Пример #1
    def ieee_author_search_parser(author_name):
        Method to parse the list of publications and their authors from IEEE website into an array object, given the name of the author

        out_file = "data/ieee_author_search.xml"
        fout = open(out_file, "w")
        print >> fout, IEEE.ieee_author_search(author_name, kind="xml").encode("utf-8")

        tree = ET.parse(out_file)
        root_element = tree.getroot()

        publications = []

        for child1 in root_element:
            if child1.tag == "document":
                title = None
                authors = []
                publication = {}
                for child2 in child1:
                    if child2.tag == "title":
                        title = child2.text
                    elif child2.tag == "authors":
                        authors = IEEE_Parser.format_names_list(child2.text)
                if title is not None:
                    publication["title"] = title
                    publication["authors"] = authors

        return publications
Пример #2
    def ieee_author_search_parser(author_name):
        Method to parse the list of publications and their authors from IEEE website into an array object, given the name of the author

        out_file = "data/ieee_author_search.xml"
        fout = open(out_file, "w")
        print >> fout, IEEE.ieee_author_search(author_name,

        tree = ET.parse(out_file)
        root_element = tree.getroot()

        publications = []

        for child1 in root_element:
            if (child1.tag == 'document'):
                title = None
                authors = []
                publication = {}
                for child2 in child1:
                    if (child2.tag == 'title'):
                        title = child2.text
                    elif (child2.tag == 'authors'):
                        authors = IEEE_Parser.format_names_list(child2.text)
                if title is not None:
                    publication['title'] = title
                    publication['authors'] = authors

        return publications
from lookup.IEEE import IEEE
import json

fout = open("ieee_author_details.txt", "w")

def banner(msg):
    print >> fout, 70 * "="
    print >> fout, msg
    print >> fout, 70 * "=" 
author = 'Gregor von Laszewski'

banner("ieee author details xml")
print >> fout, IEEE.ieee_author_search(author, kind="xml").encode('utf-8')

banner("ieee author details json")
print >> fout, json.dumps(IEEE.ieee_author_search(author, kind="json"), indent=2).encode('utf-8')