Пример #1
    def testBin(self):
        """Test that we can bin images anisotropically"""

        inImage = afwImage.ImageF(203, 131)
        val = 1
        binX, binY = 2, 4

        outImage = afwMath.binImage(inImage, binX, binY)

        self.assertEqual(outImage.getWidth(), inImage.getWidth()//binX)
        self.assertEqual(outImage.getHeight(), inImage.getHeight()//binY)

        stats = afwMath.makeStatistics(outImage, afwMath.MAX | afwMath.MIN)
        self.assertEqual(stats.getValue(afwMath.MIN), val)
        self.assertEqual(stats.getValue(afwMath.MAX), val)

        subImg = inImage.Factory(inImage, afwGeom.BoxI(afwGeom.PointI(4, 4), afwGeom.ExtentI(4, 8)),
        del subImg
        outImage = afwMath.binImage(inImage, binX, binY)

        if display:
            ds9.mtv(inImage, frame=2, title="unbinned")
            ds9.mtv(outImage, frame=3, title="binned %dx%d" % (binX, binY))
Пример #2
    def testImageSlices(self):
        """Test image slicing, which generate sub-images using Box2I under the covers"""
        im = afwImage.ImageF(10, 20)
        im[-1, :] =  -5
        im[..., 18] =   -5              # equivalent to im[:, 18]
        im[4,  10]   =  10
        im[-3:, -2:] = 100
        im[-2, -2]   = -10
        sim = im[1:4, 6:10]
        sim[:] = -1
        im[0:4, 0:4] = im[2:6, 8:12]

        if display:

        self.assertEqual(im.get(0,  6),  0)
        self.assertEqual(im.get(9, 15), -5)
        self.assertEqual(im.get(5, 18), -5)
        self.assertEqual(im.get(6, 17),  0)
        self.assertEqual(im.get(7, 18),100)
        self.assertEqual(im.get(9, 19),100)
        self.assertEqual(im.get(8, 18),-10)
        self.assertEqual(im.get(1,  6), -1)
        self.assertEqual(im.get(3,  9), -1)
        self.assertEqual(im.get(4, 10), 10)
        self.assertEqual(im.get(4,  9),  0)
        self.assertEqual(im.get(2,  2), 10)
        self.assertEqual(im.get(0,  0), -1)
Пример #3
    def checkCandidateMasking(self, badPixels, extraPixels=[], size=25, threshold=0.1, pixelThreshold=0.0):
        """Check that candidates are masked properly

        We add various pixels to the image and investigate the masking.

        @param badPixels: (x,y,flux) triplet of pixels that should be masked
        @param extraPixels: (x,y,flux) triplet of additional pixels to add to image
        @param size: Size of candidate
        @param threshold: Threshold for creating footprints on image
        @param pixelThreshold: Threshold for masking pixels on candidate
        image = self.exp.getMaskedImage().getImage()
        for x,y,f in badPixels + extraPixels:
            image[x,y] = f
        cand = self.createCandidate(threshold=threshold)
        oldPixelThreshold = cand.getPixelThreshold()
            candImage = cand.getMaskedImage(size, size)
            mask = candImage.getMask()
            if display:
                ds9.mtv(candImage, frame=2)
                ds9.mtv(candImage.getMask().convertU(), frame=3)

            detected = mask.getMaskPlane("DETECTED")
            intrp = mask.getMaskPlane("INTRP")
            for x,y,f in badPixels:
                x -= self.x - size//2
                y -= self.y - size//2
                self.assertTrue(mask.get(x, y, intrp))
                self.assertFalse(mask.get(x, y, detected))
            # Ensure this static variable is reset
    def testSingleExposure(self):
        policyFile = pexPolicy.DefaultPolicyFile("ip_pipeline", 
                                             "DiffImStageDictionary.paf", "policy")
        policy = pexPolicy.Policy.createPolicy(policyFile, policyFile.getRepositoryPath(), True)


        stage  = ipPipe.DiffImStage(policy)
        tester = SimpleStageTester(stage)

        #print policy

        clipboard = pexClipboard.Clipboard()
        clipboard.put(policy.get("inputKeys.templateExposureKey"), self.templateExposure)
        clipboard.put(policy.get("inputKeys.scienceExposureKey"), self.scienceExposure)

        outWorker = tester.runWorker(clipboard)
        outPolicy = policy.get("outputKeys")
        #print outPolicy

        # also check types
        diffExposure   = outWorker.get(outPolicy.get("differenceExposureKey"))
        matchingKernel = outWorker.get(outPolicy.get("psfMatchingKernelKey"))
        background     = outWorker.get(outPolicy.get("backgroundFunctionKey"))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(diffExposure, afwImage.ExposureF))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(matchingKernel, afwMath.LinearCombinationKernel))
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(background, afwMath.Function2D))

        if display:
            ds9.mtv(outWorker.get(outPolicy.get("differenceExposureKey")), frame=5)
def readSExtractor(filename):
    with pyfits.open(filename) as pf:
        for hdu in pf:
            if hdu.name == "PRIMARY":
            elif hdu.name == "LDAC_IMHEAD":
                hdr = hdu.data[0][0]    # the fits header from the original fits image
                print hdr[3]
            elif hdu.name == "LDAC_OBJECTS":
                print "%d objects" % (len(hdu.data))
                # Find the VIGNET column
                ttype = [k for k, v in hdu.header.items() if v == "VIGNET"]
                if not ttype:
                    raise RuntimeError("Unable to find a VIGNET column")
                vignetCol = int(re.search(r"^TTYPE(\d+)$", ttype[0]).group(1)) - 1

                for row in range(len(hdu.data)):
                    pixelData = hdu.data[row][vignetCol]
                    bad = np.where(pixelData < -1e29)
                    sat = np.where(pixelData > 99e3)
                    pixelData[bad] = 0.0
                    mi = afwImage.MaskedImageF(*hdu.data[row][vignetCol].shape)
                    im = mi.getImage()
                    im.getArray()[:] = pixelData
                    msk = mi.getMask().getArray()
                    msk[bad] = afwImage.MaskU.getPlaneBitMask("BAD")
                    msk[sat] = afwImage.MaskU.getPlaneBitMask("SAT")
                    ds9.mtv(mi, title=row)
                    raw_input("Next ")
Пример #6
    def testKernelPsf(self):
        """Test creating a Psf from a Kernel"""

        x,y = 10.4999, 10.4999
        ksize = 15
        sigma1 = 1
        # Make a PSF from that kernel
        kPsf = measAlg.KernelPsf(afwMath.AnalyticKernel(ksize, ksize,
                                                        afwMath.GaussianFunction2D(sigma1, sigma1)))

        kIm = kPsf.computeImage(afwGeom.Point2D(x, y))
        # And now via the dgPsf model
        dgPsf = measAlg.DoubleGaussianPsf(ksize, ksize, sigma1)
        dgIm = dgPsf.computeImage(afwGeom.Point2D(x, y))
        # Check that they're the same
        diff = type(kIm)(kIm, True); diff -= dgIm
        stats = afwMath.makeStatistics(diff, afwMath.MAX | afwMath.MIN)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(stats.getValue(afwMath.MAX), 0.0, places=16)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(stats.getValue(afwMath.MIN), 0.0, places=16)

        if display:
            mos = displayUtils.Mosaic()
            ds9.mtv(mos.makeMosaic([kIm, dgIm, diff], mode="x"), frame=1)
Пример #7
    def testCFHT_oldAPI(self):
        """Test background subtraction on some real CFHT data"""

        afwdataDir = eups.productDir("afwdata")
        if not afwdataDir:
            print >> sys.stderr, "Skipping testCFHT as afwdata is not setup"

        mi = afwImage.MaskedImageF(os.path.join(afwdataDir,
                                                "CFHT", "D4", "cal-53535-i-797722_1"))
        mi = mi.Factory(mi, afwGeom.Box2I(afwGeom.Point2I(32, 2), afwGeom.Point2I(2079, 4609)), afwImage.LOCAL)

        bctrl = afwMath.BackgroundControl(afwMath.Interpolate.AKIMA_SPLINE)
        backobj = afwMath.makeBackground(mi.getImage(), bctrl)

        if display:
            ds9.mtv(mi, frame = 0)

        im = mi.getImage()
        im -= backobj.getImageF()

        if display:
            ds9.mtv(mi, frame = 1)
Пример #8
def saveSpatialCellSet(psfCellSet, fileName="foo.fits", frame=None):
    """Write the contents of a SpatialCellSet to a many-MEF fits file"""
    mode = "w"
    for cell in psfCellSet.getCellList():
        for cand in cell.begin(False):  # include bad candidates
            cand = algorithmsLib.cast_PsfCandidateF(cand)

            dx = afwImage.positionToIndex(cand.getXCenter(), True)[1]
            dy = afwImage.positionToIndex(cand.getYCenter(), True)[1]
            im = afwMath.offsetImage(cand.getMaskedImage(), -dx, -dy, "lanczos5")

            md = dafBase.PropertySet()
            md.set("CELL", cell.getLabel())
            md.set("ID", cand.getId())
            md.set("XCENTER", cand.getXCenter())
            md.set("YCENTER", cand.getYCenter())
            md.set("BAD", cand.isBad())
            md.set("AMPL", cand.getAmplitude())
            md.set("FLUX", cand.getSource().getPsfFlux())
            md.set("CHI2", cand.getSource().getChi2())

            im.writeFits(fileName, md, mode)
            mode = "a"

            if frame is not None:
                ds9.mtv(im, frame=frame)
Пример #9
def showAmp(amp, imageSource=FakeImageDataSource(isTrimmed=False), frame=None, overlay=True, imageFactory=afwImage.ImageU):
    """!Show an amp in a ds9 frame

    @param[in] amp  amp record to use in display
    @param[in] imageSource  Source for getting the amp image.  Must have a getAmpImage method.
    @param[in] frame  ds9 frame to display on; defaults to frame zero
    @param[in] overlay  Overlay bounding boxes?
    @param[in] imageFactory  Type of image to display (only used if ampImage is None)

    ampImage = imageSource.getAmpImage(amp, imageFactory=imageFactory)
    ampImSize = ampImage.getDimensions()
    title = amp.getName()
    ds9.mtv(ampImage, frame=frame, title=title)
    if overlay:
        with ds9.Buffering():
            if amp.getHasRawInfo() and ampImSize == amp.getRawBBox().getDimensions():
                bboxes = [(amp.getRawBBox(), 0.49, ds9.GREEN),]
                xy0 = bboxes[0][0].getMin()
                bboxes.append((amp.getRawHorizontalOverscanBBox(), 0.49, ds9.RED)) 
                bboxes.append((amp.getRawDataBBox(), 0.49, ds9.BLUE))
                bboxes.append((amp.getRawPrescanBBox(), 0.49, ds9.YELLOW))
                bboxes.append((amp.getRawVerticalOverscanBBox(), 0.49, ds9.MAGENTA))
                bboxes = [(amp.getBBox(), 0.49, None),]
                xy0 = bboxes[0][0].getMin()

            for bbox, borderWidth, ctype in bboxes:
                if bbox.isEmpty():
                bbox = afwGeom.Box2I(bbox)
                displayUtils.drawBBox(bbox, borderWidth=borderWidth, ctype=ctype, frame=frame)
Пример #10
def main(rootDir, visit, ccd, frame=1, title="", scale="zscale", zoom="to fit", trans=60, useEllipse=False):

    # make a butler and specify your dataId
    butler = dafPersist.Butler(rootDir)
    dataId = {'visit': visit, 'ccd':ccd}

    # get the exposure from the butler
    exposure = butler.get('calexp', dataId)

    # put the settings in a dict object and call ds9.mtv()
    settings = {'scale':scale, 'zoom': zoom, 'mask' : 'transparency %d' %(trans)}
    ds9.mtv(exposure, frame=frame, title=title, settings=settings)

    # now get the source catalog and overplot the points

    sources = butler.get('src', dataId)

    with ds9.Buffering():
        for i,source in enumerate(sources):
            color = ds9.RED
            size = 5.0
            if useEllipse:
                # show an ellipse symbol
                symbol = "@:{ixx},{ixy},{iyy}".format(ixx=source.getIxx(),
                # just a simple point (symbols +, x, *, o are all accepted)
                symbol = "o"
            ds9.dot(symbol, source.getX(), source.getY(), ctype=color,
                    size=size, frame=frame, silent=True)
Пример #11
    def testGetImage(self):
        """Test returning a realisation of the dgPsf"""

        xcen = self.psf.getKernel().getWidth()//2
        ycen = self.psf.getKernel().getHeight()//2

        stamps = []
        trueCenters = []
        for x, y in ([10, 10], [9.4999, 10.4999], [10.5001, 10.5001]):
            fx, fy = x - int(x), y - int(y)
            if fx >= 0.5:
                fx -= 1.0
            if fy >= 0.5:
                fy -= 1.0

            im = self.psf.computeImage(afwGeom.Point2D(x, y)).convertF()

            stamps.append(im.Factory(im, True))
            trueCenters.append([xcen + fx, ycen + fy])

        if display:
            mos = displayUtils.Mosaic()     # control mosaics

            for i in range(len(trueCenters)):
                bbox = mos.getBBox(i)

                        bbox.getMinX() + xcen, bbox.getMinY() + ycen, ctype = ds9.RED, size = 1)
                        bbox.getMinX() + trueCenters[i][0], bbox.getMinY() + trueCenters[i][1])

                ds9.dot("%.2f, %.2f" % (trueCenters[i][0], trueCenters[i][1]),
                        bbox.getMinX() + xcen, bbox.getMinY() + 2)
Пример #12
def showCcd(ccd, imageSource=FakeImageDataSource(), frame=None, overlay=True, imageFactory=afwImage.ImageU, binSize=1, inCameraCoords=False):
    """!Show a CCD on ds9

    @param[in] ccd  Detector to use in display
    @param[in] imageSource  Source for producing images to display.  Must have a getCcdImage method.
    @param[in] frame  ds9 frame to use, defaults to frame zero
    @param[in] overlay  Show amp bounding boxes on the displayed image?
    @param[in] imageFactory  The image factory to use in generating the images.
    @param[in] binSize  Binning factor
    @param[in] inCameraCoords  Show the Detector in camera coordinates?
    ccdOrigin = afwGeom.Point2I(0,0)
    nQuarter = 0
    ccdImage = imageSource.getCcdImage(ccd, imageFactory=imageFactory, binSize=binSize)

    ccdBbox = ccdImage.getBBox()
    if ccdBbox.getDimensions() == ccd.getBBox().getDimensions():
        isTrimmed = True
        isTrimmed = False

    if inCameraCoords:
        nQuarter = ccd.getOrientation().getNQuarter()
        ccdImage = afwMath.rotateImageBy90(ccdImage, nQuarter)
    title = ccd.getName()
    if isTrimmed:
        title += "(trimmed)"
    ds9.mtv(ccdImage, frame=frame, title=title)

    if overlay:
        overlayCcdBoxes(ccd, ccdBbox, nQuarter, isTrimmed, ccdOrigin, frame, binSize)
    def testSingleExposure(self):
        file = pexPolicy.DefaultPolicyFile("meas_pipeline", 
                                           "backgroundEstimation_policy.paf", "tests")
        policy = pexPolicy.Policy.createPolicy(file)

        stage = measPipe.BackgroundEstimationStage(policy)
        tester = SimpleStageTester(stage)

        clipboard = pexClipboard.Clipboard()         
        clipboard.put(policy.get("inputKeys.exposure"), self.exposure)

        if display:
            ds9.mtv(self.exposure, frame=0, title="Input")
        # Do the work
        outWorker = tester.runWorker(clipboard)

        outPolicy = policy.get("outputKeys")

        if display:
                    frame=1, title="Subtracted")
Пример #14
def getMosaic(sources, exposure, idname):
    make a ds9 mosaic for the given source list from the given exposure
    stolen from psfMosaic.py on the sphinx documentation
    img = exposure.getMaskedImage().getImage()
    labels = []
    for src in sources:
        footBBox = src.getFootprint().getBBox()
        subimg = lsst.afw.image.ImageF(img, footBBox, 
                                       lsst.afw.image.PARENT, True)
        footMask = lsst.afw.image.ImageU(footBBox)
        src.getFootprint().insertIntoImage(footMask, 1, footBBox)
        subimg *= footMask.convertF()

    m = lsst.afw.display.utils.Mosaic()
    # create the mosaic
    for img in subImages:
    mosaic = m.makeMosaic()
    # display it with labels in ds9
Пример #15
    def testComputeImage(self):
        """Test the computation of the PSF's image at a point"""

        ccdXY = afwGeom.Point2D(0, 0)
        kIm = self.psf.computeImage(ccdXY)

        if False:

        self.assertTrue(kIm.getWidth() == self.ksize)
        # Check that the image is as expected. 
        xcen, ycen = self.ksize/2, self.ksize/2
        I0 = kIm.get(xcen, ycen)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(kIm.get(xcen + 1, ycen + 1),
                               I0*self.psf.computeImage().get(xcen + 1, ycen + 1))
        # Is image normalised to a peak value of unity?
        self.assertAlmostEqual(afwMath.makeStatistics(kIm, afwMath.MAX).getValue(), 1.0)
        # Now create a normalised version
        kIm = self.psf.computeImage(ccdXY, False)

        self.assertAlmostEqual(afwMath.makeStatistics(kIm, afwMath.SUM).getValue(), 1.0)
Пример #16
def showCamera(camera, imageSource=SynthesizeCcdImage(), imageFactory=afwImage.ImageU,
               frame=None, overlay=True, bin=1):
    """Show a Camera on ds9 (with the specified frame); if overlay show the IDs and amplifier boundaries

If imageSource is provided its getImage method will be called to return a CCD image (e.g. a
cameraGeom.GetCcdImage object); if it is "", an image will be created based on the properties
of the detectors"""

    if imageSource is None:
        cameraImage = None
    elif isinstance(imageSource, GetCcdImage):
        cameraImage = makeImageFromCamera(camera, imageSource, bin=bin, imageFactory=imageFactory)
        cameraImage = imageSource

    if cameraImage:
        ds9.mtv(cameraImage, frame=frame, title=camera.getId().getName())

    for det in camera:
        raft = cameraGeom.cast_Raft(det)
        center = camera.getCenterPixel() + afwGeom.Extent2D(raft.getCenterPixel())

        if overlay:
            bbox = raft.getAllPixels()
            ds9.dot(raft.getId().getName(), center[0]/bin, center[1]/bin, frame=frame)

        showRaft(raft, None, frame=frame, overlay=overlay,
                 raftOrigin=center - afwGeom.makeExtentD(raft.getAllPixels().getWidth()/2,
Пример #17
    def testNaNFromMaskedImage(self):
        """Check that an extensively masked image doesn't lead to NaNs in the background estimation
        image = afwImage.MaskedImageF(800, 800)
        msk = image.getMask()
        bbox = afwGeom.BoxI(afwGeom.PointI(560, 0), afwGeom.PointI(799, 335))
        smsk = msk.Factory(msk, bbox)

        binSize = 256
        nx = image.getWidth()//binSize + 1
        ny = image.getHeight()//binSize + 1

        sctrl = afwMath.StatisticsControl()
        sctrl.setAndMask(reduce(lambda x, y: x | image.getMask().getPlaneBitMask(y),
                                ['EDGE', 'DETECTED', 'DETECTED_NEGATIVE'], 0x0))

        bctrl = afwMath.BackgroundControl(nx, ny, sctrl, "MEANCLIP")

        bkgd = afwMath.makeBackground(image, bctrl)
        bkgdImage = bkgd.getImageF("NATURAL_SPLINE", "THROW_EXCEPTION")
        if display:
            ds9.mtv(bkgdImage, frame=1)


        # Check that the non-string API works too
        bkgdImage = bkgd.getImageF(afwMath.Interpolate.NATURAL_SPLINE, afwMath.THROW_EXCEPTION)
    def measure(footprintSet, exposure):
        """Measure a set of Footprints, returning a SourceCatalog"""
        schema = afwTable.SourceTable.makeMinimalSchema()
        config = measBase.SingleFrameMeasurementConfig()
        config.algorithms.names = ["base_PixelFlags",
        config.algorithms["base_CircularApertureFlux"].radii = [3.0]
        config.slots.centroid = "base_SdssCentroid"
        config.slots.psfFlux = "base_PsfFlux"
        config.slots.apFlux = "base_CircularApertureFlux_3_0"
        config.slots.modelFlux = None
        config.slots.instFlux = None
        config.slots.calibFlux = None
        config.slots.shape = "base_SdssShape"

        task = measBase.SingleFrameMeasurementTask(schema, config=config)
        table = afwTable.SourceCatalog(schema)

        # Then run the default SFM task.  Results not checked
        task.run(table, exposure)

        if display:

        return table
Пример #19
    def testInvarianceOfPixelToSky(self):

        for deep in (True, False):
            llc = afwGeom.Point2I(20, 30)
            bbox = afwGeom.Box2I(llc, afwGeom.Extent2I(60, 50))
            subImg = afwImage.ExposureF(self.parent, bbox, afwImage.LOCAL, deep)

            xy0 = subImg.getMaskedImage().getXY0()

            if False:
                ds9.mtv(self.parent, frame=0)
                ds9.mtv(subImg, frame=1)

            for p in self.testPositions:
                subP = p - afwGeom.Extent2D(llc[0], llc[1])  # pixel in subImg

                if subP[0] < 0 or subP[0] >= bbox.getWidth() or subP[1] < 0 or subP[1] >= bbox.getHeight():

                adParent = self.parent.getWcs().pixelToSky(p)
                adSub = subImg.getWcs().pixelToSky(subP + afwGeom.Extent2D(xy0[0], xy0[1]))
                # Check that we're talking about the same pixel
                    self.parent.getMaskedImage().get(int(p[0]), int(p[1])),
                    subImg.getMaskedImage().get(int(subP[0]), int(subP[1])),

                self.assertEqual(adParent[0], adSub[0], "RAs are equal; deep = %s" % deep)
                self.assertEqual(adParent[1], adSub[1], "DECs are equal; deep = %s" % deep)
Пример #20
    def run(self, dataRef):
        """!Compute a few statistics on the image plane of an exposure
        @param dataRef: data reference for a calibrated science exposure ("calexp")
        @return a pipeBase Struct containing:
        - mean: mean of image plane
        - meanErr: uncertainty in mean
        - stdDev: standard deviation of image plane
        - stdDevErr: uncertainty in standard deviation
        self.log.info("Processing data ID %s" % (dataRef.dataId,))
        if self.config.doFail:
            raise pipeBase.TaskError("Raising TaskError by request (config.doFail=True)")

        # Unpersist the raw exposure pointed to by the data reference
        rawExp = dataRef.get("raw")
        maskedImage = rawExp.getMaskedImage()

        # Support extra debug output.
        # - 
        import lsstDebug
        display = lsstDebug.Info(__name__).display
        if display:
            frame = 1
            mtv(rawExp, frame=frame, title="exposure")

        # return the pipe_base Struct that is returned by self.stats.run
        return self.stats.run(maskedImage)
Пример #21
    def testFootprintFromEllipse(self):
        """Create an elliptical Footprint"""
        cen = afwGeom.Point2D(23, 25)
        a, b, theta = 25, 15, 30
        ellipse = afwGeomEllipses.Ellipse(afwGeomEllipses.Axes(a, b, math.radians(theta)),  cen)
        foot = afwDetect.Footprint(ellipse, afwGeom.Box2I(afwGeom.Point2I(0, 0), afwGeom.Extent2I(50, 60)))

        idImage = afwImage.ImageU(afwGeom.Extent2I(foot.getRegion().getWidth(), foot.getRegion().getHeight()))

        foot.insertIntoImage(idImage, foot.getId())

        if display:
            ds9.mtv(idImage, frame=2)
            displayUtils.drawFootprint(foot, frame=2)
            shape = foot.getShape()
            shape.scale(2)              # <r^2> = 1/2 for a disk
            ds9.dot(shape, *cen, frame=2, ctype=ds9.RED)

            shape = foot.getShape()
            shape.scale(2)              # <r^2> = 1/2 for a disk
            ds9.dot(shape, *cen, frame=2, ctype=ds9.MAGENTA)

        axes = afwGeom.ellipses.Axes(foot.getShape())
        axes.scale(2)                   # <r^2> = 1/2 for a disk

        self.assertEqual(foot.getCentroid(), cen)
        self.assertTrue(abs(a - axes.getA()) < 0.15, "a: %g v. %g" % (a, axes.getA()))
        self.assertTrue(abs(b - axes.getB()) < 0.02, "b: %g v. %g" % (b, axes.getB()))
        self.assertTrue(abs(theta - math.degrees(axes.getTheta())) < 0.2,
                        "theta: %g v. %g" % (theta, math.degrees(axes.getTheta())))
Пример #22
    def testGrowCircular(self):
        """Grow footprints in all 4 directions using the FootprintSet/FootprintControl constructor """
        im = afwImage.MaskedImageF(11, 11)
        im.set(5, 5, (10,))
        fs = afwDetect.FootprintSet(im, afwDetect.Threshold(10))
        self.assertEqual(len(fs.getFootprints()), 1)

        radius = 3  # How much to grow by
        for fctrl in (
            afwDetect.FootprintControl(True, True),
            grown = afwDetect.FootprintSet(fs, radius, fctrl)
            afwDetect.setMaskFromFootprintList(im.getMask(), grown.getFootprints(), 0x10)

            if display:

            foot = grown.getFootprints()[0]

            if not fctrl.isCircular()[0]:
                self.assertEqual(foot.getNpix(), 1)
            elif fctrl.isCircular()[0]:
                assert radius == 3
                if fctrl.isIsotropic()[1]:
                    self.assertEqual(foot.getNpix(), 29)
                    self.assertEqual(foot.getNpix(), 25)
Пример #23
    def testGrowLRUD2(self):
        """Grow footprints in various directions using the FootprintSet/FootprintControl constructor

        Check that overlapping grown Footprints give the expected answers
        ngrow = 3  # How much to grow by
        for fctrl, xy in [
            (afwDetect.FootprintControl(True, True, False, False), [(4, 5), (5, 6), (6, 5)]),
            (afwDetect.FootprintControl(False, False, True, True), [(5, 4), (6, 5), (5, 6)]),
            im = afwImage.MaskedImageF(11, 11)
            for x, y in xy:
                im.set(x, y, (10,))
            fs = afwDetect.FootprintSet(im, afwDetect.Threshold(10))
            self.assertEqual(len(fs.getFootprints()), 1)

            grown = afwDetect.FootprintSet(fs, ngrow, fctrl)
            afwDetect.setMaskFromFootprintList(im.getMask(), grown.getFootprints(), 0x10)

            if display:

            self.assertEqual(len(grown.getFootprints()), 1)
            foot = grown.getFootprints()[0]

            npix = 1 + 2 * ngrow
            npix += 3 + 2 * ngrow  # 3: distance between pair of set pixels 000X0X000
            self.assertEqual(foot.getNpix(), npix)
Пример #24
    def setUp(self):
        self.ms = afwImage.MaskedImageF(afwGeom.Extent2I(12, 8))
        im = self.ms.getImage()
        # Objects that we should detect
        self.objects = []
        self.objects += [Object(10, [(1, 4, 4), (2, 3, 5), (3, 4, 4)])]
        self.objects += [Object(20, [(5, 7, 8), (6, 8, 8)])]
        self.objects += [Object(20, [(5, 10, 10)])]
        self.objects += [Object(30, [(6, 3, 3)])]

        im.set(0)                       # clear image
        for obj in self.objects:

        self.NaN = float("NaN")
        im.set(3, 7, self.NaN)
        im.set(0, 0, self.NaN)
        im.set(8, 2, self.NaN)

        im.set(9, 6, self.NaN)          # connects the two objects with value==20 together if NaN is detected

        if False and display:
            ds9.mtv(im, frame=0)
Пример #25
    def doSetUp(self, dwidth=0, dheight=0, x0=0, y0=0):
        width, height = 14 + x0 + dwidth, 10 + y0 + dheight
        self.im = afwImage.MaskedImageF(afwGeom.Extent2I(width, height))
        # Objects that we should detect
        self.objects, self.peaks = [], []
        self.objects.append([[4, 1, 10], [3, 2, 10], [4, 2, 20], [5, 2, 10], [4, 3, 10],])
        self.peaks.append([[4, 2]])
        self.objects.append([[9, 7, 30], [10, 7, 29], [12, 7, 25], [10, 8, 27], [11, 8, 26],])
        self.peaks.append([[9, 7]])
        self.objects.append([[3, 8, 10], [4, 8, 10],])
        self.peaks.append([[3, 8], [4, 8],])

        for pp in self.peaks:           # allow for x0, y0
            for p in pp:
                p[0] += x0
                p[1] += y0
        for oo in self.objects:
            for o in oo:
                o[0] += x0
                o[1] += y0

        self.im.set((0, 0x0, 0))                       # clear image
        for obj in self.objects:
            for x, y, I in obj:
                self.im.getImage().set(x, y, I)
        if False and display:
            ds9.mtv(self.im, frame=0)
Пример #26
    def measure(footprintSet, exposure):
        """Measure a set of Footprints, returning a SourceCatalog"""
        config = measAlg.SourceMeasurementConfig()
        config.prefix = "initial."
        config.algorithms.names = ["flags.pixel", "flux.psf", "flux.sinc", "flux.gaussian", "shape.sdss"]
        config.centroider.name = "centroid.sdss"
        config.algorithms["flux.naive"].radius = 3.0
        config.slots.centroid = "initial.centroid.sdss"
        config.slots.psfFlux = "initial.flux.psf"
        config.slots.apFlux = "initial.flux.sinc"
        config.slots.modelFlux = None
        config.slots.instFlux = None
        config.slots.calibFlux = None
        config.slots.shape = "initial.shape.sdss"

        schema = afwTable.SourceTable.makeMinimalSchema()
        measureSources = config.makeMeasureSources(schema)
        catalog = afwTable.SourceCatalog(schema)

        if display:
            ds9.mtv(exposure, title="Original", frame=0)


        for i, source in enumerate(catalog):
            measureSources.applyWithPeak(source, exposure)

        return catalog
Пример #27
def main(rootDir, visit, ccd, frame=1, title="", scale="zscale", zoom="to fit", trans=60, useEllipse=False):

    # butler を開き読み込みたいデータの dataId を指定する
    butler = dafPersist.Butler(rootDir)
    dataId = {'visit': visit, 'ccd':ccd}

    # butler から一次処理済データを読み込む
    exposure = butler.get('calexp', dataId)

    # 読み込みたい天体情報を設定し、ds9.mtv() を読み込む
    settings = {'scale':scale, 'zoom': zoom, 'mask' : 'transparency %d' %(trans)}
    ds9.mtv(exposure, frame=frame, title=title, settings=settings)

    # 天体カタログを取得し、データ点を重ねて表示する

    sources = butler.get('src', dataId)

    with ds9.Buffering():
        for i,source in enumerate(sources):
            color = ds9.RED
            size = 5.0
            if useEllipse:
                # 楕円体のシンボルで表示
                symbol = "@:{ixx},{ixy},{iyy}".format(ixx=source.getIxx(),
                # シンプルなシンボルで表示(例えば、 +, x, *, o が使える)
                symbol = "o"
            ds9.dot(symbol, source.getX(), source.getY(), ctype=color,
                    size=size, frame=frame, silent=True)
Пример #28
    def setUp(self):
        self.im = afwImage.DecoratedImageD(InputSmallImagePath)

        self.wcs = afwImage.makeWcs(self.im.getMetadata())

        if False:
            ds9.mtv(self.im, wcs=self.wcs)
Пример #29
    def testStatsZebra(self):
        """Add 1 to every other row"""
        image2 = self.image.Factory(self.image, True)
        # Add 1 to every other row, so the variance is 1/4
        self.assertEqual(image2.getHeight()%2, 0)
        width = image2.getWidth()
        for y in range(1, image2.getHeight(), 2):
            sim = image2.Factory(image2, afwGeom.Box2I(afwGeom.Point2I(0, y), afwGeom.Extent2I(width, 1)),
            sim += 1

        if display:
            ds9.mtv(self.image, frame = 0)
            ds9.mtv(image2, frame = 1)

        stats = afwMath.makeStatistics(image2,
                                       afwMath.NPOINT | afwMath.STDEV | afwMath.MEAN | afwMath.ERRORS)
        mean = stats.getResult(afwMath.MEAN)
        n = stats.getValue(afwMath.NPOINT)
        sd = stats.getValue(afwMath.STDEV)

        self.assertEqual(mean[0],  image2.get(0, 0) + 0.5)
        self.assertEqual(sd, 1/math.sqrt(4.0)*math.sqrt(n/(n - 1)))
        self.assertAlmostEqual(mean[1], sd/math.sqrt(image2.getWidth()*image2.getHeight()), 10)

        meanSquare = afwMath.makeStatistics(image2, afwMath.MEANSQUARE).getValue()
        self.assertEqual(meanSquare, 0.5*(image2.get(0, 0)**2 + image2.get(0, 1)**2))
Пример #30
    def setUp(self):
        im = afwImage.ImageF(self.monetFile("small.fits"))
        self.mi = afwImage.MaskedImageF(im, afwImage.MaskU(im.getDimensions()),
        self.ds = afwDetection.FootprintSet(self.mi, afwDetection.Threshold(100))

        if display:
        for foot in self.ds.getFootprints():
            bbox = foot.getBBox()
            x0, y0 = bbox.getMinX(), bbox.getMinY()
            x1, y1 = bbox.getMaxX(), bbox.getMaxY()
            xc = (x0 + x1)/2.0
            yc = (y0 + y1)/2.0
            if display:
                ds9.dot("+", xc, yc, ctype=ds9.BLUE)

                if False:
                    x0 -= 0.5; y0 -= 0.5
                    x1 += 0.5; y1 += 0.5
                    ds9.line([(x0, y0), (x1, y0), (x1, y1), (x0, y1), (x0, y0)], ctype=ds9.RED)

        self.control = algorithms.GaussianCentroidControl()
        schema = afwTable.SourceTable.makeMinimalSchema()
        self.centroider = algorithms.MeasureSourcesBuilder().addAlgorithm(self.control).build(schema)
        self.ssMeasured = afwTable.SourceCatalog(schema)
        self.ssTruth = afwTable.SourceCatalog(schema)
Пример #31
    def testDrawing(self):
        """Test drawing lines and glyphs"""

        exp = afwImage.ExposureF(300, 350)
        ds9.mtv(exp, title="parent") # tells display0 about the image's xy0
        with ds9.Buffering():
            ds9.dot('o', 200, 220)
            vertices = [(200, 220), (210, 230), (224, 230), (214, 220), (200, 220)]
            ds9.line(vertices, ctype=ds9.CYAN)
            ds9.line(vertices[:-1], symbs="+x+x", size=3)
Пример #32
    def measure(self, footprintSet, exposure):
        """Measure a set of Footprints, returning a SourceCatalog"""
        table = afwTable.SourceCatalog(self.schema)

        # Then run the default SFM task.  Results not checked
        self.measureTask.run(table, exposure)

        if display:

        return table
Пример #33
    def testKernel(self):
        """Test the creation of the dgPsf's kernel."""
        for psf in [self.psfDg, self.psfSg]:
            kIm = afwImage.ImageD(psf.getKernel().getDimensions())
            psf.getKernel().computeImage(kIm, False)

            self.assertEqual(kIm.getWidth(), self.ksize)
                afwMath.makeStatistics(kIm, afwMath.SUM).getValue(), 1.0)

        if False:
Пример #34
    def testText(self):
        """Test drawing text"""

        exp = afwImage.ExposureF(300, 350)
        ds9.mtv(exp, title="parent")  # tells display0 about the image's xy0

        with ds9.Buffering():
            ds9.dot('hello', 200, 200)
            ds9.dot('hello', 200, 210, size=1.25)
            ds9.dot('hello', 200, 220, size=3, fontFamily="times")
            ds9.dot('hello', 200, 230, fontFamily="helvetica bold italic")
Пример #35
    def runBasicTest(self, kernel, convControl, refKernel=None, kernelDescr="", rtol=1.0e-05, atol=1e-08):
        """Assert that afwMath::convolve gives the same result as reference convolution for a given kernel.

        - kernel: convolution kernel
        - convControl: convolution control parameters (afwMath.ConvolutionControl)
        - refKernel: kernel to use for refConvolve (if None then kernel is used)
        - kernelDescr: description of kernel
        - rtol: relative tolerance (see below)
        - atol: absolute tolerance (see below)

        rtol and atol are positive, typically very small numbers.
        The relative difference (rtol * abs(b)) and the absolute difference "atol" are added together
        to compare against the absolute difference between "a" and "b".
        if refKernel is None:
            refKernel = kernel
        # strip garbage characters (whitespace and punctuation) to make a short description for saving files
        shortKernelDescr = self._removeGarbageChars(kernelDescr)

        doNormalize = convControl.getDoNormalize()
        doCopyEdge = convControl.getDoCopyEdge()
        maxInterpDist = convControl.getMaxInterpolationDistance()

        imMaskVar = self.maskedImage.getArrays()
        xy0 = self.maskedImage.getXY0()

        refCnvImMaskVarArr = refConvolve(imMaskVar, xy0, refKernel, doNormalize, doCopyEdge)
        refMaskedImage = afwImage.makeMaskedImageFromArrays(*refCnvImMaskVarArr)

        afwMath.convolve(self.cnvImage, self.maskedImage.getImage(), kernel, convControl)
        self.assertEqual(self.cnvImage.getXY0(), self.xy0)

        afwMath.convolve(self.cnvMaskedImage, self.maskedImage, kernel, convControl)

        if display and False:
                self.maskedImage, refMaskedImage, self.cnvMaskedImage]), frame=0)
            if False:
                for (x, y) in ((0, 0), (1, 0), (0, 1), (50, 50)):
                    print("Mask(%d,%d) 0x%x 0x%x" % (x, y, refMaskedImage.getMask().get(x, y),
                                                     self.cnvMaskedImage.getMask().get(x, y)))

        self.assertImagesNearlyEqual(self.cnvImage, refMaskedImage.getImage(), atol=atol, rtol=rtol)
        self.assertMaskedImagesNearlyEqual(self.cnvMaskedImage, refMaskedImage, atol=atol, rtol=rtol)

        if not sameMaskPlaneDicts(self.cnvMaskedImage, self.maskedImage):
            self.cnvMaskedImage.writeFits("act%s" % (shortKernelDescr,))
            refMaskedImage.writeFits("des%s" % (shortKernelDescr,))
            self.fail("convolve(MaskedImage, kernel=%s, doNormalize=%s, "
                      "doCopyEdge=%s, maxInterpDist=%s) failed:\n%s" %
                      (kernelDescr, doNormalize, doCopyEdge, maxInterpDist,
                       "convolved mask dictionary does not match input"))
Пример #36
    def testNormalize(self):
        """Test Footprint.normalize"""

        w, h = 12, 10
        region = afwGeom.Box2I(afwGeom.Point2I(0, 0), afwGeom.Extent2I(w, h))
        im = afwImage.ImageU(afwGeom.Extent2I(w, h))
        # Create a footprint;  note that these Spans overlap
        for spans, box in (([
            (3, 5, 6),
            (4, 7, 7),
        ], afwGeom.Box2I(afwGeom.Point2I(5, 3), afwGeom.Point2I(7, 4))), ([
            (3, 3, 5),
            (3, 6, 9),
            (4, 2, 3),
            (4, 5, 7),
            (4, 8, 8),
            (5, 2, 3),
            (5, 5, 8),
            (5, 6, 7),
            (6, 3, 5),
        ], afwGeom.Box2I(afwGeom.Point2I(2, 3), afwGeom.Point2I(9, 6)))):

            foot = afwDetect.Footprint(0, region)
            for y, x0, x1 in spans:
                foot.addSpan(y, x0, x1)

                for x in range(x0, x1 + 1):  # also insert into im
                    im.set(x, y, 1)

            idImage = afwImage.ImageU(afwGeom.Extent2I(w, h))

            foot.insertIntoImage(idImage, 1)
            if display:  # overlaping pixels will be > 1
            # Normalise the Footprint, removing overlapping spans

            foot.insertIntoImage(idImage, 1)
            if display:
                ds9.mtv(idImage, frame=1)

            idImage -= im

            self.assertTrue(box == foot.getBBox())
                afwMath.makeStatistics(idImage, afwMath.MAX).getValue(), 0)
Пример #37
    def testFootprintsMeasure(self):
        """Check that we can measure the objects in a detectionSet"""

        xcentroid = [10.0, 14.0, 9.0]
        ycentroid = [8.0, 11.5061728, 14.0]
        flux = [51.0, 101.0, 20.0]

        ds = afwDetection.FootprintSet(self.mi, afwDetection.Threshold(10), "DETECTED")

        if display:
            ds9.mtv(self.mi, frame=0)
            ds9.mtv(self.mi.getVariance(), frame=1)

        measureSourcesConfig = measBase.SingleFrameMeasurementConfig()
        measureSourcesConfig.algorithms["base_CircularApertureFlux"].radii = [3.0]
        measureSourcesConfig.algorithms.names = ["base_NaiveCentroid", "base_SdssShape", "base_PsfFlux",
        measureSourcesConfig.slots.centroid = "base_NaiveCentroid"
        measureSourcesConfig.slots.psfFlux = "base_PsfFlux"
        measureSourcesConfig.slots.apFlux = "base_CircularApertureFlux_3_0"
        measureSourcesConfig.slots.modelFlux = None
        measureSourcesConfig.slots.instFlux = None
        measureSourcesConfig.slots.calibFlux = None

        schema = afwTable.SourceTable.makeMinimalSchema()
        task = measBase.SingleFrameMeasurementTask(schema, config=measureSourcesConfig)
        measCat = afwTable.SourceCatalog(schema)
        # now run the SFM task with the test plugin
        sigma = 1e-10
        psf = algorithms.DoubleGaussianPsf(11, 11, sigma)  # i.e. a single pixel
        task.run(measCat, self.exposure)

        for i, source in enumerate(measCat):

            xc, yc = source.getX() - self.mi.getX0(), source.getY() - self.mi.getY0()
            if display:
                ds9.dot("+", xc, yc)

            self.assertAlmostEqual(source.getX(), xcentroid[i], 6)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(source.getY(), ycentroid[i], 6)
            self.assertEqual(source.getApFlux(), flux[i])
            # 29 pixels in 3pixel circular ap.
            self.assertAlmostEqual(source.getApFluxErr(), math.sqrt(29), 6)
            # We're using a delta-function PSF, so the psfFlux should be the pixel under the centroid,
            # iff the object's centred in the pixel
            if xc == int(xc) and yc == int(yc):
                                       self.exposure.getMaskedImage().getImage().get(int(xc + 0.5),
                                                                                     int(yc + 0.5)))
                                       self.exposure.getMaskedImage().getVariance().get(int(xc + 0.5),
                                                                                        int(yc + 0.5)))
Пример #38
    def testImageSliceFromBox(self):
        """Test using a Box2I to index an Image"""
        im = afwImage.ImageF(10, 20)
        bbox = afwGeom.BoxI(afwGeom.PointI(1, 3), afwGeom.PointI(6, 9))
        im[bbox] = -1

        if display:

        self.assertEqual(im.get(0, 6), 0)
        self.assertEqual(im.get(1, 6), -1)
        self.assertEqual(im.get(3, 9), -1)
Пример #39
    def writeDefects(self, maskFile, ccd, format=None):
        """Given a Mask, find the defects for each amp in the specified CCD (0-indexed).
        If format is provided, it's expected to be used as "format % (ccd, amp)" to generate
        a .paf filename to write the defects too.  If it's "-", write to stdout"""

        # Metadata should have validity range keywords, but it doesn't.
        if False:
            metaData = afwImage.readMetadata(maskFile, 0)

        hdu = ccd + 2
        im = afwImage.ImageF(maskFile, hdu)
        im -= 1
        im *= -1
        mask = afwImage.MaskU(im.getBBox(afwImage.PARENT))
        mask = afwImage.makeMaskedImage(im, mask)

        for amp in self.ampList():
            subMask = mask.Factory(mask, self.getTrimSecBBox(amp),

            ds = afwDetection.makeFootprintSet(subMask,

            if False:

                ds9.dot("Amp %d" % amp, 0, 0)

            if not format:

            if format == "-":
                fd = sys.stdout
                fd = open(format % (ccd, amp), "w")

            print >> fd, """\
#<?cfg paf policy ?>
# Defects for CCD%03d amp %02d generated from %s, HDU %d
# Coordinates are trimmed and per-amp not per-CCD.  If you change this, the ISR will have to change
# Generated by $HeadURL$
""" % (ccd, amp, maskFile, hdu),

            for foot in ds.getFootprints():
                afwDetectionUtils.writeFootprintAsDefects(fd, foot)
Пример #40
def run(display=False):
    exposure = loadData()
    schema = afwTable.SourceTable.makeMinimalSchema()
    # Create the detection task
    config = SourceDetectionTask.ConfigClass()
    config.thresholdPolarity = "both"
    config.background.isNanSafe = True
    config.thresholdValue = 3
    detectionTask = SourceDetectionTask(config=config, schema=schema)
    # And the measurement Task
    config = SingleFrameMeasurementTask.ConfigClass()

    config.algorithms.names = ["base_SdssCentroid", "base_SdssShape", "base_CircularApertureFlux"]
    config.algorithms["base_CircularApertureFlux"].radii = [1, 2, 4, 8, 16] # pixels

    config.slots.instFlux = None
    config.slots.modelFlux = None
    config.slots.psfFlux = None

    algMetadata = dafBase.PropertyList()
    measureTask = SingleFrameMeasurementTask(schema, algMetadata=algMetadata, config=config)
    radii = algMetadata.get("base_CircularApertureFlux_radii")
    # Create the output table
    tab = afwTable.SourceTable.make(schema)
    # Process the data
    result = detectionTask.run(tab, exposure)

    sources = result.sources

    print("Found %d sources (%d +ve, %d -ve)" % (len(sources), result.fpSets.numPos, result.fpSets.numNeg))

    measureTask.run(sources, exposure)
    if display:                         # display on ds9 (see also --debug argparse option)
        frame = 1
        ds9.mtv(exposure, frame=frame)

        with ds9.Buffering():
            for s in sources:
                xy = s.getCentroid()
                ds9.dot('+', *xy, ctype=ds9.CYAN if s.get("flags.negative") else ds9.GREEN, frame=frame)
                ds9.dot(s.getShape(), *xy, ctype=ds9.RED, frame=frame)

                for i in range(s.get("flux.aperture.nProfile")):
                    ds9.dot('o', *xy, size=radii[i], ctype=ds9.YELLOW, frame=frame)
Пример #41
    def selectStars(self, exposure, sourceCat, matches=None):
        """!Return a list of PSF candidates that represent likely stars

        A list of PSF candidates may be used by a PSF fitter to construct a PSF.

        @param[in] exposure  the exposure containing the sources
        @param[in] sourceCat  catalog of sources that may be stars (an lsst.afw.table.SourceCatalog)
        @param[in] matches  a match vector as produced by meas_astrom; required
                            (defaults to None to match the StarSelector API and improve error handling)

        @return an lsst.pipe.base.Struct containing:
        - starCat  catalog of selected stars (a subset of sourceCat)
        import lsstDebug
        debugInfo = lsstDebug.Info(__name__)
        display = debugInfo.display
        pauseAtEnd = debugInfo.pauseAtEnd  # pause when done

        if matches is None:
            raise RuntimeError("CatalogStarSelectorTask requires matches")

        mi = exposure.getMaskedImage()

        if display:
            frame = 1
            ds9.mtv(mi, frame=frame, title="PSF candidates")

        isGoodSource = CheckSource(sourceCat, self.config.fluxLim,
                                   self.config.fluxMax, self.config.badFlags)

        starCat = SourceCatalog(sourceCat.schema)
        with ds9.Buffering():
            for ref, source, d in matches:
                if not ref.get("resolved"):
                    if not isGoodSource(source):
                        symb, ctype = "+", ds9.RED
                        symb, ctype = "+", ds9.GREEN

                        if display:
                                    source.getX() - mi.getX0(),
                                    source.getY() - mi.getY0(),

        if display and pauseAtEnd:
            input("Continue? y[es] p[db] ")

        return Struct(starCat=starCat, )
Пример #42
    def testFlip(self):
        """Test that we end up with the correct image after flipping it"""

        frame = 2
        for flipLR, flipTB, x, y in [(True, False, 19, 0),
                                     (True, True, 19, 9),
                                     (False, True, 0, 9),
                                     (False, False, 0, 0)]:
            outImage = afwMath.flipImage(self.inImage, flipLR, flipTB)
            if display:
                ds9.mtv(outImage, frame=frame, title="%s %s" % (flipLR, flipTB))
                frame += 1
            self.assertEqual(self.inImage.get(0, 0), outImage.get(x, y))
Пример #43
    def testImageSliceFromBoxOrigin(self):
        """Test using a Box2I to index an Image"""
        im = afwImage.ImageF(10, 20)
        im.setXY0(50, 100)
        bbox = afwGeom.BoxI(afwGeom.PointI(51, 103), afwGeom.ExtentI(6, 7))
        im[bbox, afwImage.PARENT] = -1

        if display:

        self.assertEqual(im.get(0, 6), 0)
        self.assertEqual(im.get(1, 6), -1)
        self.assertEqual(im.get(3, 9), -1)
Пример #44
    def testFootprintSetImageId(self):
        """Check that we can insert a FootprintSet into an Image, setting relative IDs"""
        ds = afwDetect.FootprintSet(self.ms, afwDetect.Threshold(10))
        objects = ds.getFootprints()

        idImage = ds.insertIntoImage(True)
        if display:
            ds9.mtv(idImage, frame=2)

        for i in range(len(objects)):
            for sp in objects[i].getSpans():
                for x in range(sp.getX0(), sp.getX1() + 1):
                    self.assertEqual(idImage.get(x, sp.getY()), i + 1)
Пример #45
    def testComputeImage(self):
        """Test the computation of the PSF's image at a point"""

        ccdXY = afwGeom.Point2D(0, 0)
        kIm = self.psf.computeImage(ccdXY)

        if False:

        self.assertTrue(kIm.getWidth() == self.ksize)
        xcen, ycen = self.ksize/2, self.ksize/2
        kIm = self.psf.computeImage(ccdXY)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(afwMath.makeStatistics(kIm, afwMath.SUM).getValue(), 1.0)
Пример #46
def OpenTimepixInDS9(filename, binary=False):
    import lsst.afw.display.ds9 as ds9
    if binary:
        image, dummy = TimepixToExposure_binary(filename, 0, 255, 0, 255)
        image = TimepixToExposure(filename, 0, 255, 0, 255)

    except ds9.Ds9Error:
        print('DS9 launch bug error thrown away (probably)')

Пример #47
    def testImageSliceFromBoxOrigin(self):
        """Test using a Box2I to index an Image"""
        im = afwImage.ImageF(10, 20)
        im.setXY0(50, 100)
        bbox = lsst.geom.BoxI(lsst.geom.PointI(51, 103), lsst.geom.ExtentI(6, 7))
        im[bbox] = -1

        if display:

        self.assertEqual(im[0, 6, afwImage.LOCAL], 0)
        self.assertEqual(im[1, 6, afwImage.LOCAL], -1)
        self.assertEqual(im[3, 9, afwImage.LOCAL], -1)
Пример #48
    def testFootprints(self):
        """Check that we found the correct number of objects using FootprintSet"""
        ds = afwDetect.FootprintSet(self.ms, afwDetect.Threshold(10),

        objects = ds.getFootprints()

        if display:
            ds9.mtv(self.ms, frame=0)

        self.assertEqual(len(objects), len(self.objects))
        for i in range(len(objects)):
            self.assertEqual(objects[i], self.objects[i])
def fft(im1, im2, fftSize):
    arr1 = im1.getArray()
    arr2 = im2.getArray()

    fft1 = num.fft.rfft2(arr1)
    fft2 = num.fft.rfft2(arr2)
    rat = fft2 / fft1

    kfft = num.fft.irfft2(rat, s=fftSize)
    kim = afwImage.ImageF(fftSize)
    kim.getArray()[:] = kfft

    ds9.mtv(kim, frame=5)
Пример #50
def showPeaks(im=None, fs=None, frame=0):
    """Show the image and peaks"""
    if frame is None:

    if im:
        ds9.mtv(im, frame=frame)

    if fs:
        with ds9.Buffering():           # turn on buffering of ds9's slow "region" writes
            for foot in fs.getFootprints():
                for p in foot.getPeaks():
                    ds9.dot("+", p.getIx(), p.getIy(), size=0.4, ctype=ds9.RED, frame=frame)
Пример #51
    def testFootprintsMasks(self):
        """Check that detectionSets have the proper mask bits set"""
        ds = afwDetect.FootprintSet(self.ms, afwDetect.Threshold(10), "OBJECT")
        objects = ds.getFootprints()

        if display:
            ds9.mtv(self.ms, frame=1)

        mask = self.ms.getMask()
        for i in range(len(objects)):
            for sp in objects[i].getSpans():
                for x in range(sp.getX0(), sp.getX1() + 1):
                    self.assertEqual(mask.get(x, sp.getY()), mask.getPlaneBitMask("OBJECT"))
Пример #52
    def testGrow(self):
        """Test growing a footprint"""
        x0, y0 = 20, 20
        width, height = 20, 30
        foot1 = afwDetect.Footprint(
            afwGeom.Box2I(afwGeom.Point2I(x0, y0),
                          afwGeom.Extent2I(width, height)),
            afwGeom.Box2I(afwGeom.Point2I(0, 0), afwGeom.Extent2I(100, 100)))
        bbox1 = foot1.getBBox()

        self.assertEqual(bbox1.getMinX(), x0)
        self.assertEqual(bbox1.getMaxX(), x0 + width - 1)
        self.assertEqual(bbox1.getWidth(), width)

        self.assertEqual(bbox1.getMinY(), y0)
        self.assertEqual(bbox1.getMaxY(), y0 + height - 1)
        self.assertEqual(bbox1.getHeight(), height)

        ngrow = 5
        for isotropic in (True, False):
            foot2 = afwDetect.growFootprint(foot1, ngrow, isotropic)

            # Check that the grown footprint is normalized

            # Check that the grown footprint is bigger than the original
            self.assertGreater(foot2.getArea(), foot1.getArea())

            bbox2 = foot2.getBBox()

            if False and display:
                idImage = afwImage.ImageU(width, height)

                i = 1
                for foot in [foot1, foot2]:
                    foot.insertIntoImage(idImage, i)
                    i += 1

                metricImage = afwImage.ImageF("foo.fits")
                ds9.mtv(metricImage, frame=1)

            # check bbox2
            self.assertEqual(bbox2.getMinX(), x0 - ngrow)
            self.assertEqual(bbox2.getWidth(), width + 2 * ngrow)

            self.assertEqual(bbox2.getMinY(), y0 - ngrow)
            self.assertEqual(bbox2.getHeight(), height + 2 * ngrow)
            # Check that region was preserved
            self.assertEqual(foot1.getRegion(), foot2.getRegion())
Пример #53
def getBackground(image, backgroundConfig, nx=0, ny=0, algorithm=None):
    Make a new Exposure which is exposure - background

    if not nx:
        nx = image.getWidth() // backgroundConfig.binSize + 1
    if not ny:
        ny = image.getHeight() // backgroundConfig.binSize + 1

    displayBackground = lsstDebug.Info(__name__).displayBackground
    if displayBackground:
        import itertools
        ds9.mtv(image, frame=1)
        xPosts = numpy.rint(
            numpy.linspace(0, image.getWidth() + 1, num=nx, endpoint=True))
        yPosts = numpy.rint(
            numpy.linspace(0, image.getHeight() + 1, num=ny, endpoint=True))
        with ds9.Buffering():
            for (xMin, xMax), (yMin, yMax) in itertools.product(
                    zip(xPosts[:-1], xPosts[1:]), zip(yPosts[:-1],
                ds9.line([(xMin, yMin), (xMin, yMax), (xMax, yMax),
                          (xMax, yMin), (xMin, yMin)],

    sctrl = afwMath.StatisticsControl()
        reduce(lambda x, y: x | image.getMask().getPlaneBitMask(y),
               backgroundConfig.ignoredPixelMask, 0x0))

    pl = pexLogging.Debug("meas.utils.sourceDetection.getBackground")
        3, "Ignoring mask planes: %s" %
        ", ".join(backgroundConfig.ignoredPixelMask))

    if not algorithm:
        algorithm = backgroundConfig.algorithm

    bctrl = afwMath.BackgroundControl(algorithm, nx, ny,
                                      backgroundConfig.undersampleStyle, sctrl,

    if backgroundConfig.useApprox:
        actrl = afwMath.ApproximateControl(
            afwMath.ApproximateControl.CHEBYSHEV, backgroundConfig.approxOrder)

    return afwMath.makeBackground(image, bctrl)
Пример #54
    def setUp(self):
        # We create an image that has a ramp (unique values for each pixel),
        # with a single high pixel that allows for centering
        self.width, self.height = 50, 50
        self.xcen, self.ycen = self.width // 2, self.height // 2
        self.image = afwImage.ImageF(afwGeom.ExtentI(self.width, self.height))
        for y in range(self.height):
            for x in range(self.width):
                self.image.set(x, y, self.width * y + x)
        self.image.set(self.xcen, self.ycen, 1234567.89)
        self.exp = afwImage.makeExposure(afwImage.makeMaskedImage(self.image))
        scale = 0.2 / 3600
        wcs = afwImage.makeWcs(
            afwCoord.Coord(0 * afwGeom.degrees, 0 * afwGeom.degrees),
            afwGeom.Point2D(self.xcen, self.ycen), scale, 0, 0, scale)

        if display:
            frame = 1
            ds9.mtv(self.exp, frame=frame, title="Single pixel")

        # We will use a GaussianCentroid to tweak the center (it should not, for forced measurement)
        # and a NaiveFlux to measure the single pixel.  We'll start offset from the high pixel,
        # so that a forced measurement should yield a flux of zero, while a measurement that was allowed to
        # center should yield a flux of unity.
        # Note that previous versions used NaiveCentroid, which was so nonrobust that it failed to get
        # right answer when the input value was round-tripped through Wcs and modified by ~1E-8.
        gaussianCentroid = measAlg.GaussianCentroidControl()
        naiveFlux = measAlg.NaiveFluxControl()
        naiveFlux.radius = 0.5
        self.x, self.y = self.xcen - 1, self.ycen - 1

        self.foot = afwDetection.Footprint(afwGeom.Point2I(self.x, self.y), 2)
        self.foot.addPeak(self.x, self.y, float("NaN"))

        schema = afwTable.SourceTable.makeMinimalSchema()
        msb = measAlg.MeasureSourcesBuilder()
        self.measurer = msb.build(schema)
        self.table = afwTable.SourceTable.make(schema)

        schemaF = afwTable.SourceTable.makeMinimalSchema()
        msbF = measAlg.MeasureSourcesBuilder("", True)
        self.measurerF = msbF.build(schemaF)
        self.tableF = afwTable.SourceTable.make(schemaF)
Пример #55
    def testOffsetGaussian(self):
        """Insert a Gaussian, offset, and check the residuals"""

        size = 50
        refIm = afwImage.ImageF(size, size)
        unshiftedIm = afwImage.ImageF(size, size)

        xc, yc = size/2.0, size/2.0

        amp, sigma1 = 1.0, 3

        # Calculate Gaussian directly at (xc, yc)
        self.calcGaussian(refIm, xc, yc, amp, sigma1)

        for dx in (-55.5, -1.500001, -1.5, -1.499999, -1.00001, -1.0, -0.99999, -0.5,
                   0.0, 0.5, 0.99999, 1.0, 1.00001, 1.499999, 1.5, 1.500001, 99.3):
            for dy in (-3.7, -1.500001, -1.5, -1.499999, -1.00001, -1.0, -0.99999, -0.5,
                       0.0, 0.5, 0.99999, 1.0, 1.00001, 1.499999, 1.5, 1.500001, 2.99999):
                dOrigX, dOrigY, dFracX, dFracY = getOrigFracShift(dx, dy)
                self.calcGaussian(unshiftedIm, xc - dFracX, yc - dFracY, amp, sigma1)

                for algorithm, maxMean, maxLim in (
                    ("lanczos5", 1e-8, 0.0015),
                    ("bilinear", 1e-8, 0.03),
                    ("nearest", 1e-8, 0.2),
                    im = afwImage.ImageF(size, size)
                    im = afwMath.offsetImage(unshiftedIm, dx, dy, algorithm)

                    if display:
                        ds9.mtv(im, frame=0)

                    im -= refIm

                    if display:
                        ds9.mtv(im, frame=1)

                    imArr = im.getArray()
                    imGoodVals = np.ma.array(imArr, copy=False, mask=np.isnan(imArr)).compressed()

                        imXY0 = tuple(im.getXY0())
                        self.assertEqual(imXY0, (dOrigX, dOrigY))
                        self.assertLess(abs(imGoodVals.mean()), maxMean*amp)
                        self.assertLess(abs(imGoodVals.max()), maxLim*amp)
                        self.assertLess(abs(imGoodVals.min()), maxLim*amp)
                        print("failed on algorithm=%s; dx = %s; dy = %s" % (algorithm, dx, dy))
Пример #56
def main(rootDir,
         zoom="to fit",

    # butler を開き読み込みたいデータの dataId を指定する
    butler = dafPersist.Butler(rootDir)
    dataId = {'visit': visit, 'ccd': ccd}

    # butler から一次処理済データを読み込む
    exposure = butler.get('calexp', dataId)

    # 読み込みたい天体情報を設定し、ds9.mtv() を読み込む
    settings = {
        'scale': scale,
        'zoom': zoom,
        'mask': 'transparency %d' % (trans)
    ds9.mtv(exposure, frame=frame, title=title, settings=settings)

    # 天体カタログを取得し、データ点を重ねて表示する

    sources = butler.get('src', dataId)

    with ds9.Buffering():
        for i, source in enumerate(sources):
            color = ds9.RED
            size = 5.0

            if useEllipse:
                # 楕円体のシンボルで表示
                symbol = "@:{ixx},{ixy},{iyy}".format(ixx=source.getIxx(),
                # シンプルなシンボルで表示(例えば、 +, x, *, o が使える)
                symbol = "o"

Пример #57
 def testImage(self):
     """Test Polygon.createImage"""
     for i, num in enumerate(range(3, 30)):
         poly = self.polygon(num, 25, 75, 75)
         box = afwGeom.Box2I(afwGeom.Point2I(15, 15),
                             afwGeom.Extent2I(115, 115))
         image = poly.createImage(box)
         if DEBUG:
             import lsst.afw.display.ds9 as ds9
             ds9.mtv(image, frame=i + 1, title="Polygon nside=%d" % num)
             for p1, p2 in poly.getEdges():
                 ds9.line((p1, p2), frame=i + 1)
             image.getArray().sum() / poly.calculateArea(), 1.0, 6)
Пример #58
    def testTwoDisplays(self):
        """Test that we can do things with two frames"""

        exp = afwImage.ExposureF(300, 350)

        for frame in (0, 1):
            ds9.setMaskTransparency(50, frame=frame)

            if frame == 1:
                ds9.setMaskPlaneColor("CROSSTALK", "ignore", frame=frame)
            ds9.mtv(exp, title="parent", frame=frame)

            ds9.dot('o', 205, 180, size=6, ctype=ds9.RED, frame=frame)
Пример #59
    def testComputeImage(self):
        """Test the computation of the PSF's image at a point."""

        for psf in [self.psfDg, self.psfSg]:
            ccdXY = afwGeom.Point2D(0, 0)
            kIm = psf.computeImage(ccdXY)

            if False:

            self.assertEqual(kIm.getWidth(), self.ksize)
            kIm = psf.computeImage(ccdXY)
                afwMath.makeStatistics(kIm, afwMath.SUM).getValue(), 1.0)
Пример #60
    def testTicket1040(self):
        """ How to repeat from #1040"""
        image        = afwImage.ImageD(afwGeom.Extent2I(6, 6))
        image.set(2, 2, 100)

        bbox    = afwGeom.Box2I(afwGeom.Point2I(1, 1), afwGeom.Extent2I(5, 5))
        subImage = image.Factory(image, bbox)
        subImageF = subImage.convertFloat()
        if display:
            ds9.mtv(subImage, frame=0, title="subImage")
            ds9.mtv(subImageF, frame=1, title="converted subImage")

        self.assertEqual(subImage.get(1, 1), subImageF.get(1, 1))