Пример #1
    def _runTask(self):
        """All the common setup to actually test the results"""
        task = PhotoCalTask(self.refObjLoader,
        pCal = task.run(exposure=self.exposure, sourceCat=self.srcCat)
        matches = pCal.matches
        refFluxField = pCal.arrays.refFluxFieldList[0]

        # These are *all* the matches; we don't really expect to do that well.
        diff = []
        for m in matches:
            refFlux = m[0].get(refFluxField)  # reference catalog flux
            if refFlux <= 0:
            refMag = u.Quantity(refFlux, u.nJy).to_value(u.ABmag)
            instFlux = m[1].getPsfInstFlux()  # Instrumental Flux
            if instFlux <= 0:
            instMag = pCal.photoCalib.instFluxToMagnitude(
                instFlux)  # Instrumental mag
            diff.append(instMag - refMag)
        self.diff = np.array(diff)
        # Differences of matched objects that were used in the fit.
        self.zp = pCal.photoCalib.instFluxToMagnitude(1.)
        self.fitdiff = pCal.arrays.srcMag + self.zp - pCal.arrays.refMag
Пример #2
def run():
    exposure, srcCat = loadData()
    schema = srcCat.getSchema()
    # Create the astrometry task
    config = AstrometryTask.ConfigClass()
    config.refObjLoader.filterMap = {"_unknown_": "r"}
    config.matcher.sourceFluxType = "Psf"  # sample catalog does not contain aperture flux
    aTask = AstrometryTask(config=config)
    # And the photometry Task
    config = PhotoCalTask.ConfigClass()
    config.applyColorTerms = False  # we don't have any available, so this suppresses a warning
    pTask = PhotoCalTask(config=config, schema=schema)
    # The tasks may have added extra elements to the schema (e.g. AstrometryTask's centroidKey to
    # handle distortion; photometryTask's config.outputField).  If this is so, we need to add
    # these columns to the Source table.
    # We wouldn't need to do this if we created the schema prior to measuring the exposure,
    # but in this case we read the sources from disk
    if schema != srcCat.getSchema():  # the tasks added fields
        print("Adding columns to the source catalogue")
        cat = afwTable.SourceCatalog(schema)

        scm = afwTable.SchemaMapper(srcCat.getSchema(), schema)
        for schEl in srcCat.getSchema():
            scm.addMapping(schEl.getKey(), True)

        cat.extend(srcCat, True, scm)  # copy srcCat to cat, adding new columns

        srcCat = cat
        del cat
    # Process the data
    matches = aTask.run(exposure, srcCat).matches
    result = pTask.run(exposure, matches)

    calib = result.calib
    fm0, fm0Err = calib.getFluxMag0()

    print("Used %d calibration sources out of %d matches" %
          (len(result.matches), len(matches)))

    delta = result.arrays.refMag - result.arrays.srcMag
    q25, q75 = np.percentile(delta, [25, 75])
    print("RMS error is %.3fmmsg (robust %.3f, Calib says %.3f)" %
          (np.std(delta), 0.741 *
           (q75 - q25), 2.5 / np.log(10) * fm0Err / fm0))
Пример #3
def run():
    exposure, srcCat = loadData()
    schema = srcCat.getSchema()
    # Create the astrometry task
    config = measAstrom.LoadAstrometryNetObjectsTask.ConfigClass()
    config.filterMap = {"_unknown_": "r"}
    refObjLoader = measAstrom.LoadAstrometryNetObjectsTask(config=config)
    config = measAstrom.AstrometryTask.ConfigClass()
    config.matcher.sourceFluxType = "Psf" # sample catalog does not contain aperture flux
    aTask = measAstrom.AstrometryTask(config=config, refObjLoader=refObjLoader)
    # And the photometry Task
    config = PhotoCalTask.ConfigClass()
    config.applyColorTerms = False      # we don't have any available, so this suppresses a warning
    pTask = PhotoCalTask(config=config, schema=schema)
    # The tasks may have added extra elements to the schema (e.g. AstrometryTask's centroidKey to
    # handle distortion; photometryTask's config.outputField).  If this is so, we need to add
    # these columns to the Source table.
    # We wouldn't need to do this if we created the schema prior to measuring the exposure,
    # but in this case we read the sources from disk
    if schema != srcCat.getSchema():    # the tasks added fields
        print("Adding columns to the source catalogue")
        cat = afwTable.SourceCatalog(schema)

        scm = afwTable.SchemaMapper(srcCat.getSchema(), schema)
        for schEl in srcCat.getSchema():
            scm.addMapping(schEl.getKey(), True)

        cat.extend(srcCat, True, scm)   # copy srcCat to cat, adding new columns

        srcCat = cat; del cat
    # Process the data
    matches = aTask.run(exposure, srcCat).matches
    result = pTask.run(exposure, matches)

    calib = result.calib
    fm0, fm0Err = calib.getFluxMag0()

    print("Used %d calibration sources out of %d matches" % (len(result.matches), len(matches)))
    delta = result.arrays.refMag - result.arrays.srcMag
    q25, q75 = np.percentile(delta, [25, 75])
    print("RMS error is %.3fmmsg (robust %.3f, Calib says %.3f)" % (np.std(delta), 0.741*(q75 - q25),
Пример #4
    def testFlags(self):
        """test that all the calib_photometry flags are set to reasonable values"""
        schema = self.srcCat.schema
        task = PhotoCalTask(self.refObjLoader, config=self.config, schema=schema)
        mapper = afwTable.SchemaMapper(self.srcCat.schema, schema)
        cat = afwTable.SourceCatalog(schema)
        for name in self.srcCat.schema.getNames():
        cat.extend(self.srcCat, mapper=mapper)

        # test that by default, no stars are reserved and all used are candidates
        task.run(exposure=self.exposure, sourceCat=cat)
        used = 0
        for source in cat:
            if source.get("calib_photometry_used"):
                used += 1
        # test that some are actually used
        self.assertGreater(used, 0)
Пример #5
    def _runTask(self):
        """All the common setup to actually test the results"""
        task = PhotoCalTask(self.refObjLoader, config=self.config, schema=self.srcCat.schema)
        pCal = task.run(exposure=self.exposure, sourceCat=self.srcCat)
        matches = pCal.matches
        refFluxField = pCal.arrays.refFluxFieldList[0]

        # These are *all* the matches; we don't really expect to do that well.
        diff = []
        for m in matches:
            refFlux = m[0].get(refFluxField)  # reference catalog flux
            if refFlux <= 0:
            refMag = u.Quantity(refFlux, u.nJy).to_value(u.ABmag)
            instFlux = m[1].getPsfInstFlux()  # Instrumental Flux
            if instFlux <= 0:
            instMag = pCal.photoCalib.instFluxToMagnitude(instFlux)  # Instrumental mag
            diff.append(instMag - refMag)
        self.diff = np.array(diff)
        # Differences of matched objects that were used in the fit.
        self.zp = pCal.photoCalib.instFluxToMagnitude(1.)
        self.fitdiff = pCal.arrays.srcMag + self.zp - pCal.arrays.refMag
Пример #6
    def _runTask(self):
        """All the common setup to actually test the results"""
        task = PhotoCalTask(self.refObjLoader, config=self.config, schema=None)
        pCal = task.run(exposure=self.exposure, sourceCat=self.srcCat)
        matches = pCal.matches
        print("Ref flux fields list =", pCal.arrays.refFluxFieldList)
        refFluxField = pCal.arrays.refFluxFieldList[0]

        # These are *all* the matches; we don't really expect to do that well.
        diff = []
        for m in matches:
            refFlux = m[0].get(refFluxField)  # reference catalog flux
            if refFlux <= 0:
            refMag = afwImage.abMagFromFlux(refFlux)  # reference catalog mag
            instFlux = m[1].getPsfFlux()  # Instrumental Flux
            if instFlux <= 0:
            instMag = pCal.calib.getMagnitude(instFlux)  # Instrumental mag
            diff.append(instMag - refMag)
        self.diff = np.array(diff)
        # Differences of matched objects that were used in the fit.
        self.zp = pCal.calib.getMagnitude(1.)
        self.fitdiff = pCal.arrays.srcMag + self.zp - pCal.arrays.refMag
Пример #7
    def testFlags(self):
        """test that all the calib_photometry flags are set to reasonable values"""
        schema = self.srcCat.schema
        task = PhotoCalTask(self.refObjLoader,
        mapper = afwTable.SchemaMapper(self.srcCat.schema, schema)
        cat = afwTable.SourceCatalog(schema)
        for name in self.srcCat.schema.getNames():
        cat.extend(self.srcCat, mapper=mapper)

        #   test that by default, no stars are reserved and used < candidates
        task.run(exposure=self.exposure, sourceCat=cat)
        candidates = 0
        used = 0
        reserved = 0
        for source in cat:
            if source.get("calib_photometryCandidate"):
                candidates += 1
            if source.get("calib_photometryUsed"):
                used += 1
            if source.get("calib_photometryReserved"):
                reserved += 1
        self.assertLessEqual(used, candidates)
        self.assertEqual(reserved, 0)

        #   set the reserve fraction, and see if the right proportion are reserved.
        self.config.reserveFraction = .3
        task.run(exposure=self.exposure, sourceCat=cat)
        candidates = 0
        reserved = 0
        used = 0
        for source in cat:
            if source.get("calib_photometryCandidate"):
                candidates += 1
            if source.get("calib_photometryUsed"):
                used += 1
            if source.get("calib_photometryReserved"):
                reserved += 1
        self.assertEqual(reserved, int(.3 * candidates))
        self.assertLessEqual(used, (candidates - reserved))
Пример #8
    def test1(self):
        res = self.getAstrometrySolution()
        matches = res.matches

        print 'Test1'

        logLevel = Log.DEBUG
        log = Log(Log.getDefaultLog(),

        schema = matches[0].second.schema

        config = PhotoCalConfig()

        # The test and associated data have been prepared on the basis that we
        # use the PsfFlux to perform photometry.
        config.fluxField = "base_PsfFlux_flux"

        config.doWriteOutput = False    # schema is fixed because we already loaded the data
        task = PhotoCalTask(config=config, schema=schema)
        pCal = task.run(exposure=self.exposure, matches=matches)
        print "Ref flux fields list =", pCal.arrays.refFluxFieldList
        refFluxField = pCal.arrays.refFluxFieldList[0]

        # These are *all* the matches; we don't really expect to do that well.
        for m in matches:
            refFlux = m[0].get(refFluxField) # reference catalog flux
            if refFlux <= 0:
            refMag = afwImage.abMagFromFlux(refFlux) # reference catalog mag
            instFlux = m[1].getPsfFlux()    #Instrumental Flux
            if instFlux <= 0:
            instMag = pCal.calib.getMagnitude(instFlux)     #Instrumental mag
            diff.append(instMag - refMag)
        diff = np.array(diff)

        self.assertGreater(len(diff), 50)
        log.info('%i magnitude differences; mean difference %g; mean abs diff %g' %
                 (len(diff), np.mean(diff), np.mean(np.abs(diff))))
        self.assertLess(np.mean(diff), 0.6)

        # Differences of matched objects that were used in the fit.
        zp = pCal.calib.getMagnitude(1.)
        log.logdebug('zeropoint: %g' % zp)
        fitdiff = pCal.arrays.srcMag + zp - pCal.arrays.refMag
        log.logdebug('number of sources used in fit: %i' % len(fitdiff))
        log.logdebug('rms diff: %g' % np.mean(fitdiff**2)**0.5)
        log.logdebug('median abs(diff): %g' % np.median(np.abs(fitdiff)))

        # zeropoint: 31.3145
        # number of sources used in fit: 65
        # median diff: -0.009681
        # mean diff: 0.00331871
        # median abs(diff): 0.0368904
        # mean abs(diff): 0.0516589

        self.assertLess(abs(zp - 31.3145), 0.05)

        self.assertGreater(len(fitdiff), 50)
        # Tolerances are somewhat arbitrary; they're set simply to avoid regressions, and
        # are not based on we'd expect to get given the data quality.
        self.assertLess(np.mean(fitdiff**2)**0.5, 0.07)    # rms difference
        self.assertLess(np.median(np.abs(fitdiff)), 0.06)  # median absolution difference
Пример #9
    def test1(self):
        res = self.getAstrometrySolution()
        matches = res.matches

        print 'Test1'

        logLevel = Log.DEBUG
        log = Log(Log.getDefaultLog(), 'testPhotoCal', logLevel)

        schema = matches[0].second.schema

        config = PhotoCalConfig()

        # The test and associated data have been prepared on the basis that we
        # use the PsfFlux to perform photometry.
        config.fluxField = "base_PsfFlux_flux"

        config.doWriteOutput = False  # schema is fixed because we already loaded the data
        task = PhotoCalTask(config=config, schema=schema)
        pCal = task.run(exposure=self.exposure, matches=matches)
        print "Ref flux fields list =", pCal.arrays.refFluxFieldList
        refFluxField = pCal.arrays.refFluxFieldList[0]

        # These are *all* the matches; we don't really expect to do that well.
        diff = []
        for m in matches:
            refFlux = m[0].get(refFluxField)  # reference catalog flux
            if refFlux <= 0:
            refMag = afwImage.abMagFromFlux(refFlux)  # reference catalog mag
            instFlux = m[1].getPsfFlux()  #Instrumental Flux
            if instFlux <= 0:
            instMag = pCal.calib.getMagnitude(instFlux)  #Instrumental mag
            diff.append(instMag - refMag)
        diff = np.array(diff)

        self.assertGreater(len(diff), 50)
            '%i magnitude differences; mean difference %g; mean abs diff %g' %
            (len(diff), np.mean(diff), np.mean(np.abs(diff))))
        self.assertLess(np.mean(diff), 0.6)

        # Differences of matched objects that were used in the fit.
        zp = pCal.calib.getMagnitude(1.)
        log.logdebug('zeropoint: %g' % zp)
        fitdiff = pCal.arrays.srcMag + zp - pCal.arrays.refMag
        log.logdebug('number of sources used in fit: %i' % len(fitdiff))
        log.logdebug('rms diff: %g' % np.mean(fitdiff**2)**0.5)
        log.logdebug('median abs(diff): %g' % np.median(np.abs(fitdiff)))

        # zeropoint: 31.3145
        # number of sources used in fit: 65
        # median diff: -0.009681
        # mean diff: 0.00331871
        # median abs(diff): 0.0368904
        # mean abs(diff): 0.0516589

        self.assertLess(abs(zp - 31.3145), 0.05)

        self.assertGreater(len(fitdiff), 50)
        # Tolerances are somewhat arbitrary; they're set simply to avoid regressions, and
        # are not based on we'd expect to get given the data quality.
        self.assertLess(np.mean(fitdiff**2)**0.5, 0.07)  # rms difference
                        0.06)  # median absolution difference
Пример #10
def run():
    exposure, srcCat = loadData()
    schema = srcCat.getSchema()
    # Create the reference catalog loader
    refCatDir = os.path.join(lsst.utils.getPackageDir('meas_astrom'), 'tests',
                             'data', 'sdssrefcat')
    butler = Butler(refCatDir)
    refObjLoader = LoadIndexedReferenceObjectsTask(butler=butler)
    # Create the astrometry task
    config = AstrometryTask.ConfigClass()
    config.matcher.sourceFluxType = "Psf"  # sample catalog does not contain aperture flux
    config.matcher.minSnr = 0  # disable S/N test because sample catalog does not contain flux sigma
    aTask = AstrometryTask(config=config, refObjLoader=refObjLoader)
    # And the photometry Task
    config = PhotoCalTask.ConfigClass()
    config.applyColorTerms = False  # we don't have any available, so this suppresses a warning
    # The associated data has been prepared on the basis that we use PsfFlux to perform photometry.
    config.fluxField = "base_PsfFlux_flux"
    pTask = PhotoCalTask(config=config, schema=schema)
    # The tasks may have added extra elements to the schema (e.g. AstrometryTask's centroidKey to
    # handle distortion; photometryTask's config.outputField).  If this is so, we need to add
    # these columns to the Source table.
    # We wouldn't need to do this if we created the schema prior to measuring the exposure,
    # but in this case we read the sources from disk
    if schema != srcCat.getSchema():  # the tasks added fields
        print("Adding columns to the source catalogue")
        cat = afwTable.SourceCatalog(schema)

        scm = afwTable.SchemaMapper(srcCat.getSchema(), schema)
        for schEl in srcCat.getSchema():
            scm.addMapping(schEl.getKey(), True)

        cat.extend(srcCat, True, scm)  # copy srcCat to cat, adding new columns

        srcCat = cat
        del cat
    # Process the data
    matches = aTask.run(exposure, srcCat).matches
    result = pTask.run(exposure, matches)

    calib = result.calib
    fm0, fm0Err = calib.getFluxMag0()

    print("Used %d calibration sources out of %d matches" %
          (len(result.matches), len(matches)))

    delta = result.arrays.refMag - result.arrays.srcMag
    q25, q75 = np.percentile(delta, [25, 75])
    print("RMS error is %.3fmmsg (robust %.3f, Calib says %.3f)" %
          (np.std(delta), 0.741 *
           (q75 - q25), 2.5 / np.log(10) * fm0Err / fm0))