Пример #1
def test_load_from_pillow_exceptions():
    Test that exceptions are thrown as appropriate if bitmap_font is asked to
    load a pillow font that is not a PIL.ImageFont file, is damaged or does not
    include the required font metrics data.

    with pytest.raises(SyntaxError) as ex:
        filename = get_reference_file(Path('font').joinpath('hd44780a02.pbm'))
        bitmap_font.load_pillow_font(filename, FONTDATA['mappings'][1])
    assert str(ex.value) == "Not a PIL.ImageFont file"

    with pytest.raises(SyntaxError) as ex:
        filename = get_reference_file(Path('font').joinpath('hd44780a02_nodata.pil'))
        bitmap_font.load_pillow_font(filename, FONTDATA['mappings'][1])
    assert str(ex.value) == "PIL.ImageFont file missing metric data"

    with pytest.raises(SyntaxError) as ex:
        filename = get_reference_file(Path('font').joinpath('hd44780a02_incomplete.pil'))
        bitmap_font.load_pillow_font(filename, FONTDATA['mappings'][1])
    assert str(ex.value) == "PIL.ImageFont file metric data incomplete"

    filename = get_reference_file(Path('font').joinpath('wrong_mode.pil'))
    with pytest.raises(OSError) as ex:
    assert str(ex.value) == 'cannot find glyph data file'
Пример #2
def test_load_from_pillow_font():
    Test the loading of a pillow font from disk by loading the font from bitmap_font
    and PIL.ImageFont, rendering a page of glyphs which each and testing to make
    sure the results are the same.
    fnt = get_reference_pillow_font('hd44780a02.pil')
    filename = get_reference_file(Path('font').joinpath('hd44780a02.pil'))
    bmf = bitmap_font.load_pillow_font(filename)

    img1 = make_sprite_table(fnt)
    img2 = make_sprite_table(bmf)

    assert img1 == img2
Пример #3
def test_mapping():
    Test to make sure that values that have unicode mappings work correctly
    fnt = get_reference_pillow_font('hd44780a02.pil')
    filename = get_reference_file(Path('font').joinpath('hd44780a02.pil'))
    bmf = bitmap_font.load_pillow_font(filename, FONTDATA['mappings'][1])

    size = bmf.getsize('\u0010')
    img1 = Image.new('1', size, 0)
    img2 = Image.new('1', (5, 8), 0)

    drw = ImageDraw.Draw(img1)
    drw.text((0, 0), '\u0010', font=fnt, fill='white')
    drw = ImageDraw.Draw(img2)
    drw.text((0, 0), '\u25b6', font=bmf, fill='white')

    assert img1 == img2