Пример #1
def find_matrix_class():
    aFile = 'Archive/A.txt'
    bFile = 'Archive/b.txt'
    nCols = 100000
    maxL = 1e-3
    maxLerror = 1e-2

    (aLists, b) = l.read_data(aFile, bFile)
    vals = aLists[2]
    rows = aLists[0]
    cols = aLists[1]
    nRows = len(b)
    A = (vals, (rows, cols))
    myShape = (nRows, nCols)

    aSparses = []
    aSparses.append(sp.csr_matrix(A, shape = myShape))
    aSparses.append(sp.coo_matrix(A, shape = myShape))
    aSparses.append(sp.csc_matrix(A, shape = myShape))
    times = []
    for aSparse in aSparses:
        print("Class " + str(type(aSparse)))
        t0 = tm.time()
        res = sp.linalg.lsqr(aSparse, b, atol = 1e-6, btol = 1e-7, iter_lim = 150)
        t1 = tm.time()
        L = l.cost(l.difference_vector(aLists, res[0], b))
        Lemp = 0.5 * res[3] * res[3]
        if np.abs(L - Lemp) / Lemp > maxLerror or L > 1e-3:
            print("ERROR: wrong cost for class " + str(type(aSparse)))
        times.append(t1 - t0)

    mp.plot(range(len(times)), times)
Пример #2
def lsqr_test(aTol, bTol, nTests):
    lenX = 100000
    maxL = 1e-3
    maxFracDiff = 1e-2
    maxXValue = 10
    multFac = 1. / bTol

    print("Reading the real data...")
    aAndRealB = l.read_data('Archive/a.txt', 'Archive/b.txt')
    A = aAndRealB[0]
    realB = np.array(aAndRealB[1])

    print('Getting random b vectors...')
    (xs, bs) = gen_rand_b(A, realB, lenX, nTests, maxXValue, multFac)

    # For each b vector, find x using lsqr
    print("Converting to sparse matrix...")
    aSparse = l.convert_to_sparse_matrix(A, len(realB), lenX)
    predictedXs = []
    iters = []
    costs = []
    fracDiffs = []
    for i in range(len(bs)):
        print("Test " + str(i))
        b = bs[i]
        (x, reason, nIters, r) = l.lsqr_single_sparse(aSparse, b, aTol, bTol, False, None)

        # Compare the x obtained with the one used in the input using program.py
        xFracDiff = compare_x_arrays(x, xs[i])[2]
        if xFracDiff > maxFracDiff:
            print('ERROR: wrong x result for iteration ' + str(i))

        # Make sure the cost was less than maxL in all cases
        L = l.cost(l.difference_vector(A, x, b))
        if L > maxL:
            print("The cost is too high: " + str(L))

        # Compute one of the rows manually
        firstRow = A[0][0]
        firstColumn = A[1][0]
        firstValue = A[2][0]
        absDiff = (firstValue * x[firstColumn] - b[firstRow])
        if (b[firstRow] == 0 and absDiff != 0) or (b[firstRow] != 0 and absDiff / b[firstRow] > maxFracDiff):
            print("Difference is too large! " + str(x[firstColumn]) + ", " + str(b[firstRow]))
        if b[firstRow] != 0:
            fracDiffs[-1] /= b[firstRow]

    # Look at the number of iterations for each test and see if they are roughly constant
    mp.plot(range(len(bs)), iters)

    # Look at the costs for each test
    mp.plot(range(len(bs)), costs)
Пример #3
def test_difference_vector():
    rows = [0, 1, 2]
    cols = [0, 1, 2]
    vals = [1, 3, 5]
    x = [7, 11, 13]
    b = [17, 19, 21]
    dv = l.difference_vector((rows, cols, vals), x, b)
    success = dv[0] == -10 and dv[1] == 14 and dv[2] == 44
    if not success:
        print('ERROR!!! in difference vector')
Пример #4
def test_random_bs():
    nTests = 100
    aFile = 'Archive/A.txt'
    maxL = 1e-3
    nCols = 100000

    for i in range(nTests):
        print('Test ' + str(i))
        bFile = 'fakes/b' + str(i) + '.txt'
        xFile = 'fakes/x' + str(i) + '.txt'
        (A,b) = l.read_data(aFile, bFile)
        (x, L, reason, nIters, aLists, b, aSparse) = l.lsqr(aFile, bFile, nCols, verbose = False)
        myCost = l.cost(l.difference_vector(A, x, b))
        if myCost > maxL:
            print('Error in file ' + str(i))
Пример #5
def find_iters():
    aFile = 'Archive/A.txt'
    bFile = 'Archive/b.txt'
    nCols = 100000
    maxL = 1e-3
    maxLerror = 1e-2

    iterLims = [50, 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, None]

    (aLists, b) = l.read_data(aFile, bFile)
    aSparse = l.convert_to_sparse_matrix(aLists, len(b), nCols)
    Ls = []
    for iterLim in iterLims:
        print("Up to " + str(iterLim) + " iterations...")
        res = sp.linalg.lsqr(aSparse, b, atol = 1e-6, btol = 1e-7, iter_lim = iterLim)
        L = l.cost(l.difference_vector(aLists, res[0], b))
        Lemp = 0.5 * res[3] * res[3]
        if np.abs(L - Lemp) / Lemp > maxLerror:
            print("ERROR: wrong cost for " + str(iterLim) + " iterations")
    mp.semilogy(range(len(Ls)), Ls)
Пример #6
def compare_algos():
    aFile = 'Archive/A.txt'
    bFile = 'Archive/b.txt'
    nCols = 100000
    maxL = 1e-3
    aTol = 1e-6
    bTol = 1e-7
    maxErrorL = 1e-2
    nFakeTests = 10
    maxXValue = 10
    multFac = 1. / aTol
    # Read the data
    (aLists,b) = l.read_data(aFile, bFile)
    # Convert to a sparse matrix
    aSparse = l.convert_to_sparse_matrix(aLists, len(b), nCols)

    # Try LSQR
    t0 = tm.time()
    r = sp.linalg.lsqr(aSparse, b, atol = aTol, btol = bTol, show = False)
    t1 = tm.time()
    print('LSQR: ' + str(t1 - t0) + ' s')
    x = r[0]
    dv = l.difference_vector(aLists, x, b)
    L = l.cost(dv)
    res = 0.5 * r[3] * r[3]
    if np.abs(L - res) / res > maxErrorL or L > maxL:
        print('ERROR: wrong cost for LSQR')
    # Try LSMR
    t0 = tm.time()
    r = sp.linalg.lsmr(aSparse, b, atol = aTol, btol = bTol, show = False)
    t1 = tm.time()
    print('LSMR: ' + str(t1 - t0) + ' s')
    x = r[0]
    dv = l.difference_vector(aLists, x, b)
    L = l.cost(dv)
    res = 0.5 * r[3] * r[3]
    if np.abs(L - res) / res > maxErrorL or L > maxL:
        print('ERROR: wrong cost for LSMR')

    # Now try with fake data
    (xs, bs) = gen_rand_b(aLists, np.array(b), nCols, nFakeTests, maxXValue, multFac)
    lsqrTimes = []
    lsmrTimes = []
    for i in range(len(bs)):
        t0 = tm.time()
        r = sp.linalg.lsmr(aSparse, bs[i], atol = aTol, btol = bTol)
        t1 = tm.time()
        lsmrTimes.append(t1 - t0)
        x = r[0]
        dv = l.difference_vector(aLists, x, bs[i])
        L = l.cost(dv)
        res = 0.5 * r[3] * r[3]
        if np.abs(L - res) / res > maxErrorL or L > maxL:
            print('ERROR: wrong cost for LSMR')
        dx = np.array([(x[j] - xs[i][j]) for j in range(len(x))])
        if np.sqrt(np.sum(dx * dx)) / np.sqrt(np.sum(xs[i] * xs[i])) > maxErrorL:
            print('ERROR: wrong x result for LSMR')
        t0 = tm.time()
        r = sp.linalg.lsqr(aSparse, bs[i], atol = aTol, btol = bTol)
        t1 = tm.time()
        lsqrTimes.append(t1 - t0)
        x = r[0]
        dv = l.difference_vector(aLists, x, bs[i])
        L = l.cost(dv)
        res = 0.5 * r[3] * r[3]
        if np.abs(L - res) / res > maxErrorL or L > maxL:
            print('ERROR: wrong cost for LSQR')
        dx = np.array([(x[j] - xs[i][j]) for j in range(len(x))])
        if np.sqrt(np.sum(dx * dx)) / np.sqrt(np.sum(xs[i] * xs[i])) > maxErrorL:
            print('ERROR: wrong x result for LSQR')
    # Plot the times
    mp.plot(range(len(lsqrTimes)), lsqrTimes, color='red')
    mp.plot(range(len(lsmrTimes)), lsmrTimes, color='blue')