Пример #1
def get_result_CEMM(host, filename, send_file_OID, port):

    logger = logging.getLogger('get_result_CEMM')

    # SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.10403.94.101.1 = STRING: "FILE CREATED = /root/wmsmon/bin/CE_MM.txt"
    day, occ, num = None, None, None
    if (os.access(filename, os.F_OK) == True):
        file = open(filename)
        logger.error('Cannot open file = ' + filename)
        logger.info('Returning all None')
        return None, None, None

    std = file.readlines()

    for line in std:

        if line.find('"FILE CREATED =') != -1:
            ERRORFLAG = 0
                'The remote file was created succesfully. We can now try to get the CE_MM statistics'
            # We need here the long file collector function becaus we do not know a priori how long the file can be
            dataline = long_file_collector_func.long_file_collector(
                host, send_file_OID, port)
            if dataline.find('START') != -1 and dataline.find('END') != -1:
                logger.info('Found line with data, Trying to parse it.')
                logger.info('Dataline is : ' + dataline)
                occ = []
                num = []
                linesp = dataline.split(';')
                for i in range(0, len(linesp)):
                    stri = linesp[i]
                    stri = stri.strip().rstrip()
                    if stri.find('DATE') != -1:
                        day = stri.split('=')[1]
                        day = day.strip().rstrip()
                        if stri != 'START' and stri != 'END':
                            occ_num = stri.split(
                            )  # This list contains one entry the occurrence and ce number
                            if len(occ_num) >= 2:

                logger.info('No data found. Returning two empty lists')
                return None, None, None

        logger.error('Cannot open file = ' + filename)
        logger.info('Returning all None')
        return None, None, None
        return day, occ, num
Пример #2
def get_result_CEMM(host,filename,send_file_OID,port):

   logger = logging.getLogger('get_result_CEMM')

# SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.10403.94.101.1 = STRING: "FILE CREATED = /root/wmsmon/bin/CE_MM.txt"
   if (os.access(filename,os.F_OK) == True):
      file = open(filename)
      logger.error('Cannot open file = '+ filename)      
      logger.info('Returning all None')
      return None,None,None

   std = file.readlines()

   for line in std:

      if line.find('"FILE CREATED =') != -1:
         ERRORFLAG = 0
         logger.info('The remote file was created succesfully. We can now try to get the CE_MM statistics')
         # We need here the long file collector function becaus we do not know a priori how long the file can be
         dataline = long_file_collector_func.long_file_collector(host,send_file_OID,port)
         if dataline.find('START') != -1 and dataline.find('END') != -1:
            logger.info('Found line with data, Trying to parse it.')
            logger.info('Dataline is : ' + dataline)
            occ = [] 
            num = []
            linesp = dataline.split(';')
            for i in range(0,len(linesp)) :
               stri = linesp[i]
               stri = stri.strip().rstrip()
               if stri.find('DATE') != -1:
                  day = stri.split('=')[1]
                  day = day.strip().rstrip()
                  if stri != 'START' and stri != 'END' :
                     occ_num = stri.split()     # This list contains one entry the occurrence and ce number
                     if len(occ_num) >= 2: 

            logger.info('No data found. Returning two empty lists')
            return None,None,None

         logger.error('Cannot open file = '+ filename)
         logger.info('Returning all None')
         return None,None,None
         return day,occ,num
Пример #3
def get_LB_CE_stats(wmshost, lbhost, send_file_OID, port):

    logger = logging.getLogger('get_LB_CE_stats')

    # SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.10403.94.101.1 = STRING: "FILE CREATED = /root/wmsmon/bin/CE_MM.txt"

    filename = 'out_CE_stat_' + wmshost + '_' + lbhost + '_' + str(
        time.time()) + '.txt'

    logger.info('Opening file ' + filename + ' for writing')
        f = open(filename, 'w')
    except IOError:
        logger.info('Cannot open file ' + filename +
                    ' for writing.  Returning None')
        return None

    logger.info('We can now try to get the CE_stats file')
    # We need here the long file collector function becaus we do not know a priori how long the file can be

    #creating the web request

    cmd = "echo " + wmshost + " " + lbhost + " > /var/www/html/wmsmon/tmp/CEstat_request.txt"
    #calling the send file on the LB

    dataline = long_file_collector_func.long_file_collector(
        lbhost, send_file_OID, port)

    datalinesp = dataline.split(';')
    for line in datalinesp:
        line = line.strip().rstrip()
        if line != 'START' and line != 'END' and line != 'EOF':

            f.write(line + '\n')

    logger.info('Data got and written to file. Filename is: ' + filename)
    return filename
Пример #4
def get_LB_CE_stats(wmshost,lbhost,send_file_OID,port):

   logger = logging.getLogger('get_LB_CE_stats')

# SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.10403.94.101.1 = STRING: "FILE CREATED = /root/wmsmon/bin/CE_MM.txt"

   filename = 'out_CE_stat_' + wmshost + '_'  + lbhost + '_' + str(time.time()) + '.txt'

   logger.info('Opening file ' + filename + ' for writing')
      f = open(filename,'w')
   except IOError:
      logger.info('Cannot open file ' + filename + ' for writing.  Returning None')
      return None    

   logger.info('We can now try to get the CE_stats file')
   # We need here the long file collector function becaus we do not know a priori how long the file can be

   #creating the web request

   cmd = "echo " + wmshost + " " + lbhost + " > /var/www/html/wmsmon/tmp/CEstat_request.txt"
   #calling the send file on the LB

   dataline = long_file_collector_func.long_file_collector(lbhost,send_file_OID,port)

   datalinesp = dataline.split(';') 
   for line in datalinesp:
      line = line.strip().rstrip()
      if line != 'START' and line != 'END' and line != 'EOF':

         f.write(line + '\n')
   logger.info('Data got and written to file. Filename is: ' + filename)
   return filename
Пример #5
def get_WMS_usermap(host, send_file_OID, db, port):

    logger = logging.getLogger('get_WMS_usermap')

    # SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.10403.94.101.1 = STRING: "FILE CREATED = /root/wmsmon/bin/CE_MM.txt"

    filename = 'out_usermap_' + host + '_' + str(time.time()) + '.txt'

    logger.info('Opening file ' + filename + ' for writing')
        f = open(filename, 'w')
    except IOError:
        logger.info('Cannot open file ' + filename +
                    ' for writing.  Returning None')
        return None

    logger.info('We can now try to get the usermap file')
    # We need here the long file collector function becaus we do not know a priori how long the file can be
    dataline = long_file_collector_func.long_file_collector(
        host, send_file_OID, port)

    datalinesp = dataline.split(';')
    for line in datalinesp:
        line = line.strip().rstrip()
        if line != 'START' and line != 'END' and line != 'EOF':

            f.write(line + '\n')
            if len(line) > 1:
                print line
                vo_role = line[line[:line.rfind(' ')].rfind(' ') + 1:]
                print vo_role
                vo_role = vo_role.strip()
                vo_role = vo_role.rstrip()
                vo_rolesp = vo_role.split(' ')
                vo = vo_rolesp[0]
                role = vo_rolesp[1]
                user_dn = line[0:line.find(vo_role) - 1]
                user_dn = user_dn.strip()
                user_dn = user_dn.rstrip()
                logger.info("I found the following user: dn = " + user_dn +
                            "VO = " + vo + "group/role = " + role)
                    "Let's see if it is the case to isert it into the db for future mapping."
                myquery = '''select dn,vo,role_group from map_users where dn = "''' + user_dn + '''";'''
                logger.info('Query is: ' + myquery)
                r = db.store_result()
                row = r.fetch_row(10000)
                DATENOW = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime())
                if len(row) == 0:
                    # it's the first time the user is subtinng to this wms/lb pair with this vo and gruoup -> query to insert
                        "It's the first time this user is seen by the monitor inserting into the map_users table"
                    myquery = "insert into map_users (ID_REC, date, dn, vo, role_group) values ('NULL', '" + DATENOW + "'," + ''' "''' + user_dn + '''"''' + ", '" + vo + "', '" + role + "');"
                    logger.info('Query is: ' + myquery)
                        "User already present in map_users table. Let's check if VO/group is the same"
                    INSERT = True
                    for result in row:
                        if result[1] == vo and result[2] == role:
                            logger.info("Ok, same VO/group. Not inserting")
                            INSERT = False

                    if INSERT:
                        logger.info("This VO/group are not present inserting")
                        myquery = "insert into map_users (ID_REC, date, dn, vo, role_group) values ('NULL', '" + DATENOW + "'," + ''' "''' + user_dn + '''"''' + ", '" + vo + "', '" + role + "');"
                        logger.info('Query is: ' + myquery)

    logger.info('Data got and written to file')


    return filename
Пример #6
def get_WMS_usermap(host,send_file_OID,db,port):

   logger = logging.getLogger('get_WMS_usermap')

# SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.10403.94.101.1 = STRING: "FILE CREATED = /root/wmsmon/bin/CE_MM.txt"

   filename = 'out_usermap_' + host + '_' + str(time.time()) + '.txt'

   logger.info('Opening file ' + filename + ' for writing')
      f = open(filename,'w')
   except IOError:
      logger.info('Cannot open file ' + filename + ' for writing.  Returning None')
      return None    

   logger.info('We can now try to get the usermap file')
   # We need here the long file collector function becaus we do not know a priori how long the file can be
   dataline = long_file_collector_func.long_file_collector(host,send_file_OID,port)

   datalinesp = dataline.split(';') 
   for line in datalinesp:
      line = line.strip().rstrip()
      if line != 'START' and line != 'END' and line != 'EOF':

         f.write(line + '\n')
         if len(line) > 1:
            print line
            vo_role = line[line[:line.rfind(' ')].rfind(' ') + 1:]
            print vo_role
            vo_role = vo_role.strip()
            vo_role = vo_role.rstrip()
            vo_rolesp = vo_role.split(' ')
            vo = vo_rolesp[0]
            role = vo_rolesp[1]
            user_dn = line[0:line.find(vo_role) - 1]
            user_dn = user_dn.strip()
            user_dn = user_dn.rstrip()
            logger.info("I found the following user: dn = " + user_dn + "VO = " + vo + "group/role = " + role)
            logger.info("Let's see if it is the case to isert it into the db for future mapping.") 
            myquery = '''select dn,vo,role_group from map_users where dn = "''' + user_dn + '''";'''
            logger.info('Query is: ' + myquery)
            r = db.store_result()
            row = r.fetch_row(10000)
            DATENOW = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",time.localtime())
            if len(row) == 0:
               # it's the first time the user is subtinng to this wms/lb pair with this vo and gruoup -> query to insert
               logger.info("It's the first time this user is seen by the monitor inserting into the map_users table")
               myquery = "insert into map_users (ID_REC, date, dn, vo, role_group) values ('NULL', '" + DATENOW +  "'," + ''' "''' + user_dn + '''"''' + ", '" + vo + "', '" + role + "');"
               logger.info('Query is: ' + myquery)
               logger.info("User already present in map_users table. Let's check if VO/group is the same")
               INSERT = True
               for result in row:
                  if result[1] == vo and result[2] == role:
                     logger.info("Ok, same VO/group. Not inserting")
                     INSERT = False

               if INSERT:
                  logger.info("This VO/group are not present inserting")
                  myquery = "insert into map_users (ID_REC, date, dn, vo, role_group) values ('NULL', '" + DATENOW +  "'," + ''' "''' + user_dn + '''"''' + ", '" + vo + "', '" + role + "');"
                  logger.info('Query is: ' + myquery)

   logger.info('Data got and written to file')


   return filename