def checkCloud(src_level, dst_level_list): """ 根据LR的互联网云类型,计算到其他所有LR的联通性 """ dst_level_list_copy = copy.deepcopy(dst_level_list) relationship_list = getAncestor(src_level, []) relationship_list.insert(0, src_level) src_lrc = lrCluster(src_level) src_lr_id = src_lrc.randomLr() src_lrtype = getLrProperty(src_lr_id, "lr_type") # 修改dlr可以联通的是父层所有,包括lr类型 # element_1 = src_lrtype == "dlr" # element_2 = True # p_level = getPlevel(src_level) # p_src_lrc = lrCluster(p_level) # p_src_lrid = p_src_lrc.randomLr() # if p_src_lrid: # p_src_lrtype = getLrProperty(p_src_lrid, "lr_type") # element_2 = p_src_lrtype == "dlr" # # if element_1 and element_2: if src_lrtype == "dlr": lr_conn_list = relationship_list # lrtype = "dlr" else: for dst_level in dst_level_list: dst_lrc = lrCluster(dst_level) dst_lr_id = dst_lrc.randomLr() dst_lr_type = getLrProperty(dst_lr_id, "lr_type") if dst_lr_type == "dlr": dst_level_list_copy.remove(dst_level) lr_conn_list = dst_level_list_copy if src_level not in lr_conn_list: lr_conn_list.insert(0, src_level) # lrtype = "lr" return (lr_conn_list, relationship_list)
def getValidlr(self): level_list = self.getValidlevel() lr_valid_list = [] for level in level_list: dst_lrc = lrCluster(level) dst_lr_id = dst_lrc.randomLr() # ip = getLrProperty(dst_lr_id, "ip") # port = getLrProperty(dst_lr_id, "port") # lr_valid_list.append({"id": lr[0], "ip": ip, "port":port}) lr_valid_list.append(dst_lr_id) return lr_valid_list
def lrAddall(self): self.lrAddself() src_lrc = lrCluster(self.src_level) src_lr_id = src_lrc.randomLr() src_price = getLrProperty(src_lr_id, "price") dst_level_list = getAlllevel() sql_data = [] for dst_level in dst_level_list: if dst_level == self.src_level: continue check_cloud_res, relationship_list = checkCloud( dst_level, [self.src_level]) dlr_level_list = {} for k, v in enumerate(relationship_list): dlr_level_list[v] = k if dlr_level_list.has_key(self.src_level): layer_distance = dlr_level_list[self.src_level] else: layer_distance = 0 if len(check_cloud_res) <= 1: weight = path = 0 else: check_operator_res = checkOperator(dst_level, [self.src_level]) if len(check_operator_res["conn_list"]) != 0: weight = 1 elif len(check_operator_res["half_conn"]) != 0: weight = 0.5 if src_price == 0: if layer_distance: path = layer_distance / weight else: impassable_num = len(dlr_level_list) path = impassable_num / weight else: if layer_distance: path = math.sqrt( src_price / 100) * layer_distance / weight else: impassable_num = len(dlr_level_list) path = math.sqrt( src_price / 100) * impassable_num / weight sql_data.append( (dst_level, self.src_level, weight, layer_distance, path)) # print "*"*40, dst_level, self.src_level, weight, layer_distance, path redis_client.hmset("qos:%s:%s" % (dst_level, self.src_level), { "weight": weight, "layer_distance": layer_distance, "path": path }) if not sql_data: return 0 else: sqli = """insert into net_qos (`level_src`, `level_dst`, `weight`, `layer_distance`, `path`) values (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)""" return db.execOnly(sqli, sql_data)
def checkOperator(src_level, dst_level_list): """ 根据网络运营商类型,计算出一个LR 到其他所有LR的联通性 """ src_lrc = lrCluster(src_level) src_lr_id = src_lrc.randomLr() src_operator = getLrProperty(src_lr_id, "operator").lower() operators_outer = nc_config.operators["outer"] conn_list = [] not_conn_list = [] half_conn_list = [] for dst_level in dst_level_list: dst_lrc = lrCluster(dst_level) dst_lr_id = dst_lrc.randomLr() dst_operator = getLrProperty(dst_lr_id, "operator").lower() if src_operator == dst_operator: conn_list.append(dst_level) else: comp_res = set(operators_outer) & set([src_operator, dst_operator]) if len(comp_res) > 0: half_conn_list.append(dst_level) else: not_conn_list.append(dst_level) return { "conn_list": conn_list, "half_conn": half_conn_list, "not_conn": not_conn_list }
def lrAddself(self): dst_level_list = getAlllevel() # dst_level_list.remove(self.src_level) level_conn_list, relationship_list = checkCloud( self.src_level, dst_level_list) operator_res = checkOperator(self.src_level, dst_level_list) operator_half_conn_list = set(operator_res["half_conn"]) operator_not_conn_list = set(operator_res["not_conn"]) res_half_list = list(set(level_conn_list) & operator_half_conn_list) res_conn_list = list( set(level_conn_list) - set(res_half_list) - operator_not_conn_list)"level_id: %s - connlist: %s - halflist: %s " % (self.src_level, res_conn_list, res_half_list)) dlr_level_list = {} for k, v in enumerate(relationship_list): dlr_level_list[v] = k sql_data_1 = [] for dst_level in dst_level_list: if dst_level == self.src_level: weight = 1 layer_distance = 0 path = weight sql_data_1.append( (self.src_level, dst_level, weight, layer_distance, path)) redis_client.hmset( "qos:%s:%s" % (self.src_level, dst_level), { "weight": weight, "layer_distance": layer_distance, "path": path }) continue dst_lrc = lrCluster(dst_level) dst_lr_id = dst_lrc.randomLr() dst_price = getLrProperty(dst_lr_id, "price") if dlr_level_list.has_key(dst_level): layer_distance = dlr_level_list[dst_level] else: layer_distance = 0 if (dst_level not in res_conn_list) and (dst_level not in res_half_list): weight = 0 path = 0 else: if dst_level in res_conn_list: weight = 1 elif dst_level in res_half_list: weight = 0.5 if dst_price == 0: if layer_distance: path = layer_distance / weight else: impassable_num = len(dlr_level_list) path = impassable_num / weight else: if layer_distance: path = math.sqrt( dst_price / 100) * layer_distance / weight else: impassable_num = len(dlr_level_list) path = math.sqrt( dst_price / 100) * impassable_num / weight sql_data_1.append( (self.src_level, dst_level, weight, layer_distance, path)) redis_client.hmset("qos:%s:%s" % (self.src_level, dst_level), { "weight": weight, "layer_distance": layer_distance, "path": path }) if not sql_data_1: return 0 else: sqli = """insert into net_qos (`level_src`, `level_dst`, `weight`, `layer_distance`, `path`) values (%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)""" return db.execOnly(sqli, sql_data_1)