def create_app(env='Defaults'): """ Creates application. :returns: flask application instance """ app = Flask(__name__) cfgfile = os.environ.get('LOPOCS_SETTINGS') if cfgfile: app.config.update(load_yaml_config(cfgfile)) else: try: cfgfile = (Path(__file__).parent / '..' / 'conf' / 'lopocs.yml').resolve() except FileNotFoundError: app.logger.critical('no config file found !!') sys.exit(1) app.config.update(load_yaml_config(str(cfgfile))) app.logger.debug('loading config from {}'.format(cfgfile)) # load extensions if 'URL_PREFIX' in app.config: blueprint = Blueprint('api', __name__, url_prefix=app.config['URL_PREFIX']) else: blueprint = Blueprint('api', __name__) api.init_app(blueprint) app.register_blueprint(blueprint) Session.init_app(app) Config.init(app.config) if Config.STATS: Stats.init() return app
def create_app(env='Defaults'): """ Creates application. :returns: flask application instance """ app = Flask(__name__) cfgfile = os.environ.get('LOPOCS_SETTINGS') if cfgfile: app.config.update(load_yaml_config(cfgfile)) else: try: cfgfile = (Path(__file__).parent / '..' / 'conf' / 'lopocs.yml').resolve() except FileNotFoundError: logger.warning('no config file found !!') sys.exit(1) app.config.update(load_yaml_config(str(cfgfile))) print(str(cfgfile)) set_level(app.config['LOG_LEVEL']) logger.debug('loading config from {}'.format(cfgfile)) # load extensions if 'URL_PREFIX' in app.config: blueprint = Blueprint('api', __name__, url_prefix=app.config['URL_PREFIX']) else: blueprint = Blueprint('api', __name__) api.init_app(blueprint) app.register_blueprint(blueprint) Session.init_app(app) Config.init(app.config) if Config.STATS: Stats.init() return app
# open config file ymlconf_db = None with open(args.cfg, 'r') as f: try: ymlconf_db = yaml.load(f)['flask'] except: print("ERROR: ", sys.exc_info()[0]) f.close() sys.exit() app = type('', (), {})() app.config = ymlconf_db # open database Session.init_app(app) # build the hierarchy fullbbox = Session.boundingbox() bbox = [ fullbbox['xmin'], fullbbox['ymin'], fullbbox['zmin'], fullbbox['xmax'], fullbbox['ymax'], fullbbox['zmax'] ] print(fullbbox) lod_min = 0 lod_max = ymlconf_db['DEPTH'] - 1 bbox_str = '_'.join(str(e) for e in bbox) if args.t == "greyhound":