def test_get_paragraph(self): """Test :func:`lorem.get_paragraph`.""" with self.mock_pool: with self.mock_randint: paragraph = lorem.get_paragraph(count=1) self.assertEqual(paragraph, 'Lorem ipsum lorem ipsum. Lorem ipsum lorem ipsum. ' 'Lorem ipsum lorem ipsum. Lorem ipsum lorem ipsum. ' 'Lorem ipsum lorem ipsum.') with self.mock_pool: with self.mock_randint: paragraph = lorem.get_paragraph(count=(1, 3)) self.assertEqual(paragraph, 'Lorem ipsum lorem ipsum. Lorem ipsum lorem ipsum. ' 'Lorem ipsum lorem ipsum. Lorem ipsum lorem ipsum. ' 'Lorem ipsum lorem ipsum.')
def generate_post() -> dict: """ Generate random post @return: dict with title, short_description, image, full_description, user, posted """ dict_post = { 'title': '', 'short_description': '', 'image': '', 'full_description': '', 'user': 1, 'posted': False } fake = Faker(['en_US']) dict_post['title'] = get_word(count=1) dict_post['short_description'] = get_sentence(count=1, word_range=(4, 8), sep=' ') dict_post['image'] = fake.image_url() dict_post['full_description'] = get_paragraph(count=3, comma=(0, 2), word_range=(4, 8), sentence_range=(5, 10), sep=os.linesep) dict_post['user'] = random.randint(1, 2) dict_post['posted'] = random.choice([True, False]) return dict_post
def populate_comments(title_id, review_id, count=5): count = random.randint(0, count * 2) for i in range(count): username = random.choice(_get_users())["username"] URL_RDB + f"/titles/{title_id}/reviews/{review_id}/comments/", data={"text": lorem.get_paragraph()}, auth=(username, os.getenv("USER_PASSWORD")), )
def make_tags(): ''' Creates a limited # of tags. Roughly 50 ''''Making tags') new_tags = [] paragraph = lorem.get_paragraph() punctuation = '''!()-[]{};:'"\,<>./?@#$%^&*_~''' # punctuation to check against no_punctuation_paragraph = "" for char in paragraph: # loop over every character and if not in punctuation string\ if char not in punctuation: # then add it to no punctuation string, includes whitespace! no_punctuation_paragraph = \ no_punctuation_paragraph + char words = no_punctuation_paragraph.split(' ') # split into list of words words = set(words) # make unique words = list(words) # convert back to list for i in words: new_tags.append(Tag(name=i)) Tag.objects.bulk_create(new_tags) # profit'Making tags complete')
def getFakeReview(): return { fnames[0]: random.choice(companies), fnames[1]: str(uuid.uuid4())[:8], fnames[2]: str(uuid.uuid4())[:8], fnames[3]: random.choices(seniorities, weights=seniorities_weights, k=1)[0] + ' ' + random.choice(job_titles), fnames[4]: lorem.get_paragraph(count=random.randint(1, 3)), fnames[5]: max(int(random.gauss(1, 7)), 0), fnames[6]: max(int(random.gauss(1, 3)), 0), fnames[7]: max(int(random.gauss(1, 2)), 0), fnames[8]: max(int(random.gauss(1, 1)), 0), fnames[9]: random.choices(countryCodes)[0], }
def make_posts(post_qty): ''' post_qty: int returns: Created model instances Using bulk_create. Had to include slug, created and modified to make work. bulk_create doesn't call models save method or call pre and post save signals. Duh! ''''Making posts') new_posts = [] # container for new posts for i in range(post_qty): title = lorem.get_sentence(1) slug = slugify(title) num = str(uuid.uuid4().hex) unique_slug = f'{slug}-{num}' overview = lorem.get_sentence(3) created = modified = content = lorem.get_paragraph(10) author = lorem.get_word() featured = random.getrandbits(1) new_post = Post(title=title, slug=unique_slug, overview=overview, date=created, modified=modified, content=content, author=author, featured=featured) new_posts.append(new_post) # add new posts to container Post.objects.bulk_create(new_posts) # profit search_vectors = SearchVector('title', weight='A') + \ SearchVector('overview', weight='B') + \ SearchVector('content', weight='C') Post.objects.update(search_vector=search_vectors)'Making posts complete')
def handle(self, *args, **options): # users users = [] for _ in range(50): first_name, last_name = names.get_first_name( ), names.get_last_name() username = first_name.lower() + "_" + last_name.lower() users.append( User.objects.create_user(first_name=first_name, last_name=last_name, username=username)) # test user try: user = User.objects.get(username="******") user.first_name = "John" user.last_name = "Doe" except User.DoesNotExist: User.objects.create(username="******", first_name="John", last_name="Doe") users.append(User.objects.get(username="******")) # follows for follower in users: for followee in random.sample(users, random.randint(0, 50)): Follow.objects.create(follower=follower, followee=followee) # groups groups = [ Group.objects.get_or_create(title="Cats", slug="cats", description="We like cats.")[0], Group.objects.get_or_create(title="Dogs", slug="dogs", description="We like dogs.")[0], Group.objects.get_or_create(title="Birds", slug="birds", description="We like birds.")[0], None, ] # posts start_date, end_date = ( dt.datetime(year=2020, month=10, day=2).timestamp(), dt.datetime(year=2020, month=10, day=10).timestamp(), ) for user in users: for post in range(random.randint(0, 7)): post = Post.objects.create( text=lorem.get_paragraph( count=random.randint(1, 3)).replace( os.linesep, os.linesep + os.linesep), author=user, group=random.choice(groups), ) = dt.datetime.fromtimestamp( random.uniform(start_date, end_date), tz=dt.timezone(dt.timedelta(hours=0)), ) # comments for post in Post.objects.all(): start_date, end_date = (, dt.datetime(year=2020, month=10, day=10).timestamp(), ) for _ in range(random.randint(0, 10)): comment = Comment.objects.create( post=post, author=random.choice(users), text=lorem.get_sentence(count=random.randint(1, 5)), ) = dt.datetime.fromtimestamp( random.uniform(start_date, end_date), tz=dt.timezone(dt.timedelta(hours=0)), )
def prepare( self, file_path: Path = Path(''), content_variant: str = '', font_family: str = '', font_size: str = '', font_style: str = '', font_weight: str = '', text_decoration_line: str = '', font_color: str = '', background_color: str = '', layout: Layout =, content_source: str = '', ): style: str = '' if len(font_family) > 0: style += 'font-family: ' + font_family + '; ' if len(font_size) > 0: style += 'font-size: ' + font_size + '; ' if len(font_style) > 0: style += 'font-style: ' + font_style + '; ' if len(font_weight) > 0: style += 'font-weight: ' + font_weight + '; ' if len(text_decoration_line) > 0: style += 'text-decoration-line: ' + text_decoration_line + '; ' if len(font_color) > 0: style += 'color: ' + font_color + '; ' if len(background_color) > 0: style += 'background: ' + background_color + '; ' if font_color[1:] == background_color[1:]: return # Generate content words: [str] = [''] sentences: [str] = [''] paragraphs: [str] = [''] usernames: [str] = [''] background_images: [str] = [] # Get words, sentences, paragraphs and usernames if content_variant != 'images_only': if content_source == 'lorem': for _ in range(10): words.append(lorem.get_word()) sentences.append(lorem.get_sentence()) paragraphs.append(lorem.get_paragraph()) usernames.append(self.gen_username()) elif content_source == 'bible': for _ in range(10): words.append(random.choice(self.word_list)) sentences.append(random.choice(self.bible_list)) temp_paragraph = '' for _ in range(random.randint(2, 5)): temp_paragraph += random.choice(self.bible_list) + ' ' paragraphs.append(temp_paragraph) usernames.append(self.gen_username()) elif content_source == 'random': for _ in range(10): words.append(self.gen_random_word()) sentences.append(self.gen_random_sentence()) paragraphs.append(self.gen_random_paragraph()) usernames.append(self.gen_username()) # Remove firsts words.pop(0) sentences.pop(0) paragraphs.pop(0) usernames.pop(0) else: words = ['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''] sentences = ['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''] paragraphs = ['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''] usernames = ['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''] # Get images if content_variant == 'with_images' or content_variant == 'images_only': background_images = self.get_images() # Generate and save document self.generate_file(path=file_path, words=words, sentences=sentences, paragraphs=paragraphs, usernames=usernames, background_images=background_images, style=style, layout=layout)
def fill_title(self, title, url, date): self.append(NoEscape(r'\chapter{%s}' % title)) with self.create(FlushRight()): self.append(date) with self.create(FlushRight()): self.append(url) def fill_document(self, data, escape=False): if escape: self.append(data) else: self.append(NoEscape(data)) self.append(NewPage()) doc = MyDocument() doc.fill_title('sy', '', 'December 2019') doc.fill_document(l) doc.fill_title('gk', '', 'November 2019') x = lorem.get_paragraph(count=(10), comma=(0, 2), word_range=(4, 8), sentence_range=(5, 10), sep=os.linesep) x = x.replace('\n', '\n\n') doc.fill_document(x) doc.generate_pdf('test', clean_tex=False) tex = doc.dumps() # The document as string in LaTeX syntax