Пример #1
    def testIgnoreKeywords(self):
        """Check that certain keywords are ignored in read/write of headers"""
        # May not appear at all in the FITS file (cfitsio doesn't write these by default)
        notAtAll = [
            # FITS core keywords
            # FITS compression keywords
            "ZNAXIS", "ZTILE", "ZNAME", "ZVAL", "ZQUANTIZ",
            # Not essential these be excluded, but will prevent fitsverify warnings
            "DATASUM", "CHECKSUM",
        # Additional keywords to check; these should go straight through
        # Some of these are longer/shorter versions of strings above,
        # to test that the checks for just the start of strings is working.
        others = ["FOOBAR", "SIMPLETN", "DATASUMX", "NAX", "SIM"]

        header = PropertyList()
        for ii, key in enumerate(self.single + notAtAll + others):
            header.add(key, ii)
        metadata = self.writeAndRead(header)
        for key in self.single:
            self.assertEqual(metadata.valueCount(key), 1, key)
        for key in notAtAll:
            self.assertEqual(metadata.valueCount(key), 0, key)
        for key in others:
            self.assertEqual(metadata.valueCount(key), 1, key)
Пример #2
    def __init__(self, camera=None, detector=None, log=None, **kwargs):
        self._instrument = None
        self._raftName = None
        self._slotName = None
        self._detectorName = None
        self._detectorSerial = None
        self._detectorId = None
        self._filter = None
        self._calibId = None
        self._metadata = PropertyList()

        # Define the required attributes for this calibration.
        self.requiredAttributes = set(["_OBSTYPE", "_SCHEMA", "_VERSION"])
            "_instrument", "_raftName", "_slotName", "_detectorName",
            "_detectorSerial", "_detectorId", "_filter", "_calibId",

        self.log = log if log else logging.getLogger(__name__)

        if detector:
        self.updateMetadata(camera=camera, detector=detector)
Пример #3
    def __init__(self, camera=None, detector=None, log=None, **kwargs):
        self._instrument = None
        self._raftName = None
        self._slotName = None
        self._detectorName = None
        self._detectorSerial = None
        self._detectorId = None
        self._filter = None
        self._calibId = None
        self._metadata = PropertyList()

        # Define the required attributes for this calibration.
        self.requiredAttributes = set(['_OBSTYPE', '_SCHEMA', '_VERSION'])
            '_instrument', '_raftName', '_slotName', '_detectorName',
            '_detectorSerial', '_detectorId', '_filter', '_calibId',

        self.log = log if log else Log.getLogger(__name__.partition(".")[2])

        if detector:
        self.updateMetadata(camera=camera, detector=detector)
Пример #4
    def testReadOldTanFits(self):
        """Test reading a FITS file containing data for an lsst::afw::image::TanWcs

        That file was made using the same metadata follows
        (like self.metadata without the distortion)
        tanMetadata = PropertyList()
        # the following was fit using CreateWcsWithSip from meas_astrom
        # and is valid over this bbox: (minimum=(0, 0), maximum=(3030, 3030))
        # This same metadata was used to create testdata/oldTanSipwWs.fits
        for name, value in (
            ("RADESYS", "ICRS"),
            ("CTYPE1", "RA---TAN"),
            ("CTYPE2", "DEC--TAN"),
            ("CRPIX1", 1531.1824767147),
            ("CRPIX2", 1531.1824767147),
            ("CRVAL1", 43.035511801383),
            ("CRVAL2", 44.305697682784),
            ("CUNIT1", "deg"),
            ("CUNIT2", "deg"),
            ("CD1_1", 0.00027493991598151),
            ("CD1_2", -3.2758487104158e-06),
            ("CD2_1", 3.2301310675830e-06),
            ("CD2_2", 0.00027493937506632),
            tanMetadata.set(name, value)

        dataDir = os.path.join(os.path.split(__file__)[0], "data")
        filePath = os.path.join(dataDir, "oldTanWcs.fits")
        wcsFromFits = SkyWcs.readFits(filePath)

        wcsFromMetadata = makeSkyWcs(tanMetadata)

        bbox = Box2D(Point2D(-1000, -1000), Extent2D(3000, 3000))
        self.assertWcsAlmostEqualOverBBox(wcsFromFits, wcsFromMetadata, bbox)
Пример #5
    def testBasics(self):
        """Check basic formatting and skipping bad values
        metadata = PropertyList()
        dataList = [
            ("ABOOL", True),
            ("AFLOAT", 1.2e25),
            ("ANINT", -5),
            ("LONGNAME1", 1),  # name is longer than 8 characters; skip it
            ("LONGSTR", "skip this item because the formatted value "
                "is too long: longer than 80 characters "),
            ("ASTRING1", "value for string"),
        for name, value in dataList:
            metadata.set(name, value)

        header = makeLimitedFitsHeader(metadata)

        expectedLines = [  # without padding to 80 chars
            "ABOOL   = 1",
            "AFLOAT  =              1.2E+25",
            "ANINT   =                   -5",
            "ASTRING1= 'value for string'",
        expectedHeader = "".join("%-80s" % val for val in expectedLines)

        self.assertEqual(header, expectedHeader)

        self.checkExcludeNames(metadata, expectedLines)
    def testArrayValues(self):
        """Check that only the final value is used from an array
        metadata = PropertyList()
        # work around DM-13232 by setting ABOOL one value at a time
        for value in [True, True, True, False]:
            metadata.add("ABOOL", value)
        dataList = [
            ("AFLOAT", [1.2e25, -5.6]),
            ("ANINT", [-5, 752, 1052]),
            ("ASTRING1", ["value for string", "more"]),
        for name, value in dataList:
            metadata.set(name, value)

        header = makeLimitedFitsHeader(metadata)

        expectedLines = [  # without padding to 80 chars
            "ABOOL   = F",
            "AFLOAT  =                 -5.6",
            "ANINT   =                 1052",
            "ASTRING1= 'more'",
        expectedHeader = "".join("%-80s" % val for val in expectedLines)

        self.assertHeadersEqual(header, expectedHeader)

        self.checkExcludeNames(metadata, expectedLines)
Пример #7
 def testSetVisitInfoMetadataMissingValues(self):
     """If a value is unknown then it should not be written to the metadata"""
     visitInfo = afwImage.VisitInfo()  # only rot type is known
     metadata = PropertyList()
     afwImage.setVisitInfoMetadata(metadata, visitInfo)
     self.assertEqual(metadata.nameCount(), 1)
 def testDecoratedImage(self):
     image = self.maskedImage.getImage()
     decoImage = afwImage.DecoratedImageF(image)
     metadata = PropertyList()
     metadata.set("FOO", "BAR")
     exposure = exposureFromImage(decoImage)
     self.assertImagesEqual(exposure.getMaskedImage().getImage(), image)
     md = exposure.getMetadata()
     self.assertEqual(md.get("FOO"), "BAR")
Пример #9
    def testCD_PC(self):
        """Test that we can read a FITS file with both CD and PC keys (like early Suprimecam files)"""
        md = PropertyList()
        for k, v in (
            ("EQUINOX", 2000.0),
            ("RADESYS", "ICRS"),
            ("CRPIX1", 5353.0),
            ("CRPIX2", -35.0),
            ("CD1_1", 0.0),
            ("CD1_2", -5.611E-05),
            ("CD2_1", -5.611E-05),
            ("CD2_2", -0.0),
            ("CRVAL1", 4.5789875),
            ("CRVAL2", 16.30004444),
            ("CUNIT1", "deg"),
            ("CUNIT2", "deg"),
            ("CTYPE1", "RA---TAN"),
            ("CTYPE2", "DEC--TAN"),
            ("CDELT1", -5.611E-05),
            ("CDELT2", 5.611E-05),
            md.set(k, v)

        wcs = makeSkyWcs(md, strip=False)

        pixPos = Point2D(1000, 2000)
        pred_skyPos = SpherePoint(4.459815023498577 * degrees,
                                  16.544199850984768 * degrees)

        skyPos = wcs.pixelToSky(pixPos)
        self.assertSpherePointsAlmostEqual(skyPos, pred_skyPos)

        for badPC in (False, True):
            for k, v in (
                ("PC001001", 0.0),
                ("PC001002", -1.0 if badPC else 1.0),
                ("PC002001", 1.0 if badPC else -1.0),
                ("PC002002", 0.0),
                md.set(k, v)

            # Check Greisen and Calabretta A&A 395 1061 (2002), Eq. 3
            if not badPC:
                for i in (
                    for j in (
                            md.get("CD%d_%d" % (i, j)),
                            md.get("CDELT%d" % i) * md.get("PC00%d00%d" %
                                                           (i, j)))

            wcs2 = makeSkyWcs(md, strip=False)
            skyPos2 = wcs2.pixelToSky(pixPos)
            self.assertSpherePointsAlmostEqual(skyPos2, pred_skyPos)
Пример #10
def make_dm_wcs(galsim_wcs):
    convert galsim wcs to stack wcs

    galsim_wcs: galsim WCS
        Should be TAN or TAN-SIP

    DM Stack sky wcs

    if galsim_wcs.wcs_type == 'TAN':
        crpix = galsim_wcs.crpix
        # DM uses 0 offset, galsim uses FITS 1 offset
        stack_crpix = Point2D(crpix[0] - 1, crpix[1] - 1)
        cd_matrix = galsim_wcs.cd

        crval = geom.SpherePoint(
            galsim_wcs.center.ra / coord.radians,
            galsim_wcs.center.dec / coord.radians,
        stack_wcs = makeSkyWcs(
    elif galsim_wcs.wcs_type == 'TAN-SIP':

        # No currently supported
        # this works with the 1-offset assumption from galsim
        # this is not used if the lower bounds are 1, but the extra keywords
        # GS_{X,Y}MIN are set which we will remove below

        fake_bounds = galsim.BoundsI(1, 10, 1, 10)
        hdr = {}
        galsim_wcs.writeToFitsHeader(hdr, fake_bounds)

        del hdr["GS_XMIN"]
        del hdr["GS_YMIN"]

        metadata = PropertyList()

        for key, value in hdr.items():
            metadata.set(key, value)

        stack_wcs = makeSkyWcs(metadata)

    return stack_wcs
 def testDecoratedImageBadWcs(self):
     """Test that exposureFromImage() attaches a None wcs to the exposure
     when the WCS cannot be constructed
     image = self.maskedImage.getImage()
     decoImage = afwImage.DecoratedImageF(image)
     metadata = PropertyList()
     metadata.set("CTYPE1", "RA---TPV")
     metadata.set("CTYPE2", "DEC--TPV")
     exposure = exposureFromImage(decoImage)
     self.assertIs(exposure.getWcs(), None)
Пример #12
 def testDecoratedImageBadWcs(self):
     """Test that exposureFromImage() attaches a None wcs to the exposure
     when makeWcs() raises an invalidParameter error
     image = self.maskedImage.getImage()
     decoImage = afwImage.DecoratedImageF(image)
     metadata = PropertyList()
     metadata.set("CTYPE1", "RA---TPV")
     metadata.set("CTYPE2", "DEC--TPV")
     exposure = exposureFromImage(decoImage)
     self.assertIs(exposure.getWcs(), None)
Пример #13
    def testIgnoreKeywords(self):
        """Check that certain keywords are ignored in read/write of headers"""
        # May appear only once in the FITS file (because cfitsio will insist on putting them there)
        single = ["SIMPLE", "BITPIX", "EXTEND", "NAXIS"]
        # May not appear at all in the FITS file (cfitsio doesn't write these by default)
        notAtAll = [
            # FITS core keywords
            # FITS compression keywords
            # Not essential these be excluded, but will prevent fitsverify warnings
        # Additional keywords to check; these should go straight through
        # Some of these are longer/shorter versions of strings above,
        # to test that the checks for just the start of strings is working.
        others = ["FOOBAR", "SIMPLETN", "DATASUMX", "NAX", "SIM"]

        header = PropertyList()
        for ii, key in enumerate(single + notAtAll + others):
            header.add(key, ii)
        fitsFile = lsst.afw.fits.MemFileManager()
        with lsst.afw.fits.Fits(fitsFile, "w") as fits:
        with lsst.afw.fits.Fits(fitsFile, "r") as fits:
            metadata = fits.readMetadata()
            for key in single:
                self.assertEqual(metadata.valueCount(key), 1, key)
            for key in notAtAll:
                self.assertEqual(metadata.valueCount(key), 0, key)
            for key in others:
                self.assertEqual(metadata.valueCount(key), 1, key)
def addRefCatMetadata(catalog):
    """Add metadata to a new (not yet populated) reference catalog.

    catalog : `lsst.afw.table.SimpleCatalog`
        Catalog to which metadata should be attached.  Will be modified
    md = catalog.getMetadata()
    if md is None:
        md = PropertyList()
def addRefCatMetadata(catalog):
    """Add metadata to a new (not yet populated) reference catalog.

    catalog : `lsst.afw.table.SimpleCatalog`
        Catalog to which metadata should be attached.  Will be modified
    md = catalog.getMetadata()
    if md is None:
        md = PropertyList()
Пример #16
    def testGetSipMatrixFromMetadata(self):
        """Test getSipMatrixFromMetadata and makeSipMatrixMetadata
        for badName in ("X", "AA"):
            self.assertFalse(hasSipMatrix(self.metadata, badName))
            with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
                getSipMatrixFromMetadata(self.metadata, badName)

        for name in ("A", "B", "AP", "BP"):
            self.assertTrue(hasSipMatrix(self.metadata, name))
            sipMatrix = getSipMatrixFromMetadata(self.metadata, name)
            width = self.metadata.getScalar("%s_ORDER" % (name, )) + 1
            self.assertEqual(sipMatrix.shape, (width, width))
            for i in range(width):
                for j in range(width):
                    # SIP matrix terms use 0-based indexing
                    cardName = "%s_%d_%d" % (name, i, j)
                    if self.metadata.exists(cardName):
                        self.assertEqual(sipMatrix[i, j],
                        self.assertEqual(sipMatrix[i, j], 0.0)

            metadata = makeSipMatrixMetadata(sipMatrix, name)
            for name in metadata.names(False):
                value = metadata.getScalar(name)
                if (name.endswith("ORDER")):
                    self.assertEqual(width, value + 1)
                    self.assertEqual(value, self.metadata.getScalar(name))
                    self.assertNotEqual(value, 0.0)  # 0s are omitted

        # try metadata with only the ORDER keyword; the matrix should be all zeros
        # except for the invalid case of order < 0
        for order in (-3, -1, 0, 3):
            metadata2 = PropertyList()
            metadata2.set("W_ORDER", order)
            if order < 0:
                # invalid order
                self.assertFalse(hasSipMatrix(metadata2, "W"))
                with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
                    getSipMatrixFromMetadata(metadata2, "W")
                self.assertTrue(hasSipMatrix(metadata2, "W"))
                zeroMatrix = getSipMatrixFromMetadata(metadata2, "W")
                self.assertEqual(zeroMatrix.shape, (order + 1, order + 1))
                for i in range(order + 1):
                    for j in range(order + 1):
                        self.assertEqual(zeroMatrix[i, j], 0.0)
Пример #17
    def testGetSipMatrixFromMetadata(self):
        """Test getSipMatrixFromMetadata and makeSipMatrixMetadata
        for badName in ("X", "AA"):
            self.assertFalse(hasSipMatrix(self.metadata, badName))
            with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
                getSipMatrixFromMetadata(self.metadata, badName)

        for name in ("A", "B", "AP", "BP"):
            self.assertTrue(hasSipMatrix(self.metadata, name))
            sipMatrix = getSipMatrixFromMetadata(self.metadata, name)
            width = self.metadata.getScalar("%s_ORDER" % (name,)) + 1
            self.assertEqual(sipMatrix.shape, (width, width))
            for i in range(width):
                for j in range(width):
                    # SIP matrix terms use 0-based indexing
                    cardName = "%s_%d_%d" % (name, i, j)
                    if self.metadata.exists(cardName):
                        self.assertEqual(sipMatrix[i, j], self.metadata.getScalar(cardName))
                        self.assertEqual(sipMatrix[i, j], 0.0)

            metadata = makeSipMatrixMetadata(sipMatrix, name)
            for name in metadata.names(False):
                value = metadata.getScalar(name)
                if (name.endswith("ORDER")):
                    self.assertEqual(width, value + 1)
                    self.assertEqual(value, self.metadata.getScalar(name))
                    self.assertNotEqual(value, 0.0)  # 0s are omitted

        # try metadata with only the ORDER keyword; the matrix should be all zeros
        # except for the invalid case of order < 0
        for order in (-3, -1, 0, 3):
            metadata2 = PropertyList()
            metadata2.set("W_ORDER", order)
            if order < 0:
                # invalid order
                self.assertFalse(hasSipMatrix(metadata2, "W"))
                with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
                    getSipMatrixFromMetadata(metadata2, "W")
                self.assertTrue(hasSipMatrix(metadata2, "W"))
                zeroMatrix = getSipMatrixFromMetadata(metadata2, "W")
                self.assertEqual(zeroMatrix.shape, (order + 1, order + 1))
                for i in range(order + 1):
                    for j in range(order + 1):
                        self.assertEqual(zeroMatrix[i, j], 0.0)
Пример #18
 def testMultiPlaneFitsReaders(self):
     """Run tests for MaskedImageFitsReader and ExposureFitsReader.
     metadata = PropertyList()
     metadata.add("FIVE", 5)
     metadata.add("SIX", 6.0)
     wcs = makeSkyWcs(Point2D(2.5, 3.75), SpherePoint(40.0*degrees, 50.0*degrees),
                      np.array([[1E-5, 0.0], [0.0, -1E-5]]))
     defineFilter("test_readers_filter", lambdaEff=470.0)
     calib = PhotoCalib(2.5E4)
     psf = GaussianPsf(21, 21, 8.0)
     polygon = Polygon(Box2D(self.bbox))
     apCorrMap = ApCorrMap()
     visitInfo = VisitInfo(exposureTime=5.0)
     transmissionCurve = TransmissionCurve.makeIdentity()
     coaddInputs = CoaddInputs(ExposureTable.makeMinimalSchema(), ExposureTable.makeMinimalSchema())
     detector = DetectorWrapper().detector
     record = coaddInputs.ccds.addNew()
     for n, dtypeIn in enumerate(self.dtypes):
         with self.subTest(dtypeIn=dtypeIn):
             exposureIn = Exposure(self.bbox, dtype=dtypeIn)
             shape = exposureIn.image.array.shape
             exposureIn.image.array[:, :] = np.random.randint(low=1, high=5, size=shape)
             exposureIn.mask.array[:, :] = np.random.randint(low=1, high=5, size=shape)
             exposureIn.variance.array[:, :] = np.random.randint(low=1, high=5, size=shape)
             with lsst.utils.tests.getTempFilePath(".fits") as fileName:
                 self.checkMaskedImageFitsReader(exposureIn, fileName, self.dtypes[n:])
                 self.checkExposureFitsReader(exposureIn, fileName, self.dtypes[n:])
Пример #19
    def _makeStamps(self, nStamps, stampSize):

        randState = np.random.RandomState(42)
        stampList = []

        for i in range(nStamps):
            stamp = afwImage.maskedImage.MaskedImageF(stampSize, stampSize)
            stamp.image.array += randState.rand(stampSize, stampSize)
            stamp.mask.array += 10
            stamp.variance.array += 100

        ras = np.arange(nStamps)
        decs = np.arange(nStamps) + 5
        centX = np.arange(nStamps) + 20
        centY = np.arange(nStamps) + 25
        detectorNames = ["R22_S11"] * nStamps
        camNames = ["LSSTCam"] * nStamps
        dfcTypes = [DefocalType.Extra.value] * nStamps
        halfStampIdx = int(nStamps / 2)
        dfcTypes[:halfStampIdx] = [DefocalType.Intra.value] * halfStampIdx

        metadata = PropertyList()
        metadata["RA_DEG"] = ras
        metadata["DEC_DEG"] = decs
        metadata["CENT_X"] = centX
        metadata["CENT_Y"] = centY
        metadata["DET_NAME"] = detectorNames
        metadata["CAM_NAME"] = camNames
        metadata["DFC_TYPE"] = dfcTypes

        return stampList, metadata
Пример #20
    def __init__(self, table=None, detector=None, override=False, log=None):
        self._detectorName = None
        self._detectorSerial = None
        self._detectorId = None
        self._metadata = PropertyList()

        self.linearityCoeffs = dict()
        self.linearityType = dict()
        self.linearityThreshold = dict()
        self.linearityMaximum = dict()
        self.linearityUnits = dict()
        self.linearityBBox = dict()

        self.fitParams = dict()
        self.fitParamsErr = dict()
        self.linearityFitReducedChiSquared = dict()

        self.override = override
        self.populated = False
        self.log = log

        self.tableData = None
        if table is not None:
            if len(table.shape) != 2:
                raise RuntimeError(
                    "table shape = %s; must have two dimensions" %
                    (table.shape, ))
            if table.shape[1] < table.shape[0]:
                raise RuntimeError("table shape = %s; indices are switched" %
                                   (table.shape, ))
            self.tableData = np.array(table, order="C")

        if detector:
Пример #21
def make_stamps(n_stamps=3, use_archive=False):
    stampSize = 25
    # create dummy stamp stamps
    stampImages = [
        afwImage.maskedImage.MaskedImageF(stampSize, stampSize)
        for _ in range(n_stamps)
    for stampIm in stampImages:
        stampImArray = stampIm.image.array
        stampImArray += np.random.rand(stampSize, stampSize)
        stampMaskArray = stampIm.mask.array
        stampMaskArray += 10
        stampVarArray = stampIm.variance.array
        stampVarArray += 1000.
    ras = np.random.rand(n_stamps) * 360.
    decs = np.random.rand(n_stamps) * 180 - 90
    archive_elements = [
        if use_archive else None for _ in range(n_stamps)
    stamp_list = [
                     position=geom.SpherePoint(geom.Angle(ra, geom.degrees),
                                               geom.Angle(dec, geom.degrees)),
                     archive_element=ae) for stampIm, ra, dec, ae in zip(
                         stampImages, ras, decs, archive_elements)
    metadata = PropertyList()
    metadata['RA_DEG'] = ras
    metadata['DEC_DEG'] = decs

    return stamps.Stamps(stamp_list, metadata=metadata, use_archive=True)
Пример #22
def make_stamps(n_stamps=3):
    stampSize = 25
    # create dummy stamp stamps
    stampImages = [
        afwImage.maskedImage.MaskedImageF(stampSize, stampSize)
        for _ in range(n_stamps)
    for stampIm in stampImages:
        stampImArray = stampIm.image.array
        stampImArray += np.random.rand(stampSize, stampSize)
        stampMaskArray = stampIm.mask.array
        stampMaskArray += 10
        stampVarArray = stampIm.variance.array
        stampVarArray += 1000.
    ras = np.random.rand(n_stamps) * 360.
    decs = np.random.rand(n_stamps) * 180 - 90
    stamp_list = [
                     position=geom.SpherePoint(geom.Angle(ra, geom.degrees),
                                               geom.Angle(dec, geom.degrees)))
        for stampIm, ra, dec in zip(stampImages, ras, decs)
    metadata = PropertyList()
    metadata['RA_DEG'] = ras
    metadata['DEC_DEG'] = decs

    return stamps.Stamps(stamp_list, metadata=metadata)
Пример #23
    def testIO(self):
        """Test the class' write and readFits methods.

        The ``options`` argument to the read method is only used to read
        sub-BBoxes, which is handled by the Butler. Tests of this are done in
        with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as f:
            options = PropertyList()
            bss2 = brightStarStamps.BrightStarStamps.readFitsWithOptions(
                f.name, options)
            self.assertEqual(len(self.bss), len(bss2))
            for mi1, mi2 in zip(self.bss.getMaskedImages(),
                self.assertMaskedImagesAlmostEqual(mi1, mi2)
            for id1, id2 in zip(self.bss.getGaiaIds(), bss2.getGaiaIds()):
                self.assertEqual(id1, id2)
            for pos1, pos2 in zip(self.bss.getPositions(),
                self.assertEqual(pos1[0], pos2[0])
                self.assertEqual(pos1[1], pos2[1])
            self.assertEqual(bss2.nb90Rots, self.nb90Rots)
Пример #24
    def testFlagDefinitions(self):
        Check flag order.

        Flags must be added to the flag handler in the same order that they
        are defined in the algorithm.
        control = photKron.KronFluxControl()
        name = "kronTest"
        schema = afwTable.SourceTable.makeMinimalSchema()
        algMeta = PropertyList()

        # Add the output fields -- including flags -- to the schema.
        photKron.KronFluxAlgorithm(control, name, schema, algMeta)

        # Fetch a list of all flag fields, in the order that they were added
        # to the schema (and hence the order they were added to the FlagHandler)
        flagFieldNames = schema.extract("%s_flag*" % (name,), ordered=True).keys()
        # Iterate over each flag field, checking that they were enumerated in
        # the algorithm in the same order as in the FlagHandler.
        for i, flagFieldName in enumerate(flagFieldNames):
            if flagFieldName == "%s_flag" % (name,):
                # The generic "failure" flag is written into the schema as $name_flag.
                self.assertEqual(i, photKron.KronFluxAlgorithm.FAILURE.number)
                # Other flags are referenced by name. We assert that the
                # enumeration name (e.g. BAD_RADIUS) is an upper-case version
                # of the schema field name (e.g. flag_bad_radius), with the
                # "flag_" prefix stripped.
                flagName = flagFieldName.split(getTableDelimeter(schema), 2)[-1]
                self.assertEqual(i, getattr(photKron.KronFluxAlgorithm, flagName.upper()).number)

        # Check that the number of enumerated flags matches the number of flag
        # fields in the schema.
        self.assertEqual(len(photKron.KronFluxAlgorithm.getFlagDefinitions()), len(flagFieldNames))
Пример #25
    def __init__(self, ctrCoord, radius, filterName):

        @param[in] ctrCoord: Coordinates of center (lsst.afw.coord.IcrsCoord)
        @param[in] radius: Minimum radius for selecting sources (lsst.afw.geom.Angle)
        @param[in] filterName: Name of filter (str) or None
        ctrCoord = ctrCoord.toIcrs()
        self.add('RA', ctrCoord.getRa().asDegrees(), 'field center in degrees')
                 ctrCoord.getDec().asDegrees(), 'field center in degrees')
        self.add('RADIUS', radius.asDegrees(),
                 'field radius in degrees, minimum')
        self.add('SMATCHV', 1, 'SourceMatchVector version number')
        filterName = "UNKNOWN" if filterName is None else str(filterName)
        self.add('FILTER', filterName, 'filter name for photometric data')
Пример #26
    def testIgnoreKeywords(self):
        """Check that certain keywords are ignored in read/write of headers"""
        # May not appear at all in the FITS file (cfitsio doesn't write these by default)
        notAtAll = [
            # FITS core keywords
            # FITS compression keywords
            # Not essential these be excluded, but will prevent fitsverify warnings
        # Additional keywords to check; these should go straight through
        # Some of these are longer/shorter versions of strings above,
        # to test that the checks for just the start of strings is working.
        others = ["FOOBAR", "SIMPLETN", "DATASUMX", "NAX", "SIM"]

        header = PropertyList()
        for ii, key in enumerate(self.single + notAtAll + others):
            header.add(key, ii)
        metadata = self.writeAndRead(header)
        for key in self.single:
            self.assertEqual(metadata.valueCount(key), 1, key)
        for key in notAtAll:
            self.assertEqual(metadata.valueCount(key), 0, key)
        for key in others:
            self.assertEqual(metadata.valueCount(key), 1, key)
Пример #27
 def testReadFitsWithOptionsMetadataError(self):
     """Test that error is raised when STAMPCLS returns None
     with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as f:
         ss = make_stamps()
         emptyMetadata = PropertyList()
         stamps.writeFits(f.name, [ss[0]], emptyMetadata, None, True, True)
         with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
Пример #28
def getTanWcsMetata():
    metadata = PropertyList()
    for name, value in (
        ("RADESYS", "ICRS"),
        ("CTYPE1", "RA---TAN"),
        ("CTYPE2", "DEC--TAN"),
        ("CRPIX1", 1531.1824767147),
        ("CRPIX2", 1531.1824767147),
        ("CRVAL1", 43.035511801383),
        ("CRVAL2", 44.305697682784),
        ("CUNIT1", "deg"),
        ("CUNIT2", "deg"),
        ("CD1_1", 0.00027493991598151),
        ("CD1_2", -3.2758487104158e-06),
        ("CD2_1", 3.2301310675830e-06),
        ("CD2_2", 0.00027493937506632),
        metadata.set(name, value)
    return metadata
Пример #29
    def testGetCdMatrixFromMetadata(self):
        cdMatrix = getCdMatrixFromMetadata(self.metadata)
        for i in range(2):
            for j in range(2):
                cardName = "CD%d_%d" % (i + 1, j + 1)
                self.assertEqual(cdMatrix[i, j], self.metadata.getScalar(cardName))

        metadata = PropertyList()
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
        metadata.add("CD2_1", 0.56)  # just one term, with an arbitrary value
        cdMatrix2 = getCdMatrixFromMetadata(metadata)
        for i in range(2):
            for j in range(2):
                # CD matrix terms use 1-based indexing
                cardName = "CD%d_%d" % (i + 1, j + 1)
                if i == 1 and j == 0:
                    self.assertEqual(cdMatrix2[i, j], 0.56)
                    self.assertEqual(cdMatrix2[i, j], 0.0)
Пример #30
    def testGetCdMatrixFromMetadata(self):
        cdMatrix = getCdMatrixFromMetadata(self.metadata)
        for i in range(2):
            for j in range(2):
                cardName = "CD%d_%d" % (i + 1, j + 1)
                self.assertEqual(cdMatrix[i, j], self.metadata.get(cardName))

        metadata = PropertyList()
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
        metadata.add("CD2_1", 0.56)  # just one term, with an arbitrary value
        cdMatrix2 = getCdMatrixFromMetadata(metadata)
        for i in range(2):
            for j in range(2):
                # CD matrix terms use 1-based indexing
                cardName = "CD%d_%d" % (i + 1, j + 1)
                if i == 1 and j == 0:
                    self.assertEqual(cdMatrix2[i, j], 0.56)
                    self.assertEqual(cdMatrix2[i, j], 0.0)
Пример #31
 def setUp(self):
     metadata = PropertyList()
     for name, value in (
         ("RADESYS", "ICRS"),
         ("EQUINOX", 2000.),
         ("CRVAL1", 215.604025685476),
         ("CRVAL2", 53.1595451514076),
         ("CRPIX1", 1109.99981456774),
         ("CRPIX2", 560.018167811613),
         ("CTYPE1", "RA---TAN"),
         ("CTYPE2", "DEC--TAN"),
         ("CUNIT1", "deg"),
         ("CUNIT2", "deg"),
         ("CD1_1", 5.10808596133527E-05),
         ("CD1_2", 1.85579539217196E-07),
         ("CD2_2", -5.10281493481982E-05),
         ("CD2_1", -1.85579539217196E-07),
         metadata.set(name, value)
     self.metadata = metadata
Пример #32
def make_stack_wcs(wcs):
    convert galsim tan wcs to stack wcs

    if wcs.wcs_type == 'TAN':
        crpix = wcs.crpix
        stack_crpix = geom.Point2D(crpix[0], crpix[1])
        cd_matrix = wcs.cd

        crval = geom.SpherePoint(
            wcs.center.ra / coord.radians,
            wcs.center.dec / coord.radians,
        stack_wcs = makeSkyWcs(
    elif wcs.wcs_type == 'TAN-SIP':
        import galsim

        # this is not used if the lower bounds are 1, but the extra keywords
        # GS_{X,Y}MIN are set which we will remove below

        fake_bounds = galsim.BoundsI(1, 10, 1, 10)
        hdr = {}
        wcs.writeToFitsHeader(hdr, fake_bounds)

        del hdr["GS_XMIN"]
        del hdr["GS_YMIN"]

        metadata = PropertyList()

        for key, value in hdr.items():
            metadata.set(key, value)

        stack_wcs = makeSkyWcs(metadata)

    return stack_wcs
Пример #33
    def testBasics(self):
        """Check basic formatting and skipping bad values
        metadata = PropertyList()
        dataList = [
            ("ABOOL", True),
            ("AFLOAT", 1.2e25),
            ("AFLOAT2", 1.0e30),
            ("ANINT", -5),
            ("AFLOATZ", 0.0),  # ensure a float stays a float
            ("INTFLOAT", -5.0),
            ("LONGFLT", 0.0089626337538440005),
            ("ANUNDEF", None),
            ("LONGNAME1", 1),  # name is longer than 8 characters; skip it
            ("LONGSTR", "skip this item because the formatted value "
                "is too long: longer than 80 characters "),
            ("ASTRING1", "value for string"),
            ("ANAN", float("NaN"))
        for name, value in dataList:
            metadata.set(name, value)

        header = makeLimitedFitsHeader(metadata)

        expectedLines = [  # without padding to 80 chars
            "ABOOL   = T",
            "AFLOAT  =              1.2E+25",
            "AFLOAT2 =                1E+30",
            "ANINT   =                   -5",
            "AFLOATZ =                    0.0",
            "INTFLOAT=                   -5.0",
            "LONGFLT = 0.0089626337538440005",
            "ANUNDEF =",
            "ASTRING1= 'value for string'",
            "ANAN    =",
        expectedHeader = "".join("%-80s" % val for val in expectedLines)

        self.assertHeadersEqual(header, expectedHeader)

        self.checkExcludeNames(metadata, expectedLines)
Пример #34
    def testSinglePrecision(self):
        """Check that single precision floats do work"""
        metadata = PropertyList()

        # Numeric form of single precision floats need smaller precision
        metadata.setFloat("SINGLE", 3.14159)
        metadata.setFloat("SINGLEI", 5.0)
        metadata.setFloat("SINGLEE", -5.9e20)
        metadata.setFloat("EXP", -5e10)

        header = makeLimitedFitsHeader(metadata)

        expectedLines = [  # without padding to 80 chars
            "SINGLE  =              3.14159",
            "SINGLEI =                  5.0",
            "SINGLEE =             -5.9E+20",
            "EXP     =               -5E+10",
        expectedHeader = "".join("%-80s" % val for val in expectedLines)

        self.assertHeadersEqual(header, expectedHeader, rtol=np.finfo(np.float32).resolution)
Пример #35
 def testMultiPlaneFitsReaders(self):
     """Run tests for MaskedImageFitsReader and ExposureFitsReader.
     metadata = PropertyList()
     metadata.add("FIVE", 5)
     metadata.add("SIX", 6.0)
     wcs = makeSkyWcs(Point2D(2.5, 3.75),
                      SpherePoint(40.0 * degrees, 50.0 * degrees),
                      np.array([[1E-5, 0.0], [0.0, -1E-5]]))
     defineFilter("test_readers_filter", lambdaEff=470.0)
     calib = PhotoCalib(2.5E4)
     psf = GaussianPsf(21, 21, 8.0)
     polygon = Polygon(Box2D(self.bbox))
     apCorrMap = ApCorrMap()
     visitInfo = VisitInfo(exposureTime=5.0)
     transmissionCurve = TransmissionCurve.makeIdentity()
     coaddInputs = CoaddInputs(ExposureTable.makeMinimalSchema(),
     detector = DetectorWrapper().detector
     record = coaddInputs.ccds.addNew()
     for n, dtypeIn in enumerate(self.dtypes):
         with self.subTest(dtypeIn=dtypeIn):
             exposureIn = Exposure(self.bbox, dtype=dtypeIn)
             shape = exposureIn.image.array.shape
             exposureIn.image.array[:, :] = np.random.randint(low=1,
             exposureIn.mask.array[:, :] = np.random.randint(low=1,
             exposureIn.variance.array[:, :] = np.random.randint(low=1,
             with lsst.utils.tests.getTempFilePath(".fits") as fileName:
                 self.checkMaskedImageFitsReader(exposureIn, fileName,
                 self.checkExposureFitsReader(exposureIn, fileName,
    def testArrayValues(self):
        """Check that only the final value is used from an array
        metadata = PropertyList()
        # work around DM-13232 by setting ABOOL one value at a time
        for value in [True, True, True, False]:
            metadata.add("ABOOL", value)
        dataList = [
            ("AFLOAT", [1.2e25, -5.6]),
            ("ANINT", [-5, 752, 1052]),
            ("ASTRING1", ["value for string", "more"]),
        for name, value in dataList:
            metadata.set(name, value)

        header = makeLimitedFitsHeader(metadata)

        expectedLines = [  # without padding to 80 chars
            "ABOOL   = F",
            "AFLOAT  =                 -5.6",
            "ANINT   =                 1052",
            "ASTRING1= 'more'",
        expectedHeader = "".join("%-80s" % val for val in expectedLines)

        self.assertHeadersEqual(header, expectedHeader)

        self.checkExcludeNames(metadata, expectedLines)
    def testBasics(self):
        """Check basic formatting and skipping bad values
        metadata = PropertyList()
        dataList = [
            ("ABOOL", True),
            ("AFLOAT", 1.2e25),
            ("AFLOAT2", 1.0e30),
            ("ANINT", -5),
            ("AFLOATZ", 0.0),  # ensure a float stays a float
            ("INTFLOAT", -5.0),
            ("LONGFLT", 0.0089626337538440005),
            ("ANUNDEF", None),
            ("LONGNAME1", 1),  # name is longer than 8 characters; skip it
            ("LONGSTR", "skip this item because the formatted value "
                "is too long: longer than 80 characters "),
            ("ASTRING1", "value for string"),
        for name, value in dataList:
            metadata.set(name, value)

        header = makeLimitedFitsHeader(metadata)

        expectedLines = [  # without padding to 80 chars
            "ABOOL   = T",
            "AFLOAT  =              1.2E+25",
            "AFLOAT2 =                1E+30",
            "ANINT   =                   -5",
            "AFLOATZ =                    0.0",
            "INTFLOAT=                   -5.0",
            "LONGFLT = 0.0089626337538440005",
            "ANUNDEF =",
            "ASTRING1= 'value for string'",
        expectedHeader = "".join("%-80s" % val for val in expectedLines)

        self.assertHeadersEqual(header, expectedHeader)

        self.checkExcludeNames(metadata, expectedLines)
Пример #38
    def testSimpleIO(self):
        """Check that a simple header can be written and read back."""

        expected = {
            "ASTRING": "Test String",
            "ANUNDEF": None,
            "AFLOAT": 3.1415,
            "ANINT": 42,

        header = PropertyList()
        for k, v in expected.items():
            header[k] = v

        output = self.writeAndRead(header)

        # Remove keys added by cfitsio
        for k in self.single:
            if k in output:
                del output[k]
        if "COMMENT" in output:
            del output["COMMENT"]

        self.assertEqual(output.toDict(), header.toDict())
    def testSinglePrecision(self):
        """Check that single precision floats do work"""
        metadata = PropertyList()

        # Numeric form of single precision floats need smaller precision
        metadata.setFloat("SINGLE", 3.14159)
        metadata.setFloat("SINGLEI", 5.0)
        metadata.setFloat("SINGLEE", -5.9e20)
        metadata.setFloat("EXP", -5e10)

        header = makeLimitedFitsHeader(metadata)

        expectedLines = [  # without padding to 80 chars
            "SINGLE  =              3.14159",
            "SINGLEI =                  5.0",
            "SINGLEE =             -5.9E+20",
            "EXP     =               -5E+10",
        expectedHeader = "".join("%-80s" % val for val in expectedLines)

        self.assertHeadersEqual(header, expectedHeader, rtol=np.finfo(np.float32).resolution)
Пример #40
    def testNextMemIdAndCensus(self):
        memId0 = Citizen.getNextMemId()
        self.assertEqual(Citizen.census(0, memId0), 0)

        a = PropertyList()
        self.assertEqual(Citizen.census(0, memId0), 1)
        self.assertEqual(a.census(0, memId0), 1)

        memId1 = a.getNextMemId()
        b = PropertyList()
        self.assertEqual(Citizen.census(0, memId0), 2)
        self.assertEqual(a.census(0, memId0), 2)
        self.assertEqual(Citizen.census(0, memId1), 1)
        self.assertEqual(a.census(0, memId1), 1)

        del b
        self.assertEqual(Citizen.census(0, memId0), 1)
        self.assertEqual(a.census(0, memId0), 1)
        self.assertEqual(Citizen.census(0, memId1), 0)
        self.assertEqual(a.census(0, memId1), 0)

        del a
        self.assertEqual(Citizen.census(0, memId0), 0)
Пример #41
def makePropertyListFromDict(md):
    result = PropertyList()
    for k, v in md.items():
        result.add(k, v)
    return result
def createMatchMetadata(exposure):
    """Create metadata required for unpersisting a match list

    @param[in] exposure  exposure for which to create metadata

    @return metadata about the field (a daf_base PropertyList)
    matchMeta = PropertyList()
    bboxd = Box2D(exposure.getBBox())
    ctrPos = bboxd.getCenter()
    wcs = getDistortedWcs(exposure.getInfo())
    ctrCoord = wcs.pixelToSky(ctrPos).toIcrs()
    llCoord = wcs.pixelToSky(bboxd.getMin())
    approxRadius = ctrCoord.angularSeparation(llCoord)
    matchMeta.add('RA', ctrCoord.getRa().asDegrees(), 'field center in degrees')
    matchMeta.add('DEC', ctrCoord.getDec().asDegrees(), 'field center in degrees')
    matchMeta.add('RADIUS', approxRadius.asDegrees(), 'field radius in degrees, approximate')
    matchMeta.add('SMATCHV', 1, 'SourceMatchVector version number')
    filterName = exposure.getFilter().getName() or None
    if filterName is not None and filterName not in ("_unknmown_", ""):
        matchMeta.add('FILTER', filterName, 'filter name for tagalong data')
    return matchMeta
    def setUp(self):
        """Constructs a CCD with two amplifiers and prepares for ISR"""
        baseValue = 100.0
        gain = 1.0
        readNoise = 123456789.0
        saturation = 987654321.0
        height = 234
        imageSize = Extent2I(123, height)
        overscanSize = Extent2I(16, height)
        self.sigma = 1.234

        # Set up the various regions
        overscan1 = Box2I(Point2I(0, 0), overscanSize)
        image1 = Box2I(Point2I(overscanSize[0], 0), imageSize)
        image2 = Box2I(Point2I(overscanSize[0] + imageSize[0], 0), imageSize)
        overscan2 = Box2I(Point2I(overscanSize[0] + 2*imageSize[0], 0), overscanSize)

        leftBox = Box2I(overscan1.getMin(), Extent2I(overscan1.getWidth() + image1.getWidth(), height))
        rightBox = Box2I(image2.getMin(), Extent2I(image2.getWidth() + overscan2.getWidth(), height))

        target1 = Box2I(Point2I(0, 0), imageSize)
        target2 = Box2I(Point2I(image1.getWidth(), 0), imageSize)

        # Set the pixels
        exposure = ExposureF(Box2I(Point2I(0, 0), Extent2I(imageSize[0]*2 + overscanSize[0]*2, height)))
        yy = np.arange(0, height, 1, dtype=np.float32)
        leftImage = ExposureF(exposure, leftBox)
        leftImage.image.array[:] = baseValue + yy[:, np.newaxis]
        rightImage = ExposureF(exposure, rightBox)
        rightImage.image.array[:] = baseValue - yy[:, np.newaxis]

        leftOverscan = ExposureF(exposure, overscan1)
        leftOverscan.image.array += np.random.normal(0.0, self.sigma, leftOverscan.image.array.shape)
        rightOverscan = ExposureF(exposure, overscan2)
        rightOverscan.image.array += np.random.normal(0.0, self.sigma, leftOverscan.image.array.shape)
        exposure.mask.array[:] = 0.0
        exposure.variance.array[:] = np.nan

        # Construct the detectors
        amps = AmpInfoCatalog(AmpInfoTable.makeMinimalSchema())
        makeAmplifier(amps, "left", target1, image1, overscan1, gain, readNoise, saturation)
        makeAmplifier(amps, "right", target2, image2, overscan2, gain, readNoise, saturation)
        ccdBox = Box2I(Point2I(0, 0), Extent2I(image1.getWidth() + image2.getWidth(), height))
        ccd = Detector("detector", 1, SCIENCE, "det1", ccdBox, amps, Orientation(), Extent2D(1.0, 1.0), {})
        header = PropertyList()
        header.add("EXPTIME", 0.0)

        self.exposure = exposure
        self.config = IsrTask.ConfigClass()

        # Disable everything we don't care about
        self.config.doBias = False
        self.config.doDark = False
        self.config.doFlat = False
        self.config.doFringe = False
        self.config.doDefect = False
        self.config.doAddDistortionModel = False
        self.config.doWrite = False
        self.config.expectWcs = False
        self.config.doLinearize = False
        self.config.doCrosstalk = False
        self.config.doBrighterFatter = False
        self.config.doAttachTransmissionCurve = False

        # Set the things that match our test setup
        self.config.overscanFitType = "CHEB"
        self.config.overscanOrder = 1
        self.config.doEmpiricalReadNoise = True

        self.task = IsrTask(config=self.config)
Пример #44
 def testId(self):
     a = PropertyList()
     b = PropertyList()
     self.assertEqual(b.getId(), a.getId() + 1)
Пример #45
    def testReplaceDuplicates(self):
        """Test that names in `second` override those in `first`, regardless of type
        # names that start with "item" appear in both sets of metadata
        md1 = PropertyList()
        md1.set("int1", 5)
        md1.set("itema", [1, 2])
        md1.set("float1", 3.1)
        md1.set("itemb", 1.23)
        md1.set("string1", "md1 string1 value")
        md1.set("itemc", "md1 string value")
        md1Copy = md1.deepCopy()

        md2 = PropertyList()
        md2.set("itemc", 2)
        md2.set("int2", 2)
        md2.set("itemb", ["some data", "more data"])
        md2.set("float2", 2.34)
        md2.set("itema", 5.27)
        md2.set("string2", "md2 string value")
        md2Names = md2.getOrderedNames()
        md2Copy = md2.deepCopy()

        result = combineMetadata(md1, md2)
        expectedNames = ["int1", "float1", "string1"] + list(md2Names)
        self.assertEqual(result.getOrderedNames(), expectedNames)
        md2NameSet = set(md2Names)
        for name in result.getOrderedNames():
            if name in md2NameSet:
                self.assertEqual(result.getScalar(name), md2.getArray(name)[-1])
                self.assertEqual(result.getScalar(name), md1.getArray(name)[-1])

        # input should be unchanged
        self.assertMetadataEqual(md1, md1Copy)
        self.assertMetadataEqual(md2, md2Copy)
Пример #46
    def testNoConflicts(self):
        """Test combination with valid values and no overlap,
        except COMMENT and HISTORY, which are combined
        md1 = PropertyList()
        md1.set("int1", [1, 2])
        md1.set("float1", 1.23)
        md1.set("string1", "md1 string1 value")
        md1.set("COMMENT", "md1 comment")
        md1.set("HISTORY", "md1 history")
        md1Copy = md1.deepCopy()

        md2 = PropertyList()
        md2.set("int2", 2)
        md2.set("float2", [2.34, -3.45])
        md2.set("string2", "md2 string2 value")
        md2.set("COMMENT", "md2 comment")
        md2.set("HISTORY", "md2 history")
        md2Copy = md2.deepCopy()

        result = combineMetadata(md1, md2)
                         ["int1", "float1", "string1", "COMMENT", "HISTORY",
                         "int2", "float2", "string2"])
        self.assertEqual(result.getArray("COMMENT"), ["md1 comment", "md2 comment"])
        self.assertEqual(result.getArray("HISTORY"), ["md1 history", "md2 history"])
        for name in md1.getOrderedNames():
            if name in ("COMMENT", "HISTORY"):
            self.assertEqual(result.getScalar(name), md1.getArray(name)[-1])
        for name in md2.getOrderedNames():
            if name in ("COMMENT", "HISTORY"):
            self.assertEqual(result.getScalar(name), md2.getArray(name)[-1])

        # input should be unchanged
        self.assertMetadataEqual(md1, md1Copy)
        self.assertMetadataEqual(md2, md2Copy)
Пример #47
 def setUp(self):
     # Actual WCS from processing Suprime-Cam
     self.width = 2048
     self.height = 4177
     metadata = PropertyList()
     for name, value in (
         ('NAXIS', 2),
         ('EQUINOX', 2000.0000000000),
         ('RADESYS', "ICRS"),
         ('CRPIX1', -3232.7544925483),
         ('CRPIX2', 4184.4881091129),
         ('CD1_1', -5.6123808607273e-05),
         ('CD1_2', 2.8951544956703e-07),
         ('CD2_1', 2.7343044348306e-07),
         ('CD2_2', 5.6100888336445e-05),
         ('CRVAL1', 5.6066137655191),
         ('CRVAL2', -0.60804032498548),
         ('CUNIT1', "deg"),
         ('CUNIT2', "deg"),
         ('A_ORDER', 5),
         ('A_0_2', 1.9749832126246e-08),
         ('A_0_3', 9.3734869173527e-12),
         ('A_0_4', 1.8812994578840e-17),
         ('A_0_5', -2.3524013652433e-19),
         ('A_1_1', -9.8443908806559e-10),
         ('A_1_2', -4.9278297504858e-10),
         ('A_1_3', -2.8491604610001e-16),
         ('A_1_4', 2.3185723720750e-18),
         ('A_2_0', 4.9546089730708e-08),
         ('A_2_1', -8.8592221672777e-12),
         ('A_2_2', 3.3560100338765e-16),
         ('A_2_3', 3.0469486185035e-21),
         ('A_3_0', -4.9332471706700e-10),
         ('A_3_1', -5.3126029725748e-16),
         ('A_3_2', 4.7795824885726e-18),
         ('A_4_0', 1.3128844828963e-16),
         ('A_4_1', 4.4014452170715e-19),
         ('A_5_0', 2.1781986904162e-18),
         ('B_ORDER', 5),
         ('B_0_2', -1.0607653075899e-08),
         ('B_0_3', -4.8693887937365e-10),
         ('B_0_4', -1.0363305097301e-15),
         ('B_0_5', 1.9621640066919e-18),
         ('B_1_1', 3.0340657679481e-08),
         ('B_1_2', -5.0763819284853e-12),
         ('B_1_3', 2.8987281654754e-16),
         ('B_1_4', 1.8253389678593e-19),
         ('B_2_0', -2.4772849184248e-08),
         ('B_2_1', -4.9775588352207e-10),
         ('B_2_2', -3.6806326254887e-16),
         ('B_2_3', 4.4136985315418e-18),
         ('B_3_0', -1.7807191001742e-11),
         ('B_3_1', -2.4136396882531e-16),
         ('B_3_2', 2.9165413645768e-19),
         ('B_4_0', 4.1029951148438e-16),
         ('B_4_1', 2.3711874424169e-18),
         ('B_5_0', 4.9333635889310e-19),
         ('AP_ORDER', 5),
         ('AP_0_1', -5.9740855298291e-06),
         ('AP_0_2', -2.0433429597268e-08),
         ('AP_0_3', -8.6810071023434e-12),
         ('AP_0_4', -2.4974690826778e-17),
         ('AP_0_5', 1.9819631102516e-19),
         ('AP_1_0', -4.5896648256716e-05),
         ('AP_1_1', -1.5248993348644e-09),
         ('AP_1_2', 5.0283116166943e-10),
         ('AP_1_3', 4.3796281513144e-16),
         ('AP_1_4', -2.1447889127908e-18),
         ('AP_2_0', -4.7550300344365e-08),
         ('AP_2_1', 1.0924172283232e-11),
         ('AP_2_2', -4.9862026098260e-16),
         ('AP_2_3', -5.4470851768869e-20),
         ('AP_3_0', 5.0130654116966e-10),
         ('AP_3_1', 6.8649554020012e-16),
         ('AP_3_2', -4.2759588436342e-18),
         ('AP_4_0', -3.6306802581471e-16),
         ('AP_4_1', -5.3885285875084e-19),
         ('AP_5_0', -1.8802693525108e-18),
         ('BP_ORDER', 5),
         ('BP_0_1', -2.6627855995942e-05),
         ('BP_0_2', 1.1143451873584e-08),
         ('BP_0_3', 4.9323396530135e-10),
         ('BP_0_4', 1.1785185735421e-15),
         ('BP_0_5', -1.6169957016415e-18),
         ('BP_1_0', -5.7914490267576e-06),
         ('BP_1_1', -3.0565765766244e-08),
         ('BP_1_2', 5.7727475030971e-12),
         ('BP_1_3', -4.0586821113726e-16),
         ('BP_1_4', -2.0662723654322e-19),
         ('BP_2_0', 2.3705520015164e-08),
         ('BP_2_1', 5.0530823594352e-10),
         ('BP_2_2', 3.8904979943489e-16),
         ('BP_2_3', -3.8346209540986e-18),
         ('BP_3_0', 1.9505421473262e-11),
         ('BP_3_1', 1.7583146713289e-16),
         ('BP_3_2', -3.4876779564534e-19),
         ('BP_4_0', -3.3690937119054e-16),
         ('BP_4_1', -2.0853007589561e-18),
         ('BP_5_0', -5.5344298912288e-19),
         ('CTYPE1', "RA---TAN-SIP"),
         ('CTYPE2', "DEC--TAN-SIP"),
         metadata.set(name, value)
     self.metadata = metadata
Пример #48
    def testIgnoreInvalid(self):
        """Test that invalid items in the either argument are ignored
        md1 = PropertyList()
        # Set COMMENT and HISTORY to invalid values -- anything other than string
        # (regardless if it is a scalar or an array);
        # for md1 use arrays and md2 use scalars, just to try both
        md1.set("COMMENT", [5, 6])
        md1.set("HISTORY", [3.5, 6.1])
        md1Copy = md1.deepCopy()

        md2 = PropertyList()
        # Set COMMENT and HISTORY to invalid values; see comment above md1.set("COMMENT", ...)
        md2.set("COMMENT", 7)
        md2.set("HISTORY", 1.06)
        md2Copy = md2.deepCopy()

        result = combineMetadata(md1, md2)
        resultNames = result.getOrderedNames()
        self.assertEqual(resultNames, [])

        # input should be unchanged
        self.assertMetadataEqual(md1, md1Copy)
        self.assertMetadataEqual(md2, md2Copy)