def _get_view(self, view_name='_design/learningregistry-slice/_view/docs', keys=[], include_docs=False, resumptionToken=None, limit=None): db_url = '/'.join( [appConfig['couchdb.url'], appConfig['couchdb.db.resourcedata']]) opts = {"stale": "ok", "reduce": False} if include_docs: opts["include_docs"] = True if self.enable_flow_control and resumptionToken != None: if resumptionToken != None: opts["skip"] = resumptionToken["offset"] opts["keys"] = resumptionToken["keys"] else: opts["keys"] = keys if limit != None: opts["limit"] = limit if len(opts["keys"]) > 0: view = h.getView(database_url=db_url, method="POST", view_name=view_name, **opts) #,stale='ok'): else: view = h.getView(database_url=db_url, view_name=view_name, **opts) #,stale='ok'): return view
def _get_view_total(self,view_name = '_design/learningregistry-slice/_view/docs',keys=[], resumptionToken=None): if resumptionToken and "maxResults" in resumptionToken and resumptionToken["maxResults"] != None : return resumptionToken["maxResults"]; db_url = '/'.join([appConfig['couchdb.url'],appConfig['couchdb.db.resourcedata']]) opts = {"stale": appConfig['couchdb.stale.flag'], "reduce": True, "group": True } if self.enable_flow_control and resumptionToken != None: opts["keys"] = resumptionToken["keys"] else: opts["keys"] = keys if len(opts["keys"]) > 0: view = h.getView(database_url=db_url, method="POST", view_name=view_name, **opts)#,stale='ok'): else: view = h.getView(database_url=db_url,view_name=view_name, **opts)#,stale='ok'): totalDocs = 0 for row in view: if "value" in row: totalDocs += row["value"] #resumptionToken["maxResults"] = totalDocs; return totalDocs
def get_view(self,view_name = '_design/learningregistry/_view/resources',keys=[], include_docs = False): db_url = '/'.join([appConfig['couchdb.url'],appConfig['couchdb.db.resourcedata']]) if len(keys) > 0: view = h.getView(database_url=db_url,view_name=view_name,keys=keys,include_docs=include_docs,stale='ok') else: view = h.getView(database_url=db_url,view_name=view_name,include_docs=include_docs,stale='ok') return view
def get_view(self, view_name='_design/learningregistry-resources/_view/docs', keys=[], include_docs=False, resumption_token=None): db_url = '/'.join( [appConfig['couchdb.url'], appConfig['couchdb.db.resourcedata']]) args = {} if len(keys) > 0: args['keys'] = keys args['stale'] = appConfig['couchdb.stale.flag'] if self.limit is not None: args['limit'] = self.limit args['include_docs'] = include_docs if resumption_token is not None: if 'key' not in args or len(args['keys']) == 0: if "key" in resumption_token: args['key'] = resumption_token['key'] if "keys" in resumption_token: args['keys'] = resumption_token['keys'] args['startkey'] = resumption_token['startkey'] args['startkey_docid'] = resumption_token['startkey_docid'] args['skip'] = 1 view = h.getView(database_url=db_url, view_name=view_name, method="GET", documentHandler=lambda d: h.document(d), **args) return view
def list_identifiers_or_records(self,metadataPrefix,from_date=None, until_date=None, rt=None, fc_limit=None, serviceid=None, include_docs=False): '''Returns the list_records as a generator based upon OAI-PMH query''' opts = { "stale": appConfig['couchdb.stale.flag'] }; if include_docs: opts["include_docs"] = True import logging log = logging.getLogger(__name__) if rt != None and fc_limit != None: opts["startkey"] = rt["startkey"] opts["startkey_docid"] = rt["startkey_docid"] opts["endkey"] = rt["endkey"] opts["limit"] = fc_limit + 1 else: opts.update(self.list_opts(metadataPrefix, from_date, until_date))"opts: "+ repr(opts)) def format_ids(row): obj = { "doc_ID": row["id"], "node_timestamp": "%sZ" %(row["key"][1]) } log.debug("format: %s\n" %(json.dumps(obj))) return obj def format_docs(row): obj = row["doc"] return obj if include_docs: format = OAIPMHDocumentResolver() else: format = format_ids return h.getView(self.res_data_url, '_design/oai-pmh-list-identifiers/_view/docs', method="GET", documentHandler=format, **opts)
def list_records(self,metadataPrefix,from_date=None, until_date=None): '''Returns the list_records as a generator based upon OAI-PMH query''' opts = { "include_docs": True, "stale": "ok" }; if from_date != None: from_date = from_date.replace(tzinfo=None) opts["startkey"] = [metadataPrefix, from_date.isoformat()] else: # empty string should sort before anything else. opts["startkey"] = [metadataPrefix, None] if until_date != None: until_date = until_date.replace(tzinfo=None) opts["endkey"] = [metadataPrefix, until_date.isoformat()] else: # somewhat of an hack... since I don't know the timestamp, and couch stores things # in alphabetical order, a string sequence with all capital Z's should always sort last. opts["endkey"] = [metadataPrefix, {}]; def format(row): obj = row["doc"] return obj return h.getView(self.res_data_url, '_design/oai-pmh/_view/list-identifiers', method="GET", documentHandler=format, **opts)
def list_identifiers(self,metadataPrefix,from_date=None, until_date=None ): '''Returns the list_records as a generator based upon OAI-PMH query''' opts = { "stale": "ok" }; import logging log = logging.getLogger(__name__) if from_date != None: opts["startkey"] = [metadataPrefix, from_date.isoformat()] else: # empty string should sort before anything else. opts["startkey"] = [metadataPrefix, None] if until_date != None: opts["endkey"] = [metadataPrefix, until_date.isoformat()] else: # somewhat of an hack... since I don't know the timestamp, and couch stores things # in alphabetical order, a string sequence with all capital Z's should always sort last. opts["endkey"] = [metadataPrefix, {}];"opts: "+ repr(opts)) def format(row): obj = { "doc_ID": row["id"], "node_timestamp": "%sZ" %(row["key"][1]) } log.debug("format: %s\n" %(json.dumps(obj))) return obj return h.getView(self.res_data_url, '_design/oai-pmh/_view/list-identifiers', method="GET", documentHandler=format, **opts)
def get_records_by_resource(self, resource_locator): view_data = h.getView( database_url=self.db_url, view_name='_design/learningregistry-resource-location/_view/docs', method="POST", documentHandler=OAIPMHDocumentResolver(), include_docs=True, keys=[resource_locator], stale=appConfig['couchdb.stale.flag']) for doc in view_data: yield doc
def get_records_by_resource(self, resource_locator): view_data = h.getView( database_url=self.db_url, view_name="_design/learningregistry-resource-location/_view/docs", method="POST", documentHandler=OAIPMHDocumentResolver(), include_docs=True, keys=[resource_locator], stale=appConfig["couchdb.stale.flag"], ) for doc in view_data: yield doc
def _get_view(self,view_name = '_design/learningregistry-slice/_view/docs',keys=[], include_docs = False, resumptionToken=None, limit=None): db_url = '/'.join([appConfig['couchdb.url'],appConfig['couchdb.db.resourcedata']]) opts = {"stale": "ok", "reduce": False } if include_docs: opts["include_docs"] = True if self.enable_flow_control and resumptionToken != None: if resumptionToken != None: opts["skip"] = resumptionToken["offset"] opts["keys"] = resumptionToken["keys"] else: opts["keys"] = keys if limit != None: opts["limit"] = limit if len(opts["keys"]) > 0: view = h.getView(database_url=db_url, method="POST", view_name=view_name, **opts)#,stale='ok'): else: view = h.getView(database_url=db_url,view_name=view_name, **opts)#,stale='ok'): return view
def _get_view_total(self, view_name, params, resumptionToken=None): if resumptionToken and "maxResults" in resumptionToken and resumptionToken["maxResults"] != None: return resumptionToken["maxResults"] db_url = '/'.join([appConfig['couchdb.url'], appConfig['couchdb.db.resourcedata']]) opts = {"stale": appConfig['couchdb.stale.flag'], "group": True} if "startkey" in params and "endkey" in params: opts['startkey'] = params['startkey'] opts['endkey'] = params['endkey'] totalDocs = 0 view = h.getView(database_url=db_url, method="POST", view_name=view_name, **opts) for row in view: if "value" in row: totalDocs += row["value"] return totalDocs
def get_view(self,view_name = '_design/learningregistry-resources/_view/docs',keys=[], include_docs = False,resumption_token=None): db_url = '/'.join([appConfig['couchdb.url'],appConfig['couchdb.db.resourcedata']]) args = {} if len(keys) > 0: args['keys'] = keys args['stale'] = 'ok' if self.limit is not None: args['limit'] = self.limit args['include_docs'] = include_docs if resumption_token is not None: args['startkey'] = resumption_token['startkey'] args['startkey_docid'] = resumption_token['startkey_docid'] args['skip'] = 1 view = h.getView(database_url=db_url,view_name=view_name,documentHandler=lambda d: h.document(d),**args) return view
def _get_view(self, view_name, params, include_docs=False, resumptionToken=None, limit=None): db_url = '/'.join([appConfig['couchdb.url'], appConfig['couchdb.db.resourcedata']]) opts = {"stale": appConfig['couchdb.stale.flag'], "reduce": False} if include_docs: opts["include_docs"] = True if self.enable_flow_control and resumptionToken is not None: if "startkey_docid" in params: opts['startkey_docid'] = params['startkey_docid'] opts["skip"] = 1 opts['startkey'] = params['startkey'] opts['endkey'] = params['endkey'] if limit is not None: opts["limit"] = limit return h.getView(database_url=db_url, method="POST", view_name=view_name, **opts)
def _get_view_total(self, view_name, params, resumptionToken=None): if resumptionToken and "maxResults" in resumptionToken and resumptionToken[ "maxResults"] != None: return resumptionToken["maxResults"] db_url = '/'.join( [appConfig['couchdb.url'], appConfig['couchdb.db.resourcedata']]) opts = {"stale": appConfig['couchdb.stale.flag'], "group": True} if "startkey" in params and "endkey" in params: opts['startkey'] = params['startkey'] opts['endkey'] = params['endkey'] totalDocs = 0 view = h.getView(database_url=db_url, method="POST", view_name=view_name, **opts) for row in view: if "value" in row: totalDocs += row["value"] return totalDocs
def _get_view(self, view_name, params, include_docs=False, resumptionToken=None, limit=None): db_url = '/'.join( [appConfig['couchdb.url'], appConfig['couchdb.db.resourcedata']]) opts = {"stale": appConfig['couchdb.stale.flag'], "reduce": False} if include_docs: opts["include_docs"] = True if self.enable_flow_control and resumptionToken is not None: if "startkey_docid" in params: opts['startkey_docid'] = params['startkey_docid'] opts["skip"] = 1 opts['startkey'] = params['startkey'] opts['endkey'] = params['endkey'] if limit is not None: opts["limit"] = limit return h.getView(database_url=db_url, method="POST", view_name=view_name, **opts)