def testSphericalFromCartesian(self):
        Note that xyz[i][j] is the ith component of the jth vector

        Each column of xyz is a vector
        nsamples = 10
        radius = self.rng.random_sample(nsamples) * 10.0
        theta = self.rng.random_sample(nsamples) * np.pi - 0.5 * np.pi
        phi = self.rng.random_sample(nsamples) * 2.0 * np.pi

        points = []
        for ix in range(nsamples):
            vv = [radius[ix] * np.cos(theta[ix]) * np.cos(phi[ix]),
                  radius[ix] * np.cos(theta[ix]) * np.sin(phi[ix]),
                  radius[ix] * np.sin(theta[ix])]


        points = np.array(points)
        lon, lat = utils.sphericalFromCartesian(points)
        for ix in range(nsamples):
            self.assertAlmostEqual(np.cos(lon[ix]), np.cos(phi[ix]), 5)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(np.sin(lon[ix]), np.sin(phi[ix]), 5)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(np.cos(lat[ix]), np.cos(theta[ix]), 5)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(np.sin(lat[ix]), np.sin(theta[ix]), 5)

        # test passing in the points one at a time
        for pp, th, ph in zip(points, theta, phi):
            lon, lat = utils.sphericalFromCartesian(pp)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(np.cos(lon), np.cos(ph), 5)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(np.sin(lon), np.sin(ph), 5)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(np.cos(lat), np.cos(th), 5)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(np.sin(lat), np.sin(th), 5)
Пример #2
 def test_trixel_bounding_circle(self):
     Verify that the trixel's bounding_circle method returns
     a circle that contains all of the corners of the
     rng = np.random.RandomState(142)
     n_test_cases = 5
     for i_test in range(n_test_cases):
         htmid = (13 << 6) + rng.randint(1, 2**6 - 1)
         trixel = trixelFromHtmid(htmid)
         bounding_circle = trixel.bounding_circle
         ra_0, dec_0 = sphericalFromCartesian(bounding_circle[0])
         ra_list = []
         dec_list = []
         for cc in trixel.corners:
             ra, dec = sphericalFromCartesian(cc)
         ra_list = np.array(ra_list)
         dec_list = np.array(dec_list)
         distance = _angularSeparation(ra_0, dec_0, ra_list, dec_list)
         distance = arcsecFromRadians(distance)
         radius = arcsecFromRadians(bounding_circle[2])
         self.assertLessEqual(distance.max() - radius, 1.0e-8)
         self.assertLess(np.abs(distance.max() - radius), 1.0e-8)
    def testSphericalFromCartesian(self):
        Note that xyz[i][j] is the ith component of the jth vector

        Each column of xyz is a vector
        nsamples = 10
        radius = numpy.random.random_sample(nsamples)*10.0
        theta = numpy.random.random_sample(nsamples)*numpy.pi-0.5*numpy.pi
        phi = numpy.random.random_sample(nsamples)*2.0*numpy.pi

        points = []
        for ix in range(nsamples):
            vv = [radius[ix]*numpy.cos(theta[ix])*numpy.cos(phi[ix]),


        points = numpy.array(points)
        lon, lat = utils.sphericalFromCartesian(points)
        for ix in range(nsamples):
            self.assertAlmostEqual(numpy.cos(lon[ix]), numpy.cos(phi[ix]), 5)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(numpy.sin(lon[ix]), numpy.sin(phi[ix]), 5)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(numpy.cos(lat[ix]), numpy.cos(theta[ix]), 5)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(numpy.sin(lat[ix]), numpy.sin(theta[ix]), 5)

        for pp, th, ph in zip(points, theta, phi):
            lon, lat = utils.sphericalFromCartesian(pp)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(numpy.cos(lon), numpy.cos(ph), 5)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(numpy.sin(lon), numpy.sin(ph), 5)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(numpy.cos(lat), numpy.cos(th), 5)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(numpy.sin(lat), numpy.sin(th), 5)
Пример #4
 def test_trixel_bounding_circle(self):
     Verify that the trixel's bounding_circle method returns
     a circle that contains all of the corners of the
     rng = np.random.RandomState(142)
     n_test_cases = 5
     for i_test in range(n_test_cases):
         htmid = (13 << 6)+rng.randint(1, 2**6-1)
         trixel = trixelFromHtmid(htmid)
         bounding_circle = trixel.bounding_circle
         ra_0, dec_0 = sphericalFromCartesian(bounding_circle[0])
         ra_list = []
         dec_list = []
         for cc in trixel.corners:
             ra, dec = sphericalFromCartesian(cc)
         ra_list = np.array(ra_list)
         dec_list = np.array(dec_list)
         distance = _angularSeparation(ra_0, dec_0,
                                       ra_list, dec_list)
         distance = arcsecFromRadians(distance)
         radius = arcsecFromRadians(bounding_circle[2])
         self.assertLessEqual(distance.max()-radius, 1.0e-8)
         self.assertLess(np.abs(distance.max()-radius), 1.0e-8)
Пример #5
    def test_HalfSpaceIntersection(self):

        # Test that the two roots of an intersection are the
        # correct angular distance from the centers of the
        # half spaces
        ra1 = 22.0
        dec1 = 45.0
        rad1 = 10.0
        ra2 = 23.5
        dec2 = 37.9
        rad2 = 9.2
        hs1 = halfSpaceFromRaDec(ra1, dec1, rad1)
        hs2 = halfSpaceFromRaDec(ra2, dec2, rad2)
        roots = intersectHalfSpaces(hs1, hs2)
        self.assertEqual(len(roots), 2)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(np.sqrt(np.sum(roots[0]**2)), 1.0, 10)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(np.sqrt(np.sum(roots[1]**2)), 1.0, 10)
        ra_r1, dec_r1 = np.degrees(sphericalFromCartesian(roots[0]))
        ra_r2, dec_r2 = np.degrees(sphericalFromCartesian(roots[1]))
        dd = angularSeparation(ra1, dec1, ra_r1, dec_r1)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(dd, rad1, 10)
        dd = angularSeparation(ra1, dec1, ra_r2, dec_r2)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(dd, rad1, 10)
        dd = angularSeparation(ra2, dec2, ra_r1, dec_r1)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(dd, rad2, 10)
        dd = angularSeparation(ra2, dec2, ra_r2, dec_r2)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(dd, rad2, 10)

        # test that two non-intersecting HalfSpaces return no roots
        hs1 = halfSpaceFromRaDec(0.0, 90.0, 1.0)
        hs2 = halfSpaceFromRaDec(20.0, -75.0, 5.0)
        roots = intersectHalfSpaces(hs1, hs2)
        self.assertEqual(len(roots), 0)

        # test that two half spaces that are inside each other
        # return no roots
        hs1 = halfSpaceFromRaDec(77.0, 10.0, 20.0)
        hs2 = halfSpaceFromRaDec(75.0, 8.0, 0.2)
        roots = intersectHalfSpaces(hs1, hs2)
        self.assertEqual(len(roots), 0)

        # test that two half spaces with identical centers
        # return no roots
        hs1 = halfSpaceFromRaDec(11.0, -23.0, 1.0)
        hs2 = halfSpaceFromRaDec(11.0, -23.0, 0.2)
        roots = intersectHalfSpaces(hs1, hs2)
        self.assertEqual(len(roots), 0)

        roots = intersectHalfSpaces(hs1, hs1)
        self.assertEqual(len(roots), 0)
Пример #6
 def get_center(self):
     Return the RA, Dec of the center of the circle bounding
     this trixel (RA, Dec both in degrees)
     ra, dec = sphericalFromCartesian(self.bounding_circle[0])
     return np.degrees(ra), np.degrees(dec)
Пример #7
 def get_center(self):
     Return the RA, Dec of the center of the circle bounding
     this trixel (RA, Dec both in degrees)
     ra, dec = sphericalFromCartesian(self.bounding_circle[0])
     return np.degrees(ra), np.degrees(dec)
Пример #8
    def testCartesianFromSpherical(self):
        nsamples = 10
        theta = self.rng.random_sample(nsamples) * np.pi - 0.5 * np.pi
        phi = self.rng.random_sample(nsamples) * 2.0 * np.pi

        points = []
        for ix in range(nsamples):
            vv = [np.cos(theta[ix]) * np.cos(phi[ix]),
                  np.cos(theta[ix]) * np.sin(phi[ix]),


        points = np.array(points)
        lon, lat = utils.sphericalFromCartesian(points)
        outPoints = utils.cartesianFromSpherical(lon, lat)

        for pp, oo in zip(points, outPoints):
            np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(pp, oo, decimal=6)

        # test passing in arguments as floats
        for ix, (ll, bb) in enumerate(zip(lon, lat)):
            xyz = utils.cartesianFromSpherical(ll, bb)
            self.assertIsInstance(xyz[0], np.float)
            self.assertIsInstance(xyz[1], np.float)
            self.assertIsInstance(xyz[2], np.float)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(xyz[0], outPoints[ix][0], 12)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(xyz[1], outPoints[ix][1], 12)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(xyz[2], outPoints[ix][2], 12)

        # test _xyz_from_ra_dec <-> testCartesianFromSpherical
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(utils.cartesianFromSpherical(lon, lat),
                                      utils._xyz_from_ra_dec(lon, lat).transpose())
Пример #9
 def transform(self, ra, dec):
     ra, dec are in degrees; return the RA, Dec coordinates
     of the point about the new field center
     xyz = cartesianFromSpherical(np.radians(ra), np.radians(dec)).transpose()
     xyz =, xyz).transpose()
     ra_out, dec_out = sphericalFromCartesian(xyz)
     return np.degrees(ra_out), np.degrees(dec_out)
Пример #10
 def transform(self, ra, dec):
     ra, dec are in radians; return the RA, Dec coordinates
     of the point about the new field center
     xyz = cartesianFromSpherical(ra, dec).transpose()
     xyz =, xyz).transpose()
     ra_out, dec_out = sphericalFromCartesian(xyz)
     return ra_out, dec_out
    def testSphericalFromCartesian(self):
        Note that xyz[i][j] is the ith component of the jth vector

        Each column of xyz is a vector
        nsamples = 10
        radius = self.rng.random_sample(nsamples) * 10.0
        theta = self.rng.random_sample(nsamples) * np.pi - 0.5 * np.pi
        phi = self.rng.random_sample(nsamples) * 2.0 * np.pi

        points = []
        for ix in range(nsamples):
            vv = [radius[ix] * np.cos(theta[ix]) * np.cos(phi[ix]),
                  radius[ix] * np.cos(theta[ix]) * np.sin(phi[ix]),
                  radius[ix] * np.sin(theta[ix])]


        points = np.array(points)
        lon, lat = utils.sphericalFromCartesian(points)
        for ix in range(nsamples):
            self.assertAlmostEqual(np.cos(lon[ix]), np.cos(phi[ix]), 5)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(np.sin(lon[ix]), np.sin(phi[ix]), 5)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(np.cos(lat[ix]), np.cos(theta[ix]), 5)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(np.sin(lat[ix]), np.sin(theta[ix]), 5)

        # test passing in the points one at a time
        for pp, th, ph in zip(points, theta, phi):
            lon, lat = utils.sphericalFromCartesian(pp)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(np.cos(lon), np.cos(ph), 5)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(np.sin(lon), np.sin(ph), 5)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(np.cos(lat), np.cos(th), 5)
            self.assertAlmostEqual(np.sin(lat), np.sin(th), 5)

        # test ra_dec_from_xyz <-> sphericalFromCartesian
                                      utils._ra_dec_from_xyz(points[:, 0], points[:, 1], points[:, 2]))

        # now, test passing one at a time
        for pp in points:
                                          utils._ra_dec_from_xyz(pp[0], pp[1], pp[2]))
Пример #12
def fovCorners(obs, side_length):
    obs is an ObservationMetaData
    side_length in arcminutes

    # find the center of the field of view and convert it into "Observed RA, Dec"
    pointing_lon, pointing_lat = _observedFromICRS(np.array([obs._pointingRA]),

    # figure out the length of the diagonal of your square field of view
    hypotenuse = np.sqrt(2.0 * (side_length / 60.0)**2)
    half_length = np.radians(0.5 * hypotenuse)

    # Create a fiducial field of view cetnered on the north pole.
    # We will take this field of viewand rotate it so that it has
    # the correct orientation, then translate it down the celestial
    # sphere to the actual position of your telescope pointing.
    native_lon_list = np.array([0.0, np.pi / 2.0, np.pi, 1.5 * np.pi])
    native_lat_list = np.array([0.5 * np.pi - half_length] * 4)

    # rotate your field of view to account for the rotation of the sky

    rot_angle = -1.0 * obs._rotSkyPos + 0.25 * np.pi  # the extra 0.25 pi is to align our field
    # of view so that rotSkyPos=0 puts the
    # northern edge vertically up (when we
    # created the field of view, one of the
    # corners was vertically up)
    cosRot = np.cos(rot_angle)
    sinRot = np.sin(rot_angle)

    rotz = np.array([[cosRot, sinRot, 0.0], [-sinRot, cosRot, 0.0],
                     [0.0, 0.0, 1.0]])

    xyz = cartesianFromSpherical(native_lon_list, native_lat_list)

    rot_xyz = []

    for vec in xyz:
        new_xyz =, vec)

    rot_xyz = np.array(rot_xyz)

    rot_lon, rot_lat = sphericalFromCartesian(rot_xyz)

    # translate the field of view down to the actual telescope pointing
    ra_obs, dec_obs = _lonLatFromNativeLonLat(rot_lon, rot_lat,
                                              pointing_lon[0], pointing_lat[0])

    return np.degrees(
        _icrsFromObserved(ra_obs, dec_obs, obs_metadata=obs, epoch=2000.0))
Пример #13
 def check_pt(self, pt, answer):
     Take a Cartesian point (pt) and a known
     htmid for that point (answer).  Find the htmid
     for the point using findHtmid and verify that
     we get the expected answer.
     ra, dec = sphericalFromCartesian(pt)
     ii = findHtmid(np.degrees(ra), np.degrees(dec), 3)
     binary = '{0:b}'.format(ii)
     self.assertEqual(binary, answer)
Пример #14
 def check_pt(self, pt, answer):
     Take a Cartesian point (pt) and a known
     htmid for that point (answer).  Find the htmid
     for the point using findHtmid and verify that
     we get the expected answer.
     ra, dec = sphericalFromCartesian(pt)
     ii = findHtmid(np.degrees(ra), np.degrees(dec), 3)
     binary = '{0:b}'.format(ii)
     self.assertEqual(binary, answer)
Пример #15
    def _dePrecess(self, ra_in, dec_in, obs_metadata):
        Transform a set of RA, Dec pairs by subtracting out a rotation
        which represents the effects of precession, nutation, and aberration.


        Calculate the displacement between the boresite and the boresite
        corrected for precession, nutation, and aberration (not refraction).

        Convert boresite and corrected boresite to Cartesian coordinates.

        Calculate the rotation matrix to go between those Cartesian vectors.

        Convert [ra_in, dec_in] into Cartesian coordinates.

        Apply the rotation vector to those Cartesian coordinates.

        Convert back to ra, dec-like coordinates

        @param [in] ra_in is a numpy array of RA in radians

        @param [in] dec_in is a numpy array of Dec in radians

        @param [in] obs_metadata is an ObservationMetaData

        @param [out] ra_out is a numpy array of de-precessed RA in radians

        @param [out] dec_out is a numpy array of de-precessed Dec in radians

        if len(ra_in) == 0:
            return np.array([[], []])

        # Calculate the rotation matrix to go from the precessed bore site
        # to the ICRS bore site
        xyz_bore = cartesianFromSpherical(np.array([obs_metadata._pointingRA]),

        precessedRA, precessedDec = _observedFromICRS(np.array([obs_metadata._pointingRA]),
                                                      obs_metadata=obs_metadata, epoch=2000.0,

        xyz_precessed = cartesianFromSpherical(precessedRA, precessedDec)

        rotMat = rotationMatrixFromVectors(xyz_precessed[0], xyz_bore[0])

        xyz_list = cartesianFromSpherical(ra_in, dec_in)

        xyz_de_precessed = np.array([, xx) for xx in xyz_list])
        ra_deprecessed, dec_deprecessed = sphericalFromCartesian(xyz_de_precessed)
        return np.array([ra_deprecessed, dec_deprecessed])
Пример #16
def _applyPrecession(ra, dec, epoch=2000.0, mjd=None):
    _applyPrecession() applies precesion and nutation to coordinates between two epochs.
    Accepts RA and dec as inputs.  Returns corrected RA and dec (in radians).

    Assumes FK5 as the coordinate system
    units:  ra_in (radians), dec_in (radians)

    The precession-nutation matrix is calculated by the palpy.prenut method
    which uses the IAU 2006/2000A model

    @param [in] ra in radians

    @param [in] dec in radians

    @param [in] epoch is the epoch of the mean equinox (in years; default 2000)

    @param [in] mjd is an instantiation of the ModifiedJulianDate class
    representing the date of the observation

    @param [out] a 2-D numpy array in which the first row is the RA
    corrected for precession and nutation and the second row is the
    Dec corrected for precession and nutation (both in radians)

    if hasattr(ra, '__len__'):
        if len(ra) != len(dec):
            raise RuntimeError(
                "You supplied %d RAs but %d Decs to applyPrecession" %
                (len(ra), len(dec)))

    if mjd is None:
        raise RuntimeError("You need to supply applyPrecession with an mjd")

    # Determine the precession and nutation
    # palpy.prenut takes the julian epoch for the mean coordinates
    # and the MJD for the the true coordinates
    # TODO it is not specified what this MJD should be (i.e. in which
    # time system it should be reckoned)
    rmat = palpy.prenut(epoch, mjd.TT)

    # Apply rotation matrix
    xyz = cartesianFromSpherical(ra, dec)
    xyz =, xyz.transpose()).transpose()

    raOut, decOut = sphericalFromCartesian(xyz)
    return np.array([raOut, decOut])
def _applyPrecession(ra, dec, epoch=2000.0, mjd=None):
    _applyPrecession() applies precesion and nutation to coordinates between two epochs.
    Accepts RA and dec as inputs.  Returns corrected RA and dec (in radians).

    Assumes FK5 as the coordinate system
    units:  ra_in (radians), dec_in (radians)

    The precession-nutation matrix is calculated by the palpy.prenut method
    which uses the IAU 2006/2000A model

    @param [in] ra in radians

    @param [in] dec in radians

    @param [in] epoch is the epoch of the mean equinox (in years; default 2000)

    @param [in] mjd is an instantiation of the ModifiedJulianDate class
    representing the date of the observation

    @param [out] a 2-D numpy array in which the first row is the RA
    corrected for precession and nutation and the second row is the
    Dec corrected for precession and nutation (both in radians)

    if hasattr(ra, '__len__'):
        if len(ra) != len(dec):
            raise RuntimeError("You supplied %d RAs but %d Decs to applyPrecession" %
                               (len(ra), len(dec)))

    if mjd is None:
        raise RuntimeError("You need to supply applyPrecession with an mjd")

    # Determine the precession and nutation
    #palpy.prenut takes the julian epoch for the mean coordinates
    #and the MJD for the the true coordinates
    #TODO it is not specified what this MJD should be (i.e. in which
    #time system it should be reckoned)
    rmat=palpy.prenut(epoch, mjd.TT)

    # Apply rotation matrix
    xyz = cartesianFromSpherical(ra,dec)
    xyz =,xyz.transpose()).transpose()

    raOut,decOut = sphericalFromCartesian(xyz)
    return numpy.array([raOut,decOut])
def smear_ra_dec(ra_deg, dec_deg, delta_ast, rng):
    xyz = cartesianFromSpherical(np.radians(ra_deg), np.radians(dec_deg))
    ra_out = np.zeros(len(ra_deg), dtype=float)
    dec_out = np.zeros(len(dec_deg), dtype=float)
    for ii in range(len(ra_deg)):
        random_vec = rng.normal(0.0, 1.0, 3)
        parallel =, xyz[ii])
        random_vec -= parallel * xyz[ii]
        random_vec /= np.sqrt(, random_vec))
        cos_d = np.cos(delta_ast[ii])
        sin_d = np.sin(delta_ast[ii])
        new_xyz = cos_d * xyz[ii] + sin_d * random_vec
        new_xyz /= np.sqrt(, new_xyz))
        new_ra, new_dec = sphericalFromCartesian(new_xyz)
        ra_out[ii] = np.degrees(new_ra)
        dec_out[ii] = np.degrees(new_dec)
    return ra_out, dec_out
Пример #19
    def _icrsFromPhoSim(self, raPhoSim, decPhoSim, obs_metadata):
        This method will convert from the 'deprecessed' coordinates expected by
        PhoSim to ICRS coordinates

        raPhoSim is the PhoSim RA-like coordinate (in radians)

        decPhoSim is the PhoSim Dec-like coordinate (in radians)

        obs_metadata is an ObservationMetaData characterizing the
        telescope pointing

        raICRS in radians

        decICRS in radians

        # Calculate the rotation matrix to go from the ICRS bore site to the
        # precessed bore site
        xyz_bore = cartesianFromSpherical(np.array([obs_metadata._pointingRA]),

        precessedRA, precessedDec = _observedFromICRS(np.array([obs_metadata._pointingRA]),
                                                      obs_metadata=obs_metadata, epoch=2000.0,

        xyz_precessed = cartesianFromSpherical(precessedRA, precessedDec)

        rotMat = rotationMatrixFromVectors(xyz_bore[0], xyz_precessed[0])

        # apply this rotation matrix to the PhoSim RA, Dec-like coordinates,
        # transforming back to "Observed" RA and Dec
        xyz_list = cartesianFromSpherical(raPhoSim, decPhoSim)
        xyz_obs = np.array([, xx) for xx in xyz_list])
        ra_obs, dec_obs = sphericalFromCartesian(xyz_obs)

        # convert to ICRS coordinates
        return _icrsFromObserved(ra_obs, dec_obs, obs_metadata=obs_metadata,
                                 epoch=2000.0, includeRefraction=False)
    def testCartesianFromSpherical(self):
        nsamples = 10
        theta = numpy.random.random_sample(nsamples)*numpy.pi-0.5*numpy.pi
        phi = numpy.random.random_sample(nsamples)*2.0*numpy.pi

        points = []
        for ix in range(nsamples):
            vv = [numpy.cos(theta[ix])*numpy.cos(phi[ix]),


        points = numpy.array(points)
        lon, lat = utils.sphericalFromCartesian(points)
        outPoints = utils.cartesianFromSpherical(numpy.array(lon), numpy.array(lat))

        for pp, oo in zip(points, outPoints):
            numpy.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(pp, oo, decimal=6)
Пример #21
 def test_trixel_from_htmid(self):
     Check that trixelFromHtmid works by
     finding the htmid from an RA, Dec pair,
     instantiating the Trixel corresponding
     to that htmid, and verifying that that
     Trixel (and not its neighbors) contains
     the RA, Dec pair.
     rng = np.random.RandomState(88)
     n_tests = 100
     for i_test in range(n_tests):
         pt = rng.normal(0.0, 1.0, 3)
         ra, dec = sphericalFromCartesian(pt)
         ra = np.degrees(ra)
         dec = np.degrees(dec)
         ii = findHtmid(ra, dec, 5)
         tt = trixelFromHtmid(ii)
         self.assertTrue(tt.contains(ra, dec))
         tt1 = trixelFromHtmid(ii - 1)
         self.assertFalse(tt1.contains(ra, dec))
         tt2 = trixelFromHtmid(ii + 1)
         self.assertFalse(tt2.contains(ra, dec))
Пример #22
 def test_trixel_from_htmid(self):
     Check that trixelFromHtmid works by
     finding the htmid from an RA, Dec pair,
     instantiating the Trixel corresponding
     to that htmid, and verifying that that
     Trixel (and not its neighbors) contains
     the RA, Dec pair.
     rng = np.random.RandomState(88)
     n_tests = 100
     for i_test in range(n_tests):
         pt = rng.normal(0.0, 1.0, 3)
         ra, dec = sphericalFromCartesian(pt)
         ra = np.degrees(ra)
         dec = np.degrees(dec)
         ii = findHtmid(ra, dec, 5)
         tt = trixelFromHtmid(ii)
         self.assertTrue(tt.contains(ra, dec))
         tt1 = trixelFromHtmid(ii-1)
         self.assertFalse(tt1.contains(ra, dec))
         tt2 = trixelFromHtmid(ii+1)
         self.assertFalse(tt2.contains(ra, dec))
Пример #23
def trixel_intersects_half_space(trix, hspace):
    This is a brute force method to determine whether a trixel
    is inside, or at least intersects, a halfspace.
    if hspace.phi > 0.25 * np.pi:
        raise RuntimeError("trixel_intersects_half_space is not safe for "
                           "large HalfSpaces")

    # if any of the trixel's corners are within the
    # HalfSpace, return True
    raRad, decRad = sphericalFromCartesian(hspace.vector)
    for corner in trix.corners:
        raRad1, decRad1 = sphericalFromCartesian(corner)
        if _angularSeparation(raRad, decRad, raRad1, decRad1) < hspace.phi:
            return True

    # if the trixel contains the HalfSpace's center,
    # return True
    if trix.contains_pt(hspace.vector):
        return True

    sinphi = np.abs(np.sin(hspace.phi))

    # Iterate over each pair of corners (c1, c2).  For each pair,
    # construct a coordinate basis in which +z is in the
    # direction of c3, and +x is along the
    # unit vector defining c_i such that the angle
    # phi of c_j in the x,y plane is positive.  This coordinate
    # system is such that the trixel edge defined by c1, c2 is
    # now along the equator of the unit sphere.  Find the point
    # of closest approach of the HalfSpace's center to the equator.
    # If that point is between c1 and c2, return True.
    for i_c_1 in range(3):
        c1 = trix.corners[i_c_1]
        for i_c_2 in range(3):
            if i_c_2 <= i_c_1:
            c2 = trix.corners[i_c_2]
            i_c_3 = 3 - (i_c_1 + i_c_2)
            c3 = trix.corners[i_c_3]
            assert i_c_3 != i_c_2
            assert i_c_3 != i_c_1
            assert i_c_1 != i_c_2

            z_axis = np.array([
                c1[1] * c2[2] - c1[2] * c2[1], c2[0] * c1[2] - c1[0] * c2[2],
                c1[0] * c2[1] - c2[0] * c1[1]
            z_axis = z_axis / np.sqrt((z_axis**2).sum())

            if, c3) < 0.0:
                z_axis *= -1.0

            assert np.abs(1.0 -, z_axis)) < 1.0e-10
            assert np.abs(1.0 -, c1)) < 1.0e-10
            assert np.abs(1.0 -, c2)) < 1.0e-10
            assert np.abs(, c1)) < 1.0e-10
            assert np.abs(, c2)) < 1.0e-10

            # if the dot product of the center of the HalfSpace
            # with the z axis of the new coordinate system is
            # greater than the sine of the radius of the
            # halfspace, then there is no way that the halfspace
            # intersects the equator of the unit sphere in this
            # coordinate system
            if np.abs(, hspace.vector)) > sinphi:

            x_axis = c1
            y_axis = -1.0 * np.array([
                x_axis[1] * z_axis[2] - x_axis[2] * z_axis[1],
                z_axis[0] * x_axis[2] - x_axis[0] * z_axis[2],
                x_axis[0] * z_axis[1] - z_axis[0] * x_axis[1]

            cos_a =, c2)
            sin_a =, c2)

            if sin_a < 0.0:
                x_axis = c2
                y_axis = -1.0 * np.array([
                    x_axis[1] * z_axis[2] - x_axis[2] * z_axis[1],
                    z_axis[0] * x_axis[2] - x_axis[0] * z_axis[2],
                    x_axis[0] * z_axis[1] - z_axis[0] * x_axis[1]

                cos_a =, c1)
                sin_a =, c1)

            assert cos_a >= 0.0
            assert sin_a >= 0.0
            assert np.abs(1.0 - cos_a**2 - sin_a**2) < 1.0e-10
            assert np.abs(, z_axis)) < 1.0e-10
            assert np.abs(, y_axis)) < 1.0e-10
            assert np.abs(, z_axis)) < 1.0e-10

            x_center =, hspace.vector)

            # if the x-coordinate of the HalfSpace's center is
            # negative, the HalfSpace is on the opposite side
            # of the unit sphere; ignore this pair c1, c2
            if x_center < 0.0:

            y_center =, hspace.vector)

            # tan_a is the tangent of the angle between
            # the x_axis and the other trixel corner in
            # the x, y plane
            tan_a = sin_a / cos_a

            # tan_extreme is the tangent of the angle in
            # the x, y plane defining the point of closest
            # approach of the HalfSpace's center to the
            # equator.  If this point is between c1, c2,
            # return True.
            tan_extreme = y_center / x_center
            if tan_extreme > 0.0 and tan_extreme < tan_a:
                return True

    return False
Пример #24
    def __next__(self):
        if self._tile_to_do == 0:
            self._valid_tiles = 0
            self._n_chunks += 1
            if self.chunk_size is None:
                results = self._galaxy_query.fetchall()
            elif self.chunk_size is not None:
                results = self._galaxy_query.fetchmany(self.chunk_size)
                raise StopIteration
            self._galaxy_cache = self.dbobj._convert_results_to_numpy_recarray_catalogDBObj(results)
            self._n_rows += len(self._galaxy_cache)
            if len(self._galaxy_cache) == 0:
                raise StopIteration

        current_chunk = copy.deepcopy(self._galaxy_cache)
        rot_mat = self._rotate_to_sky[self._tile_to_do]
        bounds = self._00_bounds[self._tile_to_do]
        sky_tile = self._sky_tile[self._tile_to_do]
        tile_idx = self._tile_idx[self._tile_to_do]

        make_the_cut = None
        for bb in bounds:
            htmid_min = bb[0] << 2*(21-self._trixel_search_level)
            htmid_max = (bb[1]+1) << 2*(21-self._trixel_search_level)
            valid = ((current_chunk['htmid']>=htmid_min) & (current_chunk['htmid']<=htmid_max))
            if make_the_cut is None:
                make_the_cut = valid
                make_the_cut |= valid

        good_dexes = np.where(make_the_cut)[0]
        if len(good_dexes) < len(current_chunk):
            current_chunk = current_chunk[good_dexes]

        self._tile_to_do += 1
        if self._tile_to_do >= len(self._rotate_to_sky):
            self._tile_to_do = 0

        if len(current_chunk) == 0:
            return self.__next__()

        xyz = cartesianFromSpherical(np.radians(current_chunk['ra']),

        xyz_sky =, xyz.transpose()).transpose()

        final_cut = sky_tile.contains_many_pts(xyz_sky)
        final_cut &= self.obs_hs.contains_many_pts(xyz_sky)
        final_cut = np.where(final_cut)

        xyz_sky = xyz_sky[final_cut]
        current_chunk = current_chunk[final_cut]
        if len(current_chunk) == 0:
            return self.__next__()

        ra_dec_sky = sphericalFromCartesian(xyz_sky)
        current_chunk['ra'] = np.degrees(ra_dec_sky[0]) % 360.0
        current_chunk['dec'] = np.degrees(ra_dec_sky[1]) % 360.0
        current_chunk['dec'] = np.where(current_chunk['dec']<270.0,
        current_chunk['dec'] = np.where(np.abs(current_chunk['dec'])<=90.0,
        if self._has_J2000:
            current_chunk['raJ2000'] = ra_dec_sky[0] % (2.0*np.pi)
            _dec = ra_dec_sky[1] % (2.0*np.pi)
            current_chunk['decJ2000'] = np.where(_dec<1.5*np.pi,
            current_chunk['decJ2000'] = np.where(np.abs(current_chunk['decJ2000'])<=0.5*np.pi,

        #>>> r2 = recfunc.append_fields(r,['d','e'],d,dtypes=[float, int], usemask=False, asrecarray=True)

        galtileid = tile_idx*100000000+current_chunk['id']
        current_chunk = np_recfn.append_fields(current_chunk, ['galtileid'], [galtileid],
                                               dtypes=[int], usemask=False, asrecarray=True)

        self._valid_tiles += 1
        self._rows_kept += len(current_chunk)
        return self._postprocess_results(current_chunk)
Пример #25
    def __init__(self, dbobj, colnames, obs_metadata, chunk_size, constraint):
        dbobj -- a CatalogDBObject connected to the 'galaxies' table on
        the UW CatSim server

        colnames -- a list of the columns to query

        chunk_size -- size of chunks to return

        constraint -- a string specifying a SQL 'WHERE' clause
        self.arbitrarySQL = False
        self.dbobj = dbobj
        if 'ra' not in colnames:
            query_colnames = ['htmid', 'galid', 'ra', 'dec'] + colnames
            query_colnames = ['htmid', 'galid'] + colnames
        self._column_query = dbobj._get_column_query(query_colnames)
        self.chunk_size = chunk_size
        tile_idx_list = np.sort(self._find_tiles(obs_metadata))
        self._trixel_search_level = 9
        self.obs_metadata = obs_metadata
        total_trixel_bounds = []
        self._00_bounds = []
        self._rotate_to_sky = []
        self._sky_tile = []
        self._tile_idx = []

        # construct a HalfSpace based on obs_metadata
        self.obs_hs = halfSpaceFromRaDec(obs_metadata.pointingRA,

        obs_where_clause = "("
        for tile_idx in tile_idx_list:
            rotate_to_00 = self.uwgalaxy_tiles.rotation_matrix(tile_idx)

            # find the bounds for trixels contained by the field of view
            # when rotated from the current tile to RA=Dec=0
            new_vv =, self.obs_hs.vector)
            new_ra, new_dec = sphericalFromCartesian(new_vv)
            new_obs = ObservationMetaData(pointingRA=np.degrees(new_ra),

            if obs_where_clause != "(":
                obs_where_clause += " OR ("
                obs_where_clause += "("
            obs_where_clause += new_obs.bounds.to_SQL('ra', 'dec')
            obs_where_clause += ")"

            obs_hs_00 = HalfSpace(new_vv, self.obs_hs.dd)
            obs_hs_00_trixels = obs_hs_00.findAllTrixels(self._trixel_search_level)

            # find the trixels in the current tile when it is rotated
            # to RA=Dec=0
            sky_tile = self.uwgalaxy_tiles.tile(tile_idx)
            single_tile = sky_tile.rotate(rotate_to_00)
            local_bounds = single_tile.find_all_trixels(self._trixel_search_level)
            local_bounds = HalfSpace.join_trixel_bound_sets(local_bounds, obs_hs_00_trixels)

            total_trixel_bounds += local_bounds

        obs_where_clause += ")"

        total_trixel_bounds = HalfSpace.merge_trixel_bounds(total_trixel_bounds)

        where_clause = "("
        for i_bound, bound in enumerate(total_trixel_bounds):
            if i_bound>0:
                where_clause += " OR "
            htmid_min = bound[0] << 2*(21-self._trixel_search_level)
            htmid_max = (bound[1]+1) << 2*(21-self._trixel_search_level)
            assert levelFromHtmid(htmid_min) == 21
            assert levelFromHtmid(htmid_max) == 21
            assert htmid_min<htmid_max
            where_clause += "(htmid>=%d AND htmid<=%d)" % (htmid_min, htmid_max)
        where_clause += ")"
        where_clause += " AND "
        where_clause += obs_where_clause

        if constraint is not None:
            where_clause += " AND (%s)" % text(constraint)

        query = self._column_query
        query = query.filter(text(where_clause))
        query = query.order_by('redshift')

        self._galaxy_query = dbobj.connection.session.execute(query)
        self._tile_to_do = 0

        self._has_J2000 = False
        if 'raJ2000' in colnames:
            self._has_J2000 = True
        self._valid_tiles = 0
        self._n_chunks = 0
        self._n_rows = 0
        self._rows_kept = 0
Пример #26
def trixel_intersects_half_space(trix, hspace):
    This is a brute force method to determine whether a trixel
    is inside, or at least intersects, a halfspace.
    if hspace.phi > 0.25*np.pi:
        raise RuntimeError("trixel_intersects_half_space is not safe for "
                           "large HalfSpaces")

    # if any of the trixel's corners are within the
    # HalfSpace, return True
    raRad, decRad = sphericalFromCartesian(hspace.vector)
    for corner in trix.corners:
        raRad1, decRad1 = sphericalFromCartesian(corner)
        if _angularSeparation(raRad, decRad, raRad1, decRad1) < hspace.phi:
            return True

    # if the trixel contains the HalfSpace's center,
    # return True
    if trix.contains_pt(hspace.vector):
        return True

    sinphi = np.abs(np.sin(hspace.phi))

    # Iterate over each pair of corners (c1, c2).  For each pair,
    # construct a coordinate basis in which +z is in the
    # direction of c3, and +x is along the
    # unit vector defining c_i such that the angle
    # phi of c_j in the x,y plane is positive.  This coordinate
    # system is such that the trixel edge defined by c1, c2 is
    # now along the equator of the unit sphere.  Find the point
    # of closest approach of the HalfSpace's center to the equator.
    # If that point is between c1 and c2, return True.
    for i_c_1 in range(3):
        c1 = trix.corners[i_c_1]
        for i_c_2 in range(3):
            if i_c_2 <= i_c_1:
            c2 = trix.corners[i_c_2]
            i_c_3 = 3 - (i_c_1+i_c_2)
            c3 = trix.corners[i_c_3]
            assert i_c_3 != i_c_2
            assert i_c_3 != i_c_1
            assert i_c_1 != i_c_2

            z_axis = np.array([c1[1]*c2[2]-c1[2]*c2[1],
            z_axis = z_axis/np.sqrt((z_axis**2).sum())

            if, c3) < 0.0:
                z_axis *= -1.0

            assert np.abs(, z_axis)) < 1.0e-10
            assert np.abs(, c1)) < 1.0e-10
            assert np.abs(, c2)) < 1.0e-10
            assert np.abs(, c1)) < 1.0e-10
            assert np.abs(, c2)) < 1.0e-10

            # if the dot product of the center of the HalfSpace
            # with the z axis of the new coordinate system is
            # greater than the sine of the radius of the
            # halfspace, then there is no way that the halfspace
            # intersects the equator of the unit sphere in this
            # coordinate system
            if np.abs(, hspace.vector)) > sinphi:

            x_axis = c1
            y_axis = -1.0*np.array([x_axis[1]*z_axis[2]-x_axis[2]*z_axis[1],

            cos_a =, c2)
            sin_a =, c2)

            if sin_a < 0.0:
                x_axis = c2
                y_axis = -1.0*np.array([x_axis[1]*z_axis[2]-x_axis[2]*z_axis[1],

                cos_a =, c1)
                sin_a =, c1)

            assert cos_a >= 0.0
            assert sin_a >= 0.0
            assert np.abs(1.0-cos_a**2-sin_a**2) < 1.0e-10
            assert np.abs(, z_axis)) < 1.0e-10
            assert np.abs(, y_axis)) < 1.0e-10
            assert np.abs(, z_axis)) < 1.0e-10

            x_center =, hspace.vector)

            # if the x-coordinate of the HalfSpace's center is
            # negative, the HalfSpace is on the opposite side
            # of the unit sphere; ignore this pair c1, c2
            if x_center < 0.0:

            y_center =, hspace.vector)

            # tan_a is the tangent of the angle between
            # the x_axis and the other trixel corner in
            # the x, y plane
            tan_a = sin_a/cos_a

            # tan_extreme is the tangent of the angle in
            # the x, y plane defining the point of closest
            # approach of the HalfSpace's center to the
            # equator.  If this point is between c1, c2,
            # return True.
            tan_extreme = y_center/x_center
            if tan_extreme > 0.0 and tan_extreme < tan_a:
                return True

    return False