class FAQVocabulary(FilteredVocabularyBase): """Vocabulary containing all the FAQs in an `IFAQTarget`.""" implements(IHugeVocabulary) displayname = 'Select a FAQ' step_title = 'Search' def __init__(self, context): """Create a new vocabulary for the context. :param context: It should adaptable to `IFAQTarget`. """ self.context = IFAQTarget(context) def __len__(self): """See `IIterableVocabulary`.""" return self.context.searchFAQs().count() def __iter__(self): """See `IIterableVocabulary`.""" for faq in self.context.searchFAQs(): yield self.toTerm(faq) def __contains__(self, value): """See `IVocabulary`.""" if not IFAQ.providedBy(value): return False return self.context.getFAQ( is not None def getTerm(self, value): """See `IVocabulary`.""" if value not in self: raise LookupError(value) return self.toTerm(value) def getTermByToken(self, token): """See `IVocabularyTokenized`.""" try: int(token) except ValueError: raise LookupError(token) faq = self.context.getFAQ(token) if faq is None: raise LookupError(token) return self.toTerm(faq) def toTerm(self, faq): """Return the term for a FAQ.""" return SimpleTerm(faq,, faq.title) def searchForTerms(self, query=None, vocab_filter=None): """See `IHugeVocabulary`.""" results = self.context.findSimilarFAQs(query) return CountableIterator(results.count(), results, self.toTerm)
def assertCannotAppend(self, user, target): """Assert that the user cannot add an FAQ to an FAQ target.""" can_append = check_permission('launchpad.Append', IFAQTarget(target)) self.assertFalse(can_append, 'User can append append to %s' % target)
def __init__(self, context): """Create a new vocabulary for the context. :param context: It should adaptable to `IFAQTarget`. """ self.context = IFAQTarget(context)
def question_to_faqtarget(question): """Adapt an IQuestion into an IFAQTarget. It adapts the question's target to IFAQTarget. """ return IFAQTarget(