Пример #1
    async def qp(self, ctx, number_of_tickets=1):
        Quickpick tickets, enter a number to choose how many you want!
        lottory_id = db.get_current_lottory()
        user_balance = db.get_user_balance(ctx.author.id)
        total_cost = ticket_cost * number_of_tickets
        if user_balance < total_cost:
            await ctx.send("That would cost {:,}, your balance is {:,}. Broke ass bitch".format(total_cost, user_balance))
            async with ctx.typing():

                ticket_list = quickpick(number_of_tickets)
                progressive_add = number_of_tickets * ticket_cost * .1
                db.add_ticket_to_user(ticket_list, lottory_id, ctx.author.id)
                new_balance = db.modify_user_balance(ctx.author.id, -1 * total_cost)
                db.modify_lottory_jackpot_prog(lottory_id, progressive_add)
                new_progressive = db.get_lottory_jackpot_prog(lottory_id)
                ticket_obj_list = list(map(lambda x: Ticket(x), ticket_list)) #Convert list of tickets to Ticket objects

                if len(ticket_list) <= 5:
                    output_line_list = []
                    for ticket in ticket_list:
                        output_line_list.append('Quickpick ticket {} purchased by {}, good luck!'.format(Ticket(ticket), ctx.author.name))
                    await ctx.send("\n".join(output_line_list))

                if number_of_tickets > 500:
                    await ctx.author.send("You bought {} tickets. I'm not going to send you all of them.".format(number_of_tickets))

                    for n in range(0, len(ticket_list), 50):
                        await ctx.author.send("Lottory {} Quickpick tickets {}".format(lottory_id, ticket_list[n:n+50]))

                await ctx.send("{} spent {:,} on {:,} tickets, new balance is {:,}. The jackpot is now {:,}".format(ctx.author.name, total_cost, number_of_tickets, round(new_balance,2), payout_table[True][4]+new_progressive))
Пример #2
    async def buy_ticket(self, ctx, first: int, second: int, third: int,
                         fourth: int, mega: int):
        Purchase a lottory ticket, enter all 5 numbers seperated by spaces.
        Valid tickets must have first 4 numbes between 1-23, and last number between 1-11.
        Use !bt qp <number> to purchase a number of quickpick tickets. Good luck!
        lottory_id = db.get_current_lottory()
        user_balance = db.get_user_balance(ctx.author.id)
        ticket = [first, second, third, fourth, mega]
        ticket_print = Ticket(ticket)

        if user_balance < ticket_cost:
            await ctx.send(
                "That would cost {:,}, your balance is {:,}. Broke ass bitch".
                format(ticket_cost, user_balance))

        #Validate ticket entry
        for number in ticket[:4]:
            if number not in numbers:
                await ctx.send(
                    "{} is not a valid ticket, first 4 numbers must be between {}-{}}"
                    .format(ticket, numbers[0], numbers[-1]))
        if ticket[4] not in range(1, 12):
            await ctx.send(
                "{} is not a valid ticket, megaball must be between 1-11".
        for i in range(3):
            if ticket[i] in ticket[:i]:
                await ctx.send(
                    "{} is not a valid ticket, first four numbers must be unique"
            if ticket[i] in ticket[i + 1:4]:
                await ctx.send(
                    "{} is not a valid ticket, first four numbers must be unique"

        progressive_add = ticket_cost * .1
        db.add_ticket_to_user([ticket], lottory_id, ctx.author.id)
        new_balance = db.modify_user_balance(ctx.author.id, -1 * ticket_cost)
        db.modify_lottory_jackpot_prog(lottory_id, progressive_add)
        new_progressive = db.get_lottory_jackpot_prog(
            lottory_id) + payout_table[True][4]

        await ctx.send(
            "{} purchased ticket {}, your balance is now {:,}. The progressive jackpot is now {:,}."
            .format(ctx.author.name, Ticket(ticket), new_balance,