Пример #1
    def do_loop_analysis(self):
        entries = [e for (e, tag, nm, args) in self.entries]
        self.loop_data = {}

        graph = self.mk_node_graph()
        comps = logic.tarjan(graph, entries)
        self.tarjan_order = []

        for (head, tail) in comps:
            if not tail and head not in graph[head]:
            trace('Loop (%d, %s)' % (head, tail))

            loop_set = set(tail)

            r = self.force_single_loop_return(head, loop_set)
            if r != None:

            self.loop_data[head] = ('Head', loop_set)
            for t in tail:
                self.loop_data[t] = ('Mem', head)

        # put this in first-to-last order.
Пример #2
    def do_loop_analysis(self):
        entries = [e for (e, tag, nm, args) in self.entries]
        self.loop_data = {}

        graph = self.mk_node_graph()
        comps = logic.tarjan(graph, entries)
        self.tarjan_order = []

        for (head, tail) in comps:
            if not tail and head not in graph[head]:
            trace("Loop (%d, %s)" % (head, tail))

            loop_set = set(tail)

            r = self.force_single_loop_return(head, loop_set)
            if r != None:

            self.loop_data[head] = ("Head", loop_set)
            for t in tail:
                self.loop_data[t] = ("Mem", head)

                # put this in first-to-last order.
Пример #3
	def get_loops_within (ns):
		graph = dict ([(n, p.nodes[n].get_conts ()) for n in ns])
		graph['ENTRYPOINT'] = list (ns)
		for n in ns:
			for c in p.nodes[n].get_conts ():
				graph.setdefault (c, [])
		res = logic.tarjan (graph, ['ENTRYPOINT'])
		return [(head, tail) for (head, tail) in res if tail]
Пример #4
def loop_inner_loops(p, head):
    loop_set_all = p.loop_body(head)
    loop_set = set(loop_set_all) - set([head])
    graph = dict([(n, [c for c in p.nodes[n].get_conts() if c in loop_set]) for n in loop_set_all])

    comps = logic.tarjan(graph, [head])
    assert sum([1 + len(t) for (_, t) in comps]) == len(loop_set_all)
    return [comp for comp in comps if comp[1]]
Пример #5
def loop_body_inner_loops(p, head, loop_body):
    loop_set_all = set(loop_body)
    loop_set = loop_set_all - set([head])
    graph = dict([(n, [c for c in p.nodes[n].get_conts() if c in loop_set])
                  for n in loop_set_all])

    comps = logic.tarjan(graph, [head])
    assert sum([1 + len(t) for (_, t) in comps]) == len(loop_set_all)
    return [comp for comp in comps if comp[1]]
Пример #6
def get_graph_loops(nodes):
    graph = dict([(n, [c for c in nodes[n].get_conts() if type(c) != str]) for n in nodes])
    graph["ENTRY"] = list(nodes)
    comps = logic.tarjan(graph, ["ENTRY"])
    comp_ids = {}
    for (head, tail) in comps:
        comp_ids[head] = head
        for n in tail:
            comp_ids[n] = head
    loops = set([(n, n2) for n in graph for n2 in graph[n] if comp_ids[n] == comp_ids[n2]])
    return loops
Пример #7
def check_no_inner_loop (head, tail, graph, p):
	graph = dict ([(x, [y for y in graph[x] if y in tail])
		for x in [head] + tail])

	comps2 = logic.tarjan (graph, [head])
	assert sum([1 + len (t) for (_, t) in comps2]) == 1 + len (tail)
	subs = [comp2 for comp2 in comps2 if comp2[1]]
	if subs:
		trace ('Aborting %s, complex loop' % p.name)
		trace ('  sub-loops %s of %s' % (subs, (head, tail)))
		for (h, _) in subs:
			trace ('    head %d tagged %s' % (h, p.node_tags[h]))
		raise Abort ()
Пример #8
def get_graph_loops(nodes):
    graph = dict([(n, [c for c in nodes[n].get_conts() if type(c) != str])
                  for n in nodes])
    graph['ENTRY'] = list(nodes)
    comps = logic.tarjan(graph, ['ENTRY'])
    comp_ids = {}
    for (head, tail) in comps:
        comp_ids[head] = head
        for n in tail:
            comp_ids[n] = head
    loops = set([(n, n2) for n in graph for n2 in graph[n]
                 if comp_ids[n] == comp_ids[n2]])
    return loops
Пример #9
def get_recursion_identifiers(funs, extra_unfolds=[]):
    idents = {}
    del recursion_trace[:]
    graph = dict([(f, list(functions[f].function_calls())) for f in functions])
    fs = funs
    fs2 = set()
    while fs2 != fs:
        fs2 = fs
        fs = set.union(
            set([f for f in graph if [f2 for f2 in graph[f] if f2 in fs2]]),
            set([f2 for f in fs2 for f2 in graph[f]]), fs2)
    graph = dict([(f, graph[f]) for f in fs])
    entries = list(fs - set([f2 for f in graph for f2 in graph[f]]))
    comps = logic.tarjan(graph, entries)
    for (head, tail) in comps:
        if tail or head in graph[head]:
            group = [head] + list(tail)
            idents2 = compute_recursion_idents(group, extra_unfolds)
    return idents
Пример #10
def get_recursion_identifiers (funs, extra_unfolds = []):
	idents = {}
	del recursion_trace[:]
	graph = dict ([(f, list (functions[f].function_calls ()))
		for f in functions])
	fs = funs
	fs2 = set ()
	while fs2 != fs:
		fs2 = fs
		fs = set.union (set ([f for f in graph if [f2 for f2 in graph[f]
				if f2 in fs2]]),
			set ([f2 for f in fs2 for f2 in graph[f]]), fs2)
	graph = dict ([(f, graph[f]) for f in fs])
	entries = list (fs - set ([f2 for f in graph for f2 in graph[f]]))
	comps = logic.tarjan (graph, entries)
	for (head, tail) in comps:
		if tail or head in graph[head]:
			group = [head] + list (tail)
			idents2 = compute_recursion_idents (group,
			idents.update (idents2)
	return idents
Пример #11
	def do_loop_analysis (self,skipInnerLoopCheck=False):
		entries = [e for (e, tag, nm, args) in self.entries]
		self.loop_data = {}
		self.loop_splittables = {}

		graph = dict([(n, [c for c in self.nodes[n].get_conts ()
				if type (c) != str])
			for n in self.nodes])
		comps = logic.tarjan (graph, entries)
		self.tarjan_order = []

		for (head, tail) in comps:
			self.tarjan_order.append (head)
			self.tarjan_order.extend (tail)
			if not tail and head not in graph[head]:
			trace ('Loop (%d, %s)' % (head, tail))
			if not skipInnerLoopCheck:
				check_no_inner_loop (head, tail, graph, self)

			loop_set = set (tail)
			loop_set.add (head)

			r = self.force_single_loop_return (head, loop_set)
			if r != None:
				tail.append (r)
				loop_set.add (r)
				self.tarjan_order.append (r)
				self.compute_preds ()

			self.loop_data[head] = ('Head', loop_set)
			for t in tail:
				self.loop_data[t] = ('Mem', head)

			self.add_loop_splittables (head, loop_set)

		# put this in first-to-last order.
		self.tarjan_order.reverse ()
Пример #12
def immediate_stack_bounds_loop(immed):
    graph = dict([(k, immed[k][1].keys()) for k in immed])
    graph['ENTRY'] = list(immed)
    comps = logic.tarjan(graph, ['ENTRY'])
    rec_comps = [[x] + y for (x, y) in comps if y]
    return rec_comps
Пример #13
def immediate_stack_bounds_loop (immed):
	graph = dict ([(k, immed[k][1].keys ()) for k in immed])
	graph['ENTRY'] = list (immed)
	comps = logic.tarjan (graph, ['ENTRY'])
	rec_comps = [[x] + y for (x, y) in comps if y]
	return rec_comps