class ProfileSummary(QtGui.QWidget): """Creates a frame with profile summary""" def __init__(self, configparser, moduleparser, vert=False, parent=None): """Instantiate a ProfilesSummary object @param self A ProfilesSummary instance @param configparser A LTCConfigParser instance @param vert Bool. Vertical alignment of categories """ self.parent = parent self.moduleparser = moduleparser self.configparser = configparser QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self, parent) self.ui = Ui_Summary() self.ui.setupUi(self) if vert: self.ui.horizontalLayout.setDirection(QtGui.QBoxLayout.TopToBottom) self.configsWidgets = {} def setSummary(self, profile=''): """Set the summary of _profile on _label @param self A ProfilesSummary instance @param profile A string containing the name of the profile """ if not profile: self.ui.title.setText('') for c in self.configsWidgets: self.configsWidgets[c].setText('') else: self.ui.title.setText("<h2><b>Name: "+ "<font color=blue>{0}</font></b></h2>\n").format(profile)) # for each category, creates a QLabel and add the configurations for c in self.moduleparser.getCategoriesList(): config = "<h4>{0}:</h4>\n".format(c) for o in self.moduleparser.getModulesList(c): config += "<h6> ➜ {0}: ".format(o) if self.configparser.getOption(profile, o): config +="<font color=green><b>On</b></font></h6>\n", "if option is activated on profile") else: config +="<font color=red><b>Off</b></font></h6>\n", "if option is deactivated on profile") if not c in self.configsWidgets: self.configsWidgets[c] = QtGui.QLabel(self.ui.configsWidget) self.ui.horizontalLayout.addWidget(self.configsWidgets[c]) self.configsWidgets[c].setText(config)
def __init__(self, configparser, moduleparser, vert=False, parent=None): """Instantiate a ProfilesSummary object @param self A ProfilesSummary instance @param configparser A LTCConfigParser instance @param vert Bool. Vertical alignment of categories """ self.parent = parent self.moduleparser = moduleparser self.configparser = configparser QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self, parent) self.ui = Ui_Summary() self.ui.setupUi(self) if vert: self.ui.horizontalLayout.setDirection(QtGui.QBoxLayout.TopToBottom) self.configsWidgets = {}