Пример #1
    def setUpClass(cls):

            engine = getEngineFromFile(cls.CREDFILE)
        except IOError:
            raise unittest.SkipTest(
                "%s: No credentials file %s, skipping tests." %
                (cls.__name__, cls.CREDFILE))

        username = engine.url.username
        testId = int(time.time() * 10.0)
        cls.dbName = "%s_test_%d" % (username, testId)

        # make temporary database
        createDb(engine, cls.dbName)

        # make engine with database name
        cls.engine = getEngineFromFile(cls.CREDFILE, database=cls.dbName)

        # load scripts
        scripts = [
            "lsstSchema4mysqlPT1_2.sql", "setup_perRunTablesS12_lsstsim.sql",
        sqldir = os.path.join(lsst.utils.getPackageDir("cat"), "sql")
        for script in scripts:
            loadSqlScript(cls.engine, os.path.join(sqldir, script))
Пример #2
    def setUpClass(cls):

            engine = getEngineFromFile(cls.CREDFILE)
        except IOError:
            raise unittest.SkipTest("%s: No credentials file %s, skipping tests." %
                                    (cls.__name__, cls.CREDFILE))

        username = engine.url.username
        testId = int(time.time() * 10.0)
        cls.dbName = "%s_test_%d" % (username, testId)

        # make temporary database
        createDb(engine, cls.dbName)

        # make engine with database name
        cls.engine = getEngineFromFile(cls.CREDFILE, database=cls.dbName)

        # load scripts
        scripts = ["lsstSchema4mysqlPT1_2.sql",
        sqldir = os.path.join(lsst.utils.getPackageDir("cat"), "sql")
        for script in scripts:
            loadSqlScript(cls.engine, os.path.join(sqldir, script))
Пример #3
 def testLoadSqlScriptWithDb(self):
     fd, fN = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".csv", text=True)
     os.write(fd, "create table t(i int, d double);\n")
     os.write(fd, "insert into t values (1, 1.1), (2, 2.2);\n")
     conn = self._engine.connect()
     utils.createDb(conn, self._dbA)
     utils.loadSqlScript(conn, fN, self._dbA)
     self.assertEqual(3, conn.execute("select sum(i) from %s.t" % self._dbA).first()[0])
     utils.dropDb(conn, self._dbA)
Пример #4
 def testLoadSqlScriptWithDb(self):
     fd, fN = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".csv", text=True)
     os.write(fd, "create table t(i int, d double);\n")
     os.write(fd, "insert into t values (1, 1.1), (2, 2.2);\n")
     conn = self._engine.connect()
     utils.createDb(conn, self._dbA)
     utils.loadSqlScript(conn, fN, self._dbA)
     self.assertEqual(3, conn.execute("select sum(i) from %s.t" % self._dbA).first()[0])
     utils.dropDb(conn, self._dbA)
Пример #5
 def testLoadSqlScriptNoDb(self):
     fd, fN = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".csv", text=True)
     os.write(fd, "create database %s;\n" % self._dbA)
     os.write(fd, "use %s;\n" % self._dbA)
     os.write(fd, "create table t(i int);\n")
     os.write(fd, "insert into t values (1), (2), (2), (5);\n")
     conn = self._engine.connect()
     utils.loadSqlScript(conn, fN)
     self.assertEqual(10, conn.execute("select sum(i) from %s.t" % self._dbA).first()[0])
     utils.dropDb(conn, self._dbA)
Пример #6
 def testLoadSqlScriptNoDb(self):
     fd, fN = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".csv", text=True)
     os.write(fd, "create database %s;\n" % self._dbA)
     os.write(fd, "use %s;\n" % self._dbA)
     os.write(fd, "create table t(i int);\n")
     os.write(fd, "insert into t values (1), (2), (2), (5);\n")
     conn = self._engine.connect()
     utils.loadSqlScript(conn, fN)
     self.assertEqual(10, conn.execute("select sum(i) from %s.t" % self._dbA).first()[0])
     utils.dropDb(conn, self._dbA)
Пример #7
    def testLoadSqlScriptFromPath(self):
        conn = getEngineFromFile(self.CREDFILE).connect()
        dbName = "%s_dbWrapperTestDb" % conn.engine.url.username

        commands = ["create database %s;" % dbName,
                    "use %s;" % dbName,
                    "create table t(i int);",
                    "insert into t values (1), (2), (2), (5);"]

        # make file but pass the name of that file to loadSqlScript
        script = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
        utils.loadSqlScript(conn, script.name)
        utils.dropDb(conn, dbName)
Пример #8
    def testLoadSqlScriptFromPath(self):
        conn = getEngineFromFile(self.CREDFILE).connect()
        dbName = "%s_dbWrapperTestDb" % conn.engine.url.username

        commands = [
            "create database %s;" % dbName,
            "use %s;" % dbName, "create table t(i int);",
            "insert into t values (1), (2), (2), (5);"

        # make file but pass the name of that file to loadSqlScript
        script = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile()
        utils.loadSqlScript(conn, script.name)
        utils.dropDb(conn, dbName)
Пример #9
    def migrate(self, version=None, do_migrate=False):
        """Perform schema migration from current version to given version.
        version : int or None
            If None then migrate to latest known version, otherwise only
            migrate to given version.
        do_migrate : bool
            If True performa migration, otherwise only print steps that
            should be performed
        None if no migrations were performed or the version number at
        which migration has stopped.
        Exception is raised for any migration errors. The state of the
        database is not guaranteed to be consistent after exception.

        # checks for requested version
        if version is not None:
            current = self.current_version()
            if current >= version:
                    "current version (%s) is already same or newer as requested (%s)",
                    current, version)
                return None
            final_versions = [s[1] for s in self.scripts]
            if version not in final_versions:
                raise ValueError(
                    "No known migration scripts for requested version ({})".

        # apply all migration scripts in a loop
        result = None
        current = self.current_version()
        while True:

            if version is not None and current >= version:
                    "current version (%s) is now same or newer as requested (%s)",
                    current, version)

            # find all migrations for current version
            scripts = [s for s in self.scripts if s[0] == current]
            if not scripts:
                    "no migration scripts found for current version (%s)",

            # if there are more than one final version use the latest or requested one
            final_versions = set([s[1] for s in scripts])
            final = max(final_versions)
            if version is not None:
                if version in final_versions:
                    final = version

            # only use scripts for that final version
            scripts = sorted([s[2:4] for s in scripts if s[1] == final])

            # apply all scripts
            for script, path in scripts:
                _log.info("--- Executing migration script %s", script)
                if do_migrate:
                    utils.loadSqlScript(self.engine, path)
                    _log.info("+++ Script %s completed successfully", script)

            # make sure that current version is updated in database
            if do_migrate:
                query = "UPDATE QMetadata SET value = {} WHERE metakey = 'version'".format(

                # read it back and compare with expected
                current = self.current_version()
                if current != final:
                    raise RuntimeError(
                        "failed to update version number in database to {}, "
                        "current version is now {}".format(final, current))
                # pretend that we migrated to this new version
                current = final

            result = final

        return result
Пример #10
  (4, 'S13_v0.7'),
  (5, 'jacek_db1x'),
  (6, 'john_tmpDb5')''',
    '''INSERT INTO DDT_Table(tableId, dbMetaId, tableName, descr) VALUES
  (1, 5, 'Object',     'my object tablexx'),
  (2, 5, 'Source',     'source table'),
  (3, 6, 'DeepSource', 'deep src')''',
    '''INSERT INTO DDT_Column(columnId, columnName, tableId, descr, ucd, units) VALUES
  ( 1, 'oId',    1, 'the object id, PK', 'meta.id;src', ''),
  ( 2, 'PS_ra',  1, 'right ascension',   'pos.eq.ra',   'degree'),
  ( 3, 'PS_decl',1, 'declination',       'pos.eq.dec',  'degree'),
  ( 4, 'flux',   1, 'measured flux',     'phot.count',  'nmgy'),
  ( 5, 'sId',    2, 'source id, PK',     'meta.id;src', ''),
  ( 6, 'oId',    2, 'ptr to object',     'meta.id;src', ''),
  ( 7, 'ra',     2, 'right ascension',   'pos.eq.ra',   'degree'),
  ( 8, 'decl',   2, 'declination',       'pos.eq.dec',  'degree'),
  ( 9, 'flux',   2, 'measured flux',     'phot.count',  'nmgy'),
  (10, 'dsId',   3, 'deep src id, PK',   'meta.id;src', ''),
  (11, 'flags',  3, 'my flags',          '',            '')''')

conn = getEngineFromFile("~/.lsst/dbAuth-metaServ.txt").connect()

utils.dropDb(conn, "metaServ_core", mustExist=False)
utils.createDb(conn, "metaServ_core")
utils.loadSqlScript(conn, "sql/global.sql")
utils.loadSqlScript(conn, "sql/dbRepo.sql")
utils.loadSqlScript(conn, "sql/fileRepo.sql")
utils.useDb(conn, "metaServ_core")
for q in queries:
Пример #11
 def loadSql(self, filePath, database):
     """Load an SQL file into a database
     @param filePath: the SQL file to load
     @param database: the database to use
     utils.loadSqlScript(self.conn, filePath, database)
Пример #12
 def loadSql(self, filePath, database):
     """Load an SQL file into a database
     @param filePath: the SQL file to load
     @param database: the database to use
     utils.loadSqlScript(self.conn, filePath, database)
Пример #13
    def migrate(self, version=None, do_migrate=False):
        """Perform schema migration from current version to given version.
        version : int or None
            If None then migrate to latest known version, otherwise only
            migrate to given version.
        do_migrate : bool
            If True performa migration, otherwise only print steps that
            should be performed
        None if no migrations were performed or the version number at
        which migration has stopped.
        Exception is raised for any migration errors. The state of the
        database is not guaranteed to be consistent after exception.

        # checks for requested version
        if version is not None:
            current = self.current_version()
            if current >= version:
                _log.debug("current version (%s) is already same or newer as requested (%s)",
                           current, version)
                return None
            final_versions = [s[1] for s in self.scripts]
            if version not in final_versions:
                raise ValueError("No known migration scripts for requested version ({})".format(version))

        # apply all migration scripts in a loop
        result = None
        current = self.current_version()
        while True:

            if version is not None and current >= version:
                _log.debug("current version (%s) is now same or newer as requested (%s)",
                           current, version)

            # find all migrations for current version
            scripts = [s for s in self.scripts if s[0] == current]
            if not scripts:
                _log.debug("no migration scripts found for current version (%s)", current)

            # if there are more than one final version use the latest or requested one
            final_versions = set([s[1] for s in scripts])
            final = max(final_versions)
            if version is not None:
                if version in final_versions:
                    final = version

            # only use scripts for that final version
            scripts = sorted([s[2:4] for s in scripts if s[1] == final])

            # apply all scripts
            for script, path in scripts:
                _log.info("--- Executing migration script %s", script)
                if do_migrate:
                    utils.loadSqlScript(self.engine, path)
                    _log.info("+++ Script %s completed successfully", script)

            # make sure that current version is updated in database
            if do_migrate:
                query = "UPDATE QMetadata SET value = {} WHERE metakey = 'version'".format(final)

                # read it back and compare with expected
                current = self.current_version()
                if current != final:
                    raise RuntimeError("failed to update version number in database to {}, "
                                       "current version is now {}".format(final, current))
                # pretend that we migrated to this new version
                current = final

            result = final

        return result