def test_004_normalizer_uuid(self): """ Verify that we get at least uuid tag """ testlog = {'raw': 'a minimal log line'} ln = LogNormalizer(self.normalizer_path) ln.lognormalize(testlog) self.assertTrue('uuid' in testlog.keys())
def test_007_normalizer_getsource(self): """ Verify we can retreive XML source of a normalizer. """ ln = LogNormalizer(self.normalizer_path) source = ln.get_normalizer_source('syslog-0.99') self.assertEquals(XMLfromstring(source).getroottree().getroot().get('name'), 'syslog')
def test_007_normalizer_getsource(self): """ Verify we can retreive XML source of a normalizer. """ ln = LogNormalizer(self.normalizer_path) source = ln.get_normalizer_source('syslog-1.0') self.assertEquals(XMLfromstring(source).getroottree().getroot().get('name'), 'syslog')
def test_001_all_normalizers_activated(self): """ Verify that we have all normalizer activated when we instanciate LogNormalizer with an activate dict empty. """ ln = LogNormalizer(self.normalizer_path) self.assertTrue(len(ln)) self.assertEqual(len([an[0] for an in ln.get_active_normalizers() if an[1]]), len(ln)) self.assertEqual(len(ln._cache), len(ln))
def test_005_normalizer_test_a_syslog_log(self): """ Verify that lognormalizer extracts syslog header as tags """ testlog = {'raw': 'Jul 18 08:55:35 naruto app[3245]: body message'} ln = LogNormalizer(self.normalizer_path) ln.lognormalize(testlog) self.assertTrue('uuid' in testlog.keys()) self.assertTrue('date' in testlog.keys()) self.assertEqual(testlog['body'], 'body message') self.assertEqual(testlog['program'], 'app') self.assertEqual(testlog['pid'], '3245')
def test_009_normalizer_multiple_version(self): """ Verify we can can deal with a normalizer with more than one version. """ fdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(self.normalizer_path, 'postfix.xml'), os.path.join(fdir, 'postfix.xml')) # Change normalizer version in fdir path xml = parse(os.path.join(fdir, 'postfix.xml')) xmln = xml.getroot() xmln.set('version', '1.0') xml.write(os.path.join(fdir, 'postfix.xml')) ln = LogNormalizer([self.normalizer_path, fdir]) self.assertEquals(XMLfromstring(ln.get_normalizer_source('postfix-0.99')).getroottree().getroot().get('version'), '0.99') self.assertEquals(XMLfromstring(ln.get_normalizer_source('postfix-1.0')).getroottree().getroot().get('version'), '1.0') shutil.rmtree(fdir)
def test_002_deactivate_normalizer(self): """ Verify that normalizer deactivation is working. """ ln = LogNormalizer(self.normalizer_path) active_n = ln.get_active_normalizers() to_deactivate = active_n.keys()[:2] for to_d in to_deactivate: del active_n[to_d] ln.set_active_normalizers(active_n) ln.reload() self.assertEqual(len([an[0] for an in ln.get_active_normalizers().items() if an[1]]), len(ln)-2) self.assertEqual(len(ln._cache), len(ln)-2)
def test_006_normalizer_test_a_syslog_log_with_syslog_deactivate(self): """ Verify that lognormalizer does not extract syslog header as tags when syslog normalizer is deactivated. """ testlog = {'raw': 'Jul 18 08:55:35 naruto app[3245]: body message'} ln = LogNormalizer(self.normalizer_path) active_n = ln.get_active_normalizers() to_deactivate = [n for n in active_n.keys() if n.find('syslog') >= 0] for n in to_deactivate: del active_n[n] ln.set_active_normalizers(active_n) ln.reload() ln.lognormalize(testlog) self.assertTrue('uuid' in testlog.keys()) self.assertFalse('date' in testlog.keys()) self.assertFalse('program' in testlog.keys())
def test_006_normalizer_test_a_syslog_log_with_syslog_deactivate(self): """ Verify that lognormalizer does not extract syslog header as tags when syslog normalizer is deactivated. """ testlog = {'raw': 'Jul 18 08:55:35 naruto app[3245]: body message'} ln = LogNormalizer(self.normalizer_path) active_n = ln.get_active_normalizers() del active_n['syslog'] ln.set_active_normalizers(active_n) ln.reload() ln.lognormalize(testlog) self.assertTrue('uuid' in testlog.keys()) self.assertFalse('date' in testlog.keys()) self.assertFalse('program' in testlog.keys())
def test_008_normalizer_multiple_paths(self): """ Verify we can can deal with multiple normalizer paths. """ fdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() sdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() for f in os.listdir(self.normalizer_path): path_f = os.path.join(self.normalizer_path, f) if os.path.isfile(path_f): shutil.copyfile(path_f, os.path.join(fdir, f)) shutil.move(os.path.join(fdir, 'postfix.xml'), os.path.join(sdir, 'postfix.xml')) ln = LogNormalizer([fdir, sdir]) source = ln.get_normalizer_source('postfix-0.99') self.assertEquals(XMLfromstring(source).getroottree().getroot().get('name'), 'postfix') self.assertTrue(ln.get_normalizer_path('postfix-0.99').__contains__(os.path.basename(sdir))) self.assertTrue(ln.get_normalizer_path('syslog-1.0').__contains__(os.path.basename(fdir))) xml_src = ln.get_normalizer_source('syslog-1.0') os.unlink(os.path.join(fdir, 'syslog.xml')) ln.reload() self.assertRaises(ValueError, ln.get_normalizer_path, 'syslog-1.0') ln.update_normalizer(xml_src, dir_path = sdir) self.assertTrue(ln.get_normalizer_path('syslog-1.0').__contains__(os.path.basename(sdir))) shutil.rmtree(fdir) shutil.rmtree(sdir)
def test_008_normalizer_multiple_paths(self): """ Verify we can can deal with multiple normalizer paths. """ fdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() sdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() for f in os.listdir(self.normalizer_path): path_f = os.path.join(self.normalizer_path, f) if os.path.isfile(path_f): shutil.copyfile(path_f, os.path.join(fdir, f)) shutil.move(os.path.join(fdir, 'postfix.xml'), os.path.join(sdir, 'postfix.xml')) ln = LogNormalizer([fdir, sdir]) source = ln.get_normalizer_source('postfix-0.99') self.assertEquals( XMLfromstring(source).getroottree().getroot().get('name'), 'postfix') self.assertTrue( ln.get_normalizer_path('postfix-0.99').__contains__( os.path.basename(sdir))) self.assertTrue( ln.get_normalizer_path('syslog-1.0').__contains__( os.path.basename(fdir))) xml_src = ln.get_normalizer_source('syslog-1.0') os.unlink(os.path.join(fdir, 'syslog.xml')) ln.reload() self.assertRaises(ValueError, ln.get_normalizer_path, 'syslog-1.0') ln.update_normalizer(xml_src, dir_path=sdir) self.assertTrue( ln.get_normalizer_path('syslog-1.0').__contains__( os.path.basename(sdir))) shutil.rmtree(fdir) shutil.rmtree(sdir)
def test_003_activate_normalizer(self): """ Verify that normalizer activation is working. """ ln = LogNormalizer(self.normalizer_path) active_n = ln.get_active_normalizers() to_deactivate = active_n.keys()[0] to_activate = to_deactivate del active_n[to_deactivate] ln.set_active_normalizers(active_n) ln.reload() # now deactivation should be done so reactivate active_n[to_activate] = True ln.set_active_normalizers(active_n) ln.reload() self.assertEqual(len([an[0] for an in ln.get_active_normalizers() if an[1]]), len(ln)) self.assertEqual(len(ln._cache), len(ln))
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more # details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA import os import timeit from logsparser.lognormalizer import LogNormalizer if __name__ == "__main__": path = os.environ['NORMALIZERS_PATH'] ln = LogNormalizer(path) def test(): l = {'raw' : "<29>Jul 18 08:55:35 naruto squid[3245]: 1259844091.407 307 TCP_MISS/200 1015 GET fbo DIRECT/ text/css" } l = ln.uuidify(l) ln.normalize(l) print "Testing speed ..." t = timeit.Timer("test()", "from __main__ import test") speed = t.timeit(100000)/100000 print "%.2f microseconds per pass, giving a theoretical speed of %i logs/s." % (speed * 1000000, 1 / speed) print "Testing speed with minimal normalization ..." ln.set_active_normalizers({'syslog' : True}) ln.reload() t = timeit.Timer("test()", "from __main__ import test")
if os.path.exists(PID_FILE_PATH): debugMessage(1, "Tamaauth is already running, exiting") exit(0) else: pid_file = open(PID_FILE_PATH, "w") pid_file.write(str(os.getpid())+"\n") pid_file.close() if len(sys.argv)>1: AUTH_LOG_PATH = sys.argv[1] debugMessage(2,"Parsing "+AUTH_LOG_PATH+" as auth.log") normalizer = LN('/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pylogsparser-0.4-py2.7.egg/share/logsparser/normalizers') engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine('sqlite:///'+AUTH_DB_PATH) Base = declarative_base() class Event (Base): __tablename__ = 'events' id = sqlalchemy.Column(sqlalchemy.Integer, primary_key=True) date = sqlalchemy.Column(sqlalchemy.DateTime) action = sqlalchemy.Column(sqlalchemy.String) user = sqlalchemy.Column(sqlalchemy.String) program = sqlalchemy.Column(sqlalchemy.String) source = sqlalchemy.Column(sqlalchemy.String) source_ip = sqlalchemy.Column(sqlalchemy.String)
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more # details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., # 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA import os import timeit from logsparser.lognormalizer import LogNormalizer if __name__ == "__main__": path = os.environ['NORMALIZERS_PATH'] ln = LogNormalizer(path) def test(): l = { 'raw': "<29>Jul 18 08:55:35 naruto squid[3245]: 1259844091.407 307 TCP_MISS/200 1015 GET fbo DIRECT/ text/css" } l = ln.uuidify(l) ln.normalize(l) print "Testing speed ..." t = timeit.Timer("test()", "from __main__ import test") speed = t.timeit(100000) / 100000 print "%.2f microseconds per pass, giving a theoretical speed of %i logs/s." % ( speed * 1000000, 1 / speed)
def test_003_activate_normalizer(self): """ Verify that normalizer activation is working. """ ln = LogNormalizer(self.normalizer_path) active_n = ln.get_active_normalizers() to_deactivate = active_n.keys()[0] to_activate = to_deactivate del active_n[to_deactivate] ln.set_active_normalizers(active_n) ln.reload() # now deactivation should be done so reactivate active_n[to_activate] = True ln.set_active_normalizers(active_n) ln.reload() self.assertEqual( len([an[0] for an in ln.get_active_normalizers() if an[1]]), len(ln)) self.assertEqual(len(ln._cache), len(ln))
def bleh(paths): n = LogNormalizer(paths) return n
import sys import re import timeit from logsparser.normalizer import Normalizer from logsparser.lognormalizer import LogNormalizer from lxml.etree import parse, DTD """Measuring normalizers validation time""" VERSION = 0.99 iterations = 5000 excl = ( # Exclusion list, skip these files "common_callBacks.xml", "common_tagTypes.xml", "normalizer.dtd", "normalizer.template") path = os.environ['NORMALIZERS_PATH'] norm = None # normalizer object ln = LogNormalizer(path) tested_logs = None class res: def __init__(self, it): self.nn = 0 # number of normalizers self.ts = 0.0 # times sum = it # number of iterations per normalizer self.rl = [] # results list (a list of dictionaries) def add_res(self, n, v, a, s): self.rl.append({ "name": n, "version": v, "author": a,
import os import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pylab # color palette from matplotlib import cm from logsparser.lognormalizer import LogNormalizer as LN import GeoIP normalizer = LN('/home/kura//.virtualenvs/ssh-attack-visualisation/share/logsparser/normalizers/') auth_logs = open('/home/kura/workspace/ssh-attack-visualisation/logs/auth.log.combined', 'r') locator = dataset = {} for log in auth_logs: l = {'raw' : log[:-1] } # remove the ending \n normalizer.normalize(l) if l.get('action') == 'fail': key = str(l['date'].hour).rjust(2,'0') +\ str(l['date'].minute).rjust(2,'0') +\ str(l['date'].second).rjust(2,'0') dataset[key] = dataset.get(key, {}) country_l = locator.country_code_by_addr(l['source_ip']) if country_l: country = country_l else: country = "Unknown" dataset[key][country] = dataset[key].get(country, 0) + 1 from mpl_toolkits.basemap import Basemap
if os.path.exists(PID_FILE_PATH): debugMessage(1, "Tamaauth is already running, exiting") exit(0) else: pid_file = open(PID_FILE_PATH, "w") pid_file.write(str(os.getpid()) + "\n") pid_file.close() if len(sys.argv) > 1: AUTH_LOG_PATH = sys.argv[1] debugMessage(2, "Parsing " + AUTH_LOG_PATH + " as auth.log") normalizer = LN( '/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pylogsparser-0.4-py2.7.egg/share/logsparser/normalizers' ) engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine('sqlite:///' + AUTH_DB_PATH) Base = declarative_base() class Event(Base): __tablename__ = 'events' id = sqlalchemy.Column(sqlalchemy.Integer, primary_key=True) date = sqlalchemy.Column(sqlalchemy.DateTime) action = sqlalchemy.Column(sqlalchemy.String) user = sqlalchemy.Column(sqlalchemy.String) program = sqlalchemy.Column(sqlalchemy.String) source = sqlalchemy.Column(sqlalchemy.String)