Пример #1
 def suppose_empty(self, concept):
     f = self.domain.concepts[concept].formula
         ForAll(free_variables(f), Not(f))
Пример #2
                _implies_cache[key] = True
                # no caching of unknown results
                print "z3 returned: {}".format(res)
                assert False
    return result

if __name__ == '__main__':
    S = UninterpretedSort('S')
    X, Y, Z = (Var(n, S) for n in ['X', 'Y', 'Z'])
    BinRel = FunctionSort(S, S, Boolean)
    leq = Const('leq', BinRel)
    transitive1 = ForAll((X, Y, Z),
                         Implies(And(leq(X, Y), leq(Y, Z)), leq(X, Z)))
    transitive2 = ForAll((X, Y, Z),
                         Or(Not(leq(X, Y)), Not(leq(Y, Z)), leq(X, Z)))
    transitive3 = Not(
        Exists((X, Y, Z), And(leq(X, Y), leq(Y, Z), Not(leq(X, Z)))))
    antisymmetric = ForAll((X, Y),
                           Implies(And(leq(X, Y), leq(Y, X), true), Eq(Y, X)))

    print z3_implies(transitive1, transitive2)
    print z3_implies(transitive2, transitive3)
    print z3_implies(transitive3, transitive1)
    print z3_implies(transitive3, antisymmetric)

    print z3_implies(true, Iff(transitive1, transitive2))
Пример #3
def close_formula(fmla):
    variables = list(lu.free_variables(fmla))
    if variables == []:
        return fmla
        return ForAll(variables, fmla)
Пример #4
    elif ((type(t) is ForAll and type(t.body) is And)
          or (type(t) is Exists and type(t.body) is Or)):
        return normalize_quantifiers(
            type(t.body)(*(type(t)(t.variables, x) for x in t.body)))

    elif type(t) in (ForAll, Exists):
        return type(t)(free_variables(t.body) & frozenset(t.variables),

        assert False, type(t)

def is_tautology_equality(t):
    """Returns True if t is Eq(x,x) for some x"""
    return type(t) is Eq and t.t1 == t.t2

if __name__ == '__main__':
    from logic import *
    s1 = UninterpretedSort('s1')
    s2 = UninterpretedSort('s2')
    X1 = Var('X', s1)
    X2 = Var('X', s2)
    f = ForAll([X1], Eq(X2, X2))
    assert free_variables(f) == {X2}
    assert free_variables(f, by_name=True) == set()
    assert free_variables(f.body) == {X2}
    assert free_variables(f.body, by_name=True) == {'X'}
Пример #5
 def _suppose_empty(self, concept):
     f = self.domain.concepts[concept].formula
     self.suppose_constraints.append(ForAll(free_variables(f), Not(f)))
Пример #6
def get_standard_combiners():
    T = TopSort()
    UnaryRelation = FunctionSort(T, Boolean)
    BinaryRelation = FunctionSort(T, T, Boolean)
    X, Y, Z = (Var(n, T) for n in ['X', 'Y', 'Z'])
    U = Var('U', UnaryRelation)
    U1 = Var('U1', UnaryRelation)
    U2 = Var('U2', UnaryRelation)
    B = Var('B', BinaryRelation)
    B1 = Var('B1', BinaryRelation)
    B2 = Var('B2', BinaryRelation)
    result = OrderedDict()

    result['none'] = ConceptCombiner([U], Not(Exists([X], U(X))))
    result['at_least_one'] = ConceptCombiner([U], Exists([X], U(X)))
    result['at_most_one'] = ConceptCombiner([U], ForAll([X,Y], Implies(And(U(X), U(Y)), Eq(X,Y))))

    result['node_necessarily'] = ConceptCombiner(
        [U1, U2],
        ForAll([X], Implies(U1(X), U2(X))),
    result['node_necessarily_not'] = ConceptCombiner(
        [U1, U2],
        ForAll([X], Implies(U1(X), Not(U2(X)))),

    result['mutually_exclusive'] = ConceptCombiner(
        [U1, U2],
        ForAll([X, Y], Not(And(U1(X), U2(Y))))

    result['all_to_all'] = ConceptCombiner(
        [B, U1, U2],
        ForAll([X,Y], Implies(And(U1(X), U2(Y)), B(X,Y)))
    result['none_to_none'] = ConceptCombiner(
        [B, U1, U2],
        ForAll([X,Y], Implies(And(U1(X), U2(Y)), Not(B(X,Y))))
    result['total'] = ConceptCombiner(
        [B, U1, U2],
        ForAll([X], Implies(U1(X), Exists([Y], And(U2(Y), B(X,Y)))))
    result['functional'] = ConceptCombiner(
        [B, U1, U2],
        ForAll([X, Y, Z], Implies(And(U1(X), U2(Y), U2(Z), B(X,Y), B(X,Z)), Eq(Y,Z)))
    result['surjective'] = ConceptCombiner(
        [B, U1, U2],
        ForAll([Y], Implies(U2(Y), Exists([X], And(U1(X), B(X,Y)))))
    result['injective'] = ConceptCombiner(
        [B, U1, U2],
        ForAll([X, Y, Z], Implies(And(U1(X), U1(Y), U2(Z), B(X,Z), B(Y,Z)), Eq(X,Y)))

    result['node_info'] = ['none', 'at_least_one', 'at_most_one']
    if False:
        # this just slows us down, and it's not clear it's needed
        # later this should be made customizable by the user
        result['edge_info'] = ['all_to_all', 'none_to_none', 'total',
                               'functional', 'surjective', 'injective']
        result['edge_info'] = ['all_to_all', 'none_to_none']

    result['node_label'] = ['node_necessarily', 'node_necessarily_not']

    return result
Пример #7
def partial_function(rel):
    lsort, rsort = rel.sort.dom
    x, y, z = [
        Variable(n, s) for n, s in [('X', lsort), ('Y', rsort), ('Z', rsort)]
    return ForAll([x, y, z], Implies(And(rel(x, y), rel(x, z)), Equals(y, z)))
    nstar = Const('nstar', BinaryRelation)
    x = Const('x', S)
    y = Const('y', S)

    c11 = Concept('xy', [X], And(Eq(x, X), Eq(y, X)))
    c10 = Concept('x', [X], And(Eq(x, X), Not(Eq(y, X))))
    c01 = Concept('y', [X], And(Not(Eq(x, X)), Eq(y, X)))
    c00 = Concept('other', [X], And(Not(Eq(x, X)), Not(Eq(y, X))))

    cnstar = Concept('nstar', [X, Y], nstar(X, Y))
    cnplus = Concept('nplus', [X, Y], And(nstar(X, Y), Not(Eq(X, Y))))

    notexists = ConceptCombiner([U], Not(Exists([X], U(X))))
    exists = ConceptCombiner([U], Exists([X], U(X)))
    singleton = ConceptCombiner([U],
                                ForAll([X, Y],
                                       Implies(And(U(X), U(Y)), Eq(X, Y))))
    all_to_all = ConceptCombiner([U1, U2, B],
                                 ForAll([X, Y],
                                        Implies(And(U1(X), U2(Y)), B(X, Y))))

    cd = ConceptDomain(
            ('xy', c11),
            ('other', c00),
            ('x', c10),
            ('y', c01),
            ('nstar', cnstar),
            ('nplus', cnplus),
            ('notexists', notexists),