Пример #1
    def __init__(self, args):
        self.num_epochs = args.epochs
        self.cuda = args.cuda
        self.verbose = args.verbose

        self.batch_size = args.batch_size
        self.batch_size_val = args.batch_size_val
        self.learning_rate = args.learning_rate
        self.decay_epoch = args.decay_epoch
        self.lr_decay = args.lr_decay
        self.w_cat = args.w_categ
        self.w_gauss = args.w_gauss
        self.w_rec = args.w_rec
        self.rec_type = args.rec_type

        self.gaussian_size = args.gaussian_size
        self.input_size = args.input_size
        self.output_size = args.output_size

        self.network = VAENet(self.input_size, self.gaussian_size,
        self.losses = LossFunctions()
        self.metrics = Metrics()

        if self.cuda:
            self.network = self.network.cuda()
Пример #2
    def __init__(self, args):
        self.num_epochs = args.epochs
        self.cuda = args.cuda
        self.verbose = args.verbose

        self.batch_size = args.batch_size
        self.batch_size_val = args.batch_size_val
        self.learning_rate = args.learning_rate
        self.decay_epoch = args.decay_epoch
        self.lr_decay = args.lr_decay
        self.w_cat = args.w_categ
        self.w_gauss = args.w_gauss
        self.w_rec = args.w_rec
        self.rec_type = args.rec_type

        self.num_classes = args.num_classes
        self.gaussian_size = args.gaussian_size
        self.input_size = args.input_size

        # gumbel
        self.init_temp = args.init_temp
        self.decay_temp = args.decay_temp
        self.hard_gumbel = args.hard_gumbel
        self.min_temp = args.min_temp
        self.decay_temp_rate = args.decay_temp_rate
        self.gumbel_temp = self.init_temp

        self.network = GMVAENet(self.input_size, self.gaussian_size,
        self.losses = LossFunctions()
        self.metrics = Metrics()

        if self.cuda:
            self.network = self.network.cuda()
Пример #3
    def __init__(self, d, lr, lambda_z_wu, do_classify, use_kl=True):
        """ model architecture """
        self.MLP_SIZES = [512, 256, 256, 128, 128]
        self.Z_SIZES = [64, 32, 32, 32, 32]
        self.L = L = len(self.MLP_SIZES)

        self.do_classify = do_classify
        """ flags for regularizers """
        self.use_kl = use_kl
        """ data and external toolkits """
        self.d = d  # dataset manager
        self.ls = Layers()
        self.lf = LossFunctions(self.ls, d, self.encoder)
        """ placeholders defined outside"""
        self.lr = lr
        self.lambda_z_wu = lambda_z_wu
        """ cache for mu and sigma """
        self.e_mus, self.e_logsigmas = [0] * L, [
        ] * L  # q(z_i+1 | z_i), bottom-up inference as Eq.7-9
        self.p_mus, self.p_logsigmas = [0] * L, [
        ] * L  # p(z_i | z_i+1), top-down prior as Eq.1-3
        self.d_mus, self.d_logsigmas = [0] * L, [
        ] * L  # q(z_i | .), bidirectional inference as Eq.17-19
Пример #4
    def __init__(self, params):
        self.batch_size = params.batch_size
        self.batch_size_val = params.batch_size_val
        self.initial_temperature = params.temperature
        self.decay_temperature = params.decay_temperature
        self.num_epochs = params.num_epochs
        self.loss_type = params.loss_type
        self.num_classes = params.num_classes
        self.w_gauss = params.w_gaussian
        self.w_categ = params.w_categorical
        self.w_recon = params.w_reconstruction
        self.decay_temp_rate = params.decay_temp_rate
        self.gaussian_size = params.gaussian_size
        self.min_temperature = params.min_temperature
        self.temperature = params.temperature  # current temperature
        self.verbose = params.verbose

        self.sess = tf.Session()
        self.network = Networks(params)
        self.losses = LossFunctions()

        self.learning_rate = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [])
        self.lr = params.learning_rate
        self.decay_epoch = params.decay_epoch
        self.lr_decay = params.lr_decay

        self.dataset = params.dataset
        self.metrics = Metrics()
Пример #5
    def __init__(self, d, lr, lambda_z_wu, read_attn, write_attn, do_classify,

        self.do_classify = do_classify
        """ flags for each regularizor """
        self.do_reconst = do_reconst
        self.read_attn = read_attn
        self.write_attn = write_attn
        """ dataset information """
        """ external toolkits """
        self.ls = Layers()
        self.lf = LossFunctions(self.ls, self.d, self.encoder)
        self.ii = ImageInterface(_is_3d, self.read_attn, self.write_attn,
                                 GLIMPSE_SIZE_READ, GLIMPSE_SIZE_WRITE, _h, _w,
        # for refference from get_loss_kl_draw()
        self.T = T
        self.L = L
        self.Z_SIZES = Z_SIZES
        """ placeholders defined outside"""
        self.lr = lr
        self.lambda_z_wu = lambda_z_wu
        """sequence of canvases """
        self.cs = [0] * T
        """ initialization """
        """ workaround for variable_scope(reuse=True) """
        self.DO_SHARE = None
Пример #6
 def __init__(self, resource):
     """ data and external toolkits """
     self.d = resource.dh  # dataset manager
     self.ls = Layers()
     self.lf = LossFunctions(self.ls, self.d, self.encoder)
     """ placeholders defined outside"""
     if c.DO_TRAIN:
         self.lr = resource.ph['lr']
Пример #7
 def __init__(self, d, lr, lambda_pi_usl, use_pi):
     """ flags for each regularizor """
     self.use_pi = use_pi
     """ data and external toolkits """
     self.d = d  # dataset manager
     self.ls = Layers()
     self.lf = LossFunctions(self.ls, d, self.encoder)
     """ placeholders defined outside"""
     self.lr = lr
     self.lambda_pi_usl = lambda_pi_usl
    def __init__(self, params):
        self.batch_size = params.batch_size
        self.batch_size_val = params.batch_size_val
        self.initial_temperature = params.temperature
        self.decay_temperature = params.decay_temperature
        self.num_epochs = params.num_epochs
        self.loss_type = params.loss_type
        self.num_classes = params.num_classes
        self.w_gauss = params.w_gaussian
        self.w_categ = params.w_categorical
        self.w_recon = params.w_reconstruction
        self.decay_temp_rate = params.decay_temp_rate
        self.gaussian_size = params.gaussian_size
        self.feature_size = params.feature_size
        self.min_temperature = params.min_temperature
        self.temperature = params.temperature  # current temperature
        self.verbose = params.verbose

        self.sess = tf.Session()
        self.network = CatVAENetwork(params)
        self.losses = LossFunctions()

        self.w_assign = params.w_assign
        self.num_labeled = params.num_labeled
        self.knn = params.knn
        self.metric_loss = params.metric_loss

        self.w_metric = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [])
        self.initial_w_metric = params.w_metric
        self._w_metric = params.w_metric
        self.anneal_metric_loss = params.anneal_w_metric

        self.learning_rate = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [])
        self.lr = params.learning_rate
        self.decay_epoch = params.decay_epoch
        self.lr_decay = params.lr_decay

        self.pretrain = params.pretrain
        self.num_labeled_batch = params.num_labeled_batch
        self.dataset = params.dataset

        self.metric_margin = params.metric_margin
Пример #9
class PI(object):
    def __init__(self, d, lr, lambda_pi_usl, use_pi):
        """ flags for each regularizor """
        self.use_pi = use_pi
        """ data and external toolkits """
        self.d = d  # dataset manager
        self.ls = Layers()
        self.lf = LossFunctions(self.ls, d, self.encoder)
        """ placeholders defined outside"""
        self.lr = lr
        self.lambda_pi_usl = lambda_pi_usl

    def encoder(self, x, is_train=True, do_update_bn=True):
        """ https://arxiv.org/pdf/1610.02242.pdf """

        if is_train:
            h = self.distort(x)
            h = self.ls.get_corrupted(x, 0.15)
            h = x

        scope = '1'
        h = self.ls.conv2d(scope + '_1', h, 128, activation=self.ls.lrelu)
        h = self.ls.conv2d(scope + '_2', h, 128, activation=self.ls.lrelu)
        h = self.ls.conv2d(scope + '_3', h, 128, activation=self.ls.lrelu)
        h = self.ls.max_pool(h)
        if is_train: h = tf.nn.dropout(h, 0.5)

        scope = '2'
        h = self.ls.conv2d(scope + '_1', h, 256, activation=self.ls.lrelu)
        h = self.ls.conv2d(scope + '_2', h, 256, activation=self.ls.lrelu)
        h = self.ls.conv2d(scope + '_3', h, 256, activation=self.ls.lrelu)
        h = self.ls.max_pool(h)
        if is_train: h = tf.nn.dropout(h, 0.5)

        scope = '3'
        h = self.ls.conv2d(scope + '_1', h, 512, activation=self.ls.lrelu)
        h = self.ls.conv2d(scope + '_2',
                           filter_size=(1, 1))
        h = self.ls.conv2d(scope + '_3',
                           filter_size=(1, 1))
        h = tf.reduce_mean(h, reduction_indices=[1,
                                                 2])  # Global average pooling
        h = self.ls.dense(scope, h, self.d.l)

        return h

    def build_graph_train(self, x_l, y_l, x, is_supervised=True):

        o = dict()  # output
        loss = 0

        logit = self.encoder(x)

        with tf.variable_scope(tf.get_variable_scope(), reuse=True):
            logit_l = self.encoder(
                x_l, is_train=True,
                do_update_bn=False)  # for pyx and vat loss computation
        """ Classification Loss """
        o['Ly'], o['accur'] = self.lf.get_loss_pyx(logit_l, y_l)
        loss += o['Ly']
        """ PI Model Loss """
        if self.use_pi:
            with tf.variable_scope(tf.get_variable_scope(), reuse=True):
                _, _, o['Lp'] = self.lf.get_loss_pi(x, logit, is_train=True)
                loss += self.lambda_pi_usl * o['Lp']
            o['Lp'] = tf.constant(0)
        """ set losses """
        o['loss'] = loss
        self.o_train = o
        """ set optimizer """
        optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=self.lr, beta1=0.5)
        #self.op = optimizer.minimize(loss)
        grads = optimizer.compute_gradients(loss)
        for i, (g, v) in enumerate(grads):
            if g is not None:
                #g = tf.Print(g, [g], "g %s = "%(v))
                grads[i] = (tf.clip_by_norm(g, 5), v)  # clip gradients
                print('g is None:', v)
                v = tf.Print(v, [v], "v = ", summarize=10000)
        self.op = optimizer.apply_gradients(grads)  # return train_op

    def build_graph_test(self, x_l, y_l):

        o = dict()  # output
        loss = 0

        logit_l = self.encoder(
            x_l, is_train=False,
            do_update_bn=False)  # for pyx and vat loss computation
        """ classification loss """
        o['Ly'], o['accur'] = self.lf.get_loss_pyx(logit_l, y_l)
        loss += o['Ly']
        """ set losses """
        o['loss'] = loss
        self.o_test = o

    def distort(self, x):

        _d = self.d

        def _distort(a_image):
            bounding_boxes: A Tensor of type float32.
                3-D with shape [batch, N, 4] describing the N bounding boxes associated with the image. 
            Bounding boxes are supplied and returned as [y_min, x_min, y_max, x_max]
            # shape: [1, 1, 4]
            bounding_boxes = tf.constant([[[1 / 10, 1 / 10, 9 / 10, 9 / 10]]],

            begin, size, _ = tf.image.sample_distorted_bounding_box(
                (_d.h, _d.w, _d.c),
                min_object_covered=(8.5 / 10.0),
                aspect_ratio_range=[7.0 / 10.0, 10.0 / 7.0])

            a_image = tf.slice(a_image, begin, size)
            """ for the purpose of distorting not use tf.image.resize_image_with_crop_or_pad under """
            a_image = tf.image.resize_images(a_image, [_d.h, _d.w])
            """ due to the size of channel returned from tf.image.resize_images is not being given,
                specify it manually. """
            a_image = tf.reshape(a_image, [_d.h, _d.w, _d.c])
            return a_image

        """ process batch times in parallel """
        return tf.map_fn(_distort, x)
Пример #10
class VAE:
    def __init__(self, args):
        self.num_epochs = args.epochs
        self.cuda = args.cuda
        self.verbose = args.verbose

        self.batch_size = args.batch_size
        self.batch_size_val = args.batch_size_val
        self.learning_rate = args.learning_rate
        self.decay_epoch = args.decay_epoch
        self.lr_decay = args.lr_decay
        self.w_cat = args.w_categ
        self.w_gauss = args.w_gauss
        self.w_rec = args.w_rec
        self.rec_type = args.rec_type

        self.gaussian_size = args.gaussian_size
        self.input_size = args.input_size
        self.output_size = args.output_size

        self.network = VAENet(self.input_size, self.gaussian_size,
        self.losses = LossFunctions()
        self.metrics = Metrics()

        if self.cuda:
            self.network = self.network.cuda()

    # ===============================================================================
    # This is where all the losses are computed; helper method for train_epoch.

    def unlabeled_loss(self, chunk, out_net):

        # obtain network variables
        z, data_recon = out_net['gaussian'], out_net['x_rec']
        mu, var = out_net['mean'], out_net['var']

        # reconstruction loss
        loss_rec = self.losses.reconstruction_loss(chunk, data_recon,

        # gaussian loss
        loss_gauss = self.losses.kl_divergence_v2(mu, var)

        # total loss
        loss_total = self.w_rec * loss_rec + self.w_gauss * loss_gauss

        loss_dic = {
            'total': loss_total,
            'reconstruction': loss_rec,
            'gaussian': loss_gauss,
        return loss_dic

    # ===============================================================================

    # ===============================================================================
    # Train the model for one epoch; helper method for train.

    def train_epoch(self, optimizer, data_loader):

        total_loss = 0.
        recon_loss = 0.
        gauss_loss = 0.

        accuracy = 0.
        num_batches = 0.

        for (path, chunk) in data_loader:

            if self.cuda == 1:
                path = path.cuda()
                chunk = chunk.cuda()


            # flatten data
            path = path.view(path.size(0), -1)
            chunk = chunk.view(chunk.size(0), -1)

            # forward call
            out_net = self.network(path)
            unlab_loss_dic = self.unlabeled_loss(chunk, out_net)
            total = unlab_loss_dic['total']

            # accumulate values
            total_loss += total.item()
            recon_loss += unlab_loss_dic['reconstruction'].item()
            gauss_loss += unlab_loss_dic['gaussian'].item()

            # perform backpropagation

            num_batches += 1.

        # average per batch
        total_loss /= num_batches
        recon_loss /= num_batches
        gauss_loss /= num_batches

        return total_loss, recon_loss, gauss_loss

    # ==============================================================================

    # ==============================================================================
    # Test the model. This method is essentially the same as train_epoch except that
    # self.network.eval is called at the beginning of this method.

    def test(self, data_loader):

        total_loss = 0.
        recon_loss = 0.
        gauss_loss = 0.

        accuracy = 0.
        num_batches = 0.

        with torch.no_grad():
            for path, chunk in data_loader:

                if self.cuda == 1:
                    path = path.cuda()
                    chunk = chunk.cuda()

                # flatten data
                path = path.view(path.size(0), -1)
                chunk = chunk.view(chunk.size(0), -1)

                # forward call
                out_net = self.network(path)
                unlab_loss_dic = self.unlabeled_loss(chunk, out_net)

                # accumulate values
                total_loss += unlab_loss_dic['total'].item()
                recon_loss += unlab_loss_dic['reconstruction'].item()
                gauss_loss += unlab_loss_dic['gaussian'].item()

                num_batches += 1.

        # average per batch
        total_loss /= num_batches
        recon_loss /= num_batches
        gauss_loss /= num_batches

        return total_loss, recon_loss, gauss_loss

    # ==============================================================================

    def train(self, train_loader, val_loader):
        """Train the model

        train_loader: (DataLoader) corresponding loader containing the training data
        val_loader: (DataLoader) corresponding loader containing the validation data

        output: (dict) contains the history of train/val loss
        optimizer = optim.Adam(self.network.parameters(),

        train_total_losses = []
        train_recon_losses = []
        train_gauss_losses = []

        valid_total_losses = []
        valid_recon_losses = []
        valid_gauss_losses = []

        for epoch in range(1, self.num_epochs + 1):
            train_total_loss, train_recon_loss, train_gauss_loss = self.train_epoch(
                optimizer, train_loader)
            valid_total_loss, valid_recon_loss, valid_gauss_loss = self.test(

                f"Epoch {epoch:5} / {self.num_epochs} | Total loss: {round(valid_total_loss, 2):7} | Recon loss: {round(valid_recon_loss, 2):7} | Gauss loss: {round(valid_gauss_loss, 2):7}"



        return {
            'train_total_losses': train_total_losses,
            'train_recon_losses': train_recon_losses,
            'train_gauss_losses': train_gauss_losses,
            'valid_total_losses': valid_total_losses,
            'valid_recon_losses': valid_recon_losses,
            'valid_gauss_losses': valid_gauss_losses,

    def latent_features(self, data_loader):
        """Obtain latent features learnt by the model

        data_loader: (DataLoader) loader containing the data
        return_labels: (boolean) whether to return true labels or not

       features: (array) array containing the features from the data

        N = len(data_loader.dataset)

        features = np.zeros((N, self.gaussian_size))

        start_ind = 0

        with torch.no_grad():
            for (data, ) in data_loader:

                if self.cuda == 1:
                    data = data.cuda()

                data = data.view(data.size(0), -1)

                out = self.network(data)
                latent_feat = out['mean']

                end_ind = min(start_ind + data.size(0), N + 1)
                features[start_ind:end_ind] = latent_feat.cpu().numpy()

                start_ind += data.size(0)

        return features

    def reconstruct_data(self, data_loader, sample_size=-1):


        # sample random data from loader
        indices = np.random.randint(0,
        test_random_loader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(

        # obtain values
        it = iter(test_random_loader)
        test_batch_data, _ = it.next()
        original = test_batch_data.data.numpy()
        if self.cuda:
            test_batch_data = test_batch_data.cuda()

        # obtain reconstructed data
        out = self.network(test_batch_data)
        reconstructed = out['x_rec']
        return original, reconstructed.data.cpu().numpy()

    def plot_latent_space(self, data_loader, save=False):
        """Plot the latent space learnt by the model

        data: (array) corresponding array containing the data
        labels: (array) corresponding array containing the labels
        save: (bool) whether to save the latent space plot

        fig: (figure) plot of the latent space
        # obtain the latent features
        features = self.latent_features(data_loader)

        # plot only the first 2 dimensions
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6))
        plt.scatter(features[:, 0],
                    features[:, 1],
                    cmap=plt.cm.get_cmap('jet', 10),
        if (save):
        return fig

    def random_generation(self, num_chunks):

        latent_vecs = torch.randn(num_chunks, 64).cuda()
        chunks = self.network.generative.pxz(latent_vecs)

        return chunks.cpu().detach().numpy()
Пример #11
class GMVAE:
    def __init__(self, args):
        self.num_epochs = args.epochs
        self.cuda = args.cuda
        self.verbose = args.verbose

        self.batch_size = args.batch_size
        self.batch_size_val = args.batch_size_val
        self.learning_rate = args.learning_rate
        self.decay_epoch = args.decay_epoch
        self.lr_decay = args.lr_decay
        self.w_cat = args.w_categ
        self.w_gauss = args.w_gauss
        self.w_rec = args.w_rec
        self.rec_type = args.rec_type

        self.num_classes = args.num_classes
        self.gaussian_size = args.gaussian_size
        self.input_size = args.input_size

        # gumbel
        self.init_temp = args.init_temp
        self.decay_temp = args.decay_temp
        self.hard_gumbel = args.hard_gumbel
        self.min_temp = args.min_temp
        self.decay_temp_rate = args.decay_temp_rate
        self.gumbel_temp = self.init_temp

        self.network = GMVAENet(self.input_size, self.gaussian_size,
        self.losses = LossFunctions()
        self.metrics = Metrics()

        if self.cuda:
            self.network = self.network.cuda()

    def unlabeled_loss(self, data, out_net):
        """Method defining the loss functions derived from the variational lower bound
        data: (array) corresponding array containing the input data
        out_net: (dict) contains the graph operations or nodes of the network output

        loss_dic: (dict) contains the values of each loss function and predictions
        # obtain network variables
        z, data_recon = out_net['gaussian'], out_net['x_rec']
        logits, prob_cat = out_net['logits'], out_net['prob_cat']
        y_mu, y_var = out_net['y_mean'], out_net['y_var']
        mu, var = out_net['mean'], out_net['var']

        # reconstruction loss
        loss_rec = self.losses.reconstruction_loss(data, data_recon,

        # gaussian loss
        loss_gauss = self.losses.gaussian_loss(z, mu, var, y_mu, y_var)

        # categorical loss
        loss_cat = -self.losses.entropy(logits, prob_cat) - np.log(0.1)

        # total loss
        loss_total = self.w_rec * loss_rec + self.w_gauss * loss_gauss + self.w_cat * loss_cat

        # obtain predictions
        _, predicted_labels = torch.max(logits, dim=1)

        loss_dic = {
            'total': loss_total,
            'predicted_labels': predicted_labels,
            'reconstruction': loss_rec,
            'gaussian': loss_gauss,
            'categorical': loss_cat
        return loss_dic

    def train_epoch(self, optimizer, data_loader):
        """Train the model for one epoch

        optimizer: (Optim) optimizer to use in backpropagation
        data_loader: (DataLoader) corresponding loader containing the training data

        average of all loss values, accuracy, nmi
        total_loss = 0.
        recon_loss = 0.
        cat_loss = 0.
        gauss_loss = 0.

        accuracy = 0.
        nmi = 0.
        num_batches = 0.

        true_labels_list = []
        predicted_labels_list = []

        # iterate over the dataset
        for (data, labels) in data_loader:
            if self.cuda == 1:
                data = data.cuda()


            # flatten data
            data = data.view(data.size(0), -1)

            # forward call
            out_net = self.network(data, self.gumbel_temp, self.hard_gumbel)
            unlab_loss_dic = self.unlabeled_loss(data, out_net)
            total = unlab_loss_dic['total']

            # accumulate values
            total_loss += total.item()
            recon_loss += unlab_loss_dic['reconstruction'].item()
            gauss_loss += unlab_loss_dic['gaussian'].item()
            cat_loss += unlab_loss_dic['categorical'].item()

            # perform backpropagation

            # save predicted and true labels
            predicted = unlab_loss_dic['predicted_labels']

            num_batches += 1.

        # average per batch
        total_loss /= num_batches
        recon_loss /= num_batches
        gauss_loss /= num_batches
        cat_loss /= num_batches

        # concat all true and predicted labels
        true_labels = torch.cat(true_labels_list, dim=0).cpu().numpy()
        predicted_labels = torch.cat(predicted_labels_list,

        # compute metrics
        accuracy = 100.0 * self.metrics.cluster_acc(predicted_labels,
        nmi = 100.0 * self.metrics.nmi(predicted_labels, true_labels)

        return total_loss, recon_loss, gauss_loss, cat_loss, accuracy, nmi

    def test(self, data_loader, return_loss=False):
        """Test the model with new data

        data_loader: (DataLoader) corresponding loader containing the test/validation data
        return_loss: (boolean) whether to return the average loss values
        accuracy and nmi for the given test data

        total_loss = 0.
        recon_loss = 0.
        cat_loss = 0.
        gauss_loss = 0.

        accuracy = 0.
        nmi = 0.
        num_batches = 0.

        true_labels_list = []
        predicted_labels_list = []

        with torch.no_grad():
            for data, labels in data_loader:
                if self.cuda == 1:
                    data = data.cuda()

                # flatten data
                data = data.view(data.size(0), -1)

                # forward call
                out_net = self.network(data, self.gumbel_temp,
                unlab_loss_dic = self.unlabeled_loss(data, out_net)

                # accumulate values
                total_loss += unlab_loss_dic['total'].item()
                recon_loss += unlab_loss_dic['reconstruction'].item()
                gauss_loss += unlab_loss_dic['gaussian'].item()
                cat_loss += unlab_loss_dic['categorical'].item()

                # save predicted and true labels
                predicted = unlab_loss_dic['predicted_labels']

                num_batches += 1.

        # average per batch
        if return_loss:
            total_loss /= num_batches
            recon_loss /= num_batches
            gauss_loss /= num_batches
            cat_loss /= num_batches

        # concat all true and predicted labels
        true_labels = torch.cat(true_labels_list, dim=0).cpu().numpy()
        predicted_labels = torch.cat(predicted_labels_list,

        # compute metrics
        accuracy = 100.0 * self.metrics.cluster_acc(predicted_labels,
        nmi = 100.0 * self.metrics.nmi(predicted_labels, true_labels)

        if return_loss:
            return total_loss, recon_loss, gauss_loss, cat_loss, accuracy, nmi
            return accuracy, nmi

    def train(self, train_loader, val_loader):
        """Train the model

        train_loader: (DataLoader) corresponding loader containing the training data
        val_loader: (DataLoader) corresponding loader containing the validation data

        output: (dict) contains the history of train/val loss
        optimizer = optim.Adam(self.network.parameters(),
        train_history_acc, val_history_acc = [], []
        train_history_nmi, val_history_nmi = [], []

        for epoch in range(1, self.num_epochs + 1):
            train_loss, train_rec, train_gauss, train_cat, train_acc, train_nmi = self.train_epoch(
                optimizer, train_loader)
            val_loss, val_rec, val_gauss, val_cat, val_acc, val_nmi = self.test(
                val_loader, True)

            # if verbose then print specific information about training
            if self.verbose == 1:
                print("(Epoch %d / %d)" % (epoch, self.num_epochs))
                print("Train - REC: %.5lf;  Gauss: %.5lf;  Cat: %.5lf;" % \
                      (train_rec, train_gauss, train_cat))
                print("Valid - REC: %.5lf;  Gauss: %.5lf;  Cat: %.5lf;" % \
                      (val_rec, val_gauss, val_cat))
                print("Accuracy=Train: %.5lf; Val: %.5lf   NMI=Train: %.5lf; Val: %.5lf   Total Loss=Train: %.5lf; Val: %.5lf" % \
                      (train_acc, val_acc, train_nmi, val_nmi, train_loss, val_loss))
                print('(Epoch %d / %d) Train_Loss: %.3lf; Val_Loss: %.3lf   Train_ACC: %.3lf; Val_ACC: %.3lf   Train_NMI: %.3lf; Val_NMI: %.3lf' % \
                      (epoch, self.num_epochs, train_loss, val_loss, train_acc, val_acc, train_nmi, val_nmi))

            # decay gumbel temperature
            if self.decay_temp == 1:
                self.gumbel_temp = np.maximum(
                    self.init_temp * np.exp(-self.decay_temp_rate * epoch),
                if self.verbose == 1:
                    print("Gumbel Temperature: %.3lf" % self.gumbel_temp)

        return {
            'train_history_nmi': train_history_nmi,
            'val_history_nmi': val_history_nmi,
            'train_history_acc': train_history_acc,
            'val_history_acc': val_history_acc

    def latent_features(self, data_loader, return_labels=False):
        """Obtain latent features learnt by the model

        data_loader: (DataLoader) loader containing the data
        return_labels: (boolean) whether to return true labels or not

       features: (array) array containing the features from the data
        N = len(data_loader.dataset)
        features = np.zeros((N, self.gaussian_size))
        if return_labels:
            true_labels = np.zeros(N, dtype=np.int64)
        start_ind = 0
        with torch.no_grad():
            for (data, labels) in data_loader:
                if self.cuda == 1:
                    data = data.cuda()
                # flatten data
                data = data.view(data.size(0), -1)
                out = self.network.inference(data, self.gumbel_temp,
                latent_feat = out['mean']
                end_ind = min(start_ind + data.size(0), N + 1)

                # return true labels
                if return_labels:
                    true_labels[start_ind:end_ind] = labels.cpu().numpy()
                features[start_ind:end_ind] = latent_feat.cpu().detach().numpy(
                start_ind += data.size(0)
        if return_labels:
            return features, true_labels
        return features

    def reconstruct_data(self, data_loader, sample_size=-1):
        """Reconstruct Data

        data_loader: (DataLoader) loader containing the data
        sample_size: (int) size of random data to consider from data_loader
        reconstructed: (array) array containing the reconstructed data

        # sample random data from loader
        indices = np.random.randint(0,
        test_random_loader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(

        # obtain values
        it = iter(test_random_loader)
        test_batch_data, _ = it.next()
        original = test_batch_data.data.numpy()
        if self.cuda:
            test_batch_data = test_batch_data.cuda()

        # obtain reconstructed data
        out = self.network(test_batch_data, self.gumbel_temp, self.hard_gumbel)
        reconstructed = out['x_rec']
        return original, reconstructed.data.cpu().numpy()

    def plot_latent_space(self, data_loader, save=False):
        """Plot the latent space learnt by the model

        data: (array) corresponding array containing the data
        labels: (array) corresponding array containing the labels
        save: (bool) whether to save the latent space plot

        fig: (figure) plot of the latent space
        # obtain the latent features
        features = self.latent_features(data_loader)

        # plot only the first 2 dimensions
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6))
        plt.scatter(features[:, 0],
                    features[:, 1],
                    cmap=plt.cm.get_cmap('jet', 10),
        if (save):
        return fig

    def random_generation(self, num_elements=1):
        """Random generation for each category

        num_elements: (int) number of elements to generate

        generated data according to num_elements
        # categories for each element
        arr = np.array([])
        for i in range(self.num_classes):
            arr = np.hstack([arr, np.ones(num_elements) * i])
        indices = arr.astype(int).tolist()

        categorical = F.one_hot(torch.tensor(indices),

        if self.cuda:
            categorical = categorical.cuda()

        # infer the gaussian distribution according to the category
        mean, var = self.network.generative.pzy(categorical)

        # gaussian random sample by using the mean and variance
        noise = torch.randn_like(var)
        std = torch.sqrt(var)
        gaussian = mean + noise * std

        # generate new samples with the given gaussian
        generated = self.network.generative.pxz(gaussian)

        return generated.cpu().detach().numpy()
Пример #12
class LVAE(object):
    def __init__(self, d, lr, lambda_z_wu, do_classify, use_kl=True):
        """ model architecture """
        self.MLP_SIZES = [512, 256, 256, 128, 128]
        self.Z_SIZES = [64, 32, 32, 32, 32]
        self.L = L = len(self.MLP_SIZES)

        self.do_classify = do_classify
        """ flags for regularizers """
        self.use_kl = use_kl
        """ data and external toolkits """
        self.d = d  # dataset manager
        self.ls = Layers()
        self.lf = LossFunctions(self.ls, d, self.encoder)
        """ placeholders defined outside"""
        self.lr = lr
        self.lambda_z_wu = lambda_z_wu
        """ cache for mu and sigma """
        self.e_mus, self.e_logsigmas = [0] * L, [
        ] * L  # q(z_i+1 | z_i), bottom-up inference as Eq.7-9
        self.p_mus, self.p_logsigmas = [0] * L, [
        ] * L  # p(z_i | z_i+1), top-down prior as Eq.1-3
        self.d_mus, self.d_logsigmas = [0] * L, [
        ] * L  # q(z_i | .), bidirectional inference as Eq.17-19

    def encoder(self, x, is_train=True, do_update_bn=True):

        h = x
        for l in range(self.L):
            scope = 'Encode_L' + str(l)
            h = self.ls.dense(scope, h, self.MLP_SIZES[l])
            h = self.ls.bn(scope, h, is_train, do_update_bn, name=scope)
            h = tf.nn.elu(h)
            """ prepare for bidirectional inference """
            _, self.e_mus[l], self.e_logsigmas[l] = self.ls.vae_sampler(
                scope, h, self.Z_SIZES[l], tf.nn.softplus)  # Eq.13-15
        #return h
        return self.e_mus[-1]

    def decoder(self, is_train=True, do_update_bn=True):

        for l in range(self.L - 1, -1, -1):
            scope = 'Decoder_L' + str(l)

            if l == self.L - 1:
                """ At the highest latent layer, mu & sigma are identical to those outputed from encoer.
                    And making actual z is not necessary for the highest layer."""
                mu, logsigma = self.e_mus[l], self.e_logsigmas[l]
                self.d_mus[l], self.d_logsigmas[l] = mu, logsigma

                z = self.ls.sampler(self.d_mus[l], tf.exp(self.d_logsigmas[l]))
                """ prior of z_L is set as standard Gaussian, N(0,I). """
                self.p_mus[l], self.p_logsigmas[l] = tf.zeros(
                    (mu.get_shape())), tf.zeros((logsigma.get_shape()))

                """ prior is developed from z of the above layer """
                _, self.p_mus[l], self.p_logsigmas[l] = self.ls.vae_sampler(
                    scope, z, self.Z_SIZES[l], tf.nn.softplus)  # Eq.13-15

                z, self.d_mus[l], self.d_logsigmas[
                    l] = self.ls.precision_weighted_sampler(
                        scope, (self.e_mus[l], tf.exp(self.e_logsigmas[l])),
                        (self.p_mus[l], tf.exp(
                            self.p_logsigmas[l])))  # Eq.17-19
        """ go out to the input space """
        _d = self.d
        x = self.ls.dense('bottom', z, _d.img_size,
                          tf.nn.elu)  # reconstructed input

        if _d.is_3d: x = tf.reshape(x, (-1, _d.h, _d.w, _d.c))

        return x

    def build_graph_train(self, x_l, y_l, x):

        o = dict()  # output
        loss = 0

        logit = self.encoder(x)
        x_reconst = self.decoder()

        with tf.variable_scope(tf.get_variable_scope(), reuse=True):
            logit_l = self.encoder(
                x_l, is_train=True,
                do_update_bn=False)  # for pyx and vat loss computation
        """ Classification Loss """
        if self.do_classify:
            o['Ly'], o['accur'] = self.lf.get_loss_pyx(logit_l, y_l)
            loss += o['Ly']
        """ for visualizationc """
        o['z'], o['y'] = logit, y_l
        """ p(x|z) Reconstruction Loss """
        o['Lr'] = self.lf.get_loss_pxz(x_reconst, x, 'DiscretizedLogistic')
        loss += o['Lr']
        o['x'] = x
        o['cs'] = x_reconst
        """ VAE KL-Divergence Loss """
        if self.use_kl:
            o['KL1'], o['KL2'], o['Lz'] = self.lf.get_loss_kl(self,
            loss += self.lambda_z_wu * o['Lz']
            o['KL1'], o['KL2'], o['Lz'] = tf.constant(0), tf.constant(
                0), tf.constant(0)
        """ set losses """
        o['loss'] = loss
        self.o_train = o
        """ set optimizer """
        optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=self.lr, beta1=0.5)
        #self.op = optimizer.minimize(loss)
        grads = optimizer.compute_gradients(loss)
        for i, (g, v) in enumerate(grads):
            if g is not None:
                #g = tf.Print(g, [g], "g %s = "%(v))
                grads[i] = (tf.clip_by_norm(g, 5), v)  # clip gradients
                print('g is None:', v)
                v = tf.Print(v, [v], "v = ", summarize=10000)
        #for v in tf.all_variables(): print("%s : %s" % (v.name,v.get_shape()))
        self.op = optimizer.apply_gradients(grads)  # return train_op

    def build_graph_test(self, x_l, y_l):

        o = dict()  # output
        loss = 0

        logit_l = self.encoder(
            x_l, is_train=False,
            do_update_bn=False)  # for pyx and vat loss computation
        """ classification loss """
        if self.do_classify:
            o['Ly'], o['accur'] = self.lf.get_loss_pyx(logit_l, y_l)
            loss += o['Ly']
        """ for visualizationc """
        o['z'], o['y'] = logit_l, y_l
        """ set losses """
        o['loss'] = loss
        self.o_test = o
Пример #13
class GMVAE:
    def __init__(self, params):
        self.batch_size = params.batch_size
        self.batch_size_val = params.batch_size_val
        self.initial_temperature = params.temperature
        self.decay_temperature = params.decay_temperature
        self.num_epochs = params.num_epochs
        self.loss_type = params.loss_type
        self.num_classes = params.num_classes
        self.w_gauss = params.w_gaussian
        self.w_categ = params.w_categorical
        self.w_recon = params.w_reconstruction
        self.decay_temp_rate = params.decay_temp_rate
        self.gaussian_size = params.gaussian_size
        self.min_temperature = params.min_temperature
        self.temperature = params.temperature  # current temperature
        self.verbose = params.verbose

        self.sess = tf.Session()
        self.network = Networks(params)
        self.losses = LossFunctions()

        self.learning_rate = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [])
        self.lr = params.learning_rate
        self.decay_epoch = params.decay_epoch
        self.lr_decay = params.lr_decay

        self.dataset = params.dataset
        self.metrics = Metrics()

    def create_dataset(self, is_training, data, labels, batch_size):
        """Create dataset given input data

          is_training: (bool) whether to use the train or test pipeline.
                       At training, we shuffle the data and have multiple epochs
          data: (array) corresponding array containing the input data
          labels: (array) corresponding array containing the labels of the input data
          batch_size: (int) size of each batch to consider from the data
          output: (dict) contains what will be the input of the tensorflow graph
        num_samples = data.shape[0]

        # create dataset object
        if labels is None:
            dataset = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices(data)
            dataset = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices((data, labels))

        # shuffle data in training phase
        if is_training:
            dataset = dataset.shuffle(num_samples).repeat()

        dataset = dataset.batch(batch_size)
        dataset = dataset.prefetch(1)

        # create reinitializable iterator from dataset
        iterator = dataset.make_initializable_iterator()

        if labels is None:
            data = iterator.get_next()
            data, labels = iterator.get_next()

        iterator_init = iterator.initializer
        output = {
            'data': data,
            'labels': labels,
            'iterator_init': iterator_init
        return output

    def unlabeled_loss(self, data, latent_spec, output_size, is_training=True):
        """Model function defining the loss functions derived from the variational lower bound

          data: (array) corresponding array containing the input data
          latent_spec: (dict) contains the graph operations or nodes of the latent variables
          output_size: (int) size of the output layer
          is_training: (bool) whether we are in training phase or not

          loss_dic: (dict) contains the values of each loss function and predictions
        gaussian, mean, var = latent_spec['gaussian'], latent_spec[
            'mean'], latent_spec['var']
        categorical, prob, log_prob = latent_spec['categorical'], latent_spec[
            'prob_cat'], latent_spec['log_prob_cat']
        _logits, features = latent_spec['logits'], latent_spec['features']

        output, y_mean, y_var = latent_spec['output'], latent_spec[
            'y_mean'], latent_spec['y_var']

        # reconstruction loss
        if self.loss_type == 'bce':
            loss_rec = self.w_recon * self.losses.binary_cross_entropy(
                data, output)
        elif self.loss_type == 'mse':
            loss_rec = self.w_recon * tf.losses.mean_squared_error(
                data, output)
            raise "invalid loss function... try bce or mse..."

        # gaussian loss
        loss_gaussian = self.w_gauss * self.losses.labeled_loss(
            gaussian, mean, var, y_mean, y_var)

        # categorical loss
        loss_categorical = self.w_categ * -self.losses.entropy(_logits, prob)

        # obtain predictions
        predicted_labels = tf.argmax(_logits, axis=1)

        # total_loss
        loss_total = loss_rec + loss_gaussian + loss_categorical

        loss_dic = {
            'total': loss_total,
            'predicted_labels': predicted_labels,
            'reconstruction': loss_rec,
            'gaussian': loss_gaussian,
            'categorical': loss_categorical
        return loss_dic

    def create_model(self, is_training, inputs, output_size):
        """Model function defining the graph operations.

          is_training: (bool) whether we are in training phase or not
          inputs: (dict) contains the inputs of the graph (features, labels...)
                  this can be `tf.placeholder` or outputs of `tf.data`
          output_size: (int) size of the output layer

          model_spec: (dict) contains the graph operations or nodes needed for training / evaluation
        data, _labels = inputs['data'], inputs['labels']
        latent_spec = self.network.encoder(data, self.num_classes, is_training)

        out_logits, y_mean, y_var, output = self.network.decoder(
            latent_spec['gaussian'], latent_spec['categorical'], output_size,

        latent_spec['output'] = out_logits
        latent_spec['y_mean'] = y_mean
        latent_spec['y_var'] = y_var

        # unlabeled losses
        unlabeled_loss_dic = self.unlabeled_loss(data, latent_spec,
                                                 output_size, is_training)

        loss_total = unlabeled_loss_dic['total']

        if is_training:
            # use adam for optimization
            optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(self.learning_rate)

            # needed for batch normalization layer
            update_ops = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS)
            with tf.control_dependencies(update_ops):
                train_op = optimizer.minimize(loss_total)

        # create model specification
        model_spec = inputs
        model_spec['variable_init_op'] = tf.global_variables_initializer()

        # optimizers are only available in training phase
        if is_training:
            model_spec['train_op'] = train_op
            model_spec['output'] = output

        model_spec['loss_total'] = loss_total
        model_spec['loss_rec_ul'] = unlabeled_loss_dic['reconstruction']
        model_spec['loss_gauss_ul'] = unlabeled_loss_dic['gaussian']
        model_spec['loss_categ_ul'] = unlabeled_loss_dic['categorical']
        model_spec['true_labels'] = _labels
        model_spec['predicted'] = unlabeled_loss_dic['predicted_labels']

        return model_spec

    def evaluate_dataset(self, is_training, num_batches, model_spec):
        """Evaluate the model

          is_training: (bool) whether we are training or not
          num_batches: (int) number of batches to train/test
          model_spec: (dict) contains the graph operations or nodes needed for evaluation

          (dic) average of loss functions and metrics for the given number of batches
        avg_accuracy = 0.0
        avg_nmi = 0.0
        avg_loss_cat = 0.0
        avg_loss_total = 0.0
        avg_loss_rec = 0.0
        avg_loss_gauss = 0.0

        list_predicted_labels = []
        list_true_labels = []

        # initialize dataset iteratior

        if is_training:

            train_optimizer = model_spec['train_op']

            # training phase
            for j in range(num_batches):
                _, loss_total, loss_cat_ul, loss_rec_ul, loss_gauss_ul, true_labels, predicted_labels = self.sess.run(
                        train_optimizer, model_spec['loss_total'],
                        model_spec['loss_categ_ul'], model_spec['loss_rec_ul'],
                        model_spec['loss_gauss_ul'], model_spec['true_labels'],
                        self.network.temperature: self.temperature,
                        self.learning_rate: self.lr

                # save values
                avg_loss_rec += loss_rec_ul
                avg_loss_gauss += loss_gauss_ul
                avg_loss_cat += loss_cat_ul
                avg_loss_total += loss_total
            # validation phase
            for j in range(num_batches):
                # run the tensorflow flow graph
                loss_rec_ul, loss_gauss_ul, loss_cat_ul, loss_total, true_labels, predicted_labels = self.sess.run(
                        model_spec['loss_rec_ul'], model_spec['loss_gauss_ul'],
                        model_spec['loss_categ_ul'], model_spec['loss_total'],
                        model_spec['true_labels'], model_spec['predicted']
                        self.network.temperature: self.temperature,
                        self.learning_rate: self.lr

                # save values
                avg_loss_rec += loss_rec_ul
                avg_loss_gauss += loss_gauss_ul
                avg_loss_cat += loss_cat_ul
                avg_loss_total += loss_total

        # average values by the given number of batches
        avg_loss_rec /= num_batches
        avg_loss_gauss /= num_batches
        avg_loss_cat /= num_batches
        avg_loss_total /= num_batches

        # average accuracy and nmi of all the data
        predicted_labels = np.hstack(list_predicted_labels)
        true_labels = np.hstack(list_true_labels)
        avg_nmi = self.metrics.nmi(predicted_labels, true_labels)
        avg_accuracy = self.metrics.cluster_acc(predicted_labels, true_labels)

        return {
            'loss_rec': avg_loss_rec,
            'loss_gauss': avg_loss_gauss,
            'loss_cat': avg_loss_cat,
            'loss_total': avg_loss_total,
            'accuracy': avg_accuracy,
            'nmi': avg_nmi

    def train(self, train_data, train_labels, val_data, val_labels):
        """Train the model

          train_data: (array) corresponding array containing the training data
          train_labels: (array) corresponding array containing the labels of the training data
          val_data: (array) corresponding array containing the validation data
          val_labels: (array) corresponding array containing the labels of the validation data

          output: (dict) contains the history of train/val loss
        train_history_loss, val_history_loss = [], []
        train_history_acc, val_history_acc = [], []
        train_history_nmi, val_history_nmi = [], []

        # create training and validation dataset
        train_dataset = self.create_dataset(True, train_data, train_labels,
        val_dataset = self.create_dataset(False, val_data, val_labels,

        self.output_size = train_data.shape[1]

        # create train and validation models
        train_model = self.create_model(True, train_dataset, self.output_size)
        val_model = self.create_model(False, val_dataset, self.output_size)

        # set number of batches
        num_train_batches = int(
            np.ceil(train_data.shape[0] / (1.0 * self.batch_size)))
        num_val_batches = int(
            np.ceil(val_data.shape[0] / (1.0 * self.batch_size_val)))

        # initialize global variables

        # training and validation phases
        print('Training phase...')
        for i in range(self.num_epochs):

            # decay learning rate according to decay_epoch parameter
            if self.decay_epoch > 0 and (i + 1) % self.decay_epoch == 0:
                self.lr = self.lr * self.lr_decay
                print('Decaying learning rate: %lf' % self.lr)

            # evaluate train and validation datasets
            train_loss = self.evaluate_dataset(True, num_train_batches,
            val_loss = self.evaluate_dataset(False, num_val_batches, val_model)

            # get training results for printing
            train_loss_rec = train_loss['loss_rec']
            train_loss_gauss = train_loss['loss_gauss']
            train_loss_cat = train_loss['loss_cat']
            train_accuracy = train_loss['accuracy']
            train_nmi = train_loss['nmi']
            train_total_loss = train_loss['loss_total']

            # get validation results for printing
            val_loss_rec = val_loss['loss_rec']
            val_loss_gauss = val_loss['loss_gauss']
            val_loss_cat = val_loss['loss_cat']
            val_accuracy = val_loss['accuracy']
            val_nmi = val_loss['nmi']
            val_total_loss = val_loss['loss_total']

            # if verbose then print specific information about training
            if self.verbose == 1:
                print("(Epoch %d / %d)" % (i + 1, self.num_epochs))
                print("Train - REC: %.5lf;  Gauss: %.5lf;  Cat: %.5lf;" % \
                      (train_loss_rec, train_loss_gauss, train_loss_cat))
                print("Valid - REC: %.5lf;  Gauss: %.5lf;  Cat: %.5lf;" % \
                      (val_loss_rec, val_loss_gauss, val_loss_cat))
                print("Accuracy=Train: %.5lf; Val: %.5lf   NMI=Train: %.5lf; Val: %.5lf   Total Loss=Train: %.5lf; Val: %.5lf" % \
                     (train_accuracy, val_accuracy, train_nmi, val_nmi, train_total_loss, val_total_loss))
                print("(Epoch %d / %d) Train Loss: %.5lf; Val Loss: %.5lf   Train ACC: %.5lf; Val ACC: %.5lf   Train NMI: %.5lf; Val NMI: %.5lf" % \
                      (i + 1, self.num_epochs, train_total_loss, val_total_loss, train_accuracy, val_accuracy, train_nmi, val_nmi))

            # save loss and accuracy of each epoch

            if self.decay_temperature == 1:
                # decay temperature of gumbel-softmax
                self.temperature = np.maximum(
                    self.initial_temperature * np.exp(-self.decay_temp_rate *
                                                      (i + 1)),
                if self.verbose == 1:
                    print("Gumbel Temperature: %.5lf" % self.temperature)

        return {
            'train_history_loss': train_history_loss,
            'val_history_loss': val_history_loss,
            'train_history_acc': train_history_acc,
            'val_history_acc': val_history_acc

    def test(self, test_data, test_labels, batch_size=-1):
        """Test the model with new data

          test_data: (array) corresponding array containing the testing data
          test_labels: (array) corresponding array containing the labels of the testing data
          batch_size: (int) batch size used to run the model
          accuracy for the given test data

        # if batch_size is not specified then use all data
        if batch_size == -1:
            batch_size = test_data.shape[0]

        # create dataset
        test_dataset = self.create_dataset(False, test_data, test_labels,
        true_labels = test_dataset['labels']

        # perform a forward call on the encoder to obtain predicted labels
        latent = self.network.encoder(test_dataset['data'], self.num_classes)
        logits = latent['logits']
        predicted_labels = tf.argmax(logits, axis=1)

        # initialize dataset iterator

        # calculate number of batches given batch size
        num_batches = int(np.ceil(test_data.shape[0] / (1.0 * batch_size)))

        # evaluate the model
        list_predicted_labels = []
        list_true_labels = []

        for j in range(num_batches):
            _predicted_labels, _true_labels = self.sess.run(
                [predicted_labels, true_labels],
                    self.network.temperature: self.temperature,
                    self.learning_rate: self.lr

            # save values

        # average accuracy and nmi of all the data
        predicted_labels = np.hstack(list_predicted_labels)
        true_labels = np.hstack(list_true_labels)
        avg_nmi = self.metrics.nmi(predicted_labels, true_labels)
        avg_accuracy = self.metrics.cluster_acc(predicted_labels, true_labels)

        return avg_accuracy, avg_nmi

    def latent_features(self, data, batch_size=-1):
        """Obtain latent features learnt by the model

          data: (array) corresponding array containing the data
          batch_size: (int) size of each batch to consider from the data

          features: (array) array containing the features from the data
        # if batch_size is not specified then use all data
        if batch_size == -1:
            batch_size = data.shape[0]

        # create dataset
        dataset = self.create_dataset(False, data, None, batch_size)

        # we will use only the encoder network
        latent = self.network.encoder(dataset['data'], self.num_classes)
        encoder = latent['features']

        # obtain the features from the input data
        num_batches = data.shape[0] // batch_size

        features = np.zeros((data.shape[0], self.gaussian_size))
        for j in range(num_batches):
            features[j * batch_size:j * batch_size +
                     batch_size] = self.sess.run(encoder,
        return features

    def reconstruct_data(self, data, batch_size=-1):
        """Reconstruct Data

          data: (array) corresponding array containing the data
          batch_size: (int) size of each batch to consider from the data

          reconstructed: (array) array containing the reconstructed data
        # if batch_size is not specified then use all data
        if batch_size == -1:
            batch_size = data.shape[0]

        # create dataset
        dataset = self.create_dataset(False, data, None, batch_size)

        # reuse model used in training
        model_spec = self.create_model(False, dataset, data.shape[1])

        # obtain the reconstructed data
        num_batches = data.shape[0] // batch_size
        reconstructed = np.zeros(data.shape)
        pos = 0
        for j in range(num_batches):
            reconstructed[pos:pos + batch_size] = self.sess.run(
                    self.network.temperature: self.temperature,
                    self.learning_rate: self.lr
            pos += batch_size
        return reconstructed

    def plot_latent_space(self, data, labels, save=False):
        """Plot the latent space learnt by the model

          data: (array) corresponding array containing the data
          labels: (array) corresponding array containing the labels
          save: (bool) whether to save the latent space plot

          fig: (figure) plot of the latent space
        # obtain the latent features
        features = self.latent_features(data)

        # plot only the first 2 dimensions
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6))
        plt.scatter(features[:, 0],
                    features[:, 1],
                    cmap=plt.cm.get_cmap('jet', 10),
        if (save):
        return fig

    def generate_data(self, num_elements=1, category=0):
        """Generate data for a specified category

          num_elements: (int) number of elements to generate
          category: (int) category from which we will generate data

          generated data according to num_elements
        indices = (np.ones(num_elements) * category).astype(int).tolist()

        # category is specified with a one-hot array
        categorical = tf.one_hot(indices, self.num_classes)

        # infer the gaussian distribution according to the category
        mean, var = self.network.gaussian_from_categorical(categorical)

        # gaussian random sample by using the mean and variance
        gaussian = tf.random_normal(tf.shape(mean), mean, tf.sqrt(var))

        # generate new samples with the given gaussian
        _, out = self.network.output_from_gaussian(gaussian, self.output_size)

        return self.sess.run(out,
                                 self.network.temperature: self.temperature,
                                 self.learning_rate: self.lr

    def random_generation(self, num_elements=1):
        """Random generation for each category

          num_elements: (int) number of elements to generate

          generated data according to num_elements
        # categories for each element
        arr = np.array([])
        for i in range(self.num_classes):
            arr = np.hstack([arr, np.ones(num_elements) * i])
        indices = arr.astype(int).tolist()
        categorical = tf.one_hot(indices, self.num_classes)

        # infer the gaussian distribution according to the category
        mean, var = self.network.gaussian_from_categorical(categorical)

        # gaussian random sample by using the mean and variance
        gaussian = tf.random_normal(tf.shape(mean), mean, tf.sqrt(var))

        # generate new samples with the given gaussian
        _, out = self.network.output_from_gaussian(gaussian, self.output_size)

        return self.sess.run(out,
                                 self.network.temperature: self.temperature,
                                 self.learning_rate: self.lr
Пример #14
class ConvDRAW(object):
    def __init__(self, d, lr, lambda_z_wu, read_attn, write_attn, do_classify,

        self.do_classify = do_classify
        """ flags for each regularizor """
        self.do_reconst = do_reconst
        self.read_attn = read_attn
        self.write_attn = write_attn
        """ dataset information """
        """ external toolkits """
        self.ls = Layers()
        self.lf = LossFunctions(self.ls, self.d, self.encoder)
        self.ii = ImageInterface(_is_3d, self.read_attn, self.write_attn,
                                 GLIMPSE_SIZE_READ, GLIMPSE_SIZE_WRITE, _h, _w,
        # for refference from get_loss_kl_draw()
        self.T = T
        self.L = L
        self.Z_SIZES = Z_SIZES
        """ placeholders defined outside"""
        self.lr = lr
        self.lambda_z_wu = lambda_z_wu
        """sequence of canvases """
        self.cs = [0] * T
        """ initialization """
        """ workaround for variable_scope(reuse=True) """
        self.DO_SHARE = None

    def set_datainfo(self, d):
        self.d = d  # dataset manager
        global _b, _h, _w, _c, _img_size, _is_3d
        _b = d.batch_size
        _h = d.h
        _w = d.w
        _c = d.c
        _img_size = d.img_size
        _is_3d = d.is_3d

    def init_time_zero(self):

        self.cs[0] = tf.zeros((_b, _h, _w, _c)) if _is_3d else tf.zeros(
            (_b, _img_size))
        self.h_dec[0][0] = tf.zeros((_b, RNN_SIZES[0]))

    def init_lstms(self):

        h_enc, e_mus, e_logsigmas = [[0] * L] * (T + 1), [[0] * L] * (
            T + 1), [[0] * L] * (T + 1)  # q(z_i+1 | z_i), bottom-up inference
        h_dec, d_mus, d_logsigmas = [[0] * L] * (T + 1), [[0] * L] * (
            T + 1), [[0] * L] * (T + 1)  # q(z_i | .), bidirectional inference
        p_mus, p_logsigmas = [[0] * L] * (T + 1), [[0] * L] * (
            T + 1)  # p(z_i | z_i+1), top-down prior
        """ set-up LSTM cells """
        e_cells, e_states = [None] * L, [None] * L
        d_cells, d_states = [None] * L, [None] * L

        for l in range(L):
            e_cells[l] = tf.contrib.rnn.core_rnn_cell.LSTMCell(RNN_SIZES[l])
            d_cells[l] = tf.contrib.rnn.core_rnn_cell.LSTMCell(RNN_SIZES[l])
            e_states[l] = e_cells[l].zero_state(_b, tf.float32)
            d_states[l] = d_cells[l].zero_state(_b, tf.float32)
            """ set as standard Gaussian, N(0,I). """
            d_mus[0][l], d_logsigmas[0][l] = tf.zeros(
                (_b, Z_SIZES[l])), tf.zeros((_b, Z_SIZES[l]))
            p_mus[0][l], p_logsigmas[0][l] = tf.zeros(
                (_b, Z_SIZES[l])), tf.zeros((_b, Z_SIZES[l]))

        self.h_enc, self.e_mus, self.e_logsigmas = h_enc, e_mus, e_logsigmas
        self.h_dec, self.d_mus, self.d_logsigmas = h_dec, d_mus, d_logsigmas
        self.p_mus, self.p_logsigmas = p_mus, p_logsigmas
        self.e_cells, self.e_states = e_cells, e_states
        self.d_cells, self.d_states = d_cells, d_states
        self.z = [[0] * L] * (T + 1)

    """            LSTM cells               """

    def lstm_encode(self, state, x, l, is_train):

        scope = 'lstm_encode_' + str(l)
        x = tf.reshape(x, (_b, -1))
        if x.get_shape()[1] != RNN_SIZES[l]:
            print(scope, ':', x.get_shape()[1:], '=>', RNN_SIZES[l])
            x = self.ls.dense(scope, x, RNN_SIZES[l])

        return self.e_cells[l](x, state)

    def lstm_decode(self, state, x, l, is_train):

        scope = 'lstm_decode_' + str(l)
        x = tf.reshape(x, (_b, -1))
        if x.get_shape()[1] != RNN_SIZES[l]:
            print(scope, ':', x.get_shape()[1:], '=>', RNN_SIZES[l])
            x = self.ls.dense(scope, x, RNN_SIZES[l])

        return self.d_cells[l](x, state)

    """             Encoder                 """

    def encoder(self, x, t, is_train=True, do_update_bn=True):

        for l in range(L):
            scope = 'Encode_L' + str(l)
            with tf.variable_scope(scope, reuse=self.DO_SHARE):

                if l == 0:
                    x_hat = x - self.canvase_previous(t)

                    h_dec_lowest_prev = self.h_dec[
                        t - 1][0] if t == 0 else tf.zeros((_b, RNN_SIZES[0]))

                    input = self.ii.read(x, x_hat, h_dec_lowest_prev)
                    input = self.h_enc[t][l - 1]

                self.h_enc[t][l], self.e_states[l] = self.lstm_encode(
                    self.e_states[l], input, l, is_train)

                input = self.ls.dense(scope, self.h_enc[t][l], Z_SIZES[l] * 2)
                self.z[t][l], self.e_mus[t][l], self.e_logsigmas[t][
                    l] = self.ls.vae_sampler_w_feature_slice(
                        input, Z_SIZES[l])
        """ classifier """
        logit = self.ls.dense('top',
        return logit

    """             Decoder                 """

    def decoder(self, t, is_train=True, do_update_bn=True):

        for l in range(L - 1, -1, -1):
            scope = 'Decoder_L' + str(l)
            with tf.variable_scope(scope, reuse=self.DO_SHARE):

                if l == L - 1:
                    input = self.z[t][l]
                    input = self.concat(self.z[t][l], self.h_dec[t][l + 1], l)

                self.h_dec[t][l], self.d_states[l] = self.lstm_decode(
                    self.d_states[l], input, l, is_train)
                """ go out to the input space """
                if l == 0:
                    # [ToDo] replace bellow reconstructor with conv-lstm
                    if _is_3d:

                        o = self.canvase_previous(t) + self.ii.write(
                        #if t == T-1: # for MNIST
                        o = tf.nn.sigmoid(o)
                        self.cs[t] = o
                        self.cs[t] = tf.nn.sigmoid(
                            self.canvase_previous(t) +
        return self.cs[t]

    """ set prior after building the decoder """

    def prior(self, t):

        for l in range(L - 1, -1, -1):
            scope = 'Piror_L' + str(l)
            """ preparation for p_* for t+1 and d_* for t with the output from lstm-decoder"""
            if l != 0:
                input = self.ls.dense(scope, self.h_dec[t][l],
                                      Z_SIZES[l] * 2 + Z_SIZES[l - 1] * 2)
                self.p_mus[t + 1][l], self.p_logsigmas[t + 1][l], self.d_mus[
                    t][l], self.d_logsigmas[t][l] = self.ls.split(
                        input, 1, [Z_SIZES[l]] * 2 + [Z_SIZES[l - 1]] * 2)
                """ no one uses d_* """
                input = self.ls.dense(scope, self.h_dec[t][l], Z_SIZES[l] * 2)
                self.p_mus[t +
                           1][l], self.p_logsigmas[t + 1][l] = self.ls.split(
                               input, 1, [Z_SIZES[l]] * 2)
            """ setting p_mus[0][l] and p_logsigmas[0][l] """
            if t == 0:
                if l == L - 1:
                    """ has already been performed at init() """
                    """ by using only decoder's top-down path as prior since p(z) of t-1 does not exist """
                    self.p_mus[t][l], self.p_logsigmas[t][l] = self.d_mus[t][
                        l + 1], tf.exp(self.d_logsigmas[t][l +
                                                           1])  # Eq.19 at t=0
                if l == L - 1:
                    """ has already been performed at t-1 """
                    """ update p(z) of current t """
                    _, self.p_mus[t][l], self.p_logsigmas[t][
                        l] = self.ls.precision_weighted_sampler(
                            (self.p_mus[t][l], tf.exp(self.p_logsigmas[t][l])),
                            (self.d_mus[t][l + 1],
                             tf.exp(self.d_logsigmas[t][l + 1])))  # Eq.19

    """           Build Graph               """

    def build_graph_train(self, x_l, y_l, x, is_supervised=True):

        o = dict()  # output
        loss = 0
        logit_ls = []
        """ Build DRAW """
        for t in range(T):
            logit_ls.append(self.encoder(x, t))
            x_reconst = self.decoder(t)

            if t == 0:
                self.DO_SHARE = DO_SHARE = True
        """ p(x|z) Reconstruction Loss """
        o['x'] = x
        o['cs'] = self.cs
        o['Lr'] = self.lf.get_loss_pxz(x_reconst, x, 'DiscretizedLogistic')
        loss += o['Lr']
        """ VAE KL-Divergence Loss """
        o['KL1'], o['KL2'], o['Lz'] = self.lf.get_loss_kl_draw(self)
        loss += self.lambda_z_wu * o['Lz']
        """ set losses """
        o['loss'] = loss
        self.o_train = o
        """ set optimizer """
        optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=self.lr, beta1=0.5)
        grads = optimizer.compute_gradients(loss)
        for i, (g, v) in enumerate(grads):
            if g is not None:
                #g = tf.Print(g, [g], "g %s = "%(v))
                grads[i] = (tf.clip_by_norm(g, 5), v)  # clip gradients
                print('g is None:', v)
                v = tf.Print(v, [v], "v = ", summarize=10000)
        self.op = optimizer.apply_gradients(grads)  # return train_op

    def build_graph_test(self, x_l, y_l, is_supervised=False):

        o = dict()  # output
        loss = 0
        logit_ls = []
        """ Build DRAW """
        for t in range(T):
                self.encoder(x_l, t, is_train=False, do_update_bn=False))
            x_reconst = self.decoder(t)

            if t == 0:
                self.DO_SHARE = DO_SHARE = True
        """ classification loss """
        if is_supervised:
            o['Ly'], o['accur'] = self.lf.get_loss_pyx(logit_ls[-1], y_l)
            loss += o['Ly']
        """ for visualizationc """
        o['z'], o['y'] = logit_ls[-1], y_l
        """ set losses """
        o['loss'] = loss
        self.o_test = o

    """             Utilities               """

    def canvase_previous(self, t):
        if _is_3d:
            c_prev = tf.zeros((_b, _h, _w, _c)) if t == 0 else self.cs[t - 1]
            c_prev = tf.zeros((_b, _img_size)) if t == 0 else self.cs[t - 1]
        return c_prev

    def concat(self, x1, x2, l):
        if False:  # [ToDo]
            x1 = tf.reshape(x1, (_b, IMAGE_SIZES[l][0], IMAGE_SIZES[l][1], -1))
            x2 = tf.reshape(x2, (_b, IMAGE_SIZES[l][0], IMAGE_SIZES[l][1], -1))
            return tf.concat([x1, x2], 3)
            x1 = tf.reshape(x1, (_b, -1))
            x2 = tf.reshape(x2, (_b, -1))
            return tf.concat([x1, x2], 1)
class SSVAE:
    def __init__(self, params):
        self.batch_size = params.batch_size
        self.batch_size_val = params.batch_size_val
        self.initial_temperature = params.temperature
        self.decay_temperature = params.decay_temperature
        self.num_epochs = params.num_epochs
        self.loss_type = params.loss_type
        self.num_classes = params.num_classes
        self.w_gauss = params.w_gaussian
        self.w_categ = params.w_categorical
        self.w_recon = params.w_reconstruction
        self.decay_temp_rate = params.decay_temp_rate
        self.gaussian_size = params.gaussian_size
        self.feature_size = params.feature_size
        self.min_temperature = params.min_temperature
        self.temperature = params.temperature  # current temperature
        self.verbose = params.verbose

        self.sess = tf.Session()
        self.network = CatVAENetwork(params)
        self.losses = LossFunctions()

        self.w_assign = params.w_assign
        self.num_labeled = params.num_labeled
        self.knn = params.knn
        self.metric_loss = params.metric_loss

        self.w_metric = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [])
        self.initial_w_metric = params.w_metric
        self._w_metric = params.w_metric
        self.anneal_metric_loss = params.anneal_w_metric

        self.learning_rate = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [])
        self.lr = params.learning_rate
        self.decay_epoch = params.decay_epoch
        self.lr_decay = params.lr_decay

        self.pretrain = params.pretrain
        self.num_labeled_batch = params.num_labeled_batch
        self.dataset = params.dataset

        self.metric_margin = params.metric_margin

    def create_dataset(self,
        """Create dataset given input data

          is_training: (bool) whether to use the train or test pipeline.
                       At training, we shuffle the data and have multiple epochs
          data: (array) corresponding array containing the input data
          labels: (array) corresponding array containing the labels of the input data
          batch_size: (int) size of each batch to consider from the data
          x_labeled: (array) corresponding array containing the labeled input data
          y_labeled: (array) corresponding array containing the labeles of the labeled input data
          output: (dict) contains what will be the input of the tensorflow graph
        num_samples = data.shape[0]

        # create dataset object
        if labels is None:
            dataset = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices(data)
            dataset = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices((data, labels))

        # shuffle data in training phase
        if is_training:
            dataset = dataset.shuffle(num_samples).repeat()

        dataset = dataset.batch(batch_size)
        dataset = dataset.prefetch(1)

        # create reinitializable iterator from dataset
        iterator = dataset.make_initializable_iterator()

        labeled_data = False
        if labels is None:
            data = iterator.get_next()
            data, labels = iterator.get_next()

            # append labeled data to each batch
            if x_labeled is not None:
                labeled_data = True
                _data = tf.concat([data, x_labeled], 0)
                _labels = tf.concat([labels, y_labeled], 0)

        iterator_init = iterator.initializer

        if labeled_data:
            output = {
                'data': _data,
                'labels': _labels,
                'iterator_init': iterator_init
            output['labels_semisupervised'] = y_labeled
            output = {
                'data': data,
                'labels': labels,
                'iterator_init': iterator_init
            output['labels_semisupervised'] = None
        return output

    def create_model(self, is_training, inputs, output_size):
        """Model function defining the graph operations.

          is_training: (bool) whether we are in training phase or not
          inputs: (dict) contains the inputs of the graph (features, labels...)
                  this can be `tf.placeholder` or outputs of `tf.data`
          output_size: (int) size of the output layer

          model_spec: (dict) contains the graph operations or nodes needed for training / evaluation
        data, _labels = inputs['data'], inputs['labels']

        # create network and obtain latent vectors that will be used in loss functions
        latent_spec = self.network.encoder(data, self.num_classes, is_training)

        gaussian, mean, logVar = latent_spec['gaussian'], latent_spec[
            'mean'], latent_spec['logVar']
        categorical, prob, log_prob = latent_spec['categorical'], latent_spec[
            'prob_cat'], latent_spec['log_prob_cat']
        _logits, features = latent_spec['logits'], latent_spec['features']

        output = self.network.decoder(gaussian, categorical, output_size,

        # reconstruction loss
        if self.loss_type == 'bce':
            loss_rec = self.losses.binary_cross_entropy(data, output)
        elif self.loss_type == 'mse':
            loss_rec = tf.losses.mean_squared_error(data, output)
            raise "invalid loss function... try bce or mse..."

        # kl-divergence loss
        loss_kl = self.losses.kl_gaussian(mean, logVar)
        loss_kl_cat = self.losses.kl_categorical(prob, log_prob,

        # auxiliary task to assign labels and regularize the feature space
        if _labels is not None:
            labeled_ss = inputs['labels_semisupervised']
            if labeled_ss is not None:
                # assignment loss only if labeled data is available (training phase)
                predicted_labels = assign_labels_semisupervised(
                    features, labeled_ss, self.num_labeled_batch,
                    self.batch_size, self.num_classes, self.knn)
                # use assigned labels and logits to calculate cross entropy loss
                loss_assign = tf.losses.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy(
                    labels=predicted_labels, logits=_logits)
                # predict labels from logits or softmax(logits) (validation/testing phase)
                loss_assign = tf.constant(0.)
                predicted_labels = tf.argmax(prob, axis=1)

            # calculate accuracy using the predicted and true labels
            accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(
                tf.cast(tf.equal(_labels, predicted_labels), tf.float32))

            # metric embedding loss
            if self.metric_loss == 'triplet':
                loss_metric = tf.contrib.losses.metric_learning.triplet_semihard_loss(
                    predicted_labels, features, margin=self.metric_margin)
            elif self.metric_loss == 'lifted':
                loss_metric = tf.contrib.losses.metric_learning.lifted_struct_loss(
                    predicted_labels, features, margin=self.metric_margin)
                raise "invalid metric loss... currently we support triplet and lifted loss"

            accuracy = tf.constant(0.)
            loss_assign = tf.constant(0.)
            loss_metric = tf.constant(0.)
            predicted_labels = tf.constant(0.)

        # variational autoencoder loss
        loss_vae = self.w_recon * loss_rec
        loss_vae += self.w_gauss * loss_kl
        loss_vae += self.w_categ * loss_kl_cat

        # total loss
        loss_total = loss_vae + self.w_assign * loss_assign + self.w_metric * loss_metric

        if is_training:
            # use adam for optimization
            optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(self.learning_rate)

            # needed for batch normalization layer
            update_ops = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS)
            with tf.control_dependencies(update_ops):
                train_op_vae = optimizer.minimize(loss_vae)
                train_op_tot = optimizer.minimize(loss_total)

        # create model specification
        model_spec = inputs
        model_spec['variable_init_op'] = tf.global_variables_initializer()
        model_spec['output'] = output
        model_spec['features'] = features
        model_spec['predicted_labels'] = predicted_labels
        model_spec['true_labels'] = _labels
        model_spec['loss_rec'] = loss_rec
        model_spec['loss_kl'] = loss_kl
        model_spec['loss_kl_cat'] = loss_kl_cat
        model_spec['loss_total'] = loss_total
        model_spec['loss_metric'] = loss_metric
        model_spec['loss_assign'] = loss_assign
        model_spec['accuracy'] = accuracy

        # optimizers are only available in training phase
        if is_training:
            model_spec['train_op'] = train_op_tot
            model_spec['train_vae'] = train_op_vae

        return model_spec

    def evaluate_dataset(self,
        """Evaluate the model

          is_training: (bool) whether we are training or not
          num_batches: (int) number of batches to train/test
          model_spec: (dict) contains the graph operations or nodes needed for evaluation
          labeled_data: (array) corresponding array containing the labeled input data
          labeled_labels: (array) corresponding array containing the labeles of the labeled input data

          (dic) average of loss functions and metrics for the given number of batches
        avg_accuracy = 0.0
        avg_nmi = 0.0
        avg_loss_rec = 0.0
        avg_loss_kl = 0.0
        avg_loss_cat = 0.0
        avg_loss_total = 0.0
        avg_loss_metric = 0.0
        avg_loss_assign = 0.0

        # initialize dataset iteratior

        if is_training:

            # pretraining will train only the variational autoencoder losses
            if self.pretrain < 1:
                train_optimizer = model_spec['train_op']
                train_optimizer = model_spec['train_vae']

            # training phase
            for j in range(num_batches):
                # select randomly subsets of labeled data according to the batch size
                _x_labeled, _y_labeled, _, _ = create_semisupervised_dataset(
                    labeled_data, labeled_labels, self.num_classes,

                # run the tensorflow flow graph
                _, loss_rec, loss_kl, loss_metric, loss_assign, loss_cat, loss_total, accuracy = self.sess.run(
                        train_optimizer, model_spec['loss_rec'],
                        model_spec['loss_kl'], model_spec['loss_metric'],
                        model_spec['loss_assign'], model_spec['loss_kl_cat'],
                        model_spec['loss_total'], model_spec['accuracy']
                        self.network.temperature: self.temperature,
                        self.w_metric: self._w_metric,
                        self.learning_rate: self.lr,
                        self.x_labeled: _x_labeled,
                        self.y_labeled: _y_labeled

                # accumulate values
                avg_accuracy += accuracy
                avg_loss_rec += loss_rec
                avg_loss_kl += loss_kl
                avg_loss_cat += loss_cat
                avg_loss_total += loss_total
                avg_loss_metric += loss_metric
                avg_loss_assign += loss_assign
            # validation phase
            for j in range(num_batches):
                # run the tensorflow flow graph
                loss_rec, loss_kl, loss_metric, loss_assign, loss_cat, loss_total, accuracy = self.sess.run(
                        model_spec['loss_rec'], model_spec['loss_kl'],
                        model_spec['loss_metric'], model_spec['loss_assign'],
                        model_spec['loss_kl_cat'], model_spec['loss_total'],
                        self.network.temperature: self.temperature,
                        self.w_metric: self._w_metric,
                        self.learning_rate: self.lr

                # accumulate values
                avg_accuracy += accuracy
                avg_loss_rec += loss_rec
                avg_loss_kl += loss_kl
                avg_loss_cat += loss_cat
                avg_loss_total += loss_total
                avg_loss_metric += loss_metric
                avg_loss_assign += loss_assign

        # average values by the given number of batches
        avg_loss_rec /= num_batches
        avg_loss_kl /= num_batches
        avg_accuracy /= num_batches
        avg_loss_cat /= num_batches
        avg_loss_total /= num_batches
        avg_loss_metric /= num_batches
        avg_loss_assign /= num_batches

        return {
            'avg_loss_rec': avg_loss_rec,
            'avg_loss_kl': avg_loss_kl,
            'avg_loss_cat': avg_loss_cat,
            'total_loss': avg_loss_total,
            'avg_accuracy': avg_accuracy,
            'avg_loss_metric': avg_loss_metric,
            'avg_loss_assign': avg_loss_assign

    def train(self, train_data, train_labels, val_data, val_labels,
              labeled_data, labeled_labels):
        """Train the model

          train_data: (array) corresponding array containing the training data
          train_labels: (array) corresponding array containing the labels of the training data
          val_data: (array) corresponding array containing the validation data
          val_labels: (array) corresponding array containing the labels of the validation data
          labeled_data: (array) corresponding array containing the labeled input data
          labeled_labels: (array) corresponding array containing the labeles of the labeled input data

          output: (dict) contains the history of train/val loss
        train_history_loss, val_history_loss = [], []
        train_history_acc, val_history_acc = [], []
        train_history_nmi, val_history_nmi = [], []

        # placeholders for the labeled data
        self.x_labeled = tf.placeholder(
            tf.float32, shape=[self.num_labeled_batch, labeled_data.shape[1]])
        self.y_labeled = tf.placeholder(tf.int64,

        # create training and validation dataset
        train_dataset = self.create_dataset(
            True, train_data, train_labels,
            self.batch_size - self.num_labeled_batch, self.x_labeled,
        val_dataset = self.create_dataset(True, val_data, val_labels,

        self.output_size = train_data.shape[1]

        # create train and validation models
        train_model = self.create_model(True, train_dataset, self.output_size)
        val_model = self.create_model(False, val_dataset, self.output_size)

        # set number of batches
        num_train_batches = int(
            np.ceil(train_data.shape[0] /
                    (1.0 * (self.batch_size - self.num_labeled_batch))))
        num_val_batches = int(
            np.ceil(val_data.shape[0] / (1.0 * self.batch_size_val)))

        # initialize global variables

        # training and validation phases
        print('Training phase...')
        for i in range(self.num_epochs):

            # pretraining at each epoch
            if self.pretrain > 0:
                self.pretrain = self.pretrain - 1

            # decay learning rate according to decay_epoch parameter
            if self.decay_epoch > 0 and (i + 1) % self.decay_epoch == 0:
                self.lr = self.lr * self.lr_decay
                print('Decaying learning rate: %lf' % self.lr)

            # evaluate train and validation datasets
            train_loss = self.evaluate_dataset(True, num_train_batches,
                                               train_model, labeled_data,
            val_loss = self.evaluate_dataset(False, num_val_batches, val_model)

            # get training results for printing
            train_loss_rec = train_loss['avg_loss_rec']
            train_loss_kl = train_loss['avg_loss_kl']
            train_loss_cat = train_loss['avg_loss_cat']
            train_loss_ass = train_loss['avg_loss_assign']
            train_loss_met = train_loss['avg_loss_metric']
            train_accuracy = train_loss['avg_accuracy']
            train_total_loss = train_loss['total_loss']
            # get validation results for printing
            val_loss_rec = val_loss['avg_loss_rec']
            val_loss_kl = val_loss['avg_loss_kl']
            val_loss_cat = val_loss['avg_loss_cat']
            val_loss_ass = val_loss['avg_loss_assign']
            val_loss_met = val_loss['avg_loss_metric']
            val_accuracy = val_loss['avg_accuracy']
            val_total_loss = val_loss['total_loss']

            # if verbose then print specific information about training
            if self.verbose == 1:
                print("(Epoch %d / %d) REC=Train: %.5lf; Val: %.5lf  KL=Train: %.5lf; Val: %.5lf  KL-Cat=Train: %.5lf; Val: %.5lf  MET=Train: %.5lf; Val: %.5lf  ASS=Train: %.5lf; Val: %.5lf  ACC=Train %.5lf; Val %.5lf" % \
                      (i + 1, self.num_epochs, train_loss_rec, val_loss_rec, train_loss_kl, val_loss_kl, train_loss_cat, val_loss_cat, train_loss_met, val_loss_met, train_loss_ass, val_loss_ass, train_accuracy, val_accuracy))
                print("(Epoch %d / %d) Train Loss: %.5lf; Val Loss: %.5lf   Train Accuracy: %.5lf; Val Accuracy: %.5lf" % \
                      (i + 1, self.num_epochs, train_total_loss, val_total_loss, train_accuracy, val_accuracy))

            # save loss and accuracy of each epoch

            if self.anneal_metric_loss == 1:
                #anneal loss from initial_w_metric to 1 in the first 100 epochs
                self._w_metric = np.minimum(
                    self.initial_w_metric * np.exp(0.06908 * (i + 1)), 1)
                if self.verbose == 1:
                    print('Metric Weight: %.5lf' % self._w_metric)

            if self.decay_temperature == 1:
                # decay temperature of gumbel-softmax
                self.temperature = np.maximum(
                    self.initial_temperature * np.exp(-self.decay_temp_rate *
                                                      (i + 1)),
                if self.verbose == 1:
                    print("Gumbel Temperature: %.5lf" % self.temperature)

        return {
            'train_history_loss': train_history_loss,
            'val_history_loss': val_history_loss,
            'train_history_acc': train_history_acc,
            'val_history_acc': val_history_acc

    def test(self, test_data, test_labels, batch_size=-1):
        """Test the model with new data

          test_data: (array) corresponding array containing the testing data
          test_labels: (array) corresponding array containing the labels of the testing data
          batch_size: (int) batch size used to run the model
          accuracy for the given test data

        # if batch_size is not specified then use all data
        if batch_size == -1:
            batch_size = test_data.shape[0]

        # create dataset
        test_dataset = self.create_dataset(False, test_data, test_labels,
        true_labels = test_dataset['labels']

        # perform a forward call on the encoder to obtain predicted labels
        latent = self.network.encoder(test_dataset['data'], self.num_classes)
        logits = latent['prob_cat']
        predicted_labels = tf.argmax(logits, axis=1)

        # calculate accuracy given the predicted and true labels
        accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(
            tf.cast(tf.equal(true_labels, predicted_labels), tf.float32))

        # initialize dataset iterator

        # calculate number of batches given batch size
        num_batches = int(np.ceil(test_data.shape[0] / (1.0 * batch_size)))

        # evaluate the model
        avg_accuracy = 0.0
        for j in range(num_batches):
            _accuracy = self.sess.run(accuracy,
                                          self.w_metric: self._w_metric,
                                          self.learning_rate: self.lr
            avg_accuracy += _accuracy

        # average the accuracy
        avg_accuracy /= num_batches
        return avg_accuracy

    def latent_features(self, data, batch_size=-1):
        """Obtain latent features learnt by the model

          data: (array) corresponding array containing the data
          batch_size: (int) size of each batch to consider from the data

          features: (array) array containing the features from the data
        # if batch_size is not specified then use all data
        if batch_size == -1:
            batch_size = data.shape[0]

        # create dataset
        dataset = self.create_dataset(False, data, None, batch_size)

        # we will use only the encoder network
        latent = self.network.encoder(dataset['data'], self.num_classes)
        encoder = latent['features']

        # obtain the features from the input data
        num_batches = data.shape[0] // batch_size
        features = np.zeros((data.shape[0], self.feature_size))
        for j in range(num_batches):
            features[j * batch_size:j * batch_size +
                     batch_size] = self.sess.run(encoder,
        return features

    def reconstruct_data(self, data, batch_size=-1):
        """Reconstruct Data

          data: (array) corresponding array containing the data
          batch_size: (int) size of each batch to consider from the data

          reconstructed: (array) array containing the reconstructed data
        # if batch_size is not specified then use all data
        if batch_size == -1:
            batch_size = data.shape[0]

        # create dataset
        dataset = self.create_dataset(False, data, None, batch_size)

        # reuse model used in training
        model_spec = self.create_model(False, dataset, data.shape[1])

        # obtain the reconstructed data
        num_batches = data.shape[0] // batch_size
        reconstructed = np.zeros(data.shape)
        pos = 0
        for j in range(num_batches):
            reconstructed[pos:pos + batch_size] = self.sess.run(
                    self.network.temperature: self.temperature,
                    self.w_metric: self._w_metric,
                    self.learning_rate: self.lr
            pos += batch_size
        return reconstructed

    def plot_latent_space(self, data, labels, save=False):
        """Plot the latent space learnt by the model

          data: (array) corresponding array containing the data
          labels: (array) corresponding array containing the labels
          save: (bool) whether to save the latent space plot

          fig: (figure) plot of the latent space
        # obtain the latent features
        features = self.latent_features(data)

        # plot only the first 2 dimensions
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6))
        plt.scatter(features[:, 0],
                    features[:, 1],
                    cmap=plt.cm.get_cmap('jet', 10),
        if (save):
        return fig

    def generate_data(self, num_elements=1, category=0):
        """Generate data for a specified category

          num_elements: (int) number of elements to generate
          category: (int) category from which we will generate data

          generated data according to num_elements
        # gaussian noise for each element
        noise = tf.random_normal([num_elements, self.gaussian_size],
        indices = (np.ones(num_elements) * category).astype(int).tolist()
        # category is specified with a one-hot array
        categorical = tf.one_hot(indices, self.num_classes)
        # use the gaussian noise and category to generate data from the generator
        out = self.network.decoder(noise, categorical, self.output_size)
        return self.sess.run(out,
                                 self.network.temperature: self.temperature,
                                 self.w_metric: self._w_metric,
                                 self.learning_rate: self.lr

    def random_generation(self, num_elements=1):
        """Random generation for each category

          num_elements: (int) number of elements to generate

          generated data according to num_elements
        # gaussian noise for each element
        noise = tf.random_normal(
            [num_elements * self.num_classes, self.gaussian_size],
        # categories for each element
        arr = np.array([])
        for i in range(self.num_classes):
            arr = np.hstack([arr, np.ones(num_elements) * i])
        indices = arr.astype(int).tolist()
        categorical = tf.one_hot(indices, self.num_classes)
        # use the gaussian noise and categories to generate data from the generator
        out = self.network.decoder(noise, categorical, self.output_size)
        return self.sess.run(out,
                                 self.network.temperature: self.temperature,
                                 self.w_metric: self._w_metric,
                                 self.learning_rate: self.lr

    def style_generation(self, data):
        """Style transfer generation for each category given a predefined style

          data: (array)  corresponding array containing the input style

          generated data according to the style of data
        # convert data to tensor
        num_elem = data.shape[0]
        data = np.repeat(data, self.num_classes, axis=0)
        tf_data = tf.convert_to_tensor(data)
        # get latent gaussian features from the encoder
        latent = self.network.encoder(tf_data, self.num_classes)
        gaussian = latent['gaussian']
        # set one-hot values for each category
        indices = np.tile(range(self.num_classes), num_elem)
        categorical = tf.one_hot(indices, self.num_classes)
        # use the gaussian features and categories to generate data from the generator
        out = self.network.decoder(gaussian, categorical, self.output_size)
        return self.sess.run(out,
                                 self.network.temperature: self.temperature,
                                 self.w_metric: self._w_metric,
                                 self.learning_rate: self.lr
Пример #16
class VAE(object):
    def __init__(self, resource):
        """ data and external toolkits """
        self.d = resource.dh  # dataset manager
        self.ls = Layers()
        self.lf = LossFunctions(self.ls, self.d, self.encoder)
        """ placeholders defined outside"""
        if c.DO_TRAIN:
            self.lr = resource.ph['lr']

    def encoder(self, h, is_train, y=None):

        if is_train:
            _d = self.d
            #_ = tf.summary.image('image', tf.reshape(h, [-1, _d.h, _d.w, _d.c]), 10)

        scope = 'e_1'
        h = self.ls.conv2d(scope + '_1',
                           filter_size=(2, 2),
                           strides=(1, 2, 2, 1),
        h = tf.layers.batch_normalization(h, training=is_train, name=scope)
        h = tf.nn.relu(h)

        scope = 'e_2'
        h = self.ls.conv2d(scope + '_1',
                           filter_size=(2, 2),
                           strides=(1, 2, 2, 1),
        h = tf.layers.batch_normalization(h, training=is_train, name=scope)
        h = tf.nn.relu(h)

        scope = 'e_3'
        h = self.ls.conv2d(scope + '_1',
                           filter_size=(2, 2),
                           strides=(1, 2, 2, 1),
        h = tf.layers.batch_normalization(h, training=is_train, name=scope)
        #h = tf.nn.relu(h)
        h = tf.nn.tanh(h)

        # -> (b, 4, 4, 512)

        print('h:', h)
        #h = tf.reshape(h, (c.BATCH_SIZE, -1))
        h = tf.reshape(h, (-1, 4 * 4 * 512))
        print('h:', h)

        h = self.ls.denseV2('top_of_encoder', h, c.Z_SIZE * 2, activation=None)
        print('h:', h)
        return self.ls.vae_sampler_w_feature_slice(h, c.Z_SIZE)

    def decoder(self, h, is_train):

        scope = 'top_of_decoder'
        #h = self.ls.denseV2(scope, h, 128, activation=self.ls.lrelu)
        h = self.ls.denseV2(scope, h, 512, activation=self.ls.lrelu)
        print('h:', scope, h)

        h = tf.reshape(h, (-1, 4, 4, 32))
        print('h:', scope, h)

        scope = 'd_1'
        h = self.ls.deconv2d(scope + '_1', h, 512, filter_size=(2, 2))
        h = tf.layers.batch_normalization(h, training=is_train, name=scope)
        h = tf.nn.relu(h)
        print('h:', scope, h)

        scope = 'd_2'
        h = self.ls.deconv2d(scope + '_2', h, 256, filter_size=(2, 2))
        h = tf.layers.batch_normalization(h, training=is_train, name=scope)
        h = tf.nn.relu(h)
        print('h:', scope, h)

        scope = 'd_3'
        h = self.ls.deconv2d(scope + '_3', h, 128, filter_size=(2, 2))
        h = tf.layers.batch_normalization(h, training=is_train, name=scope)
        h = tf.nn.relu(h)
        print('h:', scope, h)

        scope = 'd_4'
        h = self.ls.conv2d(scope + '_4',
                           filter_size=(1, 1),
                           strides=(1, 1, 1, 1),
        print('h:', scope, h)

        return h

    def build_graph_train(self, x_l, y_l):

        o = dict()  # output
        loss = 0

            x_l = distorted = self.distort(x_l)

            if c.IS_AUG_NOISE_TRUE:
                x_l = self.ls.get_corrupted(x_l, 0.15)

        z, mu, logsigma = self.encoder(x_l, is_train=True, y=y_l)

        x_reconst = self.decoder(z, is_train=True)
        """ p(x|z) Reconstruction Loss """
        o['Lr'] = self.lf.get_loss_pxz(x_reconst, x_l, 'Bernoulli')
        o['x_reconst'] = x_reconst
        o['x'] = x_l
        loss += o['Lr']
        """ VAE KL-Divergence Loss """
        LAMBDA_VAE = 0.1
        o['mu'], o['logsigma'] = mu, logsigma
        # work around. [ToDo] make sure the root cause that makes kl loss inf
        #logsigma = tf.clip_by_norm( logsigma, 10)
        o['Lz'] = self.lf.get_loss_vae(c.Z_SIZE, mu, logsigma, _lambda=0.0)
        loss += LAMBDA_VAE * o['Lz']
        """ set losses """
        o['loss'] = loss
        self.o_train = o
        """ set optimizer """
        optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=self.lr, beta1=0.5)
        grads = optimizer.compute_gradients(loss)
        for i, (g, v) in enumerate(grads):
            if g is not None:
                #g = tf.Print(g, [g], "g %s = "%(v))
                grads[i] = (tf.clip_by_norm(g, 5), v)  # clip gradients
                print('g is None:', v)
                v = tf.Print(v, [v], "v = ", summarize=10000)

        # update ema in batch_normalization
        with tf.control_dependencies(tf.get_collection(
            self.op = optimizer.apply_gradients(grads)  # return train_op

    def build_graph_test(self, x_l, y_l):

        o = dict()  # output
        loss = 0

        z, mu, logsigma = self.encoder(x_l, is_train=False, y=y_l)

        x_reconst = self.decoder(mu, is_train=False)
        o['x_reconst'] = x_reconst
        o['x'] = x_l
        #o['Lr'] = self.lf.get_loss_pxz(x_reconst, x_l, 'LeastSquare')
        o['Lr'] = self.lf.get_loss_pxz(x_reconst, x_l, 'Bernoulli')
        #o['Lr'] = self.lf.get_loss_pxz(x_reconst, x_l, 'DiscretizedLogistic')
        #o['Lr'] = tf.reduce_mean(tf.keras.losses.binary_crossentropy(x_l, x_reconst))
        loss += o['Lr']
        """ set losses """
        o['loss'] = loss
        self.o_test = o

    def distort(self, x):
        maybe helpful http://www.redhub.io/Tensorflow/tensorflow-models/src/master/inception/inception/image_processing.py
        _d = self.d

        def _distort(a_image):
            bounding_boxes: A Tensor of type float32.
                3-D with shape [batch, N, 4] describing the N bounding boxes associated with the image. 
            Bounding boxes are supplied and returned as [y_min, x_min, y_max, x_max]
            if c.IS_AUG_TRANS_TRUE:
                a_image = tf.pad(a_image, [[2, 2], [2, 2], [0, 0]])
                a_image = tf.random_crop(a_image, [_d.h, _d.w, _d.c])

            if c.IS_AUG_FLIP_TRUE:
                a_image = tf.image.random_flip_left_right(a_image)

            if c.IS_AUG_ROTATE_TRUE:
                from math import pi
                radian = tf.random_uniform(shape=(), minval=0,
                                           maxval=360) * pi / 180
                a_image = tf.contrib.image.rotate(a_image,

            if c.IS_AUG_COLOR_TRUE:
                a_image = tf.image.random_brightness(a_image, max_delta=0.2)
                a_image = tf.image.random_contrast(a_image,
                a_image = tf.image.random_hue(a_image, max_delta=0.2)

            if c.IS_AUG_CROP_TRUE:
                # shape: [1, 1, 4]
                bounding_boxes = tf.constant(
                    [[[1 / 10, 1 / 10, 9 / 10, 9 / 10]]], dtype=tf.float32)

                begin, size, _ = tf.image.sample_distorted_bounding_box(
                    (_d.h, _d.w, _d.c),
                    min_object_covered=(9.8 / 10.0),
                    aspect_ratio_range=[9.5 / 10.0, 10.0 / 9.5])

                a_image = tf.slice(a_image, begin, size)
                """ for the purpose of distorting not use tf.image.resize_image_with_crop_or_pad under """
                a_image = tf.image.resize_images(a_image, [_d.h, _d.w])
                """ due to the size of channel returned from tf.image.resize_images is not being given,
                    specify it manually. """
                a_image = tf.reshape(a_image, [_d.h, _d.w, _d.c])
            return a_image

        """ process batch times in parallel """
        return tf.map_fn(_distort, x)