Пример #1
    def makeTestRepositoryItems(self, isLsstLike=False):
        """!Make camera config and amp catalog dictionary, using default detector and amp files

        @param[in] isLsstLike  if True then there is one raw image per amplifier;
            if False then there is one raw image per detector
        detFile = os.path.join(self._afwTestDir, "testCameraDetectors.dat")
        detectorConfigs = self.makeDetectorConfigs(detFile)
        ampFile = os.path.join(self._afwTestDir, "testCameraAmps.dat")
        ampCatalogDict = self.makeAmpCatalogs(ampFile, isLsstLike=isLsstLike)
        camConfig = CameraConfig()
        camConfig.name = "testCamera%s"%('LSST' if isLsstLike else 'SC')
        camConfig.detectorList = dict((i, detConfig) for i, detConfig in enumerate(detectorConfigs))
        camConfig.plateScale = self.plateScale
        pScaleRad = afwGeom.arcsecToRad(self.plateScale)
        radialDistortCoeffs = [0.0, 1.0/pScaleRad, 0.0, self.radialDistortion/pScaleRad]
        tConfig = afwGeom.TransformConfig()
        tConfig.transform.name = 'inverted'
        radialClass = afwGeom.xyTransformRegistry['radial']
        tConfig.transform.active.transform.coeffs = radialDistortCoeffs
        tmc = afwGeom.TransformMapConfig()
        tmc.nativeSys = FOCAL_PLANE.getSysName()
        tmc.transforms = {PUPIL.getSysName():tConfig}
        camConfig.transformDict = tmc
        return camConfig, ampCatalogDict 
Пример #2
    def testAngleAliases(self):
        with self.assertWarns(FutureWarning):
            self.assertEqual(afwGeom.Angle(1), lsst.geom.Angle(1))

        self.assertIs(afwGeom.radians, lsst.geom.radians)
        self.assertIs(afwGeom.degrees, lsst.geom.degrees)
        self.assertIs(afwGeom.hours, lsst.geom.hours)
        self.assertIs(afwGeom.arcminutes, lsst.geom.arcminutes)
        self.assertIs(afwGeom.arcseconds, lsst.geom.arcseconds)

        self.assertIs(afwGeom.PI, lsst.geom.PI)
        self.assertIs(afwGeom.TWOPI, lsst.geom.TWOPI)
        self.assertIs(afwGeom.HALFPI, lsst.geom.HALFPI)
        self.assertIs(afwGeom.ONE_OVER_PI, lsst.geom.ONE_OVER_PI)
        self.assertIs(afwGeom.SQRTPI, lsst.geom.SQRTPI)
        self.assertIs(afwGeom.INVSQRTPI, lsst.geom.INVSQRTPI)
        self.assertIs(afwGeom.ROOT2, lsst.geom.ROOT2)

        with self.assertWarns(FutureWarning):
            self.assertEqual(afwGeom.degToRad(1), lsst.geom.degToRad(1))
        with self.assertWarns(FutureWarning):
            self.assertEqual(afwGeom.radToDeg(1), lsst.geom.radToDeg(1))
        with self.assertWarns(FutureWarning):
            self.assertEqual(afwGeom.radToArcsec(1), lsst.geom.radToArcsec(1))
        with self.assertWarns(FutureWarning):
            self.assertEqual(afwGeom.radToMas(1), lsst.geom.radToMas(1))
        with self.assertWarns(FutureWarning):
            self.assertEqual(afwGeom.arcsecToRad(1), lsst.geom.arcsecToRad(1))
        with self.assertWarns(FutureWarning):
            self.assertEqual(afwGeom.masToRad(1), lsst.geom.masToRad(1))
def ReturnCamera(baseDir):
    This method reads in the files


    and returns an afw.cameraGeom object

    Below is the original documentation of the function this code was copied from:

    Create the configs for building a camera.  This runs on the files distributed with PhoSim.  Currently gain and
    saturation need to be supplied as well.  The file should have three columns: on disk amp id (R22_S11_C00), gain, saturation.
    For example:
    DetectorLayoutFile -- https://dev.lsstcorp.org/cgit/LSST/sims/phosim.git/plain/data/lsst/focalplanelayout.txt?h=dev
    SegmentsFile -- https://dev.lsstcorp.org/cgit/LSST/sims/phosim.git/plain/data/lsst/segmentation.txt?h=dev
    defaultOutDir = 'scratch'

    DetectorLayoutFile = os.path.join(baseDir, 'focalplanelayout.txt')
    SegmentsFile = os.path.join(baseDir, 'segmentation.txt')
    GainFile = None

    ampTableDict = makeAmpTables(SegmentsFile, GainFile)
    detectorConfigList = makeDetectorConfigs(DetectorLayoutFile, phosimVersion)

    #Build the camera config.
    camConfig = CameraConfig()
    camConfig.detectorList = dict([(i,detectorConfigList[i]) for i in range(len(detectorConfigList))])
    camConfig.name = 'LSST'
    camConfig.plateScale = 2.0 #arcsec per mm
    pScaleRad = afwGeom.arcsecToRad(camConfig.plateScale)
    pincushion = 0.925
    # Don't have this yet ticket/3155
    #camConfig.boresiteOffset_x = 0.
    #camConfig.boresiteOffset_y = 0.
    tConfig = afwGeom.TransformConfig()
    tConfig.transform.name = 'inverted'
    radialClass = afwGeom.xyTransformRegistry['radial']
    # According to Dave M. the simulated LSST transform is well approximated (1/3 pix)
    # by a scale and a pincusion.

    #this is ultimately used to convert from focal plane coordinates to pupil coordinates
    #see the asgnment below to tmc.transforms
    tConfig.transform.active.transform.coeffs = [0., 1./pScaleRad, 0., pincushion/pScaleRad]

    #tConfig.transform.active.boresiteOffset_x = camConfig.boresiteOffset_x
    #tConfig.transform.active.boresiteOffset_y = camConfig.boresiteOffset_y
    tmc = afwGeom.TransformMapConfig()
    tmc.nativeSys = FOCAL_PLANE.getSysName()
    tmc.transforms = {PUPIL.getSysName():tConfig}
    camConfig.transformDict = tmc

    myCamera = makeCameraFromCatalogs(camConfig, ampTableDict)
    return myCamera
Пример #4
 def _makeRadialTransform(self, radialCoeffs):
     """Helper function to get the radial transform given the radial polynomial coefficients given in
        the constructor.
        @param[in]  radialCoeffs  List of coefficients describing a polynomial radial distortion in
                                  normalized units.
        @return     RadialXYTransform object describing the radial distortion
     pScaleRad = afwGeom.arcsecToRad(self.plateScale)
     return afwGeom.RadialXYTransform([el/pScaleRad for el in radialCoeffs])
def ReturnCamera(baseDir):
    This method reads in the files


    and returns an afw.cameraGeom object

    Below is the original documentation of the function this code was copied from:

    Create the configs for building a camera.  This runs on the files distributed with PhoSim.  Currently gain and
    saturation need to be supplied as well.  The file should have three columns: on disk amp id (R22_S11_C00), gain, saturation.
    For example:
    DetectorLayoutFile -- https://dev.lsstcorp.org/cgit/LSST/sims/phosim.git/plain/data/lsst/focalplanelayout.txt?h=dev
    SegmentsFile -- https://dev.lsstcorp.org/cgit/LSST/sims/phosim.git/plain/data/lsst/segmentation.txt?h=dev
    defaultOutDir = 'scratch'

    DetectorLayoutFile = os.path.join(baseDir, 'focalplanelayout.txt')
    SegmentsFile = os.path.join(baseDir, 'segmentation.txt')
    GainFile = None

    ampTableDict = makeAmpTables(SegmentsFile, GainFile)
    detectorConfigList = makeDetectorConfigs(DetectorLayoutFile, phosimVersion)

    #Build the camera config.
    camConfig = CameraConfig()
    camConfig.detectorList = dict([(i,detectorConfigList[i]) for i in xrange(len(detectorConfigList))])
    camConfig.name = 'LSST'
    camConfig.plateScale = 2.0 #arcsec per mm
    pScaleRad = afwGeom.arcsecToRad(camConfig.plateScale)
    pincushion = 0.925
    # Don't have this yet ticket/3155
    #camConfig.boresiteOffset_x = 0.
    #camConfig.boresiteOffset_y = 0.
    tConfig = afwGeom.TransformConfig()
    tConfig.transform.name = 'inverted'
    radialClass = afwGeom.xyTransformRegistry['radial']
    # According to Dave M. the simulated LSST transform is well approximated (1/3 pix)
    # by a scale and a pincusion.

    #this is ultimately used to convert from focal plane coordinates to pupil coordinates
    #see the asgnment below to tmc.transforms
    tConfig.transform.active.transform.coeffs = [0., 1./pScaleRad, 0., pincushion/pScaleRad]

    #tConfig.transform.active.boresiteOffset_x = camConfig.boresiteOffset_x
    #tConfig.transform.active.boresiteOffset_y = camConfig.boresiteOffset_y
    tmc = afwGeom.TransformMapConfig()
    tmc.nativeSys = FOCAL_PLANE.getSysName()
    tmc.transforms = {PUPIL.getSysName():tConfig}
    camConfig.transformDict = tmc

    myCamera = makeCameraFromCatalogs(camConfig, ampTableDict)
    return myCamera
Пример #6
 def _makeRadialTransform(self, radialCoeffs):
     """Helper function to get the radial transform given the radial polynomial coefficients given in
        the constructor.
        @param[in]  radialCoeffs  List of coefficients describing a polynomial radial distortion in
                                  normalized units.
        @return     Transform object describing the radial distortion
     pScaleRad = afwGeom.arcsecToRad(self.plateScale)
     return afwGeom.makeRadialTransform(
         [el / pScaleRad for el in radialCoeffs])
Пример #7
    def __init__(self, size=None, n_step=3, filter_name='g', exposure_time=30.,
                 pixel_scale=Angle(afwGeom.arcsecToRad(0.25)), wavelength_step=None):
        """Initialize the lightweight version of GenerateTemplate for testing.

        size : int, optional
            Number of pixels on a side of the image and model.
        n_step : int, optional
            Number of sub-filter wavelength planes to model. Optional if `wavelength_step` supplied.
        filter_name : str, optional
            Name of the bandpass-defining filter of the data. Expected values are u,g,r,i,z,y.
        exposure_time : float, optional
            Length of the exposure, in seconds. Needed only for exporting to FITS.
        pixel_scale : lsst.afw.geom.Angle, optional
            Plate scale of the images, as an Angle
        wavelength_step : int, optional
            Overridden by `n_step`, if that is supplied. Sub-filter width, in nm.
        seed = 5
        rand_gen = np.random
        self.butler = None
        self.default_repository = None
        self.debug = False

        bandpass_init = BasicBandpass(filter_name=filter_name, wavelength_step=wavelength_step)
        wavelength_step = (bandpass_init.wavelen_max - bandpass_init.wavelen_min) / n_step
        self.bandpass = BasicBandpass(filter_name=filter_name, wavelength_step=wavelength_step)
        self.bandpass_highres = BasicBandpass(filter_name=filter_name, wavelength_step=None)
        self.model = [rand_gen.random(size=(size, size)) for f in range(n_step)]
        # self.weights = np.ones((size, size))
        self.mask = np.zeros((size, size), dtype=np.int32)

        self.n_step = n_step
        self.y_size = size
        self.x_size = size
        self.pixel_scale = pixel_scale
        self.psf_size = 5
        self.exposure_time = exposure_time
        self.filter_name = filter_name
        self.observatory = lsst_observatory
        self.bbox = afwGeom.Box2I(afwGeom.Point2I(0, 0), afwGeom.ExtentI(size, size))
        self.wcs = self._create_wcs(bbox=self.bbox, pixel_scale=pixel_scale, ra=Angle(0.),
                                    dec=Angle(0.), sky_rotation=Angle(0.))

        psf_vals = np.zeros((self.psf_size, self.psf_size))
        psf_vals[self.psf_size//2 - 1: self.psf_size//2 + 1,
                 self.psf_size//2 - 1: self.psf_size//2 + 1] = 0.5
        psf_vals[self.psf_size//2, self.psf_size//2] = 1.
        psf_image = afwImage.ImageD(self.psf_size, self.psf_size)
        psf_image.getArray()[:, :] = psf_vals
        psfK = afwMath.FixedKernel(psf_image)
        self.psf = measAlg.KernelPsf(psfK)
Пример #8
def makeCamera(name="SDSS", outputDir=None):
    """Make a camera
    @param name: name of the camera
    @param outputDir: If not None, write the objects used to make the camera to this location
    @return a camera object
    camConfig = CameraConfig()
    camConfig.name = name
    camConfig.detectorList = {}
    camConfig.plateScale = 16.5  # arcsec/mm
    pScaleRad = afwGeom.arcsecToRad(camConfig.plateScale)
    radialDistortCoeffs = [0.0, 1.0 / pScaleRad]
    tConfig = afwGeom.TransformConfig()
    tConfig.transform.name = 'inverted'
    radialClass = afwGeom.xyTransformRegistry['radial']
    tConfig.transform.active.transform.coeffs = radialDistortCoeffs
    tmc = afwGeom.TransformMapConfig()
    tmc.nativeSys = FOCAL_PLANE.getSysName()
    tmc.transforms = {PUPIL.getSysName(): tConfig}
    camConfig.transformDict = tmc

    ccdId = 0
    ampInfoCatDict = {}
    for i in range(6):
        dewarName = str(i + 1)
        filters = "riuzg"
        for j, c in enumerate(reversed(filters)):
            ccdName = "%s%s" % (c, dewarName)
            offsetPoint = afwGeom.Point2D(25.4 * 2.5 * (2.5 - i),
                                          25.4 * 2.1 * (2.0 - j))
            ccdInfo = makeCcd(ccdName, ccdId, offsetPoint)
            ampInfoCatDict[ccdName] = ccdInfo['ampInfo']
            camConfig.detectorList[ccdId] = ccdInfo['ccdConfig']
            ccdId += 1
    if outputDir is not None:
        camConfig.save(os.path.join(outputDir, 'camera.py'))
        for k in ampInfoCatDict:
                os.path.join(outputDir, "%s.fits" % (k)))
    return makeCameraFromCatalogs(camConfig, ampInfoCatDict)
Пример #9
def makeCamera(name="SDSS", outputDir=None):
    """Make a camera
    @param name: name of the camera
    @param outputDir: If not None, write the objects used to make the camera to this location
    @return a camera object
    camConfig = CameraConfig()
    camConfig.name = name
    camConfig.detectorList = {}
    camConfig.plateScale = 16.5  # arcsec/mm
    pScaleRad = afwGeom.arcsecToRad(camConfig.plateScale)
    radialDistortCoeffs = [0.0, 1.0/pScaleRad]
    tConfig = afwGeom.TransformConfig()
    tConfig.transform.name = 'inverted'
    radialClass = afwGeom.transformRegistry['radial']
    tConfig.transform.active.transform.coeffs = radialDistortCoeffs
    tmc = TransformMapConfig()
    tmc.nativeSys = FOCAL_PLANE.getSysName()
    tmc.transforms = {FIELD_ANGLE.getSysName(): tConfig}
    camConfig.transformDict = tmc

    ccdId = 0
    ampInfoCatDict = {}
    for i in range(6):
        dewarName = str(i+1)
        filters = "riuzg"
        for j, c in enumerate(reversed(filters)):
            ccdName = "%s%s" % (c, dewarName)
            offsetPoint = afwGeom.Point2D(25.4*2.5*(2.5-i), 25.4*2.1*(2.0 - j))
            ccdInfo = makeCcd(ccdName, ccdId, offsetPoint)
            ampInfoCatDict[ccdName] = ccdInfo['ampInfo']
            camConfig.detectorList[ccdId] = ccdInfo['ccdConfig']
            ccdId += 1
    if outputDir is not None:
        camConfig.save(os.path.join(outputDir, 'camera.py'))
        for k in ampInfoCatDict:
            ampInfoCatDict[k].writeFits(os.path.join(outputDir, "%s.fits"%(k)))
    return makeCameraFromCatalogs(camConfig, ampInfoCatDict)
Пример #10
 def setUp(self):
     """Define parameters used by every test."""
     filter_name = 'g'
     n_step = 3
     pixel_scale = Angle(afwGeom.arcsecToRad(0.25))
     size = 20
     self.latitude = lsst_observatory.getLatitude()
     # NOTE that this array is randomly generated
     random_seed = 3
     rand_gen = np.random
     self.array = np.float32(rand_gen.random(size=(size, size)))
     self.dcrTemplate = BasicGenerateTemplate(size=size, filter_name=filter_name,
                                              n_step=n_step, pixel_scale=pixel_scale)
     self.dec = self.dcrTemplate.wcs.getSkyOrigin().getLatitude()
     self.ra = self.dcrTemplate.wcs.getSkyOrigin().getLongitude()
     self.azimuth = Angle(np.radians(140.0))
     self.elevation = Angle(np.radians(50.0))
     ha_term1 = np.sin(self.elevation.asRadians())
     ha_term2 = np.sin(self.dec.asRadians())*np.sin(self.latitude.asRadians())
     ha_term3 = np.cos(self.dec.asRadians())*np.cos(self.latitude.asRadians())
     self.hour_angle = Angle(np.arccos((ha_term1 - ha_term2) / ha_term3))
     p_angle = parallactic_angle(self.hour_angle, self.dec, self.latitude)
     self.rotation_angle = Angle(p_angle)
     self.dcrTemplate.weights = np.zeros_like(self.array)
     nonzero_inds = self.array > 0
     self.dcrTemplate.weights[nonzero_inds] = 1./np.abs(self.array[nonzero_inds])
     self.dcr_gen = self.dcrTemplate._dcr_generator(self.dcrTemplate.bandpass,
     self.exposure = self.dcrTemplate.create_exposure(self.array, self.elevation, self.azimuth,
                                                      variance=None, boresightRotAngle=self.rotation_angle,
                                                      dec=self.dec, ra=self.ra)
        nargs = "?",
        default = defaultOutDir,
    parser.add_argument("--clobber", action="store_true", dest="clobber", default=False,
        help=("remove and re-create the output directory if it already exists?"))
    args = parser.parse_args()
    ampTableDict = makeAmpTables(args.SegmentsFile)
    detectorConfigList = makeDetectorConfigs(args.DetectorLayoutFile)

    #Build the camera config.
    camConfig = CameraConfig() 
    camConfig.detectorList = dict([(i,detectorConfigList[i]) for i in xrange(len(detectorConfigList))])
    camConfig.name = 'DECAM'
    #From DECam calibration doc
    camConfig.plateScale = 17.575
    pScaleRad = afwGeom.arcsecToRad(camConfig.plateScale)
    tConfig = afwGeom.TransformConfig()
    tConfig.transform.name = 'radial'
    nomWavelen =  0.625 #nominal wavelen in microns
    coeff0 = 0
    coeff1 = 1 - 2.178e-4 - 2.329e-4/nomWavelen + 4.255e-5/nomWavelen**2
    coeff2 = 0
    coeff3 = -6.174e-8 + 5.569e-9/nomWavelen
    tConfig.transform.active.coeffs = [pScaleRad*coeff0, pScaleRad*coeff1, pScaleRad*coeff2,
    tmc = afwGeom.TransformMapConfig()
    tmc.nativeSys = FOCAL_PLANE.getSysName()
    tmc.transforms = {PUPIL.getSysName():tConfig}
    camConfig.transformDict = tmc

    def makeDir(dirPath, doClobber=False):
    parser.add_argument("--clobber", action="store_true", dest="clobber", default=False,
                        help=("remove and re-create the output directory if it already exists?"))
    args = parser.parse_args()
    ampTableDict = makeAmpTables(args.SegmentsFile)
    detectorConfigList = makeDetectorConfigs(args.DetectorLayoutFile)

    # Build the camera config.
    camConfig = CameraConfig()
    camConfig.detectorList = dict([(i, detectorConfigList[i]) for i in range(len(detectorConfigList))])
    camConfig.name = 'DECAM'
    # From DECam calibration doc
    camConfig.plateScale = 17.575
    pScaleRad = afwGeom.arcsecToRad(camConfig.plateScale)
    tConfig = afwGeom.TransformConfig()
    tConfig.transform.name = 'radial'
    nomWavelen = 0.625  # nominal wavelen in microns
    coeff0 = 0
    coeff1 = 1 - 2.178e-4 - 2.329e-4/nomWavelen + 4.255e-5/nomWavelen**2
    coeff2 = 0
    coeff3 = -6.174e-8 + 5.569e-9/nomWavelen
    tConfig.transform.active.coeffs = [pScaleRad*coeff0, pScaleRad*coeff1, pScaleRad*coeff2,
    tmc = afwGeom.TransformMapConfig()
    tmc.nativeSys = FOCAL_PLANE.getSysName()
    tmc.transforms = {PUPIL.getSysName(): tConfig}
    camConfig.transformDict = tmc

    def makeDir(dirPath, doClobber=False):
Пример #13
    def __init__(self,
        name="detector 1",
        bbox=None,    # do not use mutable objects as defaults
        pixelSize=(0.02, 0.02),
        ampExtent=(5, 6),
        """!Construct a DetectorWrapper

        @param[in] name  detector name
        @param[in] id  detector ID (int)
        @param[in] detType  detector type (an lsst.afw.cameraGeom.DetectorType)
        @param[in] serial  serial "number" (a string)
        @param[in] bbox  bounding box; defaults to (0, 0), (1024x1024) (an lsst.afw.geom.Box2I)
        @param[in] numAmps  number of amplifiers (int)
        @param[in] pixelSize  pixel size (mm) (an lsst.afw.geom.Point2D)
        @param[in] ampExtent  dimensions of amplifier image bbox (an lsst.afw.geom.Extent2I)
        @param[in] orientation  orientation of CCC in focal plane (lsst.afw.cameraGeom.Orientation)
        @param[in] plateScale  plate scale in arcsec/mm; 20.0 is for LSST
        @param[in] radialDistortion  radial distortion, in mm/rad^2
            (the r^3 coefficient of the radial distortion polynomial
            that converts PUPIL in radians to FOCAL_PLANE in mm);
            0.925 is the value Dave Monet measured for lsstSim data
        @param[in] modFunc  a function that can modify attributes just before constructing the detector;
            modFunc receives one argument: a DetectorWrapper with all attributes except detector set.
        # note that (0., 0.) for the reference position is the center of the first pixel
        self.name = name
        self.id = int(id)
        self.type = detType
        self.serial = serial
        if bbox is None:
            bbox = afwGeom.Box2I(afwGeom.Point2I(0, 0), afwGeom.Extent2I(1024, 1048))
        self.bbox = bbox
        self.pixelSize = afwGeom.Extent2D(*pixelSize)
        self.ampExtent = afwGeom.Extent2I(*ampExtent)
        self.plateScale = float(plateScale)
        self.radialDistortion = float(radialDistortion)
        schema = afwTable.AmpInfoTable.makeMinimalSchema()
        self.ampInfo = afwTable.AmpInfoCatalog(schema)
        for i in range(numAmps):
            record = self.ampInfo.addNew()
            ampName = "amp %d" % (i + 1,)
            record.setBBox(afwGeom.Box2I(afwGeom.Point2I(-1, 1), self.ampExtent))
        self.orientation = orientation

        # compute TAN_PIXELS transform
        pScaleRad = afwGeom.arcsecToRad(self.plateScale)
        radialDistortCoeffs = [0.0, 1.0/pScaleRad, 0.0, self.radialDistortion/pScaleRad]
        focalPlaneToPupil = afwGeom.RadialXYTransform(radialDistortCoeffs)
        pixelToTanPixel = makePixelToTanPixel(
            bbox = self.bbox,
            orientation = self.orientation,
            focalPlaneToPupil = focalPlaneToPupil,
            pixelSizeMm = self.pixelSize,
            plateScale = self.plateScale,

        self.transMap = {
            FOCAL_PLANE: self.orientation.makePixelFpTransform(self.pixelSize),
            CameraSys(TAN_PIXELS, self.name): pixelToTanPixel,
            CameraSys(ACTUAL_PIXELS, self.name): afwGeom.RadialXYTransform([0, 0.95, 0.01]),
        if modFunc:
        self.detector = Detector(
Пример #14
 def setUp(self):
     """Define parameters used by every test."""
     filter_name = 'g'
     wavelength_step = 10.0  # nanometers
     self.pixel_scale = Angle(afwGeom.arcsecToRad(0.25))  # angle/pixel
     self.bandpass = BasicBandpass(filter_name=filter_name, wavelength_step=wavelength_step)