Пример #1
    def test_copy_to_swift(self):
        log = BufferLogger()

        # Confirm that files exist on disk where we expect to find them.
        for lfc in self.lfcs:
            path = swift.filesystem_path(lfc.id)

        # Copy all the files into Swift.
        swift.to_swift(log, remove_func=None)

        # Confirm that files exist on disk where we expect to find them.
        for lfc in self.lfcs:
            path = swift.filesystem_path(lfc.id)

        # Confirm all the files are also in Swift.
        swift_client = self.swift_fixture.connect()
        for lfc, contents in zip(self.lfcs, self.contents):
            container, name = swift.swift_location(lfc.id)
            headers, obj = swift_client.get_object(container, name)
            self.assertEqual(contents, obj, 'Did not round trip')

        # Running again does nothing, in particular does not reupload
        # the files to Swift.
        con_patch = patch.object(swift.swiftclient.Connection,
                                 side_effect=AssertionError('do not call'))
        with con_patch:
            swift.to_swift(log)  # remove_func == None
Пример #2
    def test_librarian_serves_from_swift(self):
        log = BufferLogger()

        # Move all the files into Swift and off the file system.
        swift.to_swift(log, remove_func=os.unlink)

        # Confirm we can still access the files from the Librarian.
        for lfa_id, content in zip(self.lfa_ids, self.contents):
            data = self.librarian_client.getFileByAlias(lfa_id).read()
            self.assertEqual(content, data)
Пример #3
    def test_large_file_to_swift(self):
        # Generate a blob large enough that Swift requires us to store
        # it as multiple objects plus a manifest.
        size = LibrarianStorage.CHUNK_SIZE * 50
        self.assertTrue(size > 1024 * 1024)
        expected_content = ''.join(chr(i % 256) for i in range(0, size))
        lfa_id = self.add_file('hello_bigboy.xls', expected_content)
        lfa = IStore(LibraryFileAlias).get(LibraryFileAlias, lfa_id)
        lfc = lfa.content

        # We don't really want to upload a file >5GB to our mock Swift,
        # so change the constant instead. Set it so we need 3 segments.
        def _reset_max(val):
            swift.MAX_SWIFT_OBJECT_SIZE = val

        self.addCleanup(_reset_max, swift.MAX_SWIFT_OBJECT_SIZE)
        swift.MAX_SWIFT_OBJECT_SIZE = int(size / 2) - 1

        # Shove the file requiring multiple segments into Swift.
        swift.to_swift(BufferLogger(), remove_func=None)

        # As our mock Swift does not support multi-segment files,
        # instead we examine it directly in Swift as best we can.
        swift_client = self.swift_fixture.connect()

        # The manifest exists. Unfortunately, we can't test that the
        # magic manifest header is set correctly.
        container, name = swift.swift_location(lfc.id)
        headers, obj = swift_client.get_object(container, name)
        self.assertEqual(obj, '')

        # The segments we expect are all in their expected locations.
        _, obj1 = swift_client.get_object(container, '{0}/0000'.format(name))
        _, obj2 = swift_client.get_object(container, '{0}/0001'.format(name))
        _, obj3 = swift_client.get_object(container, '{0}/0002'.format(name))
        self.assertRaises(swiftclient.ClientException, swift.quiet_swiftclient,
                          swift_client.get_object, container,

        # Our object round tripped
        self.assertEqual(obj1 + obj2 + obj3, expected_content)
Пример #4
    def test_largish_binary_files_from_swift(self):
        # Generate large blob, multiple of the chunk size.
        # Including null bytes for kicks.
        # A largish file is large enough that the HTTP upload needs
        # to be done in multiple chunks, but small enough that it is
        # stored in Swift as a single object.
        size = LibrarianStorage.CHUNK_SIZE * 50
        self.assertTrue(size > 1024 * 1024)
        expected_content = ''.join(chr(i % 256) for i in range(0, size))
        lfa_id = self.add_file('hello_bigboy.xls', expected_content)
        lfc = IStore(LibraryFileAlias).get(LibraryFileAlias, lfa_id).content

        # This data size is a multiple of our chunk size.
                         len(expected_content) % LibrarianStorage.CHUNK_SIZE)

        # Data round trips when served from Swift.
        swift.to_swift(BufferLogger(), remove_func=os.unlink)
        lfa = self.librarian_client.getFileByAlias(lfa_id)
        self.assertEqual(expected_content, lfa.read())
Пример #5
    def test_move_to_swift(self):
        log = BufferLogger()

        # Confirm that files exist on disk where we expect to find them.
        for lfc in self.lfcs:
            path = swift.filesystem_path(lfc.id)

        # Migrate all the files into Swift.
        swift.to_swift(log, remove_func=os.unlink)

        # Confirm that all the files have gone from disk.
        for lfc in self.lfcs:

        # Confirm all the files are in Swift.
        swift_client = self.swift_fixture.connect()
        for lfc, contents in zip(self.lfcs, self.contents):
            container, name = swift.swift_location(lfc.id)
            headers, obj = swift_client.get_object(container, name)
            self.assertEqual(contents, obj, 'Did not round trip')