Пример #1
def test_pltlf_dfa():
    parser = PLTLfParser()

    f = parser("a")
    dfa = f.to_dfa(mona_dfa_out=False)
    expected = """digraph MONA_DFA {
 rankdir = LR;
 center = true;
 size = "7.5,10.5";
 edge [fontname = Courier];
 node [height = .5, width = .5];
 node [shape = doublecircle]; 2;
 node [shape = circle]; 1;
 init [shape = plaintext, label = ""];
 init -> 1;
 1 -> 1 [label="~a"];
 1 -> 2 [label="a"];
 2 -> 1 [label="~a"];
 2 -> 2 [label="a"];
    assert dfa == expected

    f = parser("true")
    dfa = f.to_dfa(mona_dfa_out=False)
    expected = """digraph MONA_DFA {
 rankdir = LR;
 center = true;
 size = "7.5,10.5";
 edge [fontname = Courier];
 node [height = .5, width = .5];
 node [shape = doublecircle]; 1;
 node [shape = circle]; 1;
 init [shape = plaintext, label = ""];
 init -> 1;
 1 -> 1 [label="true"];
    assert dfa == expected

    f = parser("O(a) -> O(b)")

    dfa = f.to_dfa(mona_dfa_out=False)
    expected = """digraph MONA_DFA {
 rankdir = LR;
 center = true;
 size = "7.5,10.5";
 edge [fontname = Courier];
 node [height = .5, width = .5];
 node [shape = doublecircle]; 1; 2;
 node [shape = circle]; 1;
 init [shape = plaintext, label = ""];
 init -> 1;
 1 -> 1 [label="~a & ~b"];
 1 -> 2 [label="b"];
 1 -> 3 [label="a & ~b"];
 2 -> 2 [label="true"];
 3 -> 3 [label="~b"];
 3 -> 2 [label="b"];
    assert dfa == expected
Пример #2
def test_pltlf_example_readme():
    from ltlf2dfa.parser.pltlf import PLTLfParser

    parser = PLTLfParser()
    formula = "H(a -> Y b)"
    parsed_formula = parser(formula)

    assert str(parsed_formula) == "H((a -> Y(b)))"
    assert parsed_formula.find_labels() == [c for c in "ab"]
Пример #3
def test_mona():
    parser = PLTLfParser()
    a, b, c = [PLTLfAtomic(c) for c in "abc"]
    tt = PLTLfTrue()
    ff = PLTLfFalse()

    assert a.to_mona(v="max($)") == "(max($) in A)"
    assert b.to_mona(v="max($)") == "(max($) in B)"
    assert c.to_mona(v="max($)") == "(max($) in C)"
    assert tt.to_mona(v="max($)") == "true"
    assert ff.to_mona(v="max($)") == "false"

    f = parser("!(a & !b)")
    assert f.to_mona(v="max($)") == "~(((max($) in A) & ~((max($) in B))))"

    f = parser("!(!a | b)")
    assert f.to_mona(v="max($)") == "~((~((max($) in A)) | (max($) in B)))"

    f = parser("!(a <-> b)")
    assert (
        f.to_nnf().to_mona(v="max($)") ==
        "((~((max($) in A)) | ~((max($) in B))) & ((max($) in A) | (max($) in B)))"

    # Before
    f = parser("Y(a & b)")
    assert (
        f.to_mona(v="max($)") ==
        "(ex1 v_1: v_1 in $ & v_1=max($)-1 & max($)>0 & ((v_1 in A) & (v_1 in B)))"

    # Since
    f = parser("a S b")
    assert (
        f.to_mona(v="max($)") ==
        "(ex1 v_1: v_1 in $ & 0<=v_1&v_1<=max($) & (v_1 in B) & (all1 v_2: v_2 in $ & v_1<v_2&v_2<=max($)"
        " => (v_2 in A)))")

    # Once and Historically
    f = parser("O(a & b)")
    assert (
        f.to_mona(v="max($)") ==
        "(ex1 v_1: v_1 in $ & 0<=v_1&v_1<=max($) & ((v_1 in A) & (v_1 in B)) & (all1 v_2: "
        "v_2 in $ & v_1<v_2&v_2<=max($) => true))")
    f = parser("a & O(b)")
    assert (
        f.to_mona(v="max($)") ==
        "((max($) in A) & (ex1 v_1: v_1 in $ & 0<=v_1&v_1<=max($) & (v_1 in B) & (all1 v_2: v_2 in $ & v_1<v_2&v_2<=max($) => "
    f = parser("H(a | b)")
    assert (
        f.to_mona(v="max($)") ==
        "~((ex1 v_1: v_1 in $ & 0<=v_1&v_1<=max($) & ~(((v_1 in A) | (v_1 in B))) & (all1 v_2: "
        "v_2 in $ & v_1<v_2&v_2<=max($) => true)))")
Пример #4
def dfa():
    formula_string = request.form["inputFormula"]
    control_set = request.form["controllables"]
    uncontrol_set = request.form["uncontrollables"]
    assert formula_string
    automa_name = "dfa_" + str(datetime.datetime.now()).replace(
        " ", "_") + "_" + str(uuid.uuid4())
    isLtlf = True
    if all(c in FUTURE_OPS for c in formula_string if c.isupper()):

        f_parser = LTLfParser()
            formula = f_parser(formula_string)
        except Exception as e:
            if request.form.get("exampleCheck1"):
                return render_template("dfa.html",
            return render_template("index.html", error=str(e).encode("utf-8"))
        assert all(c in PAST_OPS for c in formula_string if c.isupper())
        isLtlf = False
        p_parser = PLTLfParser()
            formula = p_parser(formula_string)
        except Exception as e:
            if request.form.get("exampleCheck1"):
                return render_template("dfa.html",
            return render_template("index.html", error=str(e).encode("utf-8"))

    dfa = ltl2dfagame(formula_string, control_set, uncontrol_set, isLtlf)
    write_dot_file(str(dfa), automa_name)
    subprocess.call('dot -Tsvg {} -o {}'.format(
        "{}/static/dot/{}.dot".format(PACKAGE_DIR, automa_name),
        "{}/static/tmp/{}.svg".format(PACKAGE_DIR, automa_name)),

    encoding = encode_svg("{}/static/tmp/{}.svg".format(
        PACKAGE_DIR, automa_name)).decode("utf-8")
    piero_encoding = encode_svg(

    os.unlink("{}/static/dot/{}.dot".format(PACKAGE_DIR, automa_name))
    os.unlink("{}/static/tmp/{}.svg".format(PACKAGE_DIR, automa_name))

    return render_template("dfa.html",
Пример #5
def test_nnf():
    parser = PLTLfParser()
    a, b, c = [PLTLfAtomic(c) for c in "abc"]

    f = parser("!(a & !b)")
    assert f.to_nnf() == PLTLfOr([PLTLfNot(a), b])

    f = parser("!(!a | b)")
    assert f.to_nnf() == PLTLfAnd([a, PLTLfNot(b)])

    f = parser("!(a <-> b)")
    assert f.to_nnf() == PLTLfAnd(
        [PLTLfOr([PLTLfNot(a), PLTLfNot(b)]),
         PLTLfOr([a, b])])
Пример #6
def test_parser():
    parser = PLTLfParser()
    a, b, c = [PLTLfAtomic(c) for c in "abc"]

    assert parser("!a | b <-> !(a & !b) <-> a->b") == PLTLfEquivalence([
        PLTLfOr([PLTLfNot(a), b]),
        PLTLfNot(PLTLfAnd([a, PLTLfNot(b)])),
        PLTLfImplies([a, b]),

    assert parser("(Y a)") == PLTLfBefore(a)

    assert parser("(O (a&b)) <-> !(H (!a | !b) )") == PLTLfEquivalence([
        PLTLfOnce(PLTLfAnd([a, b])),

    assert parser("(a S b S !c)") == PLTLfSince([a, b, PLTLfNot(c)])
Пример #7
def ltl2dfagame(ltl, controllables, uncontrollables, isLtlf):
      controllables = controllables.split(' ')
      uncontrollables = uncontrollables.split(' ')
      print("controllables :")
      print( controllables)

      print("uncontrollables :")
      print( uncontrollables)

      controllables = set(controllables)
      uncontrollables = set(uncontrollables)

      ### trasformazione in automata (LTL2DFA)
        parser = LTLfParser()
        parser = PLTLfParser()

      formula = parser(ltl)       

      print("converting to automaton....")
      dfa = formula.to_dfa()
      print(dfa)                          # prints the DFA in DOT format

      ### trasformazione in automata (PYTHOMATA)
      dfa = converter(dfa)

      ### stampo automa normale
      graph = dfa.to_graphviz()

      ### calcolo winning dict
      print("\n\n#############  winning_dict ################")
      win_dict = winning_dict(dfa, controllables, uncontrollables)

      ### stampo winning map
      graph = to_graphviz_winning_map(dfa, win_dict)
      return graph
Пример #8
def execute(planning_domain, planning_problem, goal_formula):
    """Execute the compilation."""
    pddl_parser = PDDLParser()
    parsed_domain = pddl_parser(planning_domain)
    parsed_problem = pddl_parser(planning_problem)
    # parsed_domain = planning_domain
    # parsed_problem = planning_problem

    symbols = compute_symb_vars(goal_formula)
    if not check_symbols(
            parsed_domain):  # TODO: it checks symbols but not objects....
        raise ValueError("[ERROR]: Formula symbols not in the domain.")

    if all(c in FUTURE_OPS for c in goal_formula if c.isupper()):
        f_parser = LTLfParser()
            formula = f_parser(goal_formula)
        except Exception:
            raise ParsingError()

        assert all(c in PAST_OPS for c in goal_formula if c.isupper())
        p_parser = PLTLfParser()
            formula = p_parser(goal_formula)
        except Exception:
            raise ParsingError()

    mona_output = formula.to_dfa(mona_dfa_out=True)
    dfa = parse_dfa(mona_output)
    operators_trans, parameters = dfa.create_operators_trans(
        parsed_domain.predicates, symbols)

    new_domain = parsed_domain.get_new_domain(parameters, dfa.states,
    new_problem = parsed_problem.get_new_problem(list(dfa.accepting_states),

    return new_domain, new_problem
Пример #9
def test_nnf():
    parser = PLTLfParser()
    a, b, c = [PLTLfAtomic(c) for c in "abc"]

    f = parser("!(a & !b)")
    assert f.to_nnf() == PLTLfOr([PLTLfNot(a), b])

    f = parser("!(!a | b)")
    assert f.to_nnf() == PLTLfAnd([a, PLTLfNot(b)])

    f = parser("!(a <-> b)")
    assert f.to_nnf() == PLTLfAnd(
        [PLTLfOr([PLTLfNot(a), PLTLfNot(b)]),
         PLTLfOr([a, b])])

    # Yesterday and Weak Yesterday
    f = parser("!(Y (a & b))")
    assert f.to_nnf() == PLTLfWeakBefore(PLTLfOr([PLTLfNot(a), PLTLfNot(b)]))

    f = parser("!(WY (a & b))")
    assert f.to_nnf() == PLTLfBefore(PLTLfOr([PLTLfNot(a), PLTLfNot(b)]))

    # Once and Historically
    f = parser("!(O (a | b))")
    assert (f.to_nnf() == PLTLfHistorically(
        PLTLfAnd([PLTLfNot(a), PLTLfNot(b)])).to_nnf())

    # Since
    f = parser("!(a S b)")
    assert f.to_nnf() == PLTLfPastRelease([PLTLfNot(a), PLTLfNot(b)])
    f = parser("!(a P b)")
    assert f.to_nnf() == PLTLfSince([PLTLfNot(a), PLTLfNot(b)])

    f = parser("!(O (a | b))")
    assert (f.to_nnf() == PLTLfHistorically(
        PLTLfAnd([PLTLfNot(a), PLTLfNot(b)])).to_nnf())
    f = parser("!(H (a | b))")
    assert f.to_nnf() == PLTLfOnce(PLTLfAnd([PLTLfNot(a),
Пример #10
def test_negate():
    parser = PLTLfParser()
    sa, sb, sc = "a", "b", "c"
    a, b, c = PLTLfAtomic(sa), PLTLfAtomic(sb), PLTLfAtomic(sc)

    a_and_b = PLTLfAnd([a, b])
    not_a_or_not_b = PLTLfOr([PLTLfNot(a), PLTLfNot(b)])
    assert a_and_b.negate() == not_a_or_not_b

    a_and_b_and_c = PLTLfAnd([a, b, c])
    not_a_or_not_b_or_not_c = PLTLfOr([PLTLfNot(a), PLTLfNot(b), PLTLfNot(c)])
    assert a_and_b_and_c.negate() == not_a_or_not_b_or_not_c

    before_a = PLTLfBefore(a)
    weakBefore_not_a = PLTLfWeakBefore(PLTLfNot(a))
    assert before_a.negate() == weakBefore_not_a

    once_a = PLTLfOnce(a)
    false_pastRelease_not_a = PLTLfPastRelease([PLTLfFalse(), PLTLfNot(a)])
    assert once_a.negate() == false_pastRelease_not_a

    historically_a = PLTLfHistorically(a)
    true_since_not_a = PLTLfSince([PLTLfTrue(), PLTLfNot(a)])
    assert historically_a.negate() == true_since_not_a
Пример #11
def ltl2dfagame(ltl, controllables, uncontrollables, isLtlf):

    controllables = controllables.split(' ')
    uncontrollables = uncontrollables.split(' ')
    print("controllables :")

    print("uncontrollables :")

    controllables = set(controllables)
    uncontrollables = set(uncontrollables)

    ### trasformazione in automata (LTL2DFA)

    if (isLtlf):
        parser = LTLfParser()
        parser = PLTLfParser()

    formula = parser(ltl)

    print("converting to automaton....")
    dfa = formula.to_dfa()
    print(dfa)  # prints the DFA in DOT format

    ### trasformazione in automata (PYTHOMATA)
    dfa = converter(dfa)

    ### stampo automa normale
    graph = dfa.to_graphviz()

    ### calcolo winning dict
    print("\n\n#############  winning_dict ################")
    win_dict, strat_list = winning_dict(dfa, controllables, uncontrollables)

    ### stampo winning map

    graph, color_map = to_graphviz_winning_map(dfa, win_dict)

    ### stampo se e' realizzabile
    realizable = realizzabile(dfa, win_dict)
    #realizable = False
    ### stampo la strategy
      if realizable:
        strat, strat_list = computeStrategy(dfa, win_dict, controllables)
        strat_list = []
    if not realizable:
        strat_list = []
    ### plot
    plot(ltl, strat_list, realizable, controllables, uncontrollables,

    return graph
Пример #12
def test_pltlf_dfa():
    parser = PLTLfParser()

    f = parser("a")
    dfa = f.to_dfa()
    expected = """digraph MONA_DFA {
 rankdir = LR;
 center = true;
 size = "7.5,10.5";
 edge [fontname = Courier];
 node [height = .5, width = .5];
 node [shape = doublecircle]; 3;
 node [shape = circle]; 1;
 init [shape = plaintext, label = ""];
 init -> 1;
 1 -> 2 [label="~a"];
 1 -> 3 [label="a"];
 2 -> 2 [label="true"];
 3 -> 3 [label="true"];
    assert dfa == expected

    f = parser("true")
    dfa = f.to_dfa()
    expected = """digraph MONA_DFA {
 rankdir = LR;
 center = true;
 size = "7.5,10.5";
 edge [fontname = Courier];
 node [height = .5, width = .5];
 node [shape = doublecircle]; 1;
 node [shape = circle]; 1;
 init [shape = plaintext, label = ""];
 init -> 1;
 1 -> 1 [label="true"];
    assert dfa == expected

    f = parser("false")
    dfa = f.to_dfa()
    expected = """digraph MONA_DFA {
 rankdir = LR;
 center = true;
 size = "7.5,10.5";
 edge [fontname = Courier];
 node [height = .5, width = .5];
 node [shape = doublecircle];
 node [shape = circle]; 1;
 init [shape = plaintext, label = ""];
 init -> 1;
 1 -> 1 [label="true"];
    assert dfa == expected

    f = parser("H a")
    dfa = f.to_dfa()
    expected = """digraph MONA_DFA {
 rankdir = LR;
 center = true;
 size = "7.5,10.5";
 edge [fontname = Courier];
 node [height = .5, width = .5];
 node [shape = doublecircle]; 3;
 node [shape = circle]; 1;
 init [shape = plaintext, label = ""];
 init -> 1;
 1 -> 2 [label="~a"];
 1 -> 3 [label="a"];
 2 -> 2 [label="true"];
 3 -> 2 [label="~a"];
 3 -> 3 [label="a"];
    assert dfa == expected

    f = parser("O(a & b)")
    dfa = f.to_dfa()
    expected = """digraph MONA_DFA {
 rankdir = LR;
 center = true;
 size = "7.5,10.5";
 edge [fontname = Courier];
 node [height = .5, width = .5];
 node [shape = doublecircle]; 3;
 node [shape = circle]; 1;
 init [shape = plaintext, label = ""];
 init -> 1;
 1 -> 2 [label="~a | ~b"];
 1 -> 3 [label="a & b"];
 2 -> 2 [label="~a | ~b"];
 2 -> 3 [label="a & b"];
 3 -> 3 [label="true"];
    assert dfa == expected

    f = parser("Y(a)")
    dfa = f.to_dfa()
    expected = """digraph MONA_DFA {
 rankdir = LR;
 center = true;
 size = "7.5,10.5";
 edge [fontname = Courier];
 node [height = .5, width = .5];
 node [shape = doublecircle]; 4; 5;
 node [shape = circle]; 1;
 init [shape = plaintext, label = ""];
 init -> 1;
 1 -> 2 [label="~a"];
 1 -> 3 [label="a"];
 2 -> 2 [label="~a"];
 2 -> 3 [label="a"];
 3 -> 4 [label="~a"];
 3 -> 5 [label="a"];
 4 -> 2 [label="~a"];
 4 -> 3 [label="a"];
 5 -> 4 [label="~a"];
 5 -> 5 [label="a"];
    assert dfa == expected

    f = parser("a S b")
    dfa = f.to_dfa()
    expected = """digraph MONA_DFA {
 rankdir = LR;
 center = true;
 size = "7.5,10.5";
 edge [fontname = Courier];
 node [height = .5, width = .5];
 node [shape = doublecircle]; 3;
 node [shape = circle]; 1;
 init [shape = plaintext, label = ""];
 init -> 1;
 1 -> 2 [label="~b"];
 1 -> 3 [label="b"];
 2 -> 2 [label="~b"];
 2 -> 3 [label="b"];
 3 -> 2 [label="~a & ~b"];
 3 -> 3 [label="a | b"];
    assert dfa == expected

    f = parser("H(a) & O(b)")
    dfa = f.to_dfa()
    expected = """digraph MONA_DFA {
 rankdir = LR;
 center = true;
 size = "7.5,10.5";
 edge [fontname = Courier];
 node [height = .5, width = .5];
 node [shape = doublecircle]; 4;
 node [shape = circle]; 1;
 init [shape = plaintext, label = ""];
 init -> 1;
 1 -> 2 [label="~a"];
 1 -> 3 [label="a & ~b"];
 1 -> 4 [label="a & b"];
 2 -> 2 [label="true"];
 3 -> 2 [label="~a"];
 3 -> 3 [label="a & ~b"];
 3 -> 4 [label="a & b"];
 4 -> 2 [label="~a"];
 4 -> 4 [label="a"];
    assert dfa == expected