processcomplete =, stdout=stdout, **oargs) try: processcomplete.check_returncode() except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: printe("Error running process", " ".join(cmd), " > ", raise e
import runlsh import runkd import genGauss from logger import printl, addLogFile overwrite = True if len(sys.argv) == 1: sys.argv = sysarg.args(__file__) args, unknown = sysarg.getParsed(sys.argv, True) cfg = config.Config(vars(args)) data = dh.Data(cfg) addLogFile(data.logfile) printl('-#--------------------------------------#-') printl(cfg) genGauss.process(data) printl("@@@@ Running LSH @@@@") runlsh.process(data, overwrite) printl("@@@@ Running KD @@@@") runkd.fullprocess(data, overwrite) # N0692-ZY350-78988-0XAK6-992NN ls = lyz.FileStatter(data.lshbenchfilepath) lsh = lyz.FileStatter(data.lshrfilepath) kd = lyz.FileStatter(data.kdbenchfilepath) ls.print() printl("############") lsh.print() printl("############")