def getDatabaseBranch(self, personName, productName, branchName): """Look up and return the specified branch from the database.""" owner = Person.byName(personName) if productName is None: product = None else: product = Product.selectOneBy(name=productName) namespace = get_branch_namespace(owner, product) return namespace.getByName(branchName)
def test_push_to_new_short_branch_alias(self): # We can also push branches to URLs like /+branch/firefox # Hack 'firefox' so we have permission to do this. ZopelessAppServerLayer.txn.begin() firefox = Product.selectOneBy(name='firefox') testuser = Person.selectOneBy(name='testuser') firefox.development_focus.owner = testuser ZopelessAppServerLayer.txn.commit() remote_url = self.getTransportURL('+branch/firefox') self.push(self.local_branch_path, remote_url) self.assertBranchesMatch(self.local_branch_path, remote_url)
def _get_locals(): if len(sys.argv) > 1: dbuser = sys.argv[1] else: dbuser = None dbconfig.override(dbuser=dbuser) execute_zcml_for_scripts() readline.parse_and_bind('tab: complete') # Mimic the real interactive interpreter's loading of any # $PYTHONSTARTUP file. startup = os.environ.get('PYTHONSTARTUP') if startup: execfile(startup) store = IMasterStore(Person) if dbuser == 'launchpad': # Create a few variables "in case they come in handy." # Do we really use these? Are they worth carrying around? d = Distribution.get(1) p = Person.get(1) ds = DistroSeries.get(1) prod = Product.get(1) proj = ProjectGroup.get(1) b2 = Bug.get(2) b1 = Bug.get(1) s = Specification.get(1) q = Question.get(1) # Silence unused name warnings d, p, ds, prod, proj, b2, b1, s, q # Having a factory instance is handy. factory = LaunchpadObjectFactory() def browser_open(obj, *args, **kwargs): """Open a (possibly newly-created) object's view in a web browser. Accepts the same parameters as canonical_url. Performs a commit before invoking the browser, so "browser_open(factory.makeFoo())" works. """ transaction.commit(), *args, **kwargs)) # Silence unused name warnings factory, store res = {} res.update(locals()) res.update(globals()) del res['_get_locals'] return res
def test_cant_access_private_branch(self): # Trying to get information about a private branch should fail as if # the branch doesn't exist. # 'salgado' is a member of landscape-developers. salgado = Person.selectOneBy(name='salgado') landscape_dev = Person.selectOneBy(name='landscape-developers') self.assertTrue( salgado.inTeam(landscape_dev), "salgado should be a member of landscape-developers, but isn't.") # Make a private branch. branch_url = self.createBazaarBranch('landscape-developers', 'landscape', 'some-branch', creator='salgado') # Sanity checking that the branch is actually there. We don't care # about the result, only that the call succeeds. self.getLastRevision(branch_url) # Check that testuser can't access the branch. remote_url = self.getTransportURL( '~landscape-developers/landscape/some-branch') self.assertNotBranch(remote_url)
def test_cant_access_private_branch(self): # Trying to get information about a private branch should fail as if # the branch doesn't exist. # 'salgado' is a member of landscape-developers. salgado = Person.selectOneBy(name='salgado') landscape_dev = Person.selectOneBy( name='landscape-developers') self.assertTrue( salgado.inTeam(landscape_dev), "salgado should be a member of landscape-developers, but isn't.") # Make a private branch. branch_url = self.createBazaarBranch( 'landscape-developers', 'landscape', 'some-branch', creator='salgado') # Sanity checking that the branch is actually there. We don't care # about the result, only that the call succeeds. self.getLastRevision(branch_url) # Check that testuser can't access the branch. remote_url = self.getTransportURL( '~landscape-developers/landscape/some-branch') self.assertNotBranch(remote_url)
def makeDatabaseBranch(self, owner_name, product_name, branch_name, branch_type=BranchType.HOSTED): """Create a new branch in the database.""" owner = Person.selectOneBy(name=owner_name) if product_name == '+junk': product = None else: product = Product.selectOneBy(name=product_name) if branch_type == BranchType.MIRRORED: url = '' else: url = None namespace = get_branch_namespace(owner, product) return namespace.createBranch( branch_type=branch_type, name=branch_name, registrant=owner, url=url)
def makePerson(self, account): return Person(name='acc%d' %, account=account, displayname='Displayname', creation_rationale=PersonCreationRationale.UNKNOWN))