Пример #1
    # Populate the strings and log object
    lp = logPath + stock + ".log"
    db = debugPath + stock + ".debug"
    bp = barChartPath + stock + ".bc"
    pp = pricesPath + stock + ".pr"
    tp = testPath + stock + ".tt"

    pathsChart[stock] = {
        "logPath": lp,
        "debugPath": db,
        "barChartPath": bp,
        "pricesPath": pp,
        "testPath": tp

    lg[stock] = lpl.Log(debug, verbose, pathsChart[stock]['logPath'],
                        pathsChart[stock]['debugPath'], offLine, testMode)

# Initialize algorithm,  barcharts objects

ba = {}
tr = {}
lm = {}
a = {}
pr = {}

# Setup connection to the exchange service

if service == "bitstamp":
    cn = lpl.ConnectBitStamp(service, currency, alt)
Пример #2
logPath = clOptions.profileTradeDataPath.replace("profiles", "logs")
debugPath = clOptions.profileTradeDataPath.replace("profiles", "debug")
barChartPath = clOptions.profileTradeDataPath.replace("profiles", "bc")
pricesPath = clOptions.profileTradeDataPath.replace("profiles", "prices")
testPath = clOptions.profileTradeDataPath.replace("profiles", "test")

logPath = logPath.replace(".json", stock + ".log")
debugPath = debugPath.replace(".json", stock + ".debug")
barChartPath = barChartPath.replace(".json", stock + ".bc")
pricesPath = pricesPath.replace(".json", stock + ".pr")
testPath = testPath.replace(".json", stock + ".tt")

if service == "eTrade":
    symbol = stock

lg = lpl.Log(debug, verbose, logPath, debugPath, offLine, testMode)

# Setup connection to the exchange service

if service == "bitstamp":
    cn = lpl.ConnectBitStamp(service, currency, alt)
elif service == "bitfinex":
    cn = lpl.ConnectBitFinex()
elif service == "eTrade":
    symbol = stock
    cn = lpl.ConnectEtrade(c, stock, debug, verbose, marketDataType, sandBox,

Пример #3
   resume = 1
   preMarketAnalysis = 0

if masterMode:
   timeBar = 1
   d["timeBar"] = "1"
if stocksFile != "" and not onlyUpdateDailyStocks:
   stocks = getAutoStocks(stocksFile, round(maxNumStocksToTrade * stocksFileMultiplier, 2))   

elif preMarketAnalysis:

   logPath = clOptions.profileTradeDataPath.replace("profiles", "logs")
   # Instantiate the needed objects
   l = lpl.Log(0, 0, logPath, "/tmp/oo", 0)
   pr = lpl.Premarket(minuteChartPath, minuteChartExt, dailyChartPath, dailyChartExt, dailyGapExt, bestAlgosPath, bestAlgosExt)
   tg = lpl.Target(c, d, l)
   dc = lpl.Dailychart()
   daysBestStocks = []
   if useDaysBest:
      daysBestStocks = getAutoStocks(useDaysBest, numStocksToProcessInPremarket)   
      print (" stocks after getauto" + str(daysBestStocks))
      print (" stocks len after getauto " + str(len(daysBestStocks)))
   algoData, stocks = analyzeStocks(pf, pr, tg, dc, "pre", useLiveDailyData, stocks, onlyUpdateDailyStocks, numDaysTestData, daysBestStocks)
   if onlyUpdateDailyStocks:
      exit (0)
Пример #4
    logPath = logPath.replace(".json", stock + ".ls")
    debugPath = debugPath.replace(".json", stock + ".ds")
    barChartPath = barChartPath.replace(".json", stock + ".bc")

    print("barChartPath " + barChartPath)

    pricesPath = pricesPath.replace(".json", stock + ".pr")
    testPath = testPath.replace(".json", stock + ".tt")

print("barChartPath " + barChartPath)

if service == "eTrade":
    symbol = stock

lg = lpl.Log(debug, verbose, logPath, debugPath, offLine)

#import trade_interface as ti
#ti = lpl.TradeInterface({'consumer_key': self.consumer_key, 'consumer_secret' = self.consumerSecret})

# Setup connection to the exchange service

stockArr = []
if service == "bitstamp":
    cn = lpl.ConnectBitStamp(service, currency, alt)
elif service == "bitfinex":
    cn = lpl.ConnectBitFinex()
elif service == "eTrade":
    symbol = stock
Пример #5
logPath = clOptions.profileTradeDataPath.replace("profiles", "logs")
debugPath = clOptions.profileTradeDataPath.replace("profiles", "debug")
barChartPath = clOptions.profileTradeDataPath.replace("profiles", "bc")
pricesPath = clOptions.profileTradeDataPath.replace("profiles", "prices")
testPath = clOptions.profileTradeDataPath.replace("profiles", "test")

logPath = logPath.replace(".json", stock + ".log")
debugPath = debugPath.replace(".json", stock + ".debug")
barChartPath = barChartPath.replace(".json", stock + ".bc")
pricesPath = pricesPath.replace(".json", stock + ".pr")
testPath = testPath.replace(".json", stock + ".tt")

if service == "eTrade":
    symbol = stock

lg = lpl.Log(debug, verbose, logPath, slave)

# Setup connection to the exchange service

stockArr = []
if service == "bitstamp":
    cn = lpl.ConnectBitStamp(service, currency, alt)
elif service == "bitfinex":
    cn = lpl.ConnectBitFinex()
elif service == "eTrade":
    symbol = stock
    cn = lpl.ConnectEtrade(c, stockArr, debug, verbose, marketDataType,
                           sandBox, slave)