Пример #1
    def _testZogyScorr(self, varAst=0.):
        """Compute Zogy likelihood images (Scorr) using Fourier- and Real-space methods.

        Compare the images. They are not identical but should be similar (within ~2%).
        config = ZogyConfig()
        task = ZogyTask(templateExposure=self.im2ex, scienceExposure=self.im1ex, config=config)
        D_F = task.computeScorr(inImageSpace=False, xVarAst=varAst, yVarAst=varAst)
        D_R = task.computeScorr(inImageSpace=True, xVarAst=varAst, yVarAst=varAst)
        self._compareExposures(D_F.S, D_R.S, Scorr=True)
Пример #2
    def testPixelOffset(self):
        """ Test whether the peak position is at [300][300].
        config = ZogyConfig(scaleByCalibration=False)
        task = ZogyTask(config=config)
        D_F = task.run(self.imnex, self.imrex, calculateScore=False)
        max_loc = PixelOffsetTest._find_max(D_F.diffExp.image.array)

        self.assertEqual(max_loc, (300, 300))
Пример #3
    def _testZogyScorr(self, varAst=0.):
        """Compute Zogy likelihood images (Scorr) using Fourier- and Real-space methods.

        Compare the images. They are not identical but should be similar (within ~2%).
        config = ZogyConfig()
        task = ZogyTask(templateExposure=self.im2ex, scienceExposure=self.im1ex, config=config)
        D_F = task.computeScorr(inImageSpace=False, xVarAst=varAst, yVarAst=varAst)
        D_R = task.computeScorr(inImageSpace=True, xVarAst=varAst, yVarAst=varAst)
        self._compareExposures(D_F.S, D_R.S, Scorr=True)
Пример #4
 def testWholeImageGrid(self):
     """Test that a 1-cell `grid` is actually the whole image"""
     config = ZogyConfig()
     task = ZogyTask(config=config)
     bb = geom.Box2I(geom.Point2I(5, 10), geom.Extent2I(200, 300))
     D = afwImage.ImageI(bb)
     grid = task.generateGrid(bb, geom.Extent2I(15, 15), bb.getDimensions())
     self.assertTrue(len(grid) == 1, "Grid length is not 1")
     x = grid[0]
     D[x.innerBox] += 1
     self.assertTrue(np.all(D.array == 1),
                     "Single cell does not cover the original image.")
Пример #5
    def testZogyDiffim(self):
        """Compute Zogy diffims using Fourier- and Real-space methods.

        Compare the images.  They are not identical but should be
        similar (within ~2%).
        config = ZogyConfig()
        task = ZogyTask(templateExposure=self.im2ex, scienceExposure=self.im1ex, config=config)
        D_F = task.computeDiffim(inImageSpace=False)
        D_R = task.computeDiffim(inImageSpace=True)
        # Fourier-space and image-space versions are not identical, so up the tolerance.
        # This is a known issue with the image-space version.
        self._compareExposures(D_F.D, D_R.D, tol=0.03)
Пример #6
    def testZogyDiffim(self):
        """Compute Zogy diffims using Fourier- and Real-space methods.

        Compare the images.  They are not identical but should be
        similar (within ~2%).
        config = ZogyConfig()
        task = ZogyTask(templateExposure=self.im2ex,
        D_F = task.computeDiffim(inImageSpace=False)
        D_R = task.computeDiffim(inImageSpace=True)
        self._compareExposures(D_F, D_R)
Пример #7
    def testZogyDiffim(self):
        """Compute Zogy diffims using Fourier- and Real-space methods.

        Compare the images.  They are not identical but should be
        similar (within ~2%).
        config = ZogyConfig()
        task = ZogyTask(templateExposure=self.im2ex, scienceExposure=self.im1ex, config=config)
        D_F = task.computeDiffim(inImageSpace=False)
        D_R = task.computeDiffim(inImageSpace=True)
        # Fourier-space and image-space versions are not identical, so up the tolerance.
        # This is a known issue with the image-space version.
        self._compareExposures(D_F.D, D_R.D, tol=0.03)
Пример #8
    def testSplitBorder(self):
        """Test outer border box splitting around an inner box"""
        config = ZogyConfig()
        task = ZogyTask(config=config)

        bb = geom.Box2I(geom.Point2I(5, 10), geom.Extent2I(20, 30))
        D = afwImage.ImageI(bb)
        innerbox = bb.erodedBy(geom.Extent2I(3, 4))
        D[innerbox] = 1

        borderboxes = task.splitBorder(innerbox, bb)
        for x in borderboxes:
            D[x] += 1
        # The splitting should cover all border pixels exactly once
        self.assertTrue(np.all(D.array == 1),
                        "Border does not cover all pixels exactly once.")
Пример #9
    def _testZogyDiffimMapReduced(self, inImageSpace=False, doScorr=False, **kwargs):
        """Test running Zogy using ImageMapReduceTask framework.

        Compare map-reduced version with non-map-reduced version.
        Do it for pure Fourier-based calc. and also for real-space.
        Also for computing pure diffim D and corrected likelihood image Scorr.
        config = ZogyMapReduceConfig()
        config.gridStepX = config.gridStepY = 9
        config.borderSizeX = config.borderSizeY = 3
        if inImageSpace:
            config.gridStepX = config.gridStepY = 8
            config.borderSizeX = config.borderSizeY = 6  # need larger border size for image-space run
        config.reducer.reduceOperation = 'average'
        task = ImageMapReduceTask(config=config)
        D_mapReduced = task.run(self.im1ex, template=self.im2ex, inImageSpace=inImageSpace,
                                doScorr=doScorr, forceEvenSized=False, **kwargs).exposure

        config = ZogyConfig()
        task = ZogyTask(templateExposure=self.im2ex, scienceExposure=self.im1ex, config=config)
        if not doScorr:
            D = task.computeDiffim(inImageSpace=inImageSpace, **kwargs).D
            D = task.computeScorr(inImageSpace=inImageSpace, **kwargs).S

        self._compareExposures(D_mapReduced, D, tol=0.04, Scorr=doScorr)
Пример #10
    def _testZogyImagePsfMatchTask(self,
        """Test running Zogy using ZogyImagePsfMatchTask framework.

        Compare resulting diffim version with original, non-spatially-varying version.
        config = ZogyImagePsfMatchConfig()
        config.zogyMapReduceConfig.gridStepX = config.zogyMapReduceConfig.gridStepY = 9
        config.zogyMapReduceConfig.borderSizeX = config.zogyMapReduceConfig.borderSizeY = 3
        if inImageSpace:  # need larger border size for image-space run
            config.zogyMapReduceConfig.gridStepX = config.zogyMapReduceConfig.gridStepY = 8
            config.zogyMapReduceConfig.borderSizeX = config.zogyMapReduceConfig.borderSizeY = 6
        task = ZogyImagePsfMatchTask(config=config)
        result = task.subtractExposures(self.im2ex,
        D_fromTask = result.subtractedExposure

        config = ZogyConfig()
        task = ZogyTask(templateExposure=self.im2ex,
        D = task.computeDiffim(inImageSpace=inImageSpace, **kwargs).D
        self._compareExposures(D_fromTask, D, tol=0.04, Scorr=doScorr)
Пример #11
 def testGenerateGrid(self):
     """Test that the generated grid covers the whole image"""
     config = ZogyConfig()
     task = ZogyTask(config=config)
     bb = geom.Box2I(geom.Point2I(5, 10), geom.Extent2I(200, 300))
     D = afwImage.ImageI(bb)
     grid = task.generateGrid(bb,
                              geom.Extent2I(15, 15),
                              geom.Extent2I(20, 30),
     for x in grid:
         h = x.outerBox.getHeight()
         w = x.outerBox.getWidth()
         self.assertTrue(isPowerOfTwo(h), "Box height is not power of two")
         self.assertTrue(isPowerOfTwo(w), "Box width is not power of two")
         D[x.innerBox] += 1
         np.all(D.array == 1),
         "Grid inner boxes do not cover all pixels exactly once.")
Пример #12
    def wrapZogyDiffim(config, templateExposure, scienceExposure):
        """Prepare and run ZOGY-style image differencing.

        config : `lsst.pex.config.Config`
            The image differencing Task configuration settings.
        templateExposure : `lsst.afw.image.ExposureF`
            The reference image to subtract from the science image.
        scienceExposure : `lsst.afw.image.ExposureF`
            The science image.

            The image difference.
        config.scaleByCalibration = False
        zogyTask = ZogyTask(config=config)

        result = zogyTask.run(scienceExposure, templateExposure)
        return result.diffExp
Пример #13
    def testZogyNewImplementation(self):
        """DM-25115 implementation test.

        See diffimTests: tickets/DM-25115_zogy_implementation/DM-25115_zogy_unit_test_development.ipynb

        # self.svar = svar  # variance of noise in science image
        # self.tvar = tvar  # variance of noise in template image

        # Sourceless case
        self.im1ex, self.im2ex \
            = makeFakeImages(size=(256, 256), svar=100., tvar=100.,
                             psf1=self.psf1_sigma, psf2=self.psf2_sigma,
                             n_sources=0, psf_yvary_factor=0, varSourceChange=0.1,
                             seed=1, verbose=False)

        config = ZogyConfig()
        config.scaleByCalibration = False
        task = ZogyTask(config=config)
        res = task.run(self.im1ex, self.im2ex)

        bbox = res.diffExp.getBBox()
        subBbox = bbox.erodedBy(lsst.geom.Extent2I(25, 25))
        subExp = res.diffExp[subBbox]
        pixvar = self._computePixelVariance(subExp.maskedImage)
        varmean = self._computeVarianceMean(subExp.maskedImage)
        # Due to 3 sigma clipping, this is not so precise
        self.assertFloatsAlmostEqual(pixvar, 200, rtol=0.1, atol=None)
        self.assertFloatsAlmostEqual(varmean, 200, rtol=0.05, atol=None)
        S = res.scoreExp.image.array / np.sqrt(res.scoreExp.variance.array)
        self.assertLess(np.amax(S), 5.)  # Source not detected

        # ==========
        self.im1ex, self.im2ex \
            = makeFakeImages(size=(256, 256), svar=10., tvar=10.,
                             psf1=self.psf1_sigma, psf2=self.psf2_sigma,
                             n_sources=10, psf_yvary_factor=0, varSourceChange=0.1,
                             seed=1, verbose=False)
        task = ZogyTask(config=config)
        res = task.run(self.im1ex, self.im2ex)
        S = res.scoreExp.image.array / np.sqrt(res.scoreExp.variance.array)
        self.assertGreater(np.amax(S), 5.)  # Source detected