Пример #1
    def loadTotalBandpassesFromFiles(cls,
                                    bandpassNames=['u', 'g', 'r', 'i', 'z', 'y'],
                                    bandpassDir = os.path.join(getPackageDir('throughputs'),'baseline'),
                                    bandpassRoot = 'total_'):
        This will take the list of band passes named by bandpassNames and load them into
        a BandpassDict

        The bandpasses loaded this way are total bandpasses: they account for instrumental
        and atmospheric transmission.

        @param [in] bandpassNames is a list of names identifying each filter.
        Defaults to ['u', 'g', 'r', 'i', 'z', 'y']

        @param [in] bandpassDir is the name of the directory where the bandpass files are stored

        @param [in] bandpassRoot contains the first part of the bandpass file name, i.e., it is assumed
        that the bandpasses are stored in files of the type


        if we want to load bandpasses for a telescope other than LSST, we would do so
        by altering bandpassDir and bandpassRoot

        @param [out] bandpassDict is a BandpassDict containing the loaded throughputs

        bandpassList = []

        for w in bandpassNames:
            bandpassDummy = Bandpass()
            bandpassDummy.readThroughput(os.path.join(bandpassDir,"%s.dat" % (bandpassRoot + w)))

        return cls(bandpassList, bandpassNames)
Пример #2
def buildVendorDetector(vendorDir, addLosses=True):
    Builds a detector response from the files in vendorDir, by reading the *_QE.dat
      and *_Losses subdirectory for a single version of the detector.
    Returns a Bandpass object.
    If addLosses is True, the QE curve is multiplied by the losses in the *Losses.dat files.
    If addLosses is False, the QE curve does not have any losses included.
    # Read the QE file.
    qefile = glob(os.path.join(vendorDir, '*_QE.dat'))
    if len(qefile) != 1:
        raise ValueError('Expected a single QE file in this directory, found: ', qefile)
    qefile = qefile[0]
    qe = Bandpass()
    if addLosses:
        loss = _readLosses(vendorDir)
        wavelength, sb = qe.multiplyThroughputs(loss.wavelen, loss.sb)
        qe.setBandpass(wavelength, sb)
    # Verify that no values go significantly below zero.
    belowzero = np.where(qe.sb < 0)
    # If there are QE values significantly < 0, raise an exception.
    if qe.sb[belowzero] < belowZeroThreshhold:
        raise ValueError('Found values in QE response significantly below zero.')
    # If they are just small errors in interpolation, set to zero.
    qe.sb[belowzero] = 0
    return qe
def buildVendorDetector(vendorDir, addLosses=True):
    Builds a detector response from the files in vendorDir, by reading the *_QE.dat
      and *_Losses subdirectory for a single version of the detector.
    Returns a Bandpass object.
    If addLosses is True, the QE curve is multiplied by the losses in the *Losses.dat files.
    If addLosses is False, the QE curve does not have any losses included.
    # Read the QE file.
    qefile = glob(os.path.join(vendorDir, '*_QE.dat'))
    if len(qefile) != 1:
        raise ValueError('Expected a single QE file in this directory, found: ', qefile)
    qefile = qefile[0]
    qe = Bandpass()
    if addLosses:
        loss = _readLosses(vendorDir)
        wavelength, sb = qe.multiplyThroughputs(loss.wavelen, loss.sb)
        qe.setBandpass(wavelength, sb)
    # Verify that no values go significantly below zero.
    belowzero = np.where(qe.sb < 0)
    # If there are QE values significantly < 0, raise an exception.
    if qe.sb[belowzero] < belowZeroThreshhold:
        raise ValueError('Found values in QE response significantly below zero.')
    # If they are just small errors in interpolation, set to zero.
    qe.sb[belowzero] = 0
    return qe
def buildMirror(mirrorDir, addLosses=True):
    Build a mirror throughput curve.
    Assumes there are *Losses.dat subdirectory with loss files
       and a m*_Ideal.dat file with the mirror throughput.
    Returns a bandpass object.
    If addLosses is True, the *_Ideal.dat file is multiplied by the *_Losses/*.dat files.
    # Read the mirror reflectance curve.
    mirrorfile = glob(os.path.join(mirrorDir, 'm*Ideal.dat'))
    if len(mirrorfile) != 1:
        raise ValueError('Expected a single mirror file in directory %s, found: ' %mirrorDir, mirrorfile)
    mirrorfile = mirrorfile[0]
    mirror = Bandpass()
    if addLosses:
        loss = _readLosses(mirrorDir)
        wavelen, sb = mirror.multiplyThroughputs(loss.wavelen, loss.sb)
        mirror.setBandpass(wavelen, sb)
    # Verify that no values go significantly below zero.
    belowzero = np.where(mirror.sb < 0)
    # If there are QE values significantly < 0, raise an exception.
    if mirror.sb[belowzero] < belowZeroThreshhold:
        raise ValueError('Found values in mirror response significantly below zero')
    # If they are just small errors in interpolation, set to zero.
    mirror.sb[belowzero] = 0
    return mirror
Пример #5
    def setUp(self):

        starFileName = os.path.join(lsst.utils.getPackageDir("sims_sed_library"), "starSED")
        starFileName = os.path.join(starFileName, "kurucz", "km20_5750.fits_g40_5790.gz")
        starName = os.path.join(lsst.utils.getPackageDir("sims_sed_library"), starFileName)
        self.starSED = Sed()
        imsimband = Bandpass()
        fNorm = self.starSED.calcFluxNorm(22.0, imsimband)

        hardwareDir = os.path.join(lsst.utils.getPackageDir("throughputs"), "baseline")
        componentList = ["detector.dat", "m1.dat", "m2.dat", "m3.dat", "lens1.dat", "lens2.dat", "lens3.dat"]
        self.skySed = Sed()
        self.skySed.readSED_flambda(os.path.join(hardwareDir, "darksky.dat"))

        totalNameList = ["total_u.dat", "total_g.dat", "total_r.dat", "total_i.dat", "total_z.dat", "total_y.dat"]

        self.bpList = []
        self.hardwareList = []
        for name in totalNameList:
            dummy = Bandpass()
            dummy.readThroughput(os.path.join(hardwareDir, name))

            dummy = Bandpass()
            hardwareNameList = [os.path.join(hardwareDir, name)]
            for component in componentList:
                hardwareNameList.append(os.path.join(hardwareDir, component))

        self.filterNameList = ["u", "g", "r", "i", "z", "y"]
Пример #6
    def testLoadTotalBandpassesFromFiles(self):
        Test that the class method loadTotalBandpassesFromFiles produces the
        expected result

        bandpassDir = os.path.join(getPackageDir('sims_photUtils'), 'tests', 'cartoonSedTestData')
        bandpassNames = ['g', 'r', 'u']
        bandpassRoot = 'test_bandpass_'

        bandpassDict = BandpassDict.loadTotalBandpassesFromFiles(bandpassNames=bandpassNames,
                                                                 bandpassRoot = bandpassRoot)

        controlBandpassList = []
        for bpn in bandpassNames:
            dummyBp = Bandpass()

        wMin = controlBandpassList[0].wavelen[0]
        wMax = controlBandpassList[0].wavelen[-1]
        wStep = controlBandpassList[0].wavelen[1]-controlBandpassList[0].wavelen[0]

        for bp in controlBandpassList:
            bp.resampleBandpass(wavelen_min=wMin, wavelen_max=wMax, wavelen_step=wStep)

        for test, control in zip(bandpassDict.values(), controlBandpassList):
            numpy.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(test.wavelen, control.wavelen, 19)
            numpy.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(test.sb, control.sb, 19)
    def testLoadTotalBandpassesFromFiles(self):
        Test that the class method loadTotalBandpassesFromFiles produces the
        expected result

        bandpassDir = os.path.join(getPackageDir('sims_photUtils'), 'tests', 'cartoonSedTestData')
        bandpassNames = ['g', 'r', 'u']
        bandpassRoot = 'test_bandpass_'

        bandpassDict = BandpassDict.loadTotalBandpassesFromFiles(bandpassNames=bandpassNames,
                                                                 bandpassRoot = bandpassRoot)

        controlBandpassList = []
        for bpn in bandpassNames:
            dummyBp = Bandpass()

        wMin = controlBandpassList[0].wavelen[0]
        wMax = controlBandpassList[0].wavelen[-1]
        wStep = controlBandpassList[0].wavelen[1]-controlBandpassList[0].wavelen[0]

        for bp in controlBandpassList:
            bp.resampleBandpass(wavelen_min=wMin, wavelen_max=wMax, wavelen_step=wStep)

        for test, control in zip(bandpassDict.values(), controlBandpassList):
            numpy.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(test.wavelen, control.wavelen, 19)
            numpy.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(test.sb, control.sb, 19)
Пример #8
def buildMirror(mirrorDir, addLosses=True):
    Build a mirror throughput curve.
    Assumes there are *Losses.dat subdirectory with loss files
       and a m*_Ideal.dat file with the mirror throughput.
    Returns a bandpass object.
    If addLosses is True, the *_Ideal.dat file is multiplied by the *_Losses/*.dat files.
    # Read the mirror reflectance curve.
    mirrorfile = glob(os.path.join(mirrorDir, 'm*Ideal.dat'))
    if len(mirrorfile) != 1:
        raise ValueError('Expected a single mirror file in directory %s, found: ' %mirrorDir, mirrorfile)
    mirrorfile = mirrorfile[0]
    mirror = Bandpass()
    if addLosses:
        loss = _readLosses(mirrorDir)
        wavelen, sb = mirror.multiplyThroughputs(loss.wavelen, loss.sb)
        mirror.setBandpass(wavelen, sb)
    # Verify that no values go significantly below zero.
    belowzero = np.where(mirror.sb < 0)
    # If there are QE values significantly < 0, raise an exception.
    if mirror.sb[belowzero] < belowZeroThreshhold:
        raise ValueError('Found values in mirror response significantly below zero')
    # If they are just small errors in interpolation, set to zero.
    mirror.sb[belowzero] = 0
    return mirror
Пример #9
    def Load_Atmosphere(self, airmass=1.2):

        self.airmass = airmass
        atmosphere = Bandpass()
            os.path.join(self.atmosDir, 'atmos_%d.dat' % (self.airmass * 10)))
        self.atmos = Bandpass(wavelen=atmosphere.wavelen, sb=atmosphere.sb)

        for f in self.filterlist:
            wavelen, sb = self.lsst_system[f].multiplyThroughputs(
                atmosphere.wavelen, atmosphere.sb)
            self.lsst_atmos[f] = Bandpass(wavelen=wavelen, sb=sb)

        if self.aerosol:
            atmosphere_aero = Bandpass()
                             'atmos_%d_aerosol.dat' % (self.airmass * 10)))
            self.atmos_aerosol = Bandpass(wavelen=atmosphere_aero.wavelen,

            for f in self.filterlist:
                wavelen, sb = self.lsst_system[f].multiplyThroughputs(
                    atmosphere_aero.wavelen, atmosphere_aero.sb)
                self.lsst_atmos_aerosol[f] = Bandpass(wavelen=wavelen, sb=sb)
Пример #10
def getHscThroughput(f):
    if f not in ["Y"]:
        raise ValueError("HSC does not have a {} filter".format(f))
    throughputsDir = "HSC_throughputs"
    throughputsFile = os.path.join(throughputsDir, "total_{}.dat".format(f))
    hscBand = Bandpass()
    return hscBand
Пример #11
def getUkidssThroughput(f):
    if f not in ["Z", "Y", "H", "J", "K"]:
        raise ValueError("UKIDSS does not have a {} filter".format(f))
    throughputsDir = "UKIDSS_throughputs"
    throughputsFile = os.path.join(throughputsDir, "total_{}.dat".format(f))
    ukidssBand = Bandpass()
    return ukidssBand
Пример #12
def getDesThroughput(f):
    if f not in ["u", "g", "r", "i", "z", "y"]:
        raise ValueError("DES does not have a {} filter".format(f))
    throughputsDir = "DES_throughputs"
    throughputsFile = os.path.join(throughputsDir, "total_{}.dat".format(f))
    desBand = Bandpass()
    return desBand
Пример #13
def fit_invsnr(mags, floor, m5, bandpass_name='r'):
    filterdir = os.getenv('LSST_THROUGHPUTS_BASELINE')
    bandpass = Bandpass()
    bandpass.readThroughput(os.path.join(filterdir, 'total_%s.dat'%bandpass_name))
    invsnr_arr = []
    for mag in mags:
        snr = flat_sed_snr(mag, bandpass, m5)
        invsnr_arr.append(math.hypot(1./snr, floor))
    return invsnr_arr
Пример #14
def getPanstarrsThroughput(f):
    if f not in ["g", "r", "i", "z", "y"]:
        raise ValueError("PanSTARRS does not have a {} filter".format(f))
    # the PanStarrs throughputs are in a subdirectory panStarrs, not baseline
    throughputsDir = os.getenv("LSST_THROUGHPUTS_BASELINE")
    throughputsFile = os.path.join(throughputsDir, "..", "panStarrs",
    panstarrsBand = Bandpass()
    return panstarrsBand
Пример #15
def read_stdatmo(override_filename = None):
    # read the standard atmosphere bandpass file, precomputed by MODTRAN & DaveBurke.
    # this is closely equivalent to atmos_12.dat
    atmosdir = os.getenv("LSST_THROUGHPUTS_ATMOS")
    atmos_bp = Bandpass()
    if override_filename == None:
        atmos_bp.readThroughput(os.path.join(atmosdir, "atmos_std.dat"))
        atmos_bp.readThroughput(os.path.join(atmosdir, override_filename))
    return atmos_bp
Пример #16
def getVistaThroughput(f):
    if f not in ['Y', 'J', 'H', 'K']:
        raise ValueError("VISTA does not have a {} filter".format(f))

    throughputsDir = "VISTA_throughputs"
    throughputsFile = os.path.join(throughputsDir,
    vistaBand = Bandpass()
    return vistaBand
Пример #17
    def testNoise(self):
        Test that ExampleCCDNoise puts the expected counts on an image
        by generating a flat image, adding noise and background to it,
        and calculating the variance of counts in the image.

        lsstDefaults = LSSTdefaults()
        gain = 2.5
        readnoise = 6.0
        photParams = PhotometricParameters(gain=gain, readnoise=readnoise)
        img = galsim.Image(100, 100)
        noise = ExampleCCDNoise(seed=42)
        m5 = 24.5
        bandpass = Bandpass()
            os.path.join(getPackageDir('throughputs'), 'baseline',
        background = calcSkyCountsPerPixelForM5(

        noisyImage = noise.addNoiseAndBackground(

        mean = 0.0
        var = 0.0
        for ix in range(1, 101):
            for iy in range(1, 101):
                mean += noisyImage(ix, iy)

        mean = mean / 10000.0

        for ix in range(1, 101):
            for iy in range(1, 101):
                var += (noisyImage(ix, iy) - mean) * (noisyImage(ix, iy) -

        var = var / 9999.0

        varElectrons = background * gain + readnoise
        varADU = varElectrons / (gain * gain)

        msg = 'background %e mean %e ' % (background, mean)
        self.assertLess(np.abs(background / mean - 1.0), 0.05, msg=msg)

        msg = 'var %e varADU %e ; ratio %e ; background %e' % (
            var, varADU, var / varADU, background)
        self.assertLess(np.abs(var / varADU - 1.0), 0.05, msg=msg)
Пример #18
def getSdssThroughput(f):
    if f not in ["u", "g", "r", "i", "z"]:
        raise ValueError("SDSS does not have a {} filter".format(f))
    # the SDSS throughputs are in a subdirectory sdss, not baseline
    throughputsDir = os.getenv("LSST_THROUGHPUTS_BASELINE")
    # doi use the Doi et al. 2010 throughput curves
    throughputsFile = os.path.join(throughputsDir, "..", "sdss",
    sdssBand = Bandpass()
    return sdssBand
Пример #19
def getLsstThroughput(f):
    if f not in ["u", "g", "r", "i", "z", "y"]:
        raise ValueError("LSST does not have a {} filter".format(f))
    # Get the throughputs directory using the 'throughputs' package env variables.
    throughputsDir = os.getenv('LSST_THROUGHPUTS_BASELINE')
    throughputsFile = os.path.join(throughputsDir, 'total_{}.dat'.format(f))

    # read the throughputs file into lsstBand
    lsstBand = Bandpass()
    return lsstBand
    def setUpClass(cls):
        cls.dbName = 'uncertaintyTestDB.db'
        if os.path.exists(cls.dbName):

        default_obs_metadata = makePhoSimTestDB(filename=cls.dbName, size=10, radius = 5.0)
        bandpass = ['u', 'g', 'r', 'i', 'z', 'y']
        m5 = lsstDefaults._m5.values()

        cls.obs_metadata = ObservationMetaData(
                                              pointingRA = default_obs_metadata.pointingRA,
                                              pointingDec = default_obs_metadata.pointingDec,
                                              rotSkyPos = default_obs_metadata.rotSkyPos,
                                              bandpassName = bandpass,
                                              m5 = m5

        cls.obs_metadata.setBandpassM5andSeeing(bandpassName=bandpass, m5=m5)
        cls.driver = 'sqlite'
        cls.host = ''

        cls.skySeds = []
        cls.hardwareBandpasses = []
        cls.totalBandpasses = []
        cls.bandpasses = ['u', 'g', 'r', 'i', 'z', 'y']

        components = ['detector.dat', 'm1.dat', 'm2.dat', 'm3.dat',
                      'lens1.dat', 'lens2.dat', 'lens3.dat']

        for b in cls.bandpasses:
            bandpassDummy = Bandpass()
                                                      'baseline', 'total_%s.dat' % b))

        for b in cls.bandpasses:
            finalComponents = []
            for c in components:
                finalComponents.append(os.path.join(lsst.utils.getPackageDir('throughputs'), 'baseline', c))
            finalComponents.append(os.path.join(lsst.utils.getPackageDir('throughputs'), 'baseline', 'filter_%s.dat' %b))
            bandpassDummy = Bandpass()

        for i in range(len(cls.bandpasses)):
            sedDummy = Sed()
            sedDummy.readSED_flambda(os.path.join(lsst.utils.getPackageDir('throughputs'), 'baseline', 'darksky.dat'))
            normalizedSedDummy = setM5(cls.obs_metadata.m5[cls.bandpasses[i]], sedDummy,
                                       cls.totalBandpasses[i], cls.hardwareBandpasses[i],

Пример #21
    def getFilesAndBandpasses(
        bandpassDir=os.path.join(getPackageDir('throughputs'), 'baseline'),
        Take a GalSimCatalog.  Return a list of fits files and and OrderedDict of bandpasses associated
        with that catalog

        @param [in] catalog is a GalSimCatalog instantiation

        @param [in] nameRoot is the nameRoot prepended to the fits files output by that catalog

        @param[in] bandpassDir is the directory where bandpass files can be found

        @param [in] bandpassRoot is the root of the name of the bandpass files

        @param [out] listOfFiles is a list of the names of the fits files written by this catalog

        @param [out] bandpassDict is an OrderedDict of Bandpass instantiations corresponding to the
        filters in this catalog.

        # write the fits files

        # a list of bandpasses over which we are integraging
        listOfFilters = []
        listOfFiles = []

        # read in the names of all of the written fits files directly from the
        # InstanceCatalog's GalSimInterpreter
        # Use AFW to read in the FITS files and calculate the ADU
        for name in catalog.galSimInterpreter.detectorImages:
            if nameRoot is not None:
                name = nameRoot + '_' + name


            if name[-6] not in listOfFilters:

        bandpassDict = OrderedDict()
        for filterName in listOfFilters:
            bandpassName = os.path.join(bandpassDir,
                                        bandpassRoot + filterName + '.dat')
            bandpass = Bandpass()
            bandpassDict[filterName] = bandpass

        return listOfFiles, bandpassDict
    def getFilesAndBandpasses(
        bandpassDir=os.path.join(lsst.utils.getPackageDir("throughputs"), "baseline"),

        Take a GalSimCatalog.  Return a list of fits files and and OrderedDict of bandpasses associated
        with that catalog

        @param [in] catalog is a GalSimCatalog instantiation

        @param [in] nameRoot is the nameRoot prepended to the fits files output by that catalog

        @param[in] bandpassDir is the directory where bandpass files can be found

        @param [in] bandpassRoot is the root of the name of the bandpass files

        @param [out] listOfFiles is a list of the names of the fits files written by this catalog

        @param [out] bandpassDict is an OrderedDict of Bandpass instantiations corresponding to the
        filters in this catalog.

        # write the fits files

        # a list of bandpasses over which we are integraging
        listOfFilters = []
        listOfFiles = []

        # read in the names of all of the written fits files directly from the
        # InstanceCatalog's GalSimInterpreter
        # Use AFW to read in the FITS files and calculate the ADU
        for name in catalog.galSimInterpreter.detectorImages:
            if nameRoot is not None:
                name = nameRoot + "_" + name


            if name[-6] not in listOfFilters:

        bandpassDict = OrderedDict()
        for filterName in listOfFilters:
            bandpassName = os.path.join(bandpassDir, bandpassRoot + filterName + ".dat")
            bandpass = Bandpass()
            bandpassDict[filterName] = bandpass

        return listOfFiles, bandpassDict
Пример #23
def make_invsnr_arr(mag_bright=16., mag_dim=27., mag_delta=0.1, floor=0.02, m5=24.5):
    filterdir = os.getenv('LSST_THROUGHPUTS_BASELINE')
    bandpass = Bandpass()
    bandpass.readThroughput(os.path.join(filterdir, 'total_r.dat'))
    mag = mag_bright
    mag_arr = []
    invsnr_arr = []
    while mag < mag_dim:
        snr = flat_sed_snr(mag, bandpass, m5)
        invsnr_arr.append(math.hypot(1./snr, floor))
        mag += mag_delta
    return mag_arr, invsnr_arr
Пример #24
def make_invsnr_arr(mag_bright=16., mag_dim=27., mag_delta=0.1, floor=0.02, m5=24.5):
    filterdir = os.getenv('LSST_THROUGHPUTS_BASELINE')
    bandpass = Bandpass()
    bandpass.readThroughput(os.path.join(filterdir, 'total_r.dat'))
    mag = mag_bright
    mag_arr = []
    invsnr_arr = []
    while mag < mag_dim:
        snr = flat_sed_snr(mag, bandpass, m5)
        invsnr_arr.append(math.hypot(1./snr, floor))
        mag += mag_delta
    return mag_arr, invsnr_arr
Пример #25
def getVistaThroughput(f):
    availableFilters = ['Y', 'J', 'H', 'Ks']
    if f not in availableFilters:
        raise ValueError("VISTA does not have a {} filter".format(f) +
                         "Available filters are " + ",".join(availableFilters))

    throughputsDir = "VISTA_throughputs"
    throughputsFile = os.path.join(throughputsDir, 'total_{}.dat'.format(f))
    vistaBand = Bandpass()

    return vistaBand
Пример #26
    def Get_Atmosphere(self, airmass=1.2):

        if airmass > 0:
            atmosphere = Bandpass()

        path_atmos = os.path.join(self.atmosDir,
                                  'atmos_%d.dat' % (airmass * 10))

        if os.path.exists(path_atmos):
                os.path.join(self.atmosDir, 'atmos_%d.dat' % (airmass * 10)))
            atmosphere.readThroughput(os.path.join(self.atmosDir, 'atmos.dat'))

        return atmosphere.wavelen, atmosphere.sb
def readAtmosphere(atmosDir, atmosFile='pachonModtranAtm_12.dat'):
    Read an atmosphere throughput curve, from the default location 'atmosDir'
     and default filename 'pachonModtranAtm_12.dat'
    Returns a bandpass object.
    atmofile = os.path.join(atmosDir, atmosFile)
    atmo = Bandpass()
    # Verify that no values go significantly below zero.
    belowzero = np.where(atmo.sb < 0)
    # If there are QE values significantly < 0, raise an exception.
    if atmo.sb[belowzero] < belowZeroThreshhold:
        raise ValueError('Found values in atmospheric transmission significantly below zero')
    # If they are just small errors in interpolation, set to zero.
    atmo.sb[belowzero] = 0
    return atmo
Пример #28
def readAtmosphere(atmosDir, atmosFile='pachonModtranAtm_12.dat'):
    Read an atmosphere throughput curve, from the default location 'atmosDir'
     and default filename 'pachonModtranAtm_12.dat'
    Returns a bandpass object.
    atmofile = os.path.join(atmosDir, atmosFile)
    atmo = Bandpass()
    # Verify that no values go significantly below zero.
    belowzero = np.where(atmo.sb < 0)
    # If there are QE values significantly < 0, raise an exception.
    if atmo.sb[belowzero] < belowZeroThreshhold:
        raise ValueError('Found values in atmospheric transmission significantly below zero')
    # If they are just small errors in interpolation, set to zero.
    atmo.sb[belowzero] = 0
    return atmo
Пример #29
def calcColors(sedname='C.dat'):
    # Calculate SSO colors.
    filterdir = os.getenv('LSST_THROUGHPUTS_BASELINE')
    filterlist = ('u', 'g', 'r', 'i', 'z', 'y')
    lsst ={}
    for f in filterlist:
        lsst[f] = Bandpass()
        lsst[f].readThroughput(os.path.join(filterdir, 'total_'+f+'.dat'))
    vband = Bandpass()
    csed = Sed()
    vmag = csed.calcMag(vband)
    dmags = {}
    for f in filterlist:
        dmags[f] = csed.calcMag(lsst[f]) - vmag
    return dmags
    def testNoise(self):
        Test that ExampleCCDNoise puts the expected counts on an image
        by generating a flat image, adding noise and background to it,
        and calculating the variance of counts in the image.

        lsstDefaults = LSSTdefaults()
        gain = 2.5
        readnoise = 6.0
        photParams=PhotometricParameters(gain=gain, readnoise=readnoise)
        img = galsim.Image(100,100)
        noise = ExampleCCDNoise(seed=42)
        m5 = 24.5
        bandpass = Bandpass()
        background = calcSkyCountsPerPixelForM5(m5, bandpass, seeing=lsstDefaults.seeing('r'),

        noisyImage = noise.addNoiseAndBackground(img, bandpass, m5=m5,

        mean = 0.0
        var = 0.0
        for ix in range(1,101):
            for iy in range(1,101):
                mean += noisyImage(ix, iy)

        mean = mean/10000.0

        for ix in range(1,101):
            for iy in range(1,101):
                var += (noisyImage(ix, iy) - mean)*(noisyImage(ix, iy) - mean)

        var = var/9999.0

        varElectrons = background*gain + readnoise
        varADU = varElectrons/(gain*gain)

        msg = 'background %e mean %e ' % (background, mean)
        self.assertTrue(numpy.abs(background/mean - 1.0) < 0.05, msg=msg)

        msg = 'var %e varADU %e ; ratio %e ; background %e' % (var, varADU, var/varADU, background)
        self.assertTrue(numpy.abs(var/varADU - 1.0) < 0.05, msg=msg)
Пример #31
    def setUp(self):

        starName = os.path.join(lsst.utils.getPackageDir('sims_photUtils'),
        starName = os.path.join(starName, 'kurucz',
        self.starSED = Sed()
        imsimband = Bandpass()
        fNorm = self.starSED.calcFluxNorm(22.0, imsimband)

        hardwareDir = os.path.join(lsst.utils.getPackageDir('throughputs'),
        componentList = [
            'detector.dat', 'm1.dat', 'm2.dat', 'm3.dat', 'lens1.dat',
            'lens2.dat', 'lens3.dat'
        self.skySed = Sed()
        self.skySed.readSED_flambda(os.path.join(hardwareDir, 'darksky.dat'))

        totalNameList = [
            'total_u.dat', 'total_g.dat', 'total_r.dat', 'total_i.dat',
            'total_z.dat', 'total_y.dat'

        self.bpList = []
        self.hardwareList = []
        for name in totalNameList:
            dummy = Bandpass()
            dummy.readThroughput(os.path.join(hardwareDir, name))

            dummy = Bandpass()
            hardwareNameList = [os.path.join(hardwareDir, name)]
            for component in componentList:
                hardwareNameList.append(os.path.join(hardwareDir, component))

        self.filterNameList = ['u', 'g', 'r', 'i', 'z', 'y']
Пример #32
    def getListOfBandpasses(self, nBp):
        Generate a list of nBp bandpass names and bandpasses

        Intentionally do so a nonsense order so that we can test
        that order is preserved in the BandpassDict
        dexList = numpy.random.random_integers(0, len(self.bandpassPossibilities)-1, nBp)
        bandpassNameList = []
        bandpassList = []
        for dex in dexList:
            name = self.bandpassPossibilities[dex]
            bp = Bandpass()
            bp.readThroughput(os.path.join(self.bandpassDir,'total_%s.dat' % name))
            while name in bandpassNameList:
                name += '0'

        return bandpassNameList, bandpassList
    def getListOfBandpasses(self, nBp):
        Generate a list of nBp bandpass names and bandpasses

        Intentionally do so a nonsense order so that we can test
        that order is preserved in the BandpassDict
        dexList = numpy.random.random_integers(0, len(self.bandpassPossibilities)-1, nBp)
        bandpassNameList = []
        bandpassList = []
        for dex in dexList:
            name = self.bandpassPossibilities[dex]
            bp = Bandpass()
            bp.readThroughput(os.path.join(self.bandpassDir,'total_%s.dat' % name))
            while name in bandpassNameList:
                name += '0'

        return bandpassNameList, bandpassList
Пример #34
def buildLens(lensDir, addLosses=True):
    Build the lens throughput curve from the files in lensDir.
    Returns a bandpass object.
    The coatings for the lens are in *_Coatings, the loss files are in *_Losses.
    The borosilicate glass throughput is in l*_Glass.dat; this file is smoothed using the
     savitzsky_golay function.
    The glass response is multiplied by the coatings and (if addLosses is True),
      also the loss curves.
    lens = Bandpass()
    # Read the glass base file.
    glassfile = glob(os.path.join(lensDir, 'l*_Glass.dat'))
    if len(glassfile) != 1:
        raise ValueError('Expected a single glass file in this directory, found: ', glassfile)
    glassfile = glassfile[0]
    glass = Bandpass()
    # Smooth the glass response.
    smoothSb = savitzky_golay(glass.sb, 31, 3)
    lens = Bandpass()
    lens.setBandpass(glass.wavelen, smoothSb)
    # Read the broad band antireflective (BBAR) coatings files.
    bbars = _readCoatings(lensDir)
    # Multiply the bbars by the glass.
    wavelen, sb = lens.multiplyThroughputs(bbars.wavelen, bbars.sb)
    lens.setBandpass(wavelen, sb)
    # Add losses.
    if addLosses:
        loss = _readLosses(lensDir)
        wavelen, sb = lens.multiplyThroughputs(loss.wavelen, loss.sb)
        lens.setBandpass(wavelen, sb)
    # Verify that no values go significantly below zero.
    belowzero = np.where(lens.sb < 0)
    # If there are QE values significantly < 0, raise an exception.
    if lens.sb[belowzero] < belowZeroThreshhold:
        raise ValueError('Found values in lens throughput significantly below zero.')
    # If they are just small errors in interpolation, set to zero.
    lens.sb[belowzero] = 0
    return lens
def buildLens(lensDir, addLosses=True):
    Build the lens throughput curve from the files in lensDir.
    Returns a bandpass object.
    The coatings for the lens are in *_Coatings, the loss files are in *_Losses.
    The borosilicate glass throughput is in l*_Glass.dat; this file is smoothed using the
     savitzsky_golay function.
    The glass response is multiplied by the coatings and (if addLosses is True),
      also the loss curves.
    lens = Bandpass()
    # Read the glass base file.
    glassfile = glob(os.path.join(lensDir, 'l*_Glass.dat'))
    if len(glassfile) != 1:
        raise ValueError('Expected a single glass file in this directory, found: ', glassfile)
    glassfile = glassfile[0]
    glass = Bandpass()
    # Smooth the glass response.
    smoothSb = savitzky_golay(glass.sb, 31, 3)
    lens = Bandpass()
    lens.setBandpass(glass.wavelen, smoothSb)
    # Read the broad band antireflective (BBAR) coatings files.
    bbars = _readCoatings(lensDir)
    # Multiply the bbars by the glass.
    wavelen, sb = lens.multiplyThroughputs(bbars.wavelen, bbars.sb)
    lens.setBandpass(wavelen, sb)
    # Add losses.
    if addLosses:
        loss = _readLosses(lensDir)
        wavelen, sb = lens.multiplyThroughputs(loss.wavelen, loss.sb)
        lens.setBandpass(wavelen, sb)
    # Verify that no values go significantly below zero.
    belowzero = np.where(lens.sb < 0)
    # If there are QE values significantly < 0, raise an exception.
    if lens.sb[belowzero] < belowZeroThreshhold:
        raise ValueError('Found values in lens throughput significantly below zero.')
    # If they are just small errors in interpolation, set to zero.
    lens.sb[belowzero] = 0
    return lens
    def testApplication(self):
        Test that PhotometricParameters get properly propagated into
        Sed methods.  We will test this using Sed.calcADU, since the ADU
        scale linearly with the appropriate parameter.

        testSed = Sed()

        testBandpass = Bandpass()
                                                 'baseline', 'total_g.dat'))

        control = testSed.calcADU(testBandpass,

        testCase = PhotometricParameters(exptime=30.0)

        test = testSed.calcADU(testBandpass, photParams=testCase)

        self.assertGreater(control, 0.0)
        self.assertEqual(control, 0.5*test)
Пример #37
    def loadTotalBandpassesFromFiles(
            bandpassNames=['u', 'g', 'r', 'i', 'z', 'y'],
            bandpassDir=os.path.join(getPackageDir('throughputs'), 'baseline'),
        This will take the list of band passes named by bandpassNames and load them into
        a BandpassDict

        The bandpasses loaded this way are total bandpasses: they account for instrumental
        and atmospheric transmission.

        @param [in] bandpassNames is a list of names identifying each filter.
        Defaults to ['u', 'g', 'r', 'i', 'z', 'y']

        @param [in] bandpassDir is the name of the directory where the bandpass files are stored

        @param [in] bandpassRoot contains the first part of the bandpass file name, i.e., it is assumed
        that the bandpasses are stored in files of the type


        if we want to load bandpasses for a telescope other than LSST, we would do so
        by altering bandpassDir and bandpassRoot

        @param [out] bandpassDict is a BandpassDict containing the loaded throughputs

        bandpassList = []

        for w in bandpassNames:
            bandpassDummy = Bandpass()
                os.path.join(bandpassDir, "%s.dat" % (bandpassRoot + w)))

        return cls(bandpassList, bandpassNames)
Пример #38
def getWiseThroughput(f):
    if f not in ["W1", "W2"]:
        raise ValueError("WISE does not have a {} filter".format(f))
    # the WISE throughputs are in a subdirectory WISE, not baseline
    throughputsDir = os.getenv('LSST_THROUGHPUTS_BASELINE')
    throughputsFile = os.path.join(throughputsDir, '..', 'WISE',

    # TODO hacky to set the min/max wavelengths, but I think readThroughput
    # complains because the files don't overlap in wavelength with what it's
    # expecting. Sad!
    wiseBand = Bandpass()
    if f == 'W1':
        wavelen_min = 2600
        wavelen_max = 4000
    elif f == 'W2':
        wavelen_min = 3890
        wavelen_max = 5560

    return wiseBand
    def testApplication(self):
        Test that PhotometricParameters get properly propagated into
        Sed methods.  We will test this using Sed.calcADU, since the ADU
        scale linearly with the appropriate parameter.

        testSed = Sed()

        testBandpass = Bandpass()
            os.path.join(lsst.utils.getPackageDir('throughputs'), 'baseline',

        control = testSed.calcADU(testBandpass,

        testCase = PhotometricParameters(exptime=30.0)

        test = testSed.calcADU(testBandpass, photParams=testCase)

        self.assertTrue(control > 0.0)
        self.assertEqual(control, 0.5 * test)
Пример #40
    def setUp(self):

        starName = os.path.join(lsst.utils.getPackageDir('sims_photUtils'),
        starName = os.path.join(starName, 'kurucz', 'km20_5750.fits_g40_5790.gz')
        self.starSED = Sed()
        imsimband = Bandpass()
        fNorm = self.starSED.calcFluxNorm(22.0, imsimband)

        hardwareDir = os.path.join(lsst.utils.getPackageDir('throughputs'), 'baseline')
        componentList = ['detector.dat', 'm1.dat', 'm2.dat', 'm3.dat',
                         'lens1.dat', 'lens2.dat', 'lens3.dat']
        self.skySed = Sed()
        self.skySed.readSED_flambda(os.path.join(hardwareDir, 'darksky.dat'))

        totalNameList = ['total_u.dat', 'total_g.dat', 'total_r.dat', 'total_i.dat',
                         'total_z.dat', 'total_y.dat']

        self.bpList = []
        self.hardwareList = []
        for name in totalNameList:
            dummy = Bandpass()
            dummy.readThroughput(os.path.join(hardwareDir, name))

            dummy = Bandpass()
            hardwareNameList = [os.path.join(hardwareDir, name)]
            for component in componentList:
                hardwareNameList.append(os.path.join(hardwareDir, component))

        self.filterNameList = ['u', 'g', 'r', 'i', 'z', 'y']
Пример #41
    def Load_Atmosphere(self, airmass=1.2):

        self.airmass = airmass
        if self.airmass > 0.:
            atmosphere = Bandpass()

            #official atmospheric simulation
            if not self.libradtran:
                path_atmos = os.path.join(self.atmosDir,
                                          'atmos_%d.dat' % (self.airmass * 10))
                if os.path.exists(path_atmos):
                                     'atmos_%d.dat' % (self.airmass * 10)))
                        os.path.join(self.atmosDir, 'atmos.dat'))
                self.atmos = Bandpass(wavelen=atmosphere.wavelen,
            else:  # with libradtran
                path, thefile = ProcessSimulationaer(airmass, atm_pwv,
                                                     atm_ozone, atm_wl0,
                atmdata = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(path, thefile))
                wl = atmdata[:, 0]
                atm = atmdata[:, 1]
                func = interp1d(wl, atm, kind='linear')
                transm = func(WL)
                atmosphere.wavelen = WL
                atmosphere.sb = transm
                self.atmos = Bandpass(wavelen=WL, sb=transm)

            for f in self.filterlist:
                wavelen, sb = self.lsst_system[f].multiplyThroughputs(
                    atmosphere.wavelen, atmosphere.sb)
                self.lsst_atmos[f] = Bandpass(wavelen=wavelen, sb=sb)

            if self.aerosol:
                atmosphere_aero = Bandpass()
                                 'atmos_%d_aerosol.dat' % (self.airmass * 10)))
                self.atmos_aerosol = Bandpass(wavelen=atmosphere_aero.wavelen,

                for f in self.filterlist:
                    wavelen, sb = self.lsst_system[f].multiplyThroughputs(
                        atmosphere_aero.wavelen, atmosphere_aero.sb)
                    self.lsst_atmos_aerosol[f] = Bandpass(wavelen=wavelen,
            for f in self.filterlist:
                self.lsst_atmos[f] = self.lsst_system[f]
                self.lsst_atmos_aerosol[f] = self.lsst_system[f]
Пример #42
    def Load_Atmosphere(self, airmass=1.2):
        """ Load atmosphere files
        and convolve with transmissions

        airmass : float,opt
          airmass value
          Default : 1.2
        self.airmass = airmass
        if self.airmass > 0.:
            atmosphere = Bandpass()
            path_atmos = os.path.join(self.atmosDir,
                                      'atmos_%d.dat' % (self.airmass * 10))
            if os.path.exists(path_atmos):
                                 'atmos_%d.dat' % (self.airmass * 10)))
                    os.path.join(self.atmosDir, 'atmos.dat'))
            self.atmos = Bandpass(wavelen=atmosphere.wavelen, sb=atmosphere.sb)

            for f in self.filterlist:
                wavelen, sb = self.lsst_system[f].multiplyThroughputs(
                    atmosphere.wavelen, atmosphere.sb)
                self.lsst_atmos[f] = Bandpass(wavelen=wavelen, sb=sb)

            if self.aerosol_b:
                atmosphere_aero = Bandpass()
                                 'atmos_%d_aerosol.dat' % (self.airmass * 10)))
                self.atmos_aerosol = Bandpass(wavelen=atmosphere_aero.wavelen,

                for f in self.filterlist:
                    wavelen, sb = self.lsst_system[f].multiplyThroughputs(
                        atmosphere_aero.wavelen, atmosphere_aero.sb)
                    self.lsst_atmos_aerosol[f] = Bandpass(wavelen=wavelen,
            for f in self.filterlist:
                self.lsst_atmos[f] = self.lsst_system[f]
                self.lsst_atmos_aerosol[f] = self.lsst_system[f]
Пример #43
class MoObs(MoOrbits):
    Class to generate observations of a set of moving objects.
    Inherits from moOrbits (in order to read and save orbits).

    def setTimes(self, timestep=1., ndays=1., timestart=49353.):
        Generate and return an array for oorb of the ephemeris times desired.
        @ timestep : timestep for ephemeris generation (days)
        @ ndays    : number of days to generate ephemerides for (days)
        @ timestart : starting time of ephemerides (MJD)
        # Extend times beyond first/last observation, so that interpolation doesn't fail
        timestart = timestart - timestep
        timeend = timestart + ndays + timestep
        times = np.arange(timestart, timeend + timestep/2.0, timestep)
        # For pyoorb, we need to tag times with timescales;
        # 1= MJD_UTC, 2=UT1, 3=TT, 4=TAI
        self.ephTimes = np.array(zip(times, repeat(4, len(times))), dtype='double', order='F')

    def _packOorbElem(self, sso=None):
        Convert row from pandas dataframe (or numpy recarray) of orbital elements into the array OpenOrb needs as input.
        'sso' can be the orbital elements of a single object or of multiple objects.
        To normalize the column names to those expected here, read in data using 'readOrbits'.
        # Python oorb element format:
        # 0: orbitId  (cannot be a string)
        # 1 - 6: orbital elements, using radians for angles
        # 7: element type code
        #       2 = cometary - means timescale is TT, too
        #       3 = keplerians - timescale?
        # 8: epoch
        # 9: timescale for the epoch; 1= MJD_UTC, 2=UT1, 3=TT, 4=TAI
        # 10: magHv
        # 11: G
        #  so we have to do a little translating from the orbits DataFrame to the elements we want in this array.
        if sso is None:
            sso = self.orbits
        # Do we have a single item (Series) or multiples (Dataframe)?
        if isinstance(sso, pd.Series):
            # Passed a single SSO in Series.
            nSso = 1
        elif isinstance(sso, pd.DataFrame):
            # Multiple SSO in dataframe.
            nSso = len(sso)
            if len(sso.shape) == 0:
                # Single SSO, in a numpy array.
                nSso = 1
                # Multiple SSSO in numpy array (or something else?).
                nSso = len(sso)
        if nSso == 1:
            orbids = 0
            elem_type = 2
            epoch_type = 3
            orbids = np.arange(0, nSso, 1)
            elem_type = np.zeros(nSso) + 2
            epoch_type = np.zeros(nSso) + 3
        # Convert to format for pyoorb, INCLUDING converting inclination, node, argperi to RADIANS
        oorbElem = np.column_stack((orbids, sso['q'], sso['e'], np.radians(sso['inc']),
                                     np.radians(sso['node']), np.radians(sso['argPeri']),
                                     sso['tPeri'], elem_type, sso['epoch'], epoch_type,
                                     sso['H'], sso['g']))
        return oorbElem

    def setupOorb(self):
        Initialize oorb. (call once)

    def _generateOorbEphs(self, oorbArray, ephTimes=None, obscode=807):
        Generate ephemerides.
        if ephTimes is None:
            ephTimes = self.ephTimes
        oorbephems, err = oo.pyoorb.oorb_ephemeris(in_orbits = oorbArray, in_obscode=obscode, in_date_ephems=ephTimes)
        if err != 0:
            print 'Oorb returned error %s' %(err)
        return oorbephems

    def _unpackOorbEphs(self, oorbephems, byObject=True):
        Given oorb ephemeris array (shape = object / times / eph@time),
        Return a numpy array aranged with
         columns = ['delta', 'ra', 'dec', 'mag', 'time', 'timescale', 'dradt', 'ddecdt', 'phase', 'solarelon']
         as the second
        grouped either by object (i.e. length of ra array == length of times) (default)
        or grouped by time (i.e. length of ra array == number of objects) (if byObject not true).
        # Python oorb ephem array format:
        #   [objid][time][ephemeris information @ that time]
        # 0 = distance (geocentric distance)
        # 1 = ra (deg)
        # 2 = dec (deg)
        # 3 = mag
        # 4 = ephem mjd
        # 5 = ephem mjd timescale
        # 6 = dra/dt (deg/day) sky motion
        # 7 = ddec/dt (deg/day) sky motion
        # 8 = phase angle (deg)
        # 9 = solar elongation angle (deg)
        # So usually we want to swap the axes at least, so that instead of all the ephemeris information @ a particular time
        # being the accessible bit of information, we have all the RA values over time for a single object ('byObject')
        # Alternatively, we may want all the RA values for all objects at one time.
        #     This is also an option, by setting 'byObject' to False.
        ephs = np.swapaxes(oorbephems, 2, 0)
        # oorbcols=['delta', 'ra', 'dec', 'magV', 'time', 'timescale', 'dradt', 'ddecdt', 'phase', 'solarelon']
        velocity = np.sqrt(ephs[6]**2 + ephs[7]**2)
        if byObject:
            ephs = np.swapaxes(ephs, 2, 1)
            velocity = np.swapaxes(velocity, 1, 0)
        # Create a numpy recarray. We're deviating from the DataFrame here probably mostly due to history.
        ephs = np.rec.fromarrays([ephs[0], ephs[1], ephs[2], ephs[3], ephs[4],
                                  ephs[6], ephs[7], ephs[8], ephs[9], velocity],
                                  names=['delta', 'ra', 'dec', 'magV', 'time', 'dradt',
                                         'ddecdt', 'phase', 'solarelon','velocity'])
        return ephs

    def generateEphs(self, sso=None, ephTimes=None):
        Combines several private methods to pack and unpack oorb-format orbital elements and ephemerides,
        into a single easy-access point to generate numpy arrays of ephemerides.

        Use the individual private methods if you want to unpack the ephemerides in a manner other than 'byObject'.
        if sso is None:
            sso = self.orbits
        oorbelems = self._packOorbElem(sso=sso)
        oorbephs = self._generateOorbEphs(oorbelems, ephTimes=ephTimes)
        ephs = self._unpackOorbEphs(oorbephs, byObject=True)
        return ephs

    # Linear interpolation
    def interpolateEphs(self, ephs, i=0):
        Generate linear interpolations between the quantities in ephs over time.
        interpfuncs = {}
        for n in ephs.dtype.names:
            if n == 'time':
            interpfuncs[n] = interpolate.interp1d(ephs['time'][i], ephs[n][i], kind='linear',
                                                  assume_sorted=True, copy=False)
        return interpfuncs

    def _setupCamera(self):
        Initialize camera mapper, etc.
        self.mapper = LsstSimMapper()
        self.camera = self.mapper.camera
        self.epoch = 2000.0

    def ssoInFov(self, interpfuncs, simdata, rFov=np.radians(1.75),
                 simdataRaCol = 'fieldRA', simdataDecCol='fieldDec'):
        Return the indexes of the simdata observations where the object was inside the fov.
        # See if the object is within 'rFov' of the center of the boresight.
        raSso = np.radians(interpfuncs['ra'](simdata['expMJD']))
        decSso = np.radians(interpfuncs['dec'](simdata['expMJD']))
        sep = haversine(raSso, decSso, simdata[simdataRaCol], simdata[simdataDecCol])
        if not useCamera:
            idxObsRough = np.where(sep<rFov)[0]
            return idxObsRough
        # Or go on and use the camera footprint.
        except AttributeError:
        idxObs = []
        idxObsRough = np.where(sep<self.cameraFov)[0]
        for idx in idxObsRough:
            mjd = simdata[idx]['expMJD']
            obs_metadata = ObservationMetaData(unrefractedRA=np.degrees(simdata[idx][simdataRaCol]),
            raObj = np.radians(np.array([interpfuncs['ra'](simdata[idx]['expMJD'])]))
            decObj = np.radians(np.array([interpfuncs['dec'](simdata[idx]['expMJD'])]))
            raObj, decObj = observedFromICRS(raObj, decObj, obs_metadata=obs_metadata, epoch=self.epoch)
            chipNames = findChipName(ra=raObj,dec=decObj, epoch=self.epoch, camera=self.camera, obs_metadata=obs_metadata)
            if chipNames != [None]:
        idxObs = np.array(idxObs)
        return idxObs

    def _calcColors(self, sedname='C.dat'):
        Calculate the colors for a moving object with sed 'sedname'.
        # Do we need to read in the LSST bandpasses?
        except AttributeError:
            filterdir = os.getenv('LSST_THROUGHPUTS_BASELINE')
            filterlist = ('u', 'g', 'r', 'i', 'z', 'y')
            self.lsst ={}
            for f in filterlist:
                self.lsst[f] = Bandpass()
                self.lsst[f].readThroughput(os.path.join(filterdir, 'total_'+f+'.dat'))
            self.vband = Bandpass()
            self.colors = {}
        # See if the sed's colors are in memory already.
        if sedname not in self.colors:
            moSed = Sed()
            vmag = moSed.calcMag(self.vband)
            self.colors[sedname] = {}
            for f in filterlist:
                self.colors[sedname][f] = moSed.calcMag(self.lsst[f]) - vmag
        return self.colors[sedname]

    def _calcMagLosses(self, velocity, seeing, texp=30.):
        Calculate the magnitude losses due to trailing and not matching the point-source detection filter.
        a_trail = 0.76
        b_trail = 1.16
        a_det = 0.42
        b_det = 0.00
        x = velocity * texp / seeing / 24.0
        dmagTrail = 1.25 * np.log10(1 + a_trail*x**2/(1+b_trail*x))
        dmagDetect = 1.25 * np.log10(1 + a_det*x**2 / (1+b_det*x))
        return dmagTrail, dmagDetect

    def _openOutput(self, outfileName):
        self.outfile = open(outfileName, 'w')
        self.wroteHeader = False

    def writeObs(self, objId, interpfuncs, simdata, idxObs, outfileName='out.txt',
                 sedname='C.dat', tol=1e-8,
                 seeingCol='finSeeing', expTimeCol='visitExpTime'):
        Call for each object; write out the observations of each object.
        # Return if there's nothing to write out.
        if len(idxObs) == 0:
        # Open file if needed.
        except AttributeError:
        # Calculate the ephemerides for the object, using the interpfuncs, for the times in simdata[idxObs].
        tvis = simdata['expMJD'][idxObs]
        ephs = np.recarray([len(tvis)], dtype=([('delta', '<f8'), ('ra', '<f8'), ('dec', '<f8'),
                                                ('magV', '<f8'), ('time', '<f8'), ('dradt', '<f8'), ('ddecdt', '<f8'),
                                                ('phase', '<f8'), ('solarelon', '<f8'), ('velocity', '<f8')]))
        for n in interpfuncs:
            ephs[n] = interpfuncs[n](tvis)
        ephs['time'] = tvis
        # Calculate the extra columns we want to write out (dmag due to color, trailing loss, and detection loss)
        # First calculate and match the color dmag term.
        dmagColor = np.zeros(len(idxObs), float)
        dmagColorDict = self._calcColors(sedname)
        filterlist = np.unique(simdata[idxObs]['filter'])
        for f in filterlist:
            if f not in dmagColorDict:
                raise UserWarning('Could not find filter %s in calculated colors!' %(f))
            match = np.where(simdata[idxObs]['filter'] == f)[0]
            dmagColor[match] = dmagColorDict[f]
        magFilter = ephs['magV'] + dmagColor
        # Calculate trailing and detection loses.
        dmagTrail, dmagDetect = self._calcMagLosses(ephs['velocity'], simdata[seeingCol][idxObs],
        # Turn into a recarray so it's easier below.
        dmags = np.rec.fromarrays([magFilter, dmagColor, dmagTrail, dmagDetect],
                                  names=['magFilter', 'dmagColor', 'dmagTrail', 'dmagDetect'])

        outCols = ['objId',] + list(ephs.dtype.names) + list(simdata.dtype.names) + list(dmags.dtype.names)

        if not self.wroteHeader:
            writestring = ''
            for col in outCols:
                writestring += '%s ' %(col)
            self.outfile.write('%s\n' %(writestring))
            self.wroteHeader = True

        # Write results.
        for eph, simdat, dm in zip(ephs, simdata[idxObs], dmags):
            writestring = '%s ' %(objId)
            for col in ephs.dtype.names:
                writestring += '%s ' %(eph[col])
            for col in simdat.dtype.names:
                writestring += '%s ' %(simdat[col])
            for col in dm.dtype.names:
                writestring += '%s ' %(dm[col])
            self.outfile.write('%s\n' %(writestring))
# This is an example case of using the Sed.py and Bandpass.py classes. 
# Only some of the (probably most often used) functionality is illustrated here,
#  so please see the comments in Sed and Bandpass for more information.

import lsst.sims.photUtils.Sed as Sed
import lsst.sims.photUtils.Bandpass as Bandpass

# Note that Bandpass and Sed are set up for NANOMETERS units on input data

# Instantiate a Bandpass object to hold the throughput information
rband = Bandpass()
# Read the bandpass data file into that object -
#  (note exampleBandpass.dat contains THROUGHPUT information, not PHI)
bpfile = 'exampleBandpass.dat'

# Instantiate a Sed object to hold the spectral energy distribution information
star = Sed()
# Read the Sed data file into that object -
#  (note that exampleSED.dat contains wavelength/F_lambda .. but is possible to also
#    read in wavelength/F_nu data using readSED_fnu)
sedfile = 'exampleSED.dat'

print ""
print "Read %s into Bandpass and %s into Sed." %(bpfile, sedfile)

# Simply calculate the magnitude of this source in the bandpass.
mag = star.calcMag(rband)
    def testAlternateNormalizingBandpass(self):
        A reiteration of testAddingToList, but testing with a non-imsimBandpass
        normalizing bandpass
        normalizingBand = Bandpass()
        nSed = 10
        sedNameList_0 = self.getListOfSedNames(nSed)
        magNormList_0 = numpy.random.random_sample(nSed)*5.0 + 15.0
        internalAvList_0 = numpy.random.random_sample(nSed)*0.3 + 0.1
        redshiftList_0 = numpy.random.random_sample(nSed)*5.0
        galacticAvList_0 = numpy.random.random_sample(nSed)*0.3 + 0.1
        wavelen_match = numpy.arange(300.0, 1500.0, 10.0)
        testList = SedList(sedNameList_0, magNormList_0,
                           redshiftList=redshiftList_0, galacticAvList=galacticAvList_0,

        sedNameList_1 = self.getListOfSedNames(nSed)
        magNormList_1 = numpy.random.random_sample(nSed)*5.0 + 15.0

        internalAvList_1 = numpy.random.random_sample(nSed)*0.3 + 0.1

        redshiftList_1 = numpy.random.random_sample(nSed)*5.0

        galacticAvList_1 = numpy.random.random_sample(nSed)*0.3 + 0.1

        testList.loadSedsFromList(sedNameList_1, magNormList_1,

        self.assertEqual(len(testList), 2*nSed)
        numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(wavelen_match, testList.wavelenMatch)

        for ix in range(len(sedNameList_0)):
            self.assertAlmostEqual(internalAvList_0[ix], testList.internalAvList[ix], 10)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(galacticAvList_0[ix], testList.galacticAvList[ix], 10)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(redshiftList_0[ix], testList.redshiftList[ix], 10)

        for ix in range(len(sedNameList_1)):
            self.assertAlmostEqual(internalAvList_1[ix], testList.internalAvList[ix+nSed], 10)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(galacticAvList_1[ix], testList.galacticAvList[ix+nSed], 10)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(redshiftList_1[ix], testList.redshiftList[ix+nSed], 10)

        for ix, (name, norm, iav, gav, zz) in \
          enumerate(zip(sedNameList_0, magNormList_0, internalAvList_0, \
                     galacticAvList_0, redshiftList_0)):

            sedControl = Sed()
            sedControl.readSED_flambda(os.path.join(self.sedDir, name+'.gz'))

            fnorm = sedControl.calcFluxNorm(norm, normalizingBand)

            a_coeff, b_coeff = sedControl.setupCCMab()
            sedControl.addCCMDust(a_coeff, b_coeff, A_v=iav)

            sedControl.redshiftSED(zz, dimming=True)

            a_coeff, b_coeff = sedControl.setupCCMab()
            sedControl.addCCMDust(a_coeff, b_coeff, A_v=gav)

            sedTest = testList[ix]

            numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(sedControl.wavelen, sedTest.wavelen)
            numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(sedControl.flambda, sedTest.flambda)
            numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(sedControl.fnu, sedTest.fnu)

        for ix, (name, norm, iav, gav, zz) in \
            enumerate(zip(sedNameList_1, magNormList_1, internalAvList_1, \
                          galacticAvList_1, redshiftList_1)):

            sedControl = Sed()
            sedControl.readSED_flambda(os.path.join(self.sedDir, name+'.gz'))

            fnorm = sedControl.calcFluxNorm(norm, normalizingBand)

            a_coeff, b_coeff = sedControl.setupCCMab()
            sedControl.addCCMDust(a_coeff, b_coeff, A_v=iav)

            sedControl.redshiftSED(zz, dimming=True)


            a_coeff, b_coeff = sedControl.setupCCMab()
            sedControl.addCCMDust(a_coeff, b_coeff, A_v=gav)

            sedTest = testList[ix+nSed]

            numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(sedControl.wavelen, sedTest.wavelen)
            numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(sedControl.flambda, sedTest.flambda)
            numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(sedControl.fnu, sedTest.fnu)
Пример #46
                           'physical characteristics for '
                           'sub_dir %s' % sub_dir)

if __name__ == "__main__":

    # Load the SDSS bandpasses
    bp_dir = os.path.join(getPackageDir('throughputs'), 'sdss')
    bp_name_list = ['doi_u.dat', 'doi_g.dat', 'doi_r.dat', 'doi_i.dat',

    bp_list = []
    for name in bp_name_list:
        bp = Bandpass()
        bp.readThroughput(os.path.join(bp_dir, name))

    # load the imsim bandpass
    imsimBand = Bandpass()

    #star_dir = os.path.join(getPackageDir('sims_sed_library'), 'starSED')
    sub_dir_list = ['kurucz', 'mlt', 'wDs']
    star_dir = os.path.join(getPackageDir('sims_sed_library'), 'starSED')
    t_start = time.time()

    # loop through the kurucz, mlt, and wDs sub-directories of
    # sims_sed_library/starSED, calculating the required magnitudes
    # for each of the SED files found.
    # Build the separate vendor detectors.
    qevendors = {}
    # Vendor 1
    qevendors[1] = bu.buildVendorDetector(os.path.join(defaultDirs['detector'], 'vendor1'), addLosses)
    # Vendor 2
    qevendors[2] = bu.buildVendorDetector(os.path.join(defaultDirs['detector'], 'vendor2'), addLosses)
    # Generic 'minimum' detector throughputs.
    qevendors['Min'] = bu.buildDetector(defaultDirs['detector'], addLosses)
    throughputs['detector'] = qevendors['Min']
    bu.plotBandpasses(qevendors, title='Combining Vendor Detector Responses')

    # Read the previously generated 'intermediate' file and plot the comparison.
    comparison = Bandpass()
    oldDetector = '../intermediateFiles/components/camera/detThroughput.dat'
    # Plot old and new detectors.
    plotDict = {'New Detector':throughputs['detector'], 'Old Detector':comparison}
    bu.plotBandpasses(plotDict, title='Compare Detector Throughputs')

    # Build and compare the lens throughput curves, for lens1/2/3.
    for lens in ('lens1', 'lens2', 'lens3'):
        throughputs[lens] = bu.buildLens(defaultDirs[lens], addLosses)
        # Read the old intermediate file version.
        plotDict = {'New %s' %(lens): throughputs[lens], 'Old %s' %(lens): comparison}
        bu.plotBandpasses(plotDict, title='Compare %s' %(lens))

    # Build and compare the filter curves.
    filters = bu.buildFilters(defaultDirs['filters'], addLosses)
Пример #48
    def testObjectPlacement(self):
        Test that GalSim places objects on the correct pixel by drawing
        images, reading them in, and then comparing the flux contained in
        circles of 2 fwhm radii about the object's expected positions with
        the actual expected flux of the objects.
        scratchDir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=ROOT, prefix='testObjectPlacement-')
        catName = os.path.join(scratchDir, 'placementCatalog.dat')
        imageRoot = os.path.join(scratchDir, 'placementImage')
        dbFileName = os.path.join(scratchDir, 'placementInputCatalog.dat')

        cameraDir = os.path.join(getPackageDir('sims_GalSimInterface'), 'tests', 'cameraData')
        camera = ReturnCamera(cameraDir)
        detector = camera[0]
        imageName = '%s_%s_u.fits' % (imageRoot, detector.getName())

        controlSed = Sed()
                                                'flatSED', 'sed_flat.txt.gz'))

        uBandpass = Bandpass()
                                              'baseline', 'total_u.dat'))

        controlBandpass = Bandpass()

        ff = controlSed.calcFluxNorm(self.magNorm, uBandpass)
        a_int, b_int = controlSed.setupCCMab()
        controlSed.addCCMDust(a_int, b_int, A_v=0.1, R_v=3.1)

        nSamples = 3
        rng = np.random.RandomState(42)
        pointingRaList = rng.random_sample(nSamples)*360.0
        pointingDecList = rng.random_sample(nSamples)*180.0 - 90.0
        rotSkyPosList = rng.random_sample(nSamples)*360.0
        fwhmList = rng.random_sample(nSamples)*1.0 + 0.3

        actualCounts = None

        for pointingRA, pointingDec, rotSkyPos, fwhm in \
        zip(pointingRaList, pointingDecList, rotSkyPosList, fwhmList):

            obs = ObservationMetaData(pointingRA=pointingRA,

            xDisplacementList = rng.random_sample(nSamples)*60.0-30.0
            yDisplacementList = rng.random_sample(nSamples)*60.0-30.0
            create_text_catalog(obs, dbFileName, xDisplacementList, yDisplacementList,
            db = placementFileDBObj(dbFileName, runtable='test')
            cat = placementCatalog(db, obs_metadata=obs)
            cat.camera_wrapper = GalSimCameraWrapper(camera)
            if actualCounts is None:
                actualCounts = controlSed.calcADU(uBandpass, cat.photParams)

            psf = SNRdocumentPSF(fwhm=fwhm)


            objRaList = []
            objDecList = []
            with open(catName, 'r') as inFile:
                for line in inFile:
                    if line[0] != '#':
                        words = line.split(';')

            objRaList = np.array(objRaList)
            objDecList = np.array(objDecList)

            self.assertGreater(len(objRaList), 0)  # make sure we aren't testing
                                                   # an empty catalog/image

            self.check_placement(imageName, objRaList, objDecList,
                                 cat.photParams.gain, detector, camera, obs, epoch=2000.0)

            if os.path.exists(dbFileName):
            if os.path.exists(catName):
            if os.path.exists(imageName):

        if os.path.exists(scratchDir):
class CartoonUncertaintyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
    This unit test suite will verify that our 'arbitrarily extensible' framework
    for writing magnitude uncertainty getters actually behaves as advertised

    def setUp(self):
        self.normband = Bandpass()
        self.uband = Bandpass()
        self.uband.readThroughput(os.path.join(getPackageDir('sims_photUtils'), 'tests',
                                  'cartoonSedTestData', 'test_bandpass_u.dat'))
        self.gband = Bandpass()
        self.gband.readThroughput(os.path.join(getPackageDir('sims_photUtils'), 'tests',
                                  'cartoonSedTestData', 'test_bandpass_g.dat'))

    def test_stars(self):
        obs = ObservationMetaData(bandpassName=['c_u', 'c_g'], m5=[25.0, 26.0])

        db_dtype = np.dtype([('id', np.int),
                             ('raJ2000', np.float),
                             ('decJ2000', np.float),
                             ('sedFilename', str, 100),
                             ('magNorm', np.float),
                             ('galacticAv', np.float)])

        inputDir = os.path.join(getPackageDir('sims_catUtils'), 'tests', 'testData')
        inputFile = os.path.join(inputDir, 'IndicesTestCatalogStars.txt')
        db = fileDBObject(inputFile, dtype=db_dtype, runtable='test', idColKey='id')
        cat = CartoonStars(db, obs_metadata=obs)
        with lsst.utils.tests.getTempFilePath('.txt') as catName:
            dtype = np.dtype([(name, np.float) for name in cat.column_outputs])
            controlData = np.genfromtxt(catName, dtype=dtype, delimiter=',')

        db_columns = db.query_columns(['id', 'raJ2000', 'decJ2000', 'sedFilename', 'magNorm', 'galacticAv'])

        sedDir = os.path.join(getPackageDir('sims_sed_library'), 'starSED', 'kurucz')

        for ix, line in enumerate(next(db_columns)):
            spectrum = Sed()
            spectrum.readSED_flambda(os.path.join(sedDir, line[3]))
            fnorm = spectrum.calcFluxNorm(line[4], self.normband)
            a_x, b_x = spectrum.setupCCM_ab()
            spectrum.addDust(a_x, b_x, A_v=line[5])
            umag = spectrum.calcMag(self.uband)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(umag, controlData['cartoon_u'][ix], 3)
            gmag = spectrum.calcMag(self.gband)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(gmag, controlData['cartoon_g'][ix], 3)
            umagError, gamma = calcMagError_m5(umag, self.uband, obs.m5['c_u'], PhotometricParameters())
            gmagError, gamma = calcMagError_m5(gmag, self.gband, obs.m5['c_g'], PhotometricParameters())
            self.assertAlmostEqual(umagError, controlData['sigma_cartoon_u'][ix], 3)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(gmagError, controlData['sigma_cartoon_g'][ix], 3)

    def test_mixed_stars(self):
        Here we will test the (somewhat absurd) case of a catalog with two different bandpasses
        (lsst_ and cartoon_) in order to verify that gamma values are being cached correctly

        lsst_u_band = Bandpass()
        lsst_u_band.readThroughput(os.path.join(getPackageDir('throughputs'), 'baseline', 'total_u.dat'))
        lsst_g_band = Bandpass()
        lsst_g_band.readThroughput(os.path.join(getPackageDir('throughputs'), 'baseline', 'total_g.dat'))

        obs = ObservationMetaData(bandpassName=['c_u', 'c_g', 'u', 'g'],
                                  m5=[25.0, 26.0, 15.0, 16.0])
        # make the difference in m5 between the two bandpass systems extreme
        # so that, in the unit test, we can be sure that the correct values
        # are being used for the correct getters

        db_dtype = np.dtype([('id', np.int),
                             ('raJ2000', np.float),
                             ('decJ2000', np.float),
                             ('sedFilename', str, 100),
                             ('magNorm', np.float),
                             ('galacticAv', np.float)])

        inputDir = os.path.join(getPackageDir('sims_catUtils'), 'tests', 'testData')
        inputFile = os.path.join(inputDir, 'IndicesTestCatalogStars.txt')
        db = fileDBObject(inputFile, dtype=db_dtype, runtable='test', idColKey='id')
        cat = CartoonStars(db, obs_metadata=obs, column_outputs=['lsst_u', 'lsst_g',
                                                                 'sigma_lsst_u', 'sigma_lsst_g'])
        with lsst.utils.tests.getTempFilePath('.txt') as catName:
            dtype = np.dtype([(name, np.float) for name in cat._column_outputs])
            controlData = np.genfromtxt(catName, dtype=dtype, delimiter=',')

        db_columns = db.query_columns(['id', 'raJ2000', 'decJ2000', 'sedFilename', 'magNorm', 'galacticAv'])

        sedDir = os.path.join(getPackageDir('sims_sed_library'), 'starSED', 'kurucz')

        for ix, line in enumerate(next(db_columns)):
            spectrum = Sed()
            spectrum.readSED_flambda(os.path.join(sedDir, line[3]))
            fnorm = spectrum.calcFluxNorm(line[4], self.normband)
            a_x, b_x = spectrum.setupCCM_ab()
            spectrum.addDust(a_x, b_x, A_v=line[5])
            umag = spectrum.calcMag(self.uband)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(umag, controlData['cartoon_u'][ix], 3)
            gmag = spectrum.calcMag(self.gband)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(gmag, controlData['cartoon_g'][ix], 3)
            lsst_umag = spectrum.calcMag(lsst_u_band)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(lsst_umag, controlData['lsst_u'][ix], 3)
            lsst_gmag = spectrum.calcMag(lsst_g_band)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(lsst_gmag, controlData['lsst_g'][ix], 3)
            umagError, gamma = calcMagError_m5(umag, self.uband, obs.m5['c_u'], PhotometricParameters())
            gmagError, gamma = calcMagError_m5(gmag, self.gband, obs.m5['c_g'], PhotometricParameters())
            self.assertAlmostEqual(umagError, controlData['sigma_cartoon_u'][ix], 3)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(gmagError, controlData['sigma_cartoon_g'][ix], 3)

            lsst_umagError, gamma = calcMagError_m5(lsst_umag, lsst_u_band,
                                                    obs.m5['u'], PhotometricParameters())
            lsst_gmagError, gamma = calcMagError_m5(lsst_gmag, lsst_g_band,
                                                    obs.m5['g'], PhotometricParameters())

            self.assertAlmostEqual(lsst_umagError, controlData['sigma_lsst_u'][ix], 3)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(lsst_gmagError, controlData['sigma_lsst_g'][ix], 3)
            self.assertGreater(np.abs(lsst_umagError-umagError), 0.01)
            self.assertGreater(np.abs(lsst_gmagError-gmagError), 0.01)
# and that we got an array of EBV values for the milky way line of sight extinction
ebvmin = 0
ebvmax = 2
ebvstep = (ebvmax - ebvmin)/float(len(galaxykeys))
ebv_mw = n.arange(ebvmin, ebvmax, ebvstep)

# and that we have a range of values for redshift
redshiftmin = 0.5
redshiftmax = 1.5
redshiftstep = (redshiftmax - redshiftmin)/float(len(galaxykeys))
redshifts = n.arange(redshiftmin, redshiftmax, redshiftstep)

# okay, instantiate the bandpass used to calculate the magnitude 
rband = Bandpass()

# instantiate gals into dictionary
gals = {}
rootdir = "./"
for key in galaxykeys:
    gals[key] = Sed()
    gals[key].readSED_flambda(rootdir + key)

# we know the gals have the same wavelength array (gals[i].wavelen)
# (because they were the same SED!)  BUT, in general we may not know this is true.
# so check .. (this is not strictly necessary, but does speed up some of the calculations
#  below. so, for many gals, do it.). For GALAXIES we want to be sure to base this on
# a wide enough range, so use a galaxy that is good for the wavelen_base.

wavelen_base = gals[key].wavelen
def run_lsst_baker(redshift_grid):
    Accepts a redshift grid (a numpy array).  Reads in all of the SEDs from
    ../data/sed/ and the calculates their colors in all of the lsst bands,
    given those redshifts

    Returns a structured numpy array containing
    time (the time spent calculating the magnitudes)
    bandpass_dir = os.path.join('..', 'data', 'bandpass')
    bandpass_list = []
    for bp_name in ('total_u.dat', 'total_g.dat', 'total_r.dat', 'total_i.dat',
                    'total_z.dat', 'total_y.dat'):

        bp = Bandpass()
        bp.readThroughput(os.path.join(bandpass_dir, bp_name))

    sed_dir = os.path.join('..', 'data', 'sed')
    list_of_sed_names = sorted([nn for nn in os.listdir(sed_dir)
                                if 'spec' in nn and 'ang' not in nn])

    n_rows = len(list_of_sed_names)*len(redshift_grid)
    dtype = np.dtype([('sedname', str, 300), ('redshift', np.float),
                      ('ug', np.float), ('gr', np.float), ('ri', np.float),
                      ('iz', np.float), ('zy', np.float), ('time', np.float)])

    dummy = ('aaaa', 1.0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1.0)
    output_array = np.array([dummy]*n_rows, dtype=dtype)

    i_row = 0
    for redshift in redshift_grid:
        for sed_name in list_of_sed_names:
            ss = Sed()
#            t_start = time.clock()
            t_start = time.time()
            ss.readSED_flambda(os.path.join(sed_dir, sed_name))
            local_list = []
            for bp in bandpass_list:
                mm = ss.calcMag(bp)
            #print local_list[0], local_list[1], local_list[0]-local_list[1]
#            time_spent = time.clock()-t_start
            time_spent = time.time()-t_start
            output_array[i_row][0] = sed_name
            output_array[i_row][1] = redshift
            output_array[i_row][2] = local_list[0]-local_list[1]
            output_array[i_row][3] = local_list[1]-local_list[2]
            output_array[i_row][4] = local_list[2]-local_list[3]
            output_array[i_row][5] = local_list[3]-local_list[4]
            output_array[i_row][6] = local_list[4]-local_list[5]
            output_array[i_row][7] = time_spent
            i_row += 1

    return output_array
Пример #52
import os
import glob
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from lsst.sims.photUtils import Bandpass, Sed

filterdir = os.getenv('LSST_THROUGHPUTS_BASELINE')
filterlist = ('u', 'g', 'r', 'i', 'z', 'y')

lsst = {}
for f  in filterlist:
    lsst[f] = Bandpass()
    lsst[f].readThroughput(os.path.join(filterdir, 'total_' + f + '.dat'))
harrisV = Bandpass()

seds = glob.glob('*.dat')

print 'Calculating colors for seds: \n', seds

writestring = 'Sed '
for f in filterlist:
    writestring += 'V-%s ' %(f)
print writestring

fig = plt.figure()
for s in seds:
    sed = Sed()
Пример #53
        # read in the filter throughput and multiply the existing throughputs
        # by that curve
        np_filter = np.genfromtxt(os.path.join(bp_dir,
                                               'filter_%s.dat' % bp_name),

        for np_component in np_component_list:
            interped_throughput = np.interp(np_filter['wav_nm'],

            np_filter['throughput'] *= interped_throughput

            filter_bp = Bandpass()
                os.path.join(bp_dir, 'filter_%s.dat' % bp_name))

            wav, sb = optics_bp.multiplyThroughputs(filter_bp.wavelen,
            bp = Bandpass(wavelen=wav, sb=sb)

        # integrate the SED over the total system throughput
        flambda = np.interp(np_filter['wav_nm'], np_sed['wav_nm'],
        phys_params = PhysicalParameters()
        phot = flambda * np_filter['wav_nm'] / (phys_params.planck *
                                                phys_params.lightspeed * 1.0e9)

        integral = 0.5 * (
            (phot[1:] * np_filter['throughput'][1:] +
             phot[:-1] * np_filter['throughput'][:-1]) *
    def testObjectPlacement(self):
        Test that GalSim places objects on the correct pixel by drawing
        images, reading them in, and then comparing the flux contained in
        circles of 2 fwhm radii about the object's expected positions with
        the actual expected flux of the objects.
        scratchDir = os.path.join(getPackageDir('sims_GalSimInterface'), 'tests', 'scratchSpace')
        catName = os.path.join(scratchDir, 'placementCatalog.dat')
        imageRoot = os.path.join(scratchDir, 'placementImage')
        dbFileName = os.path.join(scratchDir, 'placementInputCatalog.dat')

        cameraDir = os.path.join(getPackageDir('sims_GalSimInterface'), 'tests', 'cameraData')
        camera = ReturnCamera(cameraDir)
        detector = camera[0]
        imageName = '%s_%s_u.fits' % (imageRoot, detector.getName())

        controlSed = Sed()

        uBandpass = Bandpass()

        controlBandpass = Bandpass()

        ff = controlSed.calcFluxNorm(self.magNorm, uBandpass)
        a_int, b_int = controlSed.setupCCMab()
        controlSed.addCCMDust(a_int, b_int, A_v=0.1, R_v=3.1)

        nSamples = 5
        pointingRaList = numpy.random.random_sample(nSamples)*360.0
        pointingDecList = numpy.random.random_sample(nSamples)*180.0 - 90.0
        rotSkyPosList = numpy.random.random_sample(nSamples)*360.0
        fwhmList = numpy.random.random_sample(nSamples)*1.0 + 0.3

        actualCounts = None

        for pointingRA, pointingDec, rotSkyPos, fwhm in \
        zip(pointingRaList, pointingDecList, rotSkyPosList, fwhmList):

            obs = ObservationMetaData(unrefractedRA=pointingRA,

            xDisplacementList = numpy.random.random_sample(nSamples)*60.0-30.0
            yDisplacementList = numpy.random.random_sample(nSamples)*60.0-30.0
            create_text_catalog(obs, dbFileName, xDisplacementList, yDisplacementList,
            db = placementFileDBObj(dbFileName, runtable='test')
            cat = placementCatalog(db, obs_metadata=obs)
            if actualCounts is None:
                actualCounts = controlSed.calcADU(uBandpass, cat.photParams)

            psf = SNRdocumentPSF(fwhm=fwhm)
            cat.camera = camera


            objRaList = []
            objDecList = []
            with open(catName, 'r') as inFile:
                for line in inFile:
                    if line[0] != '#':
                        words = line.split(';')

            objRaList = numpy.array(objRaList)
            objDecList = numpy.array(objDecList)

            self.check_placement(imageName, objRaList, objDecList,
                                cat.photParams.gain, detector, camera, obs, epoch=2000.0)

            if os.path.exists(dbFileName):
            if os.path.exists(catName):
            if os.path.exists(imageName):
Пример #55
    def testAlternateNormalizingBandpass(self):
        A reiteration of testAddingToList, but testing with a non-imsimBandpass
        normalizing bandpass
        normalizingBand = Bandpass()
        normalizingBand.readThroughput(os.path.join(getPackageDir('throughputs'), 'baseline', 'total_r.dat'))
        nSed = 10
        sedNameList_0 = self.getListOfSedNames(nSed)
        magNormList_0 = self.rng.random_sample(nSed)*5.0 + 15.0
        internalAvList_0 = self.rng.random_sample(nSed)*0.3 + 0.1
        redshiftList_0 = self.rng.random_sample(nSed)*5.0
        galacticAvList_0 = self.rng.random_sample(nSed)*0.3 + 0.1
        wavelen_match = np.arange(300.0, 1500.0, 10.0)
        testList = SedList(sedNameList_0, magNormList_0,
                           redshiftList=redshiftList_0, galacticAvList=galacticAvList_0,

        sedNameList_1 = self.getListOfSedNames(nSed)
        magNormList_1 = self.rng.random_sample(nSed)*5.0 + 15.0

        internalAvList_1 = self.rng.random_sample(nSed)*0.3 + 0.1

        redshiftList_1 = self.rng.random_sample(nSed)*5.0

        galacticAvList_1 = self.rng.random_sample(nSed)*0.3 + 0.1

        testList.loadSedsFromList(sedNameList_1, magNormList_1,

        self.assertEqual(len(testList), 2*nSed)
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(wavelen_match, testList.wavelenMatch)

        for ix in range(len(sedNameList_0)):
            self.assertAlmostEqual(internalAvList_0[ix], testList.internalAvList[ix], 10)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(galacticAvList_0[ix], testList.galacticAvList[ix], 10)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(redshiftList_0[ix], testList.redshiftList[ix], 10)

        for ix in range(len(sedNameList_1)):
            self.assertAlmostEqual(internalAvList_1[ix], testList.internalAvList[ix+nSed], 10)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(galacticAvList_1[ix], testList.galacticAvList[ix+nSed], 10)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(redshiftList_1[ix], testList.redshiftList[ix+nSed], 10)

        for ix, (name, norm, iav, gav, zz) in \
            enumerate(zip(sedNameList_0, magNormList_0, internalAvList_0,
                      galacticAvList_0, redshiftList_0)):

            sedControl = Sed()
            sedControl.readSED_flambda(os.path.join(self.sedDir, name+'.gz'))

            fnorm = sedControl.calcFluxNorm(norm, normalizingBand)

            a_coeff, b_coeff = sedControl.setupCCM_ab()
            sedControl.addDust(a_coeff, b_coeff, A_v=iav)

            sedControl.redshiftSED(zz, dimming=True)

            a_coeff, b_coeff = sedControl.setupCCM_ab()
            sedControl.addDust(a_coeff, b_coeff, A_v=gav)

            sedTest = testList[ix]

            np.testing.assert_array_equal(sedControl.wavelen, sedTest.wavelen)
            np.testing.assert_array_equal(sedControl.flambda, sedTest.flambda)
            np.testing.assert_array_equal(sedControl.fnu, sedTest.fnu)

        for ix, (name, norm, iav, gav, zz) in \
            enumerate(zip(sedNameList_1, magNormList_1, internalAvList_1,
                          galacticAvList_1, redshiftList_1)):

            sedControl = Sed()
            sedControl.readSED_flambda(os.path.join(self.sedDir, name+'.gz'))

            fnorm = sedControl.calcFluxNorm(norm, normalizingBand)

            a_coeff, b_coeff = sedControl.setupCCM_ab()
            sedControl.addDust(a_coeff, b_coeff, A_v=iav)

            sedControl.redshiftSED(zz, dimming=True)


            a_coeff, b_coeff = sedControl.setupCCM_ab()
            sedControl.addDust(a_coeff, b_coeff, A_v=gav)

            sedTest = testList[ix+nSed]

            np.testing.assert_array_equal(sedControl.wavelen, sedTest.wavelen)
            np.testing.assert_array_equal(sedControl.flambda, sedTest.flambda)
            np.testing.assert_array_equal(sedControl.fnu, sedTest.fnu)
Пример #56
class BaseObs(object):
    Base class to generate observations of a set of moving objects.
    cameraFootprint : CameraFootprint, opt
        A cameraFootprint class (which provides a way to determine if observations fall into a given
        camera footprint), such as lsstCameraFootprint. 
        If none provided, a simple circular FOV is available from the BaseObs class.
    rFov : float, opt
        Radius of the fov, to use for a circular FOV if cameraFootprint is None, in degrees.
        Default 1.75 degrees.
    def __init__(self,
        self.cameraFootprint = cameraFootprint
        self.rFov = rFov
        self.timeCol = timeCol
        self.seeingCol = seeingCol
        self.visitExpTimeCol = visitExpTimeCol
        self.colors = {}

    def setOrbits(self, orbitObj):
        if isinstance(orbitObj, Orbits):
            self.orbits = orbitObj
            raise ValueError(
                'Expected an lsst.sims.movingObjects.Orbit object.')

    def calcTrailingLosses(self, velocity, seeing, texp=30.):
        """Calculate the detection and SNR traiiling losses.

        velocity : np.ndarray or float
            The velocity of the moving objects, in deg/day.
        seeing : np.ndarray or float
            The seeing of the images, in arcseconds.
        texp : np.ndarray or float, opt
            The exposure time of the images, in seconds. Default 30.

        (np.ndarray, np.ndarray) or (float, float)
            dmagTrail and dmagDetect for each set of velocity/seeing/texp values.
        a_trail = 0.761
        b_trail = 1.162
        a_det = 0.420
        b_det = 0.003
        x = velocity * texp / seeing / 24.0
        dmagTrail = 1.25 * np.log10(1 + a_trail * x**2 / (1 + b_trail * x))
        dmagDetect = 1.25 * np.log10(1 + a_det * x**2 / (1 + b_det * x))
        return (dmagTrail, dmagDetect)

    def readFilters(self,
                    filterlist=('u', 'g', 'r', 'i', 'z', 'y'),
        Read (LSST) and Harris (V) filters. 
        Only the defaults are LSST specific; this can easily be adapted for any survey. 

        filterDir : str, opt
            Directory containing the filter throughput curves ('total_*.dat')
            Default set by 'LSST_THROUGHPUTS_BASELINE' env variable.
        bandpassRoot : str, opt
            Rootname of the throughput curves in filterlist. 
            E.g. throughput curve names are bandpassRoot + filterlist[i] + bandpassSuffix
            Default 'total_' (appropriate for LSST throughput repo).
        bandpassSuffix : str, opt
            Suffix for the throughput curves in filterlist.
            Default '.dat' (appropriate for LSST throughput repo).
        filterlist : list, opt
            List containing the filter names to use to calculate colors.
            Default ('u', 'g', 'r', 'i', 'z', 'y')
        vDir : str, opt
            Directory containing the V band throughput curve.
            Default None = $SIMS_MOVINGOBJECTS_DIR/data.
        vFilter : str, opt
            Name of the V band filter curve. 
            Default harris_V.dat.
        if filterDir is None:
            filterDir = os.getenv('LSST_THROUGHPUTS_BASELINE')
        if filterDir is None:
            raise ValueError(
                'Please set filterDir or env variable LSST_THROUGHPUTS_BASELINE'
        if vDir is None:
            vDir = os.path.join(getPackageDir('SIMS_MOVINGOBJECTS'), 'data')
        self.filterlist = filterlist
        # Read filter throughput curves from disk.
        self.lsst = {}
        for f in self.filterlist:
            self.lsst[f] = Bandpass()
                os.path.join(filterDir, bandpassRoot + f + bandpassSuffix))
        self.vband = Bandpass()
        self.vband.readThroughput(os.path.join(vDir, vFilter))

    def calcColors(self, sedname='C.dat', sedDir=None):
        """Calculate the colors for a given SED.

        If the sedname is not already in the dictionary self.colors, this reads the
        SED from disk and calculates all V-[filter] colors for all filters in self.filterlist.
        The result is stored in self.colors[sedname][filter].

        sedname : str (opt)
            Name of the SED. Default 'C.dat'.
        sedDir : str (opt)
            Directory containing the SEDs of the moving objects.
            Default None = $SIMS_MOVINGOBJECTS_DIR/data.

            Dictionary of the colors in self.filterlist for this particular Sed.
        if sedname not in self.colors:
            if sedDir is None:
                sedDir = os.path.join(getPackageDir('SIMS_MOVINGOBJECTS'),
            moSed = Sed()
            moSed.readSED_flambda(os.path.join(sedDir, sedname))
            vmag = moSed.calcMag(self.vband)
            self.colors[sedname] = {}
            for f in self.filterlist:
                self.colors[sedname][f] = moSed.calcMag(self.lsst[f]) - vmag
        return self.colors[sedname]

    def ssoInCircleFov(self, ephems, obsData, rFov=2.1):
        """Determine which observations are within a circular fov for a series of observations.

        ephems : np.recarray
            Ephemerides for the objects, with RA and Dec as 'ra' and 'dec' columns (in degrees).
        obsData : np.recarray
            The observation pointings, with RA and Dec as 'ra' and 'dec' columns (in degrees).
        rFov : float, opt
            The radius of the field of view, in degrees.
            Default 2.1 is appropriate for LSST fov if later applying camera footprint.
            A value of 1.75 would be appropriate for simple circular LSST FOV assumption.

            Returns the indexes of the numpy array of the object observations which are inside the fov.
        sep = angularSeparation(ephems['ra'], ephems['dec'], obsData['ra'],
        idxObs = np.where(sep <= rFov)[0]
        return idxObs

    # Put together the output.
    def _openOutput(self, outfileName):
        # Make sure the directory exists to write the output file into.
        outDir = os.path.split(outfileName)[0]
        if len(outDir) > 0:
            if not os.path.isdir(outDir):
        # Open the output file for writing.
        self.outfile = open(outfileName, 'w')
        self.wroteHeader = False

    def writeObs(self,
        Call for each object; write out the observations of each object.
        # Return if there's nothing to write out.
        if len(objEphs) == 0:
        # Open file if needed.
        except AttributeError:
        # Calculate the extra columns we want to write out
        # (dmag due to color, trailing loss, and detection loss)
        # First calculate and match the color dmag term.
        dmagColor = np.zeros(len(obsData), float)
        dmagColorDict = self.calcColors(sedname)
        filterlist = np.unique(obsData['filter'])
        for f in filterlist:
            if f not in dmagColorDict:
                raise UserWarning(
                    'Could not find filter %s in calculated colors!' % (f))
            match = np.where(obsData['filter'] == f)[0]
            dmagColor[match] = dmagColorDict[f]
        magFilter = objEphs['magV'] + dmagColor
        # Calculate trailing and detection loses.
        dmagTrail, dmagDetect = self.calcTrailingLosses(
            objEphs['velocity'], obsData[self.seeingCol],
        # Turn into a recarray so it's easier below.
        dmags = np.rec.fromarrays(
            [magFilter, dmagColor, dmagTrail, dmagDetect],
            names=['magFilter', 'dmagColor', 'dmagTrail', 'dmagDetect'])

        outCols = [
        ] + list(objEphs.dtype.names) + list(obsData.dtype.names) + list(

        if not self.wroteHeader:
            writestring = ''
            for col in outCols:
                writestring += '%s ' % (col)
            self.outfile.write('%s\n' % (writestring))
            self.wroteHeader = True

        # Write results.
        for eph, simdat, dm in zip(objEphs, obsData, dmags):
            writestring = '%s ' % (objId)
            for col in eph.dtype.names:
                writestring += '%s ' % (eph[col])
            for col in simdat.dtype.names:
                writestring += '%s ' % (simdat[col])
            for col in dm.dtype.names:
                writestring += '%s ' % (dm[col])
            self.outfile.write('%s\n' % (writestring))