Пример #1
    def orcid_author_search_parser(author_name):
        Method to parse the list of matching authors from ORCID website into an array object, given the name of the author

        out_file = "data/orcid_author_search.xml"
        fout = open(out_file, "w")
        print >> fout, ORCID.orcid_author_search(author_name,

        tree = ET.parse(out_file)
        root_element = tree.getroot()
        ns = '{http://www.orcid.org/ns/orcid}'

        authors = []

        for child1 in root_element:
            if (child1.tag == ns + 'orcid-search-results'):
                for child2 in child1:
                    if (child2.tag == ns + 'orcid-search-result'):
                        author = {'othernames': []}
                        for child3 in child2:
                            if (child3.tag == ns + 'orcid-profile'):
                                for child4 in child3:
                                    if (child4.tag == ns + 'orcid-identifier'):
                                        for child5 in child4:
                                            if (child5.tag == ns + 'path'):
                                                author['orcid'] = child5.text
                                    elif (child4.tag == ns + 'orcid-bio'):
                                        for child5 in child4:
                                            if (child5.tag == ns +
                                                for child6 in child5:
                                                    if (child6.tag == ns +
                                                            'firstname'] = child6.text
                                                    elif (child6.tag == ns +
                                                            'lastname'] = child6.text
                                                    elif (child6.tag == ns +
                                                        for child7 in child6:
                                                            if (child7.tag ==
                                                                    ns +

                        author = ORCID_Parser.generate_author_other_names(

        return authors
Пример #2
 def orcid_author_search_parser(author_name):
     Method to parse the list of matching authors from ORCID website into an array object, given the name of the author
     out_file = "data/orcid_author_search.xml"
     fout = open(out_file, "w")
     print >> fout, ORCID.orcid_author_search(author_name, kind="xml").encode('utf-8')
     tree = ET.parse(out_file)
     root_element = tree.getroot()
     ns = '{http://www.orcid.org/ns/orcid}'
     authors = []
     for child1 in root_element:
         if(child1.tag == ns + 'orcid-search-results'):
             for child2 in child1:
                 if(child2.tag == ns + 'orcid-search-result'):
                     author = {'othernames': []}
                     for child3 in child2:
                         if(child3.tag == ns + 'orcid-profile'):
                             for child4 in child3:
                                 if(child4.tag == ns + 'orcid-identifier'):
                                     for child5 in child4:
                                         if(child5.tag == ns + 'path'):
                                             author['orcid'] = child5.text
                                 elif(child4.tag == ns + 'orcid-bio'):
                                     for child5 in child4:
                                         if(child5.tag == ns + 'personal-details'):
                                             for child6 in child5:
                                                 if(child6.tag == ns + 'given-names'):
                                                     author['firstname'] = child6.text
                                                 elif(child6.tag == ns + 'family-name'):
                                                     author['lastname'] = child6.text
                                                 elif(child6.tag == ns + 'other-names'):
                                                     for child7 in child6:
                                                         if(child7.tag == ns + 'other-name'):
                     author = ORCID_Parser.generate_author_other_names(author)
     return authors
from lookup.ORCID import ORCID
import json

fout = open("orcid_author_details.txt", "w")

def banner(msg):
    print >> fout, 70 * "="
    print >> fout, msg
    print >> fout, 70 * "=" 
banner("orcid author details xml")
print >> fout, ORCID.orcid_author_get("0000-0001-9558-179X", kind="xml").encode('utf-8')

banner("orcid author details json")
print >> fout, json.dumps(ORCID.orcid_author_get("0000-0001-9558-179X", kind="json"), indent=2).encode('utf-8')

banner("orcid author works xml")
print >> fout, ORCID.orcid_author_works_get("0000-0001-9558-179X", kind="xml").encode('utf-8')

banner("orcid author works json")
print >> fout, json.dumps(ORCID.orcid_author_works_get("0000-0001-9558-179X", kind="json"), indent=2).encode('utf-8')
from lookup.ORCID import ORCID
import json

fout = open("orcid_author_details_by_name.txt", "w")

def banner(msg):
    print >> fout, 70 * "="
    print >> fout, msg
    print >> fout, 70 * "=" 
banner("orcid author details xml")
print >> fout, ORCID.orcid_author_search("gregor von laszewski", kind="xml").encode('utf-8')

banner("orcid author details json")
print >> fout, json.dumps(ORCID.orcid_author_search("gregor von laszewski", kind="json"), indent=2).encode('utf-8')
Пример #5
    def orcid_author_get_parser(orcid):
        Method to parse the author details from ORCID website into a dictionary object, given the orcid of the author

        out_file = "data/orcid_author_get.xml"
        fout = open(out_file, "w")
        print >> fout, ORCID.orcid_author_get(orcid,

        tree = ET.parse(out_file)
        root_element = tree.getroot()
        ns = '{http://www.orcid.org/ns/orcid}'

        author = {'othernames': [], 'urls': [], 'identifiers': []}

        for child1 in root_element:
            if (child1.tag == ns + 'orcid-profile'):
                for child2 in child1:
                    if (child2.tag == ns + 'orcid-identifier'):
                        for child3 in child2:
                            if (child3.tag == ns + 'path'):
                                author['orcid'] = child3.text
                    elif (child2.tag == ns + 'orcid-bio'):
                        for child3 in child2:
                            if (child3.tag == ns + 'personal-details'):
                                for child4 in child3:
                                    if (child4.tag == ns + 'given-names'):
                                        author['firstname'] = child4.text
                                    elif (child4.tag == ns + 'family-name'):
                                        author['lastname'] = child4.text
                                    elif (child4.tag == ns + 'other-names'):
                                        for child5 in child4:
                                            if (child5.tag == ns +
                            elif (child3.tag == ns + 'researcher-urls'):
                                for child4 in child3:
                                    if (child4.tag == ns + 'researcher-url'):
                                        for child5 in child4:
                                            if (child5.tag == ns + 'url'):
                            elif (child3.tag == ns + 'contact-details'):
                                for child4 in child3:
                                    if (child4.tag == ns + 'email'):
                                        author['email'] = child4.text
                            elif (child3.tag == ns + 'external-identifiers'):
                                for child4 in child3:
                                    if (child4.tag == ns +
                                        identifier = {}
                                        for child5 in child4:
                                            if (child5.tag == ns +
                                                key = None
                                                if (child5.text ==
                                                    key = 'ResearcherID'
                                                elif (child5.text ==
                                                      'Scopus Author ID'):
                                                    key = 'ScopusID'
                                            elif (child5.tag == ns +
                                                value = child5.text
                                        if key is not None:
                                            identifier[key] = value

        return author
Пример #6
    def orcid_author_works_get_parser(orcid):
        Method to parse the author works from ORCID website into a dictionary object, given the orcid of the author

        out_file = "data/orcid_author_works_get.xml"
        fout = open(out_file, "w")
        print >> fout, ORCID.orcid_author_works_get(orcid,

        tree = ET.parse(out_file)
        root_element = tree.getroot()
        ns = '{http://www.orcid.org/ns/orcid}'

        author = {'works': []}

        for child1 in root_element:
            if (child1.tag == ns + 'orcid-profile'):
                for child2 in child1:
                    if (child2.tag == ns + 'orcid-identifier'):
                        for child3 in child2:
                            if (child3.tag == ns + 'path'):
                                author['orcid'] = child3.text
                    elif (child2.tag == ns + 'orcid-activities'):
                        for child3 in child2:
                            if (child3.tag == ns + 'orcid-works'):
                                for child4 in child3:
                                    if (child4.tag == ns + 'orcid-work'):
                                        work = {
                                            'identifiers': [],
                                            'authorIDs': []
                                        for child5 in child4:
                                            if (child5.tag == ns +
                                                for child6 in child5:
                                                    if (child6.tag == ns +
                                                            'title'] = child6.text
                                            elif (child5.tag == ns +
                                                    'journalTitle'] = child5.text
                                            elif (child5.tag == ns +
                                                for child6 in child5:
                                                    if (child6.tag == ns +
                                                            'work-citation-type'] = child6.text
                                                    elif (child6.tag == ns +
                                                        citation = child6.text

                                                if (work['work-citation-type']
                                                        == 'bibtex'):
                                                        'authors'] = ORCID_Parser.get_authors_list_from_bibtex(
                                                elif (work[
                                                        'authors'] = ORCID_Parser.get_authors_list_from_unformattedtext(
                                            elif (child5.tag == ns +
                                                for child6 in child5:
                                                    if (child6.tag == ns +
                                                            'year'] = child6.text
                                            elif (child5.tag == ns +
                                                for child6 in child5:
                                                    if (child6.tag == ns +
                                                        identifier = {}
                                                        for child7 in child6:
                                                            if (child7.tag ==
                                                                    ns +
                                                                key = None
                                                                if (child7.text
                                                                    key = 'doi'
                                                            elif (child7.tag ==
                                                                  ns +
                                                                value = child7.text

                                                        if key is not None:
                                                                key] = value
                                                            work[key] = value

                                        if 'title' not in work:
                                            work['title'] = ''
                                        if 'doi' not in work:
                                            publications = IEEE_Parser.ieee_publication_search_parser(
                                            if (len(publications) == 1):
                                                for publication in publications:
                                                    work['doi'] = publication[
                                                work['doi'] = ''
                                        if 'authors' not in work:
                                            work['authors'] = []

        return author
Пример #7
def banner(msg):
    print 70 * "="
    print msg
    print 70 * "="    

banner("doi turtle")
print DOI.doi_get("10.1109/GCE.2010.5676126", kind="turle")

banner("doi bibtex")
print DOI.doi_get("10.1109/GCE.2010.5676126")

banner("doi json")
pprint(DOI.doi_get("10.1109/GCE.2010.5676126", kind="json"))

banner("ieee xml")
print IEEE.ieee_doi_get("10.1109/GCE.2010.5676126", kind="xml")

banner("ieee json")
print IEEE.ieee_doi_get("10.1109/GCE.2010.5676126", kind="json")

banner("orcid xml")
print ORCID.orcid_doi_get("10.1109/GCE.2010.5676126", kind="xml")

banner("orcid json")
print json.dumps(ORCID.orcid_doi_get("10.1109/GCE.2010.5676126", kind="json"), indent=2)

banner("crossref json")
pprint(CrossRef.crossref_doi_get("10.1109/GCE.2010.5676126", kind="json"))
Пример #8
 def orcid_author_get_parser(orcid):
     Method to parse the author details from ORCID website into a dictionary object, given the orcid of the author
     out_file = "data/orcid_author_get.xml"
     fout = open(out_file, "w")
     print >> fout, ORCID.orcid_author_get(orcid, kind="xml").encode('utf-8')
     tree = ET.parse(out_file)
     root_element = tree.getroot()
     ns = '{http://www.orcid.org/ns/orcid}'
     author = {'othernames': [], 'urls': [], 'identifiers': []}
     for child1 in root_element:
         if(child1.tag == ns + 'orcid-profile'):
             for child2 in child1:
                 if(child2.tag == ns + 'orcid-identifier'):
                     for child3 in child2:
                         if(child3.tag == ns + 'path'):
                             author['orcid'] = child3.text
                 elif(child2.tag == ns + 'orcid-bio'):
                     for child3 in child2:
                         if(child3.tag == ns + 'personal-details'):
                             for child4 in child3:
                                 if(child4.tag == ns + 'given-names'):
                                     author['firstname'] = child4.text
                                 elif(child4.tag == ns + 'family-name'):
                                     author['lastname'] = child4.text
                                 elif(child4.tag == ns + 'other-names'):
                                     for child5 in child4:
                                         if(child5.tag == ns + 'other-name'):
                         elif(child3.tag == ns + 'researcher-urls'):
                             for child4 in child3:
                                 if(child4.tag == ns + 'researcher-url'):
                                     for child5 in child4:
                                         if(child5.tag == ns + 'url'):
                         elif(child3.tag == ns + 'contact-details'):
                             for child4 in child3:
                                 if(child4.tag == ns + 'email'):
                                     author['email'] = child4.text
                         elif(child3.tag == ns + 'external-identifiers'):
                             for child4 in child3:
                                 if(child4.tag == ns + 'external-identifier'):
                                     identifier = {}
                                     for child5 in child4:
                                         if(child5.tag == ns + 'external-id-common-name'):
                                             key = None
                                             if(child5.text == 'ResearcherID'):
                                                 key = 'ResearcherID'
                                             elif(child5.text == 'Scopus Author ID'):
                                                 key = 'ScopusID'
                                         elif(child5.tag == ns + 'external-id-reference'):
                                             value = child5.text
                                     if key is not None:
                                         identifier[key] = value
     return author
Пример #9
 def orcid_author_works_get_parser(orcid):
     Method to parse the author works from ORCID website into a dictionary object, given the orcid of the author
     out_file = "data/orcid_author_works_get.xml"
     fout = open(out_file, "w")
     print >> fout, ORCID.orcid_author_works_get(orcid, kind="xml").encode('utf-8')
     tree = ET.parse(out_file)
     root_element = tree.getroot()
     ns = '{http://www.orcid.org/ns/orcid}'
     author = {'works': []}
     for child1 in root_element:
         if(child1.tag == ns + 'orcid-profile'):
             for child2 in child1:
                 if(child2.tag == ns + 'orcid-identifier'):
                     for child3 in child2:
                         if(child3.tag == ns + 'path'):
                             author['orcid'] = child3.text
                 elif(child2.tag == ns + 'orcid-activities'):
                     for child3 in child2:
                         if(child3.tag == ns + 'orcid-works'):
                             for child4 in child3:
                                 if(child4.tag == ns + 'orcid-work'):
                                     work = {'identifiers': [], 'authorIDs': []}
                                     for child5 in child4:
                                         if(child5.tag == ns + 'work-title'):
                                             for child6 in child5:
                                                 if(child6.tag == ns + 'title'):
                                                     work['title'] = child6.text
                                         elif(child5.tag == ns + 'journal-title'):
                                             work['journalTitle'] = child5.text
                                         elif(child5.tag == ns + 'work-citation'):
                                             for child6 in child5:
                                                 if(child6.tag == ns + 'work-citation-type'):
                                                     work['work-citation-type'] = child6.text
                                                 elif(child6.tag == ns + 'citation'):
                                                     citation = child6.text
                                             if(work['work-citation-type'] == 'bibtex'):
                                                 work['authors'] = ORCID_Parser.get_authors_list_from_bibtex(citation)
                                             elif(work['work-citation-type'] == 'formatted-unspecified'):
                                                 work['authors'] = ORCID_Parser.get_authors_list_from_unformattedtext(citation)
                                         elif(child5.tag == ns + 'publication-date'):
                                             for child6 in child5:
                                                 if(child6.tag == ns + 'year'):
                                                     work['year'] = child6.text
                                         elif(child5.tag == ns + 'work-external-identifiers'):
                                             for child6 in child5:
                                                 if(child6.tag == ns + 'work-external-identifier'):
                                                     identifier = {}
                                                     for child7 in child6:
                                                         if(child7.tag == ns + 'work-external-identifier-type'):
                                                             key = None
                                                             if(child7.text == 'doi'):
                                                                 key = 'doi'
                                                         elif(child7.tag == ns + 'work-external-identifier-id'):
                                                             value = child7.text
                                                     if key is not None:
                                                         identifier[key] = value
                                                         work[key] = value
                                     if 'title' not in work:
                                         work['title'] = ''
                                     if 'doi' not in work:
                                         publications = IEEE_Parser.ieee_publication_search_parser(work['title'])
                                         if(len(publications) == 1):
                                             for publication in publications:
                                                 work['doi'] = publication['doi']
                                             work['doi'] = ''
                                     if 'authors' not in work:
                                         work['authors'] = []
     return author