def execute(self, *args, **kwargs): if not args and not settings.TEST_DEFAULT_APPS: sys.exit('You must inform the application name to test. It can be a list of applications separated by commas.') # Setting test mode to the settings settings._TESTING = True # Sets a different database setting old_databases = settings.DATABASES.copy() for k in settings.DATABASES: settings.DATABASES[k]['name'] = settings.DATABASES[k]['name'] + '_test_' + get_random_string() # Creates the test database conn = get_connection(k, force_reopen=True) conn.create_database() # Default nose arguments argv = ['nosetests','--with-doctest','--verbosity=%s'%kwargs['verbosity']] if kwargs.get('with_coverage',None): argv.append('--with-coverage') if settings.TEST_ADDITIONAL_ARGS: argv.extend(settings.TEST_ADDITIONAL_ARGS) #if test_case: # argv.append('--testmatch=%s\.txt'%test_case) # FIXME: it's not working # Gets informed application bits = (args[0] if args else settings.TEST_DEFAULT_APPS).split(',') for app in load_apps(): if not [b for b in bits if b.split(':')[0] == app._app_in_london]: continue # TODO The sign ":" is for tell a specific test file instead of whole application. But this is not yet working. # Finds the test directory tests_dir = os.path.join(app.__path__[0], 'tests') if not os.path.exists(tests_dir): sys.exit('There is no folder "tests" in the given application.') sys.path.insert(0, tests_dir) argv.append('--where=' + tests_dir) # Finally, running the test program program = TestProgram(argv=argv, exit=False) # Drops the test databases for k in settings.DATABASES: conn = get_connection(k) conn.drop_database()
def app_pre_save(instance, **kwargs): instance['consumer_key'] = instance['consumer_key'] or get_random_string(32) instance['consumer_secret'] = instance['consumer_secret'] or get_random_string(32)
def execute(self, *args, **kwargs): load_apps() from london.apps.auth.models import User if kwargs.get('username', None): if User.query().filter(username=kwargs['username']).count(): sys.exit('User "%s" already exists.'%kwargs['username']) elif kwargs.get('email', None): if User.query().filter(email=kwargs['email']).count(): sys.exit('User with e-mail "%s" already exists.'%kwargs['email']) kwargs['username'] = slugify(kwargs['email']) fields = {} # Username if kwargs.get('username', None): fields['username'] = kwargs['username'] else: fields['username'] = raw_input('Username: '******'username'].strip(): print('Invalid username.') sys.exit(1) # Password if kwargs.get('password', None): fields['password'] = kwargs['password'] else: fields['password'] = raw_input('Password (empty for random generation): ') if not fields['password']: fields['password'] = get_random_string() print('The password "%s" was generated.'%fields['password']) elif fields['password'] != raw_input('... again, for confirmation: '): print('Password not apropriately confirmed.') sys.exit(1) # E-mail address if kwargs.get('email', None): fields['email'] = kwargs['email'] else: fields['email'] = raw_input('E-mail address: ') if not fields['email'].strip(): print('Invalid e-mail address.') sys.exit(1) # Is staff? if kwargs['is_staff']: fields['is_staff'] = kwargs['is_staff'] else: fields['is_staff'] = raw_input('Can access admin (staff)?: ').lower() == 'yes' # Is superuser? if kwargs['is_superuser']: fields['is_superuser'] = kwargs['is_superuser'] else: fields['is_superuser'] = raw_input('Superuser?: ').lower() == 'yes' # Checks if a user with that username already exists. if User.query().filter(username=fields['username']).count(): print('Another user exists with the username "%s".'%fields['username']) sys.exit(1) user = User.query().create(**fields) print('The user "%s" was created with password "%s"'%(fields['username'], fields['password']))