def connectOpsimDb(database, summaryOnly=False, summaryTable='summary'): """ Convenience function to handle connecting to database. Parameters ---------- database : str The path to the OpSim sqlite database file. summaryOnly : bool Flag indicating that the opsim database only contains a summary table (or not - in which case, a sqlite database file with all tables is expected). summaryTable : str The name of the summary table. Returns ------- OpsimDatabase """ import lsst.sims.maf.db as db if summaryOnly: # Connect to just the summary table (might be sqlite created from flat dat output file). opsimdb = db.OpsimDatabase(database=database, dbTables={'Summary':[summaryTable, 'obsHistID']}, defaultdbTables = None) else: # For a basic db connection to the sqlite db files. opsimdb = db.OpsimDatabase(database=database) return opsimdb
def compute_metric(params): """Function to execute the metric calculation when code is called from the commandline""" obsdb = db.OpsimDatabase('../../tutorials/baseline2018a.db') outputDir = '/home/docmaf/' resultsDb = db.ResultsDb(outDir=outputDir) (propids, proptags) = obsdb.fetchPropInfo() surveyWhere = obsdb.createSQLWhere(params['survey'], proptags) obs_params = { 'filters': params['filters'], 'cadence': params['cadence'], 'start_date': params['start_date'], 'end_date': params['end_date'] } metric = CadenceOverVisibilityWindowMetric(**obs_params) slicer = slicers.HealpixSlicer(nside=64) sqlconstraint = surveyWhere bundle = metricBundles.MetricBundle(metric, slicer, sqlconstraint) bgroup = metricBundles.MetricBundleGroup({0: bundle}, obsdb, outDir='newmetric_test', resultsDb=resultsDb) bgroup.runAll()
def testOut(self): """ Check that the metric bundle can generate the expected output """ slicer = slicers.HealpixSlicer(nside=8) metric = metrics.MeanMetric(col='airmass') sql = 'filter="r"' metricB = metricBundles.MetricBundle(metric, slicer, sql) filepath = os.path.join(os.getenv('SIMS_MAF_DIR'), 'tests/') database = os.path.join(filepath, 'opsimblitz1_1133_sqlite.db') opsdb = db.OpsimDatabase(database=database) resultsDb = db.ResultsDb(outDir=self.outDir) bgroup = metricBundles.MetricBundleGroup({0: metricB}, opsdb, outDir=self.outDir, resultsDb=resultsDb) bgroup.runAll() bgroup.plotAll() bgroup.writeAll() outThumbs = glob.glob(os.path.join(self.outDir, 'thumb*')) outNpz = glob.glob(os.path.join(self.outDir, '*.npz')) outPdf = glob.glob(os.path.join(self.outDir, '*.pdf')) # By default, make 3 plots for healpix assert (len(outThumbs) == 3) assert (len(outPdf) == 3) assert (len(outNpz) == 1)
def connect_dbs(dbDir, outDir, dbRuns=None): """ Initiate database objects to all opSim databases in the provided directory. Returns a dictionary consisting all database connections and a dictionary holding the resultsDb objects. Args: dbDir(str): The path to the dabase directory. outDir(str): The path to the result database directory. Returns: opSimDbs(dict): A dictionary containing the OpsimDatabase objects for opsim databases in the provided directory, keys are the run names. resultDbs(str): A dictionary containing the ResultsDb objects for opsim databases in the provided directory, keys are the run names. """ opSimDbs = {} resultDbs = {} if dbRuns is None: dbDir = os.path.abspath(dbDir) db_list = glob.glob(dbDir + '/*.db') else: db_list = [os.path.join(dbDir, dbRun + '.db') for dbRun in dbRuns] for dbPath in db_list: dbName = os.path.basename(dbPath) opSimDbs[os.path.splitext(dbName)[0]] = db.OpsimDatabase(dbPath) resultDbs[os.path.splitext(dbName)[0]] = \ db.ResultsDb(outDir=outDir, database=os.path.splitext(dbName)[0]+'_result.db') return (opSimDbs, resultDbs)
def __getOpSimMjd(self, opsim, ra, dec, fil): colmn = 'observationStartMJD' opsdb = db.OpsimDatabase(opsim) # Directory where tmp files are going to be stored TODO eliminate - this outDir = 'TmpDir' resultsDb = db.ResultsDb(outDir=outDir) metric = metrics.PassMetric(cols=[colmn, 'fiveSigmaDepth', 'filter']) slicer = slicers.UserPointsSlicer(ra=ra, dec=dec) sqlconstraint = 'filter = \'' + fil + '\'' bundle = mb.MetricBundle(metric, slicer, sqlconstraint, runName='name') bgroup = mb.MetricBundleGroup({0: bundle}, opsdb, outDir=outDir, resultsDb=resultsDb) bgroup.runAll() filters = np.unique(bundle.metricValues[0]['filter']) mv = bundle.metricValues[0] # Get dates mjd = mv[colmn] mjd = np.sort(mjd) print('Num of visits ' + str(len(mjd)) + ' ' + opsim) return mjd
def load_and_run(): dbFile = 'baseline_nexp2_v1.7_10yrs.db' opsimdb = db.OpsimDatabase(dbFile) runName = dbFile.replace('.db', '') nside = 64 slicer = slicers.HealpixSlicer(nside=nside) metric = SNNSNMetric(verbose=False) #, zlim_coeff=0.98) bundleList = [] #sql = '' sql = '(note = "%s")' % ('DD:COSMOS') bundleList.append( metricBundles.MetricBundle(metric, slicer, sql, runName=runName)) outDir = 'temp' resultsDb = db.ResultsDb(outDir=outDir) bundleDict = metricBundles.makeBundlesDictFromList(bundleList) bgroup = metricBundles.MetricBundleGroup(bundleDict, opsimdb, outDir=outDir, resultsDb=resultsDb) bgroup.runAll() bgroup.plotAll()
def runChips(useCamera=False): import numpy as np import lsst.sims.maf.slicers as slicers import lsst.sims.maf.metrics as metrics import lsst.sims.maf.metricBundles as metricBundles import lsst.sims.maf.db as db from lsst.sims.maf.plots import PlotHandler import matplotlib.pylab as plt import healpy as hp print 'Camera setting = ', useCamera database = 'enigma_1189_sqlite.db' sqlWhere = 'filter = "r" and night < 800 and fieldRA < %f and fieldDec > %f and fieldDec < 0' % (np.radians(15), np.radians(-15)) opsdb = db.OpsimDatabase(database) outDir = 'Camera' resultsDb = db.ResultsDb(outDir=outDir) nside=512 tag = 'F' if useCamera: tag='T' metric = metrics.CountMetric('expMJD', metricName='chipgap_%s'%tag) slicer = slicers.HealpixSlicer(nside=nside, useCamera=useCamera) bundle1 = metricBundles.MetricBundle(metric,slicer,sqlWhere) bg = metricBundles.MetricBundleGroup({0:bundle1},opsdb, outDir=outDir, resultsDb=resultsDb) bg.runAll() hp.gnomview(bundle1.metricValues, xsize=800,ysize=800, rot=(7,-7,0), unit='Count', min=1) plt.savefig(outDir+'/fig'+tag+'.png')
def run_maf(dbFile, ra, dec): """Retrive min inter_night gap, and observation history with the input of database file name and arrays of RA and DEC. Note: the observing cadence returned are not ordered by date!! """ # establish connection to sqllite database file. opsimdb = db.OpsimDatabase(dbFile) # While we're in transition between opsim v3 and v4, this may be helpful: print("{dbFile} is an opsim version {version} database".format(dbFile=dbFile, version=opsimdb.opsimVersion)) if opsimdb.opsimVersion == "V3": # For v3 databases: mjdcol = 'expMJD' degrees = False cols = ['filter', 'fiveSigmaDepth', mjdcol, 'expDate'] stackerList = [] else: # For v4 and alternate scheduler databases. mjdcol = 'observationStartMJD' degrees = True cols = ['filter', 'fiveSigmaDepth', mjdcol] stackerList = [expDateStacker()] # IntraNightGapsMetric returns the gap (in days) between observations within the same night custom reduceFunc to find min gaps metric = metrics.cadenceMetrics.IntraNightGapsMetric(reduceFunc=np.amin, mjdCol=mjdcol) # PassMetric just pass all values metric_pass = metrics.simpleMetrics.PassMetric(cols=cols) # slicer for slicing pointing history slicer = slicers.UserPointsSlicer(ra, dec, lonCol='fieldRA', latCol='fieldDec', latLonDeg=degrees) # sql constrains, 3 for baseline2018a, 1 for rolling m2045 sql = '' # bundles to combine metric, slicer and sql constrain together bundle = metricBundles.MetricBundle(metric, slicer, sql) date_bundle = metricBundles.MetricBundle(metric_pass, slicer, sql, stackerList=stackerList) # create metric bundle group and returns bg = metricBundles.MetricBundleGroup( { 'sep': bundle, 'cadence': date_bundle }, opsimdb, outDir=outDir, resultsDb=resultsDb) bg.runAll() opsimdb.close() return bg
def testOpsimDbSetup(self): """Test opsim specific database class setup/instantiation.""" # Test tables were connected to. self.assertTrue(isinstance(self.oo.tables, dict)) self.assertEqual(self.oo.dbTables['Summary'][0], 'Summary') # Test can override default table name/id keys if needed. oo = db.OpsimDatabase( database=self.database, dbTables={'Summary': ['ObsHistory', 'obsHistID']}) self.assertEqual(oo.dbTables['Summary'][0], 'ObsHistory')
def testOut(self): """ Check that the metric bundle can generate the expected output """ nside = 8 slicer = slicers.HealpixSlicer(nside=nside) metric = metrics.MeanMetric(col='airmass') sql = 'filter="r"' stacker1 = stackers.RandomDitherFieldPerVisitStacker() stacker2 = stackers.GalacticStacker() map1 = maps.GalCoordsMap() map2 = maps.StellarDensityMap() metricB = metricBundles.MetricBundle(metric, slicer, sql, stackerList=[stacker1, stacker2]) filepath = os.path.join(os.getenv('SIMS_MAF_DIR'), 'tests/') database = os.path.join(filepath, 'opsimblitz1_1133_sqlite.db') opsdb = db.OpsimDatabase(database=database) resultsDb = db.ResultsDb(outDir=self.outDir) bgroup = metricBundles.MetricBundleGroup({0: metricB}, opsdb, outDir=self.outDir, resultsDb=resultsDb) bgroup.runAll() bgroup.plotAll() bgroup.writeAll() outThumbs = glob.glob(os.path.join(self.outDir, 'thumb*')) outNpz = glob.glob(os.path.join(self.outDir, '*.npz')) outPdf = glob.glob(os.path.join(self.outDir, '*.pdf')) # By default, make 3 plots for healpix assert (len(outThumbs) == 3) assert (len(outPdf) == 3) assert (len(outNpz) == 1)
def run(config_filename): # YAML input file. config = yaml.load(open(config_filename), Loader=yaml.FullLoader) # print(config) outDir = 'Test' # this is for MAF # grab the db filename from yaml input file dbFile = config['Observations']['filename'] """ conn = sqlite3.connect(dbFile) cur = conn.cursor() table_name='Proposal' result = cur.execute("PRAGMA table_info('%s')" % table_name).fetchall() print('Results',result) cur.execute("SELECT * FROM Proposal") rows = cur.fetchall() for row in rows: print(row) print('end') cur.execute('PRAGMA TABLE_INFO({})'.format('ObsHistory')) names = [tup[1] for tup in cur.fetchall()] print(names) """ opsimdb = db.OpsimDatabase(dbFile) # version = opsimdb.opsimVersion propinfo, proptags = opsimdb.fetchPropInfo() print('proptags and propinfo', proptags, propinfo) # grab the fieldtype (DD or WFD) from yaml input file fieldtype = config['Observations']['fieldtype'] fake_file = config['Fake_file'] module = import_module(config['Metric']) slicer = slicers.HealpixSlicer(nside=config['Pixelisation']['nside']) sqlconstraint = opsimdb.createSQLWhere(fieldtype, proptags) bundles = [] names = [] lim_sn = {} bands = config['Observations']['bands'] z = config['Observations']['z'] metric = {} # processing. Band after band Ra_ref = 0.000 Dec_ref = -2.308039 time_ref = time.time() for band in bands: sql_i = sqlconstraint+' AND ' sql_i += 'filter = "%s"' % (band) # sql_i += ' AND abs(fieldRA-(%f))< %f' % (Ra_ref, 1.e-2)+' AND ' # sql_i += 'abs(fieldDec-(%f))< %f' % (Dec_ref, 1.e-2) lim_sn[band] = ReferenceData( config['Li file'], config['Mag_to_flux file'], band, z) metric[band] = module.SNSNRMetric(lim_sn=lim_sn[band], names_ref=config['names_ref'], fake_file=fake_file, coadd=config['Observations'] ['coadd'], z=z, display=config['Display_Processing'], season=config['Observations']['season']) bundles.append(metricBundles.MetricBundle(metric[band], slicer, sql_i)) names.append(band) bdict = dict(zip(names, bundles)) resultsDb = db.ResultsDb(outDir='None') mbg = metricBundles.MetricBundleGroup(bdict, opsimdb, outDir=outDir, resultsDb=resultsDb) mbg.runAll() # Let us display the results for band, val in bdict.items(): metValues = val.metricValues[~val.metricValues.mask] res = None for vals in metValues: if res is None: res = vals else: res = np.concatenate((res, vals)) res = np.unique(res) """ sn_plot.detecFracPlot(res, config['Pixelisation'] ['nside'], config['names_ref']) sn_plot.detecFracHist(res, config['names_ref']) """
def coaddM5Analysis(path, dbfile, runName, slair=False, WFDandDDFs=False, noDithOnly=False, bestDithOnly=False, someDithOnly=False, specifiedDith=None, nside=128, filterBand='r', includeDustExtinction=False, saveunMaskedCoaddData=False, pixelRadiusForMasking=5, cutOffYear=None, plotSkymap=True, plotCartview=True, unmaskedColorMin=None, unmaskedColorMax=None, maskedColorMin=None, maskedColorMax=None, nTicks=5, plotPowerSpectrum=True, showPlots=True, saveFigs=True, almAnalysis=True, raRange=[-50, 50], decRange=[-65, 5], saveMaskedCoaddData=True): """ Analyze the artifacts induced in the coadded 5sigma depth due to imperfect observing strategy. - Creates an output directory for subdirectories containing the specified things to save. - Creates, shows, and saves comparison plots. - Returns the metricBundle object containing the calculated coadded depth, and the output directory name. Required Parameters ------------------- * path: str: path to the main directory where output directory is to be saved. * dbfile: str: path to the OpSim output file, e.g. to a copy of enigma_1189 * runName: str: run name tag to identify the output of specified OpSim output, e.g. 'enigma1189' Optional Parameters ------------------- * slair: boolean: set to True if analysis on a SLAIR output. Default: False * WFDandDDFs: boolean: set to True if want to consider both WFD survet and DDFs. Otherwise will only work with WFD. Default: False * noDithOnly: boolean: set to True if only want to consider the undithered survey. Default: False * bestDithOnly: boolean: set to True if only want to consider RandomDitherFieldPerVisit. Default: False * someDithOnly: boolean: set to True if only want to consider undithered and a few dithered surveys. Default: False * specifiedDith: str: specific dither strategy to run. Default: None * nside: int: HEALpix resolution parameter. Default: 128 * filterBand: str: any one of 'u', 'g', 'r', 'i', 'z', 'y'. Default: 'r' * includeDustExtinction: boolean: set to include dust extinction. Default: False * saveunMaskedCoaddData: boolean: set to True to save data before border masking. Default: False * pixelRadiusForMasking: int: number of pixels to mask along the shallow border. Default: 5 * cutOffYear: int: year cut to restrict analysis to only a subset of the survey. Must range from 1 to 9, or None for the full survey analysis (10 yrs). Default: None * plotSkymap: boolean: set to True if want to plot skymaps. Default: True * plotCartview: boolean: set to True if want to plot cartview plots. Default: False * unmaskedColorMin: float: lower limit on the colorscale for unmasked skymaps. Default: None * unmaskedColorMax: float: upper limit on the colorscale for unmasked skymaps. Default: None * maskedColorMin: float: lower limit on the colorscale for border-masked skymaps. Default: None * maskedColorMax: float: upper limit on the colorscale for border-masked skymaps. Default: None * nTicks: int: (number of ticks - 1) on the skymap colorbar. Default: 5 * plotPowerSpectrum: boolean: set to True if want to plot powerspectra. Default: True * showPlots: boolean: set to True if want to show figures. Default: True * saveFigs: boolean: set to True if want to save figures. Default: True * almAnalysis: boolean: set to True to perform the alm analysis. Default: True * raRange: float array: range of right ascention (in degrees) to consider in alm cartview plot; applicable when almAnalysis=True. Default: [-50,50] * decRange: float array: range of declination (in degrees) to consider in alm cartview plot; applicable when almAnalysis=True. Default: [-65,5] * saveMaskedCoaddData: boolean: set to True to save the coadded depth data after the border masking. Default: True """ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # read in the database if slair: # slair database opsdb = db.Database(dbfile, defaultTable='observations') else: # OpSim database opsdb = db.OpsimDatabase(dbfile) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # set up the outDir zeropt_tag = '' if cutOffYear is not None: zeropt_tag = '%syearCut' % cutOffYear else: zeropt_tag = 'fullSurveyPeriod' if includeDustExtinction: dust_tag = 'withDustExtinction' else: dust_tag = 'noDustExtinction' regionType = '' if WFDandDDFs: regionType = 'WFDandDDFs_' outDir = 'coaddM5Analysis_%snside%s_%s_%spixelRadiusForMasking_%sBand_%s_%s_directory' % ( regionType, nside, dust_tag, pixelRadiusForMasking, filterBand, runName, zeropt_tag) print('# outDir: %s' % outDir) resultsDb = db.ResultsDb(outDir=outDir) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # set up the sql constraint if WFDandDDFs: if cutOffYear is not None: nightCutOff = (cutOffYear) * 365.25 sqlconstraint = 'night<=%s and filter=="%s"' % (nightCutOff, filterBand) else: sqlconstraint = 'filter=="%s"' % filterBand else: # set up the propID and units on the ra, dec if slair: # no prop ID; only WFD is simulated. wfdWhere = '' raDecInDeg = True else: propIds, propTags = opsdb.fetchPropInfo() wfdWhere = '%s and ' % opsdb.createSQLWhere('WFD', propTags) raDecInDeg = opsdb.raDecInDeg # set up the year cutoff if cutOffYear is not None: nightCutOff = (cutOffYear) * 365.25 sqlconstraint = '%snight<=%s and filter=="%s"' % ( wfdWhere, nightCutOff, filterBand) else: sqlconstraint = '%sfilter=="%s"' % (wfdWhere, filterBand) print('# sqlconstraint: %s' % sqlconstraint) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # setup all the slicers slicer = {} stackerList = {} if specifiedDith is not None: # would like to add all the stackers first and then keep only the one that is specified bestDithOnly, noDithOnly = False, False if bestDithOnly: stackerList['RandomDitherFieldPerVisit'] = [ mafStackers.RandomDitherFieldPerVisitStacker(degrees=raDecInDeg, randomSeed=1000) ] slicer['RandomDitherFieldPerVisit'] = slicers.HealpixSlicer( lonCol='randomDitherFieldPerVisitRa', latCol='randomDitherFieldPerVisitDec', latLonDeg=raDecInDeg, nside=nside, useCache=False) else: if slair: slicer['NoDither'] = slicers.HealpixSlicer(lonCol='RA', latCol='dec', latLonDeg=raDecInDeg, nside=nside, useCache=False) else: slicer['NoDither'] = slicers.HealpixSlicer(lonCol='fieldRA', latCol='fieldDec', latLonDeg=raDecInDeg, nside=nside, useCache=False) if someDithOnly and not noDithOnly: #stackerList['RepulsiveRandomDitherFieldPerVisit'] = [myStackers.RepulsiveRandomDitherFieldPerVisitStacker(degrees=raDecInDeg, # randomSeed=1000)] #slicer['RepulsiveRandomDitherFieldPerVisit'] = slicers.HealpixSlicer(lonCol='repulsiveRandomDitherFieldPerVisitRa', # latCol='repulsiveRandomDitherFieldPerVisitDec', # latLonDeg=raDecInDeg, nside=nside, # useCache=False) slicer['SequentialHexDitherFieldPerNight'] = slicers.HealpixSlicer( lonCol='hexDitherFieldPerNightRa', latCol='hexDitherFieldPerNightDec', latLonDeg=raDecInDeg, nside=nside, useCache=False) slicer['PentagonDitherPerSeason'] = slicers.HealpixSlicer( lonCol='pentagonDitherPerSeasonRa', latCol='pentagonDitherPerSeasonDec', latLonDeg=raDecInDeg, nside=nside, useCache=False) elif not noDithOnly: # random dithers on different timescales stackerList['RandomDitherPerNight'] = [ mafStackers.RandomDitherPerNightStacker(degrees=raDecInDeg, randomSeed=1000) ] stackerList['RandomDitherFieldPerNight'] = [ mafStackers.RandomDitherFieldPerNightStacker( degrees=raDecInDeg, randomSeed=1000) ] stackerList['RandomDitherFieldPerVisit'] = [ mafStackers.RandomDitherFieldPerVisitStacker( degrees=raDecInDeg, randomSeed=1000) ] # rep random dithers on different timescales #stackerList['RepulsiveRandomDitherPerNight'] = [myStackers.RepulsiveRandomDitherPerNightStacker(degrees=raDecInDeg, # randomSeed=1000)] #stackerList['RepulsiveRandomDitherFieldPerNight'] = [myStackers.RepulsiveRandomDitherFieldPerNightStacker(degrees=raDecInDeg, # randomSeed=1000)] #stackerList['RepulsiveRandomDitherFieldPerVisit'] = [myStackers.RepulsiveRandomDitherFieldPerVisitStacker(degrees=raDecInDeg, # randomSeed=1000)] # set up slicers for different dithers # random dithers on different timescales slicer['RandomDitherPerNight'] = slicers.HealpixSlicer( lonCol='randomDitherPerNightRa', latCol='randomDitherPerNightDec', latLonDeg=raDecInDeg, nside=nside, useCache=False) slicer['RandomDitherFieldPerNight'] = slicers.HealpixSlicer( lonCol='randomDitherFieldPerNightRa', latCol='randomDitherFieldPerNightDec', latLonDeg=raDecInDeg, nside=nside, useCache=False) slicer['RandomDitherFieldPerVisit'] = slicers.HealpixSlicer( lonCol='randomDitherFieldPerVisitRa', latCol='randomDitherFieldPerVisitDec', latLonDeg=raDecInDeg, nside=nside, useCache=False) # rep random dithers on different timescales #slicer['RepulsiveRandomDitherPerNight'] = slicers.HealpixSlicer(lonCol='repulsiveRandomDitherPerNightRa', # latCol='repulsiveRandomDitherPerNightDec', # latLonDeg=raDecInDeg, nside=nside, useCache=False) #slicer['RepulsiveRandomDitherFieldPerNight'] = slicers.HealpixSlicer(lonCol='repulsiveRandomDitherFieldPerNightRa', # latCol='repulsiveRandomDitherFieldPerNightDec', # latLonDeg=raDecInDeg, nside=nside, # useCache=False) #slicer['RepulsiveRandomDitherFieldPerVisit'] = slicers.HealpixSlicer(lonCol='repulsiveRandomDitherFieldPerVisitRa', # latCol='repulsiveRandomDitherFieldPerVisitDec', # latLonDeg=raDecInDeg, nside=nside, # useCache=False) # spiral dithers on different timescales slicer['FermatSpiralDitherPerNight'] = slicers.HealpixSlicer( lonCol='fermatSpiralDitherPerNightRa', latCol='fermatSpiralDitherPerNightDec', latLonDeg=raDecInDeg, nside=nside, useCache=False) slicer['FermatSpiralDitherFieldPerNight'] = slicers.HealpixSlicer( lonCol='fermatSpiralDitherFieldPerNightRa', latCol='fermatSpiralDitherFieldPerNightDec', latLonDeg=raDecInDeg, nside=nside, useCache=False) slicer['FermatSpiralDitherFieldPerVisit'] = slicers.HealpixSlicer( lonCol='fermatSpiralDitherFieldPerVisitRa', latCol='fermatSpiralDitherFieldPerVisitDec', latLonDeg=raDecInDeg, nside=nside, useCache=False) # hex dithers on different timescales slicer['SequentialHexDitherPerNight'] = slicers.HealpixSlicer( lonCol='hexDitherPerNightRa', latCol='hexDitherPerNightDec', latLonDeg=raDecInDeg, nside=nside, useCache=False) slicer['SequentialHexDitherFieldPerNight'] = slicers.HealpixSlicer( lonCol='hexDitherFieldPerNightRa', latCol='hexDitherFieldPerNightDec', latLonDeg=raDecInDeg, nside=nside, useCache=False) slicer['SequentialHexDitherFieldPerVisit'] = slicers.HealpixSlicer( lonCol='hexDitherFieldPerVisitRa', latCol='hexDitherFieldPerVisitDec', latLonDeg=raDecInDeg, nside=nside, useCache=False) # per season dithers slicer['PentagonDitherPerSeason'] = slicers.HealpixSlicer( lonCol='pentagonDitherPerSeasonRa', latCol='pentagonDitherPerSeasonDec', latLonDeg=raDecInDeg, nside=nside, useCache=False) slicer['PentagonDiamondDitherPerSeason'] = slicers.HealpixSlicer( lonCol='pentagonDiamondDitherPerSeasonRa', latCol='pentagonDiamondDitherPerSeasonDec', latLonDeg=raDecInDeg, nside=nside, useCache=False) slicer['SpiralDitherPerSeason'] = slicers.HealpixSlicer( lonCol='spiralDitherPerSeasonRa', latCol='spiralDitherPerSeasonDec', latLonDeg=raDecInDeg, nside=nside, useCache=False) if specifiedDith is not None: stackerList_, slicer_ = {}, {} if specifiedDith in slicer.keys(): if specifiedDith.__contains__( 'Random' ): # only Random dithers have a stacker object for rand seed specification stackerList_[specifiedDith] = stackerList[specifiedDith] slicer_[specifiedDith] = slicer[specifiedDith] else: raise ValueError( 'Invalid value for specifiedDith: %s. Allowed values include one of the following:\n%s' % (specifiedDith, slicer.keys())) stackerList, slicer = stackerList_, slicer_ # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ if slair: m5Col = 'fivesigmadepth' else: m5Col = 'fiveSigmaDepth' # set up the metric if includeDustExtinction: # include dust extinction when calculating the co-added depth coaddMetric = metrics.ExgalM5(m5Col=m5Col, lsstFilter=filterBand) else: coaddMetric = metrics.Coaddm5Metric(m5col=m5col) dustMap = maps.DustMap( interp=False, nside=nside ) # include dustMap; actual in/exclusion of dust is handled by the galaxyCountMetric # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # set up the bundle coaddBundle = {} for dither in slicer: if dither in stackerList: coaddBundle[dither] = metricBundles.MetricBundle( coaddMetric, slicer[dither], sqlconstraint, stackerList=stackerList[dither], runName=runName, metadata=dither, mapsList=[dustMap]) else: coaddBundle[dither] = metricBundles.MetricBundle( coaddMetric, slicer[dither], sqlconstraint, runName=runName, metadata=dither, mapsList=[dustMap]) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # run the analysis if includeDustExtinction: print('\n# Running coaddBundle with dust extinction ...') else: print('\n# Running coaddBundle without dust extinction ...') cGroup = metricBundles.MetricBundleGroup(coaddBundle, opsdb, outDir=outDir, resultsDb=resultsDb, saveEarly=False) cGroup.runAll() # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # plot and save the data plotBundleMaps(path, outDir, coaddBundle, dataLabel='$%s$-band Coadded Depth' % filterBand, filterBand=filterBand, dataName='%s-band Coadded Depth' % filterBand, skymap=plotSkymap, powerSpectrum=plotPowerSpectrum, cartview=plotCartview, colorMin=unmaskedColorMin, colorMax=unmaskedColorMax, nTicks=nTicks, showPlots=showPlots, saveFigs=saveFigs, outDirNameForSavedFigs='coaddM5Plots_unmaskedBorders') print('\n# Done saving plots without border masking.\n') # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ plotHandler = plots.PlotHandler(outDir=outDir, resultsDb=resultsDb, thumbnail=False, savefig=False) print( '# Number of pixels in the survey region (before masking the border):') for dither in coaddBundle: print( ' %s: %s' % (dither, len(np.where(coaddBundle[dither].metricValues.mask == False)[0]))) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # save the unmasked data? if saveunMaskedCoaddData: outDir_new = 'unmaskedCoaddData' if not os.path.exists('%s%s/%s' % (path, outDir, outDir_new)): os.makedirs('%s%s/%s' % (path, outDir, outDir_new)) saveBundleData_npzFormat('%s%s/%s' % (path, outDir, outDir_new), coaddBundle, 'coaddM5Data_unmasked', filterBand) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # mask the edges print('\n# Masking the edges for coadd ...') coaddBundle = maskingAlgorithmGeneralized( coaddBundle, plotHandler, dataLabel='$%s$-band Coadded Depth' % filterBand, nside=nside, pixelRadius=pixelRadiusForMasking, plotIntermediatePlots=False, plotFinalPlots=False, printFinalInfo=True) if (pixelRadiusForMasking > 0): # plot and save the masked data plotBundleMaps(path, outDir, coaddBundle, dataLabel='$%s$-band Coadded Depth' % filterBand, filterBand=filterBand, dataName='%s-band Coadded Depth' % filterBand, skymap=plotSkymap, powerSpectrum=plotPowerSpectrum, cartview=plotCartview, colorMin=maskedColorMin, colorMax=maskedColorMax, nTicks=nTicks, showPlots=showPlots, saveFigs=saveFigs, outDirNameForSavedFigs='coaddM5Plots_maskedBorders') print('\n# Done saving plots with border masking. \n') # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Calculate total power summarymetric = metrics.TotalPowerMetric() for dither in coaddBundle: coaddBundle[dither].setSummaryMetrics(summarymetric) coaddBundle[dither].computeSummaryStats() print('# Total power for %s case is %f.' % (dither, coaddBundle[dither].summaryValues['TotalPower'])) print('') # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # run the alm analysis if almAnalysis: almPlots(path, outDir, copy.deepcopy(coaddBundle), nside=nside, filterband=filterBand, raRange=raRange, decRange=decRange, showPlots=showPlots) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # save the masked data? if saveMaskedCoaddData and (pixelRadiusForMasking > 0): outDir_new = 'maskedCoaddData' if not os.path.exists('%s%s/%s' % (path, outDir, outDir_new)): os.makedirs('%s%s/%s' % (path, outDir, outDir_new)) saveBundleData_npzFormat('%s%s/%s' % (path, outDir, outDir_new), coaddBundle, 'coaddM5Data_masked', filterBand) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # plot comparison plots if len(coaddBundle.keys()) > 1: # more than one key # set up the directory outDir_comp = 'coaddM5ComparisonPlots' if not os.path.exists('%s%s/%s' % (path, outDir, outDir_comp)): os.makedirs('%s%s/%s' % (path, outDir, outDir_comp)) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # plot for the power spectra cl = {} for dither in plotColor: if dither in coaddBundle: cl[dither] = hp.anafast(hp.remove_dipole( coaddBundle[dither].metricValues.filled( coaddBundle[dither].slicer.badval)), lmax=500) ell = np.arange(np.size(cl[dither])) plt.plot(ell, (cl[dither] * ell * (ell + 1)) / 2.0 / np.pi, color=plotColor[dither], linestyle='-', label=dither) plt.xlabel(r'$\ell$') plt.ylabel(r'$\ell(\ell+1)C_\ell/(2\pi)$') plt.xlim(0, 500) fig = plt.gcf() fig.set_size_inches(12.5, 10.5) leg = plt.legend(labelspacing=0.001) for legobj in leg.legendHandles: legobj.set_linewidth(4.0) filename = 'powerspectrum_comparison_all.png' plt.savefig('%s%s/%s/%s' % (path, outDir, outDir_comp, filename), bbox_inches='tight', format='png') # create the histogram scale = hp.nside2pixarea(nside, degrees=True) def tickFormatter(y, pos): return '%d' % (y * scale) # convert pixel count to area binsize = 0.01 for dither in plotColor: if dither in coaddBundle: ind = np.where( coaddBundle[dither].metricValues.mask == False)[0] binAll = int( (max(coaddBundle[dither][ind]) - min(coaddBundle[dither][ind])) / binsize) plt.hist(coaddBundle[dither][ind], bins=binAll, label=dither, histtype='step', color=plotColor[dither]) ax = plt.gca() ymin, ymax = ax.get_ylim() nYticks = 10. wantedYMax = ymax * scale wantedYMax = 10. * np.ceil(float(wantedYMax) / 10.) increment = 5. * np.ceil(float(wantedYMax / nYticks) / 5.) wantedArray = np.arange(0, wantedYMax, increment) ax.yaxis.set_ticks(wantedArray / scale) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(FuncFormatter(tickFormatter)) plt.xlabel('$%s$-band Coadded Depth' % filterBand) plt.ylabel('Area (deg$^2$)') fig = plt.gcf() fig.set_size_inches(12.5, 10.5) leg = plt.legend(labelspacing=0.001, loc=2) for legobj in leg.legendHandles: legobj.set_linewidth(2.0) filename = 'histogram_comparison.png' plt.savefig('%s%s/%s/%s' % (path, outDir, outDir_comp, filename), bbox_inches='tight', format='png') # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # plot power spectra for the separte panel totKeys = len(list(coaddBundle.keys())) if (totKeys > 1): plt.clf() nCols = 2 nRows = int(np.ceil(float(totKeys) / nCols)) fig, ax = plt.subplots(nRows, nCols) plotRow = 0 plotCol = 0 for dither in list(plotColor.keys()): if dither in list(coaddBundle.keys()): ell = np.arange(np.size(cl[dither])) ax[plotRow, plotCol].plot(ell, (cl[dither] * ell * (ell + 1)) / 2.0 / np.pi, color=plotColor[dither], label=dither) if (plotRow == nRows - 1): ax[plotRow, plotCol].set_xlabel(r'$\ell$') ax[plotRow, plotCol].set_ylabel(r'$\ell(\ell+1)C_\ell/(2\pi)$') ax[plotRow, plotCol].yaxis.set_major_locator(MaxNLocator(3)) if (dither != 'NoDither'): ax[plotRow, plotCol].set_ylim(0, 0.0035) ax[plotRow, plotCol].set_xlim(0, 500) plotRow += 1 if (plotRow > nRows - 1): plotRow = 0 plotCol += 1 fig.set_size_inches(20, int(nRows * 30 / 7.)) filename = 'powerspectrum_sepPanels.png' plt.savefig('%s%s/%s/%s' % (path, outDir, outDir_comp, filename), bbox_inches='tight', format='png') return coaddBundle, outDir
obsFiles = args.obsFile else: obsFiles = [args.obsFile] print(f'Will loop through {len(obsFiles)} observation files') # Set up resultsDb. if not (os.path.isdir(args.outDir)): os.makedirs(args.outDir) resultsDb = db.ResultsDb(outDir=args.outDir) Hrange = np.arange(args.hMin, args.hMax + args.hStep, args.hStep) if args.hMark is None: hIdx = int(len(Hrange) / 2) args.hMark = Hrange[hIdx] if args.opsimDb is not None: opsdb = db.OpsimDatabase(args.opsimDb) colmap = batches.getColMap(opsdb) opsdb.close() else: # Use the default (currently, v4). colmap = batches.ColMapDict() # Loop through calculation of metrics tempRoot = 'quick_subset' for i, obsFile in enumerate(obsFiles): slicer = batches.setupMoSlicer(args.orbitFile, Hrange, obsFile=obsFile) # Run discovery metrics using 'trailing' losses bdictD, pbundleD = batches.quickDiscoveryBatch( slicer, colmap=colmap, runName=args.opsimRun,
pad=0.1, orientation='horizontal', format=None, extendrect=True) cb.set_label(unit, fontsize=None) tick_locator = ticker.MaxNLocator(nbins=nbins) cb.locator = tick_locator cb.update_ticks() cb.solids.set_edgecolor("face") return cb nside = 128 # Connect to an opsim database, bleeding-edge sims here: # opsdb = db.OpsimDatabase('baseline_1exp_pairsmix_10yrs.db') outDir = 'maf_out' resultsDb = db.ResultsDb(outDir=outDir) plotFuncs = [plots.TwoDMap()] filters = ['u', 'g', 'r', 'i', 'z', 'y'] day_max = np.round(365.25 * 2) bins = np.arange(day_max) nval = 3 for filtername in filters: metric = metrics.AccumulateCountMetric(bins=bins) slicer = slicers.HealpixSlicer(nside=nside) plotDict = {'xlabel': 'Night (days)', 'cbarTitle': 'N obs', 'colorMax': 75} # only use i-band
def save_csv_dithers(dbs_path, outDir, db_files_only=None, rot_rand_seed=42, trans_rand_seed=42, print_progress=True, show_diagnostic_plots=False, save_plots=False): """ The goal here is to calculate the translational and rotational dithers for various cadences and save the output as a csv file. These dithers are largely the same as in DC1/DC2: - Translational dithers: - WFD: large random offsets (as large as 1.75 deg) applied after every visit. - DD: small random offsets (as large as 7 arcmin) applied after every visit. - Else: no dithers, so `fieldRA`, `fieldDec` are returned. - Rotational dithers: - All surveys (WFD, DD, else): random between -90, 90 degrees applied after every filter change. (Break from DC2: Some visits dont get dithered since they are forced outside the rotator range. See RotStacker info for details.) Supports OpSim V3/V4 outputs. Required Inputs --------------- * dbs_path: str: path to the directory that contains the .db files; could have non-.db files. * outDir: str: path to the directory where the output should be saved. Optional Inputs --------------- * db_files_only: list of str: list of names of the db files to run. Default: None. Runs over all the files in db_path. * rot_rand_seed: int: seed for random number generator for rotational dithers. Default: 42 * trans_rand_seed: int: seed for random number generator for translational dithers. Default: 42 * print_progress: bool: set to False to not print progress. Default: True * show_diagnostic_plots: bool: set to True to show histogram of added dithers. Default: False * save_plots: bool: set to True to save the histogram for descDithers in outDir. Default: False Saved file format ----------------- .csv file with four columns: obsIDcol, 'descDitheredRA', 'descDitheredDec', 'descDitheredRotTelPos' where obsIDcol = 'observationId' for V4 outputs and 'obsHistID' for V3 outputs. Saved filename = descDithers_<database name>.csv """ startTime_0 = time.time() readme = '##############################\n%s' % ( readme += '\nRunning with lsst.sims.maf.__version__: %s' % lsst.sims.maf.__version__ readme += '\n\nsave_csv_dithers run:\ndbs_path= %s\n' % dbs_path readme += 'outDir: %s' % outDir readme += 'db_files_only: %s' % db_files_only readme += 'rot_rand_seed=%s\ntrans_rand_seed=%s' % (rot_rand_seed, trans_rand_seed) readme += 'print_progress=%s\show_diagnostic_plots=%s\n' % ( print_progress, show_diagnostic_plots) dbfiles = [f for f in os.listdir(dbs_path) if f.endswith('db')] # select db files if print_progress: print('Found files: %s\n' % dbfiles) if db_files_only is not None: dbfiles = [f for f in dbfiles if f in db_files_only] # select db files readme += '\nReading for files: %s\n\n' % dbfiles if print_progress and db_files_only is not None: print('Running over: %s\n' % dbfiles) for i, dbfile in enumerate(dbfiles): # loop over all the db files startTime = time.time() if (i != 0): readme = '' readme += '%s' % dbfile if print_progress: print('Starting: %s\n' % dbfile) opsdb = db.OpsimDatabase('%s/%s' % (dbs_path, dbfile)) # connect to the database # specify the column names to get from the db file colnames = [ 'proposalId', 'observationId', 'fieldRA', 'fieldDec', 'rotTelPos' ] propIDcol, obsIDcol = 'proposalId', 'observationId' if (opsdb.opsimVersion == 'V3'): # V3 outputs have somewhat different column names colnames = [ 'propID', 'obsHistID', 'fieldRA', 'fieldDec', 'rotTelPos' ] propIDcol, obsIDcol = 'propID', 'obsHistID' # get the data simdata = opsdb.fetchMetricData(colnames=colnames, sqlconstraint=None) # set up to run the stackers that add columns for translational and rotational dithers. metric = metrics.PassMetric( ) # want to access the database; no analysis needed slicer = slicers.OneDSlicer( sliceColName='night', binsize=1, verbose=print_progress) # essentially accessing all nights sqlconstraint = None resultsDb = db.ResultsDb(outDir=outDir) ################################################################################################ # set up metric bundle to run stackers for large translational dithers + rotational dithers if print_progress: print('Setting up for WFD translational dithers + rot dithers.') bgroup = {} stackerList = [ stackers.RandomDitherFieldPerVisitStacker( degrees=opsdb.raDecInDeg, randomSeed=trans_rand_seed), stackers.RandomRotDitherPerFilterChangeStacker( degrees=opsdb.raDecInDeg, randomSeed=rot_rand_seed) ] bundle = metricBundles.MetricBundle(metric, slicer, sqlconstraint=sqlconstraint, stackerList=stackerList) bgroup['WFD'] = metricBundles.MetricBundleGroup({0: bundle}, opsdb, outDir=outDir, resultsDb=resultsDb, saveEarly=False, verbose=print_progress) # run the bundle bgroup['WFD'].runAll() # set up the bundle for small translational dithers if print_progress: print('\nSetting up for DD translational dithers.') chipSize = 1.75 * 2 / 15 chipMaxDither = chipSize / 2. stackerList = [ stackers.RandomDitherFieldPerVisitStacker( maxDither=chipMaxDither, degrees=opsdb.raDecInDeg, randomSeed=trans_rand_seed) ] bundle = metricBundles.MetricBundle(metric, slicer, sqlconstraint=sqlconstraint, stackerList=stackerList) bgroup['DD'] = metricBundles.MetricBundleGroup({0: bundle}, opsdb, outDir=outDir, resultsDb=resultsDb, saveEarly=False, verbose=print_progress) # run the bundle bgroup['DD'].runAll() ################################################################################################ # access the relevant columns dithered_RA, dithered_Dec = {}, {} for key in bgroup: dithered_RA[key] = bgroup[key].simData[ 'randomDitherFieldPerVisitRa'] dithered_Dec[key] = bgroup[key].simData[ 'randomDitherFieldPerVisitDec'] dithered_rotTelPos = bgroup['WFD'].simData[ 'randomDitherPerFilterChangeRotTelPos'] ################################################################################################ # diagnostic plots if show_diagnostic_plots: # histograms of dithers fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=3) for key in bgroup: # ra axes[0].hist(dithered_RA[key] - simdata['fieldRA'], label='%s dithers: delRA' % key, histtype='step', lw=2, bins=30) # dec axes[1].hist(dithered_Dec[key] - simdata['fieldDec'], label='%s dithers: delDec' % key, histtype='step', lw=2) # tel pos axes[2].hist(dithered_rotTelPos - simdata['rotTelPos'], label='rot dithers: rotTelPos', histtype='step', lw=2) for ax in axes: ax.ticklabel_format(style='sci', axis='y', scilimits=(0, 0)) ax.set_ylabel('Counts') axes[0].legend() axes[1].legend() if opsdb.raDecInDeg: unitlabel = 'degrees' else: unitlabel = 'radians' axes[0].set_xlabel('delRA (%s)' % unitlabel) axes[1].set_xlabel('delDec (%s)' % unitlabel) axes[2].set_xlabel('delRotTelPos (%s)' % unitlabel) plt.title(dbfile) fig.set_size_inches(20, 5) ################################################################################################ # initiate the final arrays as undithered fieldRA, fieldDec as nonWFD, nonDDF should remain unchanged descDitheredRA = simdata['fieldRA'].copy() descDitheredDec = simdata['fieldDec'].copy() descDitheredRot = simdata['rotTelPos'].copy() # need to find the indices for WFD vs. DD observations since we are adding different # translational dithers for WFD/DDF visits + none for other surveys propIds, propTags = opsdb.fetchPropInfo() # ok work with WFD visits now ind_WFD = np.where(simdata[propIDcol] == propTags['WFD'])[0] if print_progress: tot = len(simdata) print('Total visits: ', tot) print('propTags: ', propTags) print('%s WFD visits out of total %s' % (len(ind_WFD), tot)) descDitheredRA[ind_WFD] = dithered_RA['WFD'][ind_WFD] descDitheredDec[ind_WFD] = dithered_Dec['WFD'][ind_WFD] # work with DD visits now ind_DD = np.where(simdata[propIDcol] == propTags['DD'])[0] if print_progress: print('%s DD visits out of total %s' % (len(ind_DD), tot)) descDitheredRA[ind_DD] = dithered_RA['DD'][ind_DD] descDitheredDec[ind_DD] = dithered_Dec['DD'][ind_DD] # add rotational dithers to everything descDitheredRot = dithered_rotTelPos ############################################################### # diagnostic plots if show_diagnostic_plots or save_plots: # histograms of desc dithered positions fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=1, ncols=3) _, bins, _ = axes[0].hist(descDitheredRA, label='descDitheredRA', histtype='step', lw=2) axes[0].hist(simdata['fieldRA'], label='fieldRA', histtype='step', lw=2, bins=bins) _, bins, _ = axes[1].hist(descDitheredDec, label='descDitheredDec', histtype='step', lw=2) axes[1].hist(simdata['fieldDec'], label='fieldDec', histtype='step', lw=2, bins=bins) _, bins, _ = axes[2].hist(descDitheredRot, label='descDitheredRot', histtype='step', lw=2) axes[2].hist(simdata['rotTelPos'], label='rotTelPos', histtype='step', lw=2, bins=bins) if opsdb.raDecInDeg: xlabel = 'degrees' else: xlabel = 'radians' for ax in axes: ax.legend() ax.set_xlabel(xlabel) ax.set_ylabel('Counts') plt.suptitle(dbfile) fig.set_size_inches(20, 5) if save_plots: filename = 'hist_descDithers_%s.png' % (dbfile.split('.db')[0]) plt.savefig('%s/%s' % (outDir, filename), format='png', bbox_inches='tight') readme += '\nSaved hist for descDithers in %s.' % filename if print_progress: print('\nSaved hist plot in %s' % filename) if show_diagnostic_plots: else: plt.close('all') ############################################################### # save the columns as a csv file. d = { obsIDcol: simdata[obsIDcol], 'descDitheredRA': descDitheredRA, 'descDitheredDec': descDitheredDec, 'descDitheredRotTelPos': descDitheredRot } filename = 'descDithers_%s.csv' % (dbfile.split('.db')[0]) pd.DataFrame(d).to_csv('%s/%s' % (outDir, filename), index=False) readme += '\nSaved the dithers in %s' % filename readme += '\nTime taken: %.2f (min)\n\n' % ( (time.time() - startTime) / 60.) if print_progress: print('\nSaved the dithers in %s' % filename) print('Time taken: %.2f (min)\n\n' % ((time.time() - startTime) / 60.)) readme_file = open('%s/readme.txt' % (outDir), 'a') readme_file.write(readme) readme_file.close() # mark the end in the readme. readme_file = open('%s/readme.txt' % (outDir), 'a') readme_file.write('All done. Total time taken: %.2f (min)\n\n' % ((time.time() - startTime_0) / 60.)) readme_file.close()
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import lsst.sims.maf.db as db import lsst.sims.maf.utils as utils import lsst.sims.maf.metrics as metrics import lsst.sims.maf.slicers as slicers import lsst.sims.maf.sliceMetrics as sliceMetrics oo = db.OpsimDatabase('sqlite:///../opsimblitz1_1131_sqlite.db') cols = ['fieldID', 'fieldRA', 'fieldDec'] simdata = oo.fetchMetricData(cols, '') fielddata = oo.fetchFieldsFromFieldTable() # Add dither column randomdither = utils.RandomDither(maxDither=1.8, randomSeed=42) simdata = # Add columns showing the actual dither values # Note that because RA is wrapped around 360, there will be large values of 'radith' near this point basestacker = utils.BaseStacker() basestacker.colsAdded = ['radith', 'decdith'] simdata = basestacker._addStackers(simdata) simdata['radith'] = simdata['randomRADither'] - simdata['fieldRA'] simdata['decdith'] = simdata['randomDecDither'] - simdata['fieldDec'] metriclist = [] metriclist.append(metrics.MeanMetric('radith')) metriclist.append(metrics.MeanMetric('decdith')) metriclist.append(metrics.RmsMetric('radith')) metriclist.append(metrics.RmsMetric('decdith')) metriclist.append(metrics.FullRangeMetric('radith'))
def run(config_filename): # YAML input file. config = yaml.load(open(config_filename), Loader=yaml.FullLoader) # print(config) outDir = 'Test' # this is for MAF # grab the db filename from yaml input file dbFile = config['Observations']['filename'] """ conn = sqlite3.connect(dbFile) cur = conn.cursor() table_name='Proposal' result = cur.execute("PRAGMA table_info('%s')" % table_name).fetchall() print('Results',result) cur.execute("SELECT * FROM Proposal") rows = cur.fetchall() for row in rows: print(row) print('end') cur.execute('PRAGMA TABLE_INFO({})'.format('ObsHistory')) names = [tup[1] for tup in cur.fetchall()] print(names) """ opsimdb = db.OpsimDatabase(dbFile) version = opsimdb.opsimVersion propinfo, proptags = opsimdb.fetchPropInfo() print('proptags and propinfo', proptags, propinfo) # grab the fieldtype (DD or WFD) from yaml input file fieldtype = config['Observations']['fieldtype'] module = import_module(config['Metric']) slicer = slicers.HealpixSlicer(nside=config['Pixelisation']['nside']) sqlconstraint = opsimdb.createSQLWhere(fieldtype, proptags) bundles = [] names = [] SNR = dict( zip(config['Observations']['bands'], config['Observations']['SNR'])) mag_range = config['Observations']['mag_range'] dt_range = config['Observations']['dt_range'] for band in SNR.keys(): sql_i = sqlconstraint + ' AND ' sql_i += 'filter = "%s"' % (band) # sql_i += ' AND ' # sql_i += 'season= "%s"' % (season) metric = module.SNCadenceMetric(config=config, coadd=config['Observations']['coadd']) bundles.append(metricBundles.MetricBundle(metric, slicer, sql_i)) names.append(band) print('sql', sql_i) bdict = dict(zip(names, bundles)) resultsDb = db.ResultsDb(outDir='None') mbg = metricBundles.MetricBundleGroup(bdict, opsimdb, outDir=outDir, resultsDb=resultsDb) result = mbg.runAll() # Let us display the results for band, val in bdict.items(): metValues = val.metricValues[~val.metricValues.mask], res = None for val in metValues: for vval in val: if res is None: res = vval else: res = np.concatenate((res, vval)) res = np.unique(res) sn_plot.plotCadence(band, config['Li file'], config['Mag_to_flux file'], SNR[band], res, config['names_ref'], mag_range=mag_range, dt_range=dt_range) # mbg.writeAll() # mbg.plotAll(closefigs=False) # mbg.plot()
def setUp(self): self.database = os.path.join(os.getenv('SIMS_MAF_DIR'), 'tests', 'opsimblitz1_1133_sqlite.db') self.oo = db.OpsimDatabase(database=self.database)
import numpy as np from lsst.sims.selfcal.generation import genCatalog, offsets, visitOffsets import lsst.sims.maf.db as db lsstFilter = 'r' # Read in an Opsim database opsimDB = db.OpsimDatabase('sqlite:///opsimblitz2_1060_sqlite.db') #ralim=np.array([0,360])*np.pi/180. #declim=np.array([0,-90])*np.pi/180. ralim = np.radians(np.array([40, 60])) declim = np.radians(np.array([-40, -60])) nightMax = 730 cols = [ 'ditheredRA', 'ditheredDec', 'rotSkyPos', 'night', 'expMJD', 'fiveSigmaDepth', 'obsHistID', 'transparency' ] visits = opsimDB.fetchMetricData( cols, 'ditheredRA < %f and ditheredRA > %f and ditheredDec > %f and ditheredDec < %f and filter="%s" and night < %i' % (ralim[1], ralim[0], declim[1], declim[0], lsstFilter, nightMax)) # Make dtype names more generic and add any other stuff we want: visits = visitOffsets(visits, zpOff=1.) offsetList = [] # Systematic error floor for photometry offsetList.append(offsets.OffsetSys()) # SNR
from astropy.table import Table, Column from scipy import optimize import math from import ascii #asciiLC is the template light curve asciiLC = 'supernova1b_template.dat' filterNames = ['u', 'g', 'r', 'i', 'z'] colors = {'u': 'purple', 'g': 'g', 'r': 'r', 'i': 'blue', 'z': 'm'} #create list of peak days and magnitudes to iterate over day_of_peak = np.arange(59580, 63232, 30) mag_of_peak = np.arange(17, 25, 1) # Set the database and query runName = 'minion_1018' opsdb = db.OpsimDatabase(runName + '_sqlite.db') # Set the output directory outDir = 'Observations Dictionary' resultsDb = db.ResultsDb(outDir) # This creates our database of observations. The pass metric just passes data straight through. metric = metrics.PassMetric(cols=['expMJD', 'filter', 'fiveSigmaDepth']) """use slicer to restrict the ra and decs, use np.random.uniform to get random points, first coordinate represents ra and second dec. Or, give a list of specific ra and decs - the second slicer is for the deep drilling fields. One must be commented out.""" #slicer = slicers.UserPointsSlicer(np.random.uniform(0,360,1000), np.random.uniform(-80,0,1000)) slicer = slicers.UserPointsSlicer([349.4, 0.00, 53.0, 34.4, 150.4], [-63.3, -45.5, -27.4, -5.1, 2.8]) #sql is empty as there are no restrictions currently sql = ''
out_file = sys.argv[2] out_dir = sys.argv[2] gal_l_min = 0. gal_l_max = 360. gal_b_min = -89. gal_b_max = 89. diameter = 3.5 step = diameter / np.sqrt(2) # This would be enough on a 2D plane. step *= 0.85 gal_l_all = np.linspace(gal_l_min, gal_l_max, (gal_l_max-gal_l_min)/step+1) gal_b_all = np.linspace(gal_b_min, gal_b_max, (gal_b_max-gal_b_min)/step+1) (gal_l, gal_b) = np.meshgrid(gal_l_all, gal_b_all) c = SkyCoord(gal_l.flatten(), gal_b.flatten(), unit=u.deg, frame='galactic') userRA = c.fk5.ra.value userDec = c.fk5.dec.value columns = ['observationStartMJD', 'filter', 'fiveSigmaDepth'] metric = metrics.PassMetric(cols=columns) slicer = slicers.UserPointsSlicer(userRA, userDec) sqlconstraint = '' MJDmetric = metricBundles.MetricBundle(metric, slicer, sqlconstraint, fileRoot=out_file) bundleDict = {'MJDmetric': MJDmetric} opsdb = db.OpsimDatabase(database) group = metricBundles.MetricBundleGroup(bundleDict, opsdb, outDir=out_dir) group.runAll()
def go(nside=64, rmag=21., SedTemplate='flat', DoRun=False, LFilters = [], \ LNightMax=[], nightMax=1e4, \ CustomPlotLimits=True, \ RunOne=False, MaxRuns=1e3, \ SpatialClip=95., \ seeingCol='FWHMeff', \ sCmap='cubehelix_r', \ checkCorrKind=False, \ wfdPlane=True, \ useGRIZ=False): # Go to the directory where the sqlite databases are held... # cd /Users/clarkson/Data/LSST/OpSimRuns/opsim20160411 # WIC 2015-12-29 - set up for a master-run with all cases, this time with plotting limits # Break the specifications across lines to make subdivision easier # Subsets by time first, then by filter, finally the whole shebang # 2016-04-23 - replaced enigma_1189 --> minion_1016 # 2016-04-23 - replaced ops2_1092 --> minion_1020 # (Yes the inversion of the first two is deliberate.) runNames = ['minion_1016', 'minion_1020', 'minion_1020', 'minion_1016', \ 'minion_1020', 'minion_1016', 'minion_1020', 'minion_1016', \ 'minion_1020', 'minion_1016'] LFilters = ['', '', '', '', \ 'u', 'u', 'y', 'y', \ '', ''] LNightMax = [365, 365, 730, 730, \ 1e4, 1e4, 1e4, 1e4, \ 1e4, 1e4] # WIC try again, this time on the new astro_lsst_01_1004 only if wfdPlane: LFilters = ['', '', '', 'u', 'y'] LNightMax = [365, 730, 1e4, 1e4, 1e4] runNames = ['astro_lsst_01_1004' for i in range (len(LFilters)) ] # WIC 2016-05-01 check correlation if checkCorrKind: LFilters = ['', ''] LNightMax = [365, 365] runNames = ['minion_1016', 'minion_1016'] # Type of correlation used for HA Degen # checkCorrKind = True useSpearmanR = [False, True] if useGRIZ: runNames=['minion_1016','astro_lsst_01_1004', 'minion_1020'] LFilters = ['griz' for iRun in range(len(runNames)) ] #LNightMax = [1e4 for iRun in range(len(runNames)) ] #LNightMax = [730 for iRun in range(len(runNames)) ] LNightMax = [365 for iRun in range(len(runNames)) ] # List of upper limits to parallax and proper motion error. For parallax, 3.0 mas is probably good LUpperParallax = [] LUpperPropmotion = [] if CustomPlotLimits: LUpperParallax = [10, 10, 10, 10, \ 10, 10, 40, 40, \ 3.0, 3.0 ] # For proper motion, it's a little tricky to say because the # regular case is so pathological for the field. Try the following: LUpperPropmotion = [40, 40, 5, 20, \ 3.5, 20, 3.5, 20, \ 0.5, 5] if len(runNames) < 2: LUpperPropmotion = [100 for i in range(len(runNames))] print "runAstrom.go INFO - will run the following:" for iSho in range(len(runNames)): sFilThis = '' # print iSho, len(LFilters) if iSho <= len(LFilters): sFilThis = sqlFromFilterString(LFilters[iSho]) print "%i: %-12s, %1s, %i, sqlFilter -- %s" % (iSho, runNames[iSho], LFilters[iSho], LNightMax[iSho], sFilThis) print "===========================" print "mag max = %.2f" % (rmag) print "---------------------------" # print runNames # if not DoRun: # print "Set DoRun=True to actually run this." # print len(LFilters), len(runNames), len(LFilters) == len(runNames) # return #'kraken_1038', 'kraken_1034', 'ops2_1098'] # nside = 64 slicer = slicers.HealpixSlicer(nside=nside) # Make it so we don't bother with the silly power spectra plotFuncs = [plots.HealpixSkyMap(), plots.HealpixHistogram()] # WIC - back up the plotting arguments with a default value plotFuncsPristine = copy.deepcopy(plotFuncs) # WIC - the only way this will make sense to me is if I make a # dictionary of plot arguments. Let's try it... DPlotArgs = {} for plotArg in ['parallax', 'propmotion', 'coverage', 'HAdegen']: DPlotArgs[plotArg] = copy.deepcopy(plotFuncs) if CustomPlotLimits: # Use the same color map for all the metrics for plotMetric in DPlotArgs.keys(): DPlotArgs[plotMetric][0].defaultPlotDict['cmap'] = sCmap # Apply spatial clipping for all but the HADegen, for which we # have other limits... for plotMetric in ['parallax', 'propmotion', 'coverage']: DPlotArgs[plotMetric][0].defaultPlotDict['percentileClip'] = SpatialClip # Some limits common to spatial maps and histograms for iPl in range(0,2): DPlotArgs['propmotion'][iPl].defaultPlotDict['logScale'] = True # NOT a loop because we might want to separate out the behavior # Standardized range for the histograms for new parallax metrics DPlotArgs['coverage'][1].defaultPlotDict['xMin'] = 0. DPlotArgs['coverage'][1].defaultPlotDict['xMax'] = 1. DPlotArgs['HAdegen'][1].defaultPlotDict['xMin'] = -1. DPlotArgs['HAdegen'][1].defaultPlotDict['xMax'] = 1. # Standardize the sky map for the HAdegen as well. DPlotArgs['coverage'][1].defaultPlotDict['xMin'] = 0. DPlotArgs['coverage'][1].defaultPlotDict['xMax'] = 1. DPlotArgs['HAdegen'][0].defaultPlotDict['xMin'] = -1. DPlotArgs['HAdegen'][0].defaultPlotDict['xMax'] = 1. # Standardize at least the lower bound of the histogram in # both the proper motion and parallax errors. Upper limit we # can customize with a loop. DPlotArgs['propmotion'][1].defaultPlotDict['xMin'] = 1e-2 # should not be zero if log scale!! DPlotArgs['parallax'][1].defaultPlotDict['xMin'] = 0. # WIC - try changing the plot dictionary if not DoRun: plotFuncs[0].defaultPlotDict['logScale'] = True print DPlotArgs['propmotion'][0].defaultPlotDict print DPlotArgs['propmotion'][1].defaultPlotDict return # The old runs have the seeing in finSeeing #seeingCol = 'finSeeing' ### UPDATE THE SEEING COLUMN #seeingCol = 'FWHMeff' ## Moved up to a command-line argument # Use all the observations. Can change if you want a different # time span # sqlconstraint = '' # list of sqlconstraints now used, which gets handled within the loop. # run some summary stats on everything summaryMetrics = [metrics.MedianMetric()] tStart = time.time() # Running one, or the whole lot? RunMax = len(runNames) # allow user to set a different number (say, 2) if MaxRuns < RunMax and MaxRuns > 0: RunMax = int(MaxRuns) # the following keyword overrides if RunOne: RunMax = 1 print "Starting runs. RunMax = %i" % (RunMax) for iRun in range(RunMax): run = runNames[iRun][:] # for run in runNames: # Open the OpSim database timeStartIteration = time.time() # Some syntax added to test for existence of the database dbFil = run+'_sqlite.db' if not os.access(dbFil, os.R_OK): print "runAstrom.go FATAL - cannot acces db file %s" % (dbFil) print "runAstrom.go FATAL - skipping run %s" % (run) continue else: deltaT = time.time()-tStart print "runAstrom.go INFO - ##################################" print "runAstrom.go INFO - starting run %s with nside=%i after %.2f minutes" \ % (run, nside, deltaT/60.) opsdb = db.OpsimDatabase(run+'_sqlite.db') # Set SQL constraint appropriate for each filter in the # list. If we supplied a list of filters, use it for sqlconstraint = '' ThisFilter = 'ugrizy' if len(LFilters) == len(runNames): # Only change the filter if one was actually supplied! if len(LFilters[iRun]) > 0: ThisFilter = LFilters[iRun] sqlconstraint = sqlFromFilterString(ThisFilter) ### sqlconstraint = 'filter = "%s"' % (ThisFilter) # If nightmax was supplied, use it ThisNightMax = int(nightMax) # copy not view if len(LNightMax) == len(runNames): # Only update nightmax if one was given try: ThisNightMax = int(LNightMax[iRun]) # This might be redundant with the fmt statement below. if len(sqlconstraint) < 1: sqlconstraint = 'night < %i' % (ThisNightMax) else: sqlconstraint = '%s and night < %i' % (sqlconstraint, ThisNightMax) except: print "runAstrom.go WARN - run %i problem with NightMax" % (iRun) dumdum = 1. # Set where the output should go - include the filter!! sMag = '%.1f' % (rmag) sMag = sMag.replace(".","p") outDir = './metricEvals/%s_nside%i_%s_n%i_r%s' % (run, nside, ThisFilter, ThisNightMax, sMag) # Ensure we'll be able to find this later on... if CustomPlotLimits: outDir = '%s_lims' % (outDir) # if we are testing the kind of correlation used, include that # in the output here. if checkCorrKind: if useSpearmanR[iRun]: sCorr = 'spearmanR' else: sCorr = 'pearsonR' outDir = '%s_%s' % (outDir, sCorr) # From this point onwards, stuff actually gets run. This is # the place to output what will actually happen next. print "runAstrom.go INFO - about to run:" print "runAstrom.go INFO - sqlconstraint: %s ; run name %s ; nside %i" % (sqlconstraint, run, nside) print "runAstrom.go INFO - output directory will be %s" % (outDir) if not DoRun: continue # ensure the output directory actually exists... if not os.access(outDir, os.R_OK): print "runAstrom.go INFO - creating output directory %s" % (outDir) os.makedirs(outDir) resultsDb = db.ResultsDb(outDir=outDir) bundleList = [] # WIC - to make this at least somewhat uniform, build the plot # functions including arguments out of our copies above. plotFuncsPropmotion = copy.deepcopy(DPlotArgs['propmotion']) plotFuncsParallax = copy.deepcopy(DPlotArgs['parallax']) plotFuncsCoverage = copy.deepcopy(DPlotArgs['coverage']) plotFuncsHAdegen = copy.deepcopy(DPlotArgs['HAdegen']) # if using custom plot limits, will want to include the limits # for proper motion and parallax too... programming a bit defensively # here, including an extra check (rather than just the length of the lists # above). if CustomPlotLimits: if len(LUpperParallax) == len(runNames): plotFuncsParallax[1].defaultPlotDict['xMax'] = float(LUpperParallax[iRun]) if len(LUpperPropmotion) == len(runNames): plotFuncsPropmotion[1].defaultPlotDict['xMax'] = float(LUpperPropmotion[iRun]) # Configure the metrics metric = metrics.ParallaxMetric(rmag=rmag, seeingCol=seeingCol, SedTemplate=SedTemplate) bundle = metricBundles.MetricBundle(metric, slicer, sqlconstraint, runName=run, # plotFuncs=plotFuncs, \ plotFuncs = plotFuncsParallax, \ summaryMetrics=summaryMetrics) bundleList.append(bundle) metric=metrics.ProperMotionMetric(rmag=rmag, seeingCol=seeingCol, SedTemplate=SedTemplate) bundle = metricBundles.MetricBundle(metric, slicer, sqlconstraint, runName=run, # plotFuncs=plotFuncs, \ plotFuncs=plotFuncsPropmotion, \ summaryMetrics=summaryMetrics) bundleList.append(bundle) metric = calibrationMetrics.ParallaxCoverageMetric(rmag=rmag, seeingCol=seeingCol, SedTemplate=SedTemplate) bundle = metricBundles.MetricBundle(metric, slicer, sqlconstraint, runName=run, # plotFuncs=plotFuncs, \ plotFuncs=plotFuncsCoverage, \ summaryMetrics=summaryMetrics) bundleList.append(bundle) # Now for the HA Degen metric. If testing the type of # correlation, call the metric differently here. Since the # argument to actually do this is only part of my github fork # at the moment, we use a different call. Running with default # arguments (checkCorrKind=False) should then work without # difficulty. metric = calibrationMetrics.ParallaxHADegenMetric(rmag=rmag, seeingCol=seeingCol, SedTemplate=SedTemplate) if checkCorrKind: metric = calibrationMetrics.ParallaxHADegenMetric(rmag=rmag, seeingCol=seeingCol, SedTemplate=SedTemplate, useSpearmanR=useSpearmanR[iRun]) print "TESTING CORRELATION KIND -- useSpearmanR", useSpearmanR[iRun] bundle = metricBundles.MetricBundle(metric, slicer, sqlconstraint, runName=run, # plotFuncs=plotFuncs, \ plotFuncs=plotFuncsHAdegen, \ summaryMetrics=summaryMetrics) bundleList.append(bundle) # Run everything and make plots bundleDict = metricBundles.makeBundlesDictFromList(bundleList) bgroup = metricBundles.MetricBundleGroup(bundleDict, opsdb, outDir=outDir, resultsDb=resultsDb) # try: bgroup.runAll() print "runAstrom.go INFO - bundles took %.2f minutes" \ % ((time.time() - timeStartIteration) / 60.) # except KeyboardInterrupt: # print "runAstrom.go FATAL - keyboard interrupt detected. Halting." # return bgroup.plotAll() print "runAstrom.go INFO - bundles + plotting took %.2f minutes" \ % ((time.time() - timeStartIteration) / 60.) print "Finished entire set. %i runs took %.2f minutes." % (iRun + 1, (time.time()-tStart)/60.)
def go(nside=64, rmag=20., SedTemplate='flat', DoRun=False, LFilters = [], \ LNightMax=[], nightMax=1e4, \ CustomPlotLimits=True, \ RunOne=False, MaxRuns=1e3, \ SpatialClip=95.): # runNames = ['enigma_1189', 'ops2_1093'] # runNames #runNames = ['ops2_1092', 'kraken_1038', 'kraken_1034', 'ops2_1098'] #runNames = ['kraken_1038', 'kraken_1034', 'ops2_1098'] # 2015-12-23 - put kraken_1038 at the end, it seems to run # extremely slowly... runNames = ['enigma_1189', 'ops2_1098', 'kraken_1034', 'kraken_1038'] runNames = ['ops2_1092', 'kraken_1033', 'enigma_1271'] # UPDATE - ops2_1092 ran quite quickly on nside=32... rerun on 64 runNames = ['ops2_1092', 'enigma_1189', 'enigma_1271', 'kraken_1038'] # UPDATE 2015-12-28 -- run with single-filter choices, compare # enigma to ops2_1092 # WIC 2015-12-28 -- try with single-filter and all then small subset runNames = ['ops2_1092', 'ops2_1092', 'ops2_1092', 'enigma_1189', 'enigma_1189', 'enigma_1189'] LFilters = ["u", "y", '', "u", "y", ''] LNightMax = [1e4, 1e4, 730, 1e4, 1e4, 730] # WIC 2015-12-28 - 23:00 - try using a different SED template, # just go with single filters for now # # DO WE NEED THIS?? # WIC 2015-12-28 - 22:00; much to my surprise, that took less than # half an hour to go all the way through. Try again, this time using slightly more filters. runNames = ['ops2_1092', 'enigma_1189', 'ops2_1092', 'enigma_1189'] LFilters = ['', '', 'griz', 'griz'] # (griz was not recognized) # WIC 2015-12-29 - set up for a master-run with all cases, this time with plotting limits # Break the specifications across lines to make subdivision easier # Subsets by time first, then by filter, finally the whole shebang # (Yes the inversion of the first two is deliberate.) runNames = ['enigma_1189', 'ops2_1092', 'ops2_1092', 'enigma_1189', \ 'ops2_1092', 'enigma_1189', 'ops2_1092', 'enigma_1189', \ 'ops2_1092', 'enigma_1189'] LFilters = ['', '', '', '', \ 'u', 'u', 'y', 'y', \ '', ''] LNightMax = [365, 365, 730, 730, \ 1e4, 1e4, 1e4, 1e4, \ 1e4, 1e4] # List of upper limits to parallax and proper motion error. For parallax, 3.0 mas is probably good LUpperParallax = [] LUpperPropmotion = [] if CustomPlotLimits: LUpperParallax = [10, 10, 10, 10, \ 10, 10, 40, 40, \ 3.0, 3.0 ] # For proper motion, it's a little tricky to say because the # regular case is so pathological for the field. Try the following: LUpperPropmotion = [40, 40, 5, 20, \ 3.5, 20, 3.5, 20, \ 0.5, 5] print "runAstrom.go INFO - will run the following:" for iSho in range(len(runNames)): print "%i: %-12s, %1s, %i" % (iSho, runNames[iSho], LFilters[iSho], LNightMax[iSho]) print "===========================" # print runNames # if not DoRun: # print "Set DoRun=True to actually run this." # print len(LFilters), len(runNames), len(LFilters) == len(runNames) # return #'kraken_1038', 'kraken_1034', 'ops2_1098'] # nside = 64 slicer = slicers.HealpixSlicer(nside=nside) # Make it so we don't bother with the silly power spectra plotFuncs = [plots.HealpixSkyMap(), plots.HealpixHistogram()] # WIC - back up the plotting arguments with a default value plotFuncsPristine = copy.deepcopy(plotFuncs) # WIC - the only way this will make sense to me is if I make a # dictionary of plot arguments. Let's try it... DPlotArgs = {} for plotArg in ['parallax', 'propmotion', 'coverage', 'HAdegen']: DPlotArgs[plotArg] = copy.deepcopy(plotFuncs) if CustomPlotLimits: # All spatial maps use percentile clipping for plotMetric in DPlotArgs.keys(): DPlotArgs[plotMetric][0].defaultPlotDict['percentileClip'] = SpatialClip # Some limits common to spatial maps and histograms for iPl in range(0,2): DPlotArgs['propmotion'][iPl].defaultPlotDict['logScale'] = True # Standardized range for the histograms for new parallax metrics DPlotArgs['coverage'][1].defaultPlotDict['xMin'] = 0. DPlotArgs['coverage'][1].defaultPlotDict['xMax'] = 1. DPlotArgs['HAdegen'][1].defaultPlotDict['xMin'] = -1. DPlotArgs['HAdegen'][1].defaultPlotDict['xMax'] = 1. # Standardize at least the lower bound of the histogram in # both the proper motion and parallax errors. Upper limit we # can customize with a loop. DPlotArgs['propmotion'][1].defaultPlotDict['xMin'] = 1e-2 # should not be zero if log scale!! DPlotArgs['parallax'][1].defaultPlotDict['xMin'] = 0. # WIC - try changing the plot dictionary if not DoRun: plotFuncs[0].defaultPlotDict['logScale'] = True print DPlotArgs['propmotion'][0].defaultPlotDict print DPlotArgs['propmotion'][1].defaultPlotDict return # The old runs have the seeing in finSeeing seeingCol = 'finSeeing' # Try it out for a 20th mag star with a flat SED (can change mag # or to OBAFGKM) # rmag = 20. ## NOW AN ARGUMENT #SedTemplate='flat' # Use all the observations. Can change if you want a different # time span sqlconstraint = '' # list of sqlconstraints now used, which gets handled within the loop. # run some summary stats on everything summaryMetrics = [metrics.MedianMetric()] tStart = time.time() # Running one, or the whole lot? RunMax = len(runNames) # allow user to set a different number (say, 2) if MaxRuns < RunMax and MaxRuns > 0: RunMax = int(MaxRuns) # the following keyword overrides if RunOne: RunMax = 1 print "Starting runs. RunMax = %i" % (RunMax) for iRun in range(RunMax): run = runNames[iRun][:] # for run in runNames: # Open the OpSim database timeStartIteration = time.time() # Some syntax added to test for existence of the database dbFil = run+'_sqlite.db' if not os.access(dbFil, os.R_OK): print "runAstrom.go FATAL - cannot acces db file %s" % (dbFil) print "runAstrom.go FATAL - skipping run %s" % (run) continue else: deltaT = time.time()-tStart print "runAstrom.go INFO - ##################################" print "runAstrom.go INFO - starting run %s with nside=%i after %.2f minutes" \ % (run, nside, deltaT/60.) opsdb = db.OpsimDatabase(run+'_sqlite.db') # Set SQL constraint appropriate for each filter in the # list. If we supplied a list of filters, use it for sqlconstraint = '' ThisFilter = 'ugrizy' if len(LFilters) == len(runNames): # Only change the filter if one was actually supplied! if len(LFilters[iRun]) == 1: ThisFilter = LFilters[iRun] sqlconstraint = 'filter = "%s"' % (ThisFilter) # If nightmax was supplied, use it ThisNightMax = int(nightMax) # copy not view if len(LNightMax) == len(runNames): # Only update nightmax if one was given try: ThisNightMax = int(LNightMax[iRun]) # This might be redundant with the fmt statement below. if len(sqlconstraint) < 1: sqlconstraint = 'night < %i' % (ThisNightMax) else: sqlconstraint = '%s and night < %i' % (sqlconstraint, ThisNightMax) except: print "runAstrom.go WARN - run %i problem with NightMax" % (iRun) dumdum = 1. # Set where the output should go - include the filter!! sMag = '%.1f' % (rmag) sMag = sMag.replace(".","p") outDir = '%s_nside%i_%s_n%i_r%s' % (run, nside, ThisFilter, ThisNightMax, sMag) # Ensure we'll be able to find this later on... if CustomPlotLimits: outDir = '%s_lims' % (outDir) # From this point onwards, stuff actually gets run. This is # the place to output what will actually happen next. print "runAstrom.go INFO - about to run:" print "runAstrom.go INFO - sqlconstraint: %s ; run name %s ; nside %i" % (sqlconstraint, run, nside) print "runAstrom.go INFO - output directory will be %s" % (outDir) if not DoRun: continue resultsDb = db.ResultsDb(outDir=outDir) bundleList = [] # WIC - to make this at least somewhat uniform, build the plot # functions including arguments out of our copies above. plotFuncsPropmotion = copy.deepcopy(DPlotArgs['propmotion']) plotFuncsParallax = copy.deepcopy(DPlotArgs['parallax']) plotFuncsCoverage = copy.deepcopy(DPlotArgs['coverage']) plotFuncsHAdegen = copy.deepcopy(DPlotArgs['HAdegen']) # if using custom plot limits, will want to include the limits # for proper motion and parallax too... programming a bit defensively # here, including an extra check (rather than just the length of the lists # above). if CustomPlotLimits: if len(LUpperParallax) == len(runNames): plotFuncsParallax[1].defaultPlotDict['xMax'] = float(LUpperParallax[iRun]) if len(LUpperPropmotion) == len(runNames): plotFuncsPropmotion[1].defaultPlotDict['xMax'] = float(LUpperPropmotion[iRun]) # Configure the metrics metric = metrics.ParallaxMetric(rmag=rmag, seeingCol=seeingCol, SedTemplate=SedTemplate) bundle = metricBundles.MetricBundle(metric, slicer, sqlconstraint, runName=run, # plotFuncs=plotFuncs, \ plotFuncs = plotFuncsParallax, \ summaryMetrics=summaryMetrics) bundleList.append(bundle) metric=metrics.ProperMotionMetric(rmag=rmag, seeingCol=seeingCol, SedTemplate=SedTemplate) bundle = metricBundles.MetricBundle(metric, slicer, sqlconstraint, runName=run, # plotFuncs=plotFuncs, \ plotFuncs=plotFuncsPropmotion, \ summaryMetrics=summaryMetrics) bundleList.append(bundle) metric = metrics.ParallaxCoverageMetric(rmag=rmag, seeingCol=seeingCol, SedTemplate=SedTemplate) bundle = metricBundles.MetricBundle(metric, slicer, sqlconstraint, runName=run, # plotFuncs=plotFuncs, \ plotFuncs=plotFuncsCoverage, \ summaryMetrics=summaryMetrics) bundleList.append(bundle) metric = metrics.ParallaxHADegenMetric(rmag=rmag, seeingCol=seeingCol, SedTemplate=SedTemplate) bundle = metricBundles.MetricBundle(metric, slicer, sqlconstraint, runName=run, # plotFuncs=plotFuncs, \ plotFuncs=plotFuncsHAdegen, \ summaryMetrics=summaryMetrics) bundleList.append(bundle) # Run everything and make plots bundleDict = metricBundles.makeBundlesDictFromList(bundleList) bgroup = metricBundles.MetricBundleGroup(bundleDict, opsdb, outDir=outDir, resultsDb=resultsDb) # try: bgroup.runAll() print "runAstrom.go INFO - bundles took %.2f minutes" \ % ((time.time() - timeStartIteration) / 60.) # except KeyboardInterrupt: # print "runAstrom.go FATAL - keyboard interrupt detected. Halting." # return bgroup.plotAll() print "runAstrom.go INFO - bundles + plotting took %.2f minutes" \ % ((time.time() - timeStartIteration) / 60.) print "Finished entire set. %i runs took %.2f minutes." % (iRun + 1, (time.time()-tStart)/60.)
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import lsst.sims.maf.metricBundles as metricBundles import lsst.sims.maf.metrics as metrics import lsst.sims.maf.slicers as slicers import lsst.sims.maf.stackers as stackers import lsst.sims.maf.db as db database = db.OpsimDatabase('sqlite:///enigma_1189_sqlite.db') metric = metrics.MeanMetric(col='HA') slicer = slicers.HealpixSlicer(nside=4) stackerList = [stackers.NormAirmassStacker()] mb = metricBundles.MetricBundle(metric, slicer, stackerList=stackerList, sqlconstraint='filter="r" and night < 100') metric = metrics.RmsMetric(col='airmass') mb2 = metricBundles.MetricBundle(metric, slicer, stackerList=stackerList, sqlconstraint='filter="r" and night < 100') print mb.dbCols mbD = {0: mb, 1: mb2} mbg = metricBundles.MetricBundleGroup(mbD, database, outDir='test') mbg.runAll() mbg.plotAll(closefigs=False)
from __future__ import print_function import lsst.sims.maf.slicers as slicers import lsst.sims.maf.db as db # Connect to opsim dbAddress = 'sqlite:///ops1_1140_sqlite.db' oo = db.OpsimDatabase(dbAddress) colnames = ['expMJD', 'fieldRA', 'fieldDec'] sqlconstraint = 'filter="r"' # Get opsim simulation data simdata = oo.fetchMetricData(colnames, sqlconstraint) # Init the slicer, set 2 points slicer = slicers.UserPointsSlicer(ra=[0., .1], dec=[0., -.1]) # Setup slicer (builds kdTree) slicer.setupSlicer(simdata) # Slice Point for index zero ind = slicer._sliceSimData(0) expMJDs = simdata[ind['idxs']]['expMJD'] print('mjd for the 1st user defined point', expMJDs) # Find the expMJDs for the 2nd point ind = slicer._sliceSimData(1) expMJDs = simdata[ind['idxs']]['expMJD'] print('mjd for the 2nd user defined point', expMJDs)
# Check if user passed directory + filename as opsimDb. if len(os.path.dirname(args.opsimDb)) > 0: raise Exception( 'OpsimDB should be just the filename of the sqlite file (not %s). Use --dbDir.' % (args.opsimDb)) opsimName = args.opsimDb.replace('_sqlite.db', '') metadata = args.sqlConstraint.replace('=', '').replace( 'filter', '').replace("'", '').replace('"', '').replace('/', '.') if not args.skipComp: verbose = False # Get db connection info, and connect to database. dbfile = os.path.join(args.dbDir, args.opsimDb) oo = db.OpsimDatabase(dbfile) sqlconstraint = args.sqlConstraint # Fetch the data from opsim. simdata, fields = getData(oo, sqlconstraint) # Set up the time bins for the movie slicer. start_date = simdata['expMJD'][0] if args.movieStepsize == 0: bins = simdata['expMJD'] else: end_date = simdata['expMJD'].max() bins = np.arange(start_date, end_date + args.movieStepSize / 2.0, args.movieStepSize, float) if args.addPreviousObs: # Go back and grab all the data, including all previous observations. if "night =" in sqlconstraint: sqlconstraint = sqlconstraint.replace("night =", "night <=")
def getMetrics(self): colmn = 'observationStartMJD'; opsdb = db.OpsimDatabase(self.opsim) # Directory where tmp files are going to be stored TODO eliminate - this outDir = 'TmpDir' resultsDb = db.ResultsDb(outDir=outDir) metric=metrics.PassMetric(cols=[colmn,'fiveSigmaDepth', 'filter']) slicer = slicers.UserPointsSlicer(ra=self.ra,dec=self.dec) sqlconstraint = 'filter = \'' + self.fil + '\'' bundle = mb.MetricBundle(metric, slicer, sqlconstraint, bgroup = mb.MetricBundleGroup({0: bundle}, opsdb, outDir=outDir, resultsDb=resultsDb) bgroup.runAll(); filters = np.unique(bundle.metricValues[0]['filter']) mv = bundle.metricValues[0] # Get dates self.mjd = mv[colmn] self.mjd = np.sort(self.mjd) # Define redshift bins zbin = np.linspace(0.5,7.5,8) zbin = np.insert(zbin,0,0) # Converting MJD to survey days swop=[] wedgeop=[] scop=[] edgecop=[] i=0 total = len(zbin)*(self.nlc); progress = 0; # We generate a number (nlc) of light curves for each redshift bin for z in zbin: for w in range(self.nlc): # Generating continuous light curve (cadence=1d) tt, yy = drw_artificial_lc(T, z=z, frame=self.frame) sn, edgesn = self.sf(tt,yy,z=z) # Calculating SF for the current continuous light curve scop.append(sn) edgecop.append(edgesn) self.edgesn = edgesn # Generating OpSim light curve evaluated on the current continuous light curve top,yop=self.__opsim_lc(tt,yy) # Calculating SF for the current OpSim light curve srol,edgesrol=self.sf(top,yop,z=z) swop.append(srol) wedgeop.append(edgesrol) #progressBar(progress, total); progress = progress + 1; i=i+1 # counter swop=np.asarray(swop) swop=swop.reshape(9,self.nlc,99) scop=np.asarray(scop) scop=scop.reshape(9,self.nlc,99) razrol=[] for z in range(9): for r in range(self.nlc): # Calculating the SF metric razrol.append((np.nan_to_num(np.sqrt(scop[z,r,:]))-np.nan_to_num(np.sqrt(swop[z,r,:])))) razrol9=np.asarray(razrol) razrol9=razrol9.reshape(9,self.nlc,99) # We take the mean of generated light curves for each redshift bin. self.raz2=np.nanmean(razrol9[:,:,:],axis=1)
def run(self, dataSlice, slicePoint=None): m5Values = np.zeros(dataSlice.size,dtype=float) raftNames = [self.convertDict[point[0:5]] for point in slicePoint['chipNames']] v1rafts = np.in1d(raftNames, self.rafts1) m5Values[v1rafts] = dataSlice[self.m5v1Col][v1rafts] v2rafts = np.in1d(raftNames, self.rafts2) m5Values[v2rafts] = dataSlice[self.m5v2Col][v2rafts] good = np.where( m5Values != 0.) return 1.25 * np.log10(np.sum(10.**(.8*m5Values[good]))) opsdb = db.OpsimDatabase('enigma_1189_sqlite.db') outDir = 'Flipped' resultsDb = db.ResultsDb(outDir=outDir) # Grab just the WFD area propids, propTags = opsdb.fetchPropInfo() WFDpropid = propTags['WFD'] wfdWhere = utils.createSQLWhere('WFD', propTags) summaryStats = [metrics.MedianMetric(), metrics.RmsMetric(), metrics.RobustRmsMetric()] filters = ['u','g'] nside = 64 bundleList = [] years = [1,3,10]
" Default=fieldRA.") parser.add_argument( "--latCol", type=str, default='fieldDec', help="Column to use for Dec values (can be a stacker dither column)." + " Default=fieldDec.") parser.add_argument('--night', type=int, default=1) parser.set_defaults() args, extras = parser.parse_known_args() bundleDict = makeBundleList(args.dbFile, nside=args.nside, lonCol=args.lonCol, latCol=args.latCol, night=args.night) # Set up / connect to resultsDb. resultsDb = db.ResultsDb(outDir=args.outDir) # Connect to opsimdb. opsdb = db.OpsimDatabase(args.dbFile) # Set up metricBundleGroup. group = metricBundles.MetricBundleGroup(bundleDict, opsdb, outDir=args.outDir, resultsDb=resultsDb) group.runAll() group.plotAll()
def run(config_filename): # YAML input file. config = yaml.load(open(config_filename), Loader=yaml.FullLoader) # print(config) outDir = 'Test' # this is for MAF # grab the db filename from yaml input file dbFile = config['Observations']['filename'] """ conn = sqlite3.connect(dbFile) cur = conn.cursor() table_name='Proposal' result = cur.execute("PRAGMA table_info('%s')" % table_name).fetchall() print('Results',result) cur.execute("SELECT * FROM Proposal") rows = cur.fetchall() for row in rows: print(row) print('end') cur.execute('PRAGMA TABLE_INFO({})'.format('ObsHistory')) names = [tup[1] for tup in cur.fetchall()] print(names) """ #check whether X0_norm file exist or not (and generate it if necessary) absMag = config['SN parameters']['absmag'] salt2Dir = config['SN parameters']['salt2Dir'] model = config['Simulator']['model'] version = str(config['Simulator']['version']) x0normFile = 'reference_files/X0_norm_{}.npy'.format(absMag) if not os.path.isfile(x0normFile): from sn_tools.sn_utils import X0_norm X0_norm(salt2Dir=salt2Dir, model=model, version=version, absmag=absMag, outfile=x0normFile) x0_tab = np.load(x0normFile) reference_lc = None if 'sn_fast' in config['Simulator']['name']: print('Loading reference LCs from', config['Simulator']['Reference File']) reference_lc = GetReference(config['Simulator']['Reference File'], config['Instrument']) print('Reference LCs loaded') module = import_module(config['Metric']) if dbFile != 'None': if dbFile.endswith('.db'): opsimdb = db.OpsimDatabase(dbFile) version = opsimdb.opsimVersion propinfo, proptags = opsimdb.fetchPropInfo() print('proptags and propinfo', proptags, propinfo) # grab the fieldtype (DD or WFD) from yaml input file fieldtype = config['Observations']['fieldtype'] slicer = slicers.HealpixSlicer( nside=config['Pixelisation']['nside']) # print('slicer',slicer.pixArea,slicer.slicePoints['ra']) #print('alors condif', config) metric = module.SNMetric(config=config, coadd=config['Observations']['coadd'], x0_norm=x0_tab, reference_lc=reference_lc) sqlconstraint = opsimdb.createSQLWhere(fieldtype, proptags) mb = metricBundles.MetricBundle(metric, slicer, sqlconstraint) mbD = {0: mb} resultsDb = db.ResultsDb(outDir=outDir) mbg = metricBundles.MetricBundleGroup(mbD, opsimdb, outDir=outDir, resultsDb=resultsDb) mbg.runAll() if dbFile.endswith('.npy'): metric = module.SNMetric(config=config, coadd=False, x0_norm=x0_tab, reference_lc=reference_lc) observations = np.load(dbFile) if metric.save_status: metric.simu.Finish() else: config_fake = yaml.load(open(config['Param_file']), Loader=yaml.FullLoader) fake_obs = GenerateFakeObservations(config_fake).Observations metric = module.SNMetric(config=config, coadd=config['Observations']['coadd'], x0_norm=x0_tab)